Bug#956957: ITP: seaweedfs -- highly scalable distributed file system
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Dmitry Smirnov X-Debbugs-CC: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian...@lists.debian.org Package name: seaweedfs Version: 1.74 Upstream Author: Chris Lu License: Apache-2.0 URL: https://github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/seaweedfs Description: highly scalable distributed file system SeaweedFS is a highly scalable distributed file system, to store and serve billions of files fast. . SeaweedFS implements an object store with O(1) disk seek, transparent cloud integration, and an optional Filer supporting POSIX, S3 API, AES256 encryption, Rack-Aware Erasure Coding for warm storage, FUSE mount, Hadoop compatible, WebDAV. SeaweedFS ensures integrity of data. signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Bug#956960: ITP: squeekboard -- On-screen keyboard for Wayland
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Arnaud Ferraris * Package name: squeekboard Version : 1.9.0 Upstream Author : Dorota Czaplejewicz * URL : https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/squeekboard * License : GPL Programming Lang: Rust Description : On-screen keyboard for Wayland Virtual keyboard supporting Wayland, built primarily for use with Phosh on mobile devices such as phones and tablets.
Videoconference today 2020-04-17 18:00 UTC (Was: For those who want to keep on contributing (Was: Debian @ COVID-19 Biohackathon (April 5-11, 2020)))
Hi, according to the poll results the best time today seems to be 18:00 UTC. Feel free to check https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Debian+CoViD-19+Biohackathon+Video+Conference&iso=20200417T20&p1=37&ah=1 for your time zone. The Jitsi channel will remain the one used in the official sprint period: https://meet.jit.si/DebianMedCovid19 See you later Andreas. On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 09:22:54PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote: > Hi, > > there will be a formal summary of our sprint which I'd describe with the > short summary that we have approached in one week more than in usual two > monthes work. Thanks a lot to all who contributed - especially thanks > for an enormous support from ftpmaster (we had huge batches of accepted > packages in less than 24 hours!) > > Since the COVID-19 situation is by no means settled and as usual > successful work tends to create even more work we want to continue our > effort. So those who are interested to contribute the contact points > below remain valid. We also want to continue with video meetings. As a > first date we try an end-of-week meeting on Fridays (I'm open for better > suggestions why Friday is not so good and a different day of week should > be choosen). Here is a poll for the exact time for next Friday: > > http://whenisgood.net/hd53twx > > Looking forward to see you next Friday > > Andreas. > > On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 08:59:50PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote: > > Dear Debian Community, > > > > There will be an virtual (online) COVID-19 Biohackathon from April 5-11, > > 2020 and the Debian Med team invite you help us improve biomedical FOSS > > and the tools/libraries that support those projects. > > > > Most tasks do not require any knowledge of biology or medicine, and all > > types of contributions are welcome: bug triage, testing, documentation, > > CI, translations, packaging, and code contributions. > > > > 1. Debian related bugs are viewable at [covid19-bugs] > > > > 2. Software awaiting packaging is listed at [covid-19-packages], please > > respond to the RFP with your intent so we don't duplicate work > > > > 3. You can also contribute directly to the upstream packages, linked > > from the Debian Med COVID-19 task page at [covid-19-packages]. Note: > > many biomedical software packages are quite resource limited, even > > compared to a typical FOSS project. Please be kind to the upstream > > author/maintainers and realize that they may have limited resources to > > review your contribution. Triaging open issues and opening pull requests > > to fix problems is likely to be more useful than nitpicking their coding > > style. > > > > 4. Architectures/porting: Please focus on amd64, as it is the primary > > architecture for biomedical software. A secondary tier would be arm64 / > > ppc64el / s390x (but beware the endian-related issues on s390x). From a > > free/open hardware perspective it would be great to see more riscv64 > > support, but that is not a priority right now > > > > 5. The Debian Med team is also trying to improve the availability of > > automated biomedical pipelines/workflows [robust-workflows] using the > > Common Workflow Language open standard. The reference implementation of > > CWL is written in Python and there are many open issues ready for work > > that don't require any biomedical background [cwltool-issues] > > > > 6. It is very easy to contribute to Debian Med team. We have a lowNMU > > policy for all our packages. Merge requests on Salsa are usually > > processed quickly (but please ping some of the latest Uploaders of the > > package to make sure it will be noticed). Even better if you ask for > > membership to the team and push directly to the salsa repository. > > > > 7. The [debian-med-team-policy] should answer all questions how to > > contribute. > > > > The main COVID-19 biohackathon is being organized at [covid-19-bh20] and > > for Debian's participation we are using [salsa-covid-19-bh20] > > > > [covid-19-bugs] https://blends.debian.org/med/bugs/covid-19.html > > > > [covid-19-packages] https://blends.debian.org/med/tasks/covid-19 > > > > [covid-19-bh20] https://github.com/virtual-biohackathons/covid-19-bh20 > > > > [salsa-covid-19-bh20] > > https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/community/2020-covid19-hackathon > > > > [robust-workflows] https://doi.org/10.1007/s41019-017-0050-4 > > > > [cwltool-issues] https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwltool/issues > > > > [COVID-19-advice] > > https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public > > > > [debian-med-team-policy] https://med-team.pages.debian.net/policy/ > > > > Sincerely, > > > > Michael R. Crusoe on behalf of the Debian-Med team > > > > (and Andreas Tille on behalf of Michael R. Crusoe ;-) ) > > > > > > > > -- > > Michael R. Crusoe > > > > -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- > > > > iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEck1gkzcRPHEFUNdHPCZ2P2xn5uIFAl56BmsACgkQPCZ2P2xn > > 5uJ
Re: trends.debian.net updated
On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 05:36:37PM +0100, Ben Hutchings wrote: > > If a package hasn't been uploaded for 7 years, then: > > * At least some of its binary packages were probably built by the > uploader, not on a buildd > * If it's written in C or C++, it hasn't been built with all the > current hardening options that should be used > * Its binary packages probably aren't repoducible > * It may not build correctly with the current build tools (failure to > build at all would usually be caught and reported, though) +1 * If it was maintained on Alioth its Vcs URLs are broken now. * If its not yet maintained on Salsa that would be a good reason to do so > I think we should be rebuilding everything at least once per release > cycle, so we don't have a nasty surprise when these "mature" packages > need bug fixes. I have a script which outputs a sorted list of packages that are relevant for the Debian Med Blend. I try hard to upload all packages not uploaded since the last release and I *always* had something to do. Kind regards Andreas. -- http://fam-tille.de
Bug#958024: ITP: openapi-spec-validator -- OpenAPI Spec Validator is a Python library that validates OpenAPI Specs
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Joachim Langenbach -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 * Package name: openapi-spec-validator Version : 0.2.8 Upstream Author : Artur Maciag * URL : https://github.com/p1c2u/openapi-spec-validator * License : Apache 2.0 Programming Lang: Python Description : OpenAPI Spec Validator is a Python library that validates OpenAPI Specs OpenAPI Spec Validator is a Python library that validates OpenAPI Specs against the OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger) and OpenAPI 3.0.0 specification. The validator aims to check for full compliance with the Specification. The openapi-spec-validator is needed for connexion, which is my final goal of packaging. Connexion is a python-library, which uses flask to server openapi defined webservices. The following packages are needed on top of the ones already listed in debian: * python3-connexion * python3-clickclick * python3-openapi-spec-validator * python3-pytest-aiohttp * python3-swagger-ui-bundle * python3-pytest-flake8 (s. Bug #894786) I already packaged all of this packages and will upload them one after another. I think connexion will be very helpful for many developers and webservice providers. Therefore it will be good to have a version of this application in debian. -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- iQGzBAEBCAAdFiEE8M5SQByE659VY/pttfswyGF4AoIFAl6ZwXEACgkQtfswyGF4 AoLX8Av/eX4x5duGL4tqPrrsYFyJuIJOoY/h1azRFlsSX+np3Fhp3ee3MK1p1j13 /R2hepNbARapvv0GEkceapO2pQScPbamMbXrybASZTy32fEF98r6NfEWNVh5iRQB WpIBrHCnndinZJKI69zPBgh42HkBU18X9Z4R6y6/M40SJVpcmmlO2/732IiHOe0i doAtiIyl3vL0Y7TZr9l9vRJ9b9qo6ClDC4O6IOTJy/XMODU/v8RNIIpu2qnX9hQj zsI9LVQUDQLURsp2eWXCWxW1MfKE8awvB7mrrb3lDCt3dRmqYdw44uyOpQCbYFAK hRgPawnCCy+8sF3H9mRTW8TwKeg3pS8/cCtuLH5vlrNvtBmMLV4wIjuUfhTcATct rsp4gyMLjjKgwONQ1F3+0SRXVrVnbB0XVAuY+z3fe22QGM1etLRrCaayDMejTzTU tQw1KOiex7uqOajVVUsu7zFr7Pv63r4ZLxxTdSsKeCvzMFNSMDP7q9252bbUMPn/ NC4bcEAw =QcHo -END PGP SIGNATURE-
Bug#958026: ITP: swagger-ui-bundle -- This package contains the static files for swagger-ui as a Python package.
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Joachim Langenbach -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 * Package name: swagger-ui-bundle Version : 0.0.6 Upstream Author : Daniel Grossmann-Kavanagh * URL : https://github.com/dtkav/swagger_ui_bundle * License : Apache 2.0 Programming Lang: Python Description : This package contains the static files for swagger-ui as a Python package. This package contains the static files for swagger-ui as a Python package. Basic configuration options are templated with the Jinja2 templating language. This package is intended to be webserver-agnostic, so it only includes the static files, and some very basic configuration. The swagger-ui-bundle is needed for connexion, which is my final goal of packaging. Connexion is a python-library, which uses flask to serve openapi defined webservices. The following packages are needed on top of the ones already listed in debian: * python3-connexion * python3-clickclick * python3-openapi-spec-validator (s. #958024) * python3-pytest-aiohttp * python3-swagger-ui-bundle * python3-pytest-flake8 (s. Bug #894786) I already packaged all of this packages and will upload them one after another. I think connexion will be very helpful for many developers and webservice providers. Therefore it will be good to have a version of this application in debian. -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- iQGzBAEBCAAdFiEE8M5SQByE659VY/pttfswyGF4AoIFAl6Zw+QACgkQtfswyGF4 AoLAbQv+PERMYUsMGYys0MOv2fM/eMIdjmVrKQwy1kM+if+4/NlwkoH54EoXV8uW kS+embarCQsVtMNOyrptCLEj5T7uSsLiWmXSHwM6YOnkaFPfUKyBcjnl3IMJn41Y xXvWpYE4FpBTK2uFobmaR3F1B+Mx4Qodn6XUAHFJx6IG93nZoCEXbSivfMGZ6xkT fuJT/A8djIgM8vfsnIM1dADSAKNKpfpTluhSU6jyHLnJDPbyjTUxNtErdZj0IEXA 74ZYXb4SDbHZd05o6ukopCT42TQMbUAJdScAXrL0vNetx5ea0Bqu3D/KQWLhI6jZ 0yR7G2nPm9Lr42gx2IcrdJU5fi19N7UnyoIRM8Shx7Djg9gUzEySdLjoTDWuUx5i FFBnKtPWgxAS7u3voF+6fSWRFVWjpM4580cV4ap3j7jmzvf2O10gypGUwpR1UdbD mkJ7ABL6t446uQyVia+y93t2qwjX5KFebUphLdsbSV+fY7VjByxCahRF/wOqe5J/ Sc9pIs2P =zhIr -END PGP SIGNATURE-
Bug#958030: ITP: clickclick -- Utility functions (Python 3 only) for the wonderful `Click library`.
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Joachim Langenbach -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 * Package name: clickclick Version : 1.2.2 Upstream Author : Henning Jacobs * URL : https://github.com/zalando/python-clickclick * License : Apache 2.0 Programming Lang: Python Description : Utility functions (Python 3 only) for the wonderful `Click library`. Utility functions (Python 3 only) for the wonderful `Click library`. Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary. The clickclick is needed for connexion, which is my final goal of packaging. Connexion is a python-library, which uses flask to serve openapi defined webservices. The following packages are needed on top of the ones already listed in debian: * python3-connexion * python3-clickclick * python3-openapi-spec-validator (s. #958024) * python3-pytest-aiohttp (rejected by ftpmasters because of size s. Bug #951711 --> will be omitted with patch) * python3-swagger-ui-bundle (s. Bug #958026) * python3-pytest-flake8 (s. Bug #894786) I already packaged all of this packages and will upload them one after another. I think connexion will be very helpful for many developers and webservice providers. Therefore it will be good to have a version of this application in debian. -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- iQGzBAEBCAAdFiEE8M5SQByE659VY/pttfswyGF4AoIFAl6ZzHEACgkQtfswyGF4 AoI1cgv9HqjDrDn5DlMMh85XXFy9lmf2B1WWi9rsM5siKrXjERbEMZ6rhaY/8TlA XhWK4JPLoH0ZFaZekKRUzPbwX0nnAiwwYgZhqLVtx9cmdk48zbKMChXfg20zZBno 8vEphmN1LAy42Nu0QpjoqPvlOEoYG8lOUJIN8ND1XtE0X8xjnaN9QYuAb7wT6lC4 UbSG/tx5jdmvGmfebyIAr6qWfFJI/aspIssoVn4hddvRVlxAR8QuFyp4aT6V8cL2 jCbR/rGl0x3Pu737mnGSFV5n7zl36NOYzqH7s7yzTpZuX2VNcvfH0v4imdzDXxR4 le6wruDIoeWU64hi3LgWd3BPjqxhCQ3s+shcNBQph+PnGzJLN0Egvlv6hbFLvEbp f6k8X9Ra9nHCh11UuRMiQsh+pSgnhhl/Sn45yhIwuTcfmiXKGfH3Tp95KgUbHd71 y+S+cWqKpANgki+hYxJECka0OY/m58ErOMUeFmDJvTDwllGITnuTI+t7SxITAbBb eM+O16bT =nh+7 -END PGP SIGNATURE-
Bug#958033: ITP: golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate -- SQL schema migration tool for Go
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Pirate Praveen X-Debbugs-CC: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian...@lists.debian.org * Package name : golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate Version : 0.0~git20191213.0633851-1 Upstream Author : Ruben Vermeersch * URL : https://github.com/rubenv/sql-migrate * License : Expat Programming Lang: Go Description : SQL schema migration tool for Go. sql-migrate is SQL Schema migration tool for Go based on gorp and goose . Features • Usable as a CLI tool or as a library • Supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL and Oracle databases (through gorp) • Can embed migrations into your application • Migrations are defined with SQL for full flexibility • Atomic migrations • Up/down migrations to allow rollback • Supports multiple database types in one project • Works great with other libraries such as sqlx Build dependency of gitaly
Bug#958042: ITP: connexion -- API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Joachim Langenbach -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 * Package name: connexion Version : 2.6.0 Upstream Author : Zalando SE * URL : https://github.com/zalando/connexion * License : Apache 2.0 Programming Lang: Python Description : API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask Connexion is a framework that automagically handles HTTP requests based on `OpenAPI Specification` (formerly known as Swagger Spec) of your API described in `YAML format`. Connexion allows you to write an OpenAPI specification, then maps the endpoints to your Python functions; this makes it unique, as many tools generate the specification based on your Python code. You can describe your REST API in as much detail as you want; then Connexion guarantees that it will work as you specified. Connexion Features: - Validates requests and endpoint parameters automatically, based on your specification - Provides a Web Swagger Console UI so that the users of your API can have live documentation and even call your API's endpoints through it - Handles OAuth 2 token-based authentication - Supports API versioning - Supports automatic serialization of payloads. If your specification defines that an endpoint returns JSON, Connexion will automatically serialize the return value for you and set the right content type in the HTTP header. The following packages are needed on top of the ones already listed in debian: * python3-connexion * python3-clickclick (s. Bug #958030) * python3-openapi-spec-validator (s. Bug #958024) * python3-pytest-aiohttp (rejected by ftpmasters because of size s. Bug #951711 --> will be omitted with patch) * python3-swagger-ui-bundle (s. Bug #958026) * python3-pytest-flake8 (s. Bug #894786) I already packaged all of this packages and will upload them one after another. I think connexion will be very helpful for many developers and webservice providers. Therefore it will be good to have a version of this application in debian. Especially as I developed a webservice using it, which I want to deploy on a debian server, without installing code not from the official repositories. -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- iQGzBAEBCAAdFiEE8M5SQByE659VY/pttfswyGF4AoIFAl6Z6jMACgkQtfswyGF4 AoJ2iwv/dDIAkuqsOz5icmhgvTgPRBM+QadqG9sFpkeC8nOiv+1vhBPzQTAh7Q+5 ZA42oaaGhcwleje+Js/QR3RfOOYVCWWefI5lF8UuAwgY5SuGpErPjf8vlbgiMzHE tIrHuIVUK4dBecO90GEHa66fh/XRA4PAeMzXnL5t3SAzJdD75trcfVYKnAH1H8A6 KSKqm2hgyv2IHBNLuBY7Ffd067FvdApgTkOzc7yv0qnLefL7L1S7F1v9YVvSrrUW 1YbfuJKjqH8lhUC6JqghiCzgl7ynZYnSxSqM8AtvFFiHUpsvcUk6EZMLesOXm/Eh JxgCq4Pea5aaUT2fHRCuFHPQbgcsS0R7FVNnUDs1DH5A8vKwbLB3dJLI7ExE8VKx J8nrEG3BnXnr4JocKWI5VMD+kNhtXa/3iMdAwHgk11tkQPX8xx9KB8uXZ6qXV1DS xxVCdjXm57RzxsEZMy9+LAsD9Z9IKH9CMyAiysO5rEzTz69AJY9spA1PVVPmJ1JU wjuqdSyb =VuNI -END PGP SIGNATURE-
Bug#958072: ITP: xgboost -- Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Mo Zhou * Package name: xgboost * URL : https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost * License : Apache-2 Programming Lang: C++, Pyhton Description : Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library Useful for the data science community. Will be maintained under the debian deeplearning team.