Re: Bug#10902: Device driver 3c59x hangs

1997-06-28 Thread Herbert Xu
Mark Burgess wrote:
> Hello. I am grief stricken because I cannot get debian running
> on my new PC which has a 3 com 905 XL netcard. As I understand
> it the correct driver for this card is the module 3c59x.
> This is the only driver which will install.
> INstallation proceeds fine, and ifconfig -a shows that the
> interface comes up, but there is no contact with the network
> via the 10baseT connection. The same PC will run NT (spit spit).
> I have seen a version of RedHat linux 2.4 run this driver
> without problems and have seen earlier complaints about
> problems with the driver. Perhaps the latest (fixed) version
> could be made available on the debian boot disks as soon
> as possible. But I don't want redhat!

The version we have is newer than the one in the standard kernel but is
not the latest one.  What do people think of v0.41 (the latest one)? Is
it stable enough compared to 0.30?
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Re: Can we learn something from RH 5.0?

1997-12-07 Thread Herbert Xu
David Engel wrote:
> I only know of one real bug so far.  They didn't apply the fix needed
> to use the NIS module from autofs with glibc.  I found that problem

Does there rpc.nfsd (or squid) leak?
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Re: insmod sound makes a mess

1997-12-10 Thread Herbert Xu
Will Lowe wrote:
> Anytime I do "insmod sound" or run any program which causes kerneld to
> have to load the sound module,  my whole system freezes for a while --
> between 30 and 60 seconds.  Then it returns to normality and the sound
> stuff works fine.
> This problem doesn't occur when the sound module is unloaded either via a
> manual "rmmod" or by autoclean.
> I'm running kernel 2.0.29,  home-configured-and-compiled but that's
> nothing new,  and I did it directly from the debian kernel source
> packages.

What do you see if you type dmesg?
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Re: insmod sound makes a mess

1997-12-10 Thread Herbert Xu
Will Lowe wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, Herbert Xu wrote:
> > > Anytime I do "insmod sound" or run any program which causes kerneld to
> > > have to load the sound module,  my whole system freezes for a while --
> > > between 30 and 60 seconds.  Then it returns to normality and the sound
> > > stuff works fine.
> >
> > What do you see if you type dmesg?
> Ok,  I did "insmod sound" (machine behaved as above),  then did "lsmod" to
> make sure it was really loaded (it was),  and this is the output of
> "dmesg":

Did the same configuration work for a previous kernel? Which sound
driver are you using anyway?
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Re: bashisms

1997-12-14 Thread Herbert Xu
Kai Henningsen wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adrian Bridgett)  wrote on 27.11.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > There are alot of scripts which use unnecessary bashisms. Apart from complex
> > scripts most of these can be easily changed to conform to the POSIX shell.
> > This has the added advantage of meaning that those who want to can use ash
> > as /bin/sh and reap the benefits of improved performance.
> Hmmm ... I remember someone claiming that ash _isn't_ a POSIX shell?

Please install the package and read ash(1), its goal is POSIX
compliance.  If you can find anything in ash that isn't POSIX, please
file a bug report.
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Re: ppp & pam (was: Re: ppp's ip-{up,down} and possible utilization of 'run-parts')

1997-12-18 Thread Herbert Xu
Philip Hands wrote:
> ppp is needed for doing an install from the internet via a dialup link.  PAM 
> is not needed until you want people to log into the system, so libpam is a 
> waste of space on the install disks.

The only advantage I can see is a couple of kilobytes of space on the
installation floppies.  Otherwise, ppp is optional anyway.  So I'd
prefer to see pppd stay as one package and linked with pam.
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Re: 2.0.32, XNvidia, Vtk

1997-12-18 Thread Herbert Xu
Alexander Supalov wrote:
> I saw today that Linux kernel 2.0.32 had been released as a Debian
> package. Is it safe to upgrade the existing Debian.1.3.r4 to this
> kernel? What about all the libc6 stuff? Should I have it installed or
> should I better wait until the the next major Debian release arrives?
> If so, when will this happen?

You should be able to install it onto a bo system.
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Re: redirecting stderr to memory

1997-12-18 Thread Herbert Xu
Enrique Zanardi wrote:
> Memory penalty. As busybox and dinstall are linked together in this
> implementation, forking implies doubling the already big memory
> requirements. Perhaps we should implement a ...

No it does not, thanks to Linux shared memeory.

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Re: Does `dpkg' track the installation date of a package?

1997-12-18 Thread Herbert Xu
Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
>  I wonder if `dpkg' tracks the installation date of a package, whether
>  it should if it doesn't, or why it doesn't if that is the case.

You could try the modification date of
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Re: ppp & pam (was: Re: ppp's ip-{up,down} and possible utilization of 'run-parts')

1997-12-18 Thread Herbert Xu
Philip Hands wrote:
> I thought that, until I noticed that libpam depends upon libpam-util, which 
> depends upon libpwdb0, which together come to about 180k compressed.

I think you should file a bug report against libpam so it doesn't depend on
libpam-util.  I don't see why a library package should depend on a binary one.

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Re: base-files 1.6 (source all) uploaded to master

1998-04-09 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Apr 1998, Raul Miller wrote:
>> Then we should be talking about /etc/skel/, rather than /etc/profile

> Well, if we talk about /etc/skel, then we could ask:
> Is there any other shell which reads .bash_profile?

No, only bash does.

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1998-04-09 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

> I think this is so bad that every binary copy of grep 2.1-7 should be
> deleted from every archive as soon as possible.

You mean 2.1-6?

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Re: HTTP site list

1998-04-09 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

> This is a partial list of http enabled mirrors, I did the US and UK.
> There are 13 sites listed here. If someone would like to go through the
> rest of the mirror list then please do :>

deb stable main contrib non-free
deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb frozen main contrib non-free

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Re: base-files 1.6 (source all) uploaded to master

1998-04-09 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> make it to FAQ, but i can't possibly understand what damage is done if the
> default prompt is changed to PS1="\w\$ " .

Like that it won't work for anyone who uses a Bourne shell other than bash?

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Re: Why isn't "/var/run" drwxrwxrwt ?

1998-04-09 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>  Why isn't "/var/run" set like "/tmp"?  Shouldn't user-run programs be
>  able to write a pid file there?

No, you don't want users to stop certain daemons from running by putting pid
files in there (sure this isn't likely but it is possible).

If you want to write pid files while not being root, create a subdirectory in
/var/run owned by whatever uid that you're going to be.

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Re: Is this a bug in libc6?

1998-04-11 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> --
> 1.6 Definitions of terms

> o Undefined Behaviour -- behaviour, upon the use of a nonportable or
>   erroneous program construct, of erroneous data, or of inderminately
>   valued objects, for which the standard imposes no
>   requirements. Permissible undefined behaviour ranges from ignoring
>   the situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving
>   during translation or program execution in a documented manner
>   charecteristic of the environment (with or without the issuance of a
>   diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or execution (with
>   the issuance of a diagnostic message).
> __

>   Please show why my statement is incorrect wrt to the above
>  statement from the C standard. I said: "Corupting memory is not
>  acceptable behaviour! (Unless you document this)". The standard says
>  "permissible undefined behaviour ..."

It also says that the standard imposes no requirements.

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Re: [grave] libstdc++2.8 needs versioned dependencies

1998-04-12 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

> severity 20033 grave
> stop

> I just received another bug report (#20978) on Octave not being able to
> run. I had already reassigned the first such report (#20033) to libstdc++2.8
> which does *not* introduce versioned dependencies on its libs even though it
> is incompatible with the previous release. Because of the missing versioned
> dependency, dpkg thinks that the older (first-generation) libstdc++2.8
> package satisfy the dependencies.

I think we should backout egcs and libstdc++2.8 from hamm and go back to the
old g++.  For one, altg++ doesn't even work with it.

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Re: intent to package Netscape Communicator

1998-04-12 Thread Herbert Xu
> On Sat, 11 Apr 1998, Brian White wrote:

>> Another thing to note...  Dpkg won't let you build part of a package or
>> assign different version numbers to different .deb files created from
>> the same source.  (At least, I've never been able to get it to do so.)

You certainly can do that, check out bash/libreadline for instance.

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Re: Bug#20587: libstdc++2.8-dev: std.h not found

1998-04-13 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> reassign 20587 general
> retitle 20587 There's no current libg++ package
> thanks

>>There is no std.h, this means that things like prcs won't compile.

> This is not a bug in libstdc++2.8-dev. libstdc++2.8-dev contains the
> standard C++ library, which does not have an std.h .

> Regrettably, we don't have a libg++ package yet.

Well that means prcs should be moved out of hamm unfortunately unless we back
off to libg++272.

> Please ask the prcs upstream authors to move away from libg++.

Why would they? This is a GNU project after all.

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Re: Free-World maintainer for xpdf ?

1998-04-15 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

> Would anyone want to take xpdf from me and make a free-world release? And
> maybe even take over the package?

> As a Canadian resident, I don't think I can deal with the encryption code (as
> I understand it, the US laws for encryption technology make no difference
> between US and Canadian residents).

Are you sure this is really necessary? It's only decryption...

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Re: signals and atomicity

1998-04-18 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

> if the signal occurs after the wait system call, but before the result of
> the system call is stored in "wait_or_timeout_retval", the fact, that
> the system call succeeded is lost.

> this is (1) a bug in apache and (2) a problem of me that i want to solve.
> i thought others would have solved it, but this is obviously not true :-(

This should work:

static int wait_or_timeout_retval = -1;

static void alarm_handler(int sig) {
errno = ETIMEDOUT; 

int wait_or_timeout (int *status) {
struct sigaction act;

wait_or_timeout_retval = -1; 

sigaction(SIGALRM, 0, &act);
act.sa_handler = alarm_handler;
act.sa_flags &= ~SA_RESTART;
sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, 0);
wait_or_timeout_retval = wait(status);
return wait_or_timeout_retval; 

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Re: signals and atomicity

1998-04-23 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Apr 1998, Herbert Xu wrote:
>> This should work:
>> static int wait_or_timeout_retval = -1;
>> static void alarm_handler(int sig) {
>>  errno = ETIMEDOUT; 
>> }
>> int wait_or_timeout (int *status) {
>>  struct sigaction act;
>>  wait_or_timeout_retval = -1; 
>>  sigaction(SIGALRM, 0, &act);
>>  act.sa_handler = alarm_handler;
>>  act.sa_flags &= ~SA_RESTART;
>>  sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, 0);
>>  alarm(1);
>>  wait_or_timeout_retval = wait(status);
>>  alarm(0); 
>>  return wait_or_timeout_retval; 
>> }

> i do not think, this works.

> alarm() calls setitimer(). setitimer() modifies "errno".
> so, setting errno inside the signal handler does not work, i think.

That's easy to fix.  Just store ETIMEDOUT in some other variable that is
reset at the start of wait_or_timeout and store the result in errno if wait
fails with EINTR.

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Re: /etc/passwd : which software does support this ?

1998-04-23 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, matthew.r.pavlovich.1 wrote:

>> xdm-shadow is already available.

> Yes, and I am using it. But the question is, does it support the "pri=",
> "umask=" and "ulimit=" fields in /etc/passwd? And do cron and at also
> know about these fields? If cron and at don't know about them and don't
> support them they're practically useless, like I said before.

Use the allow/deny files for cron and at.

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Re: Blender 3D

1998-04-23 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> I maintain the mesa package. As no packages (before this) depended on
> a libc5 version of mesa, I stopped including them. Adding them back
> seems like a step backwards. It would be much better if you could
> get blender recompiled with libc6 based libs.

What? I thought hamm is supposed to be libc5 compatible.  Would you remove
ncurses3.0 because no Debian packages depended on it? I think it should be
reintroduced and maybe removed for slink.

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Re: Gnome debs?

1998-04-23 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> I checked, Debian and Red Hat were not compatible.  (e.g. libpng and
> libjpeg have different sonames.)

How did this happen? Shouldn't we try to rectify this ASAP so that there is
binary compatibility?

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Re: /bin/sh has no man page.

1998-04-23 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> /bin/sh is provided by bash, but doesn't come with its own man page.

> How does one determine the differences between sh and bash?

> Is there some documentation that I have missed?


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Synchronised sonames (was: Gnome debs?)

1998-04-24 Thread Herbert Xu
Steve Dunham wrote:
> The soname issues are with libjpeg, libgdbm, libncurses.
>   DebianRedhat
>   == 
> For now, most of these issues can be resolved by using symlinks. But
> sonames should be synchronized with Red Hat in the future.

Indeed, perhaps this should be put into our policy?

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Re: Lists archives outside

1998-04-25 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Apr 1998 00:48:38 +0200 Martin Schulze wrote:
>> Do others have an oppinion on it, too, or is it just Ray and Marco?
> I'm against (too much opportunities for spammers)

FWIW I'm in favour of archiving outside Debian.  You can't fight spam by
hiding your email address.

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Re: 21164 must be fixed before 2.0.34 comes out!

1998-04-25 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> bug 21164 does not seem to be a bug in the libc.
> it is instead a kernel bug.

FWIW, I just tried it on my Debian 2.0 2.0.32 machine:

$ ./yyys

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1998-04-26 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> On bugtraq recently itr was reported there were a number of bugs with
> the BSD line printer daemon... are these being looked into I understand
> redhat have already patched this. Also there doesn't appear to be any security
> information for either overdrop or nestea - new bugs both afflicting linux.

netsea has been fixed in 2.0.33-7.  overdrop only fills up your syslog file
which can be done anyway (say via ICMP redirects).

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non-maintainer ssh package available

1998-04-28 Thread Herbert Xu
I've just made ssh 1.22.2-4.1 which fixes a serious use-after-free bug
that is responsible for most of ssh's recent bug reports.  Please check it out

If necessary I'll upload this.  Thanks.

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Re: Possible DoS attack with new IPlogger release

1998-04-30 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> The new version of IPlogger offers a new feature: when there is a TCP
> connection attempt, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is now logged instead of "host".

I think this is a non issue.  Lots of servers do ident lookups, in particular
the tcp wrapper does so too.

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Re: Why is dosemu in contrib?

1998-04-30 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> dpkg -s dosemu says:

> Package: dosemu
> Status: install ok installed
> Priority: extra
> Section: contrib
> Installed-Size: 1799
> Maintainer: Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Version: 0.66.7-10
> Depends: libc6, slang0.99.38, xlib6g (>= 3.3-5)
> ...

Not my fault.  I can't even find the word contrib in my debian/ directory.

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Re: Why is dosemu in contrib?

1998-04-30 Thread Herbert Xu
Joey Hess wrote:
> Herbert Xu wrote:
> > Not my fault.  I can't even find the word contrib in my debian/ directory.
> I'd assume it's a bad override file, then. Talk to Guy.

FWIW, the Packages file and master contains the right info.  So I suspect a bad
mirror is to blame here.

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Re: intent to take mawk and gawk

1998-05-04 Thread Herbert Xu
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>   Chris> Debian's [...]  Chris> and adding the requirement for PGP (which I
>   Chris> never needed before) plus my growing involvement in small start-up
>   Chris> businesses (mostly Debian Linux based) have consumed all my time.

> FUD. 

> I created PGP keys three years ago because I needed to sign Debian uploads.

But I don't think it was enforced until (relatively) recently.

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Bug#1764: /bin/kill segfaults

1995-10-25 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: bsdutils
Version: 1.3-1

It is trivial to make /bin/kill segfault:
$ /bin/kill -l
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

The appended patch fixes the bug.  I suspect the person who wrote the code
has had some bad memories about Pascal :)

PS NSIG is the largest valid signal number + 1.

A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites
--- kill.c.orig Wed Mar 22 05:57:31 1995
+++ kill.c  Wed Oct 25 15:33:21 1995
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
   "QUIT",  /* 3 */
   "ILL",   /* 4 */
   "TRAP",  /* 5 */
-  "ABRT",  /* 6 */
-  "UNUSED",/* 7 */
+  "IOT",   /* 6 */
+  "BUS",   /* 7 */
   "FPE",   /* 8 */
   "KILL",  /* 9 */
   "USR1",  /* 10 */
@@ -74,6 +74,15 @@
   "TSTP",  /* 20 */
   "TTIN",  /* 21 */
   "TTOU",  /* 22 */
+  "URG",   /* 23 */
+  "XCPU",  /* 24 */
+  "XFSZ",  /* 25 */
+  "VTALRM",/* 26 */
+  "PROF",  /* 27 */
+  "WINCH", /* 28 */
+  "IO",/* 29 */
+  "PWR",   /* 30 */
+  "UNUSED",/* 31 */
 #endif /* __linux__ */
@@ -105,7 +114,7 @@
if (isalpha(**argv)) {
if (!strncasecmp(*argv, "sig", 3))
*argv += 3;
-   for (numsig = NSIG, p = sys_signame + 1; --numsig; ++p)
+   for (numsig = NSIG, p = sys_signame; --numsig; ++p)
if (!strcasecmp(*p, *argv)) {
numsig = p - sys_signame;
@@ -116,7 +125,7 @@
numsig = strtol(*argv, &ep, 10);
if (!*argv || *ep)
errx(1, "illegal signal number: %s", *argv);
-   if (numsig <= 0 || numsig > NSIG)
+   if (numsig <= 0 || numsig >= NSIG)
} else
@@ -156,7 +165,7 @@
const char *const *p;
int cnt;

-   for (cnt = NSIG, p = sys_signame + 1; --cnt; ++p) {
+   for (cnt = NSIG, p = sys_signame; --cnt; ++p) {
(void)fprintf(fp, "%s ", *p);
if (cnt == NSIG / 2)
(void)fprintf(fp, "\n");

Bug#4002: base wipes out utmp & wtmp

1996-08-02 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: base
Version: 1.1.0-14

The installation of this package wipes out the file /var/run/utmp and
creates /var/run/wtmp which really should be in /var/log.
Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4001: w segfaults on empty utmp

1996-08-02 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: procps
Version: 1.01a-1

This isn't really a problem as utmp usually should not be empty
but still w should not segfault.  The reason I stepped on this
is because the base package wipes out the utmp file.

Bug#4010: perl-tk doesn't work with perl 5.003

1996-08-03 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: perl-tk
Version: b11.02-2

It puts stuff into /usr/lib/perl5/i486-linux/5.002 which is not searched
by perl 5.003 and consequently nothing works :(
Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4011: simple c++ program segfaults

1996-08-03 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: gcc
Version: 2.7.2-8

A recent posting on comp.os.linux.apps by
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dirk Alboth) can
be reproduced on my Debian system.  In fact,
it seems to occur on a Sun with g++ too.

Here's a modified version of the program:


void main( int argc, char **argv) {
  ofstream ofst;
  ofst.ofstream( argv[1]);
  ofst.form( "%s\n", "Hello world");

Running it with the argument of 'test' produces
a segfault.

Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True          B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4015: xterm & xterm.color sets broken TERMCAP

1996-08-04 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: xbase
Version: 3.1.2-9

These two programs exports TERMCAP of the form
Where 80 and 24 can be replaced by the dimensions
of your xterm.  This is really braindead as you
often want to resize your xterm and many applications
simply worship TERMCAP as the most reliable source
of info.  It also makes anything that uses libslang
unusable as it thinks my TERMCAP is too simple :)

This should be disabled by default.
Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4011: simple c++ program segfaults

1996-08-07 Thread Herbert Xu
Guy Maor wrote:
> It is legal to explicitly call a destructor but rarely needed.  It
> certainly makes no sense in this case, as the destructor will be called
> twice.
> The question, it seems, is what was the programmer trying to do?

Well I haven't got a clue on that one as I didn't write the code.  But
I guess the more important question is that the crash did not seem to
be related to the destructor.  That is, it crashes even without the call
to the destructor.

Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True      B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4068: pgs in perl-tk does not work

1996-08-07 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: perl-tk
Version: b11.02-3

Typing "pgs" at the prompt produces these messages:
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/perl5/Tk/ line 15.
Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at /usr/bin/pgs line 16.

I've got perl 5.003-2 and tk41 4.1-1 for that matter.
Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4099: typo in fvwm2 man page

1996-08-11 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: fvwm2
Version: 2.0.42-BETA-0

Here's a patch:

--- fvwm2.1x.orig   Sun Apr 21 08:25:04 1996
+++ fvwm2.1xSun Aug 11 17:48:42 1996
@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@
 .IP "WindowsDesk \fInew_desk\fP"
-Moves the selected window the the desktop specified as \fInew_desk\fP.
+Moves the selected window to the desktop specified as \fInew_desk\fP.
 .IP "XORvalue \fInumber\fP"

Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True      B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4100: pixmap dumps core (bad depth?)

1996-08-11 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: pixmap
Version: 2.6pl1-2

To reproduce:
1. Start pixmap from xterm.
2. From the File menu, choose Load.
3. Type "/usr/include/X11/pixmaps/3dpaint.xpm".
4. Click Okay.
5. Core dumped :(

Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4118: xosview doesn't use XUSERFILESEARCHPATH

1996-08-12 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: xosview
Version: 1.3.2-6

The program doesn't access the directories listed in
XUSERFILESEARCHPATH but it does read the default file
in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults.

Bug#3857: Core dump caused by Xaw3d!

1996-08-13 Thread Herbert Xu
I've just tried replacing Xaw3d with the original Xaw library
and both listres and viewres worked! Obviously there's some
incompatibility here, could someone fix listres & viewres?
Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4124: typo in XtOpenApplication manpage

1996-08-13 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: xmanpages
Version: 3.1.2-6

Here's a patch:
--- XtOpenApplication.3x.orig   Wed May  8 01:04:13 1996
+++ XtOpenApplication.3xTue Aug 13 17:51:13 1996
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 \fIoptions\fP, \fInum_options\fP, \fIargc_in_out\fP, \fIargv_in_out\fP, \
 \fIfallback_resources\fP, \fIwidget_class\fP, \fIargs\fP, \fInum_args\fP)
-  XtAppContext \fIapp_context_return\fP;
+  XtAppContext* \fIapp_context_return\fP;
   String \fIapplication_class\fP;
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 \fIoptions\fP, \fInum_options\fP, \fIargc_in_out\fP, \fIargv_in_out\fP, \
 \fIfallback_resources\fP, \fIwidget_class\fP, ...)
-  XtAppContext \fIapp_context_return\fP;
+  XtAppContext* \fIapp_context_return\fP;
   String \fIapplication_class\fP;

Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4124: XtAppInitialize page has the same problem

1996-08-13 Thread Herbert Xu
Please fix it accordingly.
Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4391: gzip -cd gives incorrect output

1996-09-04 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: gzip
Version: 1.2.4-11

Execute these commands on the gzip file attached:
gzip -cd a.gz
gunzip a.gz; cat a

The output of the former is clearly incorrect.  Note that
if the output is redirected or piped then the errors
disappear.  This occurs in both xterms and virtual consoles.

Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites
begin 600 a.gz
M'XL("#,A+3(``V$`[=,[EMAIL PROTECTED];?T_I5;;:6%#_[/D-/LJGP51/;CCB^B2KYI)*4HK>2]6S&\UI

Bug#4392: xfishtank coredumps at 16bpps

1996-09-04 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: xfishtank
Version: 2.2-1

As the subject says, xfishtank dumps core at 16 bpp.  It
works fine at 8 bpp, at least on my machine.

Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4391: gzip -cd gives incorrect output

1996-09-04 Thread Herbert Xu
Bdale Garbee wrote:
> > Package: gzip
> > Version: 1.2.4-11
> > 
> I played various games with and without redirection.  I don't see any obvious
> differences between the output of 'gzip -cd a.gz' in an xterm using ctrl/s to
> stop the flow, and a cat of the previously uncompressed file.
> Can you cut&paste the output of the above two command strings to a file and
> mail it to me, or something, so I can see what you're seeing?  I'd also 
> suggest you verify the md5sum of /bin/gzip:
>   a10f552f8e26d5c23e61a6a5415e3427  /bin/gzip

$ md5sum /bin/gzip
a10f552f8e26d5c23e61a6a5415e3427  /bin/gzip

What happens is that the first page is displayed over and over again.
The effect should be obvious if you are able to reproduce it.

Some more info about my system:

kernel: 2.0.13
libc5: 5.2.18-10

I've tried this on a 1.2.8 machine with the same gzip and it doesn't
happen.  Although the problem exists for 2.0.12 on an alpha.  And gzip
on SunOS 5.5 doesn't have this problem.

So which kernel did you use?

Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4430: gcc -O coredumps

1996-09-07 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: gcc

Compiling the attached file with the "-O" flag kills cc1.

Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites
void f()
double a;
int b;

if (b > a) g(a, b);
else break;
}; /* note the missing while */

Bug#4518: xauth bug

1996-09-20 Thread Herbert Xu
Package: xbase
Version: 3.1.2-9

This is a minor problem.  If one sets the variable HOME
to a directory where one does not have the write permission,
"xauth list" apparently enters an infinite loop.  If it is then
interrupted with Ctrl-C, a coredump is generated.
Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Bug#4486: clock bug

1996-09-22 Thread Herbert Xu
The problem still exists with util-linux_2.5-6.

Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { }
A.  B <=> True  B.  A <=> False
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any other key sites

Re: list of bashisms

1997-05-18 Thread Herbert Xu
Andy Mortimer wrote:
> There has just been a long list of bugs against packages using `bashisms'
> in their scripts, and I can certainly remember this issue coming up
> before. But I don't know about anyone else, but I certainly have no idea
> what features are available in the `original sh'.

I usually refer to the solaris manpage.  But I suppose the manpage for ash
should work too.

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Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Removing packages with critical bugs

1997-05-23 Thread Herbert Xu
I've just read a few messages complaining about the removal of xemacs
from bo.  Why don't we simply move those packages with critical bugs to
Debian GNU/Linux 1.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: anarchism_7.7-1.deb

1999-09-23 Thread Herbert Xu
Bjoern Brill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Taking the risk to burn like hell: I think the "exhaustive exploration"
> of ANY political theory and practice is VERY misplaced in ANY Linux
> distribution. I would say the same thing about "The top 1000 FAQ on
> home-made apple pie", but nobody has packaged that (yet).

Just make sure that when you do throw it out, you take the bible with it :)
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: building kernel 2.0.x under potato

1999-09-24 Thread Herbert Xu
On Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 09:03:14PM +0200, Filip Van Raemdonck wrote:
> In /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.1/Makefile (the most recent slink source
> .deb available):
> on line 18
> HOSTCC  =gcc
> and on line 25
> This goes for other (debian|upstream) versions as well.

You can easily override this on the command line or in the environment.

> BTW, is any 2.0.38 package planned?

Yes, but it is pretty low priority on my todo list.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: Release-critical Bugreport for September 24, 1999

1999-09-24 Thread Herbert Xu
Turbo Fredriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Package: midentd (main)
>> Maintainer: Turbo Fredriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>   45344  midentd: needs a Conflicts: with other identd's available

> Oki. I have a little time to try to fix this, quite simpel acctually.

> What identd's are there?

> oidentd
> pidentd

> which else?

Please don't do the conflict thing, get pidentd and see how it deals with it.
Do the same in yours.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: Packages should not Conflict on the basis of duplicate functionality

1999-09-24 Thread Herbert Xu
Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>These packages don't conflict; they merely provide the same
>> service.  There is no reason that these three packages cannot
>> coexist on the same system.  Any namespace overlap can be
>> solved by alternatives or renaming, as such things are normally
>> rectified.
>>Debian policy should proscribe such inconveniences.

> Okay, then solve the problem of which one should actually work on the
> standard port?  You can't use update-alternatives if the software is
> launched in a different manner.  If you have such an advanced setup, it
> isn't really that hard to build it yourself, or use --force.

FWIW, the current practice when it comes to things like identd is not to
conflict with each other but be alert when you add entries to inetd.conf.
There is a very good historic reason why this is so, because identd used to
be part of netstd, so if you conflicted with that, you'd be conflicting with
a whole bunch of stuff that you can't live without of.  Even though this is
no longer the case, I think we should definitely keep the same mechanisms in
place since there is no reason why we can't have multiple identd's installed,
or multiple fignerd's, etc. as long as they don't overlap in their fs
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: building kernel 2.0.x under potato

1999-09-25 Thread Herbert Xu
On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 01:31:08PM +0200, Filip Van Raemdonck wrote:
> lucretia:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12-2.2.12$ alias gcc=egcc
> lucretia:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12-2.2.12$ make bzImage
> gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -o scripts/mkdep
> scripts/mkdep.c
> make: gcc: Command not found
> make: *** [scripts/mkdep] Error 127
> lucretia:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12-2.2.12$ exit
> Script done on Sat Sep 25 08:29:51 1999
> Doesn't seem to work for me then...

Of course not, if you want to change the compiler for stuff like dependencies,
you need to set HOSTCC.  But for the problem at hand, which is compiling the
actual kernel with gcc272, CC works just fine.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: building kernel 2.0.x under potato

1999-09-25 Thread Herbert Xu
On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 02:14:11PM +0200, Filip Van Raemdonck wrote:
> Doesn't work either:
> lucretia:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12-2.2.12$ export
> HOSTCC=/usr/bin/egcc
> lucretia:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12-2.2.12$ echo $HOSTCC $CC
> /usr/bin/egcc /usr/bin/egcc
> lucretia:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12-2.2.12$ make bzimage
> make: *** No rule to make target `bzimage'.  Stop.
> lucretia:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12-2.2.12$ make bzImage
> gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -o scripts/mkdep
> scripts/mkdep.c
> make: gcc: Command not found
> make: *** [scripts/mkdep] Error 127

Yes it does,

make bzImage HOSTCC=/usr/bin/egcs
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: building kernel 2.0.x under potato

1999-09-25 Thread Herbert Xu
On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 02:23:42PM +0200, Filip Van Raemdonck wrote:
> > 
> > make bzImage HOSTCC=/usr/bin/egcs
> Indeed it does. I was too busy looking for a way to do it in the
> environment... Can one use this with make-kpkg as well?

Probably not, perhaps you can make a patch...
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: building kernel 2.0.x under potato

1999-09-27 Thread Herbert Xu
On Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 10:41:14PM +0200, Filip Van Raemdonck wrote:
> I actually had to start learning perl for this but I guess it had to
> happen once anyway, so...

Thanks, please forward this to the maintainer of kernel-package.

> You probably want to set the HOSTCC and CC variables in make-kpkg itself,
> not in debian/rules (as I've done). That way they are passed on to every
> target through ${MAKE} (and this is probably why setting on the
> commandline works, while environment variables don't). I 've set them to
> sane (?) defaults if CC and HOSTCC are not exported in the environment.
> Also, dpkg --print-architecture (used in debian/rules) depends on gcc or
> $CC, OTOH it produces an error if the word count of $CC > 1, so I passed
> on $HOSTCC to it (which *should* be just the name of the compiler -maybe
> you could add a check?).

This is arguably a bug in dpkg since the upstream kernel actually sets
CC to include certain options.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: a question about BTS severities

1999-09-27 Thread Herbert Xu
Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Similarly, I don't think a bug is grave if it makes a package unusable by
> just one person in an odd sitution. On the other hand, I think all security
> and data loss bugs are grave, even if only a few people can trigger them.

I disagree.  If a package causes a remote root exploit to be available, even
if it's only in a very specific configuration, I would say that it is critical.
Now how this applies to the other two grades, IMHO should be decided on a
case by case basis.

> What do other think, and have you seen seeing the same runaway bug severity
> inflation I have?

I've certainly seen an increase of release critical bugs recently.  And I
agree that sometimes they are rather overrated, but I don't think we should
make any decisions that we might come to regret later just because of it.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: [Q] Use gcc272 to compile package for potato?

1999-09-27 Thread Herbert Xu
Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have gcc (2.95.2-0pre2) and gcc272 ( installed on my potato
> machine.  The powertweak package that I recently uploaded (0.1.2-3) was
> compiled with gcc 2.95.X   As many of you have noticed, the powertwek inary
> compiled with 2.95.X segfaults.

> I tried various things (including -fno-strict-aliasing).  All of them
> result in a binary with the same problem.  On a whim I compiled with gcc272
> and the package works fine without any segfaults.

> Here is the question.  Can potato contain binaries compiled with gcc272?

IMHO you should try to find the reason for it if at all possible, and only
consider gcc272 as a last resort.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: a question about BTS severities

1999-09-28 Thread Herbert Xu
Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Herbert Xu wrote:
>> I disagree.  If a package causes a remote root exploit to be available, even
>> if it's only in a very specific configuration, I would say that it is 
>> critical.

> No, it's grave. All security bugs are grave, it's part of the definition of
> that priority. And later in my message, I said:

Actually, it should be critical if it's a root exploit.  Grave only includes
those that only comprise the user's account.

>   Similarly, I don't think a bug is grave if it makes a package unusable by 
>   just one person in an odd sitution. On the other hand, I think all security 
>   and data loss bugs are grave, even if only a few people can trigger them. 

Sorry for missing that bit.
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Re: a question about BTS severities

1999-09-28 Thread Herbert Xu
On Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 05:30:51PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> > 
> > Actually, it should be critical if it's a root exploit.  Grave only includes
> > those that only comprise the user's account.
> Last I checked, root is a user. This is not a formal definition we're
> working from, please use common sense. (Note: grave is a _higher_ priotity
> than critical. Note also: root exploits tend to turn into user account
> exploits as soon as the attacker wants them to.)

Root may be a user, but he is a special one at that :) root has privileges
that no other users have.  If a user account was compromised, the attacker
is only able to perform tasks that user was allowed to, however, if the
root account is compromised, then that implies the compromise of all user
accounts on that machine, and things like using privileged ports, or
doing port IO, etc.

Also, AFAIK, critical is listed above grave (and important and others) in
all the relevant docos that I've seen.
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Re: {R,I[INEW]}TP: free ssh [non-US]

1999-10-01 Thread Herbert Xu
James Troup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, I tentatively announce a preliminary ITP, pending confirming that
> their hacked version is indeed DSFG free.  _But_, I'd much rather
> someone with more free time would do it instead.  So, please, someone
> else (who doesn't live in the USA) have a look/go...

The license issues seem to be sorted out for me.  So I'll have a go at it.
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Re: slink -> potato

1999-10-01 Thread Herbert Xu
John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Something I have noticed several times. If you are doing a remote upgrade
> (probably a crazy idea), the telnet daemon (maybe inetd or something) becomes
> unavailble for quite some time. Maybe it is between the time that netbase is 
> unpacked and when it is configured.   There are usually problems with a broken
> package or two so that apt-get upgrade does not work on the first try. If I 
> lose
> my telnet connection, I can't telnet again to fix things.

That's the way it is supposed to be.  However, it does not kill any existing
telnet connections.  The same thing applies to other daemons being upgraded,
including ssh.
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Re: SSH never free

1999-10-02 Thread Herbert Xu
Jason Gunthorpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 1 Oct 1999, James Troup wrote:

>> [ RSA is no longer included. ]

> Wait wait, doesn't this mean that ssh RSA authentication is gone as well??
> Did they replace it with DSS/DH or what? IMHO ssh would cease to be very
> usefull as a security tool without a public key mechism, not to mention
> that existin ssh clients would not be able to securely connect to obsd-ssh
> servers :<

They use libssl, which begs the question why isn't libssl in non-US/non-free?
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Re: SSH never free

1999-10-02 Thread Herbert Xu
Joel Klecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 10:06 +1000 1999-10-02, Herbert Xu wrote:
>>They use libssl, which begs the question why isn't libssl in non-US/non-free?

> Uh, because it isn't non-free?

Here's a quote from the policy:

 `Non-free' contains packages which are not compliant with the DFSG or
 which are encumbered by patents or other legal issues that make their
 distribution problematic.

> If we step into the "patents make something non-free" trap, then we 
> probably have a lot of things in main that should be moved to 
> non-free because they technically infringe on someone's stupid patent.

Please list them so that we can move them over there *now*.

> Perhaps you are confused, ssh became non-free despite patents in 
> 1.2.13, it is *NOT* the patents that make ssh non-free.

The patent makes it non-free, so does the new license.

> Another thing, technically our ssh package is illegal to use in the 
> US because it does not use RSAREF.

Ain't I lukcy then that I don't live in the US :)
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Re: slink -> potato

1999-10-02 Thread Herbert Xu
On Sat, Oct 02, 1999 at 10:26:52PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> Ah. Your problem is probably telnetd's prerm:
> ] if command -v update-inetd >/dev/null 2>&1; then
> ]update-inetd --disable telnet
> ] fi
> It might be better to bracket this with an `if [ "$1" != "upgrade" ]', or
> similar. Herbert, does that sound right?

No, during the upgrade, inetd should not try to start new copies of telnetd
because it may not be there or it may not be executable (e.g., shlibs that
it depends on may be missing).  Thus it must be disabled as is done with all
daemons per the policy.  However, this does not stop any existing telnet
connections so it should not be a problem.

If anyone has seen an existing connection die, please report that as a bug.

> ssh strikes me as much better thing to use for remote updates, though :)

AFAIK ssh does exactly the same thing in its prerm.
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Re: slink -> potato

1999-10-02 Thread Herbert Xu
Anthony Towns  wrote:
> Hmmm. I can't actually find any mention of this in policy. In fact,
> discussion of what should be done when in prerm and postrm seems pretty
> bare, period.

OK, so it's not actually in the policy.

> What sequence of events is actually going to cause problems? I'd have
> thought dpkg would generally manage to keep dependencies pretty reliable
> while upgrading.

The idea is that when you upgrade the package like telnetd, there may be
new shlib dependencies, etc. which means that you should stop spawning
new daemons until it is configured.  Of course, this may not happen for
every release, but the prerm file comes from the old version, so it can't
tell whether this is necessary, but it is the only one that knows exactly
how to stop the daemon from spawning, so it just has to stop it every time.

This applies to standalone daemons as well in the case when the have
configuration files which may change in an incompatible way.

One thing that dpkg doesn't do (AFAIK) is to deconfigure a package when
something it depends on is deconfigured, upgraded or removed.  If this were
the case, then the above would work even better.

> Did anything come of the `locally-essential' thing that apt was going
> to support at one point? So that you could say "telnetd is Essential
> to this machine --- I do remote maintenance", and have Apt configure
> telnetd (and any dependents) ASAP. That would solve the original problem
> pretty well, it seems to me.

Anyway, back to the original problem, the best solution IMHO is just to
run telnet/ssh and screen so that none of this really affects you.
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Re: slink -> potato

1999-10-03 Thread Herbert Xu
On Sun, Oct 03, 1999 at 09:57:12AM -0400, Raul Miller wrote:
> As far as I know, leaving inetd accepting connections would, worst case,
> fail -- which is no different from having the service disabled.  In other
> words, I don't see that disabling the daemon solves anything useful.

I think the worst case would be a telnetd linked with a broken shlib (or in
the case of telnetd, perhaps a missing or broken /usr/lib/telnetd/login) that
gives a security hole.  If you wish to minimise downtime, the proper way to
do it IMHO is to have certain packages flagged as daemons, and they should be
upgraded (by whatever program that is in charge) one by one.
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Re: slink -> potato

1999-10-03 Thread Herbert Xu
On Sun, Oct 03, 1999 at 07:06:10PM -0400, Raul Miller wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 08:15:54AM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
> > I think the worst case would be a telnetd linked with a broken
> > shlib (or in the case of telnetd, perhaps a missing or broken
> > /usr/lib/telnetd/login) that gives a security hole. If you wish to
> > minimise downtime, the proper way to do it IMHO is to have certain
> > packages flagged as daemons, and they should be upgraded (by whatever
> > program that is in charge) one by one.
> Under what circumstances would this be in effect during an
> upgrade but not otherwise?

The fact that dpkg does not deconfigure a package which depends on another
deconfigured package is a bug in dpkg.  This should not be used as an excuse
to not deal with things correctly in maintainer scripts.
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Re: slink -> potato

1999-10-04 Thread Herbert Xu
On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 09:36:36PM +1300, Michael Beattie wrote:
> On Sat, 2 Oct 1999, Herbert Xu wrote:
> > If anyone has seen an existing connection die, please report that as a bug.
> what against? "internet" ??

My message was about telnetd getting killed, so of course it would be against
telnetd if an existing telnetd died during the upgrade.
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Re: should installed daemons automatically restart upon upgrade?

1999-10-04 Thread Herbert Xu
Colin Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a parallel problem to this thread:  I have gpm installed for those times
> when I am doing a lot of console work, but generally I don't run it because
> it interferes with Quake II, among other things.  So I did an:

> update-rc.d -f gpm remove

Try editing /etc/init.d/gpm instead.
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Re: SSH never free

1999-10-06 Thread Herbert Xu
Marco d'Itri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 02, Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >The patent makes it non-free, so does the new license.
> Really? In my country RSA is not patented, why should I care about what
> happens in someone else country?

Please have a look at our policy.
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Re: netstd split results in loss of functionality

2000-03-11 Thread Herbert Xu
On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 01:09:26AM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> Why doesn't netstd depend: on all the packages it previously included?
> When upgrading to potato, tftpd functionality is lost because the new
> netstd only suggests it. And the parameters to tftpd have changed
> and the new package does not update the inetd entry.

The reason is that the old netstd did not enable tftpd by default, while the
new tftpd package always enables tftpd.
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Re: weird NFS problem

2000-03-12 Thread Herbert Xu
On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 01:21:14AM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> The behaviour of the user space nfs server has changed in a potentially
> nasty way and there's no documentation about it in the package or
> better yet at installation time.

This is a bug introduced last year.  I have a fixed version here.  Whether
it will get into potato is up to the release manager.
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Re: Release-critical Bugreport for March 10, 2000

2000-03-12 Thread Herbert Xu
Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 11, 2000 at 12:07:11PM +0100, Christian Hammers wrote:
>> > Package: nfs-kernel-server (debian/main)
>> > Maintainer: Chip Salzenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >   59641  nfs-kernel-server: conflicts with Standard package nfs-server
>> > Package: nfs-server (debian/main)
>> > Maintainer: Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >   59642  nfs-server: conflicts with Standard package nfs-kernel-server
>> Huh? Isn't this what it is expected to?

> They can't both be standard if they conflict with each other, see Policy.

I will be uploading a new release with a symlink bug fix and a downgraded
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Re: Permission policy

2000-03-16 Thread Herbert Xu
Ruud de Rooij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (of course, this attack can be prevented using mount options to
> disable setgid executables on all filesystems where users have write
> access)

But the user can still leave a process running with the privileges after he
logs out.  Now whenever he logs in from anywhere else in the world, he can
request the privileges from that process.
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Re: Two maintainer entrys in "bug reports by maintainer"

2000-03-16 Thread Herbert Xu
Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Should I file a bug report against the bug system?
> (Filing a bug-report against myself is hard in this case because
> I can't fix it ;-).)

I think if you reupload your packages with the correct Maintainer field, then
the bug system will fix itself.
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Re: Two maintainer entrys in "bug reports by maintainer"

2000-03-17 Thread Herbert Xu
On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 08:25:47AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hmmm, that might fix the situation of two entries in the bug report
> for woody but not for slink or potato bugs.

I don't think that the bug tracking system takes this into account at all.
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Re: Advice on inetd Denial of Service Bug

2000-03-30 Thread Herbert Xu
Anthony Towns  wrote:
> Unfortunately I can't think of a reasonable way of checking for this
> in the preinst. The shell code I posted to the bug report works okay
> for testing, but it'll report existing connections that are perfectly
> reasonable, rather than just programs listening where they shouldn't be,
> so it's not particularly good for sticking in a preinst and randomly
> killing processes. It also depends on an optional package, which ain't
> good.

Surely you can check whether the process is inetd by looking up

As to the dependency on fuser, hmm, now what's that thing called netstat(1)
which happens to be in your package and also happens to have a flag called
-p? :)
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Re: Advice on inetd Denial of Service Bug

2000-03-30 Thread Herbert Xu
Drew Bloechl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 01:11:09PM +0200, Paul Slootman wrote:
>>   -p, --programs
>>   displays process name and PID of the owner of each  socket
>>   it dumps. You have to be the owner of such process to have
>>   all it's sockets matched to it or generally root user will
>>   see all the necessary information in place.

> IIRC -p doesn't work on 2.0 kernels.  I believe 2.2 added the fields 
> required for this in /proc/net/tcp.  

The only piece of info that 2.2 has over 2.0 is the socket/pipe flag in
/proc/pid/fd.  This is not really needed.  The inode info were added back
in the 1.3.* days.

However, it is true that the current netstat wants this piece of information.
So the question is whether it is worthwile to fix netstat for 2.0.* when it
is going to be totally obsolete soon when 2.4 comes out.

Anyway, if the check is to be implemented at all, it'll have to be in postinst
since slink's netstat doesn't do -p.

> You can track this information down the hard way with the 
> pseudo-inode netstat gives you by referencing them against 
> /proc//fd/*, but that's not a very attractive solution.  

Which is essentially what netstat does with -p.
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Re: DUL (was Re: RBL report..)

2000-04-03 Thread Herbert Xu
Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 06:58:18PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
>> The analogy is flawed. Solutions have been offered several
>> times owner for DUL-listed or potentially DUL-listed users.
>> All of which should not be too difficult to set up for
>> a Debian developer.

> You demonstrate limited facility to construe the analogy.

> The "solutions" that have been offered effectively result in concealing the
> fact that the ultimate origin of the mail is a dynamic IP, therefore this

And that is the whole point of the DUL.  When a dynamic IP site is relaying
through someone else, the relaying host will be responsible if and when the
dynamic IP site misbehaves.

If they're sending directly, then no one needs to claim responsbility as the
receiver cannot block the sending address easily due to its dynamic nature.
OTOH, if a relay doesn't do something about a spammer, it can easily be
blocked, thus giving a relay's admin a very strong incentive to act.
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Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-15 Thread Herbert Xu
Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 09:54:28AM -0400, Chad Miller wrote:
>> Hear, hear!  It would be a flag day for a few poorly written programs
>> out there, but a reorg is worth it.

> Then they're VERY poorly written.  The proper way (in posix sh) to invoke a
> command that should be in the path (but look before you leap) is this:

But I thought one of the main complaints was that /usr/sbin wasn't in the
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Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-15 Thread Herbert Xu
Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 05:55:38PM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
>> But I thought one of the main complaints was that /usr/sbin wasn't in the
>> PATH.

> Generally, maintainer scripts, and programs meant to be run by root, run as
> root.

> If a program expects to use some tool that only root would use, it should
> expect to be running as root.

So you do agree with me that it is better to leave traceroute in /usr/sbin?
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Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Herbert Xu
Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting the FHS:

>   Deciding what things go into "sbin" directories is simple: If a normal
>   (not a system administrator) user will ever run it directly, then it
>   should be placed in one of the "bin" directories.  Ordinary users should
>   not have to place any of the sbin directories in their path.

>   Note: For example, files such as chfn which users only occasionally use
>   should still be placed in /usr/bin.  ping, although it is absolutely
>   necessary for root (network recovery and diagnosis) is often used by
>   users and should live in /bin for that reason.

Well, the FHS is contradicting itself here.  On one hand, it says that
ifconfig is required to be in /sbin, on the other, according to this
paragraph, since a user could ocassionally wish to run ifconfig to list
the interfaces, it has to be in /bin.  Someone should bring this up on
the FHS list.

Blindly following a contradictory standard is only going to get us into
trouble later on.

Just to rephrase my main reason for not moving traceroute, it's a tool that
is in the same category as ping/ifconfig/route, i.e., it's a network
diagnostic tool.  On Linux, ping has traditionally been in /bin while the
other three have always lived in /sbin and /usr/sbin, respectively.  Unless
there is a very good reason (for the convenience of users who should really
be changing their PATH variable is not good enough IMHO), we shouldn't move
these things around as LOCAL scripts may depend on them.

Now if a later version of the FHS unequivocally stated that all these tools
should be in /bin or /usr/bin, and as a project we decide to do that, then
we can carry out such a change in a way not dissimilar to how things were
moved around when the FSSTND first came about.
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Re: Intel Assembly error

2000-08-16 Thread Herbert Xu
Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> /* the original bogomips code from the Linux kernel */
>> static __inline__ void delay(int loops)
>> {
>>   __asm__(".align 2,0x90\n1:\tdecl %0\n\tjns 1b": :"a" (loops):"ax");
>> }

You can either read the GCC FAQ or the GCC info on the details of this

But in order to add some signal to this message, the above line should be
rewritten as

int bradon;
__asm__(".align 2,0x90\n1:\tdecl %0\n\tjns 1b"
: "=a" (=brandon): "0" (loops));

> I am not an assembly guru on any architecture, but here's what I think this
> means.  Please be warned that these could be the ravings of a deranged
> lunatic.

Which they are, as usual.
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Re: Intel Assembly error

2000-08-16 Thread Herbert Xu
Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> int bradon;
> __asm__(".align 2,0x90\n1:\tdecl %0\n\tjns 1b"
>   : "=a" (=brandon): "0" (loops));

Make that

int brandon;
__asm__ __volatile__(".align 2,0x90\n1:\tdecl %0\n\tjns 1b"
: "=a" (brandon): "0" (loops));

Oh, and you should probably upgrade your kernel as this is ancient.
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Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Herbert Xu
Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Incidentally, if one wants to argue by analogy, traceroute is more similar
> to ping than it is to ifconfig or route, because both traceroute and ping
> actually send ICMP packets out over the interface, and neither ifconfig nor

Hmm, I didn't know that traceroute sent ICMP packets by default.  Are you
sure you are talking about /usr/sbin/traceroute?

Anyway, from my personal experience,
ifconfig/route/ping/traceroute/snmpnetstat are often used together to
diagnose problems (or just waste time and bandwidth).
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Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-17 Thread Herbert Xu
Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Anyway, from my personal experience,
>> ifconfig/route/ping/traceroute/snmpnetstat are often used together to
>> diagnose problems (or just waste time and bandwidth).

> Tons of people use ping and traceroute without needing to invoke ifconfig,
> route, or any form of netstat tool; for instance, when diagnosing routing

snmpnetstat will show the routing table of routers that export it
through SNMP.  My point is that route in this case is simply a
special case of snpmnetstat.
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Re: /bin/ksh as a default POSIX shell

2000-08-30 Thread Herbert Xu
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 10:10:04AM +0100, Anton Ivanov wrote:
> It parses command line -en different from bash. Different getopts ;-)

How does it differ? AFAIK, ash's getopts is POSIX compliant.
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Re: /bin/ksh as a default POSIX shell

2000-08-30 Thread Herbert Xu
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 11:57:17AM +0100, Anton Ivanov wrote:
>   Sorry, wrote my first message with too high blood level in the caffeine 
> subsystem. I meant echo -ne.

Neither SuS nor POSIX specifies -e so ash is free to do whatever it chooses.
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Re: /bin/ksh as a default POSIX shell

2000-08-30 Thread Herbert Xu
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 12:31:15PM +0100, Anton Ivanov wrote:
> > 
> > Neither SuS nor POSIX specifies -e so ash is free to do whatever it chooses.
>   If you noted I have not used the word POSIX anywhere. I just said that 
> there 
> are tons things that will break.

And this is Debian where we have a policy that says #!/bin/sh scripts
need to be POSIX compliant.

>   You cannot use it as a default shell without auditing all scripts. 

I use it on all my systems and currently nothing breaks.
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Re: /bin/ksh as a default POSIX shell

2000-08-30 Thread Herbert Xu
Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>"Herbert" == Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  Herbert> And this is Debian where we have a policy that says #!/bin/sh 
> scripts
>  Herbert> need to be POSIX compliant.

>   What policy says is:

We were talking about echo -ne, not echo -n which ash does understand.
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