Re: Beginner: performance of vector creation/"modification"

2009-10-19 Thread Stuart Campbell
2009/10/19 Danny Woods 

> harto wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've just started learning Clojure, so I'm trying to figure out the
> > correct way of doing things. I've been trying to create and 'modify' a
> > large vector for an online programming exercise, but I'm running into
> > some performance issues.
> >
> > Any general tips would be appreciated!
> >
> Well, I'm a beginner too, but I'll take a stab at answering your questions.
> > Firstly, I'm creating a vector of booleans like this:
> >
> > (defn vector-of [n value]
> >   (vec (for [_ (range n)] value)))
> >
> > It takes quite a long time for large values of n, though:
> >
> > user=> (time (dorun (vector-of 1e7 true)))
> > "Elapsed time: 6734.509528 msecs"
> >
> I suspect you're being bitten by the repeated creation of the underlying
> data structures.  'range' is going to create a lazy sequence, from which
> 'for' is going to create its own, lazy structure, which 'vec' then
> iterates over to create its own.  Just running '(time (dorun (range
> 1e7)))' shows that it's taking up a non-trivial amount of time just on
> its own.

Ah, OK. I didn't understand the implications of using those lazy sequences.
I think I need to do some more reading on lazy data structures.

Thanks for your input!

> This modified version does the same thing a little more quickly:
> (defn vector-of [n value]
>   (loop [v []
> c 0]
>(if (< c n) (recur (assoc v c value) (inc c)
> user> (time (dorun (vector-of 1e7 true)))
> "Elapsed time: 1000.409039 msecs"

> > Secondly, I'm iterating across one of these large vectors using
> > something like the following (contrived) function:
> >
> > (defn set-flags [v]
> >   (loop [i 0
> >  v v]
> > (if (< i (count v))
> > (recur (inc i) (assoc v i false))
> > v)))
> >
> > user=> (let [v (vector-of 1e7 true)] (time (dorun (set-flags v
> > "Elapsed time: 15563.916114 msecs"
> >
> > Am I missing anything obvious here? That seems like a really long time
> > to me.
> >
> With the modified vector-of, above, this problem seems to go away for me:
> user> (time (dorun (set-flags (vector-of 1e7 true
> "Elapsed time: 1009.362723 msecs"
> Cheers,
> Danny.
> >

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Re: Beginner: performance of vector creation/"modification"

2009-10-19 Thread Stuart Campbell
2009/10/19 Christophe Grand 

> Hi,
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 7:59 AM, harto 
> wrote:
>> I've just started learning Clojure, so I'm trying to figure out the
>> correct way of doing things. I've been trying to create and 'modify' a
>> large vector for an online programming exercise, but I'm running into
>> some performance issues.
>> Any general tips would be appreciated!
>> Firstly, I'm creating a vector of booleans like this:
>> (defn vector-of [n value]
>>  (vec (for [_ (range n)] value)))
>> It takes quite a long time for large values of n, though:
>> user=> (time (dorun (vector-of 1e7 true)))
>> "Elapsed time: 6734.509528 msecs"
> You don't need dorun here: dorun is sometimes used in benchmarks to force
> the computation of lazy-seqs but here you are using a vector, not a lazy
> seq. So calling dorun on it causes the allocation of a seq of 1e7 items
> which takes time. If you used dorun to prevent the printing of the vector at
> the REPL, just di (tcime (count (vector-of 1e7 true))). See:
> user=> (time (dorun (vector-of 1e7 nil)))
> "Elapsed time: 4155.616985 msecs"
> nil
> user=> (time (count (vector-of 1e7 nil)))
> "Elapsed time: 2384.609217 msecs"
> 1000

OK, thanks. I thought I'd need dorun to get a true benchmark because I was
using those intermediate lazy sequences. But, it looks like I was misusing
those anyway :)

> If you study your function:
> (defn vector-of [n value]
>  (vec (for [_ (range n)] value)))
> You'll see that to create a vector of n items you use two intermediate seqs
> of size n items (range and the result of for).
> If you get rid of some allocations, you'll get huge speed-ups.
> (defn vector-of [n value]
>   (loop [n (int n) v []]
> (if (zero? n)
>   v
>   (recur (dec n) (conj v value)
> user=> (time (count (vector-of 1e7 nil)))
> "Elapsed time: 1170.371793 msecs"
> 1000
> Since you don't care about intermediate values of v, you can use
> transients:
> (defn vector-of [n value]
>   (loop [n (int n) v (transient [])]
> (if (zero? n)
>   (persistent! v)
>   (recur (dec n) (conj! v value)
> user=> (time (count (vector-of 1e7 nil)))
> "Elapsed time: 228.272239 msecs"
> 1000
>> Secondly, I'm iterating across one of these large vectors using
>> something like the following (contrived) function:
>> (defn set-flags [v]
>>  (loop [i 0
>> v v]
>>(if (< i (count v))
>>(recur (inc i) (assoc v i false))
>> user=> (let [v (vector-of 1e7 true)] (time (dorun (set-flags v
>> "Elapsed time: 15563.916114 msecs"
> For reference (using my fastest vector-of):
> user=> (let [v (vector-of 1e7 true)] (time (count (set-flags v
> "Elapsed time: 5653.562953 msecs"
> 1000
> Here too you don't care about intermediate values of v:
> (defn set-flags [v]
>  (loop [i 0 v (transient v)]
>(if (< i (count v))
>(recur (inc i) (assoc! v i false))
>(persistent! v
> user=> (let [v (vector-of 1e7 true)] (time (count (set-flags v
> "Elapsed time: 1423.473584 msecs"
> 1000
> And if you store (count n) in a local:
> (defn set-flags [v]
>   (let [n (count v)]
> (loop [i 0 v (transient v)]
>   (if (< i n)
>(recur (inc i) (assoc! v i false))
>(persistent! v)
> user=> (let [v (vector-of 1e7 true)] (time (count (set-flags v
> "Elapsed time: 931.911668 msecs"
> 1000

Thanks very much. I wasn't aware of transients until reading this. In fact,
I had to search the Clojure website to find the relevant page (


> hth,
> Christophe
> --
> Professional: (fr)
> On Clojure: (en)
> >

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Re: Slime and stuff

2009-10-21 Thread Stuart Campbell
Jeffrey, did this work for you? I followed the instructions on the
screencast and I couldn't get a REPL to open in Aquamacs. (The only thing I
did differently was put the contents of customizations.el into ~/.emacs.)

Do I have to install SLIME separately... ?

2009/10/21 Jeffrey Straszheim 

> Thanks!
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 4:01 AM, Giancarlo Angulo wrote:
>> =
>> =
>> -|-^...@^_^, =|+^_^X++~_~,@-
>> "The only thing worse than a hopeless romantic is a hopeful one"
>> Magbasa bago Mamuna. Mag-isip bago mambatikos
>> Without Truth there is no Justice,
>> Without Justice, there is Tyranny
>> Semper fi
>> Proof of Desire is Pursuit
>> 09173822367
>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 2:30 AM, Jeffrey Straszheim <
>>> wrote:
>>> So, I just upgraded my machine to a Macbook Pro, and am reinstalling
>>> everything.
>>> I'm thinking about using Slime with Aquamacs.  Does anyone have a link to
>>> a tutorial getting Slime up and running w/ Aquamacs?
> >

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Re: Slime and stuff

2009-10-22 Thread Stuart Campbell
Thanks Brian. In fact, I hadn't properly installed SLIME. However, I
discovered that clojure-mode has an installation function which downloads
and installs all dependencies (clojure, clojure-contrib, slime and

It all seems to be working correctly now.

2009/10/22 blcooley 

> I run SLIME with Clojure on Aquamacs, and I used Geoffrey Grosenbach's
> emacs starter kit ( to
> get set up.
> The emacswiki suggests that loading the .emacs file is deprecated
> (, and I couldn't
> get it to load .emacs.d/init.el, so I put all the code from .emacs.d/
> init.el in ~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el and got
> it working that way. I suppose you could just load your ~/.emacs or
> ~/.emacs.d/init.el in Preferences.el if you also use other versions of
> emacs on the same box and want to avoid duplication.
> Hope that helps.
> -Brian Cooley
> On Oct 21, 6:31 am, Stuart Campbell
>  wrote:
> > Jeffrey, did this work for you? I followed the instructions on the
> > screencast and I couldn't get a REPL to open in Aquamacs. (The only thing
> I
> > did differently was put the contents of customizations.el into ~/.emacs.)
> >
> > Do I have to install SLIME separately... ?
> >
> >

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Re: "Interesting" integer behavior

2010-03-11 Thread Stuart Campbell
I took a look at the code for Clojure 1.1, in clojure.lang.Numbers,
and it seems that results of numerical ops on BigIntegers
(BigIntegerOps) are passed to a 'reduce' method, which appears to
return the most economical representation of a number:

static public Number reduce(BigInteger val){
int bitLength = val.bitLength();
if(bitLength < 32)
return val.intValue();
else if(bitLength < 64)
return val.longValue();
return val;

The class that operates on Integers, IntegerOps, doesn't have an
equivalent reduce() method.

On Mar 11, 7:53 am, Brian Hurt  wrote:
> In a recent clojure:
> user=> (class 2147483647)
> java.lang.Integer
> user=> (class (inc 2147483647))
> java.math.BigInteger
> user=> (class (inc (inc 2147483647)))
> java.lang.Long
> user=>
> This isn't *technically* a bug, but it is an odd behavior.
> Brian

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Re: Can't call public method of non-public class

2010-03-23 Thread Stuart Campbell
Hi Konstantin,

>From JDK docs (

The behavior of the returned map is system-dependent. A system may not allow
> modifications to environment variables or may forbid certain variable names
> or values. For this reason, attempts to modify the map may fail with
> UnsupportedOperationExceptionor
> IllegalArgumentExceptionif
>  the modification is not permitted by the operating system.


On 24 March 2010 02:43, Konstantin Barskiy  wrote:

> I'm trying to reproduce ProcessBuilder example from java documentation
> This is that example:
> ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("myCommand", "myArg1",
> "myArg2");
>  Map env = pb.environment();
>  env.put("VAR1", "myValue");
>  env.remove("OTHERVAR");
>  env.put("VAR2", env.get("VAR1") + "suffix");
> File("myDir"));
>  Process p = pb.start();
> I'm typing folowing in clojure repl:
> D:\Users\Konstantin>java -jar clojure.jar
> Clojure 1.1.0
> user=> (def pb (new ProcessBuilder ["myCommand" "myArg"]))
> #'user/pb
> user=> (def env (.environment pb))
> #'user/env
> user=> (.put env "VAR1", "myValue")
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't call public method of non-
> public class: public java.lang.String
> java.lang.ProcessEnvironment.put(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
> What does this error mean and what i am doing wrong?
> --
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Re: Can't call public method of non-public class

2010-03-23 Thread Stuart Campbell
Whoops... I completely glazed over the fact that the equivalent Java code
worked perfectly :(

On 24 March 2010 11:19, Armando Blancas  wrote:

> You want Clojure to treat 'env' as a Map instead of its implementation
> class, which is not public. Just add the type hint #^Map to 'env''s
> def:
> user=> (def pb (new ProcessBuilder ["myCommand" "myArg"]))
> #'user/pb
> user=> (def #^Map env (.environment pb))
> #'user/env
> user=> (.put env "VAR1", "myValue")
> "myValue"
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Re: any downside to putting everything into CLASSPATH?

2010-05-23 Thread Stuart Campbell
> JVM newbie question here. Aside from the clojure & clojure-contrib jars, is
> there any downside to automatically setting up my CLASSPATH so that all jars
> on my box are available - even if I might only be using 1 or 2 for the code
> I'm working on at the moment?

The problem with such a scheme is inclusion of multiple versions of the same
library. This can result in obscure 'unresolved compilation' errors cropping
up when you try to use a method or class that doesn't exist in whichever
library the JVM happened to choose.

Does the jvm do any expensive initialisation for each jar? Or does it not
> make a difference until I explicitly import a jar in my clojure code?

I don't think it would make a difference. Static initialisation etc. doesn't
happen until a class is explicitly loaded.


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cljs.test :after fixture not called if test errors

2020-11-24 Thread Stuart Campbell

I'm experimenting with fixtures and it seems like :after fixtures aren't 
run if a test unexpectedly errors. E.g.:

(use-fixtures :once {:before #(println "before")
 :after #(println "after")})

(deftest a-test
  (raise (js/Error. "oops")))

In this example I expected to see "after" printed somewhere after the test 
failed. Is this intentional?

(I'm writing some tests for an Electron app using Spectron and want to make 
sure the app is always shut down after the tests are complete.)


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Re: cljs.test :after fixture not called if test errors

2020-11-24 Thread Stuart Campbell
That unfortunately doesn't work for async tests, which require the map
fixture style (with :before/:after keys).

On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 at 21:23, Estevo U. C. Castro 

> Try
> (use-fixtures :once
>   (fn [f]
> (println "before")
> (try (f)
>   (finally (println "after")
> O mércores, 25 de novembro de 2020 á/s 00:17:03 UTC+1,
> escribiu:
>> Hello,
>> I'm experimenting with fixtures and it seems like :after fixtures aren't
>> run if a test unexpectedly errors. E.g.:
>> (use-fixtures :once {:before #(println "before")
>>  :after #(println "after")})
>> (deftest a-test
>>   (raise (js/Error. "oops")))
>> In this example I expected to see "after" printed somewhere after the
>> test failed. Is this intentional?
>> (I'm writing some tests for an Electron app using Spectron and want to
>> make sure the app is always shut down after the tests are complete.)
>> Regards,
>> Stuart
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Re: cljs.test :after fixture not called if test errors

2020-11-27 Thread Stuart Campbell
Makes sense. Thanks all!

On Wed, Nov 25, 2020, 6:46 PM David Nolen  wrote:

> In the async case just handle the error yourself and fail the test.
> There's really not a good way to detect async errors since there isn't one
> way to. do async (promises, core.async, etc.).
> David
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 1:19 AM Stuart Campbell  wrote:
>> That unfortunately doesn't work for async tests, which require the map
>> fixture style (with :before/:after keys).
>> On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 at 21:23, Estevo U. C. Castro 
>> wrote:
>>> Try
>>> (use-fixtures :once
>>>   (fn [f]
>>> (println "before")
>>> (try (f)
>>>   (finally (println "after")
>>> O mércores, 25 de novembro de 2020 á/s 00:17:03 UTC+1,
>>> escribiu:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm experimenting with fixtures and it seems like :after fixtures
>>>> aren't run if a test unexpectedly errors. E.g.:
>>>> (use-fixtures :once {:before #(println "before")
>>>>  :after #(println "after")})
>>>> (deftest a-test
>>>>   (raise (js/Error. "oops")))
>>>> In this example I expected to see "after" printed somewhere after the
>>>> test failed. Is this intentional?
>>>> (I'm writing some tests for an Electron app using Spectron and want to
>>>> make sure the app is always shut down after the tests are complete.)
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Stuart
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2013-01-29 Thread Stuart Campbell

I'm working on a library that uses, and I'm using
Leiningen 2 to build it.

If I include log4j in my project's :dev-dependencies, I get weird logging
output, e.g.:

Jan 29, 2013 8:45:31 PM$eval373$fn__377 invoke
INFO: Hello

But if I include log4j in my project's :dependencies, it looks normal:

2013-01-29 20:44:41,966 INFO  user: hello

Ideally I'd like to use :dev-dependencies for this.

My guess is there's some classloading ordering issue, but I'm not quite
sure how to resolve it. Any ideas?


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Re: / log4j / lein2

2013-01-29 Thread Stuart Campbell
Hmm, perhaps I should RTFM. Apparently :dev-dependencies no longer exists
in lein2.
Adding this to my project.clj resolves the issue:

:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[log4j "1.2.17"]]}}

On 29 January 2013 21:24, Stuart Campbell  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm working on a library that uses, and I'm using
> Leiningen 2 to build it.
> If I include log4j in my project's :dev-dependencies, I get weird logging
> output, e.g.:
> Jan 29, 2013 8:45:31 PM$eval373$fn__377 invoke
> INFO: Hello
> But if I include log4j in my project's :dependencies, it looks normal:
> 2013-01-29 20:44:41,966 INFO  user: hello
> Ideally I'd like to use :dev-dependencies for this.
> My guess is there's some classloading ordering issue, but I'm not quite
> sure how to resolve it. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Stuart

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Re: Log SQL in clojure.contrib.sql

2010-07-29 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 29 July 2010 15:17, ngocdaothanh  wrote:

> I found:
That looks useful - thanks!

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Re: Unexpected FileNotFoundException

2010-08-19 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 20 August 2010 11:52, Tim McIver  wrote:

> Hello everyone.  Clojure noob here.  I apologize in advance for what
> may turn out to be a dumb question.  When trying to (use
> '[clojure.contrib.seq]) I get the following error:
> Could not locate clojure/contrib/
> seq__init.class or clojure/contrib/seq.clj on classpath:
> which is strange because others succeed, like (use
> '[clojure.contrib.str-utils]).  I'm using Clojure 1.1.0 and Clojure-
> contrib 1.1.0, and clojure-contrib.jar is on the classpath.  Any help
> is appreciated.

According to the c.c 1.1
there is no clojure.contrib.seq - perhaps you meant

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Re: Unexpected FileNotFoundException

2010-08-22 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 21 August 2010 08:39, Tim McIver  wrote:

> Can someone help clear up my confusion?
> My problem started while working through Stuart Halloway's book (p.
> 52) where he builds up his 'index-filter' function.  This function
> uses an 'indexed' function which he states is in clojure-contrib. The
> API docs found on clujure-contrib's github page shows that 'indexed'
> is found in 'clojure.contrib.seq.'  Stuart Campbell's response (below)
> gives a link to a different API doc which does not contain a
> 'clojure.contrib.seq' package.  I found the 'indexed' function in the
> seq-utils package and so it looked like it was moved at some point.
> So my question is: is the documentation on the github page wrong or am
> I confused about the various versions and/or branches of clojure-
> contrib?

I think the documentation you're referring to ( reflects the master branch
(i.e. contrib 1.2). The documentation I linked to shows the 1.1 docs.

It seems that c.c.seq was added post-1.1.

You can switch between branches using the links at the top-left corner of
the documentation page.

Hope that helps,


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Re: NullPointerExecption after Java class import

2010-08-29 Thread Stuart Campbell

I don't know this library specifically, but the NPE is probably occurring in
a static initialisation block. I believe static initialisation occurs when
the class is first loaded.


On 30 August 2010 06:42, zm  wrote:

> I am using GATE java libs in my clojure code and behaviour of the
> application changes after Java class import. I don't even have to
> initialize it.
> This runs fine (a bit shorter version than it is):
>  (ns gate
>  (:import
> (gate Gate)
> ( File)))
> (defn gate-init
>  [gate-home]
>  (Gate/setGateHome (File. gate-home))
>  (Gate/init)))
> Now if I import gate.Factory class, like this (gate Gate Factory), I
> get the exception:
> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
>at gate.Factory.createResource(
> How can import of a class cause this?
> --
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Re: NullPointerExecption after Java class import

2010-08-31 Thread Stuart Campbell
You could call (import) directly after you've initialised the Gate class:

(gate-init "foo")
(import gate.Factory)
; use Factory class as required


On 31 August 2010 01:01, zm  wrote:

> Initialization exception can be avoided if Factory class is
> initialized indirectly:
> (let [factory (.newInstance (Class/forName "gate.Factory"))] ...)
> The problem is that Factory can only be initialized (its static
> fields) after Gate.init was called. But clojure reader (or what it is)
> initializes all the classes mentioned in the namespace. Thus Factory
> gets created before cojure function calls which do Gate/init.
> Is this workaround ok? Or are there better ways to solve it?
> On Aug 30, 2:39 pm, zm  wrote:
> > Indeed if exception is thrown in static initializer block then clojure
> > import throws exception as well.
> >
> > The following class will cause this:
> >
> > package aaa;
> > public class Test {
> > static{
> > Object o = null;
> > o.toString();
> > }
> >
> > }
> >
> > Then in clojure:
> >
> > (ns x (:import (aaa Test))
> >
> > Results in:
> >
> > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
> > (core.clj:1)
> >
> > Why does this happen in clojure? If you do the same in java, import
> > aaa.Test, then nothing happens. NLP will be thrown when you actualy
> > try to initialize the class.
> >
> > On Aug 30, 6:12 am, Stuart Campbell  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hello,
> >
> > > I don't know this library specifically, but the NPE is probably
> occurring in
> > > a static initialisation block. I believe static initialisation occurs
> when
> > > the class is first loaded.
> >
> > > Regards,
> > > Stuart
> >
> > > On 30 August 2010 06:42, zm  wrote:
> >
> > > > I am using GATE java libs in my clojure code and behaviour of the
> > > > application changes after Java class import. I don't even have to
> > > > initialize it.
> >
> > > > This runs fine (a bit shorter version than it is):
> >
> > > >  (ns gate
> > > >  (:import
> > > > (gate Gate)
> > > > ( File)))
> >
> > > > (defn gate-init
> > > >  [gate-home]
> > > >  (Gate/setGateHome (File. gate-home))
> > > >  (Gate/init)))
> >
> > > > Now if I import gate.Factory class, like this (gate Gate Factory), I
> > > > get the exception:
> >
> > > > Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
> > > >at gate.Factory.createResource(
> >
> > > > How can import of a class cause this?
> >
> > > > --
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> with
> > > > your first post.
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > >
> >
> > > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > >
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Using macro to generate part of fn

2010-09-17 Thread Stuart Campbell

In the following contrived example, I get an error when macroexpanding (defn
foo ...):

(defmacro special-fn-spec []
  '([bar baz] (println bar baz)))

(defn foo
  ([bar] (foo bar :default))

The error is:
Parameter declaration special-fn-spec should be a vector
  [Thrown class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]

I'm a bit confused about the order in which things are happening here. My
assumption was that (special-fn-spec) would be evaluated before the fn
definition. Is there a way to do something like this?


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Re: Using macro to generate part of fn

2010-09-18 Thread Stuart Campbell
> Macroexpansion is part of the expression evaluation mechanism. In your
> example
>(defn foo
>  ([bar] (foo bar :default))
>  (special-fn-spec))
> the whole defn-form is macroexpanded first, yielding something like
>(def foo (fn ([bar] (foo bar :default)) (special-fn-spec))
> Then the fn form is evaluated, yielding a compiled function. At that point,
> the compiler checks its syntax, and finds two bodies, one well-formed (arg
> list followed by expression) and a second ill-formed one (just an
> expression). The function bodies are *not* macroexpanded because they are
> not evaluated either. The only other subform of your example that is ever
> macroexpanded is (foo bar :default).
> There are a couple of ways to generate function bodies programmatically,
> but it is difficult to give useful advice without knowing what you need this
> for.
> Konrad.

Thanks Konrad, that makes sense.

I suppose I was a bit confused about when macroexpansion occurs.

My real use-case involves wrapping a Java object, which has a number of
methods with varying numbers of optionally nullable parameters. E.g.

DatabaseMetaData#getExportedKeys(String, String, String)

In this method, the first two parameters may be null. So, my fn looks like

(defn exported-keys
 (exported-keys nil table))
  ([schema table]
 (exported-keys nil schema table))
  ([catalog schema table]
 (fetch-metadata-rs .getExportedKeys catalog schema table)))

I was trying to automatically generate the final function body since it
duplicates the parameter list, and I expect to have a lot of these kinds of
methods. Although, it's not too bad as it is (I've already pulled some
common bits into fetch-metadata-rs).

Not sure if that makes sense or not... ?


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Re: Idiomatic Way to Build String or Simply Use StringBuilder

2010-09-29 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 30 September 2010 12:48, HiHeelHottie  wrote:

> Is there an idiomatic way to build up a string over different lines of
> code?  Or, should one simply use StringBuilder.
I would just use (str) - it uses a StringBuilder when given more than one

user> (source str)
(defn str
  "With no args, returns the empty string. With one arg x, returns
  x.toString().  (str nil) returns the empty string. With more than
  one arg, returns the concatenation of the str values of the args."
  {:tag String
   :added "1.0"}
  ([] "")
  ([^Object x]
   (if (nil? x) "" (. x (toString
  ([x & ys]
 ((fn [^StringBuilder sb more]
  (if more
(recur (. sb  (append (str (first more (next more))
(str sb)))
  (new StringBuilder ^String (str x)) ys)))


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Re: using reduce instead of loop recur

2011-05-31 Thread Stuart Campbell
For this particular case, you could also use regexps:

user> (require '[clojure.string :as s])
user> (s/replace "  bb cc" #" +" " ")
" bb cc"


On 31 May 2011 08:15, iz bash  wrote:

> so clojures like my first programming language. most of the time
> now ,i use map /reduce/.. with lazy sequences  but sometimes i just
> cant seem to find a solution other than using loop-recur. then i read
> somewhere almost all loop recur situations can be translated into
> reduce. so ive posted a function'd you implement it using
> only higher order functions?
> (defn rem-dup [stri]
>(loop [[x y & z] (seq stri) ,bui []]
>   (cond (nil? x)   bui
> (= x y \space) (recur (cons y z) bui)
> :else  (recur (cons y z) (conj bui x)
> (rem-dup "  bb cc")  =>[\a \a \a \a \space \b
> \b \space \c \c]
> also itd be great if you guys could give some pointers on using higher
> order functions and lazy sequences in place of a loop recur.
> Thanks!!
> and btw clojures totally awesome :)
> --
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Re: Wisdom sought for functional iterative processing

2011-06-14 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 14 June 2011 12:37, Matthew Phillips  wrote:

> The only way I can think of to write it in Clojure is:
> (reduce
>  (fn [items op]
>(let [items1 (if (:delete op) (drop-index (:delete op) items)
> items)]
>  (if (:insert op) (cons (:insert op) items1) items1)))
>  items ops)
> i.e. I'm using a cascade of conditional let's. This isn't _too_ bad in
> this case, but you can image how unreadable this could get.

How about something like this (borrowing from Mark's loop/recur suggestion

(defn maybe-delete [items op]
  (if-let [index (:delete op)]
(drop-index index items)

(defn maybe-insert [items op]
  (if-let [new-item (:insert op)]
(cons new-item items)

(loop [items items ops ops]
  (if-not ops
(let [op (first op)]
  (recur (-> items
 (maybe-delete op)
 (maybe-insert op))
 (next ops)

Looks more verbose on the surface, but I'm sure you could abstract away some
common bits of maybe-delete and maybe-insert using a macro.


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Re: help with some code

2011-07-12 Thread Stuart Campbell
If you use vectors instead of lists, you can avoid quoting altogether:

user> (def alist [1 (fn [x y] (+ x y))])
user> (apply (second alist) [1 3])


On 13 July 2011 08:09, Joop Kiefte  wrote:

> Didn't try, but shoudn't (def alist `(1 ~(fn [x y] (+ x y be better?
> Then you don't need the eval :)
> 2011/7/12 Benny Tsai 
>> alist is missing parens around the fn, so it's really a list of 4 elements
>> like so:
>>   (1, fn, [x y], (+ x y))
>> So (second alist) returns just the symbol 'fn.  And when you apply a
>> Symbol to a list, the result is the last item in the list (not sure why).
>> To do what you want, alist should be defined like this:
>>   (def alist '(1 (fn [x y] (+ x y
>> Also, it seems that the definition of the function needs to be eval'ed
>> first to become an apply-able function.  The following returns 4 in my REPL:
>>   (apply (eval (second alist)) '(1 3))
>> --
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ClojureScript: browser REPL omitting namespace in generated JS

2012-03-02 Thread Stuart Campbell

I'm encountering a problem where the browser REPL sometimes omits the
ClojureScript namespace in its generated JavaScript, e.g. (def x 42)
compiles to ".x = 42" instead of "foo.x = 42".

I've put together a minimal project, with steps to reproduce, on GitHub:

It looks to me like compiling a set of ClojureScript files (using
cljs.closure/build) causes some side-effect that prevents the problem. See
the GitHub README for details.

I'm on Mac OS X 10.5 with Java 1.6.0_26.


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Re: Clojurescript One: (def fiv 5) compiles to ".fiv = 5;\n" ?

2012-03-02 Thread Stuart Campbell

I've come across this too. Please see my message "ClojureScript: browser
REPL omitting namespace in generated JS".


On 16 January 2012 08:14, Indy  wrote:

> Having the same issue and the only way I've resolved it is by having both
> the server and the cljs-repl running in the same repl.
>- run script/repl from the *shell* or launch it as an inferior-lisp
>- (use '[ :only (run-server cljs-repl)])
>- (run-server)
>- (cljs-repl)
> --
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Re: ClojureScript: browser REPL omitting namespace in generated JS

2012-03-02 Thread Stuart Campbell

On 3 March 2012 01:15, David Nolen  wrote:

> Please open a ticket in JIRA. Thanks!
> On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 4:50 AM, Stuart Campbell  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm encountering a problem where the browser REPL sometimes omits the
>> ClojureScript namespace in its generated JavaScript, e.g. (def x 42)
>> compiles to ".x = 42" instead of "foo.x = 42".
>> I've put together a minimal project, with steps to reproduce, on GitHub:
>> It looks to me like compiling a set of ClojureScript files (using
>> cljs.closure/build) causes some side-effect that prevents the problem. See
>> the GitHub README for details.
>> I'm on Mac OS X 10.5 with Java 1.6.0_26.
>> Regards,
>> Stuart
>>  --
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Re: Clojurescript: named/numbered releases?

2012-03-08 Thread Stuart Campbell

According to a past thread (!topic/clojure/L4e8DtzdThY):

ClojureScript has no "release" versions yet. Instead we have a
> revision number, calculated as the number of commits on the master
> branch since the beginning of the project. ClojureScript is currently
> at revision 927. In Maven/Leiningen, this is represented as version
> "0.0-927".

The latest release is 0.0-993.


On 8 March 2012 15:02, kovas boguta  wrote:

> It's great to see the steady activity on the clojurescript github page.
> However I'm not totally comfortable developing against the master branch.
> As it stands now, if I change development environments, or deploy on a
> new machine, the master branch may have moved.
> I could choose an arbitrary commit as my stable reference point,  and
> periodically make a judgement call about upgrading to a new arbitrary
> commit, but thats not easy for someone not involved in the internals.
> I gather this is still "pre-1.0" , but it would still be nice to have
> some incremental version numbers to rationalize things.
> thanks for listening.
> --
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Re: ClojureScript: browser REPL omitting namespace in generated JS

2012-03-14 Thread Stuart Campbell
I see what you mean. In fact, if I enter (ns foo) at the REPL instead of
(in-ns 'foo), the namespace is "created" in cljs.compiler/namespaces and
the compiled JS is output correctly.

On 3 March 2012 12:12, Brenton  wrote:

> Thanks Stuart,
> Looks like the problem might be here:
> I'll dig into this this weekend.
> On Mar 2, 6:30 pm, Stuart Campbell  wrote:
> > Done!
> >
> > On 3 March 2012 01:15, David Nolen  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Please open a ticket in JIRA. Thanks!
> >
> > > On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 4:50 AM, Stuart Campbell 
> wrote:
> >
> > >> Hello,
> >
> > >> I'm encountering a problem where the browser REPL sometimes omits the
> > >> ClojureScript namespace in its generated JavaScript, e.g. (def x 42)
> > >> compiles to ".x = 42" instead of "foo.x = 42".
> >
> > >> I've put together a minimal project, with steps to reproduce, on
> GitHub:
> > >>
> >
> > >> It looks to me like compiling a set of ClojureScript files (using
> > >> cljs.closure/build) causes some side-effect that prevents the
> problem. See
> > >> the GitHub README for details.
> >
> > >> I'm on Mac OS X 10.5 with Java 1.6.0_26.
> >
> > >> Regards,
> > >> Stuart
> >
> > >>  --
> > >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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> with
> > >> your first post.
> > >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > >>
> > >> For more options, visit this group at
> > >>
> >
> > >  --
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> > >
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Re: 'contains?' on 'sorted-set-by' based on the comparator only? (possible bug?)

2012-03-15 Thread Stuart Campbell
Actually, sorted-map-by does behave the same way, but in your example you
tried to lookup a value instead of a key:

user> (def m (sorted-map-by #(< (%1 0) (%2 0)) [1 :a] [2 :b]))
user> (get m [1 :foo])
[2 :b]

It looks like 
responsible for this behaviour.


On 13 March 2012 05:20, mnicky  wrote:

> It seems that when using the sorted set with my own comparator
> (sorted-set-by),
> the lookup via 'contains?' function is based only on the part of the items
> that participate in the ordering:
> (contains? (sorted-set [1 :a] [2 :b]) [2 :c])
> ;=> false
> (contains? (sorted-set-by #(< (%1 0) (%2 0)) [1 :a] [2 :b]) [2 :c])
> ;=> true
> The documentation of 'sorted-set-by' says that the _whole_ items are keys:
> (doc sorted-set-by)
> ; clojure.core/sorted-set-by
> ; ([comparator & keys])
> ; Returns a new sorted set with supplied keys, using the supplied
> comparator.
> ; nil
> So according to the documentation of 'contains?', it should do lookup
> based on the whole items, not just their parts used in the comparator:
> (doc contains?)
> ; clojure.core/contains?
> ; ([coll key])
> ; Returns true if key is present in the given collection, otherwise
> ; returns false. Note that for numerically indexed collections like
> ; vectors and Java arrays, this tests if the numeric key is within the
> ; range of indexes. 'contains?' operates constant or logarithmic time;
> ; it will not perform a linear search for a value. See also 'some'.
> ; nil
> It's also worth noting that 'sorted-map-by' doesn't behave in this way:
> (contains? (sorted-map-by #(< (%1 0) (%2 0)) [1 :a] [2 :b]) [2 :c])
> ;=> false
> Can this be a bug? If not, what's the reason behind this behavior?
> -- Mnicky
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Re: Resolving vars and quoting

2012-03-15 Thread Stuart Campbell
Almost, but you do need to resolve the symbols to functions when you
evaluate the operation:

(defn arith [x y]
  (map (fn [op] [((resolve op) x y) (list op x y)]) '[+ - / *]))


On 16 March 2012 02:52, Jack Moffitt  wrote:

> > If I apply the following function to 4 and 6
> >
> > (defn arith [x y]
> >  (map (fn [op] [(op x y) `(~op ~x ~y)]) [+ - / *]))
> >
> > I'd like to get a result of the form
> >
> > ([10 (+ 4 6)] [-2 (- 4 6)] ...)
> >
> > but instead I get something like
> > ([10 (# 4 6)] ...
> You want to quote the [+ - / *] so it doesn't resolve to the functions:
> (defn arith [x y]
>  (map (fn [op] [(op x y) `(~op ~x ~y)]) '[+ - / *]))
> jack.
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Re: Problems with map of empty collections

2012-04-03 Thread Stuart Campbell
I think quoting plays a part here:

Clojure 1.3.0
user=> {(list 1 2 3) :list [1 2 3] :vec}
IllegalArgumentException Duplicate key: (1 2 3)
clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.createWithCheck (


On 3 April 2012 22:41, JuanManuel Gimeno Illa  wrote:

> More examples in clojure 1.3.0:
> user=> {[1 2 3] :vector '(1 2 3) :list}
> {[1 2 3] :list}
> but
> user=> #{[1 2 3] (1 2 3)}
> IllegalArgumentException Duplicate key: (1 2 3)
>  clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet.createWithCheck (
> ... anyone has an explanation?
> Juan Manuel
> On Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:55:26 AM UTC+2, mnicky wrote:
>> Another interesting fact is that:
>> Clojure 1.2.1
>> user=> {'(1) :list [1] :vector}
>> java.lang.**IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate key: (1)
>> Clojure 1.3.0
>> user=> {'(1) :list [1] :vector}
>> {(1) :vector}
>> Clojure 1.4.0-beta1
>> user=> {'(1) :list [1] :vector}
>> {(1) :vector}
>> ...but I don't know what's going on.
>> On Tuesday, April 3, 2012 9:11:50 AM UTC+2, JuanManuel Gimeno Illa wrote:
>>> Playing with some problems of 4clojure, I wanted to make a map which,
>>> for each empty collection, returns a keyword. But it seems that it is
>>> impossible to have both an empty list and an empty vector in the same map.
>>> user=> {() :list}
>>> {() :list}
>>> user=> {() :list [] :vector}
>>> IllegalArgumentException Duplicate key: clojure.lang.PersistentList$**
>>> EmptyList@1  clojure.lang.**PersistentArrayMap.**createWithCheck
>>> (
>>> user=> {[] :vector}
>>> {[] :vector}
>>> I supposed that this is due to (= [] ()) but
>>> user=> {'(1) :list [1] :vector}
>>> {(1) :vector}
>>> user=> (= [1]'(1))
>>> true
>>> What am I missing?
>>> Juan Manuel
>>  --
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ClojureScript function params shadow top-level namespace segments

2012-04-13 Thread Stuart Campbell
Given the following ClojureScript:

(ns foo)
(defn bar [] 42)

(ns baz
  (:require [foo :as x]))

(defn quux [foo]

baz.quux compiles to:

baz.quux = function quux(foo) {

i.e. the parameter name shadows the top-level "foo" namespace.

Is that a bug?


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Re: ClojureScript function params shadow top-level namespace segments

2012-04-13 Thread Stuart Campbell

On 13 April 2012 22:14, David Nolen  wrote:

> Yes. Please open a ticket in JIRA.
> Thanks!
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 3:40 AM, Stuart Campbell  wrote:
>> Given the following ClojureScript:
>> (ns foo)
>> (defn bar [] 42)
>> (ns baz
>>   (:require [foo :as x]))
>> (defn quux [foo]
>>   (x/bar))
>> baz.quux compiles to:
>> baz.quux = function quux(foo) {
>>   return
>> };
>> i.e. the parameter name shadows the top-level "foo" namespace.
>> Is that a bug?
>> Regards,
>> Stuart
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Re: Typed Clojure 0.1-alpha2

2012-04-21 Thread Stuart Campbell
The ClojureScript compiler doesn't seem to do those kinds of checks, but
the Clojure compiler does.

On 21 April 2012 09:18, Casper Clausen  wrote:

> Looks interesting.
> Personally I always thought clojure's handling of function arity is a
> bit strange. I don't understand why calling a function like this
> (defn testfn [one two] ...)
> (test-fn 1)
> is not at least a compiler warning, possibly with a switch for the
> compiler for strict checking. I understand that it is not always
> possible to perform this check, but why not do it when possible? It
> would make clojure alot safer to use without a test suite covering
> every code path.
> On Apr 20, 8:50 pm, Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
>  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I know there are a few people interested in trying Typed Clojure,
> > so I've cut an early alpha release to give a taste.
> >
> > These are *very* early days, but looking through the readme will
> > give you some hints as to what works in this release. Don't
> > expect too much.
> >
> >
> >
> > Please give it a whirl, feedback welcome!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ambrose
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Re: Help with #'

2012-04-22 Thread Stuart Campbell
Hi Dave,

If you write

  (run-jetty routes ...)

then the current value of "routes" is looked-up and passed to run-jetty.
You won't see any change if you subsequently redefine "routes", because the
original definition is what was passed to run-jetty.

On the other hand,

  (run-jetty #'routes ...)

passes a var (see to run-jetty. Now whenever
run-jetty invokes your handler function, the currently-bound value of
"routes" is invoked.

Here's a simplified example:

  user> (defn foo [] "hello")
  user> (def a foo)
  user> (def b #'foo)
  user> (defn foo [] "goodbye")
  user> (a)
  user> (b)


On 23 April 2012 06:01, David Simmons  wrote:

> Hi
> I'm new to Clojure but very keen to learn. I'm following Web
> Development with Clojure (
> application-development-with-clojure-part-1/) and came across the
> following code:
>  (run-jetty #'routes {:port (or port 8080) :join? false}))
> I know that #'routes is the same as (var routes) and that it is
> passing the "object" rather than the actual value BUT I don't
> understand why this is used. Specifically if I replace #'route with
> route the code works fine. I've read somewhere this is something to do
> with autoloading changes to code when developing for the web. Does
> anyone have a simple explanaition for #' and why it is used here. If
> you have some simple clojure code to illustrate its use I'd be really
> grateful.
> many thanks in advance for any help.
> Dave
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ClojureScript: can't (:use) protocol in another namespace

2012-04-27 Thread Stuart Campbell

I'm not sure if what I'm doing is supported or whether I'm doing it

I have two ClojureScript namespaces:

(ns foo)

(defprotocol SomeProtocol
  (some-function [this]))

(ns bar
  (:use [foo :only (SomeProtocol)]))

(defrecord SomeRecord
  (some-function [_] :quux))

The protocol function is compiled as though SomeProtocol was defined in the
"bar" namespace, e.g.:$SomeProtocol$ = true;$SomeProtocol$some_function = function(this$) {
  var this__14211 = this;

This causes an error at runtime.

Should I be able to do this, or should I stick with (:require foo) and


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Re: ClojureScript: can't (:use) protocol in another namespace

2012-04-29 Thread Stuart Campbell
It does. Ticket opened:


On 28 April 2012 01:30, David Nolen  wrote:

> Does this work in Clojure? If so file a ticket in JIRA.
> David
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 5:09 AM, Stuart Campbell  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm not sure if what I'm doing is supported or whether I'm doing it
>> incorrectly.
>> I have two ClojureScript namespaces:
>> (ns foo)
>> (defprotocol SomeProtocol
>>   (some-function [this]))
>> (ns bar
>>   (:use [foo :only (SomeProtocol)]))
>> (defrecord SomeRecord
>>   SomeProtocol
>>   (some-function [_] :quux))
>> The protocol function is compiled as though SomeProtocol was defined in
>> the "bar" namespace, e.g.:
>>$SomeProtocol$ = true;
>>$SomeProtocol$some_function = function(this$) {
>>   var this__14211 = this;
>>   return"\ufdd0'quux"
>> };
>> This causes an error at runtime.
>> Should I be able to do this, or should I stick with (:require foo) and
>> foo/SomeProtocol?
>> Cheers,
>> Stuart
>>  --
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Re: ClassCastException clojure.lang.Var$Unbound Help

2012-04-30 Thread Stuart Campbell
Hi Travis,

> (def get-id
>   (session/get :uid))
> (defn set-user! [user]
>   (session/put! :uid {:_id user}))
Only set-user! is a function here. The value of get-id is evaluated at

I don't know about the implementation of noir.session/get, but the error
message suggests that it uses some dynamic var that is unbound at
compile-time. That makes sense since you couldn't reference a session
without an associated request.

Changing get-id to something like:

(defn get-id []
  (session/get :uid))

will probably do what you expect.

=> (meta #'get-id)
> {:ns #, :name get-id}
> So it's there, the fn is bound [...]

Actually no, you're looking up the metadata on the var, not the value.
Observe the following:

user> (def foo)
user> foo
user> (meta #'foo)
{:ns #, :name foo, :line 1, :file "NO_SOURCE_FILE"}

See also


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Re: apply a function to every item in a sequence without realizing the sequence

2012-05-01 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 2 May 2012 14:44, Baishampayan Ghose  wrote:

> You can't use `map` because `map` will return a sequence of the same
> size and that can blow your heap.

Isn't `map` lazy too?


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cljs-clj interop

2012-12-29 Thread Stuart Campbell
Hi all,

I'm toying with a way to use Clojure objects from a Rhino-based
ClojureScript environment (

I've been able to export a Clojure function into the ClojureScript
environment without too much difficulty. Ideally, I'd like to be able to
call that function as if it were a regular ClojureScript function.

I was hoping I could do something like:

(extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn
  (-invoke [this] (.invoke this))
  (-invoke [this a] (.invoke this a))
  ;; etc

However, this yields an error that I don't quite understand:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: nth not supported on this type:
at clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom(
at clojure.lang.RT.nth(
at clojure.core$map$fn__4087.invoke(core.clj:2434)

In fact, I'm not sure this will work at all, since (type) doesn't appear to
work with non-native JS objects.

Is the extend-type method feasible?


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Re: cljs-clj interop

2012-12-30 Thread Stuart Campbell
Ah, you're right -- thanks. That leads me to another error:

ClojureScript:cljs.user> (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn IFn
(-invoke ([this] (.invoke this
"Error evaluating:" (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn IFn (-invoke
([this] (.invoke this :as
"Packages.clojure.lang.IFn.prototype.cljs$core$IFn$ =
true;\ = (function
(this_sym23394){\nvar this_sym23394__23395 = this;\nvar this__23396 =
this__23396.invoke();\n});\nPackages.clojure.lang.IFn.prototype.apply =
(function (this_sym23392,args23393){\nreturn,[this_sym23392].concat(args23393.slice()));\n});\n"
org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: TypeError: Cannot set property
"cljs$core$IFn$" of null to "true" (#25)
at :25 (anonymous)
at :25 (anonymous)
at :25

I'll keep investigating.

On 30 December 2012 12:31, David Nolen  wrote:

> I think you've just formatted your code incorrectly. Did you try something
> like this?
> (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn
>   IFn
>   (-invoke
> ([this] (.invoke this))
>     ([this a] (.invoke this a)))
>   )
> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Stuart Campbell  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm toying with a way to use Clojure objects from a Rhino-based
>> ClojureScript environment (
>> I've been able to export a Clojure function into the ClojureScript
>> environment without too much difficulty. Ideally, I'd like to be able to
>> call that function as if it were a regular ClojureScript function.
>> I was hoping I could do something like:
>> (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn
>>   IFn
>>   (-invoke [this] (.invoke this))
>>   (-invoke [this a] (.invoke this a))
>>   ;; etc
>>   )
>> However, this yields an error that I don't quite understand:
>> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: nth not supported on this type:
>> Symbol
>> at clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom(
>> at clojure.lang.RT.nth(
>> at
>> cljs.core$extend_type$assign_impls__7365$fn__7377$adapt_params__7380.invoke(core.clj:486)
>> at clojure.core$map$fn__4087.invoke(core.clj:2434)
>> In fact, I'm not sure this will work at all, since (type) doesn't appear
>> to work with non-native JS objects.
>> Is the extend-type method feasible?
>> Cheers,
>> Stuart
>> --
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Re: cljs-clj interop

2012-12-30 Thread Stuart Campbell
OK, unless there's some way to set arbitrary properties on a Java object, I
guess this isn't possible...

ClojureScript:cljs.user> (aset js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn "prototype"
"Error evaluating:" (aset js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn "prototype"
(js/Object.)) :as "(Packages.clojure.lang.IFn[\"prototype\"] = (new
org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: Java class "clojure.lang.IFn"
has no public instance field or method named "prototype". (#9)
at :9 (anonymous)
at :9

On 31 December 2012 09:41, Stuart Campbell  wrote:

> Ah, you're right -- thanks. That leads me to another error:
> ClojureScript:cljs.user> (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn IFn
> (-invoke ([this] (.invoke this
> "Error evaluating:" (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn IFn (-invoke
> ([this] (.invoke this :as
> "Packages.clojure.lang.IFn.prototype.cljs$core$IFn$ =
> true;\ = (function
> (this_sym23394){\nvar this_sym23394__23395 = this;\nvar this__23396 =
> this_sym23394__23395;\nreturn
> this__23396.invoke();\n});\nPackages.clojure.lang.IFn.prototype.apply =
> (function (this_sym23392,args23393){\nreturn
> org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: TypeError: Cannot set property
> "cljs$core$IFn$" of null to "true" (#25)
> at :25 (anonymous)
> at :25 (anonymous)
> at :25
> I'll keep investigating.
> On 30 December 2012 12:31, David Nolen  wrote:
>> I think you've just formatted your code incorrectly. Did you try
>> something like this?
>> (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn
>>   IFn
>>   (-invoke
>> ([this] (.invoke this))
>> ([this a] (.invoke this a)))
>>   )
>>  On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Stuart Campbell wrote:
>>>  Hi all,
>>> I'm toying with a way to use Clojure objects from a Rhino-based
>>> ClojureScript environment (
>>> I've been able to export a Clojure function into the ClojureScript
>>> environment without too much difficulty. Ideally, I'd like to be able to
>>> call that function as if it were a regular ClojureScript function.
>>> I was hoping I could do something like:
>>> (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn
>>>   IFn
>>>   (-invoke [this] (.invoke this))
>>>   (-invoke [this a] (.invoke this a))
>>>   ;; etc
>>>   )
>>> However, this yields an error that I don't quite understand:
>>> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: nth not supported on this type:
>>> Symbol
>>> at clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom(
>>> at clojure.lang.RT.nth(
>>> at
>>> cljs.core$extend_type$assign_impls__7365$fn__7377$adapt_params__7380.invoke(core.clj:486)
>>> at clojure.core$map$fn__4087.invoke(core.clj:2434)
>>> In fact, I'm not sure this will work at all, since (type) doesn't appear
>>> to work with non-native JS objects.
>>> Is the extend-type method feasible?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Stuart
>>> --
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>>> your first post.
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Re: cljs-clj interop

2013-01-03 Thread Stuart Campbell
In case anybody's interested, I'm messing around with a ClojureScript
wrapper type that can implement various core protocols, e.g.:

(deftype ClojureObject [o]
  (-invoke [_] (.invoke o))
  (-invoke [_ a] (.invoke o a))
  ;; etc

On 31 December 2012 09:56, Stuart Campbell  wrote:

> OK, unless there's some way to set arbitrary properties on a Java object,
> I guess this isn't possible...
> ClojureScript:cljs.user> (aset js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn "prototype"
> (js/Object.))
> "Error evaluating:" (aset js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn "prototype"
> (js/Object.)) :as "(Packages.clojure.lang.IFn[\"prototype\"] = (new
> Object()));\n"
> org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: Java class "clojure.lang.IFn"
> has no public instance field or method named "prototype". (#9)
> at :9 (anonymous)
> at :9
> On 31 December 2012 09:41, Stuart Campbell  wrote:
>> Ah, you're right -- thanks. That leads me to another error:
>> ClojureScript:cljs.user> (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn IFn
>> (-invoke ([this] (.invoke this
>> "Error evaluating:" (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn IFn
>> (-invoke ([this] (.invoke this :as
>> "Packages.clojure.lang.IFn.prototype.cljs$core$IFn$ =
>> true;\ = (function
>> (this_sym23394){\nvar this_sym23394__23395 = this;\nvar this__23396 =
>> this_sym23394__23395;\nreturn
>> this__23396.invoke();\n});\nPackages.clojure.lang.IFn.prototype.apply =
>> (function (this_sym23392,args23393){\nreturn
>> org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: TypeError: Cannot set property
>> "cljs$core$IFn$" of null to "true" (#25)
>> at :25 (anonymous)
>> at :25 (anonymous)
>> at :25
>> I'll keep investigating.
>> On 30 December 2012 12:31, David Nolen  wrote:
>>> I think you've just formatted your code incorrectly. Did you try
>>> something like this?
>>> (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn
>>>   IFn
>>>   (-invoke
>>> ([this] (.invoke this))
>>> ([this a] (.invoke this a)))
>>>   )
>>>  On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Stuart Campbell wrote:
>>>>  Hi all,
>>>> I'm toying with a way to use Clojure objects from a Rhino-based
>>>> ClojureScript environment (
>>>> I've been able to export a Clojure function into the ClojureScript
>>>> environment without too much difficulty. Ideally, I'd like to be able to
>>>> call that function as if it were a regular ClojureScript function.
>>>> I was hoping I could do something like:
>>>> (extend-type js/Packages.clojure.lang.IFn
>>>>   IFn
>>>>   (-invoke [this] (.invoke this))
>>>>   (-invoke [this a] (.invoke this a))
>>>>   ;; etc
>>>>   )
>>>> However, this yields an error that I don't quite understand:
>>>> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: nth not supported on this
>>>> type: Symbol
>>>> at clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom(
>>>> at clojure.lang.RT.nth(
>>>> at
>>>> cljs.core$extend_type$assign_impls__7365$fn__7377$adapt_params__7380.invoke(core.clj:486)
>>>> at clojure.core$map$fn__4087.invoke(core.clj:2434)
>>>> In fact, I'm not sure this will work at all, since (type) doesn't
>>>> appear to work with non-native JS objects.
>>>> Is the extend-type method feasible?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Stuart
>>>> --
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Re: ClojureScript def, vars, and binding

2013-01-14 Thread Stuart Campbell
Sorry to dig up such an old thread.

I'd also like to maintain the bindings of dynamic vars across asynchronous 
function calls.

Is there a workaround that people use in the absence of bound-fn, etc?


On Friday, 27 January 2012 16:49:10 UTC+11, Brandon Bloom wrote:
> The ClojureScript 
> wikistates
>  that "the user experience of [binding] is similar to that in 
> Clojure" but my very first experiment produced wildly different results 
> between platforms.
> Here's a Clojure on the JVM session:
> user=> (import java.lang.Thread)
> java.lang.Thread
> user=> (defn set-timeout [ms fn] (.run (Thread. #(do (Thread/sleep ms) 
> (fn)
> #'user/set-timeout
> user=> (def x "top level")
> #'user/x
> user=> (binding [x "in binding"] (println x) (set-timeout 1000 #(println 
> x)))
> in binding
> in binding
> nil
> And here's the analogous ClojureScript session:
> ClojureScript:cljs.user> (def x "top level")
> "top level"
> ClojureScript:cljs.user> (binding [x "in binding"] (println x) 
> (js/setTimeout #(println x) 1000))
> in binding
> 21
> top level
> So ignoring the sequencing and nil vs timeout-id return values, the 
> binding of 'x wasn't preserved in the asynchronous callback.
> I raised this issue in #clojure and @dnolen said that "that's the behavior 
> there's nothing much to fix", but that didn't sit right with me. This seems 
> like either 'binding is bugged, or maybe I don't understand something about 
> its intent.
> On the topic of "Vars" proper, I understand their usefulness in 
> repl-centric development, where you can redefine functions at runtime. The 
> wiki also makes some mention of this, but I can't wrap my head around the 
> context and jargon. I've run into this problem before in Javascript, where 
> some level of indirection is necessary to support run-time redefinitions. 
> You can't do `var fn = package.fn;` and dynamically redefine `fn` from 
> `package` later because a copy of the reference is made. How does 
> ClojureScript address this problem?
> Cheers,
> Brandon

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Re: Another ClojureScript app in the wild

2011-08-21 Thread Stuart Campbell
Ha! I was considering doing this exact same thing.

I'm working on a vanilla js version that I was considering porting to cljs.
It might be interesting to compare implementations:

Thanks for sharing,

On 18 August 2011 08:00, Matthew Gilliard wrote:

> I've been playing around writing a fun little ClojureScript project -
> it's a bit different, so I thought you might like to see it:
> As I was feeling my way quite blindly through ClojureScript and
> gClosure I have let the code get into a bit of a mess and I don't
> think I'll really work on it much more.  I have learned an awful lot
> though (which was the main objective) - my main lessons are:
>  - ClojureScript is awesome.  The performance and stability of it are
> really astounding.  Really great work guys.
>  - Debugging a ClojureScript app is hard.  I never figured out how to
> get js/console to work.  My best solution was to compile & run very
> often, so that errors were caught quickly.  Better yet would have been
> thorough testing ;)
>  - it *is* possible to write a game with no mutable state (well, I use
> an atom to hold the most-recently-pressed key, but apart from that...
> The state-of-the-world datastructure is immutable)
>  - Some functions missing from ClojureScript which surprised me: range, int
>  - Some functions behave differently between Clojure and ClojureScript
> (due to underlying platform differences): mod
>  - Testing is very important.  The gClosure jsunit stuff looks nice
> but I'd love a midje-like API for it.
> Browser-compatibility:  Chrome - OK, Firefox 6 - sometimes crashes
> with "too much recursion", IE/Safari - Forget it.
> Happy to answer any questions, otherwise I'll be over here hacking
> some Clojure   :)
>  Matthew
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ClojureScript keywords

2011-09-02 Thread Stuart Campbell

When I compile the following to JavaScript, I expected it to output
"foo" in the console log:

  (.log js/console (name :foo))

However, it outputs "ï· 'foo".

Is that right?


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Re: ClojureScript keywords

2011-09-02 Thread Stuart Campbell
Please excuse the self-reply;

Looking at the compiled version of (keyword?), I can see a line that appears
to compare the first character of the keyword string against a
multi-character string constant:

cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_ = (function keyword_QMARK_(x){
var and__3574__auto2211 =,x);

{*return,x.charAt(0),"ï· ");*
} else
{return and__3574__auto2211;

Stepping into cljs.core._EQ_ in the debugger shows that the first argument
is one character long, but the second is 3 characters long.

Is this just some encoding issue in my setup? I'm on Mac OS X 10.5, and I
got the same result in FF 6 and Chrome 13.

On 2 September 2011 17:41, Stuart Campbell <> wrote:
> Hi,
> When I compile the following to JavaScript, I expected it to output
> "foo" in the console log:
>  (.log js/console (name :foo))
> However, it outputs "ï· 'foo".
> Is that right?
> Regards,
> Stuart
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Re: ClojureScript keywords

2011-09-02 Thread Stuart Campbell
Thanks David.

I added  to my HTML document (this is just a static
test project) and it fixed the problem.


On 2 September 2011 18:36, David Powell  wrote:

> Clojurescript represents symbols and keywords as strings with a one
> character unicode prefix (as an implementation detail).
> But, by default it outputs javascript as utf-8, and unless you are serving
> javascript from a server and have setup the headers accordingly, this will
> be misinterpreted by the browser as 3x iso-8859-1 characters.
> However, if you run with the advanced compiler, it will escape everything
> to ascii so you won't get these encoding issues.
> There is a jira issue to make the unoptimised path do the same encoding as
> the advanced compiler, but this isn't fixed yet.
> --
> Dave
> On 2 Sep 2011 09:28, "Stuart Campbell" 
> wrote:
> > Please excuse the self-reply;
> >
> > Looking at the compiled version of (keyword?), I can see a line that
> appears
> > to compare the first character of the keyword string against a
> > multi-character string constant:
> >
> > cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_ = (function keyword_QMARK_(x){
> > var and__3574__auto2211 =,x);
> >
> > if(cljs.core.truth_(and__3574__auto2211))
> > {*return,x.charAt(0),"ï· ");*
> > } else
> > {return and__3574__auto2211;
> > }
> > });
> >
> > Stepping into cljs.core._EQ_ in the debugger shows that the first
> argument
> > is one character long, but the second is 3 characters long.
> >
> > Is this just some encoding issue in my setup? I'm on Mac OS X 10.5, and I
> > got the same result in FF 6 and Chrome 13.
> >
> > On 2 September 2011 17:41, Stuart Campbell <
> >> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> When I compile the following to JavaScript, I expected it to output
> >> "foo" in the console log:
> >>
> >> (.log js/console (name :foo))
> >>
> >> However, it outputs "ï· 'foo".
> >>
> >> Is that right?
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Stuart
> >>
> >> --
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> >>
> >
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Re: run clj file get user/counter-app error?

2011-09-13 Thread Stuart Campbell
That line is the string representation of a Var. It isn't an error - it's
just the return value of the expression you entered.

(load-file) evaluates all expressions in a file and returns the value of the
last one. In your case, it's the value of (defn counter-app [] ...), which
defines the counter-app function.

You can invoke the defined function by typing:


On 14 September 2011 15:42, jayvandal  wrote:

> I am running a  swing tutorial clojure program file and when I run the
> result is
> ++
> user=> (load-file "c:/clojure-1.2.1/counter-app.clj")
> #'user/counter-app
> user=>
> ++
> What does this line mean?
> #'user/counter-app
> The name of my file is counter-app.clj
> program listing on win Vista IS
> --
> (import '(javax.swing JLabel JButton JPanel JFrame))
> (defn counter-app []
>  (let [counter (atom 0)
>label (JLabel. "Counter: 0")
>button (doto (JButton. "Add 1")
> (on-action evnt  ;; evnt is not used
>   (.setText label
>  (str "Counter: " (swap! counter inc)
>panel (doto (JPanel.)
>(.setOpaque true)
>(.add label)
>(.add button))]
>(doto (JFrame. "Counter App")
>  (.setContentPane panel)
>  (.setSize 300 100)
>  (.setVisible true
> --
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Re: N00b alert! - A question on immutable/mutable data structures...

2011-09-13 Thread Stuart Campbell
Hi Trevor,

I hope I've understood your problem correctly.

You can modify nested structures using e.g. update-in:

  (let [k "user1" v 1234]
(swap! user-queues update-in k conj v))

That's assuming that a user queue already exists in the map. If it doesn't,
you could do something like:

  (let [k "user1" v 1234]
(swap! user-queues #(assoc % k (conj (get % k
clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY) v


On 14 September 2011 11:10, Trevor  wrote:

> Thanks for the quick responses.
> I'll try to answer Andy's question: "How do you know, in advance, that
> it doesn't need to handle such concurrent changes?" ... and at the
> same time I will try to provide this example to Stuart, hoping I can
> see how using a map inside an atom might work:
> Let's say my users log into a web page and each user has a queue that
> does stuff for them. Since the users id is unique and each user can
> only be logged in from one session, when I use the user id as a key
> within a hash-map then I know *well-enough* there will not be any
> concurrent changes to that key value pair, particularly since enqueing
> means each change is actually an just addition to the stack. -- So I
> am picking queue's to make a point... -- Queue's are chosen over lists
> as they are both constant time and fast. Being atomic is great, but
> wouldn't making a copy of a queue and re-assembling it defeat the
> purpose of using it?
> So let's try this:
> > (def user-queues* (atom (hash-map)))
> #'project/user-queues*
> > (swap! user-queues* assoc "user1" clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY)
> {"user1" #}
> > (@user-queues* "user1")
> #
> I would like to add an item to the users queue, but it seems when
> using an atom I can only swap in and out the value as opposed to
> modifying the value in-place.

> So let's start with just the basic atom'd queue:
> > (def q (atom clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY))
> #'project/q
> > (swap! q conj (seconds))
> #
> > (apply list (swap! q conj (seconds)))
> (1315961557 1315961570)
> awesome.
> Now I want to store each users queue in the user-queues* hash-map. How
> would I do that while maintaining a real queue? My initial attempts
> always lead to reading the full queue into a list, then to conj and
> item on that list, then I have to remake a queue to then be stored
> back into the map via swapso it's at that point I might as well
> not be using a queue - right?
> Certainly hash-maps with queue's would be a reasonable idea - right?.
> Thanks.
> --
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Re: N00b alert! - A question on immutable/mutable data structures...

2011-09-13 Thread Stuart Campbell
I knew there must be a nicer way to write that :)

On 14 September 2011 16:22, Meikel Brandmeyer (kotarak)  wrote:

> Or:
> (swap! user-queues update-in [k] (fnil conj
> clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY) v)
> Sincerely
> Meikel
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ClojureScript auto-recompile option

2011-09-15 Thread Stuart Campbell

I've written a small hack for the ClojureScript compiler that is useful for
working with static HTML projects. When invoked with the :watch option, the
cljsc program watches a source directory and recompiles sources whenever a
change is detected.

Usage: cljsc src '{:watch true}' >foo.js

The change depends on the jpathwatch library, which should be downloaded (
into the clojurescript/lib directory.


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Re: ClojureScript auto-recompile option

2011-09-18 Thread Stuart Campbell
Cool - wasn't aware of that.

On 16 September 2011 15:07, Chris Granger  wrote:

> FWIW there's also cljs-watch:
> On Sep 15, 6:35 am, Stuart Campbell  wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've written a small hack for the ClojureScript compiler that is useful
> for
> > working with static HTML projects. When invoked with the :watch option,
> the
> > cljsc program watches a source directory and recompiles sources whenever
> a
> > change is detected.
> >
> >
> >
> > Usage: cljsc src '{:watch true}' >foo.js
> >
> > The change depends on the jpathwatch library, which should be downloaded
> (
> > into the clojurescript/lib directory.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Stuart
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JavaScript `debugger' statement

2011-11-10 Thread Stuart Campbell
I'm trying to enter the Firebug debugger when an exception is caught:

  ; ...
  (catch js/Error e

This doesn't work, because js/debugger compiles to debugger$; per

Any ideas how I can get around this?


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Re: Where can I inqure about bugs?

2011-11-20 Thread Stuart Campbell
I think you might be using comparator incorrectly. It appears to expect a
function that returns a true/false value:

user> (source comparator)
(defn comparator
  "Returns an implementation of java.util.Comparator based upon pred."
  {:added "1.0"}
(fn [x y]
  (cond (pred x y) -1 (pred y x) 1 :else 0)))

So something like this might work:

user> (def string-comparator
(comparator (fn [a b]
  (neg? (.compareTo a b)
user> (string-comparator "a" "b")
user> (string-comparator "b" "a")
user> (string-comparator "a" "a")

Doesn't seem very useful though.


On 20 November 2011 14:28, Randy Pensinger  wrote:

> I am having a lot of trouble finding a place to mention a possible
> clojure bug. Is this it?
> I am trying to write a custom comparator, but the comparator never
> seems to work. I simplified the comparator below.
> user=> (def stringComparator
>  (comparator (fn [a b]
>  (println (str "comparing '" a "' to '" b "'"))
>  (.compareTo a b)
> #'user/stringComparator
> user=> (.compare stringComparator "b" "a")
> comparing 'b' to 'a'
> -1
> user=> (compare "b" "a")
> 1
> user=> (clojure-version )
> "1.3.0"
> Am I doing something wrong?
> --
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Re: ANN: j18n 1.0.0 – taming ResourceBundles

2011-11-24 Thread Stuart Campbell
Hi Meikel,

Thanks for this library.

I noticed that each bundle's keyset is cached via memoization. I believe
this prevents adding more bundle properties at runtime (e.g. during
interactive development).

Is there a way to "reset" a resource bundle? Is this something that you
might consider in a future release?


On 5 September 2011 05:32, Meikel Brandmeyer  wrote:

> Dear international Clojurians,
> I'd like to announce j18n. A small wrapper around ResourceBundles to
> provide easy internationalization of Clojure applications. j18n will power
> the i18n features of the upcoming seesaw release.
> The interface consits (at the moment) of a single function: resource.
> (resource ::my-message) will look up the key "my-message" in the
> ResourceBundle of the current namespace.
> Further enhancements like MessageFormat or specifying resources in clojure
> syntax are planned for the next releases.
> Code:
> Library on clojars: [j18n "1.0.0"]
> Sincerely
> Meikel
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Re: ANN: j18n 1.0.0 – taming ResourceBundles

2011-11-24 Thread Stuart Campbell
Ah, I see. Thanks.

On 24 November 2011 23:06, Meikel Brandmeyer (kotarak)  wrote:

> Hi,
> the ResourceBundles themselves are memoized by the Java runtime. You can
> reset this cache with ResourceBundle/clearCache. Then the underlying
> ResourceBundle will be retrieved again on the next access. Then the
> memoization does not trigger. But the memoization itself is probably
> premature optimisation and should be removed.
> Sincerely
> Meikel
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Re: Problem with Korma and clj-soap

2011-11-26 Thread Stuart Campbell
Libraries probably shouldn't ship with a log4j configuration. The logging
configuration should be left entirely to the application IMO.

On 26 November 2011 19:37, Ivan Koblik  wrote:

> I'm pretty sure this is because of log4j.xml [1] in src directory of
> Korma. I think it's take from here [2]. If you take a look at it, it sets
> root debug level to "debug".
> Try creating your own configuration and pointing to it with command line
> argument:
> -Dlog4j.configuration=your_log4j.xml
> What are the usual rule for the libraries? Is it OK to create log4j.xml in
> default location? If not how should it be done?
> [1]
> [2]
> Cheers,
> Ivan.
> On 25 November 2011 16:43, Dennis Crenshaw  wrote:
>> So I'm trying to create a drop-in implementation of a SOAP webservice
>> with Clojure. Naturally I look into libraries that accomplish the different
>> bits. I need something to do SQL work with a relational db 
>> (Korma,
>> check!) and I need to present a SOAP interface 
>> (clj-soap,
>> check!)
>> Unfortunately I'm having tooling issues putting the two together.
>> The first problem, I'm pretty sure, was simply a Clojure version
>> mismatch: I and Korma were using Clojure 1.3 and alj-soap was using 1.2--
>> so I checked out the clj-soap source and updated the libraries (Clojure to
>> 1.3, the Axis2 libraries to their latest) and ran the tests to make sure
>> all was still working-- it was. So I pushed the 'new' clj-soap to clojars
>> as [org.clojars.crenshawda/clj-soap "0.1.2"] and tried again.
>> Much to my chagrin I started getting seemingly endless byzantine DEBUG
>> log traces spewed out into the repl when I try to start the soap server.
>> If I comment Korma out of the project.clj, lein deps, and lein repl the
>> same thing works like a charm. I also checked out each of Korma's
>> dependencies individually and ran the same serve function and it worked
>> (the log4j dep made it complin, but it still served just fine.)
>> I'm not exactly sure WHAT is causing the collision between Korma and
>> clj-soap, but it's damaging my calm at this point. :) I have a gut feeling
>> that it's somehow logging related, but I don't know why it would cause
>> clj-soap to flip out so badly.
>> To recreate my scenario, start a new project and add these dependencies
>> to the project.clj:
>> [org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"] ;; if is isn't already there by default, I
>> want to use 1.3
>> [korma "0.3.0-apha4"]
>> [org.clojars.crenshawda/clj-soap "0.1.2"] ;; use [clj-soap "0.1.1"] if
>> you want to see what I was talking about with the 1.2/1.3 mismatch
>> Since Axis2 (what clj-soap is build upon) requires compiled classes to
>> serve soap, you'll probably have to define a service in a clj file so 'lein
>> repl' will pre-compile it for convenience sake.
>> You can use this:
>> (soap/defservice service.Hello
>> (hello ^String [^String s]
>> (str "Hello Yourself")))
>> So when you start your repl you should have classes/services/Hello.class
>> in your classes/ directory. After you have to invoke clj-soap's serve
>> function:
>> (serve "service.Hello")
>> ... nd you should have a lovely logging wreck in your repl. I'd be
>> happier if I could at least figure out WHY it happens when I put Korma in
>> my dependencies. Sorry for the wall of text, but I figure too much info is
>> usually better than not enough. :)
>> --
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Re: casting spels in clojure problem

2011-12-11 Thread Stuart Campbell

You'll need to include the source of the spel-print function, i.e. the
(defn spel-print ...) part of the code.

The error means that you're calling spel-print with either too many or too
few arguments. But we can't tell unless you provide the code for that
function :)


On 12 December 2011 17:51, jayvandal  wrote:

> I am trying castin spels in clojure and I get this error. What does it
> mean??
> user=> (spel-print describe-paths 'living-room game-map)
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of args (3) passed
> to: user$spel-print (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> ==
> code is
>   snoring loudly on the couch -)
>  (west door garden)
>  (upstairs stairway attic))
>   'garden '((you are in a beautiful garden -
>  there is a well in front of you -)
> (east door living-room))
>   'attic '((you are in the attic of the
> wizards house - there is a giant
> welding torch in the corner -)
>(downstairs stairway living-room
> ;; Object locations in a hash map
> (def object-locations (hash-map
>   'whiskey-bottle 'living-room
>   'bucket 'living-room
>   'chain 'garden
>   'frog 'garden))
> (def location 'living-room)
> (defn describe-location [location game-map]
>  (first (location game-map)))
> ;; in clojure backquote mode, the ~ escapes the mode instead of the
> comma
> (defn describe-path [path]
>  `(there is a ~(second path) going ~(first path) from here -))
> (defn describe-paths [location game-map]
>  (apply concat (map describe-path (rest (get game-map location)
> (defn is-at? [obj loc obj-loc] (= (obj obj-loc) loc))
> --
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Re: How to get the vector?

2011-12-20 Thread Stuart Campbell
Those return values are native Java arrays.

user> (def x (int-array '(1 2 3)))
user> x

You can convert them to Clojure vectors using (vec):

user> (vec x)
[1 2 3]


On 21 December 2011 11:59, Antonio Recio  wrote:

> When I try to get the position of two variables I get a bizzare code, but
> not the vector. How I can get the vector in the form of position iren [0 0
> 0]?
> user=> (.GetEventPosition iren)
> #
> user=> (.GetPickPosition picker)
> #
> --
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Re: Calling all Melbourne, Australia, Clojure users

2012-02-07 Thread Stuart Campbell
Hi James,

I'm currently only using Clojure for side projects, but I'm very keen to
catch up!


On 7 February 2012 22:23, James Sofra  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been discussing recently possibly starting a Melbourne Clojure
> meetup.
> We have a possible location scouted out already but I really don't have a
> good idea of who may be using Clojure in Melbourne.
> I met a couple of people at the Conj last year so I am in contact with
> them and there is this list of people at
> If I can find enough interested people I will go ahead and organise
> something more official but for the moment I am just trying to scout out to
> see if there is any interest.
> So please drop a note here, or you email me directly, to let me know if
> you are in Melbourne and interesting in catching up to chat about and hack
> Clojure.
> BTW, anyone had any experience with, is it worth paying the
> dues to use?
> Cheers,
> James Sofra
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Re: sql utilities

2010-10-14 Thread Stuart Campbell
Thanks Kyle. Looks useful!

On 15 October 2010 09:25, Saul Hazledine  wrote:

> On Oct 14, 9:16 pm, "Kyle R. Burton"  wrote:
> > I've written some sql helper functions that will do things like list
> > the objects in the database and describe a table.  I've found these
> > handy when doing interactive development as I don't have to jump over
> > to another app to see what the make up of tables are.  I've also used
> > it in some scenarios when generating code from the database schema.
> >
> Very cool. If you have no joy getting it into contrib you can have
> write access to clj-sql if you want it:
> Otherwise, as Shanatu says, a github project of your own would be
> welcome and is sure to be used by others.
> Saul
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Re: SQLAlchemy in Clojure?

2010-10-19 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 19 October 2010 02:18, Sean Devlin  wrote:

> Okay, I just finished a Python app for work.  Using SQLAlchemy was a
> joy.  Has anyone ported this yet?

I've never used SQLAlchemy. How does it compare with e.g. Django's ORM?


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Re: Let usage question

2010-10-19 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 20 October 2010 14:19, Dave Ray  wrote:

> Hey,
> I'm parsing a file with a chain of filter and map operations. To make
> it a little more readable (to me), I put the steps in a let like this:
> (defn parse-dictionary
>  [reader]
>  (let [lines(read-lines reader)
>trimmed  (map #(.trim %1) lines)
>filtered (filter is-dictionary-entry? trimmed)]
> (map parse-entry filtered)))
> Is this style of let considered good/bad stylistically? Are there
> technical tradeoffs between this and a bunch of nested forms?
> Thanks!
> Dave

Not sure about the technical implications, but I can offer another

(defn parse-dictionary
  (->> (read-lines reader)
   (map #(.trim %1))
   (filter is-dictionary-entry?)
   (map parse-entry)))

I think this reads about as well as the (let ...) version. It's easy enough
to trace the 'flow' of execution through the various forms.


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Re: challenge with vectors

2010-10-26 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 27 October 2010 12:54, Glen Rubin  wrote:

> I have a sequence like this:
> [ [a b] [a b] [a b] [a b] ]
> where a and b are numbers.  I would like to return the vector and its
> index for which b is the least in this collection.
> For example, if my data is as follows
> [ [22 5] [56 8] [99 3] [43 76] ]
> I would like to return 3rd vector in the collection where b is lowest
> [99 3], but I also would like to know that it is the 3rd vector, so
> maybe something like:
> [99 3 3]
> any suggestions???
> thx a mil!!

Hi Glen,

Here's a solution:

user> (->> [[22 5] [56 8] [99 3] [43 76]]
   (map-indexed #(conj %2 (inc %1)))
   (sort-by second)
[99 3 3]


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Re: Fastest way to generate comma-separated list

2010-10-27 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 28 October 2010 13:22, andrei  wrote:

> I was seeking `interpose` function, thanks. But it still doesn't work
> for strings - they are not wrapped by "\"\. E.g.
> (apply str (interpose ", " (list 1 2 3 4 5)))  ==> "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"
> and
> (apply str (interpose ", " (list "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"))) ==> "1, 2, 3,
> 4, 5"
> The problem is that applying `str` to strings just concatenates them
> and doesn't include inverted commas. It's the same issue that applies
> to `print` and `pr` functions - first just prints, and the second
> prints in the form that can be read by reader. Is there an equivalent
> of `pr` that returns string "as is"?
> Of course, I can make such trick:
> (defn pr-to-str [o]
>  (let [sw (StringWriter.)]
>(binding [*out* sw]
>  (pr o))
>(str sw)))
> But aren't there such built-in function?

Are you looking for pr-str?

user> (pr-str "foo")


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Re: *warn-on-reflection* broken in 1.2?

2010-11-03 Thread Stuart Campbell
I get the expected result in my REPL via SLIME:

user> *clojure-version*
{:major 1, :minor 2, :incremental 0, :qualifier ""}
user> (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
user> (defn foo [s] (.charAt s 1))
Reflection warning, NO_SOURCE_FILE:1 - call to charAt can't be resolved.


On 4 November 2010 15:11, Ken Wesson  wrote:

> The website has this example:
> (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
> -> true
> (defn foo [s] (.charAt s 1))
> -> Reflection warning, line: 2 - call to charAt can't be resolved.
> -> #user/foo
> When I try this in a Clojure 1.2 REPL generated by Enclojure 1.4.0/NB
> 6.9.1 I don't see the reflection warning in any of Repl, *err*, and
> *out*.
> Is this actually broken in Clojure 1.2 or is it Enclojure screwing up?
> --
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Re: macro debugger

2010-11-09 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 10 November 2010 02:50, Moritz Ulrich wrote:

> I don't think there's a full-featured macro debugger for clojure, but
> clojure has two simple functions called "macroexpand" and "macroexpand-1":
> user> (doc macroexpand-1 )
> -
> clojure.core/macroexpand-1
> ([form])
>   If form represents a macro form, returns its expansion,
>   else returns form.

There are some handy SLIME key bindings that can be useful when exploring a
source file:

   - C-c RET -> (macroexpand-1) form at point
   - C-c M-m -> (macroexpand) form at point


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Re: max-key taking a list rather than different number of args

2010-11-14 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 15 November 2010 14:17, Tom Hall  wrote:

> Hi,
> I think a better usage for max-key would be
> (max-key f someseq)
> rather than passing the values as args.
> I used
> (defn max-key-seq [f someseq]
>  (apply max-key (into [f] someseq)))
> to make it do what I wanted
> Is there a better way?

You should be able to use (apply max-key f someseq); apply takes a variable
number of args, and only the last is expanded.


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Re: fastest way to remove nils

2010-11-16 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 17 November 2010 12:37,  wrote:

> user=> (time (filter identity [ nil 1 2 nil 4]))
> "Elapsed time: 0.053219 msecs"
> (1 2 4)
> user=> (time (remove nil? [ nil 1 2 nil 4]))
> "Elapsed time: 0.065092 msecs"
> (1 2 4)
> Choose the flavor your prefer...
> Luc P.

Those aren't exactly equivalent:

user> (filter identity [1 2 false 3 nil 4])
(1 2 3 4)
user> (remove nil? [1 2 false 3 nil 4])
(1 2 false 3 4)


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Re: ANN: ClojureQL 1.0.0 finally released as public beta

2010-11-18 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 19 November 2010 06:10, LauJensen  wrote:

> Hi gents,
> For those of you who have followed the development
> of ClojureQL over the past 2.5 years you'll be excited
> to know that ClojureQL is as of today being released
> as 1.0.0 beta1.
> That means that the significant primitives from Relational
> Algebra are all in place and functional. The documentation
> is there and I've even made a screencast in order to get
> you guys started.
> Personally Im excited about this version because it really
> does change the way you work with a database. Queries
> are incredibly composable!
> For more information, please checkout this blogpost +
> screencast:
> Best regards,
> Lau

Looks great! Can't wait to try it out!


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Re: every-nth

2010-11-24 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 25 November 2010 16:56, Ken Wesson  wrote:

> Eh. This is weird. It seems that (partition n coll) drops the last
> part of coll if it's not a multiple of n in size; e.g. (partition 3 [1
> 2 3 4 5]) yields ((1 2 3)) and not ((1 2 3) (4 5)). (partition n n []
> coll) does do that though.

See also partition-all:

 user=> (partition-all 3 [1 2 3 4 5])
((1 2 3) (4 5))


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Re: Ring startup processing?

2010-11-28 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 28 November 2010 16:51,  wrote:

> We use a dedicated servlet for every web app to make sure all prerequisites
> are met. Since it's loaded first, we can find problems by looking at a
> single
> piece of the log files just after the container messages announcing that
> it's loading the app.

There's also ServletContextListener (,
which is configured in web.xml too.


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Re: Ring startup processing?

2010-11-28 Thread Stuart Campbell
Ah, OK. We just use Tomcat 6 for everything here :)

On 29 November 2010 12:16,  wrote:

> Yep but some app servers have bugs with this interface (GlassFish 2,
> jetty 6.1, tomcat 5.5, ...) and the interface is not called appropriately.
> There are less problems reported with the load-on-startup flag.
> Of course if you know your app server's behavior regarding this feature,
> it might not be a problem.
> I got caught once so I prefer a safer mechanism, we are not always using
> the same app server here. Might work in dev and not in prod... oups...
> Luc P.
> Stuart Campbell  wrote ..
> > On 28 November 2010 16:51,  wrote:
> >
> > > We use a dedicated servlet for every web app to make sure all
> prerequisites
> > > are met. Since it's loaded first, we can find problems by looking at a
> > > single
> > > piece of the log files just after the container messages announcing
> that
> > > it's loading the app.
> > >
> >
> > There's also ServletContextListener (
> >
> ),
> > which is configured in web.xml too.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Stuart
> >
> > --
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> >
> Luc P.
> The rabid Muppet
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Re: Clojure Quizzes?

2011-01-12 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 12 January 2011 14:07, Robert McIntyre  wrote:

> You can use the latest version of clojure if you include it as a
> dependency in your submission, so even though they say they only
> support clojure1.0 they really support all of them.

Are other 3rd-party libs allowed, too?


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Re: Clojure Quizzes?

2011-01-16 Thread Stuart Campbell
On 17 January 2011 13:48, John Svazic  wrote:

> Benny already answered, but here's the common block that I'm using for
> my Clojure submissions:
> (import '( BufferedReader FileReader))
> (defn process-file [file-name]
>  (let [rdr (BufferedReader. (FileReader. file-name))]
>(line-seq rdr)))
> (defn my-func [col]
>  ; Do something interesting
> )
> (println (my-func (process-file (first *command-line-args*
> Basically I read the lines of the file into a sequence, then process
> that sequence in my function.  Since I'm only dealing with the first
> parameter passed to my script, a (first *command-line-args*) call is
> equivalent to args[0] in other languages like Java.

If you include, you could use read-lines:

(defn read-lines
  "Like clojure.core/line-seq but opens f with reader.  Automatically
  (let [read-line (fn this [^BufferedReader rdr]
 (if-let [line (.readLine rdr)]
   (cons line (this rdr))
   (.close rdr]
(read-line (reader f


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Re: Grabbing Rotten Tomatoes movie ratings in clojure

2011-01-16 Thread Stuart Campbell

Have you used Enlive[1]? It's a nice tool for HTML scraping and templating -
it might be more robust than your regexp-based solution. It takes a bit of
learning, though.



On 16 January 2011 05:57, justinhj  wrote:

> Sharing my first useful Clojure program. Feedback welcome.
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