Debian 8.2 (Jessie) has no cdimage

2015-09-07 Thread Roger Shimizu
Dear cdimage maintainer,

Debian 8.2 was released last week. But it seems that 8.2 cdimages are
still missing in folder:

Therefore all URLs in "Official CD/DVD images of the stable release"
section of page are dead link.

Hope here is the right place to report this issue.
Thank you!


Re: Suggestions for CD images - following CD talk at Debconf [UEFI confusion SOLVED]

2015-09-07 Thread Vincent Danjean
On 31/08/2015 20:36, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> I'd seen the Red Hat document before: it proves slightly harder than it looks 
> to get it to play nicely.
> I was hoping to get something that would seamlessly boot: Debian 8, Ubuntu >= 
> 14.04 and CentOS7.

For Linux Install Party in my school, I've setup a machine that
can serve various Debian, Ubuntu (live or not) and Mint install
images by PXE (legacy and UEFI)

More precisely, for UEFI PXE boot, I'm using
(mostly because I found it when I search for something)
and I've a script that rewrite most syslinux config to grub config
(menu and entries)

PXE and UEFI choice is done automatically by isc-dhcp-server, based
on the Redhat document.

I need to refresh all of this for next week. I can try to publish
it on the web after if some are interested.


> Also not quite as easy when I tried this: CentOS7 and Ubuntu 14.04 could both 
> work with a custom grub.cfg and
> one (Ubuntu) grubnetx64.efi.signed
> "Legacy" PXE is much more established than UEFI but I'm guessing we'll all 
> have to get used to UEFI only soonest.
> All the best,
> Andy C

Vincent Danjean   GPG key ID 0xD17897FA
GPG key fingerprint: 621E 3509 654D D77C 43F5  CA4A F6AE F2AF D178 97FA
Unofficial pkgs:
APT repo:  deb unstable main

Re: Debian 8.2 (Jessie) has no cdimage

2015-09-07 Thread Cyril Brulebois

Roger Shimizu  (2015-09-07):
> Debian 8.2 was released last week. But it seems that 8.2 cdimages are still
> missing in folder:

8.2.0 is now here.

> Therefore all URLs in "Official CD/DVD images of the stable release"
> section of page are dead link.

They are currently pointing at 8.1.0, which presumably got archived by
now (

> Hope here is the right place to report this issue.

I've cc-ed debian-www@ so that they can make sure the correct version
number is used for the next website build/update.

Maybe using the “current” symlink would make sure the website still
points at the old release until the new one replaces it, without any
404s between images being published and website being updated? Of course
that means pointing at old images for a while, but the release announce
mentions that images are getting built…


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