Re: Intent to NMU sugarplum to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

2008-03-27 Thread sean finney
hi christian,

really strange coincidence, i kid you not--i was just importing the source 
packages into git as i recieved this.  updates should be heading to sid 


On Wednesday 26 March 2008 07:53:12 pm Christian Perrier wrote:
> Dear Debian maintainer,
> The sugarplum Debian package, which you are the maintainer of, has
> pending bug report(s) which include translation updates or fixes
> for po-debconf, namely bug number 413784 (and maybe other similar bugs).
> Even if we're still far from the release of the next Debian version,
> letting such bugs sleep in the BTS  is simply lowering
> the chances that your package interaction with its users may be done
> in something else than the English language. It is also not
> encouraging for translators.
> I have the intention, as part of a more general action of the Debian
> i18n Task Force to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
> for sugarplum in order to fix this as well as all pending translations
> for the debconf templates.
> Of course, an upload made by you would even be better...:-)
> Such changes are always harmless, which explains why I safely consider
> building NMU's for such issues even though they're obviously non critical.
> The schedule for the NMU (in case it happens, that is if you agree with it
> or if I don't receive any answer in 14 days) is roughly the following:
>  Wednesday, March 26, 2008   : send this notice
>  Wednesday, April 09, 2008   : post a NMU announcement to debian-i18n
> with you (maintainer) CC'ed
>  Saturday, April 19, 2008   : deadline for receiving translation
> updates Sunday, April 20, 2008   : build the package and upload it to
> DELAYED/2-day send the NMU patch to the BTS
>  Tuesday, April 22, 2008   : NMU reaches incoming
> If you intent to upload yourself, please notify me so that I interrupt
> the process on my side.
> In case I upload an NMU, I will subscribe to the Package Tracking System
> for sugarplum and follow its life for 60 days after my NMU in order to fix
> any issue potentially introduced by my upload.
> Let me know, as soon as possible, if you have any kind of objection to this
> process.
> If you'd rather do the fix yourself, I will of course leave the package
> alone. Same if you have reasons not to do the update now.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

changes in dbconfig-common templates

2008-04-11 Thread sean finney
hey everyone,

i've been spending some TLC time with one of my packages, dbconfig-common, 
which is currently facing some debconf related warnings for which i'd like 
some feedback.

i could of course just fix them directly, but if there's a method that you 
recommend to update them minimizes work for translators, i'm all ears :)
i suppose the using-question-in-extended-description will result in new 
strings regardless, but for the malformed title ones i was thinking that i 
might be able to just drop the punctuation and automatically unfuzzy the 


W: dbconfig-common: malformed-title-in-templates 
N:   The short description of a note debconf template should be written as
N:   a title and therefore should not end with a period, question mark,
N:   colon, or semicolon.
N:   Refer to Developers Reference, section for details.
W: dbconfig-common: using-question-in-extended-description-in-templates 
N:   The extended description of a debconf template should never include a
N:   question.
N:   If this template is only used internally by the package and not
N:   displayed to the user, put "for internal use" in the short
N:   description.
N:   Refer to Developers Reference, section for details.
W: dbconfig-common: using-question-in-extended-description-in-templates 
W: dbconfig-common: using-question-in-extended-description-in-templates 
W: dbconfig-common: using-question-in-extended-description-in-templates 
W: dbconfig-common: malformed-title-in-templates 
W: dbconfig-common: malformed-title-in-templates 

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Re: Intent to NMU or help for an l10n upload of cacti-spine to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

2008-09-05 Thread sean finney
hi christian,

as with cacti, feel free to NMU this package in the manner most convenient for 
you.  i don't plan on making any updates before lenny.


On Friday 05 September 2008 08:11:06 am Christian Perrier wrote:
> Dear Debian maintainer,
> The cacti-spine Debian package, which you are the maintainer of, has
> pending bug report(s) which include translation updates or fixes
> for po-debconf, namely bug number 487882 (and maybe other similar bugs).
> Even though this bug is quite recent, the release of Debian is now
> getting closer and an opportunity should be taken to not only fix
> that l10n bug, but also get more translations for your package.
> Even after the freeze, updates that only contain l10n are allowed. NOW is
> th emoment to fix this.
> In case you can't update your package, I have the intention, as part
> of a more general action of the Debian i18n Task Force to build and
> possibly upload a non-maintainer upload for cacti-spine in order to fix
> this as well as all pending translations for the debconf templates.
> Of course, as you seem pretty active on that package, an upload by you
> would also be long as it allows a round of translation
> updates.
> Such changes are always harmless, which explains why I safely consider
> building NMU's for such issues even though they're obviously non critical.
> The schedule for the NMU (in case it happens, that is if you agree with it
> or if I don't receive any answer in 10 days) is roughly the following:
>  Friday, September 05, 2008   : send this notice
>  Tuesday, September 09, 2008   : post a NMU announcement to debian-i18n
> with you (maintainer) CC'ed
>  Monday, September 15, 2008   : deadline for receiving translation
> updates Tuesday, September 16, 2008   : build the package and upload it
> to DELAYED/2-day send the NMU patch to the BTS
>  Thursday, September 18, 2008   : NMU reaches incoming
> If you intent to upload yourself, please discuss with me. I propose
> handling a translation update round and I can handle it myself for you.
> That will just require a few days.
> In case I upload an NMU, I will subscribe to the Package Tracking System
> for cacti-spine and follow its life for 60 days after my NMU in order to
> fix any issue potentially introduced by my upload.
> Let me know, as soon as possible, if you have any kind of objection to this
> process.
> If you'd rather do the fix yourself, I will of course leave the package
> alone. Same if you have reasons not to do the update now.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Intent to NMU or help for an l10n upload of cacti-spine to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

2008-10-25 Thread sean finney
hi christian,

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 08:01:35PM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> The cacti-spine Debian package, which you are the maintainer of, has
> pending bug report(s) which include translation updates or fixes
> for po-debconf, namely bug number 500020 (and maybe other similar bugs).

please feel free to NMU cacti/cacti-spine at your leisure.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Reminder for dbconfig-common translation updates

2009-02-22 Thread sean finney
hey christian,

i have a question wrt the translations that i've been recieving.  most are
committed to git, but i notice when i run debconf-updatepo (via running
debian/rules clean), it reformats many of these files by updating referenced
line numbers and shortening/wrapping lines.  is it a big problem if i keep
these reformatted versions instead of the originally submitted ones?  
otherwise it gets in the way of some package building tools which raise
warnings/errors after multiple builds.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Bug#529653: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the cacti-spine package

2010-01-24 Thread sean finney
Hi Christian,

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 12:09:58PM +0100, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Dear maintainer of cacti-spine and Debian translators,
> Some days ago, I sent a notice to the maintainer of the cacti-spine Debian
> package, mentioning the status of at least one old po-debconf translation 
> update in the BTS.

Actually, cacti-spine is no longer using debconf with its own questions.  the
one question that it previously used was a "notice" type message instructing
the user to look in README.Debian, which was at some point removed since
it was considered a bad practice to prompt such notes.  Unfortunately i didn't
think to remove the ./po subdirectory and i guess that resulted in the
package staying on the translators' radars.

I've removed the gettext files from git and will do an upload now to avoid
further confusion.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Intent to NMU sugarplum to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

2010-05-31 Thread sean finney
hi christian,

i have no pending changes for sugarplum, so feel free to NMU with
no delay for this package.


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 07:28:56PM +0200, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Dear Debian maintainer,
> The sugarplum Debian package, which you are the maintainer of, has
> pending bug report(s) which include translation updates or fixes
> for po-debconf, namely bug number 558058 (and maybe other similar bugs).
> The i18n team is now hunting the very last bits of missing localization
> and your package went on our radar. You may have uploaded recently but,
> unfortunately for you, you then got *another* l10n bug report.
> So, sorry for this, but the radar beeped at your package and here am I
> with an NMU intent...:-)
> I have the intention, as part of a more general action of the Debian
> i18n Task Force to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
> for sugarplum in order to fix this as well as all pending translations
> for the debconf templates.
> Of course, an upload made by you would even be better...:-)
> Such changes are always harmless, which explains why I safely consider
> building NMU's for such issues even though they're obviously non critical.
> The schedule for the NMU (in case it happens, that is if you agree with it
> or if I don't receive any answer in 11 days) is roughly the following:
>  Monday, May 31, 2010   : send this notice
>  Friday, June 04, 2010   : post a NMU announcement to debian-i18n with you
>  (maintainer) CC'ed
>  this can happen earlier if the maintainer agrees
>  In such case, the deadlines below will also
>  happen earlier
>  Thursday, June 10, 2010   : (midnight) deadline for receiving 
> translation updates
>  Friday, June 11, 2010   : build the package and upload it to 
> DELAYED/7-day
>  send the NMU patch to the BTS
>  Friday, June 18, 2010   : NMU reaches incoming
> If you intent to upload yourself, please notify me so that I interrupt
> the process on my side. Please also don't upload without a discussion
> with me. Some translators might send a few new translations and I can handle
> a round of translation updates for you. Really, don't upload silently...:-)
> In case I upload an NMU, I will subscribe to the Package Tracking System for
> sugarplum and follow its life for 60 days after my NMU in order to fix
> any issue potentially introduced by my upload.
> Let me know, as soon as possible, if you have any kind of objection to this
> process.
> If you'd rather do the fix yourself, I will of course leave the package
> alone. Same if you have reasons not to do the update now.
> -- 


Description: Digital signature

call for translations for a common templates project

2005-03-30 Thread sean finney
hi translators,

for those of you who haven't been following my posts on d-d, over the
past 6 months or so i've been working on a common framework project[1]
for packages that need to install/access databases as part of their
functioning (mysql web apps, for example).

part of this project includes a set of common debconf templates which
are automatically registered and used by any package using my
package.  such a design means a significantly lower amount of work
for translators, effecively keeping the work you have to do finite
even as more and more database application packages are introduced into

so... i'm now officially soliciting help from the translators to gather
as many translations as possible before i introduce it into sid.
the latest version of the package (1.5.1) should make its way into
experimental relatively soon, and in the meantime you can grab the source
package off of my p.d.o site[1].  since there's already an older version
of the package in experimental, you should be able to send the po files
as usual through the BTS.

thanks in advance!



Description: Digital signature

Re: call for translations for a common templates project

2005-03-31 Thread sean finney
hi folks,

(don't forget to CC me, i'm not on list!)

> On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 04:51:58PM +0200, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis) wrote:
> > I noticed there's a cvs repo on alioth for dbconfig-common. Are you willing 
> > to give cvs-access to translators? If so could you add cobaco-guest to the 
> > project?

yes, i'd be willing to do so.  i would leave it to you in that case to
work out with the other translators who will be in charge of what
languages.  i'll go ahead and add you.

On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 07:11:39PM +0200, Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo wrote:
> If it is possible please add "fenio" account too.

and you too.



Description: Digital signature

Re: Bug#304651: call for translations for a common templates project

2005-04-15 Thread sean finney
hi felipe, gustavo,

On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 01:45:36AM -0300, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) 
>   I got Gustavo's pot file and already commited it to
> the CVS. Now I will review it, which will improve the quality
> of translation. I already talk with him and he knows that I'm
> working on it now.
>   Kind regards, sorry for the little confusion. ;)

no problem, thanks for both of your work on this.  i'll go ahead and
close this bug.



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