Re: Very informative changelog entry (was: Accepted jwhois 3.2.2-2 (i386 source))

2005-03-14 Thread Peter Karlsson
Martin Zobel-Helas:
this is not a very informative changelog entry, even if you only changed 
RIPE IP spaces.
In a way, no. The real changelog (the non-Debian one) has more information, but 
wasn't included in this upload since it's only an intermediate version due 
to some build problems I am having trying to get the next upstream version 
to work properly.

Peter -
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Re: Re: The slides for my talk

2003-07-22 Thread Peter Karlsson
Roland Mas:

> There are lots of Debian developers doing talks here and there, and
> quite often we like to borrow from each other's slides.>

Peter -
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Re: cracked

2003-08-20 Thread Peter Karlsson
Scott James Remnant:
No problem, this is only a quick run -- others may find ways to improve 
this script somewhat.
What did you use to determine which packages to check? I notice that at 
least my package for GNU jwhois is missing from your list (although I know 
that the Debian version is correct since I post the versions to Debian and at the same time...).

Peter -
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Re: cracked

2003-08-21 Thread Peter Karlsson
Scott James Remnant:
If you read the script,
I did, but I couldn't figure out what was the input.
The only MD5 sums that GNU have provided are for 2.4, 2.4.1 and 2.4.2
Right. I sent them an update mail earlier this week, but I guess they're 
quite busy at the moment...

Peter -
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Re: /var/run and scripts

2003-09-04 Thread Peter Karlsson
Matt Zimmerman:
noexec /tmp and /var/tmp seem to create far more problems than they 
I've run with /tmp set to noexec for quite some time on some machines, and 
it tend to work quite well. The only thing that seems to fail occasionally 
is debconf, despite that I point TMPDIR to a directory that is executable.

But those machines all run stable, so it might have been fixed since.
Peter -
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Git on Alioth

2007-08-23 Thread Peter Karlsson


I am trying to find information on how to host a Git repository on Alioth 
for my project. I used to have a CVS repository (which is still visible from 
the project page), but I have now ported it to Git using parsecvs, and want 
to host that.

Call me blind, but I can't seem to find any documentation on how to do that 
and I can't get that to work--I've created ~peterk/public_git and uploaded 
my converted repository there, but I can't get it to show up. Also, is it 
possible to get the project page on Alioth to list the Git repository 
instead of the CVS one?

Any pointers to the obvious documentation links I've managed to overlook are 
very welcome.

Thanks in advance,
\\// Peter -

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Bug#223905: ITP: jamnntpd -- NNTP server that allows newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase

2003-12-13 Thread Peter Karlsson
Package: wnpp
Version: 0.5
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: jamnntpd
  Version : 0.5
  Upstream Author : Johan Billing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : DFSG compliant
  Description : NNTP server that allows newsreaders to access a JAM 

"JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet technology with modern Usenet
newsreaders. Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows newsreaders to
access a JAM messagebase. (If you didn't understand a word of this, you
probably don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway)."

License terms:

  The copyright of JamNNTPd belongs to Johan Billing. Permission to use,
  copy and distribute JamNNTPd is granted provided that this copyright
  notice is included. Permission to modify JamNNTPd is granted. Distributing
  modified versions of JamNNTPd is allowed provided that the documentation
  clearly states that it is a modified version. Parts of JamNNTPd may be
  freely used in other projects as long as credit is given.

  JamNNTPd uses JAMLIB for reading and modifying JAM messagebases. JAMLIB is
  copyright 1996 Björn Stenberg and is released under the GNU Lesser General
  Public License (see included file src/jamlib/LICENSE).

Re: debian-security-announce-$lang@lists?

2002-08-14 Thread Peter Karlsson
Martin Schulze:

> what do other developers think about localized lists for security
> advisories, such as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That sounds like a good idea. However, to make sure that the
information is sent out as soon as possible, I think it would be a good
idea that, whenever a new advisory is issued in English, a message is
automatically sent out to the languages' announce lists, pointing to
where the original announcement can be found (either in the list
archives, or on the web), awaiting the translation.

Peter - I do not read or respond to mail with HTML attachments.
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Re: Are we losing users to Gentoo?

2002-12-01 Thread Peter Karlsson
Josip Rodin:

> (I thought it would be clear that Austria is at the top because the list is
> sorted alphabetically... English. The list is still sorted with Austria first in all the
other pages, even when it makes little or no sense at all.

(my favourite example is of course the Swedish translation, where
Austria should sort *last*).

Peter -
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Re: m68k autobuilder disk full!

2002-04-11 Thread peter karlsson
Peter S Galbraith:

> One of my packages disappeared from testing recently (not sure why)

Well, it was listed in the removal list that was posted on March 3rd:

peter -
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