[board-discuss] Membership Committee self-nomination

2016-08-09 Thread Miklos Vajna


I am hacking on LibreOffice since its birth, contributing features and
fixes mostly around Writer. I would like to be part of the Membership
Committee to ensure that every aspect of the TDF community is
represented in the committee, including developers. Given my background,
I'm happy to help the work of the committee also at a technical level
(git, gerrit issues).

Full name: Miklos Vajna

Email: vmik...@collabora.co.uk

Affiliation: Collabora

I'll provide information on all future changes of the above as soon as
possible, if there will be any.



Description: Digital signature

[board-discuss] Acceptance of MC role

2016-09-20 Thread Miklos Vajna
I, Miklos Vajna, elected member of the Membership Committee of The
Document Foundation (Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts), hereby accept this

Signed: Miklos Vajna

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[board-discuss] Membership Committee self-nomination

2018-08-13 Thread Miklos Vajna


I am hacking on LibreOffice since its birth, contributing features and
fixes mostly around Writer. I would like to continue being part of the
Membership Committee to ensure that every aspect of the TDF community is
represented in the committee, including developers. Given my background,
I'm happy to help the work of the committee also at a technical level
(gerrit issues, BoD elections).

Full name: Miklos Vajna

Email: vmik...@collabora.co.uk

Affiliation: Collabora

I'll provide information on all future changes of the above as soon as
possible, if there will be any.



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Re: [board-discuss] Preliminary Results for the 2018 Membership Committee election

2018-09-14 Thread Miklos Vajna
Hi Marina,

On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 11:07:33PM +0200, Marina Latini 
> The above preliminary results are in conflict with § 8 IV of our
> statutes (https://www.documentfoundation.org/statutes.pdf), with both
> Miklos and Jona having the same affiliation. The elected candidates and
> the board are currently discussing options to resolve this conflict,
> which will likely affect the final results. We will update the members
> and the general public on this soon.

I talked to Jona and in case we're asked about what is our preference: I
propose me stepping down in favor of her (and me initially
mentoring/helping her in my place if wanted), i.e. I don't accept the above

A concern is now that Stephan and me would finish work in the committee,
noone remains with stronger technical skills, when it comes to
recovering from odd situations with git, gerrit, etc. To cover that, I
plan to stick around (initially) so Jona (or another MC member) is
trained up and doing this -- again, if this kind of help is requested by
the new MC.



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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting "Tender for implementing support for a dedicated, built-in UNO object,inspection tool (Xray-built-in debugger)"

2020-07-16 Thread Miklos Vajna
Hi Lothar,

> a) (Completeness of the specification) Isn't it appropriate to assign the 
> right Version of LibO and the UNO API to it, at least what is the version
> (or with what LibO Version delivered)  the "WatchCode"-Implementation should 
> be used for the UI work? Which version of the XRAY and MRI tool is here
> relevant, at least say "the latest" with a hint for a source for them.

I think the idea is that the work is developed on LibreOffice master, so
it gets released in the next major version after the work is done. This
is how all previous tenders were delivered. The result is part of
LibreOffice itself, so specifying a LibreOffice version adds no value.

XRAY and MRI are just examples of what's possible for an inspection
tool, so I would consider their version as not relevant.

> b) (Feature request) I miss this great feature to have a code autocompletion, 
> for example in VS you can set the "." as referenciator and that get the
> possible services or DOM Tree alternatives or... and also complete the 
> parameter part when hitting return (or is this meant with the Copy & Paste 
> feature?)

My understanding is that we currently provide no good autocompletion
APIs, and such an inspection tool would build on top of it. If you add
autocompletion to the scope, it can easily double the amount of needed
work, so I would carefully avoid that.

> c) (Completeness of the specification) It is mentioned, that "everywhere 
> where possible" to lean on automatic testing. Well, to be honest, this is a
> huge field. Shouldn't we specify this a little bit more in detail, what we do 
> expect here? Are there automatic test tools we are already using which
> we want to see or for which we want to have the automation scripts or ...?

I believe the current wording was used for previous tenders already,
without problems. The idea is that whenever a sub-task is done
(something gets fixed or implemented), it should be considered to add a
test for it. It's hard to specify this more than this: if you add
quantity requirements, then it's easy to add a lot of useless tests, and
it's not easy to measure test quality with numbers. :-)

I would prefer a reasonable amount of good tests, rather than a lot of
useless tests. The effort needed to add tests is also different for each
& every case: sometimes it's a shame that a test is not added, sometimes
it would be a heroic effort to cover some behavior with an automated

> d) (Details in the proposal) I would also expect a detailed estimation in the 
> sense that it is not just a figure but at least one for each mentioned
> feature in the mandatory as well as in the optional part. If they are 
> proposing other features (not mentioned here) they should do it as well with a
> figure for it. Is it mentioned anywhere?

It is possible it's hard to compare proposals if the proposals have
optional features. One consistent way is to asssume you order / not
order everything optional. I imagine if the proposal is detailed enough,
there is a brief description of each sub-task, how it would be done --
then you can get the impression at the end that the bidder did their
homework, and the number at the bottom of the offer is not just a



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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting "Tender for implementing support for a dedicated, built-in UNO object,inspection tool (Xray-built-in debugger)"

2020-07-23 Thread Miklos Vajna
Hi Florian,

On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 04:58:40PM +0200, Florian Effenberger 
> One question raised is wrt. navigator overlapping with parts of the tender.
> Answers and insight to that highly appreciated!

My understanding is that the navigator is created for end-users, while
this inspection tool would be created for consumers of the UNO API
(macro authors, extension developers, etc). So indeed there is some
overlap, but the two tools would rather complement each other than
duplicate functionality.



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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting Tender "Text layout"

2021-11-03 Thread Miklos Vajna
Hi Florian, all,

On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 08:30:37AM +0200, Florian Effenberger 
> one of the approved [1] tenders is the
>   Tender "Text layout"
> The board would like to work together in public with all of you on this
> tender before it gets officially published. The current draft is therefore
> shared at
>   https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/43563WKN7pyNoMB
> The board is happy to get your feedback and proposals. We'd like to discuss
> this ideally in the board call after next, i.e. on Friday, November 19, at
> 1300 Berlin time. Please send your feedback to the public
> board-discuss@documentfoundation.org mailing list.

Lubos did some work in this area in the recent past, and based on that
experience the expectation is that the referenced tdf#133685 is a
Windows-only problem (most of the time is spent in Windows API calls),
and thus unrelated to the "Text layout" topic.

Is it intentional to include that bug in the tender, even if it seems to
be an unrelated performance problem?

If not, then perhaps you could consider removing that from the scope.



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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting Tender "Cleanup & further improve ODF conformance"

2022-02-04 Thread Miklos Vajna
Hi Florian,

On Thu, Feb 03, 2022 at 02:30:31PM +0100, Florian Effenberger 
> Regina (thanks a lot!) sent a list of bugs back in December on the dev
> mailing list:
> https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2021-December/088210.html
> Was there any further discussion or feedback on this? If the list mentioned
> there is fine, I replace item 2 from the tender with it. If we're unsure
> whether that meets the budget or not, as the person days are listed in the
> tender, we can add a note along the lines of "Please propose a subset and
> prioritization of these bugs, that do not exceed the person days factored in
> for this tender, see below."

I think this approach could work.



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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting Tender "Cleanup & further improve ODF conformance"

2022-02-18 Thread Miklos Vajna
Hi Florian,

On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 10:35:01AM +0100, Florian Effenberger 
> are we fine with publishing the tender in that state, any further edits
> before we proceed with tendering that?

One part that confuses me (but I'm not native) is the "some or more"
wording: does it mean "one or more" or something else?

Otherwise it looks reasonable to me: the full list of tasks is obviously
more than the resource limit you have at the end, but as long as the
wording allows bidders to only offer a subset, this looks fine.



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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting Tender "Look-ahead styleref field for Writer"

2022-05-09 Thread Miklos Vajna

On Fri, May 06, 2022 at 03:42:34PM +0200, Regina Henschel 
> Miklos has already cooperated with the ODF TC when implementing "Gutter".
> Perhaps he can tell how large is the additional effort. For an implementer
> it is much easier to write down the needed info for the OASIS TC than for
> someone else.

I haven't tried filling out that newer "proposal template", but just
writing up the usual information needed for an OASIS issue +
implementing ODF import + export is perhaps half a week of work.

So If you increase the scope and adapt the time to 2 weeks, it could



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[board-discuss] Membership Committee self-nomination

2022-07-25 Thread Miklos Vajna


I am hacking on LibreOffice since its birth, contributing features and
fixes mostly around Writer. I would like to be part of the Membership
Committee to ensure that every aspect of the TDF community is
represented in the committee, including developers. Given my background,
I'm happy to help the work of the committee also at a technical level.

Full name: Miklos Vajna

Email: vmik...@collabora.com

Affiliation: Collabora

I'll provide information on all future changes of the above as soon as
possible, if there will be any.



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Re: [board-discuss] First Questions To All MC Candidates

2022-08-24 Thread Miklos Vajna
Hi Andreas,

On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 05:40:05PM +0200, Andreas Mantke wrote:
> - What are the criteria to measure the value of a contribution?
> - Which are the criteria for a non trivial or obviously insignificant
> contribution?
> - Would your rating differ from areas of contribution?

My approach would be the same as the way we worked during the 2016 -
2018 term, follow the criteria outlined in § 10 of the statues. Make
sure that "doers" stay / become members and the opposite for others.



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[board-discuss] Re: Acceptance of MC role

2022-09-19 Thread Miklos Vajna
Hi Thorsten,

On Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 12:29:25AM +0200, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> I kindly invite you to officially accept your position into the
> MC, by answering this message with a "Reply to all".

I, Miklos Vajna, elected member of the Membership Committee of
The Document Foundation, hereby accept this position within the
Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts. My term will start September 19,

Signed: Miklos Vajna

Ich, Miklos Vajna, gewähltes Mitglied des Mitglieder-Komitees der
The Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung
bürgerlichen Rechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 19. September

Unterzeichnet: Miklos Vajna



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