Re: DebConf 2021 / Android conference app

2021-09-23 Thread Tobias Preuss
Hi Stefano.

> Hard to answer that one as an organiser, I think that's more for our users. 
> [...]
Understandable. It is always hard to reach users. With F-Droid it is
next to impossible.

> Thanks for making the integration process easy, and doing the work to get the 
> apps published. The experience there was great.
Thank you. I can copy that with regards to your help.

> > Also, is it correct that Wafer is now officially EventFahrplan
> > compatible aka. Frab compatible as of
> >
> Probably the version after that (not yet published). We fixed a couple of 
> bugs, including since 0.11.0.
It would be great if the latest changes would be published as a tagged
version, too. I am in conversation with the Python community South
Africa. They would love to use these changes too. Do you think this is
possible any time soon?

Thanks. Tobias

Re: DebConf 2021 / Android conference app

2021-09-23 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Tobias Preuss dijo [Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 12:46:42PM +0200]:
> Hi Stefano.
> > Hard to answer that one as an organiser, I think that's more for our users. 
> > [...]
> Understandable. It is always hard to reach users. With F-Droid it is
> next to impossible.

But you could try to reach the users themselves at

FWIW, also I didn't bother installing it on my phone, for reasons
similar to what Stefano described.


Re: DebConf 2021 / Android conference app

2021-09-23 Thread gregor herrmann
On Thu, 23 Sep 2021 11:18:37 -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

> FWIW, also I didn't bother installing it on my phone, for reasons
> similar to what Stefano described.

FWIW, I installed it, because I was curious, and didn't use it during
DebConf because that happened only at my desk with my browsers open


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