Re: DPN frozen

2010-04-09 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 09 Apr 2010, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> It seems to me, that the current issue of the Debian Project News
> should now be frozen content wise.  Please feel free to review my
> English and to translate it.

Here are some suggested fixes. Also, are we using en_GB or en_US? I
don't really care which, but whatever we use, it should be consistent.
[Or at least, consistent within a single blurb.]

Don Armstrong

I shall require that [a scientific system's] logical form shall be
such that it can be singled out, by means of emperical tests, in a
negative sense: it must be possible for an emperical scientific system
to be refuted by experience.
 -- Sir Karl Popper _Logic of Scientific Discovery_ ยง6
Index: index.wml
--- index.wml	(revision 94)
+++ index.wml	(working copy)
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
 Some of the questions asked and topics discussed in the campaigning period were:";>Do you plan on taking on a 2IC or a team?
-";>Project Funds, donations and official Partner
+";>Project Funds, donations and official Partners";>How much time do you currently devote to Debian? How will that amount
-of time change for the DPL term?
+of time change during the DPL term?";>Financing of development through external sources";>Heated discussions in the Debian project";>In ten years I'd like Debian
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 Release manager Adam Barrat sent";>Bits
-from the release team and gave an overview of the state of the
+from the release team which gave an overview of the state of the
 upcoming release, Debian 6.0 Squeeze.  Adam admits that the
 situation is not as good as the release team hoped, but that it is possible
 to release Squeeze in a few months.  He also gave a list of known
@@ -166,22 +166,24 @@
 href="";>debian-ports and";> This new
 service currently holds about 6.5 terabytes of data and will grow
+larger over time.
 MiniDebConf held in Panama
 More than 50 people participated recently in a MiniDebConf in Panama.
-Starting March 20th, and lasting two full days, the MiniDebConf touched a
-variety of subjects regarding Debian with the participants sharing their experiences
-around both Debian and Free Software. As";>Alejandro Rios
+Starting March 20th and lasting two full days, the MiniDebConf touched
+  on a
+variety of subjects involving Debian with the participants sharing their experiences
+with both Debian and Free Software. As";>Alejandro Rios
 said: All this is possible thanks to several sponsors from Panama and SPI, and
 the hard work from many people, specially Anto Recio, Mauro Rosero, Carolina
 Flores, Gunnar Wolf and the local team. SPI is";>Software in the Public Interest, a
 non-profit organisation which was founded to help organisations develop and
-distribute open hardware and software.
+distribute open hardware and software, and also the US umbrella
+organisation for Debian.
 The MiniDebConf got quite technical, some of the subjects they covered were:
 Packaging, Debian's Bug Tracking System, the Linux Kernel, pbuilder and quilt.
@@ -221,7 +223,7 @@
 QEMU image for SH4 port available
 To make debugging of problems with the (unofficial) port to the";>SH4 architecture easiert, Aurelien
+href="";>SH4 architecture easier, Aurelien
 Jarno";>provides SH4 images to be
 used with";>qemu.  The images
 have some limitations as they can only use 64MB and need the current
-#use wml::debian::projectnews::footer editor="XJeremiah Foster, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl"
+#use wml::debian::projectnews::footer editor="Jeremiah Foster, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl"

Re: DPN frozen

2010-04-09 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 09 Apr 2010, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting Don Armstrong (
> > On Fri, 09 Apr 2010, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> > > It seems to me, that the current issue of the Debian Project News
> > > should now be frozen content wise.  Please feel free to review my
> > > English and to translate it.
> > 
> > Here are some suggested fixes. Also, are we using en_GB or en_US? I
> d-l10n-english settled on using en_US for what "we" (more others than
> me, as one might guess) usually review.

Yeah, I'm personally more comfortable with en_US, but I can use en_GB.
My vote doesn't count for much since I'm not doing the work, though. I
just want to make sure it's consistent.

Don Armstrong

Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far
as society is free to use the results. 
 -- Richard M Stallman _GNU Manifesto_

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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-05 Thread Don Armstrong
On Wed, 05 Apr 2006, JC Helary wrote:
> >Well, yeah, that's exactly what Antti-Juhani is saying.
> No, he is saying that even though the page is poorly worded the
> meaning should be clear enough. That is obviously not the case.

No, he's telling you what it is trying to say, not whether or not the
meaning is clear. [Indeed, you've agreed that it's poorly worded;
surely that's not compatible with the meaning being clear?]
> Which is not relevant since he is not in a position to give official
> interpretations of a poorly worded status page.

You'll find that no one is then in a position to give an "official
interpretation". He is, though, a Developer, and the fact that three
of us have now said that that's what it is getting at should hopefully
indicate something. [If you need the DPL to clarify this, I suppose
you'll be waiting awhile.]
> I don't preach the choir. I've made concrete propositions in earlier
> mails and Annti-Juhani only suggested that the text was clear enough
> and one only had to be initiated to its secret meaning to be
> satisfied with its wording.

Please, submit a patch that clarifies the wording so that it is more
inline with what the text was intended to say. Just to make it
obvious: You don't need to be a developer to contribute to Debian. You
can contribute to Debian in many of the common areas that developers
contribute without actually being one, like reporting bugs, filing
patches, fixing documentation, discussing technical solutions,
maintaining packages, and flaming on mailing lists...

Don Armstrong

If you have the slightest bit of intellectual integrity you cannot
support the government. -- anonymous

Description: Digital signature

Re: Rewording of NM-corner (WAS: Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006)

2006-04-06 Thread Don Armstrong
On Thu, 06 Apr 2006, JC Helary wrote:
> The Debian Project New Member process, is the process of becoming an
> official Debian Project Member (DPM), also called Debian Developer
> (DD) for historical purposes.

It's more than that; that's what the constitution refers to Debian
Developers as, so the NM process needs to use the same terminology.

Don Armstrong
Debian's not really about the users or the software at all. It's a
large flame-generating engine that the cabal uses to heat their coffee
 -- Andrew Suffield (#debian-devel Fri, 14 Feb 2003 14:34 -0500)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Rewording of NM-corner (WAS: Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006)

2006-04-06 Thread Don Armstrong
On Thu, 06 Apr 2006, JC Helary wrote:
> Also in the constitution there is clear reference to
> developers=project members in 5.1.2
> >>2. Lend authority to other Developers.
> >>The Project Leader may make statements of support for points of  
> >>view or for other members of the project, when asked or otherwise;
> So there is absolutely no problem shifting to a "Member" terminology
> in the NM process, as long as it is documented as equivalent to
> developer, according to the glossary _and_ to the constitution.

We are members of the project, but we are called Debian Developers.
That's the title that the constitution uses, and the NM documentation
should use the same terms when it's refering to the position. [If it's
refering to them in pasing, calling them members of the project is
just fine, but doding otherwise is just going to lead to even more
confusion than we have currently.]

Don Armstrong

The beauty of the DRUNKENNESS subprogram was that you could move your
intoxication level up and down at will, instead of being caught on a
relentless down escalator to bargain basement philosophy and the
parking garage.
 -- Rudy von Bitter _Software_ p124

Description: Digital signature

Bug#388212: Request for Pseudopackage: debian-i18n

2006-09-19 Thread Don Armstrong
Severity: wishlist
Tag: moreinfo
 * Submitter: Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Tue, 19 Sep 2006, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> At the the i18n Extremadura Meeting[1] we discussed how to be able
> to handle i18n and l10n bugs more conveniently and having a way to
> be able to track those things more closely. The various ways our BTS
> currently offers where discussed and we came to the conclusion that
> a pseudo package in which we can put metatags for transitions and
> tracking bugs amongst different packages and/or languages would help
> most.

Can you give me a list of bugs which you plan on assigning to this
pseudopackage and ideally a set of bugs which have appropriate tags
applied using usertags and/or the extant tags?

[See for
what I've been asking for in the case of new tags; what I need to be
convinced for new pseudopackages is basically the same.]

(The bugs to be assigned to the pseudopackage should most likely
currently be assigned to the general pseudopackage.)

A (terse! ;-)) explanation of why the current l10n tag coupled with
user tags isn't cutting the mustard would also be helpful too; and if
you really want to make my life easier, write up a description of the
pseudopackage. []

Don Armstrong

If you have the slightest bit of intellectual integrity you cannot
support the government. -- anonymous

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading

2015-10-11 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sat, 10 Oct 2015, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Freitag, 9. Oktober 2015, Holger Wansing wrote:
> > Andrei POPESCU  wrote:
> > > On Du, 04 oct 15, 13:08:04, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > > > so there is no way to track bugs in translated package descriptions?
> > > > That would be really sad.
> > > 
> > > I'm not aware of any, but then I'm also not familiar with the DDTP.
> > Wouldn't it be possible to deploy an usertag for that?
> asking owner@... or do you have any other advice how to track bugs in 
> translated package descriptions?

I don't have a problem with the BTS being used, but it needs buy in from
the people actually doing the translation(s).

If a psuedopackage works, we can configure that.

Don Armstrong