Bug#407654: O: slidentd -- minimal ident (RFC 1413) daemon

2007-02-08 Thread Daniel Baumann
David Smith wrote:
> I agree using dpatch is better so I've made the appropriate
> changes and reuploaded. I'm a big fan of darcs and am
> evaluating darcs-buildpackage but for now, just using dpatch is
> definitely better than directly modifying the source.

everything good, except that your orig.tar.gz doesn't match the one in
the archive. please rebuild.

Address:Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Internet:   http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#393435: itp status

2007-02-08 Thread Emmanuel Bouthenot


When did you plan to upload this package ?


Emmanuel Bouthenot

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410004: wl-summary-resend-bounced-mail doesn't work with many MTAs

2007-02-08 Thread Peter Chubb
> "Tatsuya" == Tatsuya Kinoshita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Tatsuya> On February 7, 2007 at 12:16PM +1100, peterc (at
Tatsuya> gelato.unsw.edu.au) wrote:

>> Package: wl Version: 2.14.0-4
>> Messages bounced from MTAs that do not encapsulate the bounce in a
>> MIME envelope are usually not recognised.  I suggest changing the
>> default value of wl-rejected-letter-start to "^Received:" which
>> will work with almost all bounced messages.

Tatsuya> Could you please show the problematic bounced messages?

Appended, at least the top parts.

Tatsuya> Anyway, I'll forward this bug report to the upstream.  (I
Tatsuya> think "^Received:" should be "^Received:.*\\(\n[ \t].*\\)*$"
Tatsuya> to match trailing characters of the "^Received:".)

It's no different.  You don't have to match the whole line, just the
start of it.

Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
From: Mail Delivery System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2007 00:36:20 +1100

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

(generated from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
451 Please try again later: retry timeout exceeded

-- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. --

Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from [] (port=4236 helo=
by lemon.gelato.unsw.edu.au with esmtp (Exim 4.62)
(envelope-from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
id 1HDKeu-0007YP-Jk
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 04 Feb 2007 00:14:02 +1100
Received: from immobiliareavagnina.com (port=19155 helo=nnmdyhkffc)
by with smtp
id XQnM-ME6VnxYRu-8j
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 03 Feb 2007 14:10:21 +0100
From: "Harold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dr Peter Chubb  http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au  peterc AT gelato.unsw.edu.au
http://www.ertos.nicta.com.au   ERTOS within National ICT Australia

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410159: Please address schemes for Maintainers/Uploaders inside teams

2007-02-08 Thread Lucas Nussbaum
Package: developers-reference
Version: 3.3.8
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch


In a thread on [EMAIL PROTECTED], I raised the issue of the content of
the Maintainers and Uploaders fields in team-maintained packages (since
we have a problem with that in the pkg-ruby-extras team).

The attached patch proposes a modification of the "Collaborative
maintenance" section to address this. Feel free to modify it, since I'm
not very satisfied with my english.

[0] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2007/01/msg00275.html
| Lucas Nussbaum
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |
diff -Nru /tmp/pd5cVOrkNp/developers-reference-3.3.8/debian/changelog /tmp/TJ57TwGEv5/developers-reference-3.3.9/debian/changelog
--- /tmp/pd5cVOrkNp/developers-reference-3.3.8/debian/changelog	2006-12-16 16:53:10.0 +0100
+++ /tmp/TJ57TwGEv5/developers-reference-3.3.9/debian/changelog	2007-02-08 07:03:07.0 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+developers-reference (3.3.9) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Added section on team organization and Maintainer and Uploaders
+fields. Closes: #xx.
+ -- Lucas Nussbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu,  8 Feb 2007 07:01:58 +0100
 developers-reference (3.3.8) unstable; urgency=low
   * mia-history is replaced by mia-query. Thanks, Christoph Berg.
diff -Nru /tmp/pd5cVOrkNp/developers-reference-3.3.8/developers-reference.sgml /tmp/TJ57TwGEv5/developers-reference-3.3.9/developers-reference.sgml
--- /tmp/pd5cVOrkNp/developers-reference-3.3.8/developers-reference.sgml	2006-11-12 12:05:22.0 +0100
+++ /tmp/TJ57TwGEv5/developers-reference-3.3.9/developers-reference.sgml	2007-02-08 09:14:21.0 +0100
@@ -3320,7 +3320,8 @@
 Setup the co-maintainer with access to the sources you build the
 package from.  Generally this implies you are using a network-capable
 version control system, such as CVS or
+Subversion. Alioth (see ) provides such
+tools, amongst others.
@@ -3339,8 +3340,29 @@
-Collaborative maintenance can often be further eased by the use of
-tools on Alioth (see ).
+Another form of collaborative maintenance is team maintenance, which is
+recommended if you maintain several packages with the same group of
+developers. In that case, the Maintainer and Uploaders field of each
+package must be managed with care. It is recommended to choose between
+one of the two following schemes:
+Put the team member mainly responsible for the package in the Maintainer
+field. In the Uploaders, put the mailing list address, and the team members
+who care for the package.
+Put the mailing list address in the Maintainer field. In the Uploaders
+field, put the team members who care for the package.
+In any case, it is a bad idea to automatically put all team members in
+the Uploaders field. It clutters the Developer's Package Overview listing
+(see ) with packages one doesn't really care for, and
+creates a false sense of good maintenance.

Bug#410114: libcurl3: freezes often

2007-02-08 Thread Denis Dzyubenko

Sorry, forgot to mail @bugs.debian.org

On 08/02/07, Daniel Stenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You repeating this doesn't make this any better report and I (as libcurl
author) won't bother more because you can mention what others have failed to
reported properly.

So please give us an accurate report with details so we can start researching.
Until then I'll continue to ignore this.

I would like to do this, but I don't know what to show you - even
after enabling 'debug' in curlftpfs, it doesn't show much info. But
anyway here it is, maybe this can help, if it doesn't, please tell me
what kind of information you need.

I mount ftp with curlftpfs and the started mplayer to play video file from ftp
'mplayer /mnt/mediazona/izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov/Ghost_7_vetrov.avi'

$ sudo curlftpfs ftp://clon.mediazona.ru/pub /mnt/mediazona/ -o
noatime,allow_other -d -s  [~]
unique: 1, opcode: INIT (26), nodeid: 0, insize: 56
INIT: 7.7
 INIT: 7.5
 unique: 1, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 40
unique: 2, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 40
 unique: 2, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 112
unique: 3, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 40
 unique: 3, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 112
unique: 4, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 40
 unique: 4, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 112
unique: 5, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48
 unique: 5, error: -38 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16
unique: 6, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 48
LOOKUP /izotope
 unique: 6, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 136
unique: 7, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 2, insize: 46
LOOKUP /izotope/Video
 unique: 7, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 136
unique: 8, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 3, insize: 55
LOOKUP /izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov
 unique: 8, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 136
unique: 9, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 4, insize: 59
LOOKUP /izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov/Ghost_7_vetrov.avi
 unique: 9, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 136
unique: 10, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 48
LOOKUP /izotope
 unique: 10, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 136
unique: 11, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 2, insize: 46
LOOKUP /izotope/Video
 unique: 11, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 136
unique: 12, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 3, insize: 55
LOOKUP /izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov
 unique: 12, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 136
unique: 13, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 4, insize: 59
LOOKUP /izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov/Ghost_7_vetrov.ifo
 unique: 13, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 14, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 4, insize: 59
LOOKUP /izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov/Ghost_7_vetrov.rar
 unique: 14, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 15, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 4, insize: 59
LOOKUP /izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov/Ghost_7_vetrov.rar
 unique: 15, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 16, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 48
LOOKUP /izotope
 unique: 16, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 136
unique: 17, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 2, insize: 46
LOOKUP /izotope/Video
 unique: 17, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 136
unique: 18, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 3, insize: 55
LOOKUP /izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov
 unique: 18, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 136
unique: 19, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 4, insize: 59
LOOKUP /izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov/Ghost_7_vetrov.idx
 unique: 19, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 20, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 4, insize: 59
LOOKUP /izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov/Ghost_7_vetrov.rar
 unique: 20, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 21, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 4, insize: 59
LOOKUP /izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov/Ghost_7_vetrov.rar
 unique: 21, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 22, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 4, insize: 59
LOOKUP /izotope/Video/Ghost_7_vetrov/Ghost_7_vetrov.avi
 unique: 22, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 136
unique: 23, opcode: OPEN (14), nodeid: 5, insize: 48
OPEN[134836520] flags: 0x8000
 unique: 23, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 32
unique: 24, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 5, insize: 64
READ[134836520] 16384 bytes from 0
 READ[134836520] 16384 bytes
 unique: 24, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 16400
unique: 25, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 5, insize: 64
READ[134836520] 32768 bytes from 16384
 READ[134836520] 32768 bytes
 unique: 25, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 32784
unique: 26, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 5, insize: 64
READ[134836520] 4096 bytes from 10989568
 READ[134836520] 4096 bytes
 unique: 26, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 4112
unique: 27, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 5, insize: 64
READ[134836520] 16384 bytes from 10993664
 READ[134836520] 16384 bytes
 unique: 27, error: 0 (Success), outsize: 16400
unique: 28, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 5, insize: 64
READ[134836520] 32768 bytes from 11010048
 READ[134836520] 32768 bytes
 unique: 28, error: 0 (Succ

Bug#410076: ejabberd: some errors in logs

2007-02-08 Thread Sergei Golovan

On 2/7/07, Okulov Vitaliy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Package: ejabberd
Version: 1.1.2-4
Severity: normal

For logs look attach file.

In ejabberd 1.1.2 there are slightly more strict Jabber ID validation
rules than in 1.1.1. So, this error message is likely to be caused by
invalid JID in user 123's roster. Try to find something like
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@qwer in his roster using web interface (or any other strange
looking JID).

Sergei Golovan

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409563: ITP: thinkfinger -- library and utility for the SGS Thomson Microelectronics fingerprint reader

2007-02-08 Thread Marcus Better
> libpam-thinkfinger (depends on libthinkfinger0)
> libthinkfinger0
> libthinkfinger-dev
> thinkfinger (depends on libpam-thinkfinger)

(What is the thinkfinger package for, if the tool is in the library package?)

I really think the binary should not go in the library package, see

3. Other files, plugins, runtime binaries
Usually upstream shared library packages contain some documentation and 
example runtime binaries. They should not reside in the runtime shared 
library package. They should be put in the -DEV package, or another package 
that does not have a SONAME version number appended on it, such as 
 This is because the ability of runtime shared library package to upgrade and 
coexist suffers if the binaries are included in the runtime shared library 

But I don't have much experience with library packaging. Why not ask 

About the short description: Perhaps the manufacturer can be dropped entirely. 
Most users don't know or care about the manufacturer, but they know they have 
a Thinkpad:

"thinkfinger -- driver for the fingerprint reader found on some Thinkpad 

The long description can have details about manufacturer and laptop models.

The lib and dev packages can simply have suffixes like "(support library)" 
and "(development files)", if needed.


Description: PGP signature

Bug#386283: khelpcenter

2007-02-08 Thread Modestas Vainius
package khelpcenter
severity 386283 normal
severity 389844 normal
severity 404333 normal
severity 404334 normal
tags 386283 - moreinfo
merge 386283 389844 404333 404334
found 386283 4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6
found 386283 4:3.5.6.dfsg.1-1
tags 386283 patch pending


2007 m. February 7 d., Wednesday, Vedran Furač rašė:
> Hi!
> Please make khelpcenter package depend on htdig.
> Then, in /usr/bin/khc_htsearch.pl replace
> $htsearchpath="/srv/www/cgi-bin/htsearch";
> with
> $htsearchpath="/usr/lib/cgi-bin/htsearch";
> and in other /usr/bin/khc*pl files replace
> $htdigdata = "/srv/www/htdig/common/"
> with /var/www/htdig.
> Now, you can close the following bugs:
> #386283, #389844, #404333 and #404334
Thanks for the info. It will be fixed in the next kdebase 3.5.6 upload.

Modestas Vainius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: PGP signature

Bug#375316: Patch for the 00.02.39-8.2 NMU of anon-proxy

2007-02-08 Thread Christian Perrier

Dear maintainer of anon-proxy,

Recently, I sent you a notice announcing my intent to upload
a NMU of your package to fix its pending l10n issues.

You agreed for this NMU.

I have uploaded this NMU yesterday.

The NMU patch is attached to this mail.

The NMU changelog is:

Source: anon-proxy
Version: 00.02.39-8.2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue,  6 Feb 2007 08:30:52 +0100
Closes: 375316 382138 388097 394105
 anon-proxy (00.02.39-8.2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Non-maintainer upload to fix pending l10n issues.
   * Debconf templates translations:
 - Dutch. Closes: #375316, #382138, #388097
 - Japanese. Closes: #394105


diff -Nru anon-proxy-00.02.39.old/debian/changelog anon-proxy-00.02.39/debian/changelog
--- anon-proxy-00.02.39.old/debian/changelog	2007-02-06 08:27:20.423221009 +0100
+++ anon-proxy-00.02.39/debian/changelog	2007-02-06 08:31:52.073502345 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+anon-proxy (00.02.39-8.2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload to fix pending l10n issues.
+  * Debconf templates translations:
+- Dutch. Closes: #375316, #382138, #388097
+- Japanese. Closes: #394105
+ -- Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue,  6 Feb 2007 08:30:52 +0100
 anon-proxy (00.02.39-8.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * NMU as part of the GCC 4.1 transition.
diff -Nru anon-proxy-00.02.39.old/debian/po/ja.po anon-proxy-00.02.39/debian/po/ja.po
--- anon-proxy-00.02.39.old/debian/po/ja.po	2007-02-06 08:27:20.163218826 +0100
+++ anon-proxy-00.02.39/debian/po/ja.po	2007-02-06 08:30:05.672608784 +0100
@@ -13,53 +13,51 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: anon-proxy 00.02.39-7\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
+"Project-Id-Version: anon-proxy 00.02.39-8.1\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: David Spreen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2006-01-28 15:12+\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-05-29 04:37+0900\n"
-"Last-Translator: Hideki Yamane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-10-19 23:52+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Hideki Yamane(Debian-JP) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=EUC-JP\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:4
 msgid "Should I set the http_proxy variable?"
-msgstr "http_proxy ÊÑ¿ô¤ò¥»¥Ã¥È¤·¤Þ¤¹¤«?"
+msgstr "http_proxy 変数をセットしますか?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:4
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "To surf the web anonymously you have to make your browser using the proxy "
 "server. For graphical browsers like mozilla or konqueror you can easily "
 "configure the proxy information using the graphical setup dialogs."
 msgstr ""
-"ɬÍפ¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤¹¡£mozilla ¤ä konqueror ¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ê¥°¥é¥Õ¥£¥«¥ë¤Ê¥Ö¥é¥¦¥¶¤Ç¤Ï¡¢¥°¥é"
+"必要があります。mozilla や konqueror のようなグラフィカルなブラウザでは、グラ"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:4
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Shellbrowsers like lynx or w3m use the environment variables http_proxy and "
 "HTTP_PROXY. If you want to I will set these variables globally in /etc/"
 "environment, and remove them when you purge this package."
 msgstr ""
-"lynx ¤ä w3m ¤Ê¤É¤Î shell ÍѤΥ֥饦¥¶¤Ï¡¢´Ä¶­ÊÑ¿ô http_proxy ¤ä HTTP_PROXY ¤ò"
-"»È¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£¤³¤ì¤é¤ÎÊÑ¿ô¤òÁ´ÈÌŪ¤ËÍøÍѤ·¤¿¤¤¾ì¹ç¤Ï /etc/environment ¤ËÀßÄꤷ¤Þ"
+"lynx や w3m などの shell 用のブラウザは、環境変数 http_proxy や HTTP_PROXY を"
+"参照します。これらの変数をシステム全体で利用したい場合は /etc/environment "
+"に設定し、パッケージを purge する際にこの設定を削除します。"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:18
 msgid "Do you want me to start the daemon now?"
-msgstr "¤¤¤Þ¤¹¤°¤Ë ¥Ç¡¼¥â¥ó¤È¤·¤Æµ¯Æ°¤·¤Þ¤¹¤«?"
+msgstr "いますぐに デーモンとして起動しますか?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
@@ -68,8 +66,8 @@
 "If you want me to, I will start the proxy daemon now. You can test if your "
 "configuration works correctly by surfing to the following page:"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
@@ -80,9 +78,7 

Bug#409246: discover does not detect vmwares emulated graphic card any longer

2007-02-08 Thread Joerg Platte

you can close this bug. The current version of discover is able to detect the 
card again. Did you change anything that may have caused this bug?


Bug#408588: Debian on SGI Altix IA-64

2007-02-08 Thread dann frazier
On Fri, Feb 02, 2007 at 01:25:39PM -0500, St?phane Larose wrote:
> I agree - not creating the serial device would be a problem for a pci serial 
> card.

Ok, let's drop this option then

> > Is there a way we can support both? What if we create a ttySG0 file in
> > init-udev-devices and pass console=ttySG0 to the kernel[2]?
> > If that works, I don't think its a big deal to ask altix users to pass
> > console=ttySG0 to the installer - we could even put it in the elilo
> > help menu (which isn't localized).
> >
> > St?phane: can you test these two patches and report back what works?
> > If /proc isn't mounted at this point, you might remove the if
> > statement around [2].
> The first patch works. When testing the second one, I realized that passing 
> console=xx or CONSOLE=xx is not the same (sorry about that). console in 
> lowercase is used by the kernel as the console and not keep as an environment 
> variable. Using CONSOLE in uppercase is not used by the kernel but passed as 
> an environment variable.

The way I read the busybox source, it looks for CONSOLE= first then

static void console_init(void)
if ((s = getenv("CONSOLE")) != NULL || (s = getenv("console")) != NULL) 
safe_strncpy(console, s, sizeof(console));

I don't really understand how kernel command line options become env
vars though - is something preventing console= from being an env var
at this point?

dann frazier

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410160: nfs-kernel-server: NFSv4 inconsistent client behaviour on etch

2007-02-08 Thread Herbert Valerio Riedel
Package: nfs-kernel-server
Severity: important

I'm not sure this is the right place for describing the strange behaviour I'm 
experiencing with NFSv4, but I'll do it anyway :-)

I'm using an etch nfs server with 
nfs-kernel-server 1:1.0.10-4
linux-image-2.6.18-3-686 2.6.18-7

etc/exports @ NFS server:


...and various debian etch nfs clients, but there's one host, clientA, which 
experiences strange cache inconsistencies 
(I'm actually wondering whether it's related to 

mount-cmd @ NFS clients:

mount -t nfs4 nfs-srv:/home2 /home2

now the problem I'm experiencing is that clientA caches pathnames and inodes, 
even if the pathname doesn't exist anymore as shown by the following two 

1. OK: create file from A - remove from B
clientA$ date | tee file1; stat file1
Thu Feb  8 09:00:02 CET 2007
  File: `file1'
  Size: 29  Blocks: 8  IO Block: 32768  regular file
Device: 14h/20d Inode: 32800   Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (10001/ hvr)   Gid: (  100/   users)
Access: 2007-02-08 09:01:00.0 +0100
Modify: 2007-02-08 09:00:02.0 +0100
Change: 2007-02-08 09:00:02.0 +0100

clientB$ ls -l; stat file1; cat file1
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 hvr users 29 Feb  8 09:00 file1
  File: `file1'
  Size: 29  Blocks: 8  IO Block: 32768  regular file
Device: 12h/18d Inode: 32800   Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (10001/ hvr)   Gid: (  100/   users)
Access: 2007-02-08 09:01:00.0 +0100
Modify: 2007-02-08 09:00:02.0 +0100
Change: 2007-02-08 09:00:02.0 +0100
Thu Feb  8 09:00:02 CET 2007

clientB$ rm -v file1; ls -l; stat file1; cat file1
removed `file1'
total 0
stat: cannot stat `file1': No such file or directory
cat: file1: No such file or directory

clientA$ ls -l; stat file1; cat file1
removed `file1'
total 0
stat: cannot stat `file1': No such file or directory
cat: file1: No such file or directory

2. FAIL: create file from A; read from A; remove from B
clientA$ date | tee file1; ls -l; stat file1;cat file1
Thu Feb  8 09:06:06 CET 2007
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 hvr users 29 Feb  8 09:06 file1
  File: `file1'
  Size: 29  Blocks: 8  IO Block: 32768  regular file
Device: 14h/20d Inode: 32800   Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (10001/ hvr)   Gid: (  100/   users)
Access: 2007-02-08 09:06:02.0 +0100
Modify: 2007-02-08 09:06:06.0 +0100
Change: 2007-02-08 09:06:06.0 +0100
Thu Feb  8 09:06:06 CET 2007

clientB$ ls -l; stat file1; cat file1
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 hvr users 29 Feb  8 09:06 file1
  File: `file1'
  Size: 29  Blocks: 8  IO Block: 32768  regular file
Device: 12h/18d Inode: 32800   Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (10001/ hvr)   Gid: (  100/   users)
Access: 2007-02-08 09:06:06.0 +0100
Modify: 2007-02-08 09:06:06.0 +0100
Change: 2007-02-08 09:06:06.0 +0100
Thu Feb  8 09:06:06 CET 2007

clientB$ rm -v file1; ls -l; stat file1; cat file1
removed `file1'
total 0
stat: cannot stat `file1': No such file or directory
cat: file1: No such file or directory

clientA$ ls -l; stat file1;cat file1
total 0
  File: `file1'
  Size: 29  Blocks: 8  IO Block: 32768  regular file
Device: 14h/20d Inode: 32800   Links: 0
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (10001/ hvr)   Gid: (  100/   users)
Access: 2007-02-08 09:06:26.0 +0100
Modify: 2007-02-08 09:06:06.0 +0100
Change: 2007-02-08 09:06:52.0 +0100
Thu Feb  8 09:06:06 CET 2007

clientA$ $ cat file1;rm -v file1;ls -l; stat file1;cat file1
Thu Feb  8 09:09:45 CET 2007
rm: cannot remove `file1': No such file or directory
total 0
stat: cannot stat `file1': No such file or directory
cat: file1: No such file or directory

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-3-686
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=C (charmap=ANSI_X3.4-1968)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410097: reportbug: sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for local/not-existing packages

2007-02-08 Thread Alexis Sukrieh


I agree, reportbug should refuse to send a report to the BTS if the 
package is manually built (eg: with dh-make-perl for instance).

Bug reports make sense for Debian-maintained packages.


Alexis Sukrieh

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#407654: O: slidentd -- minimal ident (RFC 1413) daemon

2007-02-08 Thread David Smith
Daniel Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Smith wrote:
>> I agree using dpatch is better so I've made the appropriate
>> changes and reuploaded. I'm a big fan of darcs and am
>> evaluating darcs-buildpackage but for now, just using dpatch is
>> definitely better than directly modifying the source.
> everything good, except that your orig.tar.gz doesn't match the one in
> the archive. please rebuild.

Heh, let's try that one more time. I've reuploaded to mentors
and I've verified the same package from my personal archive at
http://bosabosa.org/~dds/debian/ . If mentors is still fubared
please try the bosabosa archive.
  David D. Smith 
Jabber/GoogleTalk: dds at jabber.org ; GPG: 0xE6511C7E
IRC: dds on irc.freenode.net ; MSN: dds4418 at hotmail.com

Description: PGP signature

Bug#409222: linux-image-2.6.18-3-686: on system with absolutely no SATA drives - 'ata1: port is slow to respond, please be patient'

2007-02-08 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 10:03:19AM +, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 08:05:29AM +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
> > On Thursday 01 February 2007 03:18, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> > >  unfortunately there is no change.
> > >
> > >  this is with 2.6.18-6-686.
> > >
> > > ghfield:~# apt-cache show linux-image-2.6.18-3-686
> > > Version: 2.6.18-7
> > 
> > This is _not_ the latest version. Please try with linux-image-2.6.18-4-686 
> > (2.6.18.dfsg.1-9) from unstable, as Dann requested!

 yep - it works.  messages about probing some device at a random
 location say 'oops it not there'.

 unfortunately, something _else_ has gone wrong - probably with yaird -
 where the root (which is the /dev/hdc) cannot be detected (!!!) and so
 i end up with a busybox shell in the initrd (!) but that's another


lkcl.net - mad free software computer person, visionary and poet.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#252593: underpaid and not appreciated?

2007-02-08 Thread Nanette Barry
Good day,

A Gen_uine Coll`ege Di!ploma in 2 weeks Cal_l us now_!-> 206-984-2310

No Study Required!   1_0_0_% Veri.fiable!

Right now the following Degr!ee are being offered:

B!achelors, Mas!ters, MBA, and Doctora!te (PhD)

C.al_l us now_ for more information, 206-984-2310

Get back to you later,
Marguerite Herring

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410162: ITP: schafkopf -- a popular Bavarian card game

2007-02-08 Thread Sebastian Harl
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Sebastian Harl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* Package name: schafkopf
  Upstream Author : Dominik Seichter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL : http://schafkopf.berlios.de/
* License : GPL
  Description : a popular Bavarian card game

This is a KDE version of the Schafkopf game (a.k.a. Sheepshead in parts of the
USA). It has an easy to use GUI, a custom Bavarian Card Deck, an advanced AI,
a network mode and much more...

The long description is extracted from the homepage so far. I will probably be
improved before upload.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#407654: O: slidentd -- minimal ident (RFC 1413) daemon

2007-02-08 Thread Daniel Baumann
David Smith wrote:
> Heh, let's try that one more time. I've reuploaded to mentors
> and I've verified the same package from my personal archive at
> http://bosabosa.org/~dds/debian/ . If mentors is still fubared
> please try the bosabosa archive.

still wrong on both sites:

the one in debian:
59b89db95d447262894c5a56bd24ec04  slidentd_1.0.0.orig.tar.gz

the one from you:
16e443115ee48aadfd75deef9ebac624  slidentd_1.0.0.orig.tar.gz

Address:Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Internet:   http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409563: ITP: thinkfinger -- library and utility for the SGS Thomson Microelectronics fingerprint reader

2007-02-08 Thread Jon Dowland

Luca Capello wrote:

ATM I don't really see any reason to create a separate package just
for tf-tool, because libthinkfinger + tf-tool (binary and manpage)
should generate a package around less than 50K in size.  In case new
tools will be added, we can split the package.

Is a strong reason against this?
Can I reverse the question and ask why *not* a separate binary package? 
Is it just to the additional difficulty with initial packaging?

Jon Dowland

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410131: libc6: running "mount / -o remount" gives glibc double-free

2007-02-08 Thread Russell Coker
On Thursday 08 February 2007 11:11, Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>   err, why would that be a libc problem and not a mount one ? not that
> I contest this could be true btw, but have you any hint that could
> support this ?
>   Note that I confirm I can reproduce it here too.

AFAIK it could be either.  If you think it's more likely to be mount then 
please re-assign it.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409246: discover does not detect vmwares emulated graphic card any longer

2007-02-08 Thread Petter Reinholdtsen
reassign 409246 discover-data
severity 409246 serious
merge 409246 409101

[Joerg Platte]
> you can close this bug. The current version of discover is able to
> detect the card again. Did you change anything that may have caused
> this bug?

Ah, is that where this bug was reported.  It was a bug in
discover-data, and has been fixed there in version 2.2007.02.02.

Petter Reinholdtsen

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410161: opensync outdated

2007-02-08 Thread Hadmut Danisch
Package: opensync-plugin-syncml
Version: 0.19-1


please upgrade to 0.20 .


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#123252: libc6: close does not work on sockets with pending aio

2007-02-08 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 01:37:13PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Package: libc6
> Version: 2.2.4-7
> Severity: normal
> If aio_read has been called for a socket and then closing the socket
> is attempted with close, close succeeds (returns zero), but the connection
> is not really closed until the remote end sends something completing the
> pending aio_read. aio_cancel returns AIO_NOTCANCELED and does not do anything.
> This is a problem in server applications: If the server is implemented in
> such a way that it always listens for incoming data, it cannot close the
> connection.

  Is this still the case ? if yes, could you provide some kind of way to
reproduce the problem ?

·O·  Pierre Habouzit

Description: PGP signature

Bug#410165: python-gtk2: pls add support for python 2.5

2007-02-08 Thread joshua
Package: python-gtk2
Version: 2.10.3-2
Severity: normal

The subject says it all.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages python-gtk2 depends on:
ii  libatk1.0-0  1.12.3-1The ATK accessibility toolkit
ii  libc62.3.6.ds1-7 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcairo21.2.6-1 The Cairo 2D vector graphics libra
ii  libfontconfig1   2.4.1-2 generic font configuration library
ii  libglib2.0-0 2.12.9-2The GLib library of C routines
ii  libgtk2.0-0  2.10.7-1The GTK+ graphical user interface 
ii  libpango1.0-01.14.8-4Layout and rendering of internatio
ii  libx11-6 2:1.0.3-2   X11 client-side library
ii  libxcursor1  1.1.7-4 X cursor management library
ii  libxext6 1:1.0.1-2   X11 miscellaneous extension librar
ii  libxfixes3   1:4.0.1-4   X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extensio
ii  libxi6   1:1.0.1-3   X11 Input extension library
ii  libxinerama1 1:1.0.1-4.1 X11 Xinerama extension library
ii  libxrandr2   2: X11 RandR extension library
ii  libxrender1  1:0.9.1-3   X Rendering Extension client libra
ii  python   2.4.4-2 An interactive high-level object-o
ii  python-cairo 1.2.0-1 Python bindings for the Cairo vect
ii  python-gobject   2.12.3-1Python bindings for the GObject li
ii  python-numeric   24.2-6  Numerical (matrix-oriented) Mathem
ii  python-support   0.5.6   automated rebuilding support for p

python-gtk2 recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410164: ndiswrapper-source: New upstream version available

2007-02-08 Thread Kai Weber
Package: ndiswrapper-source
Version: 1.30-1
Severity: wishlist


a new upstream version for ndiswrapper is available: 1.37. This version
fixes incompatibilty with kernel version 2.6.20, and the annoying hang,
when devicenames are changed.

Could you please package it?

Regards, Kai

(You could put the package into experimental or on a private web site,
but I would be very very grateful for the new version.)

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-4-k7
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=de_DE.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409961: foobillard: Menu does not work, no text ever appears.

2007-02-08 Thread Joshua Rodman
On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 10:15:07AM +0100, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-02-07 at 00:26 -0800, Joshua Rodman wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 08:08:27AM +0100, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> > > On Tue, 2007-02-06 at 15:04 -0800, Joshua Rodman wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > - The new machine uses the unproven intel i965 opengl stuff, although it
> > > >   is working fairly well in the main here (mostly there are probablems
> > > >   changing screen mode/resolution).
> > > 
> > > It does seem like the prime suspect so far though. Which version of
> > > libgl1-mesa-dri do you have? Can you try installing libgl1-mesa-swx11 to
> > > see if it happens with that as well?
> > 
> > That makes the problem go away, it is definitely GL-implementation related.
> > Sorry, I would have tried this myself, but I really didn't know how to
> > configure the system for software opengl.
> > 
> > Given that it is known that 965-dri is not baked in etch, should this
> > just be closed? or filed against libgl1-mesa-dri (encountered with
> > 6.5.1-0.5 as I believe the initial report should say.)
> Can you try libgl1-mesa-dri 6.5.2 from experimental?

(Trimmed debian-x for trivial note) Update:
mesa 6.5.2-2 FTBFS 


I could copy the files in by hand but am afraid of making a mess I
forget how to clean up.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410163: alsa-base: Recording with Intel 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) needs additional module parameter

2007-02-08 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
Package: alsa-base
Version: 1.0.13-3
Severity: normal

The audio device described by lspci below needs the following in

options snd-hda-intel model=ref

Otherwise sound recording through the microphone jack doesn't work.

This is the lspci entry:

00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) 
High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)
Subsystem: Fujitsu Limited. Unknown device 1326
Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-
Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- 
SERR- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1357412#post1357412

-- Package-specific info:
--- Begin additional package status ---
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name   VersionDescription
ii  libasound2 1.0.13-1   ALSA library
--- End additional package status ---
--- Begin /proc/asound/version ---
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.12rc1 (Thu Jun 22 13:55:50 
2006 UTC).
--- End /proc/asound/version ---
--- Begin /proc/asound/cards ---
 0 [Intel  ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
  HDA Intel at 0xb000 irq 169
--- End /proc/asound/cards ---
--- Begin /dev/snd/ listing ---
total 0
crw-rw 1 root audio 116,  0 2007-02-08 11:11 controlC0
crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 24 2007-02-08 11:11 pcmC0D0c
crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 16 2007-02-08 11:11 pcmC0D0p
crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 25 2007-02-08 11:11 pcmC0D1c
crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 30 2007-02-08 11:11 pcmC0D6c
crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 22 2007-02-08 11:11 pcmC0D6p
crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 33 2007-02-08 11:11 timer
--- End /dev/snd/ listing ---

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-3-686
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages alsa-base depends on:
ii  linux-sound-base   1.0.13-3  base package for ALSA and OSS soun
ii  lsof   4.77.dfsg.1-3 List open files
ii  module-init-tools  3.3-pre3-1tools for managing Linux kernel mo
ii  modutils module utilities

Versions of packages alsa-base recommends:
ii  alsa-utils1.0.13-2   ALSA utilities

Versions of packages libasound2 depends on:
ii  libc6   2.3.6.ds1-10 GNU C Library: Shared libraries

-- no debconf information

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#365587: iceweasel keeps crashing over http://localhost/mediawiki/config/index.php

2007-02-08 Thread 韓達耐
Package: iceweasel
Followup-For: Bug #365587


I'm having precisely the same problem as the user, namely when I open
the MediaWiki configuration page, Firefox/Iceweasel crashes exactly
before the page is fully loaded.  Epiphany does not show this
behaviour.  I must say that I haven't configured the database yet.
But still, FF shouldn't crash.

When restarting FF (even in Safe Modus), it loads the page until it's
almost fully loaded again, and then crashes again.  It looks like a
Sisyphean bug as I can reproduce it. ;)

What exactly do you need?  Output from strace, or gdb?  Any options
you would like me to set for these commands?

The page in question is: 

[Seems like I also found a bug for Gedit+Epiphany when viewing the source.
 This page seems like a goldmine for bugs! =]

Best regards!




-- System Information:
Debian Release: unstable
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (1, 'sarge-unsupported')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-tiberius
Locale: LANG=nl_BE.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=nl_BE.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages iceweasel depends on:
ii  debianutils   2.17.5 Miscellaneous utilities specific t
ii  fontconfig2.4.2-1generic font configuration library
ii  libatk1.0-0   1.12.4-1   The ATK accessibility toolkit
ii  libc6 2.3.6.ds1-11   GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcairo2 1.2.4-4The Cairo 2D vector graphics libra
ii  libfontconfig12.4.2-1generic font configuration library
ii  libfreetype6  2.2.1-5FreeType 2 font engine, shared lib
ii  libglib2.0-0  2.12.6-2   The GLib library of C routines
ii  libgtk2.0-0   2.8.20-5   The GTK+ graphical user interface 
ii  libjpeg62 6b-13  The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG 
ii  libmyspell3c2 1:3.1-18   MySpell spellchecking library
ii  libpango1.0-0 1.14.8-5   Layout and rendering of internatio
ii  libpng12-01.2.15~beta5-1 PNG library - runtime
ii  libstdc++64.1.1-21   The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii  libx11-6  2:1.0.3-5  X11 client-side library
ii  libxft2  FreeType-based font drawing librar
ii  libxinerama1  1:1.0.1-4.1X11 Xinerama extension library
ii  libxp61:1.0.0.xsf1-1 X Printing Extension (Xprint) clie
ii  libxrender1   1:0.9.1-3  X Rendering Extension client libra
ii  libxt61:1.0.2-2  X11 toolkit intrinsics library
ii  psmisc22.3-1 Utilities that use the proc filesy
ii  zlib1g1:1.2.3-13 compression library - runtime

iceweasel recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

Bug#409524: [xml/sgml-pkgs] Bug#409524: FTBFS: illegal input sequence at position 1323

2007-02-08 Thread Rafael Laboissiere
* Daniel Leidert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-02-03 21:57]:

> Am Samstag, den 03.02.2007, 20:25 +0100 schrieb Martin Michlmayr:
> > Package: docbook2x
> > Version: 0.8.3-1
> > Severity: serious
> > Tags: sid
> > 
> > This package fails to build in sid (but not in etch):
> > 
> > > Automatic build of docbook2x_0.8.3-1 on em64t by sbuild/amd64 0.52
> > ...
> > > Build started at 20070201-0709
> > > **
> [..]
> > > make[2]: Entering directory `/build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc'
> > > ../libxslt/db2x_xsltproc -C ../xslt/catalog.xml -s ./ss-texinfo.xsl -o 
> > > docbook2X.txml docbook2X.xml
> > > I/O error : Attempt to load network entity 
> > > http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd
> > > /usr/bin/perl -I../perl ../perl/db2x_texixml 
> > > --utf8trans-program=../utf8trans/utf8trans 
> > > --utf8trans-map=../charmaps/texi.charmap docbook2X.txml
> > > /usr/bin/iconv: illegal input sequence at position 1323
> > > makeinfo docbook2X.texi
> > > docbook2X.texi:38: No matching [EMAIL PROTECTED] detailmenu'.
> > > docbook2X.texi:23: No matching [EMAIL PROTECTED] menu'.
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:8: Next reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `Quick start' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:36: Menu reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `Concept index' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:35: Menu reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `Package installation' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:33: Menu reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `Design notes' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:32: Menu reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `Release history' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:31: Menu reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `Todo' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:30: Menu reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `FAQ' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:28: Menu reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `Charset considerations' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:27: Menu reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `The XSLT processor' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:26: Menu reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `Converting to Texinfo' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:25: Menu reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `Converting to man pages' (perhaps incorrect 
> > > sectioning?).
> > > /build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc//docbook2X.texi:24: Menu reference to 
> > > nonexistent node `Quick start' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> > > makeinfo: Removing output file 
> > > `/build/tbm/docbook2x-0.8.3/doc/docbook2X.info' due to errors; use 
> > > --force to preserve.
> > > make[2]: *** [docbook2X.info] Error 1
> Adding an '--encoding=utf-8' to the command line in
> doc/Makefile(.in|.am) or adding libxml-sax-expat-perl to build
> dependencies seems to solve the problem. I guess, there are changes in
> the libxml-sax-perl version in Sid, that make the build break.

The package builds correctly in my sid chroot on i368.  Is it perhaps a
problem with the em64t architecture?  It would be good if the files
doc/docbook2X.txml and doc/docbook2X.texi could be posted here, such that we
can try to understand what is going wrong.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410162: ITP: schafkopf -- a popular Bavarian card game

2007-02-08 Thread Frank S. Thomas
On Thursday 08 February 2007, Sebastian Harl wrote:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Sebastian Harl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * Package name: schafkopf
>   Upstream Author : Dominik Seichter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * URL : http://schafkopf.berlios.de/
> * License : GPL
>   Description : a popular Bavarian card game
> This is a KDE version of the Schafkopf game (a.k.a. Sheepshead in parts of
> the USA). It has an easy to use GUI, a custom Bavarian Card Deck, an
> advanced AI, a network mode and much more...
> The long description is extracted from the homepage so far. I will probably
> be improved before upload.

Hi Sebastian!

I've been packaging SchafKopf since version 0.5 but I never got round to 
filling an ITP and maintaining it for Debian. Maybe my package is helpful as 
starting point for yours:

Die Garde stirbt, aber sie ergibt sich nicht!

Description: PGP signature

Bug#410166: iceweacel: Crashes when closing pop up windows using the close function within the window

2007-02-08 Thread Fredrik Allerstam
Subject: iceweacel: Crashes closing popup using function in the window
Package: iceweacel
Severity: important

*** Please type your report below this line ***
Iceweasel crashes with the following error messages in gdb:

[New Thread -1272149072 (LWP 21071)]
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
[New Thread -1289741392 (LWP 21072)]
[Thread -1255253072 (LWP 21060) exited]
[New Thread -1255253072 (LWP 21184)]

(Gecko:21044): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid uninstantiatable type
`(null)' in cast to
`GtkWidget '

(Gecko:21044): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid uninstantiatable type
`(null)' in cast to

(Gecko:21044): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_get_data: assertion
`G_IS_OBJECT (object)'

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread -1222334240 (LWP 21044)]
0x082d0333 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x082d0333 in ?? ()
#1  0x09f91070 in ?? ()
#2  0x0001 in ?? ()
#3  0xbfeac068 in ?? ()
#4  0x082d050d in ?? ()
#5  0x0a021840 in ?? ()
#6  0x0001 in ?? ()
#7  0xbfeac088 in ?? ()
#8  0xb7ab8742 in gdk_window_hide () from /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#408554: From the developer -- Re: Filelight produces copious debug output on standard error

2007-02-08 Thread Joshua Rodman
An exchange with the author (below) on this topic produced this result.
Apparently the source tarball README strongly encourages filelight to be
built with --disable-debug.  Please add this to the build.

.example. added to email addresses since bts seems a spam source.



- Forwarded message from Max Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.6 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00 autolearn=ham 
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 08:32:27 +
From: Max Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Joshua Rodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Filelight produces copious debug output on standard error
X-Google-Sender-Auth: 60a17437de3dcea3

The app should have been compiled ./configure --disable-debug. KDE's
build system does --enable-debug by default, so a pox on KDE! A pox on
your packager too as I do say in the README that you should disable
teh debug... ;-)

So yes, none of it is error output, just useful stuff for development.
I wish I could somehow force it to be off by default for my shipped

Sorry about that,

If you feel up to it you could compile your own, it only depends on
kdelibs. Otherwise you'll have to raise it with your packager I'm


On 08/02/07, Joshua Rodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Application: filelight
>Version: 1.0-beta4 3.5.5, Debian Package 4:3.5.5a.dfsg.1-5 (4.0)
>OS: Linux (x86_64) release
>Compiler: Target: x86_64-linux-gnu
>Severity: Normal
>Perhaps this is really a distribution problem, and if so I apologise.
>However, filelight seems to produce extensive debug output on standard
>error of the controlling terminal, for example a refresh of a view
>filelight: >> void RadialMap::Map::invalidate(bool)
>filelight: Scan requested for: file:///home/jrodman/
>QThread object destroyed while thread is still running.
>filelight: >> void RadialMap::Map::make(const Directory*, bool)
>filelight: >> void RadialMap::Map::setRingBreadth()
>filelight: >> void RadialMap::Map::colorise()
>filelight: >> void RadialMap::Map::paint(unsigned int)
>Are any of these errors upon which the user can take any meaningful
>action or decision?  If not, these should not be produced unless a
>-debug or -verbose switch is thrown on program start.

- End forwarded message -

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410171: reportbug cupsys reports about unreadable files in /usr/lib/cups/backend-available

2007-02-08 Thread Marc Haber
Package: cupsys
Version: 1.2.7-4
Severity: normal

$ reportbug cupsys
Detected character set: ISO-8859-1
Please change your locale if this is incorrect.

Using 'Marc Haber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' as your from address.
Getting status for cupsys...
Verifying package integrity...
There may be a problem with your installation of cupsys;
the following files appear to be missing or changed:
debsums: can't open cupsys file /usr/lib/cups/backend-available/ipp (Permission 
debsums: can't open cupsys file /usr/lib/cups/backend-available/lpd (Permission 
Do you still want to file a report [y|N|q|?]? y

$ ls -al /usr/lib/cups/backend-available/
total 144K
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4.0K Feb  3 11:38 ./
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4.0K Aug  3  2006 ../
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root3 Feb  3 11:38 http -> ipp*
-rwx--  3 root root  23K Feb  2 14:20 ipp*
-rwx--  2 root root  17K Feb  2 14:20 lpd*
-rwxr-xr-x  2 root root  13K Feb  2 14:20 parallel*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 6.3K Feb  2 14:20 scsi*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  11K Feb  2 14:20 serial*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  28K Feb  2 14:20 snmp*
-rwxr-xr-x  2 root root 9.9K Feb  2 14:20 socket*
-rwxr-xr-x  2 root root  14K Feb  2 14:20 usb*

Why are these files unreadable for the world?


-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.20-scyw00225
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=de_DE (charmap=ISO-8859-1)

Versions of packages cupsys depends on:
ii  adduser  3.102   Add and remove users and groups
ii  cupsys-common1.2.7-4 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  debconf [debconf-2.0]1.5.11  Debian configuration management sy
ii  gs-esp   8.15.3.dfsg.1-1 The Ghostscript PostScript interpr
ii  libc62.3.6.ds1-11GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcupsimage21.2.7-4 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  libcupsys2   1.2.7-4 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  libdbus-1-3  1.0.2-1 simple interprocess messaging syst
ii  libgnutls13  1.4.4-3 the GNU TLS library - runtime libr
ii  libldap2 2.1.30-13.2 OpenLDAP libraries
ii  libpam0g 0.79-4  Pluggable Authentication Modules l
ii  libpaper11.1.21  Library for handling paper charact
ii  libslp1  1.2.1-6 OpenSLP libraries
ii  lsb-base 3.1-23  Linux Standard Base 3.1 init scrip
ii  patch2.5.9-4 Apply a diff file to an original
ii  perl-modules 5.8.8-7 Core Perl modules
ii  poppler-utils [xpdf-util 0.4.5-5.1   PDF utilitites (based on libpopple
ii  procps   1:3.2.7-3   /proc file system utilities
ii  zlib1g   1:1.2.3-13  compression library - runtime

Versions of packages cupsys recommends:
ii  cupsys-client 1.2.7-4Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  foomatic-filters  3.0.2-20061031-1.1 linuxprinting.org printer support 
ii  smbclient 3.0.24-2   a LanManager-like simple client fo

-- debconf information:
* cupsys/raw-print: false
* cupsys/backend: ipp, lpd, parallel, socket, usb

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409961: foobillard: Menu does not work, no text ever appears.

2007-02-08 Thread Michel Dänzer
On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 01:45 -0800, Joshua Rodman wrote:
> mesa 6.5.2-2 FTBFS 
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=410118
> I could copy the files in by hand but am afraid of making a mess I
> forget how to clean up.

You shouldn't need to install anything; try

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(dirname /path/to/libGL.so.1) LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=$(dirname 
/path/to/i965_dri.so) foobillard

Earthling Michel Dänzer   |  http://tungstengraphics.com
Libre software enthusiast |  Debian, X and DRI developer

Bug#410169: debconf-doc: two typos in devconf-devel.7

2007-02-08 Thread J S Bygott
Package: debconf-doc
Version: 1.5.11
Severity: minor
Tags: patch

two typos, here's the patch:

--- debconf-devel.7 2006-09-14 19:49:03.0 +0100
+++ debconf-devel.7.new 2007-02-08 08:57:04.0 +
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
 .B TITLE string
 This sets the title debconf displays to the user. You rarely need to use
-this commands since debconf can automatically generate a title based on
+this command since debconf can automatically generate a title based on
 your package's name.
 .B SETTITLE question
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
-Some debconf frontends can display a number of question to the user at once.
+Some debconf frontends can display a number of questions to the user at once.
 Maybe in the future a frontend will even be able to group these questions
 into blocks on screen. BEGINBLOCK and ENDBLOCK can be placed around a set
 of INPUT commands to indicate blocks of questions (and blocks can even be

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410167: gedit: Gedit crashes when viewing source of web page with Epiphany

2007-02-08 Thread 韓達耐
Package: gedit
Version: 2.14.4-6
Severity: important


I open the following page in Epiphany:

Then I press on Control-u upon which Gedit is launched.
I get to see the page with syntax highlighting, but immediately
afterwards Gedit crashes, asking me whether to close or restart
the application.

This bug is reproducable on my machine.

What sort of logs or debugging output do you need?





-- System Information:
Debian Release: unstable
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (1, 'sarge-unsupported')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-tiberius
Locale: LANG=nl_BE.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=nl_BE.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages gedit depends on:
ii  gconf2 2.16.0-3  GNOME configuration database syste
ii  gedit-common   2.14.4-6  official text editor of the GNOME 
ii  libart-2.0-2   2.3.17-1  Library of functions for 2D graphi
ii  libaspell150.60.4-4  GNU Aspell spell-checker runtime l
ii  libatk1.0-01.12.4-1  The ATK accessibility toolkit
ii  libc6  2.3.6.ds1-11  GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libgconf2-42.16.0-3  GNOME configuration database syste
ii  libglade2-01:2.6.0-4 library to load .glade files at ru
ii  libglib2.0-0   2.12.6-2  The GLib library of C routines
ii  libgnome2-02.16.0-2  The GNOME 2 library - runtime file
ii  libgnomecanvas2-0  2.14.0-2  A powerful object-oriented display
ii  libgnomeprint2.2-0 2.12.1-7  The GNOME 2.2 print architecture -
ii  libgnomeprintui2.2-0   2.12.1-4  GNOME 2.2 print architecture User 
ii  libgnomeui-0   2.14.1-2+b1   The GNOME 2 libraries (User Interf
ii  libgnomevfs2-0 1:2.14.2-5GNOME virtual file-system (runtime
ii  libgtk2.0-02.8.20-5  The GTK+ graphical user interface 
ii  libgtksourceview1.0-0  1.8.3-1   shared libraries for the GTK+ synt
ii  libpango1.0-0  1.14.8-5  Layout and rendering of internatio
ii  libx11-6   2:1.0.3-5 X11 client-side library
ii  libxml22.6.27.dfsg-1 GNOME XML library
ii  python 2.4.4-2   An interactive high-level object-o
ii  python-glade2  2.8.6-8   GTK+ bindings: Glade support
ii  python-gnome2-desktop  2.14.0-3  Python bindings for the GNOME desk
ii  python-gtk22.8.6-8   Python bindings for the GTK+ widge
ii  python-support 0.5.6 automated rebuilding support for p
ii  python2.4  2.4.4-2   An interactive high-level object-o
ii  scrollkeeper   0.3.14-12 A free electronic cataloging syste

gedit recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

Bug#410172: version missing on libnet-server-perl dependency

2007-02-08 Thread Aidas Kasparas
Package: amavisd-new
Version: 2.4.2-5

While trying to update amavisd failed to restart:

Setting up amavisd-new (2.4.2-5) ...
Creating/updating amavis user account...
Starting amavisd: Net::Server version 0.87 required--this is only
version 0.85 at /usr/sbin/amavisd-new line 6405.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/sbin/amavisd-new line 6405.
invoke-rc.d: initscript amavis, action "start" failed.

libnet-server-perl version was 0.85-3
Upgrading libnet-server-per to new version (apt-get install
libnet-server-perl ; version installed 0.94-1) fixed the problem.
Therefore, I think that amavisd-new dependency on libnet-server-perl
should include version (>= 0.87) i guess.

Aidas Kasparas
IT administrator
GM Consult Group, UAB

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410170: evolution doesn't honour messages' charset indication

2007-02-08 Thread Paolo Benvenuto
Package: evolution
Version: 2.6.3-4
Severity: normal

I must keep my encoding setting in iso8859-1 because most friends of mine use 
this codification and send messages without encoding indications.

Notwithstanding, when a message comes with the proper encoding indication:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

evolution doesn't honor it: it presents it as it had encoding iso8859-1 .

I think the encoding setting (view -> encoding) should affect only the messages 
that doesn't specify encoding.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (990, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-2-686
Locale: LANG=es_DO.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=es_DO.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages evolution depends on:
ii  dbus  1.0.2-1simple interprocess messaging syst
ii  evolution-common  2.6.3-4architecture independent files for
ii  evolution-data-server 1.6.3-4evolution database backend server
ii  gconf22.16.0-3   GNOME configuration database syste
ii  gnome-icon-theme  2.14.2-2   GNOME Desktop icon theme
ii  gtkhtml3.83.12.1-2   HTML rendering/editing library - b
ii  libart-2.0-2  2.3.17-1   Library of functions for 2D graphi
ii  libatk1.0-0   1.12.4-1   The ATK accessibility toolkit
ii  libaudiofile0 0.2.6-6Open-source version of SGI's audio
ii  libavahi-client3  0.6.16-2   Avahi client library
ii  libavahi-common3  0.6.16-2   Avahi common library
ii  libavahi-glib10.6.16-2   Avahi glib integration library
ii  libbonobo2-0  2.14.0-3   Bonobo CORBA interfaces library
ii  libbonoboui2-02.14.0-5   The Bonobo UI library
ii  libc6 2.3.6.ds1-10   GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcairo2 1.2.4-4The Cairo 2D vector graphics libra
ii  libcamel1.2-8 1.6.3-4The Evolution MIME message handlin
ii  libdbus-1-3   1.0.2-1simple interprocess messaging syst
ii  libdbus-glib-1-2  0.71-3 simple interprocess messaging syst
ii  libebook1.2-5 1.6.3-4Client library for evolution addre
ii  libecal1.2-6  1.6.3-4Client library for evolution calen
ii  libedataserver1.2-7   1.6.3-4Utility library for evolution data
ii  libedataserverui1.2-6 1.6.3-4GUI utility library for evolution 
ii  libegroupwise1.2-10   1.6.3-4Client library for accessing group
ii  libesd-alsa0 [libesd0]0.2.36-3   Enlightened Sound Daemon (ALSA) - 
ii  libexchange-storage1.2-1  1.6.3-4Backend library for evolution cale
ii  libfontconfig12.4.2-1generic font configuration library
ii  libfreetype6  2.2.1-5FreeType 2 font engine, shared lib
ii  libgconf2-4   2.16.0-3   GNOME configuration database syste
ii  libgcrypt11   1.2.3-2LGPL Crypto library - runtime libr
ii  libglade2-0   1:2.6.0-4  library to load .glade files at ru
ii  libglib2.0-0  2.12.6-2   The GLib library of C routines
ii  libgnome-keyring0 0.6.0-3GNOME keyring services library
ii  libgnome-pilot2   2.0.15-0.1 Support libraries for gnome-pilot
ii  libgnome2-0   2.16.0-2   The GNOME 2 library - runtime file
ii  libgnomecanvas2-0 2.14.0-2   A powerful object-oriented display
ii  libgnomeprint2.2-02.12.1-7   The GNOME 2.2 print architecture -
ii  libgnomeprintui2.2-0  2.12.1-4   GNOME 2.2 print architecture User 
ii  libgnomeui-0  2.14.1-2   The GNOME 2 libraries (User Interf
ii  libgnomevfs2-01:2.14.2-5 GNOME virtual file-system (runtime
ii  libgnutls13   1.4.4-3the GNU TLS library - runtime libr
ii  libgpg-error0 1.4-2  library for common error values an
ii  libgtk2.0-0   2.8.20-5   The GTK+ graphical user interface 
ii  libgtkhtml3.8-15  3.12.1-2   HTML rendering/editing library - r
ii  libhal1  Hardware Abstraction Layer - share
ii  libice6   1:1.0.1-2  X11 Inter-Client Exchange library
ii  libjpeg62 6b-13  The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG 
ii  libldap2  2.1.30-13.2OpenLDAP libraries
ii  libnm-glib0   0.6.4-6network management framework (GLib
ii  libnotify10.4.3-1sends desktop notifications to a n
ii  libnspr4-0d  NetScape Portable Runtime Library
ii  libnss3-0d1.8.0.9-1  Network Security Service libraries
ii  liborbit2 1:2.14.4-1 libraries for ORBit2 - a CORBA ORB
ii  libpango1.0-0

Bug#410168: debconf-doc: typo in debconf.7 ("te")

2007-02-08 Thread J S Bygott
Package: debconf-doc
Version: 1.5.11
Severity: minor
Tags: patch

typo, patch attached

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
--- debconf.7   2006-04-29 02:10:58.0 +0100
+++ debconf.7.new   2007-02-08 10:11:42.0 +
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
 Once you have the database, you need to figure out how to make
-te remote systems use it. This depends of course on the configuration of
+the remote systems use it. This depends of course on the configuration of
 those systems and what database types they are set up to use.
 If you are using the LDAP debconf database, an entire network of debian

Bug#408482: Really applied?

2007-02-08 Thread Christian Perrier
tags 408482 - pending

Quoting Philippe Cloutier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hi Christian,
> are you sure you committed this? I can't see it in SVN/git.

I'm afraid I did not complete the commit.

Now that everything has switched to git, I first have to learn about git.


Description: Digital signature

Bug#410164: ndiswrapper-source: New upstream version available

2007-02-08 Thread Kel Modderman
On Thursday 08 February 2007 19:56, Kai Weber wrote:
> Package: ndiswrapper-source
> Version: 1.30-1
> Severity: wishlist
> Hello,
> a new upstream version for ndiswrapper is available: 1.37. This version
> fixes incompatibilty with kernel version 2.6.20, and the annoying hang,
> when devicenames are changed.
> Could you please package it?

As you wish, sire.


Please let me know how/if it works for you.

Thanks, Kel.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409924: does not ship anything related to kerberos or smb authentification

2007-02-08 Thread Xavier Oswald
On 17:16 Tue 06 Feb , gregor herrmann wrote:


> On Tue, 06 Feb 2007 17:13:51 +0100, Michael Ablassmeier wrote:
> > > For the time being I've changed the long description and added the
> > > Recommends: field in svn.
> > > Any thoughts?
> > yep, that should do the job. 
> Alright.
> > Sorry for the noise regarding Authen::Simple::SMB
> > which does indeed already exist. 
> No problem.
> > Is there any reason for
> > Authen::Simple::Kerberos for not beeing uploaded yet?
> I'm not sure, hopefully the original packager or someone else from
> the Debian Perl Group will shed some light on the issue.

I began to work on kerberos, the problem is that Authen::Simple::Kerberos is
depending on Authen::Kerberos which is not in the archive and an other one if I

Authen::Simple::Kerberos and Authen::Simple::SMB will come soon ;)
They are in my TODO list !

I hope to finish them next week

  ,''`.  Xavier Oswald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 : :' :  GNU/LINUX Debian & Debian-Edu 
 `. `'   GnuPG Key ID 0x88BBB51E 
   `-938D D715 6915 8860 9679  4A0C A430 C6AA 88BB B51E

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#332668: [ndiswrapper]: Causes kernel oops intermittently

2007-02-08 Thread Kel Modderman
Hi Neil,

Is ndiswrapper still unstable for you? or #332668 still valid?

Thanks, Kel.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410173: kontact: sync fails with undefined symbol

2007-02-08 Thread Nagy Gabor Peter
Package: kontact
Version: 4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6
Severity: normal

Hi, when I try to sync my Kontact Contacts with my WinCE iPaq, using
kontact's synchronisation option, the synce-device konnector and the
addressbook connector plugins, the kontact window just disappears
without any error message. (No error message is bad, but not syncing is

If ran from konsole, I see what it prints:

kontact: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libsyncedevicekonnector.so: undefined 
symbol: _ZN3Rra7connectEv

Probably missing dependencies, or incompatible versions of packages? I
don't know. But I would like to be able to sync, and this part just
doesn't work.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing'), (499, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.17-2-686
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages kontact depends on:
ii  kdelibs4c2a4:3.5.5a.dfsg.1-5 core libraries and binaries for al
ii  libc6  2.3.6.ds1-10  GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libgcc11:4.1.1-21GCC support library
ii  libkcal2b  4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6  KDE calendaring library
ii  libkdepim1a4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6  KDE PIM library
ii  libkpimidentities1 4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6  KDE PIM user identity information 
ii  libqt3-mt  3:3.3.7-3 Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime v
ii  libstdc++6 4.1.1-21  The GNU Standard C++ Library v3

Versions of packages kontact recommends:
ii  kaddressbook4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6 KDE NG addressbook application
ii  kitchensync 4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6 Synchronization framework
ii  kmail   4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6 KDE Email client
ii  knode   4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6 KDE news reader
ii  knotes  4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6 KDE sticky notes
ii  korganizer  4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6 KDE personal organizer

-- no debconf information

Versions of packages I think may be interesting, but it seems there is
no dependency link for them:
ii  multisync0.82-8  A program to synchronize PIM data
ii  synce-kde0.9.1-1 PC / Windows CE connection service 
ii  synce-multisync-plugin   0.9.0-4 a plugin for multisync to sync 
with your WindowsCE devices
ii  synce-serial 0.9.1-3 SynCE connection manipulation 
ii  syncekonnector   0.3.2-3 a connector-plugin for raki 
ii  libsynce00.9.3-1 A helper library for synce, a tool 
to sync WinCE devices

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410174: vorbis-tools: ogg123 --quiet is not entirely quiet

2007-02-08 Thread jrodman
Package: vorbis-tools
Version: 1.1.1-11
Severity: minor

*** Please type your report below this line ***

When changing tracks (ie. when moving to the next file), ogg123, or some
underlying library spews to stderr, for example:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/music/ripped/stream/Sting/The_Dream_of_the_Blue_Turtles 
>ogg123 -q *
ALSA: underrun, at least 0ms.
ALSA: underrun, at least 0ms.
ALSA: underrun, at least 0ms.
ALSA: underrun, at least 0ms.

I am unsure if this represents a flaw in ogg123's use of some API, or is
simply a useless message by some library with a flawed idea of what
"standard error" is for.  There is no problm with the operation or
output from a user-visible perspective.


I do not believe it is reasonable for a library to print to stderr
without cooperation from the linking binary for non-fatal problems,
for precisely reasons such as this.  The program knows far more
about how it is being invoked.  The library knows almost nothing,
therefore it should be silent unless it is told to produce helpful

Therefore, if this is a library bug (I cannot find this string in
any of the below libraries), please move and upgrade to normal.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (990, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.16-jsr
Locale: LANG=en_US.iso88591, LC_CTYPE=en_US.iso88591 (charmap=ISO-8859-1)

Versions of packages vorbis-tools depends on:
ii  libao20.8.6-4Cross Platform Audio Output Librar
ii  libc6 2.3.6.ds1-8GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcurl3-gnutls   7.15.5-1   Multi-protocol file transfer libra
ii  libflac7  1.1.2-5Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtim
ii  libogg0   1.1.3-2Ogg Bitstream Library
ii  liboggflac3   1.1.2-5Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtim
ii  libspeex1 1.1.12-2   The Speex Speech Codec
ii  libvorbis0a   1.1.2.dfsg-1.2 The Vorbis General Audio Compressi
ii  libvorbisenc2 1.1.2.dfsg-1.2 The Vorbis General Audio Compressi
ii  libvorbisfile31.1.2.dfsg-1.2 The Vorbis General Audio Compressi

vorbis-tools recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#345647: [madwifi]: madwifi driver causes kernel oops

2007-02-08 Thread Kel Modderman
Hi Graham,

I am wondering, is the current madwifi still unstable as hell for you? Is this 
bug still valid?

Thanks, Kel.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410131: libc6: running "mount / -o remount" gives glibc double-free

2007-02-08 Thread Pierre Habouzit
reassign 410131 mount

On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 08:34:25PM +1100, Russell Coker wrote:
> On Thursday 08 February 2007 11:11, Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >   err, why would that be a libc problem and not a mount one ? not that
> > I contest this could be true btw, but have you any hint that could
> > support this ?
> >
> >   Note that I confirm I can reproduce it here too.
> AFAIK it could be either.  If you think it's more likely to be mount then 
> please re-assign it.

  well what is strange is that when I do (painfully) an unstripped mount
build, the problem disappears, which in my experience usually is a sign
of stack smashing in the program, I'd rather think the problem is in


·O·  Pierre Habouzit

Description: PGP signature

Bug#409075: lilo strace output

2007-02-08 Thread Loïc Minier
On Wed, Feb 07, 2007, Warren Turkal wrote:
> 22.7.3 does not work. Is there any chance of copying the required logic from 
> fdisk to lilo in time for Etch?

 The preferred path for fixing for now still seems to be fixing the
 kernel.  This bug has a release critical severity, so theoritically we
 should address it before etch.

 I'm not 100% sure the logic of fdisk is enough for lilo's use case.


Bug#410175: Please disable assertion checking in lyx

2007-02-08 Thread Vincenzo Ciancia
Package: lyx
Version: 1.4.3-2

In debian (and ubuntu by consequence) lyx is compiled with assertions
turned on by default (--enable-assertions in configure), and this causes
lyx to crash very often (especially when editing arrays) because of
assertions triggered by UI code, small mistakes in insets drawing and so
on. I tried to disable assertions and everything runs fine (and it never
happened to me to see a "real" bug), by the way other distributions do
this too. Could assertions in lyx be disabled (in all the frontends, of
course) ? 

Many bugs are opened on lyx because of crashes due to assertions
triggered by mathed code, and other distributions disable assertions for
what it matters.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#407654: O: slidentd -- minimal ident (RFC 1413) daemon

2007-02-08 Thread David Smith
Daniel Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Smith wrote:
>> Heh, let's try that one more time. I've reuploaded to mentors
>> and I've verified the same package from my personal archive at
>> http://bosabosa.org/~dds/debian/ . If mentors is still fubared
>> please try the bosabosa archive.
> still wrong on both sites:
> the one in debian:
> 59b89db95d447262894c5a56bd24ec04  slidentd_1.0.0.orig.tar.gz
> the one from you:
> 16e443115ee48aadfd75deef9ebac624  slidentd_1.0.0.orig.tar.gz

I see. The md5sum of the file is different because the
timestamps inside the tarball are different, and the timestamps
are different because I'm using darcs-buildpackage which when
you tell it to make an upstream tarball, checks it out of the
darcs repository it created for upstream sources. So while
diff won't show you any difference, the md5sum will. I hadn't
thought of that.

And I guess darcs-buildpackage was just not expecting to have
to handle this situation of needing to publish a original
source tarball without actually having any changes inside it,
as would be the case with an upload to mentors.debian.net.

Since this seems to be a special case, I've rebuilt the package
by hand with the current source tarball and my debian
directory and the next time a package needs to be made
using darcs-buildpackage should not produce any problems. I
will check with John Goerzen if my understanding of the problem
is accurate and if there is any solution.

Sorry for going back and forth but please take another look
  David D. Smith 
Jabber/GoogleTalk: dds at jabber.org ; GPG: 0xE6511C7E
IRC: dds on irc.freenode.net ; MSN: dds4418 at hotmail.com

Description: PGP signature

Bug#409884: File-Roller hangs when clicking Extract

2007-02-08 Thread Loïc Minier
tags 409884 + unreproducible


On Tue, Feb 06, 2007, James Anderson wrote:
> file-roller hangs on clicking "Extract" button in menu for any archive.
> When a file is opened in file-roller either directly via "open" or
> through nautilus, the program hangs when "Extract" is chosen. The button
>  depresses as it is clicked and remains there.
> It dumps an error to console or .xsession-errors depending on how its
> run:
> *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0xb7ee60cc ***

 Unfortunately, I can not reproduce your problem.  Do you have any
 locally installed libraries, for example in /usr/local?

 Could you check it happens with all archives?

 One way to debug would be to install valgrind and run "valgrind
 --log-file-exactly=valgrind.log file-roller" and attach the valgrind
 log to this bug.


Bug#410124: kdmtheme: Message to say that desktop base overload it is unclear

2007-02-08 Thread Fathi Boudra
severity 410124 wishlist



> When I click in use KDM Theme in the configuration panel a warning popup
> says that it may be not work and to take a look in
> /usr/share/doc/kdm/README.Debian. There's no mention of desktop-base in it
> neither to the file /etc/default/kdm.d/10_desktop-base.

The exact message is "Override files found, so this theming will not have 
effect. Please see /usr/share/doc/kdm/README.Debian for more information"

kdm README.Debian mentions:
You just need to create a file with overridden value(s) and put it in
kdm override directory (default is /etc/default/kdm.d).

There's no mention of desktop-base and /etc/default/kdm.d/10_desktop-base 
because the KDM overrides are not specific to them. The purpose of this 
change is a generic way to customize kdm for Debian and Custom Debian 
Distribution (debian-edu, etc ...)

I'm open for suggestion to improve the popup message.

> I don't know if the best place to talk about this is in
> /usr/share/doc/kdm/README.Debian
> or in
> /usr/share/doc/kdmtheme/README.Debian

I can introduce a note in /usr/share/doc/kdmtheme/README.Debian, but i don't 
see the point as kdmtheme depends on kdm and we suggest to look 
at /usr/share/doc/kdm/README.Debian.

> I file this bug in kdmtheme, but it can be reported too for gdm and xfce4.

?? i don't understand. It is related to kdm theme override, so packages 
related to kdm. I don't see where gdm or xfce4 are involved.



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#401397: [ndiswrapper]: Unable to remove ndiswrapper module

2007-02-08 Thread Kel Modderman
Hi Andrea,

Is this also the case with:


Thanks, Kel.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410035: kernel-package: same problem here

2007-02-08 Thread Armin Berres
Package: kernel-package
Version: 10.066
Followup-For: Bug #410035

Hi Manoj!

I have exactly the same problem as Marc and it is quite annoying.
Below you can find exactly what it did.
If you need more information or I should test something just tell me :)


# tar xjf linux-source-2.6.18.tar.bz2
# cd linux-source-2.6.18
# cp /boot/config-2.6.18-4-686 .config
# make-kpkg --append-to-version=-4-686-bootsplash kernel_image \
--initrd --added-patches=bootsplash --revision=patched.by.trigger.1

dpkg-deb: building package `linux-image-2.6.18-4-686-bootsplash' in 
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18'
== making target stamp-kernel-image [new prereqs: 
linux-image-2.6.18-4-686-bootsplash linux-image-2.6.18-4-686-bootsplash]==
This is kernel package version 10.066.
echo done > stamp-kernel-image
== making target kernel_image [new prereqs: stamp-configure 
stamp-build-kernel stamp-kernel-image]==
This is kernel package version 10.066.

# make-kpkg clean
exec debian/rules  DEBIAN_REVISION=5:10.Custom  clean

== making target CLN-common [new prereqs: testdir]==

== making target CLN-common [new prereqs: ]==
/usr/bin/make -f ./debian/rules real_stamp_clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18'
== making target real_stamp_clean [new prereqs: ]==
running clean
test ! -f scripts/package/builddeb.kpkg-dist || \
  mv -f scripts/package/builddeb.kpkg-dist scripts/package/builddeb
test ! -f scripts/package/Makefile.kpkg-dist || \
  mv -f scripts/package/Makefile.kpkg-dist scripts/package/Makefile
test ! -f .config  || cp -pf .config config.precious
test ! -f Makefile || \
/usr/bin/makeARCH=i386 distclean
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18'
  CLEAN   arch/i386/boot/compressed
  CLEAN   arch/i386/boot
  CLEAN   /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18
  CLEAN   arch/i386/kernel
  CLEAN   drivers/atm
  CLEAN   drivers/char
  CLEAN   drivers/ieee1394
  CLEAN   drivers/md
  CLEAN   drivers/net/wan
  CLEAN   drivers/scsi/aic7xxx
  CLEAN   init
  CLEAN   lib
  CLEAN   sound/oss
  CLEAN   usr
  CLEAN   .tmp_versions
  CLEAN   vmlinux System.map .tmp_kallsyms1.o .tmp_kallsyms1.S .tmp_kallsyms2.o 
.tmp_kallsyms2.S .tmp_vmlinux1 .tmp_vmlinux2 .tmp_System.map
  CLEAN   scripts/basic
  CLEAN   scripts/genksyms
  CLEAN   scripts/kconfig
  CLEAN   scripts/mod
  CLEAN   /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18/debian/
  CLEAN   scripts
  CLEAN   include/config
  CLEAN   .config .config.old include/asm .version include/linux/autoconf.h 
include/linux/version.h include/linux/utsrelease.h Module.symvers
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18'
test ! -f config.precious || mv -f config.precious .config
test ! -f stamp-patch || /usr/bin/make -f ./debian/rules unpatch_now
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18'
make[2]: ./debian/rules: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `./debian/rules'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18'
make[1]: *** [real_stamp_clean] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18'
make: *** [CLN-common] Error 2

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-99
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages kernel-package depends on:
ii  dpkg  1.13.25package maintenance system for Deb
ii  dpkg-dev  1.13.25package building tools for Debian
ii  file  4.19-1 Determines file type using "magic"
ii  gcc [c-compiler]  4:4.1.1-15 The GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-4.1 [c-compiler]  4.1.1-21   The GNU C compiler
ii  gettext   0.16.1-1   GNU Internationalization utilities
ii  make  3.81-3 The GNU version of the "make" util
ii  perl  5.8.8-7Larry Wall's Practical Extraction 
ii  po-debconf1.0.8  manage translated Debconf template

Versions of packages kernel-package recommends:
ii  bzip2   1.0.3-6  high-quality block-sorting file co
ii  libc6-dev [libc-dev]2.3.6.ds1-11 GNU C Library: Development Librari

-- no debconf information

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409169: ocamldsort: diff for NMU version 0.14.3-1.4

2007-02-08 Thread Julien Cristau
tags 409169 + patch


Attached is the diff for my ocamldsort 0.14.3-1.4 NMU.

diff -u ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/changelog ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/changelog
--- ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/changelog
+++ ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+ocamldsort (0.14.3-1.4) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * High-urgency upload for RC bugfix.
+  * Add dependency on the package containing /usr/bin/ocamlrun on
+architectures where ocamldsort is built as bytecode (closes: #409169).
+ -- Julien Cristau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu,  8 Feb 2007 11:07:25 +0100
 ocamldsort (0.14.3-1.3) unstable; urgency=low
   * NMU.
diff -u ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/control ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/control
--- ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/control
+++ ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/control
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
 Maintainer: Dimitri Ara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Build-Depends: ocaml-nox (>= 3.09.0), debhelper (>> 4.0.0)
 Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+XS-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-ocaml-maint/trunk/packages/ocamldsort
 Package: ocamldsort
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${F:OCamlRun}
 Description: dependency sorter for OCaml source files
  The ocamldsort command scans a set of Objective Caml source files (.ml
  and .mli files), sorts them according to their dependencies and prints
diff -u ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/rules ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/rules
--- ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/rules
+++ ocamldsort-0.14.3/debian/rules
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
 DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE   ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)
 DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE  ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)
+OCAMLABI = $(shell ocamlc -version)
+BYTECODE = $(shell [ -x /usr/bin/ocamlopt ] || echo yes)
+OCAMLRUN = $(if $(BYTECODE),ocaml-base-nox-$(OCAMLABI))
 ifneq (,$(findstring debug,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
 	CFLAGS += -g
@@ -72,7 +75,7 @@
-	dh_gencontrol
+	dh_gencontrol -- -VF:OCamlRun=$(OCAMLRUN)

Description: Digital signature

Bug#410176: libsdl1.2debian-alsa: libSDL-1.2.so.0.11.0 compiled with TEXTREL

2007-02-08 Thread Russell Coker
Package: libsdl1.2debian-alsa
Version: 1.2.11-7
Severity: normal


The above URL has information on text relocations.

The command "eu-findtextrel /usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0" reports the following
errors (as well as many others):
either the file containing the function '_ConvertMMXpII32_24RGB888' or the file 
containing the function '_ConvertMMXpII32_16RGB565' is not compiled with 
either the file containing the function '_ConvertMMXpII32_16RGB565' or the file 
containing the function '_ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR565' is not compiled with 
either the file containing the function '_ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR565' or the file 
containing the function '_ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR555' is not compiled with 

If the -fpic flags are added to GCC then the library will work better with
SE Linux (most domains are denied execmod access), work better on exec-shield
and PaX systems that don't run SE Linux (I believe that both those memory
protection enhancements control this even without SE Linux), and also possibly
work on some architectures that don't support shared objects compiled without
the -fpic flags.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-3-xen-686
Locale: LANG=en_AU.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_AU.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages libsdl1.2debian-alsa depends on:
ii  libasound2  1.0.13-1 ALSA library
ii  libc6   2.3.6.ds1-10 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libdirectfb-0.9-25   direct frame buffer graphics - sha
ii  libsvga1 [svgalibg1]1:1.4.3-24   console SVGA display libraries
ii  svgalibg1   1:1.4.3-24   transitional dummy package which c

libsdl1.2debian-alsa recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410161: opensync outdated

2007-02-08 Thread Michael Banck

On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 10:37:02AM +0100, Hadmut Danisch wrote:
> Package: opensync-plugin-syncml
> Version: 0.19-1
> Hi,
> please upgrade to 0.20 .

Will happen after etch release, or maybe in experimental before (once
opensync itself is at 0.20).



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#407654: O: slidentd -- minimal ident (RFC 1413) daemon

2007-02-08 Thread Daniel Baumann
David Smith wrote:
> Sorry for going back and forth but please take another look
> again,

good, uploaded, thanks.

if you want/need further sponsoring, don't hesiate to ask me again.

Address:Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Internet:   http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410177: lilypond-doc: Fonts not embedded in eps files

2007-02-08 Thread Frank Küster
Package: lilypond-doc
Version: 2.8.7-3
Severity: normal

When building lilypond-doc, there are lots of error messages like this:

dvips: Font Emmentaler-20 used in file lily-563184385-1.eps is not in the 
mapping file.

This means that the (included) eps file references the font, but dvips
does not have the necessary information about it.  

I'm not sure which problems this causes, but probably there *will* be
problems with displaying and printing the documents.  The solution would
probably be to install lilypond-map (which later gets installed in the
lilypond-data package) into a temporary TEXMF tree and enable it.

However, it's not trivial to get this right both for building as root,
and with fakeroot.  The [EMAIL PROTECTED] list is happy to help
with that (and gets a Debbugs-Cc).

Regards, Frank

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 3.1
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (99, 'unstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.6.17-2-686
Locale: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] (charmap=ISO-8859-15)

Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

Bug#409563: ITP: thinkfinger -- library and utility for the SGS Thomson Microelectronics fingerprint reader

2007-02-08 Thread Luca Capello

On Thu, 08 Feb 2007 10:38:08 +0100, Jon Dowland wrote:
> Luca Capello wrote:
>> ATM I don't really see any reason to create a separate package just
>> for tf-tool, because libthinkfinger + tf-tool (binary and manpage)
>> should generate a package around less than 50K in size.  In case
>> new tools will be added, we can split the package.
>> Is a strong reason against this?
> Can I reverse the question and ask why *not* a separate binary
> package? Is it just to the additional difficulty with initial
> packaging?

FWIW, there's on difficulty in packagin ThinkFinger.

I was wondering if having two packages with only one or two files [1]
was worth it, because in this case we have 4 times [2] the same
changelog.gz, changelog.Debian.gz, copyright and README.

As I already said, however, there're going to be two separated

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

[1] one in libthinkfinger0, two in thinkfinger-tools (binary and manpage)
[2] libthinkfinger0, libthinfinger-dev, libpam-thinkfinger,

Description: PGP signature

Bug#409563: ITP: thinkfinger -- library and utility for the SGS Thomson Microelectronics fingerprint reader

2007-02-08 Thread Luca Capello

On Thu, 08 Feb 2007 01:38:42 +0100, Guillem Jover wrote:
> Please do not include it in the lib package, it's a pain afterwards
> when a new version with a different soname is introduced and
> disallows parallel installation of those.

With my non-yet-skilled-library packager hat on, I don't see why one
should want to install an old binary version with the new library
one, as both are coming from the same source, thus the same version

> (This will also be a problem for multi-arch).

I should admit that I don't know anything about multi-arch, but I
think I got your point.

So, once for all, tf-tool will be in thinkfinger-tools :-)

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

Description: PGP signature

Bug#409563: ITP: thinkfinger -- library and utility for the SGS Thomson Microelectronics fingerprint reader

2007-02-08 Thread Luca Capello

Please keep d-d in the cc: header.

On Thu, 08 Feb 2007 09:28:33 +0100, Marcus Better wrote:
>> libpam-thinkfinger (depends on libthinkfinger0)
>> libthinkfinger0
>> libthinkfinger-dev
>> thinkfinger (depends on libpam-thinkfinger)
> (What is the thinkfinger package for, if the tool is in the library
> package?)

Joshua and I are working together in the package, but I'm a bit busy
until the end of the week, thus we haven't finished yet the planning.
Please be patient.

> I really think the binary should not go in the library package, see
> But I don't have much experience with library packaging. Why not ask
> debian-mentors?

I think d-d is a better place than d-mentors in this specific case.
Anyway, it seems that what I was proposing was really a bad thing.

> About the short description: Perhaps the manufacturer can be dropped
> entirely.  Most users don't know or care about the manufacturer, but
> they know they have a Thinkpad:
> "thinkfinger -- driver for the fingerprint reader found on some
> Thinkpad laptops"

No, this fingerprint reader is present in some ThinkPad, but not only
ThinkPad [1].  What's really specific here is the manufacturer, as
it's what you can find in /proc/bus/usb/devices [2].

Now it's just a question of patience ;-)

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

[1] it was discussed upstream if changing the name would have been
indeed necessary, but we ended up liking this name and not so
biased about ThinkPad ;-)
[2] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=409563;msg=53;archive=yes

Description: PGP signature

Bug#409961: foobillard: Menu does not work, no text ever appears.

2007-02-08 Thread Joshua Rodman
On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 11:31:28AM +0100, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 01:45 -0800, Joshua Rodman wrote:
> > 
> > mesa 6.5.2-2 FTBFS 
> > 
> > http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=410118
> > 
> > I could copy the files in by hand but am afraid of making a mess I
> > forget how to clean up.
> You shouldn't need to install anything; try
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(dirname /path/to/libGL.so.1) LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=$(dirname 
> /path/to/i965_dri.so) foobillard

I did this:

cd packages/mesa/mesa-6.5.2
fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage
# produces error when trying to grab the produced files which
# are in lib64 instead of lib
cd debian/tmp
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/usr/lib64 LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=$(pwd)/usr/lib 

This produced a different result from 'foobillard'.  Textures were
present, including wood, the FB logo, the text, and everything.

However, performance was _TERRIBLE_.  On the order of 3-8fps, depending
on how fast everything was moving, etc.  So I tried disabling all the
features but performance still totally sucked rocks.

I tried the same with armagetron and it behaved very stangely, most
features disabled by default.  When I enabled text alpha blending, there
was noticable lag.

I was pretty sure I had somehow ended up with software rendering. So on
a hunch I did this:
mv usr/lib64/* usr/lib
rmdir usr/lib64
ln -s lib usr/lib64
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/usr/lib64 LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=$(pwd)/usr/lib 

I didn't bother to fix up the paths.

This reproduced the old behavior of a textureless, but well performing
foobillard.  After a few seconds, the X server crashed, leaving the
graphic hardware in a nonrecovering state.  (This has not been terribly
unsual with this hardware).


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409961: foobillard: Menu does not work, no text ever appears.

2007-02-08 Thread Michel Dänzer
On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 03:33 -0800, Joshua Rodman wrote:
> Grah, I'm now almost certain I flubbed this part, since as you probably
> realize an error here will default to pulling in the usual suspects.


> I can repeat my software-level performance with the directories merged.
> This being-methodical crap is hard for me when I don't know how to to
> ask for more information.

ldd can show you where it's picking up libGL from, and
LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose will show you where it's picking up i965_dri.so from
when you're running a GL app.

Anyway, mesa 6.5.2-3 is available from http://incoming.debian.org/ now,
and it should fix the FTBFS on amd64.

Earthling Michel Dänzer   |  http://tungstengraphics.com
Libre software enthusiast |  Debian, X and DRI developer

Bug#398875: Any news on moodbar?

2007-02-08 Thread Modestas Vainius

2006 m. December 18 d., Monday, Ludovic RESLINGER rašė:
> Actually I'm try to solve a bug with another of my packages, I began to
> make packaging of moodbar, but I didn't finish it.
> Please, be patient, it will be do in a few time, don't worry.
Any progress on the package? Almost 3 months is a long period of time.

Description: PGP signature

Bug#410172: version missing on libnet-server-perl dependency

2007-02-08 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
severity 410172 wishlist
tag 410172 wontfix

On Thu, 08 Feb 2007, Aidas Kasparas wrote:
> libnet-server-perl version was 0.85-3

Sarge has libnet-server-perl 0.87-3 (in fact, 0.87-3sarge1), according to

Direct upgrades from releases earlier than Sarge to Etch are not supported,
so I am downgrading this bug to a wishlist request.

Since the depends in libnet-server-perl are currently unversioned, I will
not add a version to it unless it is necessary.  Therefore, this request
won't be addressed at this time.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409961: foobillard: Menu does not work, no text ever appears.

2007-02-08 Thread Joshua Rodman
> On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 11:31:28AM +0100, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> > On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 01:45 -0800, Joshua Rodman wrote:
> > > 
> > > mesa 6.5.2-2 FTBFS 
> > > 
> > > http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=410118
> > > 
> > > I could copy the files in by hand but am afraid of making a mess I
> > > forget how to clean up.
> > 
> > You shouldn't need to install anything; try
> > 
> > LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(dirname /path/to/libGL.so.1)
> > LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=$(dirname /path/to/i965_dri.so) foobillard
> I did this:
>   cd packages/mesa/mesa-6.5.2
>   fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage
>   # produces error when trying to grab the produced files which
>   # are in lib64 instead of lib
>   cd debian/tmp
>   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/usr/lib64 LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=$(pwd)/usr/lib 
> foobillard
> This produced a different result from 'foobillard'.  Textures were
> present, including wood, the FB logo, the text, and everything.
> However, performance was _TERRIBLE_.  On the order of 3-8fps, depending
> on how fast everything was moving, etc.  So I tried disabling all the
> features but performance still totally sucked rocks.
> I tried the same with armagetron and it behaved very stangely, most
> features disabled by default.  When I enabled text alpha blending, there
> was noticable lag.
> I was pretty sure I had somehow ended up with software rendering. So on
> a hunch I did this:
>   mv usr/lib64/* usr/lib
>   rmdir usr/lib64
>   ln -s lib usr/lib64
>   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/usr/lib64 LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=$(pwd)/usr/lib 
> foobillard
>I didn't bother to fix up the paths.

Grah, I'm now almost certain I flubbed this part, since as you probably
realize an error here will default to pulling in the usual suspects.
I can repeat my software-level performance with the directories merged.

This being-methodical crap is hard for me when I don't know how to to
ask for more information.  Just trying it multiple times to see that I
can reproduce it is too easy for my hyper attitude, I guess.  Sorry.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#407936: [pkg-wpa-devel] Bug#407936: wpasupplicant: does not configure interface correctly when it is available at boot time

2007-02-08 Thread Kel Modderman
On Monday 22 January 2007 23:52, Ivan Zaera Avellon wrote:
> Package: wpasupplicant
> Version: 0.5.5-4
> Severity: normal
> Tags: patch
> When wpasupplicant is launched from /etc/wpa_supplicant/functions.sh it
> tries to use flag -W, which is supposed to make it wait until the wpa_cli
> attaches to the socket. The thing is, that the -W is not documented in
> wpasupplicant, and thus, it does not work (at least in my system). This
> causes wpa_cli to miss the CONNECTED event when the wireless network is
> available from the very first moment. As the event is missed, wpa_action is
> not called and the interface is not configured.

I reproduced this problem.

You did not supply a 'ctrl_interface' value in your configuration, therefore no
UNIX socket for communication with wpa_cli was created, and
wpa_supplicant did not take notice of the '-W' (wait for wpa_cli attachment
to ctrl_interface) option accordingly.

Please confirm my findings.

I updated the documentation for wpa-roam as below:

Index: debian/README.modes
--- debian/README.modes (revision 778)
+++ debian/README.modes (working copy)
@@ -262,6 +262,11 @@
 cp /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/examples/wpa_supplicant.conf.template \

+NOTE: it is critical that the used wpa_supplicant.conf defines the location of
+  the 'ctrl_interface' so that a communication socket is created for the
+  wpa_cli (wpa-roam daemon) to attach. The mentioned example conf file,
+  wpa_supplicant.conf.template, has this set to a sane default.
 It is required to edit this configuration file, and add the network blocks for
 all known networks. If you do not understand what this means, start reading the
 wpa_supplicant.conf(5) manpage now.

Thanks, Kel.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410179: pwm: New upstream version

2007-02-08 Thread intrigeri
Package: pwm
Version: 1.0.20010309-12
Severity: wishlist


a few upstream releases (mostly bugfixes) are available on
http://modeemi.fi/~tuomov/ion/pwm.html ; please consider packaging the
last one ; see the upstream Changelog :

Thanks !

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (990, 'testing'), (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Kernel: Linux
Locale: LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) (ignored: LC_ALL set 
to fr_FR.UTF-8)

Versions of packages pwm depends on:
ii  libc6   2.3.6.ds1-10 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libx11-62:1.0.3-5X11 client-side library

pwm recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

  intrigeri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410178: FTBFS with GCC 4.2: the address of 'qdir' will always evaluate as 'true'

2007-02-08 Thread Martin Michlmayr
Package: openarena
Version: 0.6.0-2

Your package fails to build with GCC 4.2.  Version 4.2 has not been
released yet but I'm building with a snapshot in order to find errors
and give people an advance warning.  Your package fails to build
because of a new warning in GCC 4.2.

> Automatic build of openarena_0.6.0-2 on coconut0 by sbuild/ia64 0.49

> make[2]: Entering directory `/build/tbm/openarena-0.6.0/code/tools/asm'
> gcc -O2 -Wall -Werror -fno-strict-aliasing -o q3asm q3asm.c cmdlib.c
> cc1: warnings being treated as errors
> cmdlib.c: In function 'ExpandPath':
> cmdlib.c:315: warning: the address of 'qdir' will always evaluate as 'true'
> cmdlib.c: In function 'ExpandGamePath':
> cmdlib.c:328: warning: the address of 'qdir' will always evaluate as 'true'
> make[2]: *** [q3asm] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/build/tbm/openarena-0.6.0/code/tools/asm'
> make[1]: *** [tools] Error 2

Martin Michlmayr

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#402753: lilypond-doc : there is no HTML documentation at all

2007-02-08 Thread Frank Küster
"Yitzchak Gale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This package is supposed to provide documentation,
> but none at all is provided due to bugs. So this
> is a grave bug.

Well, there are still the info files.  Whether it is grave or important
to not include the html docs, this I leave to the maintainer.

However, the bug can be fixed by adding rsync to Build-Depends-Indep.
At least this helped when I tried in a pbuilder chroot, using
"debian/rules binary-indep".  I'm currently trying with
pbuilder/dpkg-buildpackage and a complete build.

However, I think even if this helps to re-include the html
documentation, there is still a bug left, and that is that the package
builds fine even when this command fails.  Why this is so I don't know
offhand, but it might be that this (from GNUMakefile.in):

for a in `find . -name out-www`; do \
rsync -a  --link-dest $$a/ $$a/ $$a/.. ; \
rm -rf $$a ; \
done \

will not cause Make to fail when rsync is missing because only the last
command counts.  If that's true, then 

rsync -a  --link-dest $$a/ $$a/ $$a/.. && rm -rf $$a ; \

might do (or not, since the for loop might still be successful if only
the first rsync call fails for some reason.

While using binary-indep, I noticed that there are some files left in
debian/tmp/.  Is this intended?

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

Bug#410181: offlineimap: sync and exit on request/signal

2007-02-08 Thread Niko Tyni
Package: offlineimap
Version: 4.0.14
Severity: wishlist

It would be nice if there was a way to tell offlineimap in auto-refresh
mode to sync immediately. When combined with a way to kill it off
(#217550), this would make it easier to shutdown it cleanly, eg. when
locking the screen.

The most elegant way would be listening to a socket for sync and kill
requests, I suppose, but just acting on SIGUSR1 or similar would do.

Thanks for your work on offlineimap,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410160: nfs-kernel-server: NFSv4 inconsistent client behaviour on etch

2007-02-08 Thread Steinar H. Gunderson
reassign 410160 linux-image-2.6.18-3-686

On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 09:32:09AM +0100, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:
> I'm not sure this is the right place for describing the strange behaviour
> I'm experiencing with NFSv4, but I'll do it anyway :-)

It sounds like you're experiencing a kernel bug; nfs-utils only takes care of
the initial setup, and from there it's the kernel all the way. Reassigning.

/* Steinar */
Homepage: http://www.sesse.net/

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410180: dog: adding an alternative to cat via update-alternatives

2007-02-08 Thread LT-P
Package: dog
Version: 1.7-8
Severity: wishlist

As dog presents itself as an alternative to cat, it could be interesting
to have it running  when the "cat" command is called. This can be done via

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-3-686
Locale: LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages dog depends on:
ii  libc6   2.3.6.ds1-11 GNU C Library: Shared libraries

dog recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410182: Samba - Segfault

2007-02-08 Thread Daniel
Package: samba
Version: 3.0.14a-3sarge4

With aparently no reason, samba crash and e-mail me this message.

The Samba 'panic action' script, /usr/share/samba/panic-action,
was called for pid 24216 (/usr/sbin/smbd).

Below is a backtrace for this process generated with gdb, which shows
the state of the program at the time the error occured. You are
encouraged to submit this information as a bug report to Debian. For
information about the procedure for submitting bug reports , please see
http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting or the reportbug(1) manpage.

(no debugging symbols found)
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1".
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread -1212194688 (LWP 24216)]
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
0xb7faf410 in ?? ()
#0 0xb7faf410 in ?? ()
#1 0xbf9e6948 in ?? ()
#2 0x in ?? ()
#3 0xbf9e6804 in ?? ()
#4 0xb7da5d93 in waitpid () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#5 0xb7d3bd52 in system () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#6 0x081eb1e1 in smb_panic2 ()
#7 0x081eb16a in smb_panic ()
#8 0x081d72e8 in dbgtext ()
#10 0xb7faf410 in ?? ()
#11 0xbf9e6dac in ?? ()
#12 0x0006 in ?? ()
#13 0x5e98 in ?? ()
#14 0xb7d25885 in raise () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#15 0xb7d27002 in abort () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#16 0xb7d1f318 in __assert_fail () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#17 0xb7f6737d in ber_get_next () from /usr/lib/liblber.so.2
#18 0xb7f7c096 in ldap_result () from /usr/lib/libldap_r.so.2
#19 0xb7f7bda5 in ldap_result () from /usr/lib/libldap_r.so.2
#20 0xb7967f8a in ?? () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#21 0x08406a60 in ?? ()
#22 0x0006 in ?? ()
#23 0x in ?? ()
#24 0x in ?? ()
#25 0x08385368 in ?? ()
#26 0xb7fb7edf in _dl_lookup_symbol () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#27 0xb7967b7a in ?? () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#28 0x08385358 in ?? ()
#29 0x in ?? ()
#30 0x0006 in ?? ()
#31 0xb7974888 in ?? () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#32 0xb7974888 in ?? () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#33 0x in ?? ()
#34 0xbf9e71b8 in ?? ()
#35 0xb796b507 in _nss_ldap_getpwent_r () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#36 0xb796b507 in _nss_ldap_getpwent_r () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#37 0xb796b36a in _nss_ldap_getpwent_r () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#38 0xb7968552 in ?? () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#39 0x08412b30 in ?? ()
#40 0x08412bb8 in ?? ()
#41 0xbf9e72d0 in ?? ()
#42 0x in ?? ()
#43 0x in ?? ()
#44 0x in ?? ()
#45 0x0020 in ?? ()
#46 0xb7974888 in ?? () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#47 0xbf9e72a8 in ?? ()
#48 0xb796b240 in _nss_ldap_getpwent_r () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#49 0xb7969093 in ?? () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#50 0x08412bb8 in ?? ()
#51 0xbf9e72d0 in ?? ()
#52 0x in ?? ()
#53 0x in ?? ()
#54 0xb7bf6060 in ?? ()
#55 0xb796b240 in _nss_ldap_getpwent_r () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#56 0xb796b6cc in _nss_ldap_initgroups_dyn () from /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2
#57 0xb7da3574 in initgroups () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#58 0xb7da346a in initgroups () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#59 0x081cd774 in sql_account_config_valid ()
#60 0x081cd944 in sql_account_config_valid ()
#61 0x081cda96 in getgroups_user ()
#62 0x081cdbd9 in pdb_default_enum_group_memberships ()
#63 0x081c16e5 in ldapsam_search_suffix_by_name ()
#64 0x081b57e4 in smb_register_passdb ()
#65 0x081b707e in pdb_enum_group_memberships ()
#66 0x0822b122 in create_nt_token ()
#67 0x0822b27e in create_nt_token ()
#68 0x0822b570 in make_server_info_sam ()
#69 0x082262c4 in auth_rhosts_init ()
#70 0x082265c1 in auth_rhosts_init ()
#71 0x08223a0f in smb_register_auth ()
#72 0x0822d819 in password_ok ()
#73 0x0810fa41 in ntlmssp_end ()
#74 0x0810f04b in ntlmssp_update ()
#75 0x0822db3d in auth_ntlms

Bug#380855: tone up bug statuses

2007-02-08 Thread Frank Küster
Thomas Bushnell BSG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> severity 380855 wishlist
> retitle 380855 lilypond: conform to new python policy
> thanks
> Work on the 2.8 version of lilypond is proceeding; it would not be
> productive to spend too much energy on 2.6 right now.

2.8 is uploaded and in testing.  Does this bug still apply to the etch

TIA, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

Bug#408588: Debian on SGI Altix IA-64

2007-02-08 Thread Frans Pop
On Thursday 08 February 2007 09:56, you wrote:
> I don't really understand how kernel command line options become env
> vars though - is something preventing console= from being an env var
> at this point?

I think console parameter is probably filtered out by the kernel (the 
initrd parameter seems to be filtered out too).

Description: PGP signature

Bug#410183: A couple bugs: queued items out of order; windows disappearing

2007-02-08 Thread prosolutions
Package: amarok
Version: 1.4.4-2

There are a couple bugs with Amarok that I have found.

One is that when the Statistics or Queue Manager windows are enabled
from the menu, the respective windows popup in the middle of the screen
and disappear when the cursor moves away from the main Amarok window,
thus it is not possible to ever actually use the windows unless they are
adjacent to the main Amarok window.

Another bug has to do with items that are queued being out of order.  I
created a New File Type called amarok_enqueue with the command "amarok
--append %a".  This does enqueue items in the playlist but does not
queue them in the order that they appear in the file manager.  It
appears to enqueue them in some random order that is not alphabetical or

It would also be nice if "Enqueue in Amarok" could be automatically added to 
the File Types when it is installed.

I also just found another bug: If there are a couple of items in the
playlist, and I then enqueue several more items, then select one of the
enqueued items by clicking it, I sometimes get the error
message about "Erorr loading media, no suitable demux plugin" although
the item does start to play.  Unfortunately I can't get this reproduce
always but it happens once every 3 or 4 times I try this.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409081: rob focus when mouse fly over the inactive freemind window's node

2007-02-08 Thread Eric Lavarde - Debian
tags 409081 + fixed-upstream
severity 409081 minor

Some more tests have shown that the issue is fixed in the CVS of FreeMind,
i.e. for the upcoming 0.9.0 version. I could have found this out sooner,

Cheers, Eric

You don't need to CC me on debian-java, debian-mentors and
Please CC me on other Debian lists.

Bug#410185: dnsmasq: endless retry loop after server failure DNS response

2007-02-08 Thread Johannes Stezenbach
Package: dnsmasq
Version: 2.37-1
Severity: normal

If dnsmasq gets a DNS standard query response with a
reply code of server failure, it repeats the request
infinitely instead of giving up.

I can trigger this at the moment e.g. by running

$  host
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

dnsmasq continues to retry the request even after
host reported the failure. The only way to stop
this is by terminating dnsmasq.

wireshark decodes a single request/respose as:

No. TimeSourceDestination   Protocol Info
  1 0.0087.162.85.72  
Standard query A

Frame 1 (87 bytes on wire, 87 bytes captured)
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: 
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 32865 (32865), Dst Port: domain (53)
Domain Name System (query)
[Response In: 146]
Transaction ID: 0x73cd
Flags: 0x0100 (Standard query)
0...    = Response: Message is a query
.000 0...   = Opcode: Standard query (0)
 ..0.   = Truncated: Message is not truncated
 ...1   = Recursion desired: Do query recursively
  .0..  = Z: reserved (0)
  ...0  = Non-authenticated data OK: Non-authenticated data 
is unacceptable
Questions: 1
Answer RRs: 0
Authority RRs: 0
Additional RRs: 0
Queries type A, class IN
Type: A (Host address)
Class: IN (0x0001)

No. TimeSourceDestination   Protocol Info
  2 0.050787217.237.151.5187.162.85.72  DNS  
Standard query response, Server failure

Frame 2 (87 bytes on wire, 87 bytes captured)
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: 
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: domain (53), Dst Port: 32865 (32865)
Domain Name System (response)
[Request In: 145]
[Time: -3.877039000 seconds]
Transaction ID: 0x73cd
Flags: 0x8182 (Standard query response, Server failure)
1...    = Response: Message is a response
.000 0...   = Opcode: Standard query (0)
 .0..   = Authoritative: Server is not an authority for 
 ..0.   = Truncated: Message is not truncated
 ...1   = Recursion desired: Do query recursively
  1...  = Recursion available: Server can do recursive 
  .0..  = Z: reserved (0)
  ..0.  = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion 
was not authenticated by the server
   0010 = Reply code: Server failure (2)
Questions: 1
Answer RRs: 0
Authority RRs: 0
Additional RRs: 0
Queries type A, class IN
Type: A (Host address)
Class: IN (0x0001)

Please fix ;-/


-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.20-dirty
Locale: LANG=C, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (charmap=ISO-8859-15)

Versions of packages dnsmasq depends on:
ii  adduser 3.102Add and remove users and groups
ii  libc6   2.3.6.ds1-11 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libdbus-1-3 1.0.2-1  simple interprocess messaging syst
ii  netbase 4.29 Basic TCP/IP networking system

dnsmasq recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#399120: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Bug#399120: RC1 bugreport]

2007-02-08 Thread Frans Pop
On Saturday 18 November 2006 18:31, Geert Stappers wrote:
> The Intel P965 chipset only supports SATA, not the parallel IDE
> iterface that preceded it. Since most CD/DVD drives still use parallel
> IDE most P965 motherboards come with a separate PATA/SATA interface. On
> ASUS boards this interface uses the JMicron controller (JMB363).

> As a consequence the installation CD cannot be mounted and Debian
> cannot be installed.

The jmicron driver has been included in the latest 2.6.18 kernel that is 
used in current _daily built_ installer images [1]. It would be great if 
you could test the new installer to see if your system installs now.

You don't need to overwrite your existing installation. Just run the 
installation to the start of partitioning. Please choose the "manual" 
partitioning method and check that your SATA drives are still recognized 
too and then abort the installation.


[1] http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/

Description: PGP signature

Bug#402753: lilypond-doc : there is no HTML documentation at all

2007-02-08 Thread Yitzchak Gale

Frank Küster wrote:

Well, there are still the info files.  Whether it is grave or important
to not include the html docs, this I leave to the maintainer.

Never mind, let's fix it!

However, the bug can be fixed by adding rsync to Build-Depends-Indep.
At least this helped when I tried in a pbuilder chroot, using
"debian/rules binary-indep".  I'm currently trying with
pbuilder/dpkg-buildpackage and a complete build.

Great! Hope it works.

However, I think even if this helps to re-include the html
documentation, there is still a bug left, and that is that the package
builds fine even when this command fails.

At least that's not RC.

 Why this is so I don't know
offhand, but it might be that this (from GNUMakefile.in):

for a in `find . -name out-www`; do \
rsync -a  --link-dest $$a/ $$a/ $$a/.. ; \
rm -rf $$a ; \
done \

will not cause Make to fail when rsync is missing because only the last
command counts.  If that's true, then

rsync -a  --link-dest $$a/ $$a/ $$a/.. && rm -rf $$a ; \

might do (or not, since the for loop might still be successful if only
the first rsync call fails for some reason.

So then how about something like

 rsyncres=0 \
 for a in `find . -name out-www`; do \
   if rsync -a  --link-dest $$a/ $$a/ $$a/.. ; \
 then rm -rf $$a ; \
 else rsyncres=1; break; \
   fi; \
 done; \
 [ $$rsyncres -eq 0 ]

A bit messy, but should do it.

While using binary-indep, I noticed that there are some files left in
debian/tmp/.  Is this intended?


Bug#409629: rhino: Bug opened by bug #395525

2007-02-08 Thread Filipe Lautert
Package: rhino
Version: 1.6r2-3
Followup-For: Bug #409629

This bug was introduced because of the fix for bug #395525:
 * debian/patches/02-dont_build-toolsrc.patch: added. Don't build
 * toolsrc and xmlimplsrc because they use Sun classes to build. If you want
 * to build them, just remove the file (closes: #395525).'

Rhino tries to run a class inside tools package, but this package is no 
more build.  So, maybe those donwloaded classes should be
shipped whith rhino diff file then it can be compiled without downloads.

The source is downloaded from [1], the article in [2] and the source
files doesn't says anything about license, so the license that is aplied
to the source is [3] (berkeley).



1. http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/treetable2/downloads/src.zip
2. http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/treetable2/
3. http://developers.sun.com/license/berkeley_license.html

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-3-amd64
Locale: LANG=pt_BR, LC_CTYPE=pt_BR (charmap=ISO-8859-1) (ignored: LC_ALL set to 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410187: kdelibs4c2a: Printer Management does not allow to restart a errored job

2007-02-08 Thread Marc Haber
Package: kdelibs4c2a
Version: 4:3.5.6.r1.dfsg.1-2~mdx2
Severity: normal


I am trying to print to a local cupsd which in turn delivers a message
to an IPP printer. Some times, the cupsd errors out when printing
(there will be a bug report against cups in due time). In this case, I
cannot restart the print job via the print manager. The "Restart" menu
entry in the job context menu remains grey even after obtaining root

Restarting the job via the cups web interface works fine when logged
in to the web interface with the same user running the KDE session.

If this is a missing privilege issue, please document which privileges
are needed. If this is a bug you want me to report upstream, please
give a hint which KDE module might be at fault here.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.20-scyw00225
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=de_DE (charmap=ISO-8859-1)

Versions of packages kdelibs4c2a depends on:
ii  kdelibs- 4:3.5.6.r1.dfsg.1-2~mdx2core shared data for all KDE appli
ii  libacl1  2.2.42-1Access control list shared library
ii  libart-2 2.3.17-1Library of functions for 2D graphi
ii  libarts1 1.5.5-1 aRts sound system core components
ii  libasoun 1.0.13-1ALSA library
ii  libaspel 0.60.4-4GNU Aspell spell-checker runtime l
ii  libattr1 1:2.4.32-1.1Extended attribute shared library
ii  libaudio 1.8-2   The Network Audio System (NAS). (s
ii  libavahi 0.6.16-2Avahi client library
ii  libavahi 0.6.16-2Avahi common library
ii  libavahi 0.6.16-2Avahi Qt3 integration library
ii  libbz2-1 1.0.3-6 high-quality block-sorting file co
ii  libc62.3.6.ds1-11GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcomer 1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+dfsg-1 common error description library
ii  libcupsy 1.2.7-4 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  libfontc 2.4.2-1 generic font configuration library
ii  libfreet 2.2.1-5 FreeType 2 font engine, shared lib
ii  libgamin 0.1.8-1 Client library for the gamin file 
ii  libgcc1  1:4.1.1-21  GCC support library
ii  libgnutl 1.4.4-3 the GNU TLS library - runtime libr
ii  libice6  1:1.0.1-2   X11 Inter-Client Exchange library
ii  libidn11 0.6.5-1 GNU libidn library, implementation
ii  libjaspe 1.701.0-2   The JasPer JPEG-2000 runtime libra
ii  libjpeg6 6b-13   The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG 
ii  libkrb53 1.4.4-6 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries
ii  liblua50 5.0.3-2 Main interpreter library for the L
ii  libluali 5.0.3-2 Extension library for the Lua 5.0 
ii  libopene 1.2.2-4.3   runtime files for the OpenEXR imag
ii  libpcre3 6.7-1   Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expressi
ii  libpng12 1.2.15~beta5-1  PNG library - runtime
ii  libqt3-m 3:3.3.7-3   Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime v
ii  libsm6   1:1.0.1-3   X11 Session Management library
ii  libstdc+ 4.1.1-21The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii  libtiff4 3.8.2-7 Tag Image File Format (TIFF) libra
ii  libx11-6 2:1.0.3-5   X11 client-side library
ii  libxcurs 1.1.7-4 X cursor management library
ii  libxext6 1:1.0.1-2   X11 miscellaneous extension librar
ii  libxft2   FreeType-based font drawing librar
ii  libxi6   1:1.0.1-4   X11 Input extension library
ii  libxiner 1:1.0.1-4.1 X11 Xinerama extension library
ii  libxml2  2.6.27.dfsg-1   GNOME XML library
ii  libxrand 2: X11 RandR extension library
ii  libxrend 1:0.9.1-3   X Rendering Extension client libra
ii  libxslt1 1.1.19-1XSLT processing library - runtime 
ii  libxt6   1:1.0.2-2   X11 toolkit intrinsics library
ii  menu-xdg 0.2.3   freedesktop.org menu compliant win
ii  perl 5.8.8-7 Larry Wall's Practical Extraction 
ii  xbase-cl 1:7.1.ds1-2 miscellaneous X clients
ii  zlib1g   1:1.2.3-13  compression library - runtime

Versions of packages kdelibs4c2a recommends:
ii  perl-suid 5.8.8-7Runs setuid Perl scripts

-- no debconf information


Bug#409875: [Pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#409875: bug #409875

2007-02-08 Thread David Härdeman
On Wed, February 7, 2007 22:31, Johannes Schlumberger said:
> Hi,
>> Ok, could you create a file called e.g. "map" containing the following
>> line:
>> 0 1 crypt aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef 0
>> /dev/md0 0
> shure.
> [22:28:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp]# echo '0 1 crypt aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 \
> 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef 0 /dev/md0 0' > map
> [22:28:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp]# dmsetup create root map
> device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Invalid argument
> Command failed

Could you try this again with a couple of "-v" arguments added to the
dmsetup command -> "dmsetup -v -v -v -v -v -v -v -v -v -v create root map"
and see if you get some additional output?

David Härdeman

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#303962: lilypond: conflict with tth - /usr/bin/ps2png in both packages

2007-02-08 Thread Frank Küster
severity 303962 serious
clone 303962 -1
reassign -1 tth
retitle -1 tth: conflict with lilypond - /usr/bin/ps2png in both packages

Dear lilypond and tth maintainers,


> tth (tex/lated to html converter) is recommended by lyx.
> I don't know if one package should rename its version of ps2png
> or lilypond use the one of tth (maybe even making another
> packager for this tool).
> I wonder if a lot of lilypon user use both . So only setted it to
> normal ...

This is a serious bug according to

| If two packages cannot be installed together, one must list the
| other in its "Conflicts:" field.
| [...]
| Packages must not install programs in the default PATH with
| different functionality with the same file name, even if they
| Conflict:.

> Tell me if you want to conflict with tth so i could tell tth
> maintainer to conflict with lilypond.

Assuming that both executables do the same, mutual Conflicts: would be
sufficient to resolve these bugs.  Of course it would be better instead
if either one would depend on the other, or ps2png be moved to a third
package (a new one, or an already existing one).

Regards, Frank

Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

Bug#410169: debconf-doc: two typos in devconf-devel.7

2007-02-08 Thread Christian Perrier
tags 410169 pending
tags 410168 pending

Quoting J S Bygott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Package: debconf-doc
> Version: 1.5.11
> Severity: minor
> Tags: patch
> two typos, here's the patch:

Thanks a lot for reporting. This is now fixed in the SVN (and
translations have bene unfuzzied). Ditto for the other typo you

Description: Digital signature

Bug#410188: cupsys: spams error_log with "Local authentication certificate not found!" errors every second

2007-02-08 Thread Marc Haber
Package: cupsys
Version: 1.2.7-4
Severity: normal

$ grep '08/Feb/2007:12.*Local authentication certificate not found!' 
/var/log/cups/error_log | wc -l
$ grep '08/Feb/2007:12.*Local authentication certificate not found!' 
/var/log/cups/error_log | head -n 1
E [08/Feb/2007:12:00:01 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate 
not found!
$ ls -al /var/log/cups/error_log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root lp 794K Feb  8 13:55 /var/log/cups/error_log

Local cupsd is running on a workstation, printing like two jobs a day,
directly to an IPP printer.

What the heck is going on here?


-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.20-scyw00225
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=de_DE (charmap=ISO-8859-1)

Versions of packages cupsys depends on:
ii  adduser  3.102   Add and remove users and groups
ii  cupsys-common1.2.7-4 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  debconf [debconf-2.0]1.5.11  Debian configuration management sy
ii  gs-esp   8.15.3.dfsg.1-1 The Ghostscript PostScript interpr
ii  libc62.3.6.ds1-11GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcupsimage21.2.7-4 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  libcupsys2   1.2.7-4 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  libdbus-1-3  1.0.2-1 simple interprocess messaging syst
ii  libgnutls13  1.4.4-3 the GNU TLS library - runtime libr
ii  libldap2 2.1.30-13.2 OpenLDAP libraries
ii  libpam0g 0.79-4  Pluggable Authentication Modules l
ii  libpaper11.1.21  Library for handling paper charact
ii  libslp1  1.2.1-6 OpenSLP libraries
ii  lsb-base 3.1-23  Linux Standard Base 3.1 init scrip
ii  patch2.5.9-4 Apply a diff file to an original
ii  perl-modules 5.8.8-7 Core Perl modules
ii  poppler-utils [xpdf-util 0.4.5-5.1   PDF utilitites (based on libpopple
ii  procps   1:3.2.7-3   /proc file system utilities
ii  zlib1g   1:1.2.3-13  compression library - runtime

Versions of packages cupsys recommends:
ii  cupsys-client 1.2.7-4Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  foomatic-filters  3.0.2-20061031-1.1 linuxprinting.org printer support 
ii  smbclient 3.0.24-2   a LanManager-like simple client fo

-- debconf information:
* cupsys/raw-print: false
* cupsys/backend: ipp, lpd, parallel, socket, usb

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#332668: [ndiswrapper]: Causes kernel oops intermittently

2007-02-08 Thread Neil McGovern
On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 08:36:50PM +1000, Kel Modderman wrote:
> Hi Neil,
> Is ndiswrapper still unstable for you? or #332668 still valid?

Hi there,

Unfortunately I don't have the laptop which this was occuring any more,
so can't test this :|

A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q. Why is top posting bad?
gpg key - http://www.halon.org.uk/pubkey.txt ; the.earth.li B345BDD3

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410186: ITP: cl-flexichain -- an efficient gap buffer with a well-defined external protocol

2007-02-08 Thread Milan Zamazal
Package: wnpp
Owner: Milan Zamazal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: cl-flexichain
  Version : 1.2
  Upstream Author : Robert Strandh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matthieu Villeneuve 
* URL or Web page : http://www.cliki.net/Flexichain
* License : LGPL 2.1
  Description : An efficient gap buffer with a well-defined external 

  The flexichain protocol allows client code to dynamically add elements
  to, and delete elements from a sequence (or chain) of such elements.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#389127: non-free Firefox icon included

2007-02-08 Thread Gonéri Le Bouder
Sorry, the bug numbers in the changelog entry were invalid. The correct one is 
of course #389127

Best regards,


Description: PGP signature

Bug#410190: cupsys: cannot find ipp backend error messages

2007-02-08 Thread Marc Haber
Package: cupsys
Version: 1.2.7-4
Severity: normal


I am printing via KDE to a local cupsd which is configured to forward
print jobs to a networked IPP printer (a hp lj 4050, if that matters).

Steps to reproduce issue:

- Stop printer
- Print two jobs (e.g. from acrobat reader)
- Start printer

The first job prints fine, the second job stays at "Processing" for a
while and then changes to "Error". cups error_log says
"E [08/Feb/2007:14:35:50 +0100] PID 7843 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp) stopped 
with status 1!"

Reprinting the job from the cups web interface and restarting the
printer (which was stopped by the error) prints the second job just

I'd like to know what goes wrong in the ipp backend to fix the issue.
How can I obtain the necessary information?


-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.20-scyw00225
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=de_DE (charmap=ISO-8859-1)

Versions of packages cupsys depends on:
ii  adduser  3.102   Add and remove users and groups
ii  cupsys-common1.2.7-4 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  debconf [debconf-2.0]1.5.11  Debian configuration management sy
ii  gs-esp   8.15.3.dfsg.1-1 The Ghostscript PostScript interpr
ii  libc62.3.6.ds1-11GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcupsimage21.2.7-4 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  libcupsys2   1.2.7-4 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  libdbus-1-3  1.0.2-1 simple interprocess messaging syst
ii  libgnutls13  1.4.4-3 the GNU TLS library - runtime libr
ii  libldap2 2.1.30-13.2 OpenLDAP libraries
ii  libpam0g 0.79-4  Pluggable Authentication Modules l
ii  libpaper11.1.21  Library for handling paper charact
ii  libslp1  1.2.1-6 OpenSLP libraries
ii  lsb-base 3.1-23  Linux Standard Base 3.1 init scrip
ii  patch2.5.9-4 Apply a diff file to an original
ii  perl-modules 5.8.8-7 Core Perl modules
ii  poppler-utils [xpdf-util 0.4.5-5.1   PDF utilitites (based on libpopple
ii  procps   1:3.2.7-3   /proc file system utilities
ii  zlib1g   1:1.2.3-13  compression library - runtime

Versions of packages cupsys recommends:
ii  cupsys-client 1.2.7-4Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - 
ii  foomatic-filters  3.0.2-20061031-1.1 linuxprinting.org printer support 
ii  smbclient 3.0.24-2   a LanManager-like simple client fo

-- debconf information:
* cupsys/raw-print: false
* cupsys/backend: ipp, lpd, parallel, socket, usb

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#402753: lilypond-doc : there is no HTML documentation at all

2007-02-08 Thread Frank Küster
tags 402753 patch
clone 402753 -1
severity -1 normal
retitle -1 lilypond-doc: building succeeds even if rsync commands fail

"Yitzchak Gale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frank Küster wrote:
>> Well, there are still the info files.  Whether it is grave or important
>> to not include the html docs, this I leave to the maintainer.
> Never mind, let's fix it!
>> However, the bug can be fixed by adding rsync to Build-Depends-Indep.
>> At least this helped when I tried in a pbuilder chroot, using
>> "debian/rules binary-indep".  I'm currently trying with
>> pbuilder/dpkg-buildpackage and a complete build.
> Great! Hope it works.

It does.  

-Build-Depends-Indep: netpbm (>= 2:9.10-1), imagemagick, emacs-intl-fonts, 
xfonts-intl-arabic, xfonts-intl-asian, xfonts-intl-chinese, 
xfonts-intl-chinese-big, xfonts-intl-european, xfonts-intl-japanese, 
xfonts-intl-japanese-big, xfonts-intl-phonetic, ttf-kochi-gothic, 
ttf-kochi-mincho, ttf-bitstream-vera, ttf-freefont, gsfonts | gsfonts-x11
+Build-Depends-Indep: netpbm (>= 2:9.10-1), imagemagick, emacs-intl-fonts, 
xfonts-intl-arabic, xfonts-intl-asian, xfonts-intl-chinese, 
xfonts-intl-chinese-big, xfonts-intl-european, xfonts-intl-japanese, 
xfonts-intl-japanese-big, xfonts-intl-phonetic, ttf-kochi-gothic, 
ttf-kochi-mincho, ttf-bitstream-vera, ttf-freefont, gsfonts | gsfonts-x11, rsync

>> However, I think even if this helps to re-include the html
>> documentation, there is still a bug left, and that is that the package
>> builds fine even when this command fails.
> At least that's not RC.

Yes, cloning as a normal bug.

>> If that's true, then
>> rsync -a  --link-dest $$a/ $$a/ $$a/.. && rm -rf $$a ; \
>> might do (or not, since the for loop might still be successful if only
>> the first rsync call fails for some reason.

It doesn't help, this test case always proceeds without an error:

for name in a b c; \
   do test "$$name" = "c" && true; \
echo "fine."

> So then how about something like
>  rsyncres=0 \
>  for a in `find . -name out-www`; do \
>if rsync -a  --link-dest $$a/ $$a/ $$a/.. ; \
>  then rm -rf $$a ; \
>  else rsyncres=1; break; \
>fi; \
>  done; \
>  [ $$rsyncres -eq 0 ]
> A bit messy, but should do it.

It needs a bit more semicolons to run fine.  This one made my tests:

rsyncres=0 ; \
for name in a b c; do \
  echo $$name; \
  if [ "$$name" = "c" ]; then \
  else \
rsyncres=1; \
  fi \
done; \
[ $$rsyncres -eq 0 ] || (echo "problem with rsync"; exit 1)

Regards, Frank

Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

Bug#410189: aspell-pt-br: New version available

2007-02-08 Thread Nelson A. de Oliveira
Package: aspell-pt-br
Version: 3.0~beta4-2
Severity: wishlist


It seems that there is a new version avaiable at [1] (the page is
available only in Portuguese). Download link to the file is at [2].

This version of aspell-pt-br available on Debian is a version from 2002!
Would be good to have this new version (20070206) available on Debian
(this new version is derived from the dictionary of the brazilian
OpenOffice.org (BrOffice.org)).

[1] http://lexico.codigolivre.org.br/
[2] http://codigolivre.org.br/frs/?group_id=2353

Thank you!

Best regards,

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.19-beyond2
Locale: LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=pt_BR.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages aspell-pt-br depends on:
ii  aspell0.60.4-4   GNU Aspell spell-checker
ii  dictionaries-common   0.70.12Common utilities for spelling dict

aspell-pt-br recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410165: python-gtk2: pls add support for python 2.5

2007-02-08 Thread Marco Cabizza
severity 410165 wishlist

I don't think this is REALLY appropriate by now as python2.5 sits in
experimental as of now, and adding the support to pygtk will force its
installation. Not sure how many people will agree now, even if it's not
a bad idea.


Description: Questa è una parte del messaggio	firmata digitalmente

Bug#410191: usbfs: cannot create file in a specific directory

2007-02-08 Thread Jean-Michel
Package: usbfs
Version: udffs
Severity: normal

with a removable udf iomega filesystem 35 Giga bytes, mounted in
/mnt/iomega, some file cannot be created.
However, on the same media, but different directory, it works.

mount says:
/dev/hda on /mnt/iomega type udf (rw)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo touch /mnt/iomega/toto
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo touch /mnt/iomega/data/toto
touch: ne peut faire un touch sur `/mnt/iomega/data/toto': Erreur
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo ls -l /mnt/iomega/
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4996 2007-02-08 00:05 data
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   44 2006-12-21 21:45 identifiant.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  236 2007-01-31 10:46 log
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   40 2006-12-21 20:45 lost+found
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root0 2007-02-08 14:30 toto

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -l /mnt/iomega/data/
total 4883520
-rwx-- 1 root root 383240768 2007-02-08 00:05
-rwx-- 1 root root 249440733 2007-02-08 00:05 xx_xxrs.tgz
-rwx-- 1 root root 100468667 2007-02-08 00:05 xx_xxs.tgz
-rwx-- 1 root root  75251712 2007-02-08 00:05 xx_java.tgz
-rwx-- 1 root root98 2007-02-08 00:05 xx_xx.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  5831 2007-02-08 00:05 xx_xxle.tgz
-rwx-- 1 root root 400056557 2007-02-08 00:06 xx_xxs.tgz
-rwx-- 1 root root 372409976 2007-02-08 00:06 xx_xx.tgz
-rwx-- 1 root root 850925624 2007-02-08 00:07 xx_xx.tgz
-rwx-- 1 root root   682 2007-02-08 00:07 xx_xx.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 692150478 2007-02-08 00:51 xxxai_xxxel.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 180746218 2007-02-08 00:52 xxx_xx.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2007-02-08 00:52 xxx_dummy
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 373794147 2007-02-08 01:12
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   460 2007-02-08 01:12 xxxup_xx_Log.tgz
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root   938 2007-02-08 01:31 xxx_xxage.bat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 296523379 2007-02-08 01:46 xxx_xx_gay.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 474650574 2007-02-08 01:54
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 309549359 2007-02-08 01:58
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   127 2007-02-08 01:46 xxx_xxw_xxx.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   132 2007-02-08 01:58 xxx_xxe_xx.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 235399898 2007-02-08 02:20 xxx_xxe_xxxux.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   6095906 2007-02-08 02:21 xxx_xxxi_xxro.tgz

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-4-amd64
Locale: LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Bug#410192: gphoto2: udev rule doesn't set rights correctly

2007-02-08 Thread Matthias Heinz
Package: gphoto2
Version: 2.2.0-3
Severity: important


I'm having a Canon A80 and today I tried to copy the
photos from the cam. So I plugged the camera in my
computer. gphoto -a worked, but getting a summary
wasn't possible (couldn't claim device).

First thing I thought was that i'm not in group
camera or plugdev, but i checked that, wasn't the

It took me some time to find out why it doesn't work.
I took a look at the device (wasn't easy to find out
which one gphoto is using):

crw-rw-r-- 1 root root 189, 5 2007-02-08 14:26 006

As you can see the device has the wrong rights, but I
took a look at the udev directory in /etc and saw that
there is a rules file for it. (Which doesn't seem to
be used?!)

In short terms: The device is created, but the rights
are wrong. The udev people say its the fault of the
package, because package is allowed to have its own


-- System Information:
Debian Release: 4.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.20-05.02.2007
Locale: LANG=de_DE.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=de_DE.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages gphoto2 depends on:
ii  libc6 2.3.6.ds1-11   GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcdk5   5.0.20050424-2 C-based curses widget library
ii  libexif12 0.6.13-5   library to parse EXIF files
ii  libgphoto2-2  2.2.1-16   gphoto2 digital camera library
ii  libgphoto2-port0  2.2.1-16   gphoto2 digital camera port librar
ii  libjpeg62 6b-13  The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG 
ii  libncurses5   5.5-5  Shared libraries for terminal hand
ii  libpopt0  1.10-3 lib for parsing cmdline parameters
ii  libreadline5  5.2-2  GNU readline and history libraries

gphoto2 recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409961: foobillard: Menu does not work, no text ever appears.

2007-02-08 Thread Joshua Rodman
On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 12:53:28PM +0100, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 03:33 -0800, Joshua Rodman wrote:
> > 
> > Grah, I'm now almost certain I flubbed this part, since as you probably
> > realize an error here will default to pulling in the usual suspects.
> Right.
> > I can repeat my software-level performance with the directories merged.
> > 
> > This being-methodical crap is hard for me when I don't know how to to
> > ask for more information.
> ldd can show you where it's picking up libGL from, and
> LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose will show you where it's picking up i965_dri.so from
> when you're running a GL app.
> Anyway, mesa 6.5.2-3 is available from http://incoming.debian.org/ now,
> and it should fix the FTBFS on amd64.

Builds, installs, and works fantastically. I dropped in just
libgl1-mesa-glx_6.5.2-3_amd64.deb and libgl1-mesa-dri_6.5.2-3_amd64.deb.
If that's a dumb idea, it might be nice to let me know, however
foobillard is happy with this driver at this point.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#409961: foobillard: Menu does not work, no text ever appears.

2007-02-08 Thread Joshua Rodman
On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 05:23:14AM -0800, Joshua Rodman wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 12:53:28PM +0100, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> > On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 03:33 -0800, Joshua Rodman wrote:
> > > 
> > > Grah, I'm now almost certain I flubbed this part, since as you probably
> > > realize an error here will default to pulling in the usual suspects.
> > 
> > Right.
> > 
> > > I can repeat my software-level performance with the directories merged.
> > > 
> > > This being-methodical crap is hard for me when I don't know how to to
> > > ask for more information.
> > 
> > ldd can show you where it's picking up libGL from, and
> > LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose will show you where it's picking up i965_dri.so from
> > when you're running a GL app.
> > 
> > Anyway, mesa 6.5.2-3 is available from http://incoming.debian.org/ now,
> > and it should fix the FTBFS on amd64.
> Builds, installs, and works fantastically. I dropped in just
> libgl1-mesa-glx_6.5.2-3_amd64.deb and libgl1-mesa-dri_6.5.2-3_amd64.deb.
> If that's a dumb idea, it might be nice to let me know, however
> foobillard is happy with this driver at this point.

(Sorry for all the repeat stuff, I think it's because i'm not sure what
this investigation represents at this point..)

An unrelated opengl glitch remains, the transparency of the logo seems
broken.  This one I'm very strongly believling is not foobillard
behavior specific.



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#410135: slrn: Charset fallback causes regular segfaults when expunging

2007-02-08 Thread Bas Zoetekouw
Hi Moritz!

> I've upgraded my sid-based notebook last week and I'm running into
> problems
> caused by the charset fallback patch. I'm regularly using "x" to remove
> all non-tagged read articles from the article list and slrn segfaults
> every 5-7th time.
> I suppose it's some kind of memory corruption. I don't have prior
> experience with the slrn code base and lack the time to dig further
> for the cause. Bas, could you have a look? I'd be happy to test patches.

Hmm, that's weird, I thought my patch should work fine, at least valgrind
showed no heap corruptions here.  Could you try running valgrind
--leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes on one of the session that crashes?
 That should give me some information about which variable is causing the


Bas Zoetekouw

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