Re: [board-discuss] Resigning from MC and MC chair

2013-11-29 Thread Leif Lodahl
Hi Florian,
I accept the position as full member og the MC and I will do what I can to
fullfill the duties that follows.

Leif Lodahl

2013/11/29 Florian Effenberger 

> Hello Eike,
> Eike Rathke wrote on 2013-11-28 16:25:
>  I, Eike Rathke, hereby resign from The Document Foundation Membership
>> Committee, as well as from my role as the Membership Committee Chairman,
>> effective immediately.
>> I resign at this date, as I would like to run for the upcoming elections
>> of the Board of Directors of The Document Foundation.
> on behalf of The Document Foundation and the LibreOffice community, I
> would like to thank you very much for all the hard work you have put into
> shaping TDF, the membership committee, and your engagement to attract new
> members for the foundation. I really enjoyed working with you, and the more
> I am happy to hear you want to run for the next board.
> I will file your resignation with Berlin accordingly.
> As per our statutes § 12 II [1], the deputy that follows next in order of
> preference will become a full member of the Membership Committee. Based on
> the last elections, [2] this is Leif Lodahl.
> I therefore ask you, Leif Lodahl, if you accept your new role and want to
> serve in The Document Foundation's Membership Committee as full member.
> Florian
> [1] (binding version) and
> (non-binding translation)
> [2]
> --
> Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
> Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
> The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
> Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
> Legal details:

[steering-discuss] Support for OOXML

2010-11-02 Thread Leif Lodahl
Hi all,

I am about to answer to a letter from the Danish "Expert committee for open
standards" settled by the Danish Government.

I have been talking to Thorsten Behrens regarding the technical details. Now
I would like to discuss how I am going to express this in my answer. My
answer must be the truth and I can't risk to say one thing and then
something else is expressed in e.g., a press release later.

The question:
Which of the standards (by name and version number and amendment) are
supported in the application?

The technical answer I got from Thorsten:
1. ISO/IEC 29500:2008:OOXML Amendment 1 – LibreOffice is a conforming base
consumer according to ISO/IEC 29500-1:2008 §2.6, and a conforming producer
and consumer according to  ISO/IEC 29500-4:2008 §2.2

My question is: Do we publicly and officially support ISO/IEC

Of cause if we do - then we do. But from a political point of view I would
rather write something about how we have not been able to support it
(several reason e.g., its a moving target, faulty and inconsistant etc.) but
we do what we can to support the file format implemented by MS Office 2007:

Please - what do you think?

Leif Lodahl

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[steering-discuss] Support for OOXML

2010-11-03 Thread Leif Lodahl
Hi Charles and all.

What do you say to the below wordings? (fast translated from Danish - so
don't mind the Danglish).

Please have in mind that it's very important for me that what I write now is
not later "overruled" in e.g., a press release or such.


 Question 2:

*Which of the standards (mentioned by name, version number and Amendment)
are supported by the application?*


The file format for text documents, spreadsheets and presentations in
LibreOffice is OASIS ODF 1.2, Committee Draft 06, with a few extensions.
These expansions are part of the ongoing work in the constantly progress in
standardization and the extensions will be considered and approved by OASIS
and subsequently submitted to ISO for ratification.

LibreOffice can read and write ODF 1.0 and 1.1 documents.

LibreOffice partially supports ISO / IEC 29500.

Question 3:

*This implementation is in full compliance with that standard or has been
only partial implementation.*


Implementation of the support for ODF is, in our belief in complete
accordance with the specifications mentioned above.

Support for ISO / IEC 29500 is carried out in a way with focus on those
parts who ahve actually been implemented by others (Microsoft Office). Some
details of the specification has never been implemented in Microsoft Office and
other details has been implemented incorrectly. In LibreOffice, we have
chosen to implement the format of Microsoft Office because we consider
Office as the reference implementation.

Support for Microsoft Office 2007 formats is merely designed two meet customer
needs in order to read and edit existing documents in t format – e.g.,
ing documents with others. It has never been an explicit goal to support an
academic standard, and we can therefore not guarantee an implementation that
is completely in accordance to the specifications.

LibreOffice intend - when possible - to support the approved standards in
full, including ISO / IEC 29500.

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[steering-discuss] Support for OOXML

2010-11-04 Thread Leif Lodahl
Thorsten Wrote...

Hi Leif,
> you wrote:
> > *Which of the standards (mentioned by name, version number and Amendment)
> > are supported by the application?*
> >
> >  Answer:
> >
> > The file format for text documents, spreadsheets and presentations in
> > LibreOffice is OASIS ODF 1.2, Committee Draft 06, with a few extensions.
> > These expansions are part of the ongoing work in the constantly progress
> in
> > standardization and the extensions will be considered and approved by
> > and subsequently submitted to ISO for ratification.
> >
> "...and the extensions are, or will be submitted to OASIS for
> standardization". Scratch the ISO part. We cannot guarantee what
> OASIS approves, nor can we (individually) force OASIS/ISO's hand for
> ratifications.


> > LibreOffice can read and write ODF 1.0 and 1.1 documents.
> >
> Slightly misleading - read both, writes only 1.1.


> > LibreOffice partially supports ISO / IEC 29500.
> >
> Yes.
> > Question 3:
> >
> > *This implementation is in full compliance with that standard or has been
> > only partial implementation.*
> >
> > Answer:
> >
> > Implementation of the support for ODF is, in our belief in complete
> > accordance with the specifications mentioned above.
> >
> > Support for ISO / IEC 29500 is carried out in a way with focus on those
> > parts who ahve actually been implemented by others (Microsoft Office).
> Some
> > details of the specification has never been implemented in Microsoft
> Office and
> > other details has been implemented incorrectly. In LibreOffice, we have
> > chosen to implement the format of Microsoft Office because we consider
> > Microsoft
> > Office as the reference implementation.
> >
> "In LibreOffice, we have chosen to implement the subset of the
> format in use by Microsoft Office, because we consider Microsoft
> Office to be the implementation our users want to interoperate
> with."


> > Support for Microsoft Office 2007 formats is merely designed two meet
> customer
> > needs in order to read and edit existing documents in t format – e.g.,
> > when exchang > ing documents with others. It has never been an
> explicit goal to support an
> > academic standard, and we can therefore not guarantee an implementation
> that
> > is completely in accordance to the specifications.
> >
> Let's please scratch this. The ISO29500 spec was immensely helpful
> to come up with the filter code, and at any rate, was the starting
> point and the tabletop reference for the devs on all sides of this
> endeavour. LibreOffice strives to be standards-conformant - so
> conformance with ISO29500 is the norm, not the exception. When it
> comes to bugs in implementations, the previous paragraph above
> already conveys what side we err on.

Why scratch it?

I think its an important statement (bolded) that we are not implementing
OOXML because its a standard but because our customers needs it. Therefore
we implement what the customers needs in their everyday work.

Your last statement is explained in the sentence below this: "We intend

I would very much like this part to stay.

> > LibreOffice intend - when possible - to support the approved standards in
> > full, including ISO / IEC 29500.
> >
> Quite. :)
> Cheers,
> -- Thorsten


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Re: Re: [steering-discuss] Reminder: next SC call on Wednesday

2011-07-25 Thread Leif Lodahl
Hi Charles et al.,
I will be able to attend the phone meeting but can possibly not be on IRC at
the same time. I will try though ;-)


2011/7/25 Leif Lodahl 

> -- Videresendt besked --
> Fra: "Charles-H. Schulz" 
> Dato: 25/07/2011 10.05
> Emne: Re: [steering-discuss] Reminder: next SC call on Wednesday
> Til: 
> Cc: "Leif Lodahl" 
> Hello Florian
> Le 25/07/2011 07:40, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
> > Hello,
> >
> > just a short reminder: the next SC call will take place on Wednesday,
> > 1600 UTC.
> >
> > As usual, you can find an editable agenda at
> >
> >
> > Florian
> >
> I definitely won't be able to join as I'll be in an OASIS BoD call at
> that moment. May I ask Leif to act as my deputy?
> best,
> Charles.

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