Proposal for new Debian image: Vagrant base box

2015-10-29 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Hi debian-installmedia,

I have been working with the debian-cloud team for some time now
creating "Vanilla" Debian Images for Vagrant, a devops tool.

Vagrant call these images base boxes, it's basically some kind of
lightly customized Virtualbox OVF with extra meta data information.

I've documented the details of this here:

The boxes aka disk images are here:

Up to now the creation and upload of these boxes has been done from my
workstation, but I'd rather do it with you guys on some Debian


PS: I am currently a DM

Re: Proposal for new Debian image: Vagrant base box

2015-11-01 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Hi Steve !

>> I have been working with the debian-cloud team for some time now
>> creating "Vanilla" Debian Images for Vagrant, a devops tool.
>> Vagrant call these images base boxes, it's basically some kind of
>> lightly customized Virtualbox OVF with extra meta data information.
>> I've documented the details of this here:
>> The boxes aka disk images are here:
>> Up to now the creation and upload of these boxes has been done from my
>> workstation, but I'd rather do it with you guys on some Debian
>> Infrastructure.
> OK, cool. :-)
> Hmmm - looking at your wiki page, I just see one problem really:
> "The build process requires the non-free
>  virtualbox-guest-additions-iso package, the rest of the build chain
>  and installed packages are DFSG compliant. "
> For official images, we won't include non-free components/packages. Is
> there any way to avoid this?

Yes, this is problematic and I'm happy to discuss that.

Virtualbox guest additions are needed for
Vagrant shared folders [1]
an important feature but not critical to the use of Vagrant

I see two different possible ways :

* we get rid of the virtualbox guest additions in the image (like FreeBSD)
An end user could install herself/himself the Virtualbox guest
additions, manually, or via the vagrant-vbguest plugin.

* instead of using the non-free virtualbox-guest-additions-iso package
for creating the image we use the "virtualbox-guest-source" and
"virtualbox-guest-dkms" in contrib.
Is using "contrib" OK for official debian images ?
I think no, so probably first way is the only way ...


Re: Proposal for new Debian image: Vagrant base box

2016-01-06 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Hi steve and debian-cd folks

>>> I have been working with the debian-cloud team for some time now
>>> creating "Vanilla" Debian Images for Vagrant, a devops tool.
>>> Vagrant call these images base boxes, it's basically some kind of
>>> lightly customized Virtualbox OVF with extra meta data information.
>>> I've documented the details of this here:
>>> The boxes aka disk images are here:
>>> Up to now the creation and upload of these boxes has been done from my
>>> workstation, but I'd rather do it with you guys on some Debian
>>> Infrastructure.
>> OK, cool. :-)
>> Hmmm - looking at your wiki page, I just see one problem really:
>> "The build process requires the non-free
>>  virtualbox-guest-additions-iso package, the rest of the build chain
>>  and installed packages are DFSG compliant. "
>> For official images, we won't include non-free components/packages. Is
>> there any way to avoid this?

Just to keep you informed on the topic, I split the images one with only
stuff from main and one with the contrib virtualbox kernel modules.

These images have been quite popular at the momment ( 300 000 downloads
since March ) so I'd be happy to push even more of this in Debian.

Even though everything is still a work in progress, I wanted to ask,
would it be possible at that point to use the debian cd hardware to
build those images ? The current point is that everything is done using
debian infrastructure (git, mailing list, bts ) but I am still building
the images and uploading the resulting 800 MB of data from a home DSL

This would also allow stuff like continuous integration.

Note that the build processes use packer and virtualbox, and that
requires physical hardware, as Virtualbox do not run nested (boo !) for
64 bits machines.

Unfortunately debian-cloud does not have machine of its own, so I though
it might be good to ask your opinion on this before hunting a sponsor


Re: Cloud images on cdimage

2016-02-14 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Le 06/02/2016 23:12, Tiago Ilieve a écrit :
> Steve,
> I was looking at the "cdimage" page[1] and noticed that there's no
> cloud images for the platforms we have official releases. Is there a
> way we can publish them there? I'm personally interested in making
> Oracle Compute Cloud images available, like CentOS already does[2],
> but we can pave the way for maintainers of other cloud providers as
> well.
> Regads,
> Tiago.
> [1]:
> [2]:

Hi Tiago

To the best of my knowledge:
* the debian-cd team only put here images it has itself generated, this
is why the only cloud image is the openstack cloud image.
* also the list here is not meant to be an authorative list of what is
an official Debian.

The openstack and live images are generated with the
scripts in which call
in the background the openstack-debian-images and vmdebootstrap debian

As you you will see, these scripts work by starting a kvm image and
kicking vmdebootstrap / openstack-debian-images inside the VM.
The idea is that nothing runs as root on DSA controlled machines.

Also as a personal note:
I am currently planning adding the Virtualbox and LXC Vagrant images to
this build process.
The idea so far is to setup a build box mimicking the petterson setup,
and then send patches to pettersson-live.git to add the new cloud builders.


Re: Building cloud images on Debian infrastructure

2016-03-29 Thread Emmanuel Kasper

On 03/29/2016 02:54 PM, Bastian Blank wrote:
> Hi folks
> As already known, Steve, Martin and me talked about how we could build
> Azure and all the other images on Debian infrastructure.  The results of
> this meeting were posted by Martin and Steve already.
> We didn't talk much about the technical stuff, as overall policy was the
> priority.  I want to start this part here.
> My requirements for building the images would be:
> - one set of tools used for all images
> - result includes not only images, but also tars
> - images are built only using the tar as input
> - optional utilize current Linux features like user namespaces
> I don't know if we have such a toolset available already.
> Any thoughts on this?  Any things I missed?

Hi Bastian
I don't see the point of adding arbitrary requirements to the toolset we
already use with success.
Proposing standards without an already working implementation usually
don't work.

Re: Why there is no encryption if I download files from ?

2016-07-03 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Le 03/07/2016 à 14:51, a écrit :
> When I visit I see that connection IS encrypted. But if I, 
> for example, try to download a torrent file and go to
> to, then out of blue 
> connection becomes unprotected. I know that there are GPG signatures, but 
> I think that it's a bit reckless anyway, what if potential attacker will 
> notice what particular file I downloaded? For example, he saw that it was 
>  so he will know that my computer is a 64-bit PC and
> it uses KDE + the latest 64-bit Debian Stable.

If you're concerned about being tracked by your internet traffic when
downloading the debian cds, then use tor to do the download.
After that you can setup apt-tor to avoid the same kind of tracking when
doing apt updates ( see )

Re: Comments on live-build, vmdebootstrap, bootstrap-vz, and live-wrapper

2016-08-16 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Le 16/08/2016 à 17:56, Sam Hartman a écrit :
> Please note the follow-up to the cloud list.

Hi Sam

Thank your for this very thorough review of image creation tools.
You made me google for "object oriented shell programming" ...

But ...
could you maybe also have a looker at packer ? ( ) It can create image for
various virtualization platforms and cloud providers.

Contrary to the tools you mentionned packer mostly create disk images
via calling a virtualization software running the debian installer.
You have then the full customization of the debian installer preseed
hooks. Now packer will not create live CDs.

I am using packer with success to create the VirtualBox Vagrant debian
box at


Re: Call For Participation Debian Cloud Sprint

2016-08-19 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Le 11/08/2016 à 23:13, Zach Marano a écrit :
> We are organizing a Debian cloud sprint to focus on subjects like:
> - What does it mean to run Debian in the cloud.
> - Define the official Debian cloud image.
> - In depth look at how Debian works on current cloud platforms (AWS, Azure,
> GCE, etc).
> ... etc (complete agenda TBD)
> Ideally, we solve all (or as many as possible) of the open questions which
> were discussed at Debconf and on the debian-cloud list and come to
> consensus on what an official Debian cloud image is, how it works in the
> various cloud offerings, and have a realistic timeline to offer such an
> image for the community at large. Bonus points if we actually have
> something working.
> I am targeting November 2 - 4, 2016 in Seattle, WA (USA).
> Please respond if you are interested in attending so we can find a suitable
> space (or if you happen to have such a space). Thanks!

Hi Zach

I am interesting in Participating. I would come from Vienna, Austria.
I currently maintain the Debian images for Atlas ( Vagrant's cloud
backend ) with Antonio Terceiro.

Atlas is a storage of ready to use OS images that you would run locally
on with Vagrant. The  image creation and customization have roughly the
same problematics and solutions as the other cloud providers.

The topic I'm most interested in the sprint in moving the build
processes of the images from my workstation to the debian-cd^W
installmedia infrastructure.



Re: qcow2 images of Debian 8 (Jessie) for ARM. MIPS and PPC

2016-10-03 Thread Emmanuel Kasper

On 10/03/2016 10:49 AM, Syed Abdul Zuber wrote:
> Hi,
> For a project purpose, I am looking for qcow2 images of Debian 8 (Jessie)
> for ARM, MIPS, PowerPC. I didnt find in your website in the following link "
>";. I can find qcow2 images of only
> Squeeze and Wheezy but not of Jessie.
> The images have not been updated since 2014. I am eagerly waiting for
> Jessie qcow2 images.
> Will you please share links where I can find qcow2 images of Jessie.
> Regards,
> Syed

Generating official disk images of Debian is a work in process.
I suggest you to have a look at vmdebootstrap or packer

vmdebootstrap --distribution=stable --output jessie.img

will create a raw image that you can afterwards convert to qcow2 format
with qemu-img

Re: Adding symbolic links for "current" images

2016-11-28 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
On 11/28/2016 12:38 PM, Marcin Kulisz wrote:
> On 2016-11-18 07:08:27, Mohammed Naser wrote:
>>> On Nov 18, 2016, at 3:33 AM, Marcin Kulisz  wrote:
>>> On 2016-11-18 08:02:05, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
>>> snip
 With a /current/ link a lot of people (who might then do the same thing
 as you want to do) will be surprised, once we release Debian Stretch
 (Debian 9), and suddenly have a major version change.

 What i would be willing to accept thought, would be a
 /current-8/debian-current-openstack-amd64.qcow2 link which points to the
 latest Debian Jessie image. That way people will not need to ajust their
 scripts once we do a point release for minor updates of the images.
>>> I agree with Zobel and if ppl are ok with this will try to implement this
>>> during the weekend.
>> This makes a lot of sense. Having a current per major version sounds ideal!
> Hi all,
> current-8 dir has been created all stuff in it is symlinked to the current
> latest build (8.6.2), please check if all is working for you and if something
> is not let me know.
> You can try with the following link (or any file under current-8 directory)

works well here, but apart trying with curl I did not do anything special
thanks Marcin !

Vagrant Boxes images release for Stretch

2017-06-16 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Hi Lists
I will rebuild and upload Vagrant Boxes images on Sunday 18 June for the
VirtualBox provider. I build from CD so I need the CD images to be
already available on the webs.
So it should be right in time for Ana's blog post on Tuesday.
I'll be around in #debian-cloud on Sunday to report my progress.
