Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!

2015-07-12 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Samstag, 11. Juli 2015, 15:32:18 schrieb Michael Schuerig:
> On Saturday 11 July 2015 14:19:13 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > Am Samstag, 11. Juli 2015, 14:00:33 schrieb Michael Schuerig:
> > > On Thursday 09 July 2015 12:02:39 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > > > And, yah, now systemsettings are working better again! At least I
> > > > have lot  more modules in there again.
> > > 
> > > When I launch systemsettings5, I just get this message
> > > 
> > > "System Settings was unable to find any views, and hence has nothing
> > > to display."
> > > 
> > > After clicking "OK", it just quits. Do I have to install new
> > > packages
> > > manually to make it work?

> > Hmmm, do you have plasma-workspace, plasma-desktop and kio installed?
> > Aside from that I installed from kde-config-* packages, but I think
> > these are optional modules for systemsettings.

> Oh dear. Installing/upgrading plasma-workspace and plasma-desktop did
> something. I wish I hadn't done it :-( Now I have a barely functional
> desktop in kindergarten coloring. Somehow I didn't plan to spend the
> weekend on configuring this into something I can use again.

> I assume it is correct that none of my previous desktop settings have
> been migrated?

No. It migrated the activities and some other stuff. But the whole plasma 
containment and widget configuration is lost. Also the window manager 
settings seem to got lost.

I didn´t look yet, but it may use a different configuration directory. Oh, I 
bet it does, jupp, it appears it uses ~/.config now. Directly, not even a 
sub directory. Hmmm, I don´t like this. I´d rather have it all in 
~/.config/ or something like that. Now I have Plasma config mixed 
with other configs in there.

It didn´t take me long to restore it to a state I am happy with.

And on my main machine the Plasma 5 desktop is fully functional meanwhile.

On i386 there still is no plasma-workspace package.


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Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!

2015-07-12 Thread David Baron
I had placed a script in .kde/env to get locally compiled plasmoids on board 
in QT_PLUGIN_PATH. Plasma-5 is not exercising this.  My env is:

So ...
Locally compiled plasmoids are in kde4 folders.
Currently missing more more functional versions of installed plasmoids are in 
kde4 folders.
Only the few newly installed ones,  many very limited, are in kde5 folders!

Safe to make a .kde/Autostart of get the .kde/env script to run and append 
such these folders to QT_PLUGIN_PATH env?

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Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!

2015-07-12 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Sunday 12 July 2015 11:05:19 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> It didn´t take me long to restore it to a state I am happy with.

I'm not yet happy, but if it is the way forward, I have to bite the 
bullet now, it seems. I do think Plasma 5 could have spend some more 
time in experimental. But I can't really complain, I asked for 
"unstable" and that's what I got.

Anyway, some features appear to have been lost in the upgrade. Here's 
what I'm missing so far:

* ksysguard (panel) widgets. I thought these little graphs were really 
useful. In my case, I had them for overall CPU utilization, network I/O, 
and temperature.

* I've tried (multiple times) to make Ctrl-Esc open KSysGuard, by 
assigning it as a Custom Shortcut for KMenuEdit. But when I press the 
shortcut, all I get is "No service configured".

* Skype and others don't show up in the system tray any more. 
Apparently, I need to install sni-qt which isn't packaged, yet. See

* Folder View for the desktop doesn't seem to work. Originally, I was 
able to choose "Folder View" somewhere in Desktop Settings and indeed 
the contents of ~/Desktop were shown on the desktop. After another 
update, the setting disappeared and Layout is fixed at "Desktop".

* Plasma Search, the successor to KRunner, doesn't remember the history. 
(Really? :-O)

* The Veromix plasmoid doesn't work anymore and there doesn't seem to be 
a suitable replacement to control PulseAudio from a panel.

The Debian/KDE packagers are doing a time-consuming and largely 
unappreciated job, I know that. And I don't think the packaging is at 
fault for any of my more or less little complaints. Rather, it looks to 
me like the upstream KDE developers are giving their user base a second 
helping of the KDE 4 transition of a few years back. I'm not entirely 
happy about that.


Michael Schuerig

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Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!

2015-07-12 Thread Sune Vuorela
On 2015-07-12, Michael Schuerig  wrote:
> * ksysguard (panel) widgets. I thought these little graphs were really 
> useful. In my case, I had them for overall CPU utilization, network I/O, 
> and temperature.

I think I read that the graphs are coming back upstream.

> * Skype and others don't show up in the system tray any more. 
> Apparently, I need to install sni-qt which isn't packaged, yet. See 

I don't expect sni-qt4 and a heavily patched qt to land in debian
anytime soon.

> * Folder View for the desktop doesn't seem to work. Originally, I was 
> able to choose "Folder View" somewhere in Desktop Settings and indeed 
> the contents of ~/Desktop were shown on the desktop. After another 
> update, the setting disappeared and Layout is fixed at "Desktop".

What do you mean by "originally" and "another update" ?

> * The Veromix plasmoid doesn't work anymore and there doesn't seem to be 
> a suitable replacement to control PulseAudio from a panel.

All plasma widgets needs to be updated for plasma5. That's just how it
is. Better tell the upstreams of your favourite 3rd party plasma widgets
that they better get started.

And I'm pretty sure that everything plasma5 haven't landed in unstable
yet, but if the issues you have mentioned are the biggest ones around,
I'm so far pretty happy about the state of things.


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Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!

2015-07-12 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Sunday 12 July 2015 10:43:28 Sune Vuorela wrote:
> On 2015-07-12, Michael Schuerig  wrote:

> > * Folder View for the desktop doesn't seem to work. Originally, I
> > was
> > able to choose "Folder View" somewhere in Desktop Settings and
> > indeed
> > the contents of ~/Desktop were shown on the desktop. After another
> > update, the setting disappeared and Layout is fixed at "Desktop".
> What do you mean by "originally" and "another update" ?

After first updating to Plasma 5, I was able to select "Folder View" for 
the background. Then, after installing some more new packages and 
rebooting, "Folder View" wasn't available anymore. I think I did 
something with activities, too. Right now, I have exactly one activity.

> And I'm pretty sure that everything plasma5 haven't landed in unstable
> yet, but if the issues you have mentioned are the biggest ones
> around, I'm so far pretty happy about the state of things.



Michael Schuerig

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Where to set KDEDIRS or alternative?

2015-07-12 Thread Michael Schuerig

I'm using a few self-build KDE applications that are installed in 
/usr/local/kde4. In order for KDE to find them, I've added this path to 
KDEDIRS (in /etc/environment). With Plasma 5 this setting apparently has 
become obsolete. Is there another one that replaces it?


Michael Schuerig

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Re: Where to set KDEDIRS or alternative?

2015-07-12 Thread Sune Vuorela
On 2015-07-12, Michael Schuerig  wrote:
> I'm using a few self-build KDE applications that are installed in 
> /usr/local/kde4. In order for KDE to find them, I've added this path to 
> KDEDIRS (in /etc/environment). With Plasma 5 this setting apparently has 
> become obsolete. Is there another one that replaces it?


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Re: Where to set KDEDIRS or alternative?

2015-07-12 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 12 Jul 2015 18:12:48 +0200
Michael Schuerig  wrote:

Hello Michael,


Any particular reason for placing them there?  Usually, self-built apps
are placed in usr/local/bin which, as you probably know, is included in
the $PATH, where anything can find them.

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Re: Difference in appearance between kde-style-oxygen and kde-style-oxygen-qt4

2015-07-12 Thread Julian Wollrath

I am not on the list, next time, please add me to the cc.

> I don´t get what you mean. Looks pretty similar to me. Where is the 
> difference, except the missing scrollbar on one of the screenshots?
The knob for zooming (right lower corner) is bigger, the ">-" symbols
left of the folders look different (IMHO with kde-style-oxygen it looks
way better than with kde-style-oxygen-qt4) and there is way more space
between the different icons themselves and the next line (where
"Wurzelordner" is displayed) and above and below "Name, Größe, Datum",
which caused the scrollbar to appear in the first place.


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Re: Where to set KDEDIRS or alternative?

2015-07-12 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Sunday 12 July 2015 18:16:19 Brad Rogers wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Jul 2015 18:12:48 +0200
> Michael Schuerig  wrote:
> Hello Michael,
> >/usr/local/kde4.
> Any particular reason for placing them there?  

Yes, to keep them separated from other local stuff.

> Usually, self-built
> apps are placed in usr/local/bin which, as you probably know, is
> included in the $PATH, where anything can find them.

Oh, but /usr/local/kde4/bin *is* in the PATH on my system. And with 
KDEDIRS set appropriately, KDE did find them there, too.


Michael Schuerig

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Re: Where to set KDEDIRS or alternative?

2015-07-12 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Sunday 12 July 2015 17:14:52 Sune Vuorela wrote:
> On 2015-07-12, Michael Schuerig  wrote:
> > I'm using a few self-build KDE applications that are installed in
> > /usr/local/kde4. In order for KDE to find them, I've added this path
> > to KDEDIRS (in /etc/environment). With Plasma 5 this setting
> > apparently has become obsolete. Is there another one that replaces
> > it?

This seems to be an answer to an entirely different question.


Michael Schuerig

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Re: Where to set KDEDIRS or alternative?

2015-07-12 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 12 Jul 2015 20:50:19 +0200
Michael Schuerig  wrote:

Hello Michael,

>Yes, to keep them separated from other local stuff.

So, self-imposed, then.  Not unreasonable, of course.  Although it does
strike me as "making a rod for your own back".  IOW, making work for the
sake of it.  However, that's irrelevant to the problem at hand..

>Oh, but /usr/local/kde4/bin *is* in the PATH on my system. And with 
>KDEDIRS set appropriately, KDE did find them there, too.

I'm unclear on that;  Was /usr/local/kde4/bin(1) included in the PATH
setting and KDEDIRS _also_ referred to it, or did only KDEDIRS reference
that specific directory?  Not that it matter much;  If the directory is
in the PATH, IDK why things aren't being found there.

(1) In your original post you referred to /usr/local/kde4,
not /kde/bin.  A typo, perhaps?

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Re: Where to set KDEDIRS or alternative?

2015-07-12 Thread Sune Vuorela
On 2015-07-12, Brad Rogers  wrote:
>>Oh, but /usr/local/kde4/bin *is* in the PATH on my system. And with=20
>>KDEDIRS set appropriately, KDE did find them there, too.
> I'm unclear on that;  Was /usr/local/kde4/bin(1) included in the PATH
> setting and KDEDIRS _also_ referred to it, or did only KDEDIRS reference
> that specific directory?  Not that it matter much;  If the directory is
> in the PATH, IDK why things aren't being found there.

KDEDIRS is needed to have sycoca4 pick up things like plugins and stuff.

And very many apps is mostly built out of plugins.

For example KDevelop, Kontact and Konqueror.


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Re: Where to set KDEDIRS or alternative?

2015-07-12 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Sunday 12 July 2015 19:53:38 Sune Vuorela wrote:
> On 2015-07-12, Brad Rogers  wrote:
> >>Oh, but /usr/local/kde4/bin *is* in the PATH on my system. And
> >>with=20 KDEDIRS set appropriately, KDE did find them there, too.
> >>
> > I'm unclear on that;  Was /usr/local/kde4/bin(1) included in the
> > PATH
> > setting and KDEDIRS _also_ referred to it, or did only KDEDIRS
> > reference that specific directory?  Not that it matter much;  If
> > the directory is in the PATH, IDK why things aren't being found
> > there.
> KDEDIRS is needed to have sycoca4 pick up things like plugins and
> stuff.
> And very many apps is mostly built out of plugins.

In my case, without KDEDIRS being effective, desktop files below 
/usr/local/kde4 are no longer found. And so KDE doesn't know about these 
applications anymore.


Michael Schuerig

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Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!

2015-07-12 Thread Valerio Passini
With plasma-desktop, plasma-workspace, kio and kio-extras packages
everything is working and major flaws are gone (thanks for the advices). I
like the work the packagers have done and I'm loving Kf5 as much as KDE4
that is/was a great DE.

2015-07-12 15:12 GMT+02:00 Michael Schuerig :

> On Sunday 12 July 2015 10:43:28 Sune Vuorela wrote:
> > On 2015-07-12, Michael Schuerig  wrote:
> > > * Folder View for the desktop doesn't seem to work. Originally, I
> > > was
> > > able to choose "Folder View" somewhere in Desktop Settings and
> > > indeed
> > > the contents of ~/Desktop were shown on the desktop. After another
> > > update, the setting disappeared and Layout is fixed at "Desktop".
> >
> > What do you mean by "originally" and "another update" ?
> After first updating to Plasma 5, I was able to select "Folder View" for
> the background. Then, after installing some more new packages and
> rebooting, "Folder View" wasn't available anymore. I think I did
> something with activities, too. Right now, I have exactly one activity.
> > And I'm pretty sure that everything plasma5 haven't landed in unstable
> > yet, but if the issues you have mentioned are the biggest ones
> > around, I'm so far pretty happy about the state of things.
> Indeed.
> Michael
> --
> Michael Schuerig
> --
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Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!

2015-07-12 Thread Jimmy Johnson

On 07/12/2015 06:12 AM, Michael Schuerig wrote:

And I'm pretty sure that everything plasma5 haven't landed in unstable
yet, but if the issues you have mentioned are the biggest ones
around, I'm so far pretty happy about the state of things.

I'm waiting for some things I see missing before I upgrade 
"plasma-desktop".  What I see missing are "showdesktop and "klipper", 
I've been using them for many years and would hate to loose them. Also I 
know once I remove a KDE-4 package there is no looking back and you can 
loose the functions of your desktop. Once I find my missing packages I 
will be extremely happy! So far so good..

Jimmy Johnson

Debian Sid - KDE 5.3.2 - AMD64 - EXT4 at sda13
Registered Linux User #380263

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Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!

2015-07-12 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Sunday 12 July 2015 19:06:55 Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> On 07/12/2015 06:12 AM, Michael Schuerig wrote:
> >> And I'm pretty sure that everything plasma5 haven't landed in
> >> unstable yet, but if the issues you have mentioned are the biggest
> >> ones around, I'm so far pretty happy about the state of things.
> I'm waiting for some things I see missing before I upgrade
> "plasma-desktop".  What I see missing are "showdesktop and "klipper",
> I've been using them for many years and would hate to loose them. Also
> I know once I remove a KDE-4 package there is no looking back and you
> can loose the functions of your desktop. Once I find my missing
> packages I will be extremely happy! So far so good..

Klipper is there already. "Showdesktop"? A widget to hide all windows 
and show the desktop underneath? That's there, too.


Michael Schuerig

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Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!

2015-07-12 Thread Jimmy Johnson

On 07/12/2015 09:17 PM, Michael Schuerig wrote:

On Sunday 12 July 2015 19:06:55 Jimmy Johnson wrote:

I'm waiting for some things I see missing before I upgrade
"plasma-desktop".  What I see missing are "showdesktop and "klipper",
I've been using them for many years and would hate to loose them. Also
I know once I remove a KDE-4 package there is no looking back and you
can loose the functions of your desktop. Once I find my missing
packages I will be extremely happy! So far so good..

Klipper is there already. "Showdesktop"? A widget to hide all windows
and show the desktop underneath? That's there, too.

Michael, I'm not seeing what you are seeing..I'm not seeing showdesktop 
at all..and klipper is version KDE-4 and if I install plasma-desktop 
KDE-4 klipper will be gone with no replacement..

Jimmy Johnson

Debian Sid - KDE 5.3.2 - AMD64 - EXT4 at sda13
Registered Linux User #380263

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Re: Where to set KDEDIRS or alternative?

2015-07-12 Thread Sune Vuorela
On 2015-07-12, Michael Schuerig  wrote:
> In my case, without KDEDIRS being effective, desktop files below 
> /usr/local/kde4 are no longer found. And so KDE doesn't know about these 
> applications anymore.

Yeah. desktop files is another thing put in sycoca.


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