call for proposals page

2021-05-16 Thread Paul Sutton


Just noticed that the call for proposals page is not opened yet. It 
suggests 'check back around new year'.  It is now May,  so maybe this 
should be updated. Otherwise it may imply new year which if people now 
interpret as Jan 2022, and that Debconf is cancelled for 2021.

Which it isn't of course as it is going ahead virtually.

Are call for proposals open yet ?


Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)
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Re: call for proposals page

2021-05-16 Thread Antonio Terceiro
On Sun, May 16, 2021 at 09:50:34PM +0100, Paul Sutton wrote:
> Hi
> Just noticed that the call for proposals page is not opened yet. It suggests
> 'check back around new year'.  It is now May,  so maybe this should be
> updated. Otherwise it may imply new year which if people now interpret as
> Jan 2022, and that Debconf is cancelled for 2021.
> Which it isn't of course as it is going ahead virtually.
> Are call for proposals open yet ?

No. It will be published when it's ready.

Description: PGP signature