Processed: syslinux GCC-10 patch (help/review requested)
Processing control commands: > tags -1 + patch Bug #957858 [src:syslinux] syslinux: ftbfs with GCC-10 Added tag(s) patch. -- 957858: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems
malware-alert in debian-10.4.0-i386-DVD-1.iso
Hi. I did a download of with Firefox 79.0 under Ubuntu Linux and after completion it is marked with a red sign claiming that it contains a virus or other malware. I don't know why FF did that or how it came to that suggestion but i wanted to let you know this. I deleted the file now and can't undelete it. Kay
Re: malware-alert in debian-10.4.0-i386-DVD-1.iso
Hi Kay! On Sat, Aug 01, 2020 at 07:40:16PM +0200, Kay Martinen wrote: >Hi. I did a download of > > > >with Firefox 79.0 under Ubuntu Linux and after completion it is marked >with a red sign claiming that it contains a virus or other malware. > >I don't know why FF did that or how it came to that suggestion but i >wanted to let you know this. I deleted the file now and can't undelete it. ACK, thanks for reporting. It *is* a false positive - we are happy that we do not have a problem with malware. We've had a slew of similar complaints this week, all apparently triggered by Google's "safe browsing" service. We're trying to get it fixed at their end. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, "This dress doesn't reverse." -- Alden Spiess
10.5.0 images published
Hi folks, I've just pushed the images for the 10.5.0 point release. As already promised, these will be the right images for people to use including fixes for the UEFI SecureBoot bugs described as "BootHole" [1] There are a couple of image issues that I'm highlighting; I don't think they're big enough to warrant a re-spin at this time: 1. The i386 xfce CD has grown too much and no longer fits onto a standard-sized CD. The image built, but didn't include several critical xfce packages. I have *removed* this image to save people from downloading it and reporting errors. Maybe for the next Buster point release we'll be able to make it fit, but I'm not sure. 2. The Gnome live images work fine as live images and support installation using d-i from the boot menus. However, an update for the Calamares live installer has caused a bug that means it will not work on these Gnome images (both amd64 and i386). It works fine for the other live images. [1] -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, < Aardvark> I dislike C++ to start with. C++11 just seems to be handing rope-creating factories for users to hang multiple instances of themselves. signature.asc Description: PGP signature