Re: bullseye CD/DVD for arm64

2022-06-18 Thread Wilhelm MOSER
 Ja, das ist mir schon klar nur wenn debina das release macht dann  
muss doch zumindest das notwendigste funktionieren.
Wenn in der LXDe dann bei XY die Maus nicht geht ist das eben ein bug  
wenn ich das ding sber nich mal installieren kann dann setzt es aus.  
Und ich hab null bock das Ding am Herzen zu operieren. Ich bin user  
und kein OS-Entwickler. Und ich denke es muss doch schon mal sein dass  
man die bekifften kinder ordentlich anscheisst. Oder nimmst du ein  
Auto wo du erst mal den Vergaser zerlegen mußt damit du das neue Ding  
überhaupt fahren kannst? So kostenlos kann das Klumpert gar nicht sein  
dass jemand seine Lebenszeit für von anderen bewußt gelegte Eier opfert.


Das generelle Problem dürfte U-Boot sein #76 beschäftigt sich mit  
diesem Problem. Offensichtlich muß man sich den Loader selbst  

  Am 17.06.2022 16:52, schrieb Wilhelm MOSER:


tried to do an install from usb like I did on amd64 (without any  
problems and WiFi support) and run 

into several troubles:

1. it took 5 minutes to reckon that the LAN is not present why?
2. Wireless keyboard not detected - USB-Cord is OK.
3. grub installer - install and graphical - it took 5 minutes to  
detect that:

   EFI stub: ERROR: FIRMWARE BUG: kernel image not aligned on 64k boundary
... frozen

Sorry but I do not understand you!!! You say that releases are  
checked before they go into public...
Same bullshit with the debian-installers - since stretch it is a  
pain in the a... to install debian-RELEASES on arm64.

Did someone ever check if it works on the different hardware?
Takes always days if not weeks to accomlish setups on rock64,  
rockpro64 and pinebook...

Meanwhile even armbian seems to be scrapware..

Sorry but it can not be the truth that the user has to try at least  
5 different installation methodes to find the one that is humping  

I think it is better to stop your services for all the thins that  
do not work instead of fooling people around.

brgds - willi

Liebe Grüße

Wilhelm Moser
Wilhelm MOSER

Gentzgasse 65/13
A-1180 WIEN
mobile: +4369919294126

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Liebe Grüße

Wilhelm Moser
Wilhelm MOSER

Gentzgasse 65/13
A-1180 WIEN
mobile: +4369919294126

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Bug#1011343: WISHLIST: Offical ALL-IN-ONE images?

2022-06-18 Thread Zhang Boyang


Thanks for making this program! I will definitely try it as soon as I 
finished my current work!

Thank you again :)

Best Regards,
Zhang Boyang

On 2022/6/15 19:17, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


although it was not the final solution of this bug report, i beefed up
my merger script for Debian ISOs so that it can combine an arbitrary
number of ISOs (within the limits of /dev/loop* and mount(8)).
Maybe it can serve as answer for the next time this wish comes up.

Bug#1011343: WISHLIST: Offical ALL-IN-ONE images?

2022-06-18 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Zhang Boyang wrote:
> I will definitely try it

Meanwhile i got some insight into the riddle about diffs between merged.iso
and CUSTOM-1.iso like

  Only in /groundtruth/firmware: arm-trusted-firmware-tools_2.4+dfsg-2_amd64.deb
  Only in /groundtruth/firmware: gnome-firmware_3.36.0-1_amd64.deb

Indeed arm-trusted-firmware-tools_2.4+dfsg-2_amd64.deb does not exist in
the /firmware directory of DLBD-1 and thus did not get into merged.iso.

But /firmware/gnome-firmware_3.36.0-1_amd64.deb is in DLBD-1 as symbolic
link and its target is in DLBD-1, too.

Please verify that it is really not in merged.iso.
If so, then please record the messages of the next experiment with the
merge script and send them to me in private.

I now uploaded a new version of the script which merges the /firmware
directories. Just a guess, until i know what's up with /firmware.

To those who are familiar with debian-cd, especially Steve McIntyre:

/firmware is not mentioned in
So i guess that it is specific to debian-cd or the installer along
and that i should merge the /firmware directories.
Correct ?

I am a bit confused by the fact that debian-11.2.0-amd64-DVD-2.iso has
no firmware directory at all. How come ?
Can this happen to a first ISO, too ?
(DVD-1 has a /firmware tree with only inhabitant dep11/README.txt.)

Have a nice day :)
