[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-03-01 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #563
[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] programmable keys names for the 
FT-65 [#4787]
the namelist for the FT-65 programmable keys differes for the one for the FT-4

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] compander, 6.25 suppress, freq 
range fix [#4787]
a few fixups that dont fall into other categories.
the US fersons (FT-4XR and FT65R) don't allow the
6.25 KHz frequency step. The FT-65 has a feature the
FT-4 lacks (compander). The code had a leftover
"valid_frequencies statement.

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] improve serial i/o [#4787]
improved version ID checking code (more general, and
uses a radio type-specific id). Also, a bug that
prevented upload on the py3 branch is fixed

[Dan Smith ] Add ft4 to cpep8 manifest

Related to #4787

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] whitespace cleanup [#4787]
first of several patches. the next patches fix tone support,
improve FT-65 support, fix a py3 upload failure, and improve
version matching.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-03-02 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #564
[Dan Smith ] Fix exposing proper tuning steps for UV3R

Fixes #6519

[Jim Unroe ] [UV-5X3] Add additional supported STEPS

Add 20.0 KHz and 50.0 KHz steps that are also supported by the BTech UV-5X3.

This patch and the previous patch also fixes the "STEP" issue for other
Baofeng and BTech radio models whose drivers use baofeng_common.py (such
as the Baofeng UV-6R, Baofeng WP970i variants such as the GT-3WP, BTech
GMRS-V1 and BTech MURS-V1).

related to #6501

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-03-03 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #565
[Tom Hayward ] [leixen] Fix valid_tuning_steps list. #6523

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] make the tone code less ugly 
Tone encode and decode both now derive from A single shared mapping table.

This also patch includes whitespace changes, but only to pass cpep8. Another
patch follows to fix other whitespace and minor cleanups.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-03-04 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #566
[Jim Unroe ] [KYD NC630A] fix valid_tuning_steps list. 

[Jim Unroe ] [Retevis RT26] fix valid_tuning_steps list. 

[Jim Unroe ] [Retevis RT23] fix valid_tuning_steps list. 

[Jim Unroe ] [Retevis RT22] fix valid_tuning_steps list. 

[Jim Unroe ] [Retevis RT21] fix valid_tuning_steps list. 

[Jim Unroe ] [Retevis RT1] fix valid_tuning_steps list. 

[Jim Unroe ] [BTech GMRS-V1] Add additional firmware 
fingerprint. #5625

[Jim Unroe ] [BF-T1] fix valid_tuning_steps list. #6513

[Jim Unroe ] [TDQ8A] fix valid_tuning_steps list. #6547

[Jim Unroe ] [UV-B5] fix valid_tuning_steps list. #6543

[Jim Unroe ] [BTech UV-50X3] fix valid_tuning_steps list. 

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-03-07 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #567
[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] fixups in FT65 support [#4787]

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] put UI tones in normal order 

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] whitespace cleanup [#4787]
Comments only.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-03-09 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #568
[Dan Smith ] Move http_user_agent to chirp_common and fix 
a stupid bug

This needs to be somewhere other than __init__.py because we overwrite that as
part of the win32 build, so just put it in chirp_common.

Related to #6563

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] correct frequency scale factor 
for FT-65 [#6577]

[Dan Smith ] Set the urllib user-agent string to 
something chirp-specific

Yes, this is the crazy way you have to do this for the OG urllib, but it
works in our favor here to just make sure everything is using the right thing.
Obviously we need to move this code to requests at some point, but since
repeaterbook just broke us with the cloudflare change, this is a point fix
for a current issue.

Fixes #6563

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-03-11 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #569
[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] add progress bar cleanly [#6573]
add the bar but without the gratuitous change to
run_tests ;-)

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-03-12 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #570
[Dan Smith ] Add Ansoko and Greaval radio aliases

Fixes #6593
Fixes #6595

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-03-14 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #571
[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] fix reversed power levels 

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] store tx freq correctly [#6601]

[Dan Smith ] Add test image supplied by Dan for FT-65


[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] enable FT-65 support [#4787]
This patch requires the .img file (supplied earlier)
Tested by me on a friend's FT-65, and some
testing by others.

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] support "channel" func of 
Programmable keys [#6583]

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] whitespace/comment/prompts 
separate out the purely non-code changes prior to submitting the real patch

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-03-19 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #572
[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] add "+-/" to CHARSET [#6605]
Fixes: #6605

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] unscramble VFO name order 
Order in the lists must be then same as order in the
radio mem.
Fixes: #6611

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-03-21 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #573
[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] restrict vfos to their bands 
Fixes: #6625

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] fix errors in charset [#6605]
Fixes: #6605

[DanClemmensen ] [ft4] retry if errors on serial port 
Fixes: #6623
(NOTE: tested the clone-mode retries. Did not test the
checksum retries, but it cannot be any worse than is was without them. download
and upload still work just fine.)

[Dan Smith ] [run_tests] Add a clarifying comment about 
duplex==off handling in compare_mem

Related to #6615

[DanClemmensen ] [run_tests] allow force to 
receive-only [#6615]
Fixes: #6615

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-04-10 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #574
[Dan Smith ] Fix Puxing 777 tuning steps

Fixes #6675

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-04-11 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #575
[Dan Smith ] Proxy repeaterbook queries through 

This makes us proxy queries for repeaterbook through the chirp website,
which allows us some insulation from things like the recent User-Agent
issue when RB moved to cloudflare. It also allows us to insulate against
strict SSL policies which introduce undue complication for such a simple

Fixes #6679

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-04-12 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #576
[Dan Smith ] One more fix related to repeaterbook query 

Fallout from the previous fix left the URL slightly wrong.

Related to: #6679

[Dan Smith ] Fix tuning_steps declaration for KG-UV8D

Fixes #6691

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-04-24 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #577
[Jim Unroe ] [BJ-218] fix valid tuning steps list. #6735

Fixes the following radio models...
Luiton LT725UV
Baojie BJ-218
Hesenate BJ-218
Zastone BJ-218

[Jim Unroe ] Driver Cleanup: btech.py

1. add btech.py to PEP8 manifest
2. make ptech.py compliant with PEP8

related to #6733

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-04-29 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #578
[Jim Unroe ] [KT-8900D] Support Radios With Missing TMR 

A bug with the TMR feature was discovered during the initial development of
this driver. The 15 choices listed in the TMR menu of the radio did not match
the 15 choices of same setting in the factory programming software. They each
had a choice available that the other did not have. The bug was reported.

Soon after that a pre-production BTech model was received from Baofeng Tech
that corrected the TMR menu to have a complete set of 16 choices. It was
assumed that the other Vendor/Model variants would receive the same update
to the TMR menu. This 16 choice layout is what the initial CHIRP driver for
these radios was then based on.

Apparently the bug was not universally fixed in the TMR menu of non-BTech
variants so some models continue to ship with the M+A+B+D choice missing
from the TMR menu. This patch creates a 15 choice list to be use with color
mobile radios that have the M+A+B+D choice missing (such as the QYT KT-7900D
and KT-8900D).


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-05-11 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #579
[Jim Unroe ] Add BTech GMRS-50X1 Mobile Radio #6781

This patch adds support for the subject mobile radio.

[Pavel Milanes (CO7WT) ] [KG-UV8E/T] Support for the wuoxun 
KG-UV8E radio, fixes #5481

Support for the Wuoxun KG-UV8E radio and maybe KG-UV8T models, working
actively on this last one.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-05-16 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #580
[Pavel Milanes (CO7WT) ] [KG-UV8E] Fix the missing step 
declarations, fixes #6785

STEP var was declared but not used, now it's passed via rf.valid_tuning_steps

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-05-24 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #581
[Ray Cielencki ] [VX-6] Add settings support for Yaesu 
VX-6 #1289

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-06-01 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #582
[Jim Unroe ] [GMRS-50X1] Fix TX Power Level Setting Issue

This patch updates the "memory" structure to support 3 TX power levels.


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-07-03 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #584
[Rick DeWitt ] [IC-2730a] Update to Icom IC-2730A Issue #6711

Adding settings and fixing special channels.Issue #6711

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-07-12 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #585
[Dan Smith ] Add future to tox config

Related to #743

[Dan Smith ] Add Kenwood TK-8180 driver


[Dan Smith ] Make run_tests handle sub_devices in the 
same way the main app does,
which is by using the instances returned directly, instead of expecting
them to be re-initializable by class and filename.

This is needed for the tk8180 driver, which requires more tight coupling
between the parent instance and the instances of the sub_device instances.

Related to #743

[Dan Smith ] Add memmap compatibility with py3 branch

This merely adds an interface for MemoryMapBytes to memmap
so that code that works on both branches can reference the
byte-clean variant here. Otherwise it is basically just an

Related to #743

[Dan Smith ] Add image for TH-UV8000 from Rick for #2837

[Rick DeWitt ] [th-uv8000] New driver for TYT TH-UV8000 
family, fixes issue #2837

Submitting new driver in support of 11 issues 2837 ... 6183

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-07-13 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #586
[Dan Smith ] Additional settings support for TK8180

Also, avoid registering if we are unable to import the future module.
A gross hack for now, which will make this driver unavailable in the
MacOS build currently, but this is the easiest solution to the much
larger problem of not being runnable at all.

Related to #743
Fixes #6095

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-07-18 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #587
[Dan Smith ] Correct Baofeng->Radioddity brand for UV-82X3

Related to #6921

[Rick DeWitt ] [th_uv8000] Fix to tuning steps; issues #6909 
and #6913

Fixes #6909 and #6913 are due to needing rf.has_nostep_tuning enabled

[Dan Smith ] Correct 82X3 to UV-82X3 model name

Related to #6921

[Dan Smith ] Add support for Baofeng 82X3

Fixes #6921

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-08-12 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #588
[Dan Smith ] Add Tenway TW-325 and UV-5R Pro


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-08-17 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #589
[Dan Smith ] Fix whitespace issue

Related to the fix for #6217

[Tony F ] [h777] Enable sidekey for Radioddity GA-2S
Issue #6217 https://chirp.danplanet.com/issues/6217
NOTE: Setting side key to "TX Power" has no affect on radio

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-08-24 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #590
[Tony F ] [h777] Fix some settings not taking effect 
on Baofeng 888 and variants
Fix #6969 https://chirp.danplanet.com/issues/6969
Changes based on serial output of latest "V12" programming software
List of settings that were affected:
- Scan On/Off
- Voice Prompt On/Off
- Language English/Chinese
- Vox On/Off
- Vox Level
- Vox Inhibit on Rx (Untested)
- Alarm On/Off
- Radio On/Off (Untested)
- Low Voltage Inhibit (Untested)
- High Voltage Inhibit (Untested)

To the best of my knowledge, also
Fixes #5027
Fixes #5985
Fixes #6283
Fixes #4959
Fixes #5153
Fixes #5343
Fixes #5797
Fixes #5833
Fixes #5831
Fixes #5857
Fixes #6997

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-08-29 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #591
[Derek Chauran ] Fixing issue where KGUV8D Plus did not 
allow savinng memories with certain valid tuning steps.

Fixes #7021

[Tony F ] [kguv9dplus] Memories tab completely blank
Fixes #6995 https://chirp.danplanet.com/issues/6995
Changes based on values in the uploaded IMG file

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-09-05 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #592
[Rick DeWitt ] [ic2730] Fix for corrupted bank index, fixes 
issue #7031
Apply a low-order mask in _get_bank module. Issue #7031

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-09-25 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #593
[Rick DeWitt ] [icf.py] Add download checksum calculation per 
issue #7075
Added logic in process_data_frame to calculate and compare csum. Issue #7075

Changes for Build #594

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-10-18 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #595
[Dan Smith ] Revert r3233 to address likely regression.

According to bug #7067, we regressed the h777 module for some variants, whilst 
the root issue. This reverts that change to the less-broken original state 
while we
try to figure out something that will work for all models.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-10-22 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #596
[Jim Unroe ] [BF-A58S] Add Support for Baofeng UV-82III

This patch adds support for "waterproof" Baofeng tri-band models.

UV-82III (alias)

related to #7163

[Jim Unroe ] [BF-A58S] Add Support for Baofeng UV-82III

This patch only cleans up driver style issues prior to adding support
for new models. There are no changes in functionality.

Add baofeng_wp970i.py driver to cpep8.manifest
Clean up driver style issues (correct indentation, remove whitespace,
add/remove blank lines, etc)

related to #7163

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-10-29 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #597
[Jaroslav Škarvada ] [icf.py] Add MUNCH_CLONE_RESP flag 
which enables reading clone response

Related to #6721

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-11-09 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #598
[Rick DeWitt ] [kenwood_live] Added TS-480 and TS-590 live 
mode, per issues #7077, #7079

Added Kenwood HF rigs to Kenwood_Live per #7077 and #7079

[Dan Smith ] Fix style issue introduced in fix for #7075

[Ray Cielencki ] Adding a Yaesu FT3DR variant #7059 #7143

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-11-10 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #599
[Jim Unroe ] [UV-82] Fix for incorrect detection of old 
UV-82 series images

Old CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) from Baofeng UV-82 series radio models
that do not have a "metadata blob trailer" are incorrectly dectected
as being from a Radioddity UV-82X3.

This patch separates the UV-82X3 into a separate "basetype" to address
this issue.


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-11-19 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #600
[Rick DeWitt ] [ts590] New Kenwood TS-590 Clone Mode driver. 
Issue #7077

New Clone Mode driver for #7077

[Rick DeWitt ] [ts480] New Clone Mode driver for Kenwood TS480 
models, Issue #7079

New driver fixes issue #7079

[Jim Unroe ] [UV-82HP] Add Detection for New Firmware 

This patch adds detection for newly discovered firmware version variation.


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-11-23 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #601
[Dan Smith ] [tk8180] Remove debug residue that was 
causing a NameError

As reported by Paul on #7339, a leftover debug message was referring to
a data variable (likely copy pasta from download) and causing a NameError.
This log message is unnecessary, so just remove it.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-12-04 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #602
[Jim Unroe ] [UV-82HP] Add Detection for New Firmware 
Variation (part 2)

The previous patch only added detection when loading a saved image.
This patch adds detection when cloning from the radio.


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-12-05 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #603
[Dan Smith ] [ftm350] Fix trailing whitespace style issue

Fallout from #6639

[Dan Smith ] [ts590] De-register the TS590 clone mode 

...which seems to be breaking File->New. This is a band-aid until that
can be investigated and resolved.


[Andrew Jorgensen ] [frs/gmrs] 2017 rule changes 
Fixes #5753

This adds the additional FRS channels (15-22) and expands GMRS channels include
all frequencies add in the 2017 rule changes.

It also adds the GMRS repeater channels with the prescribed +5.0MHz offset
(though you'll have to find the correct tones for your local GMRS repeaters).

After some feedback on the mailing list, I've chosen to number the channels
according to the FRS numbering, rather than try to preserve the obsolete
numbering, and I've chosen to name the GMRS repeater channels with both the
"550" style numbering that's common in repeater naming and the "15R" name that
makes it clear that it's receiving on channel 15.

[Jim Unroe ] Fix Kenwood TK-370 tuning steps

Also TK-260, TK-270, TK-272, TK-278, TK-360, TK-372 and TK-378

fixes #7199

[Jim Unroe ] Fix Puxing PX-888K tuning steps

fixes #6887

[Jim Unroe ] Fix Yaesu FT-4 valid steps

Should also fix FT-25, FT-35 and FT-65.

fixes #6807

[Jim Unroe ] Fix Radioddity R2 tuning steps

fixes #6743

[Jim Unroe ] Fix Yaesu FTM-350 tuning steps

fixes #6639

[Dan Smith ] [d700] Fix valid_tuning_steps on D700, D7x

Fixes #7053

[Dan Smith ] [d700] Add support for AM channels

Fixes #5689

[Dan Smith ] [d700] Add settings parity with TH-D7

This refactors the driver code to allow the D700 radio driver
to leverage the settings support that is in the D7 driver. Only
a few setting support differences between the two radios were
handled. Also setting the packet path and callsign seems to be
only partially working, or the radio has some very old and outdated
restrictions on what can be set.

Closes #7407

[Dan Smith ] Fix up the kenwood detection logic after 
recent driver changes

While working on #7407 it became clear that the recent HF rig support
almost entirely broke talking to the D700 (and probably others). This
makes some changes to the ID routines:

- Prioritizes the baud scan for the regular delimiter ahead of the HF
  one, since the vast majority of users will be using the former. The
  delimiter change substantially increased the ID time for regular
  radios set to a high baud rate.
- Prioritizes fast baud rates over the slow ones in the scan.
- Adds a quick recovery to the case where the radio responds at the
  desired baud rate with "?" meaning "what is all this junk you have
  been sending me", which fixes the case where the ID fails on the
  first attempt and succeeds on the second.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-12-06 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #604
[Josh Small VK2HFF ] Issue #3 - New(!) Model, Yaesu 

[Jim Unroe ] Fix Wouxun KG-UV6D/X tuning steps

This patch adds the missing 2.5 KHz tuning step for the
Wouxun KG-UV6D and KG-UV6X.

fixes #7191

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2019-12-21 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #605
[Dan Smith ] Fix whitespace damage in fix for #7409

[Jim Unroe ] [KT-7900D] Add Additional MCU Version

This patch adds an additional MCU version to support the
QYT KT-7900D dual-band mobile radio.


[Rick DeWitt ] [ts590] Patch to Kenwood TS-590, ref issue 
#7409 regarding File > New error
Adding match_model function to provide valid path for dictionary call

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-01-03 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #606
[Jim Unroe ] Patch for "run_all_test.bat"

This patch fixes the run_all_tests.bat" batch file so that it will
properly access and run the "run_test.py" tests.


[Jim Unroe ] [UV-9R] Add Baofeng UV-9R

This patch adds support for the Baofeng UV-9R which, unlike
other "waterproof" models, supports 7-character channel names.


[Nicklas Lindgren ] [h777] Increase some serial timeouts #7119

This solves the BF-888 refused to enter programming mode problem in
some cases where more time is needed waiting for radio identification

This change also increases the timeout when uploading data blocks,
which is required for some individual radios.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-01-04 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #607
[Bernhard Hailer ] [vx8] #129, #1735 (same issue): fix for 
incorrect channel initializations


Users complained that under certain circumstances 2m repeaters with negative
offsets were not programmed correctly and resulted in a frequency offset or
even an incorrect transmit/receive mode. Both issues #129 and #1735
essentially describe that same problem for the Yaesu VX-8. I ran into the
same issue with a VX-8DR I just got - which made me dig into Chirp

Two bytes were found to be initialized differently when manually programmed,
both were marked "unknown". After a few experiments these bytes could be
(at least partially) identified. (A side product was that I found the bit
responsible for narrowband transmit - that will be used in another patch
fixing issue #1615 to enable this radio for Chirp's "NFM" mode).

Tested with a VX-8DR.

Bernhard AE6YN


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-01-07 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #608
[Bernhard Hailer ] [vx8] #1615 NFM support added

There is a 5+ years old issue which I could reproduce: the Yaesu VX-8
didn't support Chirp NFM (as in "half channel bandwidth", not as in
Yaesu's meaning: Yaesu calls the normal 25 kHz bandwidth "NFM", as
opposed to broadcast "WFM"; to achieve what's called "NFM" in Chirp,
one needs to enable "half deviation" in the VX-8).

This patch introduces Chirp NFM support to the VX-8 driver.
Tested on a VX-8DR.

Bernhard AE6YN


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-02-04 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #609
[Dan Smith ] Add (fix) support for ic2300 power levels

The driver claimed to have them, but ignored them, which was pretty
confusing to the users. This adds proper support.

Closes #6617

[Jaroslav Škarvada ] Show 8.33 tuning step in the UI, 
fixes #7073

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-02-05 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #610
[Dan Smith ] Fix style issue in previous patch for #7615

[Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] driver restructure (#7615)

While implementing two more radios of the Yaesu FT-4 family (the FT-25, see 
#7543, and the FT-4V, see #7387), I found that with some moderate 
reorganization, implementation of new radios will become easier. The proposed 
reorganization implements one more interstitial layer of inheritance to support 
the sub families of FT-4 (containing the FT-4X and FT-4V) and FT-65 (containing 
FT-65 and FT-25). Also, some variable assignments have been moved from the 
individual radio classes to the SCU-35 base class and to the interstitial 
classes named above.

This change also adds the infrastructure for adding European or Asian models, 
and as such prepare for addressing a number of currently open issues (6.25kHz 
tune step issues on EU models, frequency limitations; see #6619, #6651, #6677, 
#6761, #6869). It will also make it easier for a few additional fixes for 
issues which were found during my work on this driver (#7601, #7603, #7605). I 
will submit these fixes in additional patches.

Fixes: #7615

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-02-06 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #611
[Dan Smith ] Add Kenwood TK-2180 and TK-3180 model support

Related to #2835

[Dan Smith ] Remove a errant debug print() in TK-x180 

Found during #2835

[Dan Smith ] Fix an off-by-one error with TK-x180 radios

Settings selections with a default could be off-by-one.

Related to #2835

[Dan Smith ] Add Kenwood TK-7180 model support

This is just a small variation on the TK-8180 driver.

Related to #2835

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-02-07 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #612
[Dan Smith ] Add test images for FT-25R, FT-4VR, FT-4XE, 

Related to #7189, #6619, #7387, #7543

[Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] Add Yaesu FT-25R (and 
infrastructure for Yaesu FT-25E). Fixes: #7543
This patch adds support for the Yaesu FT-25 to Chirp. The European version is 
commented out; we can activate as soon as we obtain an image (it can be 
downloaded using FT-25R as selected radio).

[Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] Add Yaesu FT-4VR (and 
infrastructure for Yaesu FT-4VE). Fixes: #7387
This patch adds support for the Yaesu FT-4V to Chirp. The European version is 
commented out; we can activate as soon as we obtain an image (it can be 
downloaded using FT-25R as selected radio).

[Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] Add Yaesu FT-65E. Fixes: #6619
This patch adds support for the Yaesu FT-65E to Chirp. It offers an additional 
tune step of 6.25 kHz.

[Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] Add Yaesu FT-4XE. Fixes: #7189
This patch adds support for the Yaesu FT-4XE to Chirp. It offers an additional 
tune step of 6.25 kHz.

[Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] Open allowed frequencies to radio 
supported receive ranges. Fixes #6651
The FT-4 driver restricted allowed frequencies to what the radios allowed for 
transmit. This patch opens allowed ranges to what the radios offer for 
receiving. Also mentioned in #6869.

[Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] After CSV import, channels were 
always low power. Fixes #7603
After a CSV file was imported, all imported channels were displayed and 
uploaded with low power. This patch ensures the recommended high power setting 
will now be used.

[Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] Sometimes channel names are not 
displayed correctly. Fixes: #7601
When user programmed radio manually and added a name shorter than 8 characters, 
the remaining characters were filled with garbage on the Chirp UI. This was due 
to padding with 0x7F used by the Yaesu; the solution is to pad with 0x20 (space 
characters) instead.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-02-11 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #613
[Dan Smith ] [tk8180] Fix missing Cross tone support

Fixes #7637

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-02-12 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #614
[Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] Corrective patch for FT-25E
The patch adding FT-25 had an incomplete edit in the commented-out code for the 
E version. This patch rectifies that.


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-02-13 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #615
[Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] Enable Broadband FM setting was 
inverted. Fixes #7639.

[Dan Smith ] [tk8180] Add Tone->Tone Cross mode

Obviously this radio supports this, but it was missed in the patch to fix #7637

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-02-26 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #616
[Dan Smith ] Update template to use process_mmap() for 
_memobj initialization

This is how the load_mmap() pattern expects to initialize from file


[Marco Filippi ] [bj9900] Enable correct tuning steps

Setting tuning steps it's necessary as radio support 12.5 step (among others)
Can't remember why it was commented out


[Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] Automatic duplex value selection 
not working. Fixes #7605

This family of radios (like other brands and models) has a feature which
automatically determines whether an offset is to be applied in positive
or negative direction. When a user programmed the radio manually and didn't
explicitly select positive or negative offset, then the radio saved the fact
that it was automatically pre-selected, and not the actual selection. The
driver was able to read that, but didn't know what to do with it.

Data from an FT-65R (for North America models) and a FT-4XE (for European
models) was obtained, and a table built from it. Code to determine the
correct value for "duplex" (0 for +, or 2 for -, instead of 5 for auto) has
been added. Now, instead of saving "auto", the image will be saved with the
correct selection for duplex (something Yaesu should have done in the first

Mentioned in #6677.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-02-27 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #617
[Jim Unroe ] [RT24] Add support for Retevis RT24

A patch to provided support for the Retevis RT 24 was offered
by Metthias Larisch. This is the same patch with style changes
to pass pep8 tests and submitted by Mercurial.

related to #6193

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-04-09 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #618
[Tony F ] [h777] Fix some settings not taking effect
Fixes #7653
Does not cause regression in #7067

Changes for Build #619
[Dan Smith ] [tk3180] Fix DCS squelch encoding

The value we set in memory was slightly different from how the
OEM software writes it, although the OEM software decodes it properly.
With our encoding the radio would not actually transmit the DCS code,
rendering it ineffective.

Fixes #

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-04-30 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #620
[Dan Smith ] Add Radioddity GA-510 driver

Fixes #7791

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-05-16 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #621
[Jim Unroe ] [PX-777] Update Tuning Steps List for Puxing 

This patch updates rf.valid_tuning_steps for the Puxing PX-777
to include 6.25 KHz and 12.5 KHz.


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-05-21 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #622
[Jaroslav Škarvada ] Add support for IC-E90/IC-T90 Fixes 

[Joe Milbourn ] [AnyTone778] Initial, read and write, 
support for AnyTone 778UV, partially closes #4901

Probably also supports similar looking things, like the retevis RT95.

Supports frequency, offset, name, power, duplex, CTCSS, and DTCS.  Doesn't
support any settings.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-06-03 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #623
[Dan Smith ] Fix style issue in tmd710.py

Related to #7467

[Rick DeWitt ] [tmd710] New Clone-Mode driver for Kenwood 
TM-D710/GA/GE. Issue #7467

Implements true clone mode using PROG MCP binary image.

[Jim Unroe ] [QB25] Add MCU Version for Radioddity QB25

This patch adds an additional MCU version to support the Radioddity QB25
quad-band mobile radio.

fixes #7915

[Joe Milbourn ] [AnyTone778] Adding support for the 
Retevis RT95, the CRT Micron UV, and the Midland DBR2500.

Closes #6787 - Midland DBR2500, #6425 - Retevis RT95, and #7887 - CRT Micron UV.

Creates the AnyTone778UVBase class, and sub-classes it for each new radio.

Radio frequency ranges are hard-coded to 144-148MHz and 430-450MHz at the
moment, though we know the radio can support more if configured correctly.

Radio supports 12.5kHz, 20kHz, and 25kHz channel widths, mapped to NFM, FM, and
FM respectively in chirp on import, and written back as 12.5kHz and 25kHz.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-06-22 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #624
[Dan Smith ] Fix the fix for #7947 when no memory is 
loaded (like for make_supported.py)

[Jim Unroe ] [IC-T8] Add Icom IC-T8A/E Valid Tuning Steps

Fixes #7991

[Jim Unroe ] [RH5R-V2] Add Rugged Radios RH5R-V2 Valid 
Tuning Steps

Also for TYT TH-UVF8F

Fixes #7893

[Jim Unroe ] [TERMN-8R] Add Anytone TERMN-8R Valid Tuning 

Also for Anytone OBLTR-8R

Fixes #6561

[Jim Unroe ] [AT-5888UV] Add Anytone AT-5888UV Valid 
Tuning Steps

Fixes #7835

[Joe Milbourn ] [AnyTone 778] Read valid band limits from 
radio during download, closes #7947

Driver reads band settings at download, and sets RadioFeatures.valid_bands
appropriately; also checks band limits during upload and logs a warning if
they don't match but doesn't stop or modify the upload.

[Joe Milbourn ] [AnyTone778] Index channels from 1, not 
0, in the UI.  Closes #7943

[Jim Unroe ] [QB25] Add MCU Version for Radioddity QB25

This patch adds an additional MCU version to support the Radioddity QB25
quad-band mobile radio.

fixes #7961

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-07-10 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #625
[Dan Smith ] Fix ic910 driver when not initialized with a 
serial connection

During things like the make_supported.py tool, or opening a file,
we initialize the radio drivers without a valid serial connection.
The ic910 driver can't detect the presence of the 23cm unit in these
cases (only the former, since it's a live radio), so just protect
against that here.

Related to the fix for #567

[Dan Smith ] Unregister ftm7250 because it conflicts with 
detection for the ftm3200

Related to #6525

[Dan Smith ] Fix pep8 violation in the fix for #8007

[Jim Unroe ] [UV-5XP] Add support for Baofeng UV-5XP

Add alias to BF-F8HP to include UV-5XP
Add support detection for "HN5RV" firmware to basetype
Updated how driver supports radio models with 3 power levels

fixes #6725

[Iain White ] Add new driver for the Yaesu FTM-7250D radio 
based on the FTM3200 driver  Fixes #6525

[Rudolph Gutzerhagen ] tooltip-editor-tab
completes #8007
o tooltip on editor notebook tab for full-path information.
  - aids in distinguishing entries with same short name.

[Rudolph Gutzerhagen ] tooltip-recent-files  
completes #8007
o tooltip on recent files menu for full-path information.
  - aids in distinguishing entries with same short name.

[Rudolph Gutzerhagen ] LOG-message-translation   
 completes #2347
o LOG messages are marked for language translation. There are only
  a few instances of this remaining in the source code. This marking
  for translation is removed.
o Most of the informational print messages that were converted to
  logging, follow the convention of logging in English, without
  any localization. Some of these print messages were swept up
  in some localization work. This patch brings changes these
  logging messages to using English for logging.

[Kosta A. ] [ic-v86] Adding support for Icom IC-V86. Fixes 

[Martin Cooper ] [icomciv] Add support for the Icom IC-910 
radio Fixes #567

Add the IC-910 as a new live mode radio.

* Includes support for the optional UX-910 23cm unit. The unit adds a
  third bank of memories to those for 2m and 70cm. The driver detects
  the presence or absence of the unit in order to determine which
  banks to present to the user.
* Includes support for special channels. Previous Icom live radios
  have not implemented support for special channels. Infrastructure
  is now included so that they could do so with minimal effort.
* Should also fix #5023. The duplex offset field was being ignored for
  the IC-7100 and was declared incorrectly. Including duplex offset
  support for the IC-910 necessitated fixing this.

Fixes #567 Fixes #5023

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-07-11 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #626
[Dan Smith ] Refine the fix for anytone778uv with no (or 
incorrect) memory loaded

The test framework will load the driver with random garbage if no test
image is present to probe sub-devices. This can cause spurious failures
of the band probing, so make it a little more tolerant.

Related to #7947

[Iain White ] Change FTM7250D driver class FTM7250Radio  
_model = "AH52N" to "AH75M"   Fixes #6525

Changes for Build #627

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-07-18 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #628
[Dan Smith ] [uv5r] Remove experimental designation

This driver is one of the most feature-complete and well-tested
of all in the chirp tree. It's been marked as experimental for years,
and I think it's safe to remove that designation at this point.

Closes #8099

[Dan Smith ] Add TIDRADIO TD-H6 and TD-UV5R

Closes #8097

[Dan Smith ] Add Tenway UV-82 Pro alias

Closes #8095

[Martin Cooper ] Invert default return from 

Fixes #8085

[Iain White ] Change FTM7250D driver 'rf.valid.bands' to 
range of 108MHz to 580 MHz Fixes #8059

[Jim Unroe ] [BF-A58S] baofeng_w970i.py driver update 
support for band limts

This patch updates the current tri-band radio model suppport to fully
implement the available band limit settings.

Related to these and similar Baofeng tri-band models:

related to #8063

[Jim Unroe ] [BF-A58S] baofeng_w970i.py driver cleanup

This patch cleans up the current tri-band radio model suppport in
preperation for fixing the band limit support in the following patch.

Related to these and similar Baofeng tri-band models:

related to #8063

[Iain White ] Add FTM7250D image file for testing:  
Yaesu_FTM-7250D_R.img   Issue #6525

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-08-07 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #629
[Rick DeWitt ] [ic2730] Fix for issue #8159; reversed E/F DTMF 

[Martin Cooper ] Fix Icom radio detection

Icom radio detection has been broken for a long time, because the
detection code is expecting to be passed a radio instance, but is
being passed a serial port instead. Since we are trying to determine
the model, we don't have the relevant class yet. Instead, create a
minimal radio instance to allow us to query for the model.

These changes fix both the 'Detect' option in the 'Download From
Radio' menu and the 'chirpc --id' command.

Fixes #7905

[Jim Unroe ] [AT778-UV] Update Allowed Radio Types for 
AnyTone AT778-UV

This patch adds "V100" to list of "ALLOWED_RADIO_TYPES".

Closes #8109

[Bernhard Hailer ] Fixes #6925, skip flag inversion in 
ft4.py driver.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-08-27 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #630
[Jim Unroe ] [GT-3WP] Add support for 7-character channel 

This patch adds support for 7-character channel names to the Baofeng GT-3WP.

related to issue #8203

[Jim Unroe ] [QB25] Add MCU Version for Radioddity QB25

This patch adds an additional MCU version to support the Radioddity QB25
quad-band mobile radio.

fixes #8199

[Rick DeWitt ] [FT-450D] Fix for issue #8183, invalid APO 
value for off

[Kosta A. ] [ic-v86] Adds reverse duplex memory setting for 
ICom IC-V86. Fixes #8179

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-09-02 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #631
[Jim Unroe ] [UV-6] Support Baofeng UV-6 without 
Auxiliary Block

This patch adds support for Baofeng radio models, including the UV-6,
that do not support access to the auxiliary block of memory.

Fixes #6567

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-09-09 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #632
[Dan Smith ] Fix transposed GA-510 tones


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-10-08 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #633
[Jim Unroe ] [UV-5R] Add support for XXX.XXX Work Mode 

The original UV-5R only supported VFO offsets up to 69.95 MHz. Current models
support VFO offsets up to 999.999 MHz. This patch expands the Work Mode
Settings VFO A/B Offset settings to match the range of the current models.

fixes #6719

[Jim Unroe ] [TI-F8+] Add support for TechSide TI-F8+

This patch adds support for the TechSide TI-F8+ (variant of Baofeng BF-F8HP)

related to #8187

[Kosta A. ] [FT-60] Correct characterset to match radio 
segment display chars. Fixes #8189

[Rick DeWitt ] [ic2730] Tone modes now CHIRP-compliant. Issue 
Adds full Cross mode tone>tone for rtcs/ctcs/dtcs

Changes for Build #634

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-10-14 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #635
[Jim Unroe ] [UV-5R] Tenway UV-5R Pro Tri-Power Support

This patch moves the Tenway UV-5R Pro alias from UV-5R to BF-F8HP in order
to pick up the appropriate support for 3 power levels.

fixes #8185

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-11-20 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #636
[Jim Unroe ] [TH-UV88] New Model: TYT TH-UV88 
(replacement for previous patch)

This patch adds support for the TYT TH-UV88

Initial radio protocol decode, channels and memory layout
by James Berry , Summer 2020

Related to #7817

[Jim Unroe ] [H777] Add Alias for Retevis H777

This patch add an alias for the Retevis H777


[Joe Milbourn ] [AnyTone 778UV] Add support for Yedro 
YC-M04VUS, an AnyTone 778UV alias. closes #8005.

Thanks to Fernando Sclavo for making it work, I just copied and pasted.

[Jim Unroe ] [TH-UVF1] Add TYT TH-UVF1 Valid Tuning Steps

This patch adds rf.valid_tuning_steps

Fixes #8031

[Joe Milbourn ] [AnyTone 778UV] Fix DTCS support, closes 

[Jim Unroe ] [UV-5X3] Add Out-of-Range Limit Checking for 
Band Limits

This patch adds limit checking for the BTech UV-5X3 band limits.

related to #8393

[Jim Unroe ] [AT-778UV] Fix Mode:02 VHF Band Limit

This patch corrects a typo that affects the Mode:02 VHF lower band limit.

Related to issue #8391

[Jim Unroe ] [UV-5R] Incorrect Tone Values for ANI/PTT-ID

This patch addresses the changes to the "dtmfchars" brought about by the
HN5RV01 firmware.

While making these changes it was also discovered that the ANI code for these
radios is limited to only numeric DTMF characters. This patch also makes this

Fixes #8321

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-11-21 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #637
[Jim Unroe ] [KT-8R] New Model: QYT KT-8R

This patch adds support for the QYT KT-8R quad-band handheld radio
to the btech.py driver module.

Related to #6843

[Brad Schuler ] [AnyTone 5888UV] Add simple squelch mode & 
additional file identifier and add extra channel attributes

Related to issues #1491, #2989, #3653, #6633 and #8407

(#1491, #2989, #3653, #6633)
Set the radio's squelch mode to CTCSS/DCS Tones instead of Carrier when the 
receive tone mode is set.
Recognize a file image from this radio when no metadata is present.

Add the following channel attributes
- Tuning steps
- Duplex: off
- Busy channel lockout
- Optional signal selection (DTMF, 2-tone, 5-tone)
- Reverse
- Compander
- Talkaround
- Squelch with optional signal
- Use custom CTCSS for Tx and/or Rx

[Dan Smith ] Fix style isse in th_uv88

Related to #7817

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-11-25 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #638
[Dan Smith ] Fix crash in anytone_iii when memobj isn't 

The new anytone_iii driver inspected the memory object during get_features(),
just to count the memories, which shouldn't be necessary. This papers over
that failure with the statically-defined value, but ideally, we'd just replace
the dynamic check with a static number. However, this fixes the build, and
is the least amount of change.

Related to #3941

[Brad Schuler ] [anytone_iii] Add the new radio AnyTone 

Related to issue #3941

Add support for the tri-band AnyTone 5888UV-III.
Limited inclusion of 2-tone, 5-tone, and scramble settings.

[Dan Smith ] Add test image for QYT KT-8R

Related to #6843

[Jim Unroe ] [GMRS-50X1] Fix spmute for BTech GMRS-50X1

This patch fixes spmute in the btech driver structure that supports
the the following model.

BTech GMRS-50X1

Related to #8463

[Jim Unroe ] [UV-2501] Fix spmute for BTech UV-2501 and 
similar radio models

This patch fixes spmute in the btech driver structure that supports
the the following (and similar) models.

BTech UV-2501, UV-2501+220, UV-5001
QYT KT-UV980, KT8900, KT8900R
Jetstream JT2705M
Juentai JT-6188 Mini, JT-6188 Plus
Sainsonic GT-890
Zastone MP-300

Related to #8463

[Jim Unroe ] [UV-25X2] Fix spmute for BTech UV-25X2 and 
similar radio models

This patch fixes spmute in the btech driver structure that supports
the the following (and similar) models.

BTech UV-25X2, UV-25X4, UV-50X2
QYT KT7900D, KT8900D, KT8900R
Surecom S-KT8900D
Radioddity QB25

Related to #8463

[Jim Unroe ] [btech.py] Correct typos in variable names.

This patch updates the the following variable names so that the correct
number of elements in the list is contained in the varialbe name.


This is a cosmetic change only.

fixed #8461

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-11-28 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #639
[Jim Unroe ] [UV-5R] Firmware Version Filled With Spaces

This patch accomodates models supported by the uv5r.py driver that
have a firmware versoion populated with space characters.

fixes #8473

[Jim Unroe ] [AT-778UV] Add DTMF Settings Tab to AnyTone 
AT-778UV [3 of 3]

This patch adds a DTMF settings tab that nearly mirrors the OEM

related to #8447

[Jim Unroe ] [AT-778UV] Add Key Assignment Settings Tab 
to AnyTone AT-778UV [2 of 3]

This patch adds a Key Assignment settings tab that nearly mirrors the OEM

related to #8447

[Jim Unroe ] [AT-778UV] Add Function Settings Tab to 
AnyTone AT-778UV [1 of 3]

This patch adds a Function settings tab that nearly mirrors the OEM software

related to #8447

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-01-10 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #642
[Dan Smith ] Remove errant ui import from anytone_iii 

The patch for #3941 imports a module from the UI for some reason, but
does not use it. This seems to have been breaking the PPA build because
we don't have gtk as a build-dep (for good reason). Drivers should be
independent of the UI and are not allowed to import things from it. Since
this driver wasn't actually using the import, removing it should be simple.

Fixes #8493

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-02-12 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #643
[Dan Smith ] Fix style issue introduced in #8271

[Jim Unroe ] [FT-65R] Update valid_tuning_steps to 
include 6.25 KHz

The 6.25 KHz tuning step is removed for some radio models sold in the USA.
This patch restores the 6.26 KHz step to the Yaesu FT-65R.

related to #8789

[Rudolph Gutzerhagen ] Sort models for settings 
selection dialog #8791
in clone.py class CloneSettingsDialog when constructing the
dropdown lists for display, change the sort order to be based
on models.MODEL, rather than the complex models.__name__

[Rudolph Gutzerhagen ] TYT TH-UV88 : changes to 
allow use of split "duplex" mode  #8747
N.B. Threshold on split vs offset is 25 MHz.

[Jim Unroe ] [TK-860G] Add valid_tuning_steps for Kenwood 
TK-860G (and others)

This patch adds valid tuning steps for the Kenwood TK-860G and the following
Kenwood radio models.

TK-26xG, TK-27xG, TK-36xG, TK-37xG, TK-38xG, TK76xG, TK-86xG

fixes #8765

[Rudolph Gutzerhagen ] Minor change to variable 
usage in update_recent_files()   #8007

[Kosta A. ] Set alternative button order on dialogboxes 
conforming with GNU guidelines. #8271

[Kosta A. ] [ic-v86] Zero fill mem object prior to writing 
new memories. Fixes #8601.

[Rudolph Gutzerhagen ] .hgignore entries for 
visual studio and visual studio code editors


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-03-07 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #644
[Jim Unroe ] [TH-UV88] Fix missing settings tab due to 
out-of-range value. #8683

This patch addresses the out-of-range (or lack of) region code that seems
to be present in more recent firmware versions by...

- extending the region code list for unknown values from 5 to 15.
- logging region code values from 5 to 15 to debug.log file.

With contributions from Ruddolph Gutzerhagen.

[Rick DeWitt ] [ts480] Bug fixes for issues #8297 and #8877 
Kenwood TS-480
#8297 fix for split mode support, #8877 fix for 67Htz PL download

[Jim Unroe ] [BF-F8HP] Fix for out-of-range TXP values in 

This patch forces out-of-range TXP values to a valid value.

Fixes #8539

[Jim Unroe ] [TK-862] Add valid_tuning_steps for Kenwood 
TK-862 (and others)

This patch adds valid tuning steps for the Kenwood TK-862 and the following
Kenwood radio models.

TK76x, TK-86x

fixes #8245

[Jim Unroe ] Driver Maintenance: tk760.py

1. Add to PEP8 manifest
2. Perform PEP8 cleanup

in preperaton to address #8245

[Dan Smith ] Add OTG Radio V1 alias of KT8900


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-03-10 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #645
[Kosta A. ] [ic-2300] Add support for tx_inhibit. Fixes #8217

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-04-06 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #646
[Dan Smith ] Add a brute force test for model detection

The regular per-image model detection tests are not very well-suited
for sussing out issues with one image being detected as multiple
models, and it can be fooled if the right one is returned first from
the directory. This adds a new unit test that runs through all the
images and tries to match_model() every driver in the directory against
them, asserting that not more than one matches any given file.

Also included is a fix to make the unittest adapter use helpfully-
named test images and makes the existing Detect test report the
filename of the image it is trying, for easier debug.


[Dan Smith ] Move rt21 match_model() up to the base class

The RT21 lineage has a match_model that clearly intends to be on the
base class (as it checks for model==RT21), but is actually present
only on the last subclass in the file. I'm sure this was an accidental
detaching after the original implementation. After the driver
maintenance (related to #8957, #8661 and #8959) the detection test
started noticing this, probably just due to an ordering change.

[Jim Unroe ] [RT76] Retevis RT76

This patch adds support for the Retevis RT76.

Related to #8959

[Jim Unroe ] [RB26] Retevis RB26

This patch adds support for the Retevis RB26.

Related to #8661

[Jim Unroe ] [RB17A] Retevis RB17A

This patch adds support for the Retevis RB17A.

Related to #8957

[Jim Unroe ] [RT21] Driver Maintenance: retevis_rt21.py

This patch is prepare the driver for adding additional radio models.

1: fixes some incorrect code
2: reformats some code
3: allows CHIRP to make 5 attempts at putting radio into programming mode.

Other than for number 3, no features or settings have been added or removed from
this driver.

Related to #8957, #8661 and #8959

[Rick DeWitt ] [icomciv] Add IC-7300 Live Mode support, Issue 

[Jim Unroe ] [AT-778UV] Add support model variants that 
include VOX

This patch adds support for the new model variants that now include VOX:

Anytone AT-778UV VOX 3.0
Retevis RT95 VOX 2.0

fixes #8859

[Jim Unroe ] [AT-778UV] Add anytone778uv.py driver to 

This patch adds the anytone778uv.py driver to the cpep8.manifest in order to
enable style checking.

related to #8859

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-04-16 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #647
[Jim Unroe ] [BJ-318] Add support for the Baojie BJ-318

This patch adds support for the Bajoie BJ-318 mobile radio.

Research and main coding by Mark Hartong
Assistance, pep8 compliance and submission by Jim Unroe

related to #6235

[Jim Unroe ] [BJ-318] Driver prep to make ready to 
support the Baojie BJ-318

This patch makes changes to the lt725uv.py driver to facilitate the addition
of support for the Baojie BJ-318.

The features and settings of the radio models that this driver currently
supports are not affected.

related to #6235

[Jim Unroe ] [LT-725UV] Fix for incorrect range specified 
for VFO B Initial Chan: setting

The Settings -> VFO B-Lower Settings -> Initial Chan:" setting currently
provies a selection range of 0-127. This range should be 1-128.

This patch updates the Initial Chan: seting to provide the correct range.

Models affected:
Baojie BJ-218 / Hesenate BJ-218 / Zastone BJ-218

Fixes #8979

[Dan Smith ] Fix base match_model definition for zero 

The base match_model() implementation defaults to comparing the file
size to Radio._memsize in order to identify the proper driver for a
given file (for legacy files only). Since the default for the _memsize
in CloneModeRadio is zero, any empty file will be identified as a
match by any new driver that relies on metadata and does not (nor does
it need to) override _memsize. The first driver returned from the
directory dict that "matches" will be returned.

This fixes #8967 which manifests as a failure to run File->New. Since
the new file is zero length, we fail to properly load the CSVRadio
driver that we need because we incorrectly allow the directory to
match the zero length against everything.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-04-28 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #648
[Dan Smith ] Fix issues in recent ft2900 patch

The recent fix for #9013 introduced two style issues and also created
a detect conflict between the base 2900 driver and the mod'd one. Since
the mod version is new, we can always refuse to match based on file
size and rely on metadata for detection.

[KC2VON ] Added a device under the Yaesu tree for the 
For compatibility with FT-2900R/1900R jumper 3 opened for full band TX.

Issue #9013

[Jim Unroe ] [leixen.py] Add rf.valid_dtcs_codes

This patch adds "rf.valid_dtcs_codes" to the get_features(self) radio features
list so CHIRP is aware of the full list of DTCS codes supported by the radio.

related to #8995

[Jim Unroe ] [kyd.py] Add rf.valid_dtcs_codes

This patch adds "rf.valid_dtcs_codes" to the get_features(self) radio features
list so CHIRP is aware of the full list of DTCS codes supported by the radio.

related to #8995

[Jim Unroe ] [GMRS-V1] Add Missing FileID For BTECH 

This patch adds the US32412 fingerprint to the "_fileid" list.

fixes #9005

[Jim Unroe ] [retevis_rt23.py] Add rf.valid_dtcs_codes

This patch adds "rf.valid_dtcs_codes" to the get_features(self) radio features
list so CHIRP is aware of the full list of DTCS codes supported by the radio.

related to #8995

[Jim Unroe ] [uv5r.py] Add rf.valid_dtcs_codes

This patch adds "rf.valid_dtcs_codes" to the get_features(self) radio features
list so CHIRP is aware of the full list of DTCS codes supported by the radio.

related to #8995

[Jim Unroe ] [retevis_rt26.py] Add rf.valid_dtcs_codes

This patch adds "rf.valid_dtcs_codes" to the get_features(self) radio features
list so CHIRP is aware of the full list of DTCS codes supported by the radio.

related to #8995

[Jim Unroe ] [retevis_rt22.py] Add rf.valid_dtcs_codes

This patch adds "rf.valid_dtcs_codes" to the get_features(self) radio features
list so CHIRP is aware of the full list of DTCS codes supported by the radio.

related to #8995

[Jim Unroe ] [retevis_rt1.py] Add rf.valid_dtcs_codes

This patch adds "rf.valid_dtcs_codes" to the get_features(self) radio features
list so CHIRP is aware of the full list of DTCS codes supported by the radio.

related to #8995

[Jim Unroe ] [alinco.py] Add rf.valid_dtcs_codes

This patch adds "rf.valid_dtcs_codes" to the get_features(self) radio features
list so CHIRP is aware of the full list of DTCS codes supported by the radio.

related to #8995

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-04-29 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #649
[Rick DeWitt ] [icomciv.py] Fix mem.duplex setting when no 
duplex attribute. #9025

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-05-20 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #650
[Jim Unroe ] [BF-T8] add support for the Baofeng BF-T8

This patch adds support for the Baofeng BF-T8 (and it variants)

related to #8263

[Dan Smith ] Default to new-style detection for the GT-5R

Related to #9077

[Dan Smith ] Add Radioddity GT-5R

This is a special version of the UV-5R with a requirement around
enforcing tx-inhibit outside of the legal limits.


[Kosta A. ] Modified icomciv probe_model to use directory 
based driver search pattern. #4547

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-06-12 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #651
[Jim Unroe ] [RT22S] Add support for Retevis RT22S

This patch adds support for the Retevis RT22S FRS radio to the
Radtel T18 driver module.

related to #7179

[Jim Unroe ] [RT22S] Prepare for adding Retevis RT22S

The RT22S requires support that is nearly identical to that of the Radtel T18.
This patch makes changes to the T18 driver in order to make it ready to support
the addition of the Retevis RT22S.

No features or settings have been modified, added or removed by this patch.

related to #7179

[Jim Unroe ] [RT16] Add support for Retevis RT16

This patch adds support for the RT16 variant of the Baofeng BF-T8

related to #8263

[Jim Unroe ] [VX-8DR] Update TX Delay choices for Yaesu 

The Yeasu VX-8DR inherits much of its settings from the Yaesu VX-8R. The
VX-8DR has 9 choices for TX Delay but the inherited setting for the VX-8R only
has 7. So if either of the additional choices is selected in the VX-8DR radio
itself, the choice will be out-of-range and the Settings tab in CHIRP does not

This patch adds support for the 9 TX Delay selections for the VX-8DR.

Related to #9101

[Jim Unroe ] [GT-5R] Fix TX-Inhibit Outside of Legal 

The current enforcement only allows TX on the following frequencies.
144.000, 148.000, 420.000 and 450.000 MHz.

This patch corrects the logic to allow TX on frequencies within the
144.000-148.000 MHz and 420.000-450.000 MHz ranges. Frequencies outside of
these ranges are set to Duplex = "off" (TX disabled).

Related to #9077

[Jim Unroe ] [RT76P] Add Retevis RT76P

This patch adds support for the Retevis RT76P GMRS handheld radio.


[Jim Unroe ] [KT8900] Add support for a new QYT KT-8900 
MCU Version

This patch adds support for a new MCU version that has been discovered
in the QYT KT-8900 mobile radios.

Related to #9085

[Jim Unroe ] [RT22] Add BCL and Signal settings to 
Retevis RT22FRS and RT622 models

This patch adds support for the per-channel "BCL" and "Signal" settings.

related to #9043

[Jim Unroe ] [RT22] Address original RT22 block read 

While investigating this issue, the original RT22 was often experiencing read
errors while cloning from the radio to CHIRP. It was eventually discovered
that the radio was eventually missing an ACK at some point during the download
which stopped the cloning process with an error.

This patch adds a small delay between the reading a block of data an the
sending of the ACK back to the radio indicating that the block of data was
received OK. The original RT22 radio now receives every ACK reliably.

related to #9043

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-06-18 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #652
[Jim Unroe ] [KT8900D] Add MCU version for QYT KT8900D

This patch adds an additional MCU version to support the QYT KT8900D
dual-band mobile radio.

fixes #9139

[Dan Smith ] Fix GA510 DTCS codes missing 654

This was causing an off-by-one error in the higher codes.

Fixes #9143

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-07-04 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #653
[Jim Unroe ] [RB26] Fix for varying ACK

The RB26 sometimes ACKs the "magic" string with a "\x00\x06" and sometimes
ACKs with only a "\x06". CHIRP currently expects to see the "\x00\x06" as
response so the process fails if the "\x00" is missing.

This patch "chews up" the "\x00 if present and then only the individual
"\x06" is expected as the ACK.

The Retevis RT76 seems to have the same issue and is fixed as a result of

Fixes #9035

[Dan Smith ] Fix style issues from #9127

[Kosta A. ] Add support for clearing recently opened files. 

o Add Clear Recently Open files menu item
o Order recently opened files list by most recent
o Normalize camel case accross all menu items

[Kosta A. ] Optimizing generic csv files load times by 
removing duplicate load for an empty list.  Fixes #8991

[Kosta A. ] Reduce additional spew by forcing bandplan log to 


[Kosta A. ] Removing default support for Icom Dstar from 
generic csv radios. #8991

[Kosta A. ] [csv] Memory bounds are inclusive. #8991

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-07-05 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #654
[Dan Smith ] Fix get_features() for rt98 when no memobj 
is present

For the cases where we're not actually loading an image or receiving
one from the radio, get_features() needs to be able to return defaults.
This fixes the rt98 driver to substitute default values if no memory
is loaded.

Related to #9181

[Kosta A. ] Remove clear text logging of password from 
rfinder module.  Fixes #9159

[Jim Unroe ] [RT98] Add support for Retevis RT98 Single 
Band Mini Mobile Radios

This patch adds support for the various Retevis RT98 mobile radio models/modes.
VHF FreeNet


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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-07-06 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #655
[Jim Unroe ] [Micron UV V2] Add support for the Micron UV 
V2 variant with VOX

This patch adds support for the new model variant that includes VOX

CRT Micron UV V2 (with VOX)

fixes #9185

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-07-24 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #656
[Jim Unroe ] [UV-5G] Add support for Radioddity 

This patch adds support for the Radioddity UV-5G/UV-5X GMRS radio (not to be
confused with the Baofeng UV-5X released back in 2014 as a variant of the

addresses issue #9187 (also #9093)

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-08-14 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #657
[Jim Unroe ] [UV-5G] Allow Programming GMRS TX/RX 
Frequencies On All Channels

This patch allows programming any combination of GMRS frequencies in memory
rows 0 and 31-127. Any non-GMRS frequencies will continue to be restricted to
RX only (TX disabled).

Related to #9235

[Jim Unroe ] [RT87] Add Retevis RT87

This patch adds support for the Retevis RT87 two-way radio.


[Jim Unroe ] [UV-5G] Fix Incorrect Offset for Repeater 

This patch updats the driver with the correct offset for the repeater
channels 23-30.


[Pavel Milanes (CO7WT) ] [PATCH][FTL-x011] Add new driver 
for FTL-1011/2011/7011/8011 radios #7599

Add suppors for the 4/12/24 variants of the Vertex FTL-1011/2011/7011/8011,
there is a later models with 99 channels that uses a different mem layout
and is not supported by this driver.

[Dan Smith ] Allow integer settings in mem.extra

Needed for #6769

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-08-21 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #658
[Jim Unroe ] [AT-778UV] Recommend correct model version 
when wrong model version is selected

This patch will suggest the recommended "VOX" model version when a VOX
supported radio is recognized by CHIRP and the user has selected the non-VOX
model version.

Vendor: non-VOX/VOX
AnyTone: AT-778UV/AT-778UV VOX
CRT: Micron UV/Micron UV V2
Retevis: RT95/RT 95 VOX

related to #9141

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-08-25 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #659
[Dan Smith ] Fix th9000 driver old-style detection

The th9000 driver implements old-style detection, but can not
differentiate between new subclass models. Those should be using
metadata-base detection anyway, so make the old detection routine
not detect the new models.

Related to #6269

[Jim Unroe ] [RT9000D] Add support for Retevis RT9000D 
mobile radios

This patch provides initial support support (same as current TYT TH-9000
and Luiton LT-850 support) for the Retevis RT9000D mobile radio models.

RT9000D 136-174
RT9000D 220-260
RT9000D 400-490
RT9000D 66-88


[Jim Unroe ] [LT-580] Driver Maintenance: th9000.py

This patch adds a "class" for each of the supported Luiton LT-580 models and
removes their "alias" support.

Notes regarding previously saved CHIRP Radio Image (*.img) files:
1. Pre metadata image files will still be recognized because they were
   always saved as TYT TH-9000 images and identified as such when loaded.
2. Post metadata image files will still be recognized because the metadata
   will be the same.

Preperaton for #6269

[Jim Unroe ] Driver Maintenance: th9000.py

The th9000.py driver currently only supports the chirp_common valid tuning
steps. This patch updates the valid tunings steps to match those of the
supported radio models.

Preperaton for #6269

[Jim Unroe ] Driver Maintenance: th9000.py

1. Add to PEP8 manifest
2. Perform PEP8 cleanup

Preperaton for #6269

[Dan Smith ] Merge branch 'master' of 

[Dan Smith <3046399+kk...@users.noreply.github.com>] Merge pull request #3 from 

run tests in github actions

[Tom Hayward ] use tox

[Tom Hayward ] run tests in github actions

[Dan Smith ] Remove generic_xml driver

This never really caught on, nor got the attention or maintenance it really 
I dunno if it even works in py2 for much anymore, but I don't think converting 
to py3 makes any sense.

(cherry picked from commit 89c85eeeb4b3eac8de0a785bda21fe9fa1ed41e2)

[Dan Smith ] Be defensive about tests that fail to load

The test adapter will fail to load tests if any of them crash on init,
which makes it hard to debug. This adds some output if that happens
and also works around a failure to run get_sub_devices() with no
memobj for those naive drivers that don't do the right thing.

[Dan Smith ] Make gtk-dependent unit tests skip if missing

If GTK isn't available in our environment, these tests should skip
instead of fail.

[Dan Smith <3046399+kk...@users.noreply.github.com>] Merge pull request #2 from 


[Tom Hayward ] add CONTRIBUTING.md

[Dan Smith ] Add a stub README.md for github

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-08-26 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #660
[Jim Unroe ] [RT22S] add 6.25 and 12.5 tuning steps

The Radtel T18 and Retevis RT22S radios both support 6.25 and 12.5 steps. The
radtel_t18.py driver does not have a "rf.valid_tuning_steps" entry in
get_features() so the COMMON_TUNING_STEPS list in chirp_common, which does not
include the 6.25 and 12.5 steps, is used by default.

This patch adds an "rf.valid_tuning_steps" entry to get_features() and
specifies the TUNING_STEPS list in chirp_common, which does include the 6.25
and 12.5 steps.

Fixes #9305

[Jim Unroe ] Driver Maintenance: radtel_t18.py

1. Add to PEP8 manifest
2. Perform PEP8 cleanup

Preperaton for #9305

[Dan Smith ] Fix dangling references to generic_xml

A too-swift removal of the generic_xml module on my part left
some dangling references to it in the UI that prevented anything
from working. This removes those and fixes that problem.

Closes #9307

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-08-30 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #661
[Bernhard Hailer ] Fix for FT4/25/65 menu item "Beep" 
values in wrong order - fixes #9247

[Jim Unroe ] [KT8900D] Add MCU Version for QYT KT8900D

This patch adds and additional MCU version to the QYT KT8900D mobile radio.

Fixes #9323

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-09-19 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #662
[Dan Smith ] Fix style issue from #9381

[Kosta A ] Prevent spurious error messages in memory editor 
while editing memories.  Fixes #9381.

The memory editor has historically excluded the Frequency column from 
validating checks to determine if/when a value has changed for the previously 
noted reason in the code comment.  This change attempts to resolve this by 
caching all column values prior to finalizing the editing and restores the 
values in the case validation determines nothing has changed or the new 
contents have failed radio verification.

[Jim Unroe ] [KT8900] Add additional '2nd ID' for QYT 

A new 2nd ID was discovered being used for the QYT KT8900 mobile radio. This
patch adds an additional 2nd ID to the list of known IDs for this model.

fixes #9357

[Jim Unroe ] [RT98] Add support for older Retevis RT98 

CHIRP currently only supports Retevis RT98 radios with S/N:20*
This patch adds support for RT98 radios with S/N:1907***

fixes #9353

[Kosta A ] Swap power levels for IC-2200.  Fixes #793

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-09-22 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #663
[Dan Smith <3046399+kk...@users.noreply.github.com>] Merge pull request #5 from 

Don't die if GTK Mac integration is missing

[Martin Cooper ] Don't die if GTK Mac integration is 

If GTK Mac integration is missing, Chirp dies when it tries to log this
fact. The code is designed to handle the absence of this capability and
simply omit the Mac-specific features, so handle the logging gracefully
and carry on.

Fixes #8845

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-09-30 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #664
[Dan Smith ] Fix style issues in fix for #9399.

[Kosta A ] # Parent  5aa2294d78ea241c6573dcf1929475b072e73685
Minor UI tweak, do not show empty header in tree view column. Fixes #9397.

[Kosta A ] # Parent  d156d3a46b7e6cbce985dc14186f0e07b5d3016b
Prevent memory editor from always loading last memory in memory range twice. 
Fixes #9401

[Kosta A ] # Parent  5aa2294d78ea241c6573dcf1929475b072e73685
Prevent re-entrant calls to 'update_recent_files' when opening a file from the 
'Recent Files' menu action. Fixes #9399.

Gtk was failing on this and was sending an error message to the console.

[Kosta A ] Supress console spew from python-future warning in 
non-debug builds.

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-10-16 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #665
[Dan Smith ] Merge branch 'master' of 

[Jim Unroe ] [P10-UV] Cannot set Duplex to 'off' for 
Radioddity GA-510

This patch addresses the bug that prevents the Duplex field from being
set to 'off' (which is needed to be able to disable TX on a channel).

Also affects: Tidradio TD-H6 and variants such as Baofeng BF-H6, P10-UV.

fixes #9231

[Jim Unroe ] [P10-UV] Driver maintenance: ga510.py

This patch adds the ga510.py driver into the cpep8.manifest
and performs cpep8 cleanup prior to addressing issue #9231

[Dan Smith <3046399+kk...@users.noreply.github.com>] Merge pull request #11 
from mfncooper/master

Fix broken chirpc setter commands

[Martin Cooper ] Fix broken chirpc setter commands

Setter commands using custom actions were broken in a number of
ways. Update custom action classes to make them work.
Fixes #9423

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-11-05 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #666
[Dan Smith ] Fix style issues on th9800

Introduced accidentally in the fix for #7799

[Jim Unroe ] Driver Maintenance: th9800.py

1. Add to PEP8 Manifest
2. Perform PEP8 cleanup as needed

in preperation for #7799

[Jim Unroe ] [TH-9800] Fix No Settings Options

The settings tabs aren't showing up because the driver doesn't
handle an image with an invalid Last Program Date. This patch
allows the driver to gracefully handle images with invalid dates.

fixes #7799

[Jim Unroe ] [KT980Plus] Add QYT KT980Plus

This patch adds support for the QYT KT980Plus mobile radio.

related to #9455

[Jim Unroe ] [BF-A58S] Support 7 Chararacter Channel 
Names in Baofeng BF-A58S

This patch adds support for 7 character channel names.

fixes #9483

[Jim Unroe ] [uv-5g] Fix validate_memory() inplementation 
bug in uv5r.py driver

The validate_memory helper as implemented applies to all radios supported
by the uv-5r.py driver. It was only intended to validate channels in specific
GMRS radio models. This patch corrects the mistake.

Fixes #9469

[Jim Unroe ] [KT8900] Add MCU version for QYT KT8900

This patch adds an additional MCU version to the QYT KT8900 mobile radio.

fixes #9459

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-11-16 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #667
[Pavel Milanes (CO7WT) ] [KG-UV8E] Add support for new 
version with lowe UHF band, fixes #9495

A new hardware revision, it has a UHF RX range from 350-520 Mhz (TX restricted
from 400-520Mhz); it's lower in 50 Mhz from the previous known models.

The internal version's date is: 20190813 vs old ones 20160507, this patch widen
the lower RX range, I think old models can cope with that.

[Jim Unroe ] [TS-T9+] TechSide TS-T9+

This patch adds support for the TechSide TS-T9+.

Addresses #9453

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-11-18 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #668
[Dan Smith ] Fix missing _gmrs attribute on btech base 

Related to the fix for #9407

[Jim Unroe ] [KT-8R] Settings tab empty for QYT KT-8R

The Settings tabs in CHIRP are empty when the KT-8R has TMR set to M+ABCD.
This driver was derived from the QYT mobile radios which only have 15 TMR
selections. This radio has a 16 TMR selections similar to the BTech mobile
radios so so setting it to the 16th choice puts it out-of-range based on the
current programming.

This patch adds 16 TMR choices support for the QyT KT-8R.

Fixes #9051

[Jim Unroe ] [DB25-G] Radioddity DB25-G

This patch adds support for the Radioddity DB25-G GMRS mobile radio.

resolves #9407

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[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-12-07 Thread Build System

A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #669
[Jim Unroe ] [th-uv88] Add settings to TYT TH-UV88

This patch adds the remaing settings from the OEM "Basic" settings page.
- Radio Moni
- End_Tone_elim
- SW Audio
- Scan Type
- Key Lock
- Key Mode
- Intro Screen

Also firmware BQ1.41+ allows the radio to independently select MR/VFO mode on
the A and B display lines. This patch also adds support for this new feature.


[Dan Smith ] Make test adapter granular

This makes the unit test adapter granular so you can run individual
tests and drivers for quicker automated testing.

[Dan Smith ] Add test images for #8123 #9559 #9217

[Jim Unroe ] [UV-5X3] Add saved VFOs to BTECH UV-5X3

It was discovered that the BTECH UV-5X3 has 3 memories for each VFO display
line that can save frequencies, one for each of the 3 bands (VHF/VHF2/UHF).
Tapping the [BAND] button of the radio will cycle through the 3 memories
associated with the selected display line and place the currently selected
memory into the currently selected VFO.

This patch adds support to allow the viewing/editing of these 6 memories.

related to #9515

[Jim Unroe ] [RT668] Add Retevis RT668

This patch adds support for the Retevis RT668 radio.

related to #8123

[Jim Unroe ] [RT68] Add Retevis RT68

This patch adds support for the Retevis RT68 radio.

related to #8123

[Jim Unroe ] [RT68] Prep work needed prior to adding 
Retevis RT68

This patch makes some changes to prepare for adding the Retevis RT68.

related to #8123

[Jim Unroe ] [RB618] Add Retevis RB618

This patch adds support for the Retevis RB618.

related to #9217

[Jim Unroe ] [RB18] Add Retevis RB18

This patch adds support for the Retevis RB18.

related to #9559

[Jim Unroe ] [RB18] Prep for adding Retevis RB18

This patch cleans up some code and gets the driver ready for adding the
Retevis RB18.


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