cygwin 1.5.12-1: collect2: ld Error while compiling

2004-12-11 Thread pradip jadav
I have cygwin installed in machine.The configuration is in attachment. 
Previously i was using the cygwin1.dll vs 1.5.11-1 , at that time i made my 
project compiled successfully in cygwin. But before two days i upgrade   
my cygwin version and made it to 1.5.12-1. After installing(i mean 
upgrading) that cygwin ,i have compiled the same source with newer 
cygwin1.dll i found one error given below

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: BFD 
2.15.91 20040725 assertion fail 
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: BFD 
2.1 5.91 20040725 assertion fail 

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/../../../libdl.a(d001169.o): illegal 
symbol index  1852403562 in relocs
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [mypro] Error 1

And now my compilation is incompete due to that error. So plz help me to 
solve that problem..

Pradip K. Jadav
Glamour, lifestyle, health. Get all the fundas you need. At MSN Entertainment!

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ld error while making a dll for module

2005-01-23 Thread Pradip Jadav
hi all ,
here i m having a prob regarding creating a  shared dll. what exactly
is that i m having a code  which is abt a proxy server. It is linux
based source code and i m porting it to windows with the help of
CYGWIN .. Its exe is working fine ..Now i m going to create add-on
module for that project.. Its abt CLAMAV antivirus. I have all header
files, llibclamav, etc. Now when i m going  to create shared  dll
using following Makefile ::--
CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS = -g -O2 -I../../include -I. -Wall -Wno-sign-compare
-Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-format -D_GNU_SOURCE
clamavlib.DLL : clamavlib.c
${CXX} $< ${CXXFLAGS} -Wl, -shared -L. -lclamav -Wl,-soname,$@ -o $@
rm -f libclamavlib.DLL clamavlib.DLL
It is giving me ld error which is i m attaching as a file . 
So now my question is "Is my code for makefile is correct ??" If any
solution for the error then plz help me..
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Make a Shared Library using Makefile

2005-01-27 Thread Pradip Jadav
Ok Guys ,
I had posted one mail few days ago ,but didn't got the reply..  ok no
problem .. The problem may with the way, I was compiling. But here i m
presenting a problem which is regarding " To create a shared Library".
As we know shared library created in Linux are in " .SO" extension.
Here i m giving a Makefile which creates a .so file in Linux---
CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS = -g -O2 -I../../include -I. -Wall -Wno-sign-compare
-Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-format -D_GNU_SOURCE : example.c
${CXX} $< ${CXXFLAGS} -shared -fPIC -L. -lexample -Wl,-soname,$@ -o $@
rm -f

...And  as told in previous query , i m going to create shared
library in windows(i.e. DLL ) using our cygwin. I m using Makefile in
cygwin as---

CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS = -g -O2 -I../../include -I. -Wall -Wno-sign-compare
-Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-format -D_GNU_SOURCE
example.dll : example.c
${CXX} $< ${CXXFLAGS} -shared -fPIC -L. -lexample -Wl,-soname,$@ -o $@
rm -f libexample.dll example.dll
Also i m having all libraries for my .c file.. So my query is that "
Is it the right way to create a DLL using such makefile?? ", Or is
there any other way to create a DLL ??? I know i asked this query
earliar but i have given the way at which i m going to create a DLL 
file.. Any help will be appreciated..
Waiting for reply
With Best Regards
Pradip K. Jadav

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Re: Make a Shared Library using Makefile

2005-01-27 Thread Pradip Jadav
Ok first ,thanx  for ur reply..
> You haven't said whether what you have tried is working or not.  You
> haven't explained exactly how it is failing and what errors you are
> getting if it is not working.  If you want help you need to be more
> specific.
Here i m going to explain u what actually i want to do...
what exactly is that i m having a code  which is abt a proxy server. It is linux
based source code and i m porting it to windows with the help of
CYGWIN .. Its exe is working fine ..Now i m going to create add-on
module for that project.. That add- on module requires .so files(in
linux) to be  created by makefile. And now i m using that procedure in
cygwin for windows port. Now when  i m going  to create shared  dll(
in windows using cygwin) by  Makefile , It is giving me ld error which
is i m attaching as a file . I think now i m more specific then

> You shouldn't use "-fPIC" or "-Wl,soname" as far as I know.

Then what options or flags must be taken to create dll ??? (just like
.so files created in linux)

And  ya i m getting  error on delivering mail to u  by
attaching file i m going to display list of errors here itself(so
sorry for that )..
$ make
g++ examplelib.c -g -O2 -I../../include -I. -Wall -Wno-sign-compare
-Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-format -D_GNU_SOURCE -shared -fPIC -L.
-lexample -Wl,-soname,examplelib.DLL -o examplelib.DLL

/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccUwhV6V.o(.text+0x4a): In function
/usr/include/c++/3.3.3/bits/basic_string.h: undefined reference to `putlog(int,
char*, ...)'
c++/3.3.3/bits/basic_string.h: undefined reference to `_hooks'
c++/3.3.3/bits/basic_string.h: undefined reference to `Hooks::Add(void (*)(), in
/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccUwhV6V.o(.text+0x161): In function
/usr/include/c++/3.3.3/bits/stl_alloc.h:652: undefined reference to `Section::Se
ction[not-in-charge](std::basic_string, std::alloca
tor >, int)'
/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccUwhV6V.o(.text+0x1e9): In function
/home/pradip/proxy17-01-2005/modules/examplelib/examplelib.c:55: undefined ref
erence to `_processors'
/proxy17-01-2005/modules/examplelib/examplelib.c:55: undefined reference to `P
rocessors::Add(int (*)(CONNECTION_T*, Filebuf*), int)'

.SOME MORE ERRORS (not listing
coz its to lengthy..).

onD0Ev[examplelibSection::~examplelibSection [in-charge
clude/c++/3.3.3/bits/basic_string.h: undefined reference to `Section::~Section [
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [examplelib.DLL] Error 1
waiting for reply...

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Re: Make a Shared Library using Makefile

2005-03-01 Thread Pradip Jadav
hello, I am back here...
In the journey of making SHARED dll's, i have been  lost somewhere in
my path... but during these days i found a post searched in google
like this...
"You are using some classes  which are kept in some library. It is not
enough to add h-file with these classes, We need to add also library
file for linker. The way we do it depends on the compiler. So need to
add library name."
Now  question is how  do I come to know that which libraries required
to make shared dll's for my project project??..The error I have listed
already in link below...

There we can see that with all  functions [for example
..putlog(int,char*, ...)' which works like a printf statement]  and
all class declarations made by me are showing "undefined reference to"
 errors while compiling(I mean while ld goes to bind all linking datas
This dll creation is  really headache for me but also its MUST do task.
With Best Regards
Pradip K. Jadav

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Re: Make a Shared Library using Makefile

2005-03-03 Thread Pradip Jadav
And ya "Dllexport and Dllimport"  are required in source code I
mean should include in my own header files?
I read that 

""The main problems are caused by the fact that Windows DynamicLinked
Libraries (DLL s) assume some specific information to be introduced in
the source code directly, while the UNIX DynamicLinked share Libraries
don t need any "special information" in the source""

so i have to change source code ???I mean have to add "special
information" like  Dllexport and Dllimport ???

waiting for reply...

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 09:57:46 -0500 (EST), Igor Pechtchanski
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> > On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Brian Dessent wrote:
> >
> > > Pradip Jadav wrote:
> > >
> > > > example.dll : example.c
> > > > ${CXX} $< ${CXXFLAGS} -shared -fPIC -L. -lexample
> -Wl,-soname,$@ -o $@
> > >
> > > You shouldn't use "-fPIC" or "-Wl,soname" as far as I know.
> >
> > -fPIC is ignored (and there's a warning about it), and -Wl,soname is
> > redundant but harmless, AFAIK.  Another option that might help is
> > -Wl,-out-implib,[EMAIL PROTECTED], so that the DLL can be linked with via 
> > an import
> Make that -Wl,--out-implib,[EMAIL PROTECTED] (I thought I'd checked it before 
> sending
> off the e-mail, but apparently not).
> > library later.
> > Igor
> -- 
>   |\  _,,,---,,_  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-' Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
> '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL   a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!
> "The Sun will pass between the Earth and the Moon tonight for a total
> Lunar eclipse..." -- WCBS Radio Newsbrief, Oct 27 2004, 12:01 pm EDT
> --
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With Best Regards
Pradip K. Jadav

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Reuse of old downloded cygwin packages

2005-03-17 Thread Pradip Jadav
hello everybody..
I have a query regarding reuse of earlier downloaded packages...The
actual situation is like this..
Earlier I was having 6 GB hard Drive ,so i thought to replace my Hard
drive with 40 GB. I took backup of downloded and installed packages of
cygwin.. I was downloading in "D:\cygwin" and installed in
"c:\cygwin".In d:\cygwin there was a subfolder named
"", where all
packages are present. Now I want to reuse it. So how to do that??
And another question is that whether I keep installed packages to
c:\cygwin or not in new hard drive??
thanx in advance...

With Best Regards
Pradip K. Jadav

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Re: Reuse of old downloded cygwin packages

2005-03-20 Thread Pradip Jadav
ya I have done like that only...but unfortunatly it does not work..
While doing setup, at the time of selecting packages only devel
portion shows two selections named gcc core  and  gcc - testsuite, all
other packages are showing nothing to install ...

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 07:41:43 -0600, Paulo Sequeira
> Pradip Jadav wrote:
> > hello everybody..
> > I have a query regarding reuse of earlier downloaded packages...The
> > actual situation is like this..
> > Earlier I was having 6 GB hard Drive ,so i thought to replace my Hard
> > drive with 40 GB. I took backup of downloded and installed packages of
> > cygwin.. I was downloading in "D:\cygwin" and installed in
> > "c:\cygwin".In d:\cygwin there was a subfolder named
> > "", where all
> > packages are present. Now I want to reuse it. So how to do that??
> > And another question is that whether I keep installed packages to
> > c:\cygwin or not in new hard drive??
> > thanx in advance...
> >
> So, you copied all of D:\cygwin to the new hard drive, right? Simply
> running D:\cygwin\setup.exe, and choosing to install from from local
> directory is all you need.
> I'm not completely sure about this, but I think that what is recommended
> to have cygwin installed in the new drive is to do a complete install
> with setup, instead of merely copying the contents of c:\cygwin. After
> that, to restore your c:\cygwin\home files, well, just take the backup
> you made of that directory and replace the contents of the new home with
> them. Note that, if you have manually unpacked and installed any files
> outside home, you may have to reinstall them again.
> This is what I would do, but beware, I haven't tried this for a while,
> and I may be wrong or missing details.
> --
> Paulo
> --
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With Best Regards
Pradip K. Jadav

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Re: Reuse of old downloded cygwin packages

2005-03-21 Thread Pradip Jadav
The problem is resolved..
Actually I was copying folder from one hard-drive to another in DOS what happened .all filenames and foldernames more than 6
characters were renamed.. e.g.  libgpg-error folder was renamed to
LIBGPG~1 and  libgpg-error-1.0-2.tar.bz2 file renamed to 
hence the setup was not detecting all packages...
Now if u dont mind I just want ask whether this problem can be
fixed??? I mean if files and folders are renamed by DOS system itself
, then our setup.exe should detect them also ??? Sorry if its silly

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 12:36:37 +0530, Pradip Jadav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ya I have done like that only...but unfortunatly it does not work..
> While doing setup, at the time of selecting packages only devel
> portion shows two selections named gcc core  and  gcc - testsuite, all
> other packages are showing nothing to install ...
> now???
> On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 07:41:43 -0600, Paulo Sequeira
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Pradip Jadav wrote:
> > > hello everybody..
> > > I have a query regarding reuse of earlier downloaded packages...The
> > > actual situation is like this..
> > > Earlier I was having 6 GB hard Drive ,so i thought to replace my Hard
> > > drive with 40 GB. I took backup of downloded and installed packages of
> > > cygwin.. I was downloading in "D:\cygwin" and installed in
> > > "c:\cygwin".In d:\cygwin there was a subfolder named
> > > "", where all
> > > packages are present. Now I want to reuse it. So how to do that??
> > > And another question is that whether I keep installed packages to
> > > c:\cygwin or not in new hard drive??
> > > thanx in advance...
> > >
> >
> > So, you copied all of D:\cygwin to the new hard drive, right? Simply
> > running D:\cygwin\setup.exe, and choosing to install from from local
> > directory is all you need.
> >
> > I'm not completely sure about this, but I think that what is recommended
> > to have cygwin installed in the new drive is to do a complete install
> > with setup, instead of merely copying the contents of c:\cygwin. After
> > that, to restore your c:\cygwin\home files, well, just take the backup
> > you made of that directory and replace the contents of the new home with
> > them. Note that, if you have manually unpacked and installed any files
> > outside home, you may have to reinstall them again.
> >
> > This is what I would do, but beware, I haven't tried this for a while,
> > and I may be wrong or missing details.
> >
> > --
> > Paulo
> >
> > --
> > Unsubscribe info:
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> >
> >
> --
> With Best Regards
> Pradip K. Jadav

With Best Regards
Pradip K. Jadav

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Rebase All command.....

2005-04-21 Thread Pradip Jadav
Hi guys..
 When I gave command "rebase all", my monitor's screen got damaged. I
mean 25% of screen is got Black  and resizing screen is only upto 80%
of total screen.. It appers as full screen sometimes and 80% screen
sometimes.  Now I have changed my monitor , and this new monitor is
working fine. That damaged monitor is not working properly at any
other machine..
 My question is -- Was that just coincidence or  rebase all command 
had done something???

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Re: Rebase All command.....

2005-04-21 Thread Pradip Jadav
ohh that means no chance for recovery... 
Is there any? 
shhhi. my fault . I think i did not read document of rebaseall
command properly...
Anyway thanx for reply...

On 4/21/05, Dave Korn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Original Message
> >From: Pradip Jadav
> >Sent: 21 April 2005 17:47
> > Hi guys..
> >  When I gave command "rebase all", my monitor's screen got damaged. I
> > mean 25% of screen is got Black  and resizing screen is only upto 80%
> > of total screen.. It appers as full screen sometimes and 80% screen
> > sometimes.  Now I have changed my monitor , and this new monitor is
> > working fine. That damaged monitor is not working properly at any
> > other machine..
> >
> >  My question is -- Was that just coincidence or  rebase all command
> > had done something???
>   You must have specified the "--disable-monitor" option!
> cheers,
>   DaveK
> --
> Can't think of a witty .sigline today
> --
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With Best Regards
Pradip K. Jadav

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cygrunsrv.exe -- start the service automatically on failure??

2005-08-30 Thread Pradip Jadav
Hello all,
As with  cygrunsrv.exe we can install-start-stop a service, is it
possible to restart the service automatically on failure??
We can see from properties of a service, a Recovery tab is available
where there are options like First failure, second failures,
subsequent failures to take an action on service fail.
I have set for my service(manually) as,
First failure   -- Restart the Service
second failures -- Restart the Service
subsequent failures   -- Restart the Service
So now my question is, "is it possible to set these options
automatically when we installs the service with cygrunsrv.exe so that
we need not to set it manually as I have done??""

Pradip K. Jadav

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Re: Installation problem

2005-09-23 Thread Pradip Jadav
Hi to all,

Pinaki Mukherjee wrote:
I'm trying to install cygwin and it's not happening
properly. From cygwin website, I downloaded the
setup.exe file and then ran it. I chose the first
option "Install from Internet". The files are getting
downloaded, and then it tries to install the program.
When the installation is 99% complete, it's getting
stuck there with no progress. I waited for a long
time, but nothing happened. So I had to cancel the
process, and on doing so I got a message "Installation
complete". There was no shortcut created on desktop or
start menu, although I found directories created under
C:\cygwin and also the registry entries for cygwin. On trying to
reinstall it (after uninstalling by
deleting reg entries and C:\cygwin), I encountered the
same problem (again at 99%). This time I noted down
the message in the progress window.
"no package...
I could locate this particular file (4 KB) in my
Can anybody please help. I'm using Windows XP Pro
Version 2000 SP2, and an Intel Xeon processor.

I am getting same problem with my new installation with
current(latest) setup.exe.
But my setup hangs with message
No Package

And I kept that stage upto almost 3 hours and at last I canceled it..
I m trying this since last 3 days... But yet my setup is not completed..
Help me as soon as possible...

One more question... Where can I get old setup.exe???

Pradip K. Jadav

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Re: Installation problem

2005-09-24 Thread Pradip Jadav
On 9/23/05, Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 05:58 AM 9/23/2005, you wrote:
> >Hi to all,
> >
> >--
> >---
> >
> >I am getting same problem with my new installation with
> >current(latest) setup.exe.
> >But my setup hangs with message
> >Running...
> >No Package
> >/etc/postinstall/
> >
> >And I kept that stage upto almost 3 hours and at last I canceled it..
> >I m trying this since last 3 days... But yet my setup is not completed..
> >Help me as soon as possible...
> If you're just looking for the quickest way to get going, rerun 'setup.exe'
> and install the default set of packages.  Then rerun it and install whatever
> else you want.

oh sorry
It did not helped me..
Actually I have tried fresh Installation as u told(means first time
default installation and then selected items installation). But this
time also it hangs at "".

> If you want to help determine why this is happening so that it can be fixed,
> you could try grabbing 'strace' from another Cygwin installation and
> attaching to the 'bash' process that's running ''.  If you can
> get an idea of where it's going wrong from this output, it may give some
> insight into the solution.

And ya I did not understand this point. can u plz tell me in detail.

> >One more question... Where can I get old setup.exe???
> Google for "Cygwin Time Machine".  And going in this direction, you are
> completely on your own.
> --
> Larry Hall
> RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> 838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
> Holliston, MA 01746

Pradip K. Jadav

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Creating dll in cygwin gives "Undefined reference" errors

2007-07-28 Thread Pradip Jadav
Hi to all,
I am trying to create dll in cygwin. I read, .
But didn't got much help from that document.

I am porting Linux code to windows using cygwin. I am done with main
program. But want to create add-on module for that program as I have
done in Linux.
The Makefile to create add-on module in linux is,
- sample.c
g++ sample.c -I. -I../../include -pthread -D_REENTRANT
-Wl,-soname, -shared -fPIC -o
rm -f

It creates a .so file and works fine with my main program in Linux.

So now I want to create .DLL file in cygwin using above Makefile. So
made some changes in Makefile like,
sample.dll: sample.c
 g++ sample.c -I. -I../../include -D_REENTRANT
-Wl,-soname,sample.dll -shared -o sample.dll
 rm -f sample.dll sample.dll

But when I compiles in cygwin it gives me some "Undefined reference" errors.
Take an example,

undefined reference to `createlog(int, char*, ...)'

Now this "createlog" function is defined in one of .cpp file of my
main program.(Just for your information)

Can you help me to solve problem of "undefined reference" ??


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Re: Creating dll in cygwin gives "Undefined reference" errors

2007-08-11 Thread Pradip Jadav
On 7/28/07, Brian Dessent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pradip Jadav wrote:
> > But when I compiles in cygwin it gives me some "Undefined reference" errors.
> > Take an example,
> >
> >  /cygdrive/e/DOCUME~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccLMFYUe.o:sample.c:(.text+0x4c):
> > undefined reference to `createlog(int, char*, ...)'
> >
> > Now this "createlog" function is defined in one of .cpp file of my
> > main program.(Just for your information)
> >
> > Can you help me to solve problem of "undefined reference" ??
> The undefined reference is because fundamentally ELF (Linux) and PE/COFF
> (Windows) are very different in terms of how linking works under the
> hood.  The short explanation is that PE/COFF requires all references to
> be resolved at link-time, thus you have to explicitly tell the linker
> where createlog() is to be found.
> But I've typed this explanation so many times, I think I'll just start
> linking to past copies of it:
> Brian
> --
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Hi Brian,

First of all thanx for your reply.
Secondly, sorry for not going through all previous helps.

BTW, following link helped me a lot.

YEAH, Now I am able to create .dll file and also succeeded in
attaching it to the main executable.

Steps are ...

###create main.c and do dllexport for a function. For example,
In main.c ==>
__declspec(dllexport) int func1()

###create object file.
g++ -c main.c

###create main.exe file.
g++ -o main.exe main.o -ldl

###create .def file
dlltool.exe --export-all-symbols --output-def main.def main.o

###create main library file.
dlltool.exe --dllname main.exe --def main.def --output-lib libmain.dll.a

###create DLL.
g++ -shared -o theDLL.dll theDLL.c -L. -lmain

Thats it ...!! :)

But scene is not this much only.. This was the scene with a single function.
What if we want to export more than one function from main program?
What if we want to use a class which is declared in main program(Using
this class I Want to create a derived class in dll

Do I need to specify "__declspec(dllexport)" for all?
Is there any other way? Its because my program is quite big. So
managing code will be very tough na?

Waiting for reply.

Pradip K. Jadav

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Re: Creating dll in cygwin gives "Undefined reference" errors

2007-08-18 Thread Pradip Jadav
On 8/11/07, Brian Dessent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> g++ -o main.exe main.o -ldl -Wl,-out-implib,libmain.dll.a

I tried this, but it gives same "Unresolved reference" errors. I will
do R&D on this and excluding "__declspec" part later.

But currently I am going with "__declspec " part . Using it, gives
something weired problem.

In my dll code there is a call of a class which is defined in main program.

"extern Workers oworkers;"

But at time of compilation, It gives me error like,

$ g++ -shared -o sample.dll sample.c -L. -lmain
fu01.o:(.idata$2+0xc): undefined reference to `_libmain_dll_a_iname'
fu02.o:(.idata$2+0xc): undefined reference to `_libmain_dll_a_iname'
fu03.o:(.idata$2+0xc): undefined reference to `_libmain_dll_a_iname'
fu04.o:(.idata$2+0xc): undefined reference to `_libmain_dll_a_iname'
fu05.o:(.idata$2+0xc): undefined reference to `_libmain_dll_a_iname'
fu06.o:(.idata$2+0xc): more undefined references to
`_libmain_dll_a_iname' follow
nmth00.o:(.idata$4+0x0): undefined reference to `__nm__workers'
Info: resolving _workers by linking to __imp__workers (auto-import)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

With the help of your reply, I changed my use of class to,
__declspec(dllimport) extern Workers oworkers;

And it compiles successfully.

But at time of execution, it gives me dlopen error like,
dlopen : No such process

Whats wrong here now?

Pradip K. Jadav

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