do you have any estimates of the number of sponsorship letters you may have sent ?
Dear ChangZhuo Chen and friends, Do you or anybody in the team keeping a count of number of sponsorship e-mails you and people from debconf-team sen mails to prospective sponsorsers. While I didn't keep any count, it seems you alone sent something like 100 sponsorship letters, probably lot more as well as other team members who volunteered for it. I hope neither you or anybody from the Taiwan group burn out from the experience (yet). Looking from outside in, it seems pretty stressful. I will be putting up a blog post which I will headline with the Taiwan debconf first and other matters. If you or any other debconf-team member has kept count and be willing to share those stats. then will share them and also say something like 50% of the goal is already fulfilled, inviting even more people to share their contacts and see if we can get the push to make it more closer to the goal. I'll wait till tomorrow morning/afternoon to have those stats. to be shared after which I'll start writing the blog post. In absence of any stats, will simply headline where we are and ask more people to join the effort and then move to other things. Look forward to you and the team's reply. -- Regards, Shirish Agarwal शिरीष अग्रवाल My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0 EB80 462B 08E1 A0DE A73A 2C2F 9F3D C7A4 E1C4 D2D8
Re: DebConf18 meeting minutes @FOSDEM2018
Hi, On Thu, Feb 08, 2018 at 01:01:06AM +0100, Hector Oron wrote: > 0. Video team support (global: paddatrapper, stefano; local: Mwei) > - paddatrapper is going to do checklist of items video team needs > to be passed to local team member to work on it. > - budget in shipping video hardware to Taiwan. > - take presentation room pictures > - we need to know where is electrical power plugs (take a pic) > - we need to know audio/video (A/V) room setup (take a pic) > - 10TB storage for videos (10 Gbps link) > - Server for encoding (>= 24 cores, VM ok) For clarity: this may be multiple servers or VMs too, the encoding software is capable of running on multiple nodes. Having said that, virtualisation slows the transcoding down somewhat (especially the I/O heavy bits of it), so it may be preferable to have bare material options if they are available. (we're using the same encoding software for FOSDEM, where it runs on 2 "storage" plus one "master" plus five "encoder slave" nodes all from the same IaaS provider) -- Could you people please use IRC like normal people?!? -- Amaya Rodrigo Sastre, trying to quiet down the buzz in the DebConf 2008 Hacklab