Re: Another raw idea for lintian check: variable substitution in debconf templates

2008-02-09 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Sat, 09 Feb 2008 09:27:51 -0800
Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I assume that something like the following pseudocode would work:
> foreach pofile in debian/po/*.po
> foreach msgid, msgstr in pofile
> vars_needed = find_variables(msgid)
> vars_found  = find_variables(msgstr)
> if (not empty(msgstr) and vars_needed != vars_found)
> tag 'variable-mismatch-in-translation', pofile, line
> end
> end
> end

Yes, but you need the function "find_variables(string)" to return a sorted
list of variables. Otherwise your comparison later on could result in a
false positive, because the translator might have changed the position of
the variables for their grammar.


Description: PGP signature

Intent to NMU ddclient to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

2008-04-28 Thread Tobias Toedter
Dear Debian maintainer,

The ddclient Debian package, which you are the maintainer of, has
pending bug report(s) which include translation updates or fixes
for po-debconf, namely bug number 448020 (and maybe other similar bugs).

Even if we're still far from the release of the next Debian version,
letting such bugs sleep in the BTS is simply lowering
the chances that your package interaction with its users may be done
in something else than the English language. It is also not
encouraging for translators.

I have the intention, as part of a more general action of the Debian
i18n Task Force to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
for ddclient in order to fix this as well as all pending translations
for the debconf templates.

Of course, an upload made by you would even be better...:-)

Such changes are always harmless, which explains why I safely consider
building NMU's for such issues even though they're obviously non critical.

The schedule for the NMU (in case it happens, that is if you agree with it
or if I don't receive any answer in 14 days) is roughly the following:

 Monday, April 28, 2008   : send this notice
 Monday, May 12, 2008   : post a NMU announcement to debian-i18n with you
 (maintainer) CC'ed
 Thursday, May 22, 2008   : deadline for receiving translation updates
 Friday, May 23, 2008   : build the package and upload it to DELAYED/2-day
 send the NMU patch to the BTS
 Sunday, May 25, 2008   : NMU reaches incoming

If you intent to upload yourself, please notify me so that I interrupt
the process on my side.

In case I upload an NMU, I will subscribe to the Package Tracking System for
ddclient and follow its life for 60 days after my NMU in order to fix
any issue potentially introduced by my upload.

Let me know, as soon as possible, if you have any kind of objection to this

If you'd rather do the fix yourself, I will of course leave the package
alone. Same if you have reasons not to do the update now.

Tobias Toedter   | Death has been proven to be 99% fatal in laboratory rats.
Hamburg, Germany |

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Announce of the upcoming NMU for the ddclient package

2008-05-11 Thread Tobias Toedter
Dear maintainer of ddclient and Debian translators,

Some days ago, I sent a notice to the maintainer of the ddclient Debian
package, mentioning the status of at least one old po-debconf translation 
update in the BTS.

I announced the intent to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
for this package in order to fix this long-time pending localization
bug as well as all other pending translations.

The package maintainer agreed for the NMU or did not respond in two
weeks, so I will proceed with the NMU.

The full planned schedule is available at the end of this mail.

The package is currently translated to: 
ca cs de es fi fr gl ja nl pt pt_BR vi zh_TW

Among these, the following translations are incomplete: 

If you did any of the, currently incomplete, translations you will get
ANOTHER mail with the translation to update.

Other translators also have the opportunity to create new translations
for this package. Once completed, please send them as a bug report
against the ddclient package so I can incorporate them in the build.

The deadline for receiving updates and new translations is Thursday, May 22, 
2008. If you are not in time you can always send your translation to the BTS.

The POT file is attached to this mail.

If the maintainer objects to this process I will immediately abort my NMU
and send him/her all updates I receive.

Otherwise the following will happen (or already has):

 Monday, April 28, 2008   : send the first intent to NMU notice to
 the package maintainer.
 Sunday, May 11, 2008   : send this notice
 Thursday, May 22, 2008   : deadline for receiving translation updates
  Friday, May 23, 2008   : build the package and upload it to
 DELAYED/2-day send the NMU patch to the BTS
  Sunday, May 25, 2008   : NMU uploaded to incoming

Thanks for your efforts and time.

Tobias Toedter   | If anything can go wrong, it will.
Hamburg, Germany |

Description: application/gettext

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Package descriptions

2004-04-25 Thread Tobias Toedter
Hash: SHA1

Hi Claude,

On Sunday 25 April 2004 11:38, Claude Reveret wrote:
> A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
> recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
> retry time not reached for any host after a long failure period

After the compromise of Debian servers back in November last year, all 
services had to be shut down and restored manually one after another. 
Unfortunately, the services for the Debian Description Translation Project 
haven't been restored yet.

> How can I translate a description of a package ?

Well, your approach is absolutely right. It fails because the necessary 
servers aren't running up to now.

I'm personally not aware of any workaround solutions, so you're stuck right 
now. I'm really sorry about that.


- -- 


Only wimps use tape backup: *real* men just upload their important
stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Utility to unfuzzy one specific msgstr in .po files?

2005-04-11 Thread Tobias Toedter

I'm looking for a utility which can accomplish the following task:

If I fix a trivial error which surely doesn't affect translations (e.g. a 
typo) in a .pot file, I'd like to unfuzzy the corresponding msgstr in the 
translated .po files. However, if there are already fuzzy msgstrs in the 
translation, I can't just run "msgattrib --clear-fuzzy".

Does anyone know a solution for this, other than manual editing?




Recursion: n., see Recursion.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Utility to unfuzzy one specific msgstr in .po files?

2005-04-11 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Monday 11 April 2005 15:13, Anibal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 03:05:26PM +0200, Tobias Toedter wrote:
> >Does anyone know a solution for this, other than manual editing?

Well, the recipe mentioned there is not exactly what I was looking for -- 
the "unfuzzyfication" of corrected msgstrs requires the translated .po 
files to contain only translated and untranslated msgstrs. It would fail if 
there are already one or more fuzzy entries.

Quoting Christian Perrier:
> Nothing already written comes to my mind.


Quoting him again:
> There are other ways, more elaborated, to do preventive modification
> of PO files (for instance by using sed)which allow the 
> "unfuzzyfication" process to be done even on incomplete filesbut 
> this is gory enough for being left to people who *really* are sure of 
> what they do...:-) 

This seems to be what I was looking for. Christian, are you willing to share 
those elaborated ways?




Recursion: n., see Recursion.

Description: PGP signature

Re: (forw) Re: sarge announcement translation

2005-06-05 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Sunday 05 June 2005 14:26, Clytie Siddall wrote:
> Christian, could we please have a contact address for Martin? I
> couldn't find one in that email. (Should I look under something? :) )


the address actually *is* in the mail, although somewhat disguised. Martin 
Schulze does not like to be called by his "official" name, he prefers to be 
called "Joey".

So the contact is <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Sorry for not making this clear in my mail.




Time is what keeps things from happening all at once.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Need for help in handling l10n for several packages

2005-06-19 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Sunday 19 June 2005 10:52, Christian Perrier wrote:
> The relevant packages are:
> -debconf
> -console-data (to be replaced by kbd for etch)
> -iso-codes
> -aptitude
> -console-common (maybe not needed)
> -localization-config (its maintainer can handle the very small l10n,
>  though)
> -popularity-contest
> -pppconfig (no access no commits, but helping the maintainer is needed)
> -xdebconfigurator (very small work)
> -discover1 (low activity)
> -menu (Bill can handle it well alone, though)
> So, please send me "candidatures" and I'll assist you in the
> transition. Dennis Stampfer already has such access so if he wants to
> take some over, he will get priority. But don't be shy for that
> reason..:-)


I'd like to help with this. Is there currently any work to do? I've looked 
at the bugs of some of the packages and found only resolved l10n bugs.




Time is what keeps things from happening all at once.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Need for help in handling l10n for several packages

2005-06-20 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Monday 20 June 2005 16:14, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Thanks, many thanks to all people who answered.
> Up to now, I have the following people proposing to help:

Oops, I forgot to pick a package, right?

> So, we're left with:
> iso-codes

I'd like to help out with this package.




Time is what keeps things from happening all at once.

Description: PGP signature

Re: future of package descriptions translation?!

2005-07-24 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Monday 11 July 2005 02:12, Michael Bramer wrote:
> Hello
> I am at DebConf5 in HEL now and I got some questions and had some
> discussions about DDTP in the last days.


are there any results from those discussions about DDTP during DebConf?




In a few minutes a computer can make a mistake so great that it would
have taken many men many months to equal it.

Description: PGP signature

Re: future of package descriptions translation?!

2005-07-26 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Tuesday 26 July 2005 00:40, Michael Bramer wrote:
> I start with the rewrite of the ddts with a sql backend. Try
> to see the descriptions with some translations
> on a read only web interface.

Is that code available somewhere? I searched on alioth 
, but the CVS repository is empty. 
Are you using the alioth project, or some other service?

Are the other people listed as group members on alioth helping out, or are 
you on your own currently? If so, would you need help with the rewrite?

> Now I am waiting that ftp master include the translations files (you
> can find this on on After this
> I write the mail interface of the ddts and the apt developer can add
> the i18n patch to apt.

Concerning the mail interface, how about Christian's proposal to use a .po 
file format for the mails instead of the former plain text?

I think that way more translators are familiar with editing .po files, 
instead of having to learn yet another translation format, even if it's a 
simple text file.




What I can't stand is the feeling that my brain is leaving me for 
someone more interesting.

Description: PGP signature

Re: DSA translations

2005-11-18 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Friday 18 November 2005 06:07, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:
> Hi people,
>   We are joining efforts on -l10n-portuguese to try to translate
> DSAs (new and old ones), because of that I'm copying -security and
> -l10n-portuguese.
>   What is the best approach? Translate it through the webwmls after
> publication and announce or is there another place to work on while DSA
> is "cooking" (like DWN)? :)


I'm currently the German translator for DSAs. As far as I know, there is no 
such place where a DSA is available for translating before it's published. 
Given the sensitivity of the information (unless there are fixed packages 
available), it seems unlikely to me that there will be such an arrangement.

Anyway, good luck with your efforts. It's quite a workload, I can tell 
you ...




"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
 and I'm not sure about the former"  -- Albert Einstein

Description: PGP signature

Re: Preview of the i18n and l10n paper for Debcon6

2006-04-01 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Saturday 01 April 2006 22:01, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> You can find it (HTML, PDF and XML versions) here:
> I would really appreciate if others could forward me patches improving
> that document.


the links for HTML and PDF work -- unfortunately you have not chosen the 
correct permissions for the Docbook-XML sources:

"You don't have permission to access /~jfs/debconf6/debian-i18n-l10n.xml on 
this server."

Could you please correct this?




Avoid the Gates of Hell. Use Linux.

Description: PGP signature

Suggestions for web frontend to DDTS

2006-08-20 Thread Tobias Toedter
Hi Martin,

I'd like to suggest some improvements to your web frontend.

After I've reviewed a translation, it's marked with "(reviewed)". 
Unfortunately, I don't have the possibility to keep track of the progress 
of that translation. How about adding the number of reviews, similar to 
translations I've not reviewed? I'd imagine something like 
this: "(reviewed, has 2)". This would be great for my own translations as 
well, like this: "(owner, has 1)" or "(owner, needs initial review)".

Another suggestion is to split the "Pending review" list into two lists. The 
first list includes translations which can be reviewed by me, the other 
list contains translations I've already reviewed with or without changes. 
You could name the second list "Reviewed by me" or similar.

Apart from that, thanks a lot for your work. I really like the frontend with 
its review system.


Tobias Toedter   | Endless Loop:  n., see Loop, Endless.
Hamburg, Germany | Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Suggestions for web frontend to DDTS

2006-08-20 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Sunday 20 August 2006 14:28, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> On 8/20/06, Tobias Toedter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Martin,
> >
> > I'd like to suggest some improvements to your web frontend.
> Nice idea, I've made some changes, how does it look now?

Great, thanks. About 50 minutes from suggestion to implementation is not too 
bad, either ...


Tobias Toedter   | Absolutely nothing should be concluded from these
Hamburg, Germany | figures except that no conclusion can be drawn from them.

Description: PGP signature

Use of username and password for DDTSS

2006-08-20 Thread Tobias Toedter
(Please follow-up on -i18n, thanks)

Hello Martin,

could you add a login system for the DDTSS? We've just discussed in the 
German team that it would be nice to see who has translated what. 
Furthermore, it would be possible to use different computers without losing 
the information about translations done by an individual translator, which 
is currently stored in a cookie.

What do you think?


Tobias Toedter   | Endless Loop:  n., see Loop, Endless.
Hamburg, Germany | Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Status of the "NMU campaign"

2006-10-08 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Sunday 08 October 2006 07:53, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Dear i18n team members,
> On Oct. 1st, I announced the official launch of the NMU campaign to
> fix pending l10n issues listed at
> I'm feeling pretty much alone in this effort. Please note that
> everybody can join, even non DD's (the uploads can be sponsored).
> Doing only one new package per day, I will never succeed to complete
> the longstanding issues all y myself. Please, please, join:-)

Well, count me in, then. :-)


Tobias Toedter   | Endless Loop:  n., see Loop, Endless.
Hamburg, Germany | Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Status of the "NMU campaign"

2006-10-08 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Sunday 08 October 2006 17:14, Luk Claes wrote:
> I want to help, but I don't feel like I'm able to follow the whole
> process due to the release work. But, feel free to point me to orphaned
> packages, to be sponsored packages or packages with RC bugs that need
> attention :-)

Hi Luk,

I'm not a DD, so I might take your offer for sponsoring NMUs. That would 
probably cut down the workload for my usual sponsor ...


Tobias Toedter   | "Only two things are infinite, the universe and
Hamburg, Germany | human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former"
 |   -- Albert Einstein

Description: PGP signature

Announce of the upcoming NMU for the shaper package

2006-10-15 Thread Tobias Toedter
Dear maintainer of shaper and Debian translators,

On 08 Oct 2006 I sent a notice to the maintainer of the shaper Debian
package, mentioning the status of at least one old po-debconf translation 
update in the BTS (bug #280995).

I announced the intent to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
for this package in order to fix this long-time pending localization
bug as well as all other pending translations.

The package maintainer did not respond in a week so I will proceed with the

The package is currently translated to: cs de es fr it pt_BR ru sv vi

The following translations are incomplete: es
   (even after applying pending l10n bugs, of course)

If you did any of the, currently incomplete, translations you will get a
copy of this announcement BCC'ed to you. Please review the translation.

Other translators also have the opportunity to create new translations for
this package. Once completed, please send them directly to me so I can
incorporate them into the package being built.

The deadline for receiving updates and new translations is 22 Oct 2006.
If you are not in time you can always send your translation to the BTS.

You can download the pot, and any po, files from:

If the maintainer objects to this process I will immediately abort my NMU
and send him/her all updates I receive.

Otherwise the following will happen (or already has):

 08 Oct 2006   : send the first intent to NMU notice to
 the package maintainer.
 15 Oct 2006   : post a NMU announcement to debian-i18n with you
 (maintainer) CC'ed
 22 Oct 2006   : deadline for receiving translation updates
 24 Oct 2006   : build the package and upload it to DELAYED/2-day
 send the NMU patch to the BTS
 26 Oct 2006   : NMU uploaded to incoming
 27 Oct 2006   : NMU enters unstable

Thanks for your efforts and time.


Tobias Toedter   | Endless Loop:  n., see Loop, Endless.
Hamburg, Germany | Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop.

Description: PGP signature

Announce of the upcoming NMU for the distmp3 package

2006-10-15 Thread Tobias Toedter
Dear maintainer of distmp3 and Debian translators,

On 08 Oct 2006 I sent a notice to the maintainer of the distmp3 Debian
package, mentioning the status of at least one old po-debconf translation 
update in the BTS (bug #313565).

I announced the intent to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
for this package in order to fix this long-time pending localization
bug as well as all other pending translations.

The package maintainer did not respond in a week so I will proceed with the

The package is currently translated to: cs de es fr ja nl pt sv vi

The following translations are incomplete: 
   (even after applying pending l10n bugs, of course)

If you did any of the, currently incomplete, translations you will get a
copy of this announcement BCC'ed to you. Please review the translation.

Other translators also have the opportunity to create new translations for
this package. Once completed, please send them directly to me so I can
incorporate them into the package being built.

The deadline for receiving updates and new translations is 22 Oct 2006.
If you are not in time you can always send your translation to the BTS.

You can download the pot, and any po, files from:

If the maintainer objects to this process I will immediately abort my NMU
and send him/her all updates I receive.

Otherwise the following will happen (or already has):

 08 Oct 2006   : send the first intent to NMU notice to
 the package maintainer.
 15 Oct 2006   : post a NMU announcement to debian-i18n with you
 (maintainer) CC'ed
 22 Oct 2006   : deadline for receiving translation updates
 24 Oct 2006   : build the package and upload it to DELAYED/2-day
 send the NMU patch to the BTS
 26 Oct 2006   : NMU uploaded to incoming
 27 Oct 2006   : NMU enters unstable

Thanks for your efforts and time.


Tobias Toedter   | If God had really intended men to fly,
Hamburg, Germany | he'd make it easier to get to the airport.

Description: PGP signature

Announce of the upcoming NMU for the mailgraph package

2006-10-20 Thread Tobias Toedter
Dear maintainer of mailgraph and Debian translators,

On 13 Oct 2006 I sent a notice to the maintainer of the mailgraph Debian
package, mentioning the status of at least one old po-debconf translation 
update in the BTS (bug #327110).

I announced the intent to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
for this package in order to fix this long-time pending localization
bug as well as all other pending translations.

The package maintainer did not respond in a week so I will proceed with the

The package is currently translated to: cs fr pt sv

The following translations are incomplete: cs sv
   (even after applying pending l10n bugs, of course)

If you did any of the, currently incomplete, translations you will get a
copy of this announcement BCC'ed to you. Please review the translation.

Other translators also have the opportunity to create new translations for
this package. Once completed, please send them directly to me so I can
incorporate them into the package being built.

The deadline for receiving updates and new translations is 27 Oct 2006.
If you are not in time you can always send your translation to the BTS.

You can download the pot, and any po, files from:

If the maintainer objects to this process I will immediately abort my NMU
and send him/her all updates I receive.

Otherwise the following will happen (or already has):

 13 Oct 2006   : send the first intent to NMU notice to
 the package maintainer.
 20 Oct 2006   : post a NMU announcement to debian-i18n with you
 (maintainer) CC'ed
 27 Oct 2006   : deadline for receiving translation updates
 29 Oct 2006   : build the package and upload it to DELAYED/2-day
 send the NMU patch to the BTS
 31 Oct 2006   : NMU uploaded to incoming
 01 Nov 2006   : NMU enters unstable

Thanks for your efforts and time.


Tobias Toedter   | If God had really intended men to fly,
Hamburg, Germany | he'd make it easier to get to the airport.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the openldap2 package

2006-10-22 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Sunday 22 October 2006 13:02, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
> In there are other templates
> which are missing a german version. I started working on those as
> well. Shall I send them directly to you once they are finished and
> review, and is there a specific deadline for them as well (or the same
> as for this one)?


please don't send all translations directly to Christian. Although he'll 
probably know what to do with them, it'll add even more workload on him. 
The NMU effort is currently done by a few people, myself included. You can 
find out who is preparing the upload on the following page:

And yes, every package has its own deadline. You can find out about that on 
this list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), just look for emails with the subject of 
of the upcoming NMU for the $PACKAGE package". Each of these mails lists 
the detailed timeline for the package in question.


Tobias Toedter   | The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is
Hamburg, Germany | probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners.

Description: PGP signature

Announce of the upcoming NMU for the aladin package

2006-10-30 Thread Tobias Toedter
Dear maintainer of aladin and Debian translators,

On 22 Oct 2006 I sent a notice to the maintainer of the aladin Debian
package, mentioning the status of at least one old po-debconf translation 
update in the BTS (bug #297594).

I announced the intent to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
for this package in order to fix this long-time pending localization
bug as well as all other pending translations.

The package maintainer did not respond in a week so I will proceed with the

The package is currently translated to: cs da de es fr ja nl pt pt_BR ru sv 

The following translations are incomplete: 
   (even after applying pending l10n bugs, of course)

If you did any of the, currently incomplete, translations you will get a
copy of this announcement BCC'ed to you. Please review the translation.

Other translators also have the opportunity to create new translations for
this package. Once completed, please send them directly to me so I can
incorporate them into the package being built.

The deadline for receiving updates and new translations is 06 Nov 2006.
If you are not in time you can always send your translation to the BTS.

You can download the pot, and any po, files from:

If the maintainer objects to this process I will immediately abort my NMU
and send him/her all updates I receive.

Otherwise the following will happen (or already has):

 22 Oct 2006   : send the first intent to NMU notice to
 the package maintainer.
 30 Oct 2006   : post a NMU announcement to debian-i18n with you
 (maintainer) CC'ed
 03 Nov 2006   : deadline for receiving translation updates
 04 Nov 2006   : build the package and upload it to DELAYED/2-day
 send the NMU patch to the BTS
 06 Nov 2006   : NMU uploaded to incoming
 07 Nov 2006   : NMU enters unstable

Thanks for your efforts and time.


Tobias Toedter   | Death has been proven to be 99% fatal in laboratory rats.
Hamburg, Germany |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#314188: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the gnome-applets package

2006-10-31 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Wednesday 01 November 2006 08:10, Christian Perrier wrote:
> >  I'm afraid I didn't get this notice, nor did the bug do.  I'm only
> >  maintaining gnome-applets via the PTS subscription, so if you mailed
> >  the Maintainer: directly, this isn't enough.  I think mailing the
> > would have reached me, but I'm not 100% sure
> >  anymore now.
> The @p.d.o address is the one getting the first mail ("intent to NMU")
> and the second one, 7 days later ("announce of the upcoming NMU"). The
> mail is sent with "X-PTS-Approved" headers.
> This is not the first time that I see that, indeed, mails sent to
> @p.d.o do not easily reach package maintainers. There is
> still something that I'm probably missing, here.


as I understand it, there is a subtle difference between the [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note the additional .qa-part!) mail aliases.

The @p.d.o alias just forwards the mail to the address listed 
as "Maintainer:" in debian/control. You don't need the "X-PTS-Approved:" 
header for that alias, it'll just forward anything received for the alias. 
Note, however, that this does *not* include people subscribed to the 
package via the PTS, nor anyone listed as "Uploader:".

The alias, on the other hand, does seem to require 
the "X-PTS-Approved:" header, otherwise the mail will not be forwarded. If 
the mail gets forwarded, it'll include the people who are subscribed to the 
package's PTS interface with the "default" keyword.


Tobias Toedter   | "I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad
Hamburg, Germany | to make an exception." -- Groucho Marx

Description: PGP signature

Re: iso-codes/iso_3166/fi.po translation from GNU TP?

2006-12-14 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Tuesday 12 December 2006 12:22, Clytie Siddall wrote:
> Shouldn't this all be arranged with the maintainer for iso-codes?


I'm one of the maintainers of iso-codes, so let me clear a few things up. 
First, the Debian SVN is in fact the upstream SVN. We're releasing 
new "upstream" versions from exactly that SVN repository. Also, we keep the 
Debian specific parts in the same repository, that might explain the 

Concerning the ambiguity with the TP, I have to admit that I personally 
regard the files in the Debian SVN repository as more important, simply 
because those are the files which get released with the iso-codes tarball. 
We offer the possibility to translate via TP, because some translators did 
not want to work through other ways - which is perfectly fine. In order to 
get as many translations as possible, we accept the possible ambiguity. 
Unfortunatly, the Debian SVN and the TP are not completely in sync, because 
we (the iso-codes maintainers) have no possibility to keep the translations 
at the TP current. That would have to be done with someone from each 
specific language team. In most cases, there is noone, that's why the files 
at the TP are more likely to be outdated than the Debian SVN files.

All in all, if in doubt, use the Debian SVN. Or write to us, we're normally 
quite responsive with regard to translations -- after all, that's the main 
reason why iso-codes exist ... ;-)


Tobias Toedter   | Absolutely nothing should be concluded from these
Hamburg, Germany | figures except that no conclusion can be drawn from them.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problems with locales and Norwegian

2004-02-01 Thread Tobias Toedter
Hash: SHA1


the answer from Jacob already says it all. I don't know any Norwegian at all, 
so just out of curiosity: what is the difference between the two languages? 
Why should the locale be set to Bokmål instead of Nynorsk?


- -- 


"We either learn from history or, uh, well, something bad will happen."
  -- Bob Church
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
