The 898S won't transmit at all or only on certain channels from a memory
slot ? There is a way to specify no transmit on a specific channel, which
is what I did for the preprogrammed WX stations. When viewing the list of
memories/channels look at the Duplex column. For Simplex it should say
'(None)', for no transmit it will say 'off'
On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 11:58 AM Kurt wrote:
> Thanks,
> I don't have a problem with it reading the 898S, it's just that it doesn't
> seem to write to the radio consistently. The Leixen software seems to work
> nominally.
> There might be an issue in that I took a csv file from another rig and
> transferred stations to the 898. I had some success but now the rig won't
> transmit.
> Gotta see what software switch I have to change. The native software
> seems to have more options so will work with it for awhile even though I
> like Chirp
> a whole lot better. Kurt KC9LDH
> On Monday, February 10, 2020, 01:07:45 PM CST, <
>> wrote:
> For those having issues with chirp and all of a sudden it won’t read the
> radio I found that anti-virus and anti-malware programs sometimes will
> quarantine the driver software especially if it is of Chinese origin. I
> usually turn my malware and antivirus off when installing but in some cases
> had to exclude certain folders and programs in order for it to work.
> *From:* <
>> *On Behalf Of *Kurt
> *Sent:* Monday, February 10, 2020 12:34 PM
> *To:* Discussion of CHIRP
> *Subject:* [chirp_users] Leixen 898S
> Hi,
> I have Chirp 20200207 on a Windows platform installed fine and it
> communicates fine with the
> USB cable to my Leixen 898s. Now I understand how the clone function
> works as I've used it
> with other radios. I understand the radio is supposed to take any changes
> "live" and I'm not
> supposed to have to use "upload to radio".
> What I've noticed is the changes don't get written to the radio. Has the
> protocol changed as
> I see the "upload to radio" in the pulldown is not grayed out?
> Kurt KC9LDH
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