Re: [chirp_users] Settings

2019-11-16 Thread Jim Allyn

On 11/16/19 10:30 PM, Lee M wrote:
I ment disable them both 

 Open the radio up and unsolder or clip them.  My brother has a 
Wouxun he wanted to disable the "flashlight" on so it doesn't get turned 
on in his backpack, and we couldn't find any way to do it.
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Re: [chirp_users] CHIRP and OS X Catalina

2019-11-24 Thread Jim Allyn

On 11/24/19 7:15 PM, Jean-Paul Louis via chirp_users wrote:

Hello CHIRP developers,

Is there any hope for us OS X users to have CHIRP working natively.

 I don't run MacOS, but I believe what I have heard is that the 
reason it doesn't run on Mac is that MacOS only comes with Python3.x now 
(no idea why), and chirp is written in Python2.x. In Linux you can have 
more than one version of Python installed. I use Linux Mint, which comes 
with both Python 2.x and 3.x.  I have one program that requires 
Python3.7, and I have that installed, too.  I start that program from 
the command line with "python3.7 ", only because I haven't 
yet bothered to add that to the menu or add an icon on the desktop.  I 
can't imagine that the same thing can't be done on Mac, and a quick web 
search turned up this:
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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp under Linux

2019-12-07 Thread Jim Allyn
Cables using the Prolific chipset have always been a problem.  I always 
buy a cable with the FTDI chipset.  I did recently program a radio with 
a Prolific chipset cable, so maybe those drivers have been added to the 
kernel now, too.  There have been fake Prolific chipsets out in the wild 
that are unreliable, so there's that problem, too.  As far as I know 
FTDI always works.

Thank you for reading this.

I bought a Baofeng UV-82HP about four months ago and I cannot get Chirp
to read from the radio, or in fact to do anything with the radio.

I'm running Chirp under Kubuntu and have tried every Chip daily version
over the past four months. This is the error message that I receive when
I attempt to read from the radio:

"Radio did not respond"

These are the entered parameters:


I have read and write access to the serial port which is the same port
that I use for several application including programming an Arduino
board. I have tried several different Baofeng models, just in case, with
the same result.

I've trimmed the plastic from the plug so that it slips into the radio's
sockets more easily. I've attempted to read from the radio in both
channel and frequency modes. Finally, I've searched the Internet for
even the slightest clue but to no avail.

I do not know anyone who owns a Baofeng radio or who uses Chirp. So this
mailing list is my last hope.

Any clues at all will greatly appreciated.

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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp under Linux

2019-12-08 Thread Jim Allyn

On 12/8/19 6:46 AM, Dennis Wage wrote:

As far as I know, and please someone back me up on this.
*VOLUME level on ANY radio does nothing during data transfers.*

 When I first heard that several years ago, I decided it was pure 
nonsense.  I pay no attention to where the volume control is set when 
transferring to and from my radios, but it's a pretty safe bet that it's 
NOT at full volume.
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Re: [chirp_users] Patch for Bug #6381

2019-12-09 Thread Jim Allyn
There is a command line program that works with many DMR radios, dmrconfig.  It 
will download from the radio to a text file you can edit with any text editor. 
Once you have the changes made in the text editor then you can transfer it back 
to the radio.   I have used it with Baofeng and Radioditty radios and it works 
well. I haven't tried it with my Anytone radio yet. Oh, and the problem with 
Baofeng DMR radios is ancient history.

>Now if we can just get these pesky DMR manufacturers to do the CPS in
>python so we do not need that
>trojan called Windows...
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp under Linux

2019-12-25 Thread Jim Allyn
For me, and for everybody I know, in Linux it "just simply works."  When for 
everybody else, it works, perhaps rather than blaming the program or the  OS, 
maybe you should start thinking, "What am **_I_** doing wrong?"

On December 23, 2019 6:59:27 AM PST, Dennis Wage  wrote:
>I once saw posted in a group or Facebook page, this quote. "In linux it
>just simply works."
>I cannot disagree more.
>Dennis M. Wage (W9BOQ)

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: [chirp_users] Error-radio did not respond

2020-02-01 Thread Jim Allyn

On 2/1/20 2:15 PM, Mark Ross wrote:
Well dumb me. The cable was not all the way into the radio like 
everyone said. I had to get mad enough to push with both thumbs!

 I had to get my Xacto knife out and trim one of mine down a little 
to get it to go in far enough to work.
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Re: [chirp_users] Tytera TH-9800 picture

2019-01-14 Thread Jim Allyn
On 1/14/19 7:45 PM, Dennis Wage wrote:
> I often wondered if I was going to lose hearing or sight and could
> choose, which would I prefer.

Helen Keller, who was both deaf and blind, offered her two cents worth
on this many years ago:

“Blindness cuts you off from things; deafness cuts you off from people.”
- Helen Keller

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