Bug#1017435: debian-installer: georgian text mode fails to render all characters
On 06/01/2023 16:20, Samuel Thibault wrote: Roland Clobus, le ven. 06 janv. 2023 13:38:34 +0100, a ecrit: With the attached script you can generate a list of all characters that are used in the translations. That can be used to determine the minimal set of required characters. We already do that in the debian installer, but that is not enough to be reasonably sure that this covers all questions that might happen during installation, since questions could be asked by any udeb. That's why we rather request for a an explicit file from actual translators. I agree. But the work for the translators can be reduced by automatically parsing the work they have already done (i.e. the translations). That would leave only some characters that have not been used in any translated text, but might be present i.e. on the keyboard. @Translators: It that something you might want to use? If those additional characters would be listed in a second line in the file, it would even allow for friction-less merges. (I.e. the first line would be autogenerated from the provided translations and the second line would be a list of additional characters) In order not to miss any translated text, I've updated the script to parse all .udeb files that are present on the installation medium and extract the template from them. This ensures that all questions that might happen during installation will be could. Or... are additional udebs downloaded on demand? # How to run this script: # 1) cd path_of_git_workdirectory_of_debian-installer # 2) find mount_point_of_installer_image -name "*.udeb" | awk -e '{ print "dpkg-deb --control ", $1; print "if [ -e DEBIAN/templates ]; then cat DEBIAN/templates >> collect; fi"; print "rm -fr DEBIAN" }' | sh # 3) python3 chars_v2.py # Carefully evaluate the proposed modifications in build/needed-characters With kind regards, Roland Clobus Attached: 1) chars_v2.py: The updated script 2) sample.summary: Its output to the console 3) ka.utf: Automatically generated Georgian list of use characters import re # Generate a list of all characters that are used in translations in udeb files # # How to run this script: # 1) cd path_of_git_workdirectory_of_debian-installer # 2) find mount_point_of_installer_image -name "*.udeb" | awk -e '{ print "dpkg-deb --control ", $1; print "if [ -e DEBIAN/templates ]; then cat DEBIAN/templates >> collect; fi"; print "rm -fr DEBIAN" }' | sh # 3) python3 chars.py # Carefully evaluate the proposed modifications in build/needed-characters write_to_file = True dump_to_console = True file = open("collect", "r") content = file.read() file.close() lines = content.split("\n") language = "C" chars = dict(); for line in lines: # Sample: # Description-am.UTF-8: የሚጫኑ የተካይ አካሎች፦ match = re.split("\w+-([a-zA-Z@_]+).UTF-8: (.*)", line) if (len(match) > 2): # A translated text language = match[1] translation = match[2] elif line.startswith(" "): # Extended description translation = line[1:] else: # Not for translation -> reset language = "C" translation = "" for char in translation: # Debug part to find which translated text contains a specific character #if language == "nl" and char == 'ı': # print(line) if not language in chars: chars[language] = set(()); if ord(char) >= 128: # Add only non-ASCII characters chars[language].add(char) if write_to_file: for language in sorted(chars): file = open("build/needed-characters/" + language + ".utf", "w") file.write(''.join(sorted(chars[language]))) file.close() if dump_to_console: for language in sorted(chars): print(f"Language: {language}") print(f"Characters: {''.join(sorted(chars[language]))}") Language: C Characters: Language: am Characters: Åáãçéíôüሀሁሂሃሄህሆለሉሊላሌልሎሏሐሑሒሓሔሕመሙሚማሜምሞሟሠሡሢሣሤሥረሩሪራሬርሮሯሰሱሲሳሴስሶሷሸሹሺሻሼሽሾሿቀቁቂቃቄቅቆቋበቡቢባቤብቦቧቨቪቫቬቮተቱቲታቴትቶቷቸቹቺቻቼችቾኁኂኄኅኋነኑኒናኔንኖኗኘኙኚኛኝኞአኡኢኣኤእኦከኩኪካኬክኮኳኸኻኽወዉዊዋዌውዎዐዑዓዕዘዙዚዛዜዝዞዟዡዢዥየዩያይዮደዱዲዳዴድዶጀጁጂጃጄጅጆገጉጊጋጌግጎጐጒጓጔጕጘጠጡጢጣጤጥጦጧጨጪጫጭጮጵጸጹጻጽፁፃፄፅፈፉፊፋፌፍፎፐፑፒፓፔፕፖፘፙ፠፡።፣፤፥፦ Language: ar Characters: ·ü،؛؟ءآأؤإئابةتثجحخدذرزسشصضطظعغـفقكلمنهوىيًٌٍَُِّْ٣٥…ﻷ Language: ast Characters: ¡«º»¿ÁÅÉÍÚáãçéíñóôúüḤḥ… Language: be Characters: «»ЁІЎАБВГДЕЖЗКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшыьэюяёіў— Language: bg Characters: ü̆АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъьюяѝ–“„…№ Language: bn Characters: ü।ঁংঃঅআইউএঐওকখগঘঙচছজঝঞটঠডঢণতথদধনপফবভমযরলশষসহ়ািীুূৃেৈোৌ্ৎড়ঢ়য়০১২৩৪৫৬৮৯… Language: bo Characters: Åçéôü་།༢༣༤ཀཁགངཅཆཇཉཏཐདནཔཕབམཙཚཛཝཞཟའཡརལཤསཧཨིེོུྐྒྔྗྙྟྡྣྤྥྦྨྩྫྭྱྲླྷ“”、。盘键,: Language: bs Characters: ÅçéíôüĆćČč𩹮ž Language: ca Characters: «·»ÀÉÍÒÚàãçèéíïòóúü— Language: cs Characters: ÁÅÉÍáãçéíóôúüýČčďĚěňŘřŠšťŮůŽž“„ Language: cy Characters: ÂÅÔáâãçéêëíîïôüŵ Language: da Characters: «»ÅÆØáãåæçéíôøü Language: de Characters: «»ÄÅÖÜßáãäåçéíôöü… Language: dz Characters: çü་།༠༡༢༣༤༥༦༨༩༼༽ཀཁགངཅཆཇཉཊཌཏཐདནཔཕབམཙཚཛཝཞཟའཡརལཤསཧཨཪ྄ཱིེོུྐྒྔྕྗྙྟྡྣྤྦྩྫྭྱྲླྷ Language: el Characters: «·»áãíôǘΆΈΉΊΌΏΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΩάέήίαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϊϋόύώ Language: en Characters:
Processed: Re: Bug#1017435: debian-installer: georgian text mode fails to render all characters
Processing control commands: > tags -1 + pending Bug #1017435 [debian-installer] debian-installer: georgian text mode fails to render all characters Added tag(s) pending. -- 1017435: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1017435 Debian Bug Tracking System Contact ow...@bugs.debian.org with problems
Bug#1017435: debian-installer: georgian text mode fails to render all characters
Control: tags -1 + pending Hi, Samuel Thibault wrote (Fri, 6 Jan 2023 16:20:38 +0100): > Roland Clobus, le ven. 06 janv. 2023 13:38:34 +0100, a ecrit: > > On 01/01/2023 20:49, Holger Wansing wrote: > > > Samuel Thibault wrote (Sun, 1 Jan 2023 20:14:36 > > > +0100): > > > > Hello, > > > > > > > > Holger Wansing, le mar. 16 août 2022 22:59:34 +0200, a ecrit: > > > > > Philip Hands wrote (Tue, 16 Aug 2022 11:22:30 +0200): > > > > > > openQA just noticed that the rendering of certain characters just > > > > > > changed, > > > > > > highlighting the fact that the rendering was already broken. > > ... > > > > The solution is simply to add the required characters in > > > > debian-installer/build/needed-characters/ka.utf: > > > > > So, we need a Georgian translator, providing us a file with all non-ascii > > > characters needed for the Georgian language. > > > > > > Can anyone help us, please? > > > > With the attached script you can generate a list of all characters that are > > used in the translations. That can be used to determine the minimal set of > > required characters. Roland: thanks for this tool. It may be useful at some point, however in this case I chose a different approach. > We already do that in the debian installer, but that is not enough to be > reasonably sure that this covers all questions that might happen during > installation, since questions could be asked by any udeb. That's why we > rather request for a an explicit file from actual translators. I have now generated such file from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgian_language Tests have proven to fix the problem. Holger -- Holger Wansing PGP-Fingerprint: 496A C6E8 1442 4B34 8508 3529 59F1 87CA 156E B076
Bug#1017435: debian-installer: georgian text mode fails to render all characters
Roland Clobus, le sam. 07 janv. 2023 11:31:29 +0100, a ecrit: > On 06/01/2023 16:20, Samuel Thibault wrote: > > Roland Clobus, le ven. 06 janv. 2023 13:38:34 +0100, a ecrit: > > > With the attached script you can generate a list of all characters that > > > are > > > used in the translations. That can be used to determine the minimal set of > > > required characters. > > > > We already do that in the debian installer, but that is not enough to be > > reasonably sure that this covers all questions that might happen during > > installation, since questions could be asked by any udeb. That's why we > > rather request for a an explicit file from actual translators. > > I agree. But the work for the translators can be reduced by automatically > parsing the work they have already done (i.e. the translations). Ah ok I misread what you meant. Yes that can be a good base, which can then be proofread by translators. > In order not to miss any translated text, I've updated the script to parse > all .udeb files that are present on the installation medium and extract the > template from them. This ensures that all questions that might happen during > installation will be could. > Or... are additional udebs downloaded on demand? It seems from the list.gz files that udebs are on the first iso, and from the debian-cd exclude files that the only udebs which are not there are the ones which are already included in the d-i initrd. I doesn't seem that your current script looks at the udebs included in the initrd? Samuel
Bug#987503: swap partition only 1 GB instead of at least 1 x RAM size
I was also bitten by this bug with the Debian bookworm alpha1 era installer. This is not a wishlist kind of bug; This is a bug of grave severity. Breaking hibernation is unacceptable and is a key feature of modern operating systems for both laptop and desktop users. If the idea behind the 1GB default is to cater to the server world, then somewhere the installer needs to either prompt the user to say what kind of installation it is (desktop or server) or to offer a choice between the two camps so the installer picks better defaults. I completely don't understand the comments about hibernation not working on x86. I'm going to disregard that unless there's a clarification. Thanks to Johannes (in Message #30) for suggesting a solution. Other workarounds found on the web suggest tinkering with systemd's SYSTEMD_BYPASS_HIBERNATION_MEMORY_CHECK variable and re-configuring the GRUB menu (see https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1928690#p1928690). I haven't tried these yet but the Debian installer shouldn't burden users with such low-level tinkering. This is going to push potential Debian users to other distros after they discover hibernate doesn't work.
Bug#1021918: #1021918: Kernel module blacklisting doesn't work
Control: retitle -1 Kernel module blacklisting doesn't work Control: tags -1 confirmed Hi. I just did an install of bullseye on an amd64 machine with a troublesome wifi interface - suspected hardware fault[1]. We did achieve a successful install, blacklisting the module for the bad hardware, but we did encounter a version of this bug. We edited the vmlinuz line in the installer image boot menu (we were using the non-graphical installer) to add modprobe.blacklist=rtw88_8723de The installer was able to find the USB wifi dongle we'd added, didn't touch the cursed hardware, and ran to completion. But, as described in this bug report, it had created a file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf containing just blacklist modprobe I deleted this using the installer shell before rebooting into the installed system. The installer had *not* included anything in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX. So the troublesome hardware *wasn't* blacklisted on our reboot. Happily nothing tried to use it. I manually created a file /etc/modprobe.d/rtw88.conf containing blacklist rtw88_8723de blacklist rtw88_8723d and that has resulted in a working setup. Thanks, Ian. [1] The fault results in periodic wifi breakage and strange symtoms with an older Debian release. With the bullseye installer, it causes the installer environment to reliably hang (crashed with no response even to capslock led). -- Ian JacksonThese opinions are my own. Pronouns: they/he. If I emailed you from @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk, that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.
Processed: Re: #1021918: Kernel module blacklisting doesn't work
Processing control commands: > retitle -1 Kernel module blacklisting doesn't work Bug #1021918 [rootskel] debian-installer: Kernel module blacklisting inconsistent Changed Bug title to 'Kernel module blacklisting doesn't work' from 'debian-installer: Kernel module blacklisting inconsistent'. > tags -1 confirmed Bug #1021918 [rootskel] Kernel module blacklisting doesn't work Added tag(s) confirmed. -- 1021918: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1021918 Debian Bug Tracking System Contact ow...@bugs.debian.org with problems
Processing of cdrom-checker_1.57_source.changes
cdrom-checker_1.57_source.changes uploaded successfully to localhost along with the files: cdrom-checker_1.57.dsc cdrom-checker_1.57.tar.xz cdrom-checker_1.57_amd64.buildinfo Greetings, Your Debian queue daemon (running on host usper.debian.org)
Processing of cdrom-retriever_1.61_source.changes
cdrom-retriever_1.61_source.changes uploaded successfully to localhost along with the files: cdrom-retriever_1.61.dsc cdrom-retriever_1.61.tar.xz cdrom-retriever_1.61_amd64.buildinfo Greetings, Your Debian queue daemon (running on host usper.debian.org)
Processing of network-console_1.90_source.changes
network-console_1.90_source.changes uploaded successfully to localhost along with the files: network-console_1.90.dsc network-console_1.90.tar.xz network-console_1.90_amd64.buildinfo Greetings, Your Debian queue daemon (running on host usper.debian.org)
Processing of partman-btrfs_57_source.changes
partman-btrfs_57_source.changes uploaded successfully to localhost along with the files: partman-btrfs_57.dsc partman-btrfs_57.tar.xz partman-btrfs_57_amd64.buildinfo Greetings, Your Debian queue daemon (running on host usper.debian.org)
Processing of partman-ext3_111_source.changes
partman-ext3_111_source.changes uploaded successfully to localhost along with the files: partman-ext3_111.dsc partman-ext3_111.tar.xz partman-ext3_111_amd64.buildinfo Greetings, Your Debian queue daemon (running on host usper.debian.org)
cdrom-checker_1.57_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Thank you for your contribution to Debian. Accepted: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Format: 1.8 Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2023 23:29:52 +0100 Source: cdrom-checker Architecture: source Version: 1.57 Distribution: unstable Urgency: medium Maintainer: Debian Install System Team Changed-By: Holger Wansing Changes: cdrom-checker (1.57) unstable; urgency=medium . * Team upload . [ Holger Wansing ] * Set Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (checked). . [ Updated translations ] * Kazakh (kk.po) by Baurzhan Muftakhidinov * Norwegian Nynorsk (nn.po) by Ola Haugen Havrevoll Checksums-Sha1: 8d3e2b57e21aae35e966b694c07dbb6f6f911ade 1686 cdrom-checker_1.57.dsc 5d739e95465dc8332818a07387c8ef41d997e305 75856 cdrom-checker_1.57.tar.xz e44981c0837c0286ba9e14a78531c2849473bfa3 6309 cdrom-checker_1.57_amd64.buildinfo Checksums-Sha256: a753d4ab41c267e1e53a0fa90938aa5ed231e5cba56d6b0a556f59603272310e 1686 cdrom-checker_1.57.dsc a6fa868261eb5af84a52498600b51504b6d0959363116ef56a5c94407bbaf5e9 75856 cdrom-checker_1.57.tar.xz 62b66ecd0934b81fc2858acaf566417d5d09ae3ada09b9e567af3c72ddc240af 6309 cdrom-checker_1.57_amd64.buildinfo Files: 7d9b1e68ce8087ea796f9ae6d20b8e52 1686 debian-installer optional cdrom-checker_1.57.dsc 7dd0cf49cfd739db88c030c39371fc73 75856 debian-installer optional cdrom-checker_1.57.tar.xz dd267be306a097aaa7ee5b739de9034e 6309 debian-installer optional cdrom-checker_1.57_amd64.buildinfo -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- iQJJBAEBCgAzFiEESWrG6BRCSzSFCDUpWfGHyhVusHYFAmO59CgVHGh3YW5zaW5n QG1haWxib3gub3JnAAoJEFnxh8oVbrB2XogP/i3PUpxve32z2lpbY9dz3XhO/kOs bra8BkZf/mmWvnaPvCp1wFpUAtGuY/RJV7lwjh6P5ypzAY1FI/ObsH7zBPWeLbKY DdIC0dyOJV3sHGflz1tAYbV1c3hiUqTuKFv9lXemyOP4Z56Zwhx0qL2UUn6Ai0cg j5JZoc0kmnXVvmmjTqyq2Xgn9Rc7i6IVYlysg+GTwA0EX3dltHDGk2u4WyjsDSh+ YjkH1aYDPUhbnVcPHRkHKoAxXromzN7iue4kcz9cTRNV1CRgGVSYRt5dpFHRPOHg TiBFDg7lGuSqSThyY6MlAftvxxKqFZFImcbl2PGe2LQE28KeCoGmyW9Gh0kEo28e Uz5HdxDecNvYA1GRN8rW5par65heQAGCS+JVWUkhx9TBG4zw1TIsnp4/KfbQuMGB OadWeDDqo0aefbtmlEBKN2m6oA1/2dk9C0suIUSRsThixzRUbicQq0zZVXB97ENr ZpGT5MfcBOzaEFA6PZjhjd3zi9zTgZjUj44CI+2SRACZueCOLmnO5qcXZcSAtTtk WMpMFhYYGgsHmL0ghmUYjvc4bhCk4aXuWmkMsYNfN5tIzpax8krqfLU/6h5349HQ 3ox4BIkRVB2xSLBN1LfKSJTHQArT1ASxxiegjHGbugCeO1WCh03tRrJuEnuLV3RP c3H89hEFYJrNjIE0 =Woi5 -END PGP SIGNATURE-
cdrom-retriever_1.61_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Thank you for your contribution to Debian. Accepted: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Format: 1.8 Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2023 23:49:38 +0100 Source: cdrom-retriever Architecture: source Version: 1.61 Distribution: unstable Urgency: medium Maintainer: Debian Install System Team Changed-By: Holger Wansing Changes: cdrom-retriever (1.61) unstable; urgency=medium . * Team upload . [ Debian Janitor ] * Build-Depends: Drop versioned constraint on po-debconf. * Build-Depends-Indep: Drop versioned constraint on dpkg-dev. * load-cdrom: Drop versioned constraint on anna in Depends. . [ Holger Wansing ] * Set Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (checked). * Add myself to Uploaders, to make Lintian happy. . [ Updated translations ] * Kazakh (kk.po) by Baurzhan Muftakhidinov Checksums-Sha1: 6da54b69cbabc2fd97763eb92897734e4809e1b0 1766 cdrom-retriever_1.61.dsc 5c9b333cc046d36adf8054ac8b330d7b82fefb0b 44808 cdrom-retriever_1.61.tar.xz e9ddc82a4cdf21e88bbe3139ed1cb7007a61b4d3 6421 cdrom-retriever_1.61_amd64.buildinfo Checksums-Sha256: 555896e819be324feeff9e05f3bfb3217bd455948a292a075825b86276ee2af9 1766 cdrom-retriever_1.61.dsc 1f6a4f4e821aebe3e84d802581da1d56d9721e0ac04eb89f666d962a58a62e46 44808 cdrom-retriever_1.61.tar.xz b763f9bbfe62ffa35d9d24bdfe2b0877847eae9424801f859882a2653d18efb8 6421 cdrom-retriever_1.61_amd64.buildinfo Files: b75b96dc7ad98e46924dd96520d93ed4 1766 debian-installer optional cdrom-retriever_1.61.dsc bd801773b5b9c5616755a13094944204 44808 debian-installer optional cdrom-retriever_1.61.tar.xz f369ea2b78809ad968d794029131a9fa 6421 debian-installer optional cdrom-retriever_1.61_amd64.buildinfo -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- iQJJBAEBCgAzFiEESWrG6BRCSzSFCDUpWfGHyhVusHYFAmO5+LkVHGh3YW5zaW5n QG1haWxib3gub3JnAAoJEFnxh8oVbrB2OGAP/AlNBGJDj0RvGh/A/MQv60/JNjhd snK1UKOqtTEiCrITHc4cuC6GlssBySekk8ZKfDJXDSJIPVQzX14TwSOTaPXR6Nac k5A9TNFssc5Af7UVava03DGIlIODXlCO3iIpxbidpTsgRUpz5m1D8PM7ETs4lXcU MsS6Sk70XcguwRmzTMQ918NcXVzt7gyoqzzShjH0yUsS/bOvPGEV2zqIRkNQk4RH B19g8d9vd5VdmLZocJNksZm65VhgxXxEIXLJGpMPZvfhrSCd6Jui7q1lQZGdDi3t p80B+MOjAh1z9KsfGcG9Xt0JdRvh7318yTQNl/+wO66AV0B6Xh1PCgAXrYRfo3C5 WHvQk5/UizGsWO1MgdzVKuRJc+WHsuWn3TRp/NS5LVOQqAgzAPEa9zJ4AdZOZqGl y1Ake5MCLapSjf0bRhU31Wb3ZKHfBEJPHKUmDyhMloiLhE3J+eKbiM1fA653hagJ dfyn/WivQ8x7dhxwiz6Q2rfF+pwF4v2I877OaX1ctXsAu/9w2LVJdDQRepx80RDE ZKVXIeHs1vjAi+HUYVMqJOiJAkUPBPRkknbLMhQ24EgPYRRg+3Pe1Ei4SDCjrMqg jBja5eKRrBO9uzU/7pjhHhxm85oNtP4nQRkyK5p0Q9YJJGH/L500Uifo0+mv0pqB oRLXtKKcNU7stA1h =Een0 -END PGP SIGNATURE-
Processing of partman-target_125_source.changes
partman-target_125_source.changes uploaded successfully to localhost along with the files: partman-target_125.dsc partman-target_125.tar.xz partman-target_125_amd64.buildinfo Greetings, Your Debian queue daemon (running on host usper.debian.org)
network-console_1.90_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Thank you for your contribution to Debian. Accepted: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Format: 1.8 Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2023 23:58:34 +0100 Source: network-console Architecture: source Version: 1.90 Distribution: unstable Urgency: medium Maintainer: Debian Install System Team Changed-By: Holger Wansing Changes: network-console (1.90) unstable; urgency=medium . * Team upload . [ Holger Wansing ] * Set Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (checked). . [ Updated translations ] * Persian (fa.po) by Danial Behzadi Checksums-Sha1: 44d53248542233d2cdedd916bc9c577b7b3c3727 1709 network-console_1.90.dsc fa6e4ad30e804116369e44bd10581e03e55b0e23 101216 network-console_1.90.tar.xz 9a561ff2874f84fe703951b6bb82172ffdc987a0 6186 network-console_1.90_amd64.buildinfo Checksums-Sha256: 8777a67782a836997e7e4002f5dcd03c184c779f090856afa8933cc57faa206a 1709 network-console_1.90.dsc 262c81b332c14560242a9364bff3e1016daf64a540257e83c80e93016ebb19e7 101216 network-console_1.90.tar.xz be9634308fbc3ad5fe2a1927fabfd8f02c1171effdd0c33a16effcfa8a6f627f 6186 network-console_1.90_amd64.buildinfo Files: 243490a84a6f4fe5b6e876b4d6559160 1709 debian-installer optional network-console_1.90.dsc 050ca22852b72cad00a545b6a25be51d 101216 debian-installer optional network-console_1.90.tar.xz 7236db696f842a1940b557689a35799b 6186 debian-installer optional network-console_1.90_amd64.buildinfo -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- iQJJBAEBCgAzFiEESWrG6BRCSzSFCDUpWfGHyhVusHYFAmO5+zcVHGh3YW5zaW5n QG1haWxib3gub3JnAAoJEFnxh8oVbrB2lU0P/iP5Jp47f1h/SXatAf/Sg/CR0bhl ch0DjY+bA82D7rkjND9dbTRcwdnpyr/uPGvwR0bOMBvsq/2z4zQXEicYUnHm+8vo j1HeB0MsobonX/a0q5Dp3AmpLsT66mZ2428Lc6lDT7g9L7K6oPUoFz5LevlNbL6u amuMmoQDmBTOPxsyVmkyGlHIGekwD63Iw+tGmTjZ74J//JuPalWFm76bddK9w/lH UJtJxOcbB1F+6KNRruI1vx1OEvcLd0+5mwjhdqz9/yUsVCDJc4bflzL1lcxbZtsP 3OknNIJ8iAL3P7pEEBYOKmO5GVPbyaWxOuH1h0PVqYmUe4Uv/rIqlALRpq0eZA+l lwvH2ShQM//jRJ5IFF6priHivAxZzVtuCyHbc9N8OGN1+/I8Mr20C3TYwy5i6tL6 KziCQHID+iGtJNb+EWFb3vda3/l2tbfDz08swLcYi+zthgl+uReUhG2JsJW6fzBO Tq+4cCE7NlEberPQDy8wLvfUcvRg6h+22yyx9p5SgH7JUlHL9ecGskmPjEwMKNSz Lw6tQzTWuTrIWeUJZkj0BG9dU866Am42bu28KuxpBogniejw/zqlWUoVGbElujsT vxYTkbYLKRnkuskeFUfuTwoR29lSetayenVuINbHw0wRrxRcfjAqhFGvDO3ZsqN6 3eQ8NSjuKFpHNLTG =QAjS -END PGP SIGNATURE-
partman-btrfs_57_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Thank you for your contribution to Debian. Accepted: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Format: 1.8 Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2023 00:08:58 +0100 Source: partman-btrfs Architecture: source Version: 57 Distribution: unstable Urgency: medium Maintainer: Debian Install System Team Changed-By: Holger Wansing Changes: partman-btrfs (57) unstable; urgency=medium . * Team upload . [ Holger Wansing ] * Set Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (checked). . [ Updated translations ] * Russian (ru.po) by Lev Lamberov Checksums-Sha1: 19b7e256fdd89cbd103e12c3c6748525b46c8596 1725 partman-btrfs_57.dsc c46b0bffcd340aec83095841ac320ef4dfb3dd42 47832 partman-btrfs_57.tar.xz 4bbc53b27ee5dffabc864e267417c44669263c28 6157 partman-btrfs_57_amd64.buildinfo Checksums-Sha256: 166e94e5dc286aa108ac3f9fa3d723a3dd614479e8b26633fc9d8a0cf27ccdac 1725 partman-btrfs_57.dsc 6a078f14f291a8c261dbd0d73b33fb3c39ce9c39344901a0ea582c572ee4a5fe 47832 partman-btrfs_57.tar.xz 15590394b13ea3f3dad83bbdfacc7406a0759b6202d733fcfe30df5b4b896028 6157 partman-btrfs_57_amd64.buildinfo Files: 057a0e6f7abdbe750452ce3ab6636438 1725 debian-installer standard partman-btrfs_57.dsc 5c92da5e1a30493d94f550b99ca49b74 47832 debian-installer standard partman-btrfs_57.tar.xz 4b63a5f3a61324b07776f748b8f30acc 6157 debian-installer standard partman-btrfs_57_amd64.buildinfo -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- iQJJBAEBCgAzFiEESWrG6BRCSzSFCDUpWfGHyhVusHYFAmO5/SEVHGh3YW5zaW5n QG1haWxib3gub3JnAAoJEFnxh8oVbrB2tY0P/inoo7TtcnNPnRsZCtfizWGyu/h5 fcWe0m9rrxNDVkk0+YIus62XQ31j05ZIWlVHXZOyffQA/oQEZUD4W9gQoYZKunFO 7Hh664bOVP2HcPpf9QMney5yzC+GBsZJNoOO03tAgHQbPnQ1BNglhR3dU2QoYBKn UjurGRZJsccoj2f7PV4UzBID/14o+/J7/oQ854Amc6SDDTw+E7XKuK7l0lb5mf33 u76bKmfSUAd31pxNnsQ33EtGhfHZ84CCLWi78Ymd/kKUUkmgJGaKZH1jZp/zZf6h n2MXWS5g7+MTTnWO6TsGO71MQ7uDcXTo0DZg3hXS1IyofXgLekL7nYekMa0JiDA+ 9Pob0oNDHhorj4jP3672x+vczkZD6X9Wi6w9IEfwesjQ/xiuoCCdzciCM5kVijE0 s9tERRBtP1UxhPc6CTEc234fPQ5k2IM0UXmU0Idf3hDBkXs+FKIytSO6D9784QAf XJztETDJ5p6b75m5SzOQYy7fCd5hzJHcXJGHkdBh7uuRWLPiPGD1++44fbciak9j lgPQbmuLPP2zKK2HuTcgUQQl19Jiacbhwu3pa6SPi5B16G8mPnKXNDeBbcufWK/w 7IO64VAOS1xDDkZbadXGgyqLVTbPNY0sdutmn1ujvmD0ipW3JXBmgFk6LWfslwG6 iJ6LE5GPCyErNZlf =iVdy -END PGP SIGNATURE-
partman-ext3_111_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Thank you for your contribution to Debian. Accepted: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Format: 1.8 Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2023 00:19:11 +0100 Source: partman-ext3 Architecture: source Version: 111 Distribution: unstable Urgency: medium Maintainer: Debian Install System Team Changed-By: Holger Wansing Changes: partman-ext3 (111) unstable; urgency=medium . * Team upload . [ Samuel Thibault ] * Make gbp produce the right tag format (again). . [ Debian Janitor ] * Set debhelper-compat version in Build-Depends. * Bump debhelper from deprecated 9 to 13. . [ Holger Wansing ] * Set Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (checked). * Add myself to Uploaders, to make Lintian happy. . [ Updated translations ] * Japanese (ja.po) by YOSHINO Yoshihito Checksums-Sha1: 036c431d7e90800be5f7a1c40a026e371ad2aadf 1681 partman-ext3_111.dsc 2ca978feb0d3882c778f924888f2f8423d5f96e4 89896 partman-ext3_111.tar.xz 26f965527de76d7e45d5939cf91f0d92b63fa85b 6155 partman-ext3_111_amd64.buildinfo Checksums-Sha256: bb6a2e3e71e94f58de8118309c159db49ad82673a0a0411c01eb1f1fa49354a9 1681 partman-ext3_111.dsc ba5a91140691b19821d05b3b4b000652564512c0b928ae54d4322b366975d24d 89896 partman-ext3_111.tar.xz f9e4a77d091d483e4bf30debdc270ff284c0307d0dcde6a22e8d7d234c0c9a86 6155 partman-ext3_111_amd64.buildinfo Files: 5f08f4d97e04ec37688b7e9dbf17b5b7 1681 debian-installer standard partman-ext3_111.dsc 130aa71f86c1b9e474f416b8295efdab 89896 debian-installer standard partman-ext3_111.tar.xz 03a58bbac302db7de4e6db38bac3c80e 6155 debian-installer standard partman-ext3_111_amd64.buildinfo -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- iQJJBAEBCgAzFiEESWrG6BRCSzSFCDUpWfGHyhVusHYFAmO5/4QVHGh3YW5zaW5n QG1haWxib3gub3JnAAoJEFnxh8oVbrB2loYQAJdfLq0gCaAq5bP3vAAooZiTq4tc LujhYQvec8vesm0RTWU80mQSTC4zjEgKcXNU5bMZObdt7wkuAYfgrh2jZ32q3i8P BS5RhrtOMVN/oliLnocyGnhKv/8w9hMI+JcwKout+2mH9NFPx1Dswj3Ov6FuyJfR RPEGfSjWCXnOnlNNTDVyvk5ofsmKoUFAJjyqgwshxUY6XLolVacgpgZIyFPu6bPN ccAkgIXmyOqYTOwW9Q3NcWdnpHn5GT6fIdDxQbFr6VpBuKASsAKd0Hjisv4ubrwt rRv7JT+0I3+wldsCl3XxbXSKqSc9T91RwoPnmhmjYbxMrktSHHFtmrXztIrf4K2L ZVXcOfOv9Ck8iuwXn+C/8B4jSAV7ri9dFl0ME3Sx3HZjHIkWmJ/TmtPGtIU1OJCT vXz2UJgokDurbQ9qznnvqBTX0IPsO5wz0piSTW/A8/v6fUdc6Gn7gaaDhO8oMOLq BPIhT4YVjjelVm93x0w3vPDS2pZjB4uoZWZL6qKThm63P6ldcdF6Z9wt+EeFRiKZ w8lhIAYZZ5ctDQJRYExZFnTmVu0+X2q5CodQf2bEOseU6EUme+09s6bu2VVDsgwH rKW5h68DwhTxVq64GhOpEFHINXxS2YNmcAsLuFtgmAgd6mlmA4B3pjCnuGAek3gV mKtn6q+PP1Cd5k/z =boaR -END PGP SIGNATURE-
partman-target_125_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Thank you for your contribution to Debian. Accepted: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Format: 1.8 Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2023 00:27:46 +0100 Source: partman-target Architecture: source Version: 125 Distribution: unstable Urgency: medium Maintainer: Debian Install System Team Changed-By: Holger Wansing Changes: partman-target (125) unstable; urgency=medium . * Team upload . [ Holger Wansing ] * Set Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (checked). . [ Updated translations ] * Kazakh (kk.po) by Baurzhan Muftakhidinov Checksums-Sha1: 6450f919783856575964aa69ba9637d90e75beed 1764 partman-target_125.dsc 1e09deabcffbec9690cc6cebe9ed23cf1e574ada 130440 partman-target_125.tar.xz c57f602533dfdd1fe1d25eb014c4e675ad6fcce1 6175 partman-target_125_amd64.buildinfo Checksums-Sha256: a416d0f2fac1033eaa774970220aacfe59ab569fa355f3351eb209e343c140a4 1764 partman-target_125.dsc fdec0d3ceb43d0cc2f4a89be808113b667c6ad1e1cb35c3c99d4652b2534d659 130440 partman-target_125.tar.xz cba0fba91a58b9a926fede9472535309b59dc186b54c1663540d44fdee484992 6175 partman-target_125_amd64.buildinfo Files: 72f29e034c88430d5148bba806c7d88d 1764 debian-installer standard partman-target_125.dsc ff588e1bd0423263fc067d898613bac7 130440 debian-installer standard partman-target_125.tar.xz af83a9eb6b95ccc132c2ee0b32be50ec 6175 debian-installer standard partman-target_125_amd64.buildinfo -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- iQJJBAEBCgAzFiEESWrG6BRCSzSFCDUpWfGHyhVusHYFAmO6AZgVHGh3YW5zaW5n QG1haWxib3gub3JnAAoJEFnxh8oVbrB2Qt8P/28Up6eIQ4wW53v+eA7+gAxINRHS VA1JNkRq8xktBF4S/ftG3j4DATOFt8xKE0Tcrh9qM8cdqlFzUBEPJ9zm3BV3mZdd ga6BbW79XsWw1OBGXF+uZOhOJwRK3+sUzenPXHGrfYD5rD191sqRFoj+hrxBiCNN 3LnU60Q+0Urkzf7tsXb7cFU3jnHgGteeYxnEhZ6pTH4YBtbDCc4/jxbc64VUEg1s S5AZs+F0NakGvG/bcj+2dClNmiCfqu0ZM9l6JHKCv9zQKNsmlG1TUNgCMeQK92H1 qrFyjUEKnAvuTHm8C0eB0wQcO8+z64kE9iLXdEbse5Xu34wKvP+2Zw0R3L0EzUKP aVF+0tYCCiYQb+pl5GHb9Og20uslExQUwtzWsOI8MHQfibx5lHaHuYW8bq0iN3bc OrZAIObn+zbWrudFbzOlZHy8AU9C9KaW/0LN/zdRJ0ox+ypAX81Lr47ucc698eFm PJkK5FkKbY8+w2OnMEHWZ4uija3GSBdqRDz5wpemewZ3fSH6tHZ89o6TL7vh3BZQ TOnq5evCowYmwlVSgIi0ZJ5rLZxxHvt81JpLmUlK3Y/Ypw5ky+s4KMgCC7rNRei7 f5QbshSTh8iLS2NdAPTNvRmHJfCbDXGID0rpWCovLY+dCL4yMc7iJzv3OXHpfl8o 6PQzxjcWmu9IxWOV =Ibp0 -END PGP SIGNATURE-