Re: Mail System (

2004-09-08 Thread dave
Subject: From David Knell: E-mail address changed

Hi -
Owing to the unbelievable amount of spam coming in to this account (6000+ pieces over 
the space of one weekend) I've changed my e-mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please forward the e-mail you've just sent me to my new address, and update your 
address book.  Apologies for the inconvenience.
 Original Message 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dual layer DVD

2004-09-08 Thread Steve Langasek

On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 03:58:55PM +0200, Richard Atterer wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 02:19:16PM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> > 8604024832 sarge-i386-1.iso

> > We're going to have to start trimming things if we want dual-layer
> > DVDs to work for the sarge release. Suggestions?

> The following shows the kB needed (for all+i386) and names of some packages
> (documentation and games) that I wouldn't miss:

>  size  name
>  78022 lg-*
>  21933 kernel-doc-{2.4.24,2.4.25,2.4.26,2.6.6,2.6.7}  (keeping 2.4.27 and  2.6.8)

The kernel-source packages for 2.4 << 2.4.25 and for 2.6 << 2.6.7 ought to
be removed from the archive altogether.  (For the moment, 2.4.25/6 and
2.6.7 still apply to sarge, though this will be its own source of
space-saving once it's decided which of each kernel will be used for
sarge.)  Would you be willing to follow up on this by coordinating with
the maintainers and filing any needed removal requests against

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: Digital signature

Re: Dual layer DVD

2004-09-08 Thread Abdullah Ramazanoglu
begin  Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dedi ki:
> On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 07:04:44PM +, Joel Baker wrote:

> What I'd like us to do is create several image sizes for each arch:
>   1 business card image (ISO, maybe jigdo too)
>   1 netinst image (ISO, maybe jigdo too)
>   13 or 14 650 MB CDs (jigdos on the main cdimage site, with some mirrors
>   carrying the full ISOs)

Maybe it's already discussed somewhere, but don't 700 MB CDs make more
sense? It would reduce the number of discs by one, and anyway de facto
CD size is 700 MB nowadays.

Abdullah| aramazan@ |
Ramazanoglu | myrealbox |
| D.0.T cöm |__

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dual layer DVD

2004-09-08 Thread Steve McIntyre
On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 03:57:34PM +0300, Abdullah Ramazanoglu wrote:
>begin  Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dedi ki:
>>   13 or 14 650 MB CDs (jigdos on the main cdimage site, with some mirrors
>>   carrying the full ISOs)
>Maybe it's already discussed somewhere, but don't 700 MB CDs make more
>sense? It would reduce the number of discs by one, and anyway de facto
>CD size is 700 MB nowadays.

We did have this discussion a while back, yes. Several people are
still attached to 650MB for CDs; to be fair, many older drives don't
like reading 700MB CDs, especially CD-Rs. It wouldn't make much
difference for us, so I'd just leave it at 650 for sarge.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I've only once written 'SQL is my bitch' in a comment. But that code 
 is in use on a military site..." -- Simon Booth

Description: Digital signature

Re: New DVD images and status of the weekly builds

2004-09-08 Thread Len Sorensen
On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 07:34:00PM +0200, Santiago Garcia Mantinan wrote:
> We have produced new images and made them available (after fixing yesterday
> the problem with the powerpc builds). These images should again fit in all
> DVDs at least if we didn't break other things, they are the first images
> built with JTE that we publish, and even though we tested the JTE images
> internally for the last weeks, there could be errors when downloading or
> within the images, if so, please report them to the list and we'll try to
> address them asap.
> Does this mean that we are ready for building weekly images again?
> Nope, not yet, we still have size problems, we just have bypassed them for
> now to build these images, if you want to help with the size problems, have
> a look at my yesterday's mail with subject:
> ISO sizes problem (searching for a solution)
> It is much  easier for us to generate DVD isos of a good size (and even in
> that we have not been much successfull) without solving this problem with the
> sizes, than to do it with CD isos, that's why we have produced new DVD
> images and not CDs yet, maybe we start generating new CDs and DVDs again in
> a weekly basis soon, but I wouldn't know when yet, for now, if you want a
> recent build please try out the new DVD images and let us know if they work
> ok.

Well given the new image is about 90M smaller and the problem seemed to
be a matter of 2 or 3M, yeah it seems to work fine.  Will try booting it
later, although I doubt there will be any problems with that part of it.

Len Sorensen

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

new soft

2004-09-08 Thread Discuss-request
New QEM software
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99senseless
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99lengthy
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99rainbow
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99appetizer
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99mingled
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99shoots
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99acidic
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99audiograms
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99Jacobite
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99Josef
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99loosing
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99shrill
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 - 29.99ballgown

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Re: Dual layer DVD

2004-09-08 Thread Mattias Wadenstein
On Wed, 8 Sep 2004, Steve McIntyre wrote:
What I'd like us to do is create several image sizes for each arch:
Sounds good to me.
 1 business card image (ISO, maybe jigdo too)
 1 netinst image (ISO, maybe jigdo too)
Really, what good would jigdo do here? If you have such slow connection 
that downloading the data directly from a cd mirror would be painful, what 
are the chances that you have an up-to-date debian mirror locally?

 13 or 14 650 MB CDs (jigdos on the main cdimage site, with some
 mirrors carrying the full ISOs)
 2 4.7 GB DVDs (ditto)
I am expecting to carry one of those on cdimage.d.o for user convenience 
and at least the push-triggered mirrors, right now I'm going for the CDs. 
Any reasons for carrying DVDs instead?

I'll see if I can dig up some more storage to carry both, I don't have a 
good hardware donor lined up right now though.

 1 8.5 GB DL DVD image (probably jigdo only)
Seems resonable, since this would be of interest to vendors mostly from 
what I have seen from the discussion above.

/Mattias Wadenstein
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New DVD images and status of the weekly builds

2004-09-08 Thread Santiago Garcia Mantinan

We have produced new images and made them available (after fixing yesterday
the problem with the powerpc builds). These images should again fit in all
DVDs at least if we didn't break other things, they are the first images
built with JTE that we publish, and even though we tested the JTE images
internally for the last weeks, there could be errors when downloading or
within the images, if so, please report them to the list and we'll try to
address them asap.

Does this mean that we are ready for building weekly images again?

Nope, not yet, we still have size problems, we just have bypassed them for
now to build these images, if you want to help with the size problems, have
a look at my yesterday's mail with subject:

ISO sizes problem (searching for a solution)

It is much  easier for us to generate DVD isos of a good size (and even in
that we have not been much successfull) without solving this problem with the
sizes, than to do it with CD isos, that's why we have produced new DVD
images and not CDs yet, maybe we start generating new CDs and DVDs again in
a weekly basis soon, but I wouldn't know when yet, for now, if you want a
recent build please try out the new DVD images and let us know if they work

Manty/BestiaTester ->

PS: thanks to Richard for replying to all the questions on the list.