Re: What mirror to use with archived jigdo DVD images ?

2017-12-21 Thread Nicholas Geovanis
I'm the OP so here's a follow-up.
The archive repairs are what solved my actual problem. Following them
I was able to successfully download Squeeze DVD 1 and move the image
around for package extraction. The jigdo issues were not my difficulty.

The actual point of using this ancient release, which I hadn't
mentioned, was to get a salt-minion installed and configured into an
existing salt complex and begin rectification. After an additional 3
days wrestling with the Debian and Saltstack repositories and dealing
with apt-get package resolution difficulties, I managed to complete
that on one server and it's in the complex. My work-around is totally
brain-dead, but it circumvents the resolution issues with apt-get.
It's possible that using apt, aptitude or synaptic would have worked
better, but I don't have time to find-out yet (or perhaps an apt-get
problem; I can't really touch fundamental software on these servers
yet, most are production).

Many, many thanks to Thomas Schmitt and Phil Hands for their help.
Es Lebe Die Döner mit Scharf! (Auch griechischer Typ!) Vielen Dank.

Now: In case anyone wonders, this is exactly how linux destroyed the
old unix vendors and microsloth in the data-center. I get better
support here for free than I ever got from them for thousands. Once it
was noodled-out, it was fixed in
under 24 hours. Carry on :-)

Re: Validating OpenStack images after building

2017-12-21 Thread Tomasz Rybak
On Sun, 2017-12-10 at 18:34 +0100, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Hi Steve and everyone else,
> This was overdue, but here it is.
> In Casulana, under /home/cloud-build/hack/zigo2, you'll find a script
> called "image-test". It may be used to validate OpenStack images
> against
> the Stretch version of OpenStack (ie: Newton). Simply do:
> cd /home/cloud-build/hack/zigo2
> ./image-test debian-9-openstack-amd64.qcow2
> What it will do is:
> 1/ Upload the image to the KVM machine
> 2/ Upload the test-image script which is in the same folder
> 3/ Run the test-image script within the machine
> The test-image script will:
> 1/ Configure tempest (the functional test suite of OpenStack) to tell
> where the image is (ie: in /root, with the filename give as param
> above)
> 2/ Run *one* tempest test: tempest.scenario.test_minimum_basic.
> What this test does is:
> 1. Create image
> 2. Create keypair
> 3. Boot instance with keypair and get list of instances
> 4. Create volume and show list of volumes
> 5. Attach volume to instance and getlist of volumes
> 6. Add IP to instance
> 7. Create and add security group to instance
> 8. Check SSH connection to instance
> 9. Reboot instance
> 10. Check SSH connection to instance after reboot

Thanks for writing this.
Your script seems interesting and performs similar tests
that our code (which we wrote during sprint).
But you also perform more tests; checking networking
interfaces and disks is something that we should also
implement for all cloud providers.

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak, Debian Maintainer
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