Re: DEBIAN WIKI: translating into Chinese.
2009/3/5 Frank Lin PIAT : > Hello, > > [CC'ing 2 mailing lists, involved in I18n. I hope you don't mind] > > On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 10:56 +0800, Hugh wrote: >> >> I've spent some time to translate from English to >> Chinese. > > That's great. > >> But I found they are all back to English. From the modification log, I >> can see that you've 'revert translations'. Why doing so? Have I done >> anything wrong? > > You did translate the pages... but you have overwritten the English > ones! > Don't worry, your effort isn't lost, it is in the page history. > > (I didn't have your email, so I couldn't come back to you). > > When translating a given page ("News", for example), the french > translation is named "fr/News". For Chinese, the translated version is > probably* something like "zh_XX/News" (where XX would be the appropriate > variant). > > The thing is that I don't have a clue on how to name those pages > (traditional/simplified or China/Hongkong/Taiwan ? is it > appropriate/possible to have a generic "zh" one?...). > > I recommend following Debian website naming, if possible. Hi, If we follow the Debian website convention, we should use something like zh-cn/zh-tw/zh-hk. A generic "zh" will never cut it. Anthony -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
Re: Call for Rebiews and translations: Announcement for new mirror in china
That may be caused by the fact that the source wml need to be in UTF-8 and Traditional Chinese. I will convert the file from Guanhao to Traditional Chinese and will send to the list soon. Thanks, Anthony On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 8:20 PM, David Prévot wrote: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA256 > > Le 27/05/2011 02:22, Guanhao Yin a écrit : > >> I converted it to utf-8 and gzipped it. See attached. > > The zh-cn build is still broken with this version, could you please > coordinate with Chinese coordinator of the website? > > > > Regards > > David > > -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- > Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) > > iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJN35cPAAoJELgqIXr9/gny4gkQAJna+2TAeTSnzOrMASPICqKk > J9LXpJKls9nNUY5X0dxaELDpUFQSYRmlaJjzJQULy4iSfjPWtgkq6rxLE9OCUbue > lyx7Dh+RFbt5YBxcyzWRAsEVW2aIpgZWTrDhVX7FMYFA9vMYpSOoIAC8ShpoysSC > WxsMQnQ1OBKbXqEHJFt5GbC3eDXF7dS6xNByzg44vMeyrEDTlMzxD16rw1FVyCJf > eK33V6DxVa3n0iVLM0Ra3VOlNmL2NucbXOfYbFDXsku+qKNeyN5Kn5PHIkvkMHKF > Bowx8ft5obTh1rXvx/KHLHwH0bHhzf7ge/PsHu0nkEHrF3iXA96VyJM8zUTURyy6 > giHUo0J5ZEUDCWi+1DszH0e/h/ucEok/3ygM7AlYH401EpLTvJ6lddteHfPLPJxz > rtY/km0hrGCe/i0IKEzXfdo5lP+JlQH5aJrrwAik7SF4QVQh24+xrOPIg15q0z6X > JttGKrpOIxEox07y6sDfaw3spfWSneyA06uc0gVyHNstVwJ8Czg5SD/ctwy71xBa > 4rtXCWUu2MGe5bNorgc0bQO5o5gp655QpEPvRLIuaqlW7Ui1EY+QY8QAzNO50x6e > QUls4YkFp543XHwlsCkl0kE/528++hym81aQSoUhDWK7FfI1X+d38JCfFUQ75Zvk > n+MBNktnmNtg3PAyv8rU > =QqtC > -END PGP SIGNATURE- > > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact > Archive: > > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive:
Re: Call for Rebiews and translations: Announcement for new mirror in china
Hi Foka, You're always faster than me :) I have grabbed your version from CVS and made a few more grammatical changes/corrections, please see attachment. Since I don't have the cvs tree set up on my computer here, could you take a look and if there's no error, help me to commit on my behalf. Thanks, Anthony On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 1:45 AM, Anthony Wong wrote: > That may be caused by the fact that the source wml need to be in UTF-8 > and Traditional Chinese. I will convert the file from Guanhao to > Traditional Chinese and will send to the list soon. > > Thanks, > Anthony > > On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 8:20 PM, David Prévot wrote: >> -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- >> Hash: SHA256 >> >> Le 27/05/2011 02:22, Guanhao Yin a écrit : >> >>> I converted it to utf-8 and gzipped it. See attached. >> >> The zh-cn build is still broken with this version, could you please >> coordinate with Chinese coordinator of the website? >> >> >> >> Regards >> >> David >> >> -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- >> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) >> >> iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJN35cPAAoJELgqIXr9/gny4gkQAJna+2TAeTSnzOrMASPICqKk >> J9LXpJKls9nNUY5X0dxaELDpUFQSYRmlaJjzJQULy4iSfjPWtgkq6rxLE9OCUbue >> lyx7Dh+RFbt5YBxcyzWRAsEVW2aIpgZWTrDhVX7FMYFA9vMYpSOoIAC8ShpoysSC >> WxsMQnQ1OBKbXqEHJFt5GbC3eDXF7dS6xNByzg44vMeyrEDTlMzxD16rw1FVyCJf >> eK33V6DxVa3n0iVLM0Ra3VOlNmL2NucbXOfYbFDXsku+qKNeyN5Kn5PHIkvkMHKF >> Bowx8ft5obTh1rXvx/KHLHwH0bHhzf7ge/PsHu0nkEHrF3iXA96VyJM8zUTURyy6 >> giHUo0J5ZEUDCWi+1DszH0e/h/ucEok/3ygM7AlYH401EpLTvJ6lddteHfPLPJxz >> rtY/km0hrGCe/i0IKEzXfdo5lP+JlQH5aJrrwAik7SF4QVQh24+xrOPIg15q0z6X >> JttGKrpOIxEox07y6sDfaw3spfWSneyA06uc0gVyHNstVwJ8Czg5SD/ctwy71xBa >> 4rtXCWUu2MGe5bNorgc0bQO5o5gp655QpEPvRLIuaqlW7Ui1EY+QY8QAzNO50x6e >> QUls4YkFp543XHwlsCkl0kE/528++hym81aQSoUhDWK7FfI1X+d38JCfFUQ75Zvk >> n+MBNktnmNtg3PAyv8rU >> =QqtC >> -END PGP SIGNATURE- >> >> >> -- >> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to >> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact >> Archive: >> >> > Debian 2011-05-25 #use wml::debian::news Debian 社區很高興的宣佈,中國大陸地區將啟用一個新的主鏡像。該鏡像地址";>,會顯著縮短中國大陸地區訪問軟件倉庫的網絡延遲,從而提升 Debian 在中國大陸用戶的使用體驗,並且 IPv4 和 IPv6 均可訪問。除了 Debian 的軟件倉庫源,該地址還提供 Debian 的 CD、DVD 以及藍光鏡像下載,並還有 backports (往回移植) 源。對於仍在使用上一個穩定版 (Debian oldstable) (“Lenny”) 的用戶,鏡像還提供 volatile (多變) 源。 該鏡像由 Debian 團隊配合 Stephen Zhang 和 Aron Xu 進行搭建配置。\ Aron 認為現在與 Debian 的主 FTP 服務器 ftp-master 進行同步,將可以大大減少滯後時間。\ 在該鏡像服務啟用前,中國大陸地區的鏡像與 Debian ftp-master 服務器存在兩天左右的滯後。當新鏡像啟用後,推送客戶端 (push clients) 鏡像的滯後時間將縮小到 6 小時以內,而被動同步鏡像的滯後時間將縮小到 12 小時以內。 一個主鏡像服務需要有豐富的帶寬資源,時刻保持穩定在線,當然,還需要有一個好記的地址 ftp.<國家/地區代號>。與 Debian 源進行同步和更新均全自動進行。 中國大陸地區的新主鏡像服務由中國科學技術大學提供支持。 新主鏡像 的用法 CD、DVD 和藍光鏡像可直接從";> HTTP 或使用 jigdo 工具下載。 最新穩定版本 Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” 的用戶,請將 /etc/apt/sources.list 修改為下列所示: deb squeeze main deb-src squeeze main deb squeeze-updates main deb-src squeeze-updates main deb squeeze/updates main deb-src squeeze/updates main 上一個穩定版本 Debian 5.0 “Lenny” 的用戶,請將 /etc/apt/sources.list 修改為下列所示: deb lenny main deb-src lenny main deb lenny/volatile main deb-src lenny/volatile main deb lenny/updates main deb-src lenny/updates main 為 Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” 添加 backports 源: deb squeeze-backports main deb-src squeeze-backports main 為 Debian 5.0 “Lenny” 添加 backports 源: deb lenny-backports main deb-src lenny-backports main 當然,目前的 testing 代號 Wheezy 和 unstable 代號 Sid 也可以使用這個源,只是需要修改對應的版本代號或版本名稱。 需要說明的是,在修改了 sources.list 之後,用戶需要更新源的索引,比如運行命令 apt-get update。 關於中國科學技術大學";>中國科學技術大學 (簡稱 USTC) 是一所位於中國安徽省合肥市的國家直屬重點大學,1958年9月由中國科學院建立。USTC 致力於培養高尖端科學與技術人才,為中國經濟建設、國防建設、科研教育、尖端科研提供棟梁支柱,是享譽國內外的知名大學。USTC LUG (Linux 用戶組) 成立於2003年,距今已經8年。作為一個技術為導向的協會,USTC LUG 組織了多種社區活動,比如:Linux 網絡技術研討會、GNU/Linux 使用體驗聚會、PMP 中的嵌入式 Linux 技術講座、Oracle 和開源技術報告、合肥地區開源軟件競賽、自由軟件日技術沙龍和多次 GNU/Linux 系統使用和編程講座。USTC LUG 從 2003 年起開始管理和維護社區知名鏡像 debian.u
Re: Package translations...
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 12:51:22AM +0900, Katsura S . Yoshio wrote: | |Good evening, | |From: Eduardo Marcel Macan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 14:36:30 -0200 (EDT) | |> Someone tell me please, where do the descriptions shown by dselect |> come from? The Packages file? We will have to generate different localized |> PAckages files too, right? | |We Debian JP Project have alrealy implemented the scheme that called |chdesc. Soon, the Deb package of this would be appeared. | |I think two ways are on the table. |1. All Packages Files ard in the same file |2. Language-depend description files are to be installed by user's |request. | |We take the second way for the present. That means suppose there's a package called foo, if I want to have Japanese descriptions for the file, I need to install another package, say, foo-desc_ja? That seems to be an overkill and very tedious for the users. I can see that the benefit is easier to manage on the maintainer's side, because he doesn't need to take care all the translations submissions. But from the user point of view, the one-package-for-all scheme looks like to be the best. -- Rgds, [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / ICQ UIN: C30E6 ] Anthony. [ -- Track your ICQ friend ]
Re: Debian and Li18nux ?
On Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 01:34:49PM +0900, Changwoo Ryu wrote: |[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: | |> I just saw the announcement of the Linux Internationalisation Initiative |> (Li18nux, The members page lists most Linux |> distributions (among them Caldera, RedHat, SuSE, TurboLinu), but not |> Debian. Instead, it includes "Debimaru GNU/Linux" |> (, which seems to be related to |> Debian-JP somehow (the page is Japanese). |> |> I don't know much about the Li18nux organization, nor about debian-i18n |> (I'm also not subscribed to this list, please send a cc to me), but since |> this seems to be an reasonable effort, I wonder if the Debian project |> should join as institutional member, too. | |A bit offtopic: | |I felt that the Initiative was too closed and bureaucratic. I don't |know much about what the Initiative want to do, but I'm sure their |membership application form will operate as a barrier to new comers. | |-- |Changwoo Ryu After reading I think they are not as buearucratic as you think. The application form may just be used for providing more info for them to know more about the parties who are willing to join, as I can see that there are lots of organizations that have already been accepted. As they say in their homepage they are open to anyone, I think this is true. I _really_ hope that someone from Debian JP or Debian KR (or any other who are knowledgeable about i18n matters) can come out and be the representative of Debian and join Li18nux, because Debian is a major player in the GNU/Linux scene and we definitely should have a voice in it. Anyone wants to take the job? -- Anthony Wong.