Re: Multi-arch DVD installer

2017-06-22 Thread Luc Novales


Le 22/06/2017 à 02:56, Steve McIntyre a écrit :

Hi Luc,

Please ask this kind of question on the mailing lists...

On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 11:02:36AM +0200, Luc Novales wrote:

Debian 9 is now stable. Very good job !!

I'm used to download multi-arch DVD to install some computers 32 bits or 64
bits, downloading fewer packages during install.
Last image isn't present on server, only rc5 installer can be downloaded.

Is there some reason to remove this image. Should I waiting for this official
installer version, or rc5 will be the only version available ?

During the final parts of the stretch release process, it became clear
that this image is just too small to be useful. It's missing too many
components for both amd64 and i386, so we decided to drop it I'm

We've also seen that amd64 has *way* overtaken i386 in terms of users
such that most people downloading an image will not need i386 support
at all now.


Thank you, for this reply.

I think that dvd multi-arch still a good compromise to install debian on 
several hosts, without downloading a lot of common packages.
Today I'm trying to install Stretch on HP pavilion x2 (see This computer 
have only one wifi card which only works with non-free firmware. How to 
test if it is the origin of freeze ?

It should be easy with a DVD to install minimal desktop without network ;-)

Considering that :

 * "normal" install have 60 - 70 % of packages on DVD (others
   downloaded or upgraded)
 * only one installer key for all computers in my pocket is better ;-)
 * 4Go support boots on several BIOS.

Why not choose to include only one "prefered" desktop manager on 
multi-arch DVD to allow full install without network ?


Re: "UTC" timestamps off by an hour

2017-06-22 Thread Steve McIntyre
Hi Paul,

On Fri, Jun 09, 2017 at 11:04:38AM -0700, Paul Sarena wrote:
>The timestamps shown on files while browsing
> are off by an hour vs.
>actual UTC.

Sorry to take so long to get back to you - things have been hectic in
the last couple of weeks... :-)

You're correct in that the timestamps shown are not UTC. It appears
that they're in local time - that machine is hosted in Sweden, which
right now will be at UTC+2.

Is that causing any actual problems for you, though?

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge,
Into the distance, a ribbon of black
Stretched to the point of no turning back

Re: [PATCH] Switch from /org to /srv in directory configuration

2017-06-22 Thread Steve McIntyre
Ta. Applied here and similar changes in other config too...

On Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 02:48:42PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
>/org has been obsoleted by /srv for many years on hosts.
> contrib/jigdo-watcher  | 10 +-
> contrib/report_build_error |  2 +-
> update-cd  |  8 
> 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/contrib/jigdo-watcher b/contrib/jigdo-watcher
>index 70e92a9..9186315 100755
>--- a/contrib/jigdo-watcher
>+++ b/contrib/jigdo-watcher
>@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ STATE=/home/stevem/watch-state
> R_LOC=testing/weekly-builds
> R_USER=steve
> LOCK=$STATE/lock
> # Check to see if another sync is in progress
>diff --git a/contrib/report_build_error b/contrib/report_build_error
>index 867887b..53479d7 100755
>--- a/contrib/report_build_error
>+++ b/contrib/report_build_error
>@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ARCH=$3
> OUTLOGS="build-logs/$DATE"
>diff --git a/update-cd b/update-cd
>index 18c8bb2..88ab1bb 100755
>--- a/update-cd
>+++ b/update-cd
>@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ set -e
> # Configuration goes here.
> # Where is your mirror?
> # Do you want non-free? 1 for yes, 0 for no
>@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ JTE=1
> BT=1
> # The working directory to use. MUST be on the same partition as the mirror.
> # Building squeeze cd set ...
> CODENAME=squeeze
> # Path where the images will be written
> # Location(s) for the snapshot(s)
> SNAPSHOT='Debian= 
> --try-last'
Steve McIntyre, Cambridge,
You raise the blade, you make the change... You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane...

Question about Debian Stretch Live images

2017-06-22 Thread Daniele Santu

first of all, thanks for your awesome work. :)
I just wanted to ask something, maybe already frequently asked these days
(sorry if this is the case): do you plan to (shortly?) release updated
9.0.2 images because of the still present bugs in 9.0.1?
Keep the good work going and thanks again!

P.S. Sorry for my not-perfect English, not a native speaker!

Processed: Re: Bug#865470: include debian-ports-archive-keyring on non released architectures

2017-06-22 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing control commands:

> tag -1 +pending
Bug #865470 [debian-cd] include debian-ports-archive-keyring on non released 
Added tag(s) pending.

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

Bug#865470: include debian-ports-archive-keyring on non released architectures

2017-06-22 Thread Steve McIntyre
Control: tag -1 +pending


Thanks for the patch. I've just applied it in git now...

On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 09:15:45PM +0200, jhcha54008 wrote:
>Package: debian-cd
>Version: 3.1.20
>Tags: patch
>Severity: whishlist
>X-Debbugs-CC: John Paul Adrian Glaubitz , Helge 
>Deller , James Clarke 
>Dear Maintainer,
>Non released architectures from need the archive
>keyring in the package debian-ports-archive-keyring (instead of the
>regular debian-archive-keyring). The patch below includes it in
>image-trees of the relevant architectures.
>JH Chatenet
>--- a/Makefile
>+++ b/Makefile
>@@ -66,6 +66,12 @@
> DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTS=--no-check-gpg
> endif
>+## Port architectures need their archive keyring
>+UNRELEASED_PORT_ARCHITECTURES=alpha hppa hurd-i386 m68k ppc64 powerpcspe sh4 
>sparc64 x32
>+export BASE_INCLUDE := $(BASEDIR)/data/base_include_port_architectures 
> ## Internal variables  
> apt=$(BASEDIR)/tools/apt-selection
> check_backports_packages=$(BASEDIR)/tools/check_backports_packages
>@@ -392,7 +398,7 @@
>   $(Q)if [ "$(SOURCEONLY)"x != "yes"x ] ; then \
>   if [ _$(INSTALLER_CD) != _1 ]; then \
>   for ARCH in $(ARCHES_NOSRC); do \
>-  BINCLUDE=`[ -n "$(BASE_INCLUDE)" ] && cat 
>$(BASE_INCLUDE) | tr "\n" "," | sed 's!,$$!!g'`; \
>+  BINCLUDE=`[ -n "$(BASE_INCLUDE)" ] && cat 
>$(BASE_INCLUDE) | sort -u | tr "\n" "," | sed 's!,$$!!g'`; \
>   [ -z "$$BINCLUDE" ] || 
> BINCLUDE="--include=$$BINCLUDE"; \
>   BEXCLUDE=`[ -n "$(BASE_EXCLUDE)" ] && cat 
> $(BASE_EXCLUDE) | tr "\n" "," | sed 's!,$$!!g'`; \
>   [ -z "$$BEXCLUDE" ] || 
> BEXCLUDE="--exclude=$$BEXCLUDE"; \
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/data/base_include_port_architectures
>@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Steve McIntyre, Cambridge,
< liw> everything I know about UK hotels I learned from "Fawlty Towers"

Re: Question about Debian Stretch Live images

2017-06-22 Thread Steve McIntyre
On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 06:22:51PM +0200, Daniele Santu wrote:
>first of all, thanks for your awesome work. :)
>I just wanted to ask something, maybe already frequently asked these days
>(sorry if this is the case): do you plan to (shortly?) release updated 9.0.2
>images because of the still present bugs in 9.0.1?
>Keep the good work going and thanks again!

I don't think we have any major bugs remaining in the 9.0.1
images. I'm still working on fixes for some of the issues that do
exist, but I'm now only expecting to build and release a new set of
images for 9.1, the first Stretch point release. If that follows the
normal pattern, expect to see that about a month after the initial
stretch release.

>P.S. Sorry for my not-perfect English, not a native speaker!

No problem, it's perfectly clear! :-)

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge,
"The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that
 English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on
 occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them
 unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."  -- James D. Nicoll