Re: Woody r4 images ready

2005-01-07 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2005-01-07 14:06:59, schrieb Mattias Wadenstein:

> Bandwidth graph for the last couple of days, with a nice peak yesterday:

Wow... Curently I am consuming 680 kByte/sec with an ADSL 8 MBit
Will be a long weekend to burn the CD's for i386, ppc, hppa and mips

> /Mattias Wadenstein


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/8845235667100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: too many CD ISOs

2007-04-20 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2007-04-17 11:42:17, schrieb Michael Loftis:
> It's becoming prohibitively expensive for mirrors to maintain a debian 
> mirror because of the huge amount of storage required by all of the CD/DVD 
> images.  This has been brought up before by mirror maintainers. 
> IMH(umble)O Jigdo should be pushed much much harder since it can generate 
> the entire CD or DVD set for a given arch off a normal repo pool, and those 
> have to be kept around anyway.

But jigdo is sometimes no option since it can not run on small

Last week I was in Algeria and have tried to download "Etch" using
Jigdo but it requires to much resources on my Laptop TP570 (P2/366
with 192 MByte of memory) while downloading the CD-Iso's went fine
with wget and will run even on a 486 with 64 MByte.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: too many CD ISOs

2007-04-20 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2007-04-17 00:59:35, schrieb Matt Taggart:
> DVD drives have been out for long enough that new drives are cheap, and you 
> can probably find a used drive for only a few bucks (or free) if you don't 
> want to buy new (even DVD writers are getting affordable). They are available 
> in IDE/SCSI/sata/USB connection types, internal and external enclosures, and 
> it probably possible to add one to machines of all the archs that Debian 

There are many countries where you will have trouble to get DVD-Rom/
Burner and even there are no Venders of CD/DVD...
But they have and Internet connection... even sometimes vers slow...
(I know 2 peoples who have downloaded the binary-1.iso with a V.34+ modem)

> supports. In the rare cases it's not(and again, these are cases where there 
> is 
> ALSO no good internet connection), people can probably run a LAN cable to a 
> nearby machine that can support a DVD drive and serve things up via http.

But they need at least the first 2-4 CD-Images...

> For the folks that these images are for, the ones far off the internet, I 
> have 
> no idea how many CD images lenny will require, but I bet the cost of that 
> many 
> CDs and shipping will be close enough to the cost of a DVD drive and the 
> fewer 
> amount of DVDs required. Or even shipping a cheap hard drive...

A DVD-Drive send from France to an African contry cost environement
40 Euros plus the Import-Tax between 30-80 Euro...  I have already
an experience with it and then, there is no waranty that it goes to
the Person...

> Also the CDs are sorted according to popularity. The interestingness of the 
> CD 
> images drops off very quickly after the the first few.
> Costs of additional CD images:
> * require additional cycles to generate (pretty cheap, but adds up as it's 
> done
>   a lot)
> * storage to keep around (currently all the ISOs are 340+ gb IIRC, maybe 40% 
> is the full CD set)
> * bandwidth to provide (jidgo fixes this for people using it, but not 
> everyone 
> does)
> * additional bandwidth/storage on mirrors
> * requires additional torrent seeds
> So how about keeping around a fixed amount of CD images per arch and dropping 
> the rest? I was thinking 3-4, but it might be cool to keep the first DVD's 
> worth of packages, so maybe that would be 7 CDs?

I think, this would be very acceptable...

> Hmm, we have the kde/xfce images too, I wonder if it would be possible to 
> make 
> each of those be unique beyond the base install and they could act as CD 2 
> and 
> 3 for each other?

Why not make three BASE CD's, where on

1.  is ALL KDE
2.  is ALL GNOME
3.  is all fvwm/xfce

stuff?  This CD's can be small as possible, even if they will have
only 200-400 MBytes.

I have never used KDE/GNOME and it is annoying, that I need to download
several 100 MBytes for nothing only to get a full install CD (and no,
netinstall is NO OPTION, since in most cases I have not Network)

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: too many CD ISOs

2007-04-20 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Joey,

Am 2007-04-18 01:02:11, schrieb Joey Hess:
> I've been looking around the CD vendors. Ideally, I'd like to buy:
> * netinst (in an actual mini-iso form factor)
> * businesscard (in an actual businesscard form factor)
> * multiarch DVD
> * multiarch CD
> I have not been able to find any of these for etch. Haven't checked
> _all_ the US vendors yet, but I am not optimistic.
> * gnome CD (CD #1), kde CD, and xfce CD
> The only way to get this from many vendors is by buying a set of all 23
> CDs for ~$30. (Other vendors offer a 21 CD set that omit the kde and xfce
> CDs.) I don't mind the price, but buying 20 CDs that I will _never_ use
> is not something I can justify. (Things are somewhat better for the DVDs;
> even if I'd never use DVDs 2/3 it's useful archivally.)
> IMHO we need to do something to get vendors to default to selling the CDs
> that are useful, and de-emphasise the great big vanity packs that are
> just a waste of plastic for most users.

Do you mean, Vendors should be encouraged to sell singel CD's ondemand?

I was already thinking to do this from the Online-Store of my
new Website but with "Non-Officiel" CD-Images since I know
many peoples which use all the Debian stuff WITHOUT KDE/GNOME.

Leaving out KDE/GNOME will save more then a CD of download...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: Bug#420716: Please make exact iso sizes more visible

2007-04-25 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2007-04-24 11:19:40, schrieb Mark Weyer:
> I think this use case should be a standard one and 
> could have clear instructions, including file sizes, on how to check
> purchased CDs/DVDs. (I know there is the checkiso script, but it is
> outdated and it admits that it does not solve the padding problem.)

How do you want to enforce this?

Many CD-Vendors (including me create Custom CD's) so the MD5 will
never match and since I update my CD's as new Packages are coming
in, which mean I include "security" directly...

But however, I include a file "CD.md5sum" in the root directory of
my CD's which should be realy clear.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: too many CD ISOs

2007-04-27 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2007-04-24 23:14:15, schrieb Sven Mueller:
>  CDs DVDs
> April 2008:  24   4
> April 2009:  27   4  Lenny?
> April 2010:  31   5
> April 2011:  35   6  Lenny+1?
> April 2012:  40   6
> April 2013:  45   7  Lenny+2?
> April 2014:  51   8
> April 2015:  57   9  Lenny+3?
> April 2016:  64  10
> April 2017:  71  11  Lenny+4?
> April 2018:  79  12
> April 2019:  87  13  Lenny+5?
> April 2020:  96  15
> April 2021: 106  16  Lenny+6?
> April 2022: 117  18
> April 2023: 128  19  Lenny+7?
> April 2024: 140  21
> April 2025: 152  23  Lenny+8?
> So that would be 71 CDs / 11 DVDs ten years from now. Quite different
> from your doomsday scenario of Lenny releasing with 49 CDs (which I
> expect for Lenny+2) and Lenny+2 releasing with 147 CDs (which I expect
> for Lenny+8).
> Actually, I don't think at all that the rate will accelerate like that.

And if, new techmologies are developed like "Blu-Ray" which I
have @home with only 25 GByte but there are already Drives and
Medias for 50 GByte availlable...  Lenny+8 = 2 Blu-Ray Disks  :-)

But do we use CD's or DVD's in 25 years?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: non-free jigdo dvd templates

2007-04-29 Thread Michelle Konzack

Am 2007-04-26 13:57:51, schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> And it would seem that jigdo does exactly that for me! Excellent

You can download it using a script...




wget -force-directories --no-host-directories \
${SERVER}/${PATH1}/Packages \
${SERVER}/${PATH1}/Packages.gz \
${SERVER}/${PATH1}/Packages.bz2 \

gunzip <${PATH1}/Packages.gz |grep '^Filename: ' |\
sed "%/^Filename: %${SERVER}/debian/%" >Download.list

wget --force-directories --no-host-directories \
 --input-file Download.list

This will create a mirror of the "non-free" stuff which you can
burn directly into the root of a CD without any problems...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Re: additional jigdos

2007-07-09 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2007-06-21 11:06:09, schrieb Jürgen Kertz:
> Here comes the reason for my wish:
> I have several Debian boxes, but only one is connected to the internet. 
> No way the other boxes will ever see internet, several kilometers 
> between them. So I need DVDs to get updates to my other PCs. And I have 
> no way to get "non-free" packages to them. And I really want these new 
> packages, like openoffice2.2.1, ardour 2, k3b 1 and others, without 
> downloading dozens of dependencies manually, or waiting for months until 
> they will somewhen build on sparc or arm so they can migrate to testing.
> I know that there are some people who offer self-brewed images with 
> parts of "non-free" and other things, but I dont want to install 
> anything that doesnt come from debian mirrors.
> As far as I understand the whole process, it would "only" need a single 
> set up so these jigdos are generated automaticly every week. And a few 
> lines on the Debian Website. They would not waste much server-space, but 
> I think many people will find this handy.
> So, is there any chance I can get these additional jigdo files?

Why not use an USB-HDD of 20-30 GByte?

You can download a whole release easyly by:

wget ${SERVER}/debian/dists/sid/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz

gzip <./Packages.gz |grep 'Filename: ' |
sed "s|Filename: |${SERVER}/debian/|" >./Packages.list

wget -nH -X -i ./Packages.list

I have a more complex script for myself but this simpel thing is working.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Which LiveCD to test Laptops?

2007-11-19 Thread Michelle Konzack

A neighbour asked me to install DEBIAN on her Laptop.

But since I have had several times problems using Knoppix or
the Ubunti LiveCD's, I like to ask you for a suggestion...

Question:  Why does Debian not create a minimal LiveCD which
   try to detect all possibel Hardware and then tell
   the user whether it works with "MAIN" or he/she
   has the need for "CONTRIB" and/or "NON-FREE"?

   It could work like the graphical installer.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Open Hardware Developer
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: What CDs and DVDs should we produce for lenny?

2008-03-22 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Steve,

Am 2008-03-16 23:59:52, schrieb Steve McIntyre:
>  1. Is it worth making full sets of CDs at all? Can we rely on people
> having a net connection or being able to use DVDs if they want
> *everything*?

CD's are maybe not usefull in this size...  Maybe only the first 8.

>  2. Is it worth producing all the CDs/DVDs/whatever for all the
> architectures?

DVDs world be very helpful since not all peoples can build DVDs
there own.

>  3. For some arches, should we just provide the first couple of CDs
> and a full set of DVDs? This is a bit of a compromise option - if
> a given machine will not boot from DVD, but can boot from CD and
> get the rest of its packages from a network share then all's good.

V.34 and then Net-Install?  Do you have already tried it?

>  4. ??? - what else would be a sane option?

I have seen, that in the last month the ammount of games has increased.
Why not put ALL the Games (last week I have seen a RFS for a Debian data
package of 750 MByte ...  UFFF)

> Suggestions/comments/complaints - please let us know what you'd
> prefer.

Maybe Debian can provide

1)  50 MB Business card
2)  210MB Net-Install CD (including the base packages)
3)  the first 5-8 CDs as they are
4)  the 4 standard DVDs where the games are together
on the LAST DVD.

Personal Note: I find it annoying, that I have to download over 1 GByte
   (In Lenny they would be over 2 GByte) of Games if I want
   only an Office- and Devel-Workstation and some servers
   but I have the need for DVDs since I can not have
   everywhere an internet connection with 1 MBit or faster.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: What CDs and DVDs should we produce for lenny?

2008-03-22 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2008-03-17 16:33:38, schrieb Philip Charles:
> Jigdo files for the complete sets.

I do not like the Jigdo files since they are
to often broken and then build broken DVD's.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: What CDs and DVDs should we produce for lenny?

2008-03-22 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2008-03-17 12:29:44, schrieb Jürgen Kertz:
> I think no user will have a problem getting the images by jigdo or 
> torrent, or installing the rest from the mirrors. But of course a 

Do you have tried to get the files using jigdo over a V.34/V.56?
You CAN download a CD and even a DVD over 34/56kBit link but not
with Jigdo.  This pig open tomany connections and kill the line.

And of course, in some contries I where you can burn a CD/DVD Raw
images in Internet Cafes if you have no connection @home... (Like
in India or Moroco) but how do you do this with Jigdo?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: What CDs and DVDs should we produce for lenny?

2008-03-22 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2008-03-17 22:42:33, schrieb Karl Goetz:
> How practical a "full blown Debian" install is depends on what is in
> your full blown installs :)

Hmm, why not put KDE and Gnome with all its depending tools
on its own CD/DVD It would save me at least 3 GBytes.

> > Another point is, that one can assume that a machine not having a DVD 
> > drive will not be able to handle more than a very basic OS, but this is 
> > provided with the first few CDs.
> Not necesarily.


PXE/BootP  --  I have only 2 CD-Rom and 1 DVD-Rom
and 2 DVD/CD-Burner @home in my 26 Computer Network.

> Your making a fairly classic assumption:
> That bandwidth is cheap everyware.
> In Europe and the USA that may be the case, but its not universal.
> Australia (1st world) has relatively expensive internet connectivity,
> and Papua New Guinea (3rd world) has *very* expensive connectivity.

Even Spain has horrible prices for ADSL.  I know someone who live
on Madeira and he pay 50 Euro for a 1 MBit ADSL connection.

> When your internet connection is 600mb of traffic a month (both
> directions counted on that figure), you dont download isos from an
> internet mirror if humanly posible.

I have to pay 35 Euro/month and have only 500 MByte/month since
where I live, I can not get ISDN or even ADSL and I live in the
near of Strasbourg...  The CAPITAL of Europe!!!

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: What CDs and DVDs should we produce for lenny?

2008-03-22 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2008-03-17 14:13:34, schrieb Jürgen Kertz:
> I'm aware of the 1-CD-installation, but lets just say here I need a lot 
> of fancy stuff which has lots of dependencies spread across almost all 
> discs.

I have a fancy Workstation too, but ALL tools I need are on the first
6 CDs and other tolls I am missing there are so small, that they fit
even on Floppy-Disks...

OK, then I have a bunch of *-dev packages and appropriated tools
(maybe 1.6 GByte)...

> To summarize here: i just wanted to state that I personally find jigdo 
> and torrent more useful than complete ISO images. Especially jigdo: it 
> saves me and the rest of the world a lot of bandwith and harddisk space. 
> So my Idea is to provide a "Starter Kit" of ISO images (DVD and CD), 
> that can be downloaded as usual (and independent of the OS), and the 
> additional "fancy stuff" is availabe via jigdo (or torrent).
> If someone has a slow and/or expensive or limited internet connection, 
> none of the discussed options will help you, no matter if the mentioned 
> 426 GB are offered or just a selected subset.

Jigdo wil not save ANY space on your drive...

You will save space, if you make an "apt-get update" and then use

apt-get --print-uris install ...

With this list you can create your individual CD/DVD, which I do too and
of course, without ANY Development tools and *-dev packages I have 1683
Binary packages on ONLY twp CDs.

(This Packages are installed on my own 26 Computers @home and @customers)

My development stuff eat around 3 CDs.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
######### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian DVD downloading.

2008-06-02 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Mark,

Am 2008-05-31 09:51:52, schrieb Marek Sad?o:
> Hello !
> My name is Mark. I decided to download a debian linux for my computer, I
> already downloaded all the parts of it but once i try download last one,
> (this:debian-testing-i386-DVD-3.iso)<>

Are you realy sure, you need the third DVD (!!!) image?  I realy do  not
know very much peoples, requireing to download the third DVD since  over
90% of all Debian users need only the first and second DVD...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: Lenny install CDs without LiLO package

2008-06-27 Thread Michelle Konzack

Am 2008-06-25 11:07:12, schrieb Jojo:
> Hello,
> i have seen at the new lenny install CD with XFCe and at the usefull
> lenny netinst CD that the lilo package was removed. Do somebody know,
> why?
> For all my installations I use only LiLO as bootloader because I 
> use only XFS partitions, also for the root partitions. And for this
> combination the grub bootloader should not be used. So, if I install 
> on a offline machine with only XFS-partitions the installation of an
> useful bootloader is not possible.

Not only this, Without LILO, I can not install and/or reinstall 17 of my
servers which refuse to work with grub.

> Who can push the lilo package back into the install CDs?

Good question!

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: Lenny install CDs without LiLO package

2008-06-27 Thread Michelle Konzack

Am 2008-06-25 12:28:52, schrieb Frans Pop:
> It was removed from testing by the Debian release managers because the 
> package had a release critical bug. If it is not in testing, it can 
> obviously not be included on testing CDs.
> This has been extensively discussed and the bug has been resolved. lilo 
> can be expected back in testing soon and will then automatically be 
> included on CDs again too.


Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: Secondary CD/DVD Image Downloading

2008-08-15 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2008-08-07 19:21:03, schrieb Bumpy Light:
>   "If you can, please use a BitTorrent client. Not only does this greatly 
>   reduce
> technical and financial stress on our voluntary mirrors, downloads will 

HOW does this reduce it?

The only difference will be you get 5000 different IP's in the log which
are downloading only 500 MByte each instead of 250 downloading 4,7 GByte

Note:  I know MANY ISPs which forbid the use uf Torrents.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #########
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: excess secondary CD/DVD image downloading

2008-08-15 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Josip,

I do not understand what are you mean...

If peoples downloading the DVDs like me, maybe we need them for Off-Line
usage?  Currently I am downloading ALL DVDs and CDs from 4.0r4.

Since there are many  peoples  useing  different  architectures  and  of
course, they can buy the DVD/CD at me...  Of course, they  can  buy  the
DVDs separately...

If you have problems handling the traffic,  maybe  you  should  consider
mirroring the images?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Am 2008-08-05 22:23:19, schrieb Josip Rodin:
> Hi,
> A noticable number of people appear to be hoarding our CD/DVD images.
> More importantly, my mirror server logs show that many people keep
> downloading files past the first image. For example last month I've had 257
> distinct IPs fetching first image files, and yet 95 were also fetching
> second or later image files. 27% of people are supposed to have an actual
> need for other images, even though they have such a quality Internet access
> that they can download CD/DVD image files in the first place? That's really
> unlikely.
> This might be attributable to the fact that our warnings against
> over-downloading appear at the end of the intro section on our web pages,
> and some people will always skip over that, sadly.
> Maybe we need HEADER.html files in all relevant debian-cd/ directories,
> so that all mirror web servers can display the same warning?
> Or even better - move the non-first images to a subdirectory everywhere.
> That way, people would see more clearly that additional images are
> secondary.
> (Please Cc: responses to -mirrors, I'm not subscribed to -cd.)

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: excess secondary CD/DVD image downloading

2008-08-28 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2008-08-15 15:34:39, schrieb Josip Rodin:
> Not that many people need all three DVD images or all 25 CD images.
> That's 12.96 GB of DVD images and 14.42 GB of CD images with compressed
> package files that we're talking about. The vast majority of people
> don't even need the entire first DVD.

Yeah, peoples downloading anyything blindely...
This problem is well known.

> What? I *do* mirror the images.

I mean: "not mirroring the images?"  ;-)

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Script/command to build Install-CD from existing System?

2008-08-28 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello *,

I have a nice idea and need for it.  ;-)

Since I am Debian GNU/Linux Consultant and have MANY Debian instalations
at customers I have written a script, which catch the names of installed
packages using

PKGLIST=`ssh -l ${SSHLOGIN} ${SSHHOST} "if [ -d /var/lib/dpkg/info ] ; then 
for PKG in /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list ; do echo \"\$(basename \${PKG} .list)\" ; 
done ; else exit 127 ; fi"`

and it works very well and fast.  So  now  I  have  collected  lists  of
installed packages of arround 2800 machines "cat" and  "sort"  them  and
now I am missing an easy "Ready-To-Use" tool which  build  a  Debian  CD
from this list.  (the spidered hosts are sorted by ARCH)

Does I have overseen something in "debian-cd"?

Can such functionality be added to the "debian-cd" scripts?

I should note, that ALL 1258 packages installed on those  2800  Machines
(i386) fit on a singel CD (!!!) and there is much  space  left  which  I
generaly use for "per-customer" configs/scripts.

And of course, it would be nice, if insteed of downloading the  standard
torrent files, they could be generated based on the  need  above.  Which
mean, the packages a user has installed, going onto the fist  CD,  maybe
the second and then the rest according to the popularity contest...

This would speedup things and save more bandwidth...

Also I should note, that my own full  blown  network  require  only  873
Packages with less then 510 MByte.  (I was realy surprised about it;  OK
I do not use bloatware, but OpenWriter and IceApe)

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

[Tested] DVD downloads as Torrent or ISO direct

2008-09-20 Thread Michelle Konzack

Last weekend I had my @Home server (Quad-Xeon with plenty or memory  and
heavy SCSI drives) at a fried with a fast 20MBit ADSL connection.

I have tried to download the Etch DVD ISO binary 1 image and the  second
time with torrent...

With the ISO download I get nearly 2 MByte/Second and the  download  was
done in arround 39:42 Minutes.

Then I have rebooted my Server and downloaded using  Torrent...  It  was
realy frustrating.  It took me over 3 hours.

This mean, since I have NO internet connection except GSM @home where  I
live (and I am not the only one) we ned to download the stuff  @work  or
in Internet-Cafes where we can not wait over 3 hours...  (1h cost 2-4€)

Since the first time I have tried Torrent it was a problem.  Torrent  is
very slow and the Disk-IO is nearly 7 times higher...

So, Torrents are no option for me.

And last not least I should note:

I have a NEW (and crappy :-/ since osCommerce is broken) onlinestore at


and I am ongoing to sell ALL  Debian  CDs  and  DVDs  which  lead  in  a
download of more then 350 GByte (!!!) per pointrelease.  I sell the  CDs
and DVDs (i386, amd64 and powerpc) for normal price and the rest for  an
additional fee of 3€ since I must store the Stuff and of course  torture
the Debian CDIMAGE Server.  1€ of this goes directly to the SPI/FFII.

But how I sayed already, osCOmmerce is crap since it  does  not  let  me
add this option correctly including an obligated note on the invoice.

Now I am ongoing to code my own  ledger  using  PHP5/PostgreSQL  and  an
Onlinestore addapted to this need...

Note:  You can visit the OnlineStore but it does not work yet...
   It is only for testing there.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: Script/command to build Install-CD from existing System?

2008-11-21 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Daniel,

Am 2008-11-21 03:45:48, schrieb Daniel Dickinson:
> > PKGLIST=`ssh -l ${SSHLOGIN} ${SSHHOST} "if
> > [ -d /var/lib/dpkg/info ] ; then for PKG
> > in /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list ; do echo \"\$(basename
> > \${PKG} .list)\" ; done ; else exit 127 ; fi"`
> Erm, can you just
> dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package}\n'

Ah, thanks for this idea...

> That's when I use to see what packages are installed on a given system,
> but perhaps I'm wrong and it pulls in non-purged packages too (I almost
> always purge).

Me too, to prevent unexpected surprises if I reinstall something later.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: advertise non-free software on debian

2009-03-01 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2009-03-01 13:15:05, schrieb Ne01eX:
> On this page I found the advertisement non-free software. This is a  
> This is not free software, mention of which  
> can be found on page

And HOW do you thing could Windows User geting in touch with Debian?

FreeDownloadManager does not work on all  systems,  which  mean,  it  is
highly acceptabel to advertise a NON-FREE dowanloadmanager, which  works
on all versions of windows like 95, 95, ME, 2000, 2003, XP and Vista.

I have counted OVER 160 different downloadmanager for Windows, but  NONE
of them download correctly 4.2 GByte DVD-Images.

Under Debian GNU/Linux I evan have no problems downloading  DVD 9/20  or
BlueRay 25/50 images.

Sometimes you HAVE to do a compromise.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
<>   <>
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

md5sum mismatch (anna) on Lenny DVD1 i386

2009-06-19 Thread Michelle Konzack

can someone check the DVD1 from Lenny

debian-501-i386-DVD-1.iso   13-Apr-2009 02:45   4.4G

which I have downloaded for two days again, since two previosly downloads
where broken at the same package "base-installer".

I can only retrieve:

anna[5308]: DEBUG: retrieving apt-cdrom-setup 1:0.40
anna[5308]: DEBUG: retrieving apt-mirror-setup 1:0.40
anna[5308]: DEBUG: retrieving apt-setup-udeb 1:0.40
anna[5308]: DEBUG: retrieving atl-modules-2.6.26-2-486-de 1.18lenny1
anna[5308]: DEBUG: retrieving base-installer 1.98
anna[5308]: WARNING **: bad md5sum

it is nearly impossibel, that all three  DVD's  which  where  burned  on
different systems are broken on my end...

Note:  The installation is on a HP/Compaq NX6325.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: md5sum mismatch (anna) on Lenny DVD1 i386

2009-06-19 Thread Michelle Konzack
> Did you verify the md5sum/sha1sum of your downloaded ISO image? Nobody
> else is seeing a problem here. I've just verified the image on
> and it's fine.

I was able to get the md5sum over SSH...  :-/

$ cat MD5SUMS
b0cad4ed6b8c1b14b31114380d14ef47  debian-501-i386-DVD-1.iso
a55bf46b75897331bbb1f3d956e37782  debian-501-i386-DVD-2.iso
4ee97a9dadbc7f35cefff64363b548e0  debian-501-i386-DVD-3.iso
4ea0c356aae9356e764bb3ed98ccf439  debian-501-i386-DVD-4.iso
4ca7418f4dc5c4cb02b375f9ffd41bf4  debian-501-i386-DVD-5.iso
04ea12efaa42e4e11befc6237eaf5da9  debian-update-5.0.1-i386-DVD-1.iso
$ md5sum debian-501-i386-DVD-1.iso
b0cad4ed6b8c1b14b31114380d14ef47  debian-501-i386-DVD-1.iso

so it seems to be the same...

The problem is, that I have downloaded and burned the DVD image on three
different Windows machines (1 XP and 2 Vista) and it stops every time at
the wrong md5sum of base-installer.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #########
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: md5sum mismatch (anna) on Lenny DVD1 i386

2009-06-19 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hi Steve,

The DVD image is on a Windows Vista machine...
Is there a tool with which I can check the md5sum/sah1sum?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack

Am 2009-06-19 14:00:44, schrieb Steve McIntyre:
> Did you verify the md5sum/sha1sum of your downloaded ISO image? Nobody
> else is seeing a problem here. I've just verified the image on
> and it's fine.

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #########
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: md5sum mismatch (anna) on Lenny DVD1 i386

2009-06-20 Thread Michelle Konzack
Sorry, that I have bothered you, but it seems, that NVI (I think  it  is
called like this) which is a burner program, provided with  the  Windows
Computers, has a bug and can not correctly burn the Debian Images.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
<>     Michelle Konzack
<>   c/o Vertriebsp. KabelBW
<>   Blumenstrasse 2
Jabber   77694 Kehl/Germany
IRC #Debian ( Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947
ICQ #328449886Tel. FR: +33  6  61925193

Description: Digital signature

Re: Ridiculously large packages

2009-11-20 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2009-11-20 10:36:10, schrieb Steve McIntyre:
> Umm...
> Package: nexuiz-data

> Size: 793400238
> If you ever want this to be available on Debian CDs, you're going to
> have to do something about the size. For now, I'm going to blacklist
> this package altogether.

Does Debian realy continue to offer CD's in the future?
I have already problems to get one...  :-/
Where ever you go, you can find DVD.

Note:   The OpenSource Game I am working on  with  a  group
will be never distributed on a CD because there are
already over 10 files bigger then a  800 MByte  CD.
Maybe on 50 GByte BlueRay medias.  :-D

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
<> Michelle Konzack
<>   Apt. 917
<>   50, rue de Soultz
Jabber   67100 Strabourg/France
IRC#Debian (  Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947
ICQ#328449886 Tel. FR: +33  6  61925193

Description: Digital signature

DVD-R (printed)

2010-08-21 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello *,

does someone know, where I can buy DVD-R with OEM print?

I want to restart selling (burned) Debian DVD and Custom-DVD but do  not
want to have some with the original e.g. TDK cover.  I like to  have  my
own Cover on the DVDs.

Note:   I am ongoing to sell ALL architectures and all releases (and
point releases) as CDs and DVDs since  my  new  Sun  Storage
Server has 96 SATA drives with 192 TByte Space.

Generaly it is my new Backup Server, but since I do not need
currently the whole diskspace...  :-D

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack

# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##
   Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux

itsyst...@tdnet France EURL   itsyst...@tdnet UG (limited liability)
Owner Michelle KonzackOwner Michelle Konzack

Apt. 917 (homeoffice)
50, rue de Soultz Kinzigstraße 17
67100 Strasbourg/France   77694 Kehl/Germany
Tel: +33-6-61925193 mobil Tel: +49-177-9351947 mobil
Tel: +33-9-52705884 fix

<>  <>
<> <>


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,

Description: Digital signature

Re: Why do I get "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker"?

2011-03-20 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Rick Thomas,

Am 2011-03-20 13:49:34, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> So I tried a public torrent from another distro.  That worked.
> So I believe the problem is on the Debian end.  I've CC-ed debian-cd.

There are some Countries/ISP blockig torrent trackers, so it maybe  that
your ISP is blocking your ports dynamicaly.

I am on GSM/HSPA network and can not use SOME torrent tracker because  I
am blocked.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##
   Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux

itsystems@tdnet France EURL   itsystems@tdnet UG (limited liability)
Owner Michelle Konzack    Owner Michelle Konzack

Apt. 917 (homeoffice)
50, rue de Soultz Kinzigstraße 17
67100 Strasbourg/France   77694 Kehl/Germany
Tel: +33-6-61925193 mobil Tel: +49-177-9351947 mobil
Tel: +33-9-52705884 fix

<>  <>
<> <>


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,

Description: Digital signature