Re: Refs scalability

2009-12-11 Thread Dragan Djuric
Then, let's say there is a million refs, each transaction involves
only a couple of refs, and there is a number of concurrent
transactions typical for a web application that runs on one server
(let's say 10-100).
Of course that the real answer is in measuring it, but I wanted to
know, before I build it, whether such design is feasible from the
standpoint of the refs design.

On Dec 11, 1:19 am, Phil Hagelberg  wrote:
> DraganDjuric  writes:
> > Is it a good idea, from the performance standpoint, to use many refs
> > in the program? By many, I mean thousands or even millions?
> The question isn't how many refs you should instantiate, it's how many
> refs you should read or write to at once in a transaction as well as how
> many transactions you expect to run at once. The place you'll run into
> perf issues is with transaction retries. The best (only?) way to know is
> to measure, I think.
> -Phil

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Re: Slides that accompany the Rich's QCon talk

2009-12-11 Thread Dragan Djuric
Thanks :)

On Dec 11, 6:17 am, Krukow  wrote:
> On Dec 11, 12:21 am, Dragan Djuric  wrote:
> > HI,
> > I have just watched Rich's QCon talk and in some parts he is referring
> > to the slides that are not displayed in the video. Of, course, the
> > talk is perfectly fine without that, but I need to understand some
> > specific tricky details, and I believe that the referred slides would
> > help. Are they available?
> QCon and JAOO conferences make the slides available online
> /Karl

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Re: Renaming 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT is causing problems with projects on Clojars

2009-12-11 Thread bOR_
Not sure what was causing it, but leiningen / clojars couldn't get its
deps yesterday. I thought it was caused by clojure and clojure-contrib
no longer being on, but maybe the renaming on has something to do with it.

On Dec 11, 6:18 am, Phil Hagelberg  wrote:
> liebke  writes:
> > I like the new naming scheme, but would it be possible to add 1.1.0-
> > alpha-SNAPSHOT back to the repository (in addition to the new names),
> > so that builds dependent on projects in Clojars will be able to
> > download their dependencies correctly again, at least until everybody
> > gets a chance to upload new poms to Clojars?
> The jars with the old version number haven't disappeared, have they?
> Projects relying on -alpha should still work, they will just not get the
> latest and greatest version of Clojure.
> Please speak up if you've noticed otherwise, but that's my understanding.
> -Phil

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Re: Code arrangement for understandability

2009-12-11 Thread ngocdaothanh
> Do you come from a Python background?

For the sake of this discussion, I would say I come from Erlang.

> Judging by you examples, I looks like you're still getting used to the lisp 
> style of coding.  Everything is a chained function call.

You're correct. Comming from Erlang:
* I tend to see things as if they are in a chain, concatted by commas.
* I feel that I have to write lots of nested "let"s for temporary
immutables. I think to avoid adding "let"s, Clojurians would just
don't use temporary immutables. This makes Clojure code hard to
understand, because temporary immutables with good names help explain
the code. The tricks to avoid adding "let"s in previous posts are very
ugly in my opinion. Is this style of "let" common and a good practice
to follow? (I just want to know, sorry if my expression is offensive)

> What do you mean by abstractness?

By "abstractness level" in the previous post, I mean level of code
block. For example I would say B1 and B4 are of the same level.

| B2
| B3

Because of indents, my previous Clojure code lied to my eyes that x,
y, f, g are not at the same block level. This is my difficulty with
Clojure. In short, I can't see a rough algorithm from any Clojure code
any more just by seeing the shape (levels) of blocks. To understand a
Clojure code, I have to look at every bit of code, look closer.

> In Clojure we still need to look farther up the screen...

Things in Erlang are immutable, so I think Clojure has no advantage
over Erlang here.

> Practice using comp & partial...

What do you mean by "comp & partial"? Could you please explain?

> (let [x 1
>   y (+ x 2)]
>   (f x)
>   (g y))

Well, I know my example code can be rewritten like that, but I just
could not give a better one.

Rearranging like this reminds me of C, in which every variables must
be listed beforehand. Since all Clojurians say "lazy" is good, I would
say I prefer C++ because I can be lazy in it, I only have to declare a
variable when I actually use it.

I'm lost in Clojure, please light me a way.

Lots of thanks.

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Re: how 'bout a debug-repl?

2009-12-11 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 10 Dec 2009, at 21:34, George Jahad wrote:

> are you using slime?  Currently, you need to use a non-slime repl, (I
> think because of how slime handles io redirection)

I don't use slime, but I had a similar issue with Counterclockwise/ 
Eclipse, which doesn't  quite understand that end-of-stream (Ctrl-D)  
is meant to terminate not the stream, but just the portion of the  
stream going to the debug repl.

Here is a modified version that permits quitting the debug REPL by  
typing "()" (empty list):

It works fine with Counterclockwise, so perhaps it's also a solution  
for Slime users.


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Re: how 'bout a debug-repl?

2009-12-11 Thread Laurent PETIT
Great ! thanks Konrad !

Another, presumably more "general" solution, but implying modifications (by
adding another optional attribute) to clojure.main/repl, would be to give to
the REPL a particular instance whose meaning could be interpreted by the
reader as "end the current reader".

This instance could be returned by a utility function provided by debug-repl
as a global function.

This could be of general utility, not just for debugging purposes.

But then, we could even go one level deeper: not only provide a particular
instance that would allow to quit the REPL, but a set of instances. And if
the returned value of the call to the REPL returns one of the instances in
the set, then quit.
This would allow to nest debug-repls (but is it interesting ?) calls, and to
go back to the encapsulating repl by e.g. a call to debug-repl/quit(1), or
to go up 2 levels in the debug-repls nesting by calling debug-repl/quit(2),
... or to go back to the main environment by e.g. a call to

2009/12/11 Konrad Hinsen 

> On 10 Dec 2009, at 21:34, George Jahad wrote:
> > are you using slime?  Currently, you need to use a non-slime repl, (I
> > think because of how slime handles io redirection)
> I don't use slime, but I had a similar issue with Counterclockwise/
> Eclipse, which doesn't  quite understand that end-of-stream (Ctrl-D)
> is meant to terminate not the stream, but just the portion of the
> stream going to the debug repl.
> Here is a modified version that permits quitting the debug REPL by
> typing "()" (empty list):
> It works fine with Counterclockwise, so perhaps it's also a solution
> for Slime users.
> Konrad.
> --
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Re: Code arrangement for understandability

2009-12-11 Thread Jarkko Oranen

On Dec 11, 11:14 am, ngocdaothanh  wrote:

> Because of indents, my previous Clojure code lied to my eyes that x,
> y, f, g are not at the same block level. This is my difficulty with
> Clojure. In short, I can't see a rough algorithm from any Clojure code
> any more just by seeing the shape (levels) of blocks. To understand a
> Clojure code, I have to look at every bit of code, look closer.

You should come up with a real code example instead of a bunch of (f
x) (y z) expressions... The example you show is not very idiomatic
clojure simply because it has side-effects. (Of course you need side-
effects, but they should be isolated).

If the code structure gets too complicated, simplify it by writing
functions or macros to better express your intent.

> > In Clojure we still need to look farther up the screen...
> Things in Erlang are immutable, so I think Clojure has no advantage
> over Erlang here.
> > Practice using comp & partial...
> What do you mean by "comp & partial"? Could you please explain?

comp is function composition, and partial is partial application. eg:

((comp negate inc) 6) -> -7

((partial + 1) 5) -> 6

using these to create new functions is called point-free style
I'm not so much a fan, and I don't think point-free style is
particularly idiomatic in Clojure (unlike in Haskell for example), but
it's sometimes less noisy than #() or fn expressions, so it's good to

They're usually best used with filter and map.

> > (let [x 1
> >       y (+ x 2)]
> >   (f x)
> >   (g y))
> Well, I know my example code can be rewritten like that, but I just
> could not give a better one.

I don't think there's any use for comp or partial in this case. it's
too simple.

> Rearranging like this reminds me of C, in which every variables must
> be listed beforehand. Since all Clojurians say "lazy" is good, I would
> say I prefer C++ because I can be lazy in it, I only have to declare a
> variable when I actually use it.

Your code examples are a bit pathological. Usually (hopefully), you
would have Clojure code that looks like this:

(if-let [source (get-stuff-from-database)]
  (reduce +
(map somefn
  (filter somepred (extract-data source
  0) ; no data

Which is more functional in style. One thing you can do is to learn to
read these from right to left, which takes a bit of practice, but pays
off in the end, in my opinion. The ->> and -> macros are sometimes
useful for transforming the right-to-left -readable forms into forms
that look more like pipelines:

(->> (extract-data source)
(filter somepred)
(map somefn)
(reduce +))

There's no need for temporary names here. If a step needs explanation,
just add comments.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Code arrangement for understandability

2009-12-11 Thread Jarkko Oranen

> ((comp negate inc) 6) -> -7

Hm, I was sure negate existed... But seems like it doesn't.

Oh well. (comp - inc) works. :)

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Latest news on ClojureQL

2009-12-11 Thread LauJensen
Hi all,

ClojureQL is now moved to Gradle and Jars are pushed to Clojars as
version 0.9.7

Blogpost on status:


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Re: dumb noob ceremony question

2009-12-11 Thread rebcabin
thanks much!

On Dec 10, 7:28 pm, Richard Newman  wrote:
> > (clojure.set/union #{1} #{2})
> > what'd I do wrong, please & thanks?
> Nothing wrong!
> Try this:
> (use 'clojure.set)

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Re: Possible BUG: NPE

2009-12-11 Thread Rich Hickey
On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Feng  wrote:
> On Dec 7, 9:39 pm, David Nolen  wrote:
>> Is the offending line.
> It's really hard to reason about it in clojure source code. I see, in
> jswat debbuger, the root cause of NPE appears around byte code
> (putfield ...) for a mutual recursive letfn form.
> Here is a simple way to reproduce it. I did it this time with latest
> master branch. Can anybody else reproduce it on different OS/JVM
> version?
> (ns test.letfn)
> (defn debug [n]
>  (letfn [(even [n]
>                (if (== n 0)
>                  true
>                  (odd (- n 1
>          (odd [n]
>               (if (== n 0)
>                 false
>                 (even (- n 1]
>    (odd n)))
> Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 
> Clojure 1.1.0-master-SNAPSHOT
> user=> (require 'test.letfn)
> nil
> user=> (test.letfn/debug 5)
> java.lang.NullPointerException (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Fixed (new branch commit 42e45b9988bfa17584f2)

Thanks for the report and the isolating case.


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Re: Latest news on ClojureQL

2009-12-11 Thread rb
On Dec 11, 11:58 am, LauJensen  wrote:
> Hi all,
> ClojureQL is now moved to Gradle and Jars are pushed to Clojars as
> version 0.9.7
> Blogpost on 
> status:

Very interesting.
I wondered some days ago what is the best way to interact with a
database from clojure and it's great to see this project progress!

I'm wondering: how would you compare the use of ClojureQL and clj-
record(which sadly doesn't show much activity currently)? Isn't CQL
going back to the SQL level or database queries, whereas clj-record is
at a higher level? Would it be easy to code this higher level layer on
top of cql? Or is that less important in Clojure than it is in OO

And a suggestion: having migrations in CQL would be great!


> Thanks,
> Lau

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Re: Datatypes and protocols - update

2009-12-11 Thread Chris Kent
Rich Hickey> writes:

> An updated version of the code for datatypes[1] and protocols[2] is
> now available in the 'new' branch[3].

I've converted some code that used gen-class to use deftype and defprotocol and
the results are great so far.  The code is shorter, easier to write and the
intent is much clearer.  I'm a big fan.

I've come across one problem though.  I've created a type with deftype that
calls a function in one of its methods:

(ns ns1.deftypetest)

(defn bar [] "bar")
(defprotocol P (foo [p]))
(deftype T [] P (foo [] (bar)))

When I compile the namespace, create an instance of the type from Java and
invoke the foo method I get:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Var ns1.deftypetest/bar is unbound.

I guess the namespace isn't getting loaded.  Should this work?  I've created a
class in the same namespace using gen-class and that has no problem invoking the
function when it's instantiated from Java.


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Re: Renaming 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT is causing problems with projects on Clojars

2009-12-11 Thread liebke
Here's the error I'm getting when I do 'lein deps' on this example
(, which used to

 [null] An error has occurred while processing the Maven artifact
 [null]  Diagnosis:
 [null] Unable to resolve artifact: Missing:
 [null] --
 [null] 1) org.clojure:clojure-lang:jar:1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT

I used to get the same error on this example (
2009/11/20/leiningen-clojars/ ) until I uploaded a new version of
Incanter to Clojars dependent on clojure-master instead of clojure-
new. The first example also depends on Compojure, which hasn't been
updated, which is why I can't fix the problem on my side.

Unfortunately, the second example fails at compile because of the new
issue with Leiningen on Mac OS X. When I run 'lein compile' I'm
getting this error:

 [null] java.lang.Error: Cannot load

The build works fine on Linux.


On Dec 11, 12:18 am, Phil Hagelberg  wrote:
> liebke  writes:
> > I like the new naming scheme, but would it be possible to add 1.1.0-
> > alpha-SNAPSHOT back to the repository (in addition to the new names),
> > so that builds dependent on projects in Clojars will be able to
> > download their dependencies correctly again, at least until everybody
> > gets a chance to upload new poms to Clojars?
> The jars with the old version number haven't disappeared, have they?
> Projects relying on -alpha should still work, they will just not get the
> latest and greatest version of Clojure.
> Please speak up if you've noticed otherwise, but that's my understanding.
> -Phil

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Re: Latest news on ClojureQL

2009-12-11 Thread LauJensen
> I'm wondering: how would you compare the use of ClojureQL and clj-
> record(which sadly doesn't show much activity currently)? Isn't CQL
> going back to the SQL level or database queries, whereas clj-record is
> at a higher level? Would it be easy to code this higher level layer on
> top of cql? Or is that less important in Clojure than it is in OO
> languages?

I'm not familiar with the Ruby version, so going from the description
the wiki its a persistence library which only does some SQL
if you write conversion fn yourself. Emphasis is on the persistence

On the other hand ClojureQL is strictly an SQL-Statement-Compiler,
comes with its own SQL syntax, ie (query table1 [row1 row2] (> row1
for instance. Once you've learned this syntax, which should come
for Clojurians, ClojureQL will make sure that it translates into sane
SQL statements
for a multitude of backends, meaning you don't ever have to worry
about SQL again.

I think your explanation of high-/low-level is correct and I think it
would be
easy(er) to built something like that on top of ClojureQL, but I
haven't looked into it.

> And a suggestion: having migrations in CQL would be great!

Could you elaborate a little?


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Deploying Leiningen project as WAR file?

2009-12-11 Thread Graham Fawcett
Hi folks,

Does anyone have advice (recipe, blog article, etc.) for building a
servlet WAR based on a Leiningen project?

Is there interest in developing a 'lein war' plugin? I'm a novice at
Ant, WAR, etc., but It seems to me that most of the mechanics are
already present in 'lein uberjar' -- it's just a matter of getting the
WAR-specific details ironed out.


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Re: Deploying Leiningen project as WAR file?

2009-12-11 Thread Sean Devlin
While we're at it, how 'bout an EAR file?


On Dec 11, 11:36 am, Graham Fawcett  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Does anyone have advice (recipe, blog article, etc.) for building a
> servlet WAR based on a Leiningen project?
> Is there interest in developing a 'lein war' plugin? I'm a novice at
> Ant, WAR, etc., but It seems to me that most of the mechanics are
> already present in 'lein uberjar' -- it's just a matter of getting the
> WAR-specific details ironed out.
> Best,
> Graham

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Re: how 'bout a debug-repl?

2009-12-11 Thread Stephen C. Gilardi

On Dec 11, 2009, at 5:08 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:

> But then, we could even go one level deeper: not only provide a particular 
> instance that would allow to quit the REPL, but a set of instances. And if 
> the returned value of the call to the REPL returns one of the instances in 
> the set, then quit.
> This would allow to nest debug-repls (but is it interesting ?) calls, and to 
> go back to the encapsulating repl by e.g. a call to debug-repl/quit(1), or to 
> go up 2 levels in the debug-repls nesting by calling debug-repl/quit(2), ... 
> or to go back to the main environment by e.g. a call to debug-repl/quit().

One possible implementation of this is to use keywords as commands to the 
debug-repl. Since evaluating a keyword (alone on a line by itself) is seldom 
interesting, we could use ones like :quit or :pop as commands intercepted by 
the debug repl before evaluation. We could even respond to a set of commands 
and send any unrecognized commands along to the evaluator.

If hijacking namespace-less keywords for that purpose is distasteful, we could 
also put the commands in a namespace, for example:



Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

more dumb noob pain ("2dplot.clj")

2009-12-11 Thread rebcabin
I've been having pretty good luck writing my own programs and running
lots of samples from the contribute-files section of this google
group, but hit a roadblock this morning:

trying to run "2dplot," I installed java3d and it passes the tests on

but when I try to run  2dplot.clj, I get a
user=> (load-file "2dplot.clj")

which is on the import of java3d; here's line 23, unchanged:

(import '( BranchGroup LineArray GeometryArray Shape3D
Transform3D TransformGroup BoundingSphere Background)
'(javax.vecmath Point3f Vector3f Point3d Color3f)
'(com.sun.j3d.utils.universe SimpleUniverse)
'(com.sun.j3d.utils.applet MainFrame)
'(com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.keyboard KeyNavigatorBehavior)
'(com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry Text2D)
'(java.applet Applet)
'(java.awt BorderLayout Font))

Any hints for me? I'm sure it's because I really don't know at all how
to find out where java things are installed and how to refer to them
if they're installed in weird places yadda yadda.

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Re: Code arrangement for understandability

2009-12-11 Thread Richard Newman
> This makes Clojure code hard to understand

I'd phrase this "This makes it hard for me to understand Clojure  
code". Lots of us do just fine most of the time.

Try spending some time reading point-free Haskell: there are *no*  
local names. You can do that in Clojure, too.

> Is this style of "let" common and a good practice
> to follow? (I just want to know, sorry if my expression is offensive)

Generally, if a local is used only once, I don't bother naming it.  
That means I don't have too many lets, and usually not nested ones.

>> (let [x 1
>>  y (+ x 2)]
>>  (f x)
>>  (g y))
> Well, I know my example code can be rewritten like that, but I just
> could not give a better one.

The point was that when you're programming without side-effects, *all*  
your code can be written in this way, because there is no ordering  
dependency between `f` and `g`.

You know your code is spreading its use of side-effects too thinly  
when your code starts looking procedural. Ordering dependencies are a  
code smell.

> Rearranging like this reminds me of C, in which every variables must
> be listed beforehand. Since all Clojurians say "lazy" is good, I would
> say I prefer C++ because I can be lazy in it, I only have to declare a
> variable when I actually use it.

Even lazier is not using a variable at all.

(Note, though, that "laziness" in Clojure means delaying evaluation,  
not being lazy as a programmer.)

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Re: Deploying Leiningen project as WAR file?

2009-12-11 Thread Graham Fawcett
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Sean Devlin  wrote:
> While we're at it, how 'bout an EAR file?

Never encountered one of those before -- maybe that is a good thing! :)

After a little study, I was able to write a simple servlet, compile it
with Leiningen, and make a WAR using Maven. This might be no big news
to the Java literati in the audience, but it's all new to me. :)

I thought I'd share my notes here, in case anyone else is trying to do
the same thing. There is a copy of my work here:

The basic recipe I followed is there, and for lazier readers it also
appears below.

Many thanks to yogthos' clojure-maven-examples, which answered many
questions (though it uses clojure-maven-plugin, and does not use


* Start a new project with Leiningen (I'm using Leiningen 1.0.1):

  $ lein new simplest

* Add your servlet. I put mine in 'src/simplest/servlet.clj':

  (ns simplest.servlet
  (:gen-class :extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet))

  (defn -doGet [this req resp]

* Add your dependencies to the project file. I added
  [javax.servlet/servlet-api "2.5"].

* Set the :compile-path, so that the classfiles end up where Maven
  will expect to see them:

  (defproject simplest "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
 :compile-path "target/classes"

* Compile it with Leiningen, to make sure there aren't any errors:

  $ lein compile
  [copy] Copying 3 files to /tmp/simplest/lib
  Compiling simplest
  Compiling simplest.servlet

* Add the web.xml file and whatever static resources you want under
  'src/main'. I added:


  My web.xml is basic:";
 Simplest Clojure Servlet

* Make your POM file for Maven:

  $ lein pom
  Wrote pom.xml

* Generate the WAR file:

  $ lein compile; mvn war:war
  $ ls target/*.war

* QED!

* If you want, you can add a 'Jetty plugin' to your pom.xml. This
  will enable Maven to run your servlet(s) for you in a standalone Web
  server, for testing:

  Edit pom.xml: see

  $ lein compile; mvn jetty:run
  # visit your servlet at http://localhost:8080/

Lacking proper Leiningen/Maven integration, it's a good idea to always
call 'lein compile' before you run a Maven command.


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Re: how 'bout a debug-repl?

2009-12-11 Thread Sean Devlin
Wouldn't ::quit do the same thing?

On Dec 11, 11:57 am, "Stephen C. Gilardi"  wrote:
> On Dec 11, 2009, at 5:08 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> > But then, we could even go one level deeper: not only provide a particular 
> > instance that would allow to quit the REPL, but a set of instances. And if 
> > the returned value of the call to the REPL returns one of the instances in 
> > the set, then quit.
> > This would allow to nest debug-repls (but is it interesting ?) calls, and 
> > to go back to the encapsulating repl by e.g. a call to debug-repl/quit(1), 
> > or to go up 2 levels in the debug-repls nesting by calling 
> > debug-repl/quit(2), ... or to go back to the main environment by e.g. a 
> > call to debug-repl/quit().
> One possible implementation of this is to use keywords as commands to the 
> debug-repl. Since evaluating a keyword (alone on a line by itself) is seldom 
> interesting, we could use ones like :quit or :pop as commands intercepted by 
> the debug repl before evaluation. We could even respond to a set of commands 
> and send any unrecognized commands along to the evaluator.
> If hijacking namespace-less keywords for that purpose is distasteful, we 
> could also put the commands in a namespace, for example:
>         :dr/quit
> --Steve
>  smime.p7s
> 3KViewDownload

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Re: Code arrangement for understandability

2009-12-11 Thread ataggart
On Dec 11, 1:14 am, ngocdaothanh  wrote:
> > Do you come from a Python background?
> For the sake of this discussion, I would say I come from Erlang.
> > Judging by you examples, I looks like you're still getting used to the lisp 
> > style of coding.  Everything is a chained function call.
> You're correct. Comming from Erlang:
> * I tend to see things as if they are in a chain, concatted by commas.
> * I feel that I have to write lots of nested "let"s for temporary
> immutables. I think to avoid adding "let"s, Clojurians would just
> don't use temporary immutables. This makes Clojure code hard to
> understand, because temporary immutables with good names help explain
> the code. The tricks to avoid adding "let"s in previous posts are very
> ugly in my opinion. Is this style of "let" common and a good practice
> to follow? (I just want to know, sorry if my expression is offensive)
> > What do you mean by abstractness?
> By "abstractness level" in the previous post, I mean level of code
> block. For example I would say B1 and B4 are of the same level.
> B1
> | B2
> | B3
> B4
> Because of indents, my previous Clojure code lied to my eyes that x,
> y, f, g are not at the same block level. This is my difficulty with
> Clojure. In short, I can't see a rough algorithm from any Clojure code
> any more just by seeing the shape (levels) of blocks. To understand a
> Clojure code, I have to look at every bit of code, look closer.
> > In Clojure we still need to look farther up the screen...
> Things in Erlang are immutable, so I think Clojure has no advantage
> over Erlang here.
> > Practice using comp & partial...
> What do you mean by "comp & partial"? Could you please explain?
> > (let [x 1
> >       y (+ x 2)]
> >   (f x)
> >   (g y))
> Well, I know my example code can be rewritten like that, but I just
> could not give a better one.
> Rearranging like this reminds me of C, in which every variables must
> be listed beforehand. Since all Clojurians say "lazy" is good, I would
> say I prefer C++ because I can be lazy in it, I only have to declare a
> variable when I actually use it.
> I'm lost in Clojure, please light me a way.
> Lots of thanks.

It would be much easier if you pasted some real code.  So far it just
looks like complaining that you find it awkward to write clojure in an
imperative style.

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Re: how 'bout a debug-repl?

2009-12-11 Thread Laurent PETIT
namespacing symbols seems sufficient, indeed.

2009/12/11 Stephen C. Gilardi 

> On Dec 11, 2009, at 5:08 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> But then, we could even go one level deeper: not only provide a particular
> instance that would allow to quit the REPL, but a set of instances. And if
> the returned value of the call to the REPL returns one of the instances in
> the set, then quit.
> This would allow to nest debug-repls (but is it interesting ?) calls, and
> to go back to the encapsulating repl by e.g. a call to debug-repl/quit(1),
> or to go up 2 levels in the debug-repls nesting by calling
> debug-repl/quit(2), ... or to go back to the main environment by e.g. a call
> to debug-repl/quit().
> One possible implementation of this is to use keywords as commands to the
> debug-repl. Since evaluating a keyword (alone on a line by itself) is seldom
> interesting, we could use ones like :quit or :pop as commands intercepted by
> the debug repl before evaluation. We could even respond to a set of commands
> and send any unrecognized commands along to the evaluator.
> If hijacking namespace-less keywords for that purpose is distasteful, we
> could also put the commands in a namespace, for example:
> :dr/quit
> --Steve

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Re: how 'bout a debug-repl?

2009-12-11 Thread Laurent PETIT

2009/12/11 Laurent PETIT 

> namespacing symbols seems sufficient, indeed.
> 2009/12/11 Stephen C. Gilardi 
>> On Dec 11, 2009, at 5:08 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:
>> But then, we could even go one level deeper: not only provide a particular
>> instance that would allow to quit the REPL, but a set of instances. And if
>> the returned value of the call to the REPL returns one of the instances in
>> the set, then quit.
>> This would allow to nest debug-repls (but is it interesting ?) calls, and
>> to go back to the encapsulating repl by e.g. a call to debug-repl/quit(1),
>> or to go up 2 levels in the debug-repls nesting by calling
>> debug-repl/quit(2), ... or to go back to the main environment by e.g. a call
>> to debug-repl/quit().
>> One possible implementation of this is to use keywords as commands to the
>> debug-repl. Since evaluating a keyword (alone on a line by itself) is seldom
>> interesting, we could use ones like :quit or :pop as commands intercepted by
>> the debug repl before evaluation. We could even respond to a set of commands
>> and send any unrecognized commands along to the evaluator.
>> If hijacking namespace-less keywords for that purpose is distasteful, we
>> could also put the commands in a namespace, for example:
>> :dr/quit
>> --Steve

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Re: Latest news on ClojureQL

2009-12-11 Thread rb
> > And a suggestion: having migrations in CQL would be great!
> Could you elaborate a little?

Migrations are a way to manage the evolution of a schema of a
database. I'm familiar with migration in Ruby on Rails which are
explained here:

All changes to the data schema are made with migrations that, when
applied (in the right order), build your database. You can also
possibly go back and undo the change if the operation was not
destructive (migrations have an up- and downgrade operation). The list
of migrations applied are kept in a table of the database, so when an
upgrade is done, the migration system knows which migrations have to
be run in the upgrade step. When a migration is run, its id is added
to the list of migrations that have been applied to the database. And
when a migration is unapplied (downgrade operation), its id is removed
from the list. That way, you can go up and down in the version of your
schema. Of course you most often only play with the last migrations
during the development phase. And when you deploy to production, you
may be sure the same changes will be applied as what you did.

And migration can also manipulate the data in addition to change the
data structure. For example, it can create and populate a table with
initial data. In an extreme case, if you want to split a table in
multiple tables, you could do that in a migration which would
- create the new tables
- populate them with data from the initial table
- drop columns that are now superfluous in the initial table
These operation can be non-destructive, and so the migration can be

It's really been a time saver and I think it's a really good fit with


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Re: how 'bout a debug-repl?

2009-12-11 Thread Dan Larkin
On Dec 11, 2009, at 3:04 PM, Sean Devlin wrote:

> Wouldn't ::quit do the same thing?

It wouldn't, because the repl is evaluating in the context of wherever you put 
the (debug-repl) call, so its namespace won't be "dr".

What about instead of using keywords for commands, we use functions for 


>> One possible implementation of this is to use keywords as commands to the 
>> debug-repl. Since evaluating a keyword (alone on a line by itself) is seldom 
>> interesting, we could use ones like :quit or :pop as commands intercepted by 
>> the debug repl before evaluation. We could even respond to a set of commands 
>> and send any unrecognized commands along to the evaluator.
>> If hijacking namespace-less keywords for that purpose is distasteful, we 
>> could also put the commands in a namespace, for example:
>> :dr/quit

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Re: more dumb noob pain ("2dplot.clj")

2009-12-11 Thread Erik Price
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 12:15 PM, rebcabin  wrote:

> Any hints for me? I'm sure it's because I really don't know at all how
> to find out where java things are installed and how to refer to them
> if they're installed in weird places yadda yadda.

Are the Java 3D jar files in your CLASSPATH?


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Re: Idiomatic way to return the key of a map, which matches a vector containing a search value.

2009-12-11 Thread mudphone
Thanks for the suggestions.

I think since the original version short circuits when it finds a
result (using "some"), that's probably what I have to stick with.

One thing I didn't mention in the original problem statement is that
my "players" map can be large.

Again, thanks for the ideas.


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AbstractMethodError question

2009-12-11 Thread Keith Irwin

I've got a class I can't change which has an abstract method I'd like
to override using the proxy macro in Clojure.

The class looks something like:

public abstract class Foo {

   private Map stuff;

   private void initStuff() {

       stuff = new HashMap();
       stuff.put("a", new Object());

   protected void abstract addStuff(Map stuff);

Normally, you extend the above and implement the addStuff method.
Works in Groovy as long as I explicitly state the void return type and
the type of the parameters.

In Clojure, I construct:

   (proxy [Foo] []
      (addStuff [stuff] (println "yay!")))

But get an AbstractMethodError when I attempt to use the Foo class
(calling a method which eventually calls addStuff).

The docs suggest I can override a protected method class, but can't
call other protected methods, which I think is fine, here.

Is there something I'm missing?


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Re: AbstractMethodError question

2009-12-11 Thread Keith Irwin
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Keith Irwin  wrote:

> public abstract class Foo {
>    private Map stuff;
>    private void initStuff() {
>        stuff = new HashMap();
>        stuff.put("a", new Object());
>        addStuff(stuff);
>    }
>    protected void abstract addStuff(Map stuff);
>  }

> In Clojure, I construct:
>    (proxy [Foo] []
>       (addStuff [stuff] (println "yay!")))

I should amend this to say that I get an AbstractMethodError when the
(proxy ...) is evaluted. I'm running the code as a script.


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Re: AbstractMethodError question

2009-12-11 Thread ataggart

On Dec 11, 12:27 pm, Keith Irwin  wrote:
> Folks--
> I've got a class I can't change which has an abstract method I'd like
> to override using the proxy macro in Clojure.
> The class looks something like:
> public abstract class Foo {
>    private Map stuff;
>    private void initStuff() {
>        stuff = new HashMap();
>        stuff.put("a", new Object());
>        addStuff(stuff);
>    }
>    protected void abstract addStuff(Map stuff);
>  }
> Normally, you extend the above and implement the addStuff method.
> Works in Groovy as long as I explicitly state the void return type and
> the type of the parameters.
> In Clojure, I construct:
>    (proxy [Foo] []
>       (addStuff [stuff] (println "yay!")))
> But get an AbstractMethodError when I attempt to use the Foo class
> (calling a method which eventually calls addStuff).
> The docs suggest I can override a protected method class, but can't
> call other protected methods, which I think is fine, here.
> Is there something I'm missing?
> Keith

Given what you have written, the proxy function will return an
instance that extends Foo, implementing the addStuff method; it
doesn't modify the Foo class, nor provide you with a derived class.
If you want to create a derived class that's accessible from java,
you'll need to use something related to gen-class.

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Re: AbstractMethodError question

2009-12-11 Thread ataggart

On Dec 11, 12:44 pm, Keith Irwin  wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Keith Irwin  wrote:
> > public abstract class Foo {
> >    private Map stuff;
> >    private void initStuff() {
> >        stuff = new HashMap();
> >        stuff.put("a", new Object());
> >        addStuff(stuff);
> >    }
> >    protected void abstract addStuff(Map stuff);
> >  }
> > In Clojure, I construct:
> >    (proxy [Foo] []
> >       (addStuff [stuff] (println "yay!")))
> I should amend this to say that I get an AbstractMethodError when the
> (proxy ...) is evaluted. I'm running the code as a script.
> Keith

Hmm, this works fine for me:

user=> (def mymap (proxy [java.util.AbstractMap] [] (entrySet []
(println "yay!"
user=> (.entrySet mymap)

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Re: Idiomatic way to return the key of a map, which matches a vector containing a search value.

2009-12-11 Thread ataggart

On Dec 11, 10:44 am, mudphone  wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestions.
> I think since the original version short circuits when it finds a
> result (using "some"), that's probably what I have to stick with.

Sean's solution does as well.

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Re: Datatypes and protocols - update

2009-12-11 Thread Jason Wolfe
I've been trying out the new branch, and on the whole I like it a lot.
 I know it'll take some time to learn how do things properly the "new"
way, and I've figured out how to do most of the things I want to do
thus far.  Thanks, Rich!

One thing I haven't figured out how to do cleanly without inheritance
is to specify "properties" of objects in a hierarchical domain in a
clean, efficient way.  I'm sure I haven't fully wrapped my head around
the new abstractions, so I'd love to hear about a clean way to solve
this problem.

A very simple example is: I have a protocol "A", and sub-protocols
"A1" and "A2".  Every A is either an A1 or A2, but not both (and this
split is closed, as far as I'm concerned).  Sometimes I want to deal
with instances of A1 and A2 together, and so I put the methods shared
between all "As" in protocol "A".  But, at some point I need to
separate out the "A1"s from the "A2"s.  To do this, it seems like I
have at least three options:

1.  Add an "is-A1" method to Protocol A.  The problem with this option
is that every type that derives from A1 needs to manually write out
this method returning "true", and vice-versa for implementers of A2.
Users could eliminate this by "extending" their types with a mixin map
to A, rather than implementing it directly in the deftype.  But, this
sacrifices readability (IMO) as well as efficiency.

2.  use (satisfies? A1 x) to determine if x satisfies A1.  The main
problem with this, at least currently, is that satisfies? seems to be
really slow in the negative case.  I profiled my (non-trivial) program
and half the runtime was going to reflection in satisfies?  Moreover,
this solution is not as general.

3.  Use a multimethod.  This would work generally and be reasonably
efficient, but I feel like I'd be cluttering up my interface by mixing
up protocols and multimethods.  On the other hand, I guess
multimethods are the main (only?) hierarchical construct built into
Clojure, so maybe this is what's intended.

So, which do people feel is preferred?  Or have I missed a better


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Re: AbstractMethodError question

2009-12-11 Thread Keith Irwin

On Dec 11, 3:33 pm, ataggart  wrote:
> On Dec 11, 12:44 pm, Keith Irwin  wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Keith Irwin  wrote:
> > > public abstract class Foo {
> > >    private Map stuff;
> > >    private void initStuff() {
> > >        stuff = new HashMap();
> > >        stuff.put("a", new Object());
> > >        addStuff(stuff);
> > >    }
> > >    protected void abstract addStuff(Map stuff);
> > >  }
> > > In Clojure, I construct:
> > >    (proxy [Foo] []
> > >       (addStuff [stuff] (println "yay!")))
> > I should amend this to say that I get an AbstractMethodError when the
> > (proxy ...) is evaluted. I'm running the code as a script.
> > Keith
> Hmm, this works fine for me:
> user=> (def mymap (proxy [java.util.AbstractMap] [] (entrySet []
> (println "yay!"
> #'user/mymap
> user=> (.entrySet mymap)
> yay!
> nil

The case I have is that a method in the abstract class is calling the
abstract method, and my proxy object doesn't seem to, uh, proxy that
method at all. So, in your example, there's have to be some other
method in AbstractMap that called entrySet. If that worked, then I'd
really be wondering what's going on.

Argh! ;)


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Re: AbstractMethodError question

2009-12-11 Thread Keith Irwin

On Dec 11, 3:31 pm, ataggart  wrote:
> On Dec 11, 12:27 pm, Keith Irwin  wrote:

> > Folks--
> > I've got a class I can't change which has an abstract method I'd like
> > to override using the proxy macro in Clojure.
> > The class looks something like:
> > public abstract class Foo {
> >    private Map stuff;
> >    private void initStuff() {
> >        stuff = new HashMap();
> >        stuff.put("a", new Object());
> >        addStuff(stuff);
> >    }
> >    protected void abstract addStuff(Map stuff);
> >  }
> > Normally, you extend the above and implement the addStuff method.
> > Works in Groovy as long as I explicitly state the void return type and
> > the type of the parameters.
> > In Clojure, I construct:
> >    (proxy [Foo] []
> >       (addStuff [stuff] (println "yay!")))
> > But get an AbstractMethodError when I attempt to use the Foo class
> > (calling a method which eventually calls addStuff).
> > The docs suggest I can override a protected method class, but can't
> > call other protected methods, which I think is fine, here.
> > Is there something I'm missing?
> > Keith

> Given what you have written, the proxy function will return an
> instance that extends Foo, implementing the addStuff method; it
> doesn't modify the Foo class, nor provide you with a derived class.
> If you want to create a derived class that's accessible from java,
> you'll need to use something related to gen-class.

I was under the impression that :gen-class only works for AOT
compilation, rather than running in a scripting context. Maybe the
solution is to add a little Java to the mix. The unfortunate part of
all this is that I HAVE to use the something like the above class due
to Politics.



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Re: how 'bout a debug-repl?

2009-12-11 Thread Sean Devlin
Hmmm...  functions as commands at a REPL.  Now I feel silly for
considering the keyword approach :)

On Dec 11, 5:26 pm, Dan Larkin  wrote:
> On Dec 11, 2009, at 3:04 PM, Sean Devlin wrote:
> > Wouldn't ::quit do the same thing?
> It wouldn't, because the repl is evaluating in the context of wherever you 
> put the (debug-repl) call, so its namespace won't be "dr".
> What about instead of using keywords for commands, we use functions for 
> commands:
> (debug-repl-quit)
> >> One possible implementation of this is to use keywords as commands to the 
> >> debug-repl. Since evaluating a keyword (alone on a line by itself) is 
> >> seldom interesting, we could use ones like :quit or :pop as commands 
> >> intercepted by the debug repl before evaluation. We could even respond to 
> >> a set of commands and send any unrecognized commands along to the 
> >> evaluator.
> >> If hijacking namespace-less keywords for that purpose is distasteful, we 
> >> could also put the commands in a namespace, for example:
> >>         :dr/quit

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Re: Leiningen in Python

2009-12-11 Thread Mike K

I tried to use this script on Windows and it blew up real good!  I'm a
Clojure, Java, and Leiningen newbie, so perhaps a kind soul can help
me out.

1.  lein self-install "worked".  It downloaded leiningen-1.0.0-
standalone.jar.  However, that contradicts the description at which
indicates that self-install should download several jars, including
clojure itself.  That didn't happen, and it looks like it would never
happen according to the python script.  Also, I'd rather use one and
only one clojure, clojure-contrib, etc. for everything rather than
Leiningen using its own.  Is this possible?

2.  Any other lein command seems to require the clojure jar in the
repository ~/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT/
clojure-1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT.jar.  Since I don't have one there, I
modified CLOJURE_JAR to point to my existing jar.  Everything still
fails with this sort of error:

lein help
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Files
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Files
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
Could not find the main class: Files.  Program will exit.
Exception in thread "main"

I suspect the suspicious "Files" class name is coming from the fact
that I now have CLOJURE_JAR set as follows:

CLOJURE_JAR = expanduser("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Clojure Box\\clojure

Looks like I'm getting bit by spaces in the path name.  This would not
be an issue if lein had downloaded its own clojure jar during step 1
(no spaces in that path).

3. My clojure jar is clojure-1.0.0.jar from clojure org.  The script
uses clojure-1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT.jar, but a comment from the link
implies that this has been supplanted by 1.1.0-master.jar.  In any
event, I don't know where either of these two things are.  I tried
going to, but all the build artifiacts there are
named clojure.jar.

4.  BTW, what's the deal with this ".m2" directory (i.e., where does
the name come from)?

Thanks for any help you can provide!


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Re: Code arrangement for understandability

2009-12-11 Thread ngocdaothanh
Below is a snippet from Rich's presentation at QCon 2009 (http://

(reduce (fn [model f] (assoc model f (inc (get model f 1
{} features))

Do Clojurians usually arrange like that? Can it be rearrange for more


On Dec 12, 5:16 am, ataggart  wrote:
> On Dec 11, 1:14 am, ngocdaothanh  wrote:
> > > Do you come from a Python background?
> > For the sake of this discussion, I would say I come from Erlang.
> > > Judging by you examples, I looks like you're still getting used to the 
> > > lisp style of coding.  Everything is a chained function call.
> > You're correct. Comming from Erlang:
> > * I tend to see things as if they are in a chain, concatted by commas.
> > * I feel that I have to write lots of nested "let"s for temporary
> > immutables. I think to avoid adding "let"s, Clojurians would just
> > don't use temporary immutables. This makes Clojure code hard to
> > understand, because temporary immutables with good names help explain
> > the code. The tricks to avoid adding "let"s in previous posts are very
> > ugly in my opinion. Is this style of "let" common and a good practice
> > to follow? (I just want to know, sorry if my expression is offensive)
> > > What do you mean by abstractness?
> > By "abstractness level" in the previous post, I mean level of code
> > block. For example I would say B1 and B4 are of the same level.
> > B1
> > | B2
> > | B3
> > B4
> > Because of indents, my previous Clojure code lied to my eyes that x,
> > y, f, g are not at the same block level. This is my difficulty with
> > Clojure. In short, I can't see a rough algorithm from any Clojure code
> > any more just by seeing the shape (levels) of blocks. To understand a
> > Clojure code, I have to look at every bit of code, look closer.
> > > In Clojure we still need to look farther up the screen...
> > Things in Erlang are immutable, so I think Clojure has no advantage
> > over Erlang here.
> > > Practice using comp & partial...
> > What do you mean by "comp & partial"? Could you please explain?
> > > (let [x 1
> > >       y (+ x 2)]
> > >   (f x)
> > >   (g y))
> > Well, I know my example code can be rewritten like that, but I just
> > could not give a better one.
> > Rearranging like this reminds me of C, in which every variables must
> > be listed beforehand. Since all Clojurians say "lazy" is good, I would
> > say I prefer C++ because I can be lazy in it, I only have to declare a
> > variable when I actually use it.
> > I'm lost in Clojure, please light me a way.
> > Lots of thanks.
> It would be much easier if you pasted some real code.  So far it just
> looks like complaining that you find it awkward to write clojure in an
> imperative style.

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Re: Code arrangement for understandability

2009-12-11 Thread Richard Newman
> (reduce (fn [model f] (assoc model f (inc (get model f 1
>{} features))
> Do Clojurians usually arrange like that? Can it be rearrange for more
> understandability?

I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think it's common to jam  
*everything* on one line. I imagine Rich was laying out for space on  

For maximum readability I would arrange that thusly:

   (fn [model f]
 (assoc model
f (inc (get model f 1

or, less verbosely

   (fn [model f]
 (assoc model f (inc (get model f 1
   {} features))

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Re: Code arrangement for understandability

2009-12-11 Thread ataggart

On Dec 11, 10:33 pm, Richard Newman  wrote:
> > (reduce (fn [model f] (assoc model f (inc (get model f 1
> >        {} features))
> > Do Clojurians usually arrange like that? Can it be rearrange for more
> > understandability?
> I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think it's common to jam  
> *everything* on one line. I imagine Rich was laying out for space on  
> slides.
> For maximum readability I would arrange that thusly:
> (reduce
>    (fn [model f]
>      (assoc model
>             f (inc (get model f 1
>    {}
>    features))
> or, less verbosely
> (reduce
>    (fn [model f]
>      (assoc model f (inc (get model f 1
>    {} features))

Or one could be ridiculously verbose:

(reduce #(let [[model feature] %&
   val   (get model feature 1)
   val   (inc val)]
  (assoc model feature val))

Its worth noting that the only reason for these extra steps is that,
unlike get, update-in doesn't take a not-found arg (much to my
chagrin).  If it had a signature as has recently been discussed
99cc4a6bfe665a6e), then the code could simplified down to:

(reduce #(update-in %1 [%2] 2 inc) {} features)

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Re: Datatypes and protocols - update

2009-12-11 Thread ataggart

On Dec 11, 4:14 pm, Jason Wolfe  wrote:
> I've been trying out the new branch, and on the whole I like it a lot.
>  I know it'll take some time to learn how do things properly the "new"
> way, and I've figured out how to do most of the things I want to do
> thus far.  Thanks, Rich!
> One thing I haven't figured out how to do cleanly without inheritance
> is to specify "properties" of objects in a hierarchical domain in a
> clean, efficient way.  I'm sure I haven't fully wrapped my head around
> the new abstractions, so I'd love to hear about a clean way to solve
> this problem.
> A very simple example is: I have a protocol "A", and sub-protocols
> "A1" and "A2".  Every A is either an A1 or A2, but not both (and this
> split is closed, as far as I'm concerned).  Sometimes I want to deal
> with instances of A1 and A2 together, and so I put the methods shared
> between all "As" in protocol "A".  But, at some point I need to
> separate out the "A1"s from the "A2"s.  To do this, it seems like I
> have at least three options:
> 1.  Add an "is-A1" method to Protocol A.  The problem with this option
> is that every type that derives from A1 needs to manually write out
> this method returning "true", and vice-versa for implementers of A2.
> Users could eliminate this by "extending" their types with a mixin map
> to A, rather than implementing it directly in the deftype.  But, this
> sacrifices readability (IMO) as well as efficiency.
> 2.  use (satisfies? A1 x) to determine if x satisfies A1.  The main
> problem with this, at least currently, is that satisfies? seems to be
> really slow in the negative case.  I profiled my (non-trivial) program
> and half the runtime was going to reflection in satisfies?  Moreover,
> this solution is not as general.
> 3.  Use a multimethod.  This would work generally and be reasonably
> efficient, but I feel like I'd be cluttering up my interface by mixing
> up protocols and multimethods.  On the other hand, I guess
> multimethods are the main (only?) hierarchical construct built into
> Clojure, so maybe this is what's intended.
> So, which do people feel is preferred?  Or have I missed a better
> option?
> Thanks!
> Jason

If I understand Rich's reasoning, what you want runs antithetical to
the protocols design, namely it being explicitly non-hierarchical.

As such, you'd instead have 3 composable protocols, A, B, and C (where
B and C would correspond to the functions of A1 and A2, respectively):

(defprotocol A (a [x]))
(defprotocol B (b [x]))
(defprotocol C (c [x]))

And then the type would reify the appropriate protocols:

(deftype A1 [] A B
  (a [] (println "in A1.a"))
  (b [] (println "in A1.b")))

(deftype A2 [] A C
  (a [] (println "in A2.a"))
  (c [] (println "in A2.c")))

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Re: Datatypes and protocols - update

2009-12-11 Thread ataggart

On Dec 11, 11:44 pm, ataggart  wrote:
> On Dec 11, 4:14 pm, Jason Wolfe  wrote:
> > I've been trying out the new branch, and on the whole I like it a lot.
> >  I know it'll take some time to learn how do things properly the "new"
> > way, and I've figured out how to do most of the things I want to do
> > thus far.  Thanks, Rich!
> > One thing I haven't figured out how to do cleanly without inheritance
> > is to specify "properties" of objects in a hierarchical domain in a
> > clean, efficient way.  I'm sure I haven't fully wrapped my head around
> > the new abstractions, so I'd love to hear about a clean way to solve
> > this problem.
> > A very simple example is: I have a protocol "A", and sub-protocols
> > "A1" and "A2".  Every A is either an A1 or A2, but not both (and this
> > split is closed, as far as I'm concerned).  Sometimes I want to deal
> > with instances of A1 and A2 together, and so I put the methods shared
> > between all "As" in protocol "A".  But, at some point I need to
> > separate out the "A1"s from the "A2"s.  To do this, it seems like I
> > have at least three options:
> > 1.  Add an "is-A1" method to Protocol A.  The problem with this option
> > is that every type that derives from A1 needs to manually write out
> > this method returning "true", and vice-versa for implementers of A2.
> > Users could eliminate this by "extending" their types with a mixin map
> > to A, rather than implementing it directly in the deftype.  But, this
> > sacrifices readability (IMO) as well as efficiency.
> > 2.  use (satisfies? A1 x) to determine if x satisfies A1.  The main
> > problem with this, at least currently, is that satisfies? seems to be
> > really slow in the negative case.  I profiled my (non-trivial) program
> > and half the runtime was going to reflection in satisfies?  Moreover,
> > this solution is not as general.
> > 3.  Use a multimethod.  This would work generally and be reasonably
> > efficient, but I feel like I'd be cluttering up my interface by mixing
> > up protocols and multimethods.  On the other hand, I guess
> > multimethods are the main (only?) hierarchical construct built into
> > Clojure, so maybe this is what's intended.
> > So, which do people feel is preferred?  Or have I missed a better
> > option?
> > Thanks!
> > Jason
> If I understand Rich's reasoning, what you want runs antithetical to
> the protocols design, namely it being explicitly non-hierarchical.
> As such, you'd instead have 3 composable protocols, A, B, and C (where
> B and C would correspond to the functions of A1 and A2, respectively):
> (defprotocol A (a [x]))
> (defprotocol B (b [x]))
> (defprotocol C (c [x]))
> And then the type would reify the appropriate protocols:
> (deftype A1 [] A B
>   (a [] (println "in A1.a"))
>   (b [] (println "in A1.b")))
> (deftype A2 [] A C
>   (a [] (println "in A2.a"))
>   (c [] (println "in A2.c")))

I should also note that isa? can be used for differentiation:

user=> (def my-a (A1))
user=> (isa? (type my-a) ::A1)
user=> (isa? (type my-a) ::A2)

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