[board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas,

On 03/09/2020 19:59, Andreas Mantke wrote:
> b) TDF currently has 221 members and none of them asked any question to
> the candidates!
> That's something to think long and hard about. What does this mean to
> the democratic culture of the foundation. It was created to get the
> members / contributors a voice and a say.

Fair enough =) good point - here are a few questions I came up with.
Please note - it is trivial to ask more questions in a few minutes than
can be answered in a lifetime - but here are a few things I'd love to know
from each candidate:

What is the right list for that ? board-discuss I hope.

* many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
  Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
  number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
  translation, documentation etc.

+ how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?

+ Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
  more marginal contributions for membership cf.

+ what effect do you expect that to have on the project ?

* If you've stood before, approximately how many people have
  you encouraged to apply for membership ?

* How many applications have you voted against ?

* Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
  between membership and non-membership that encourages
  a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
  achieve full membership ?

* When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated strings,
  code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
  decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
  MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
  should other MC members validate that ?

* To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
  be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?

* How do you believe we can improve the existing election
  system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?
+ I'm interested in where we have the situation that
  being too popular can stop you being able to
  engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
  Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
  in the last Board election.

Thanks for any answers =)


michael.me...@collabora.com <><, GM Collabora Productivity
Hangout: mejme...@gmail.com, Skype: mmeeks
(M) +44 7795 666 147 - timezone usually UK / Europe

To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discuss+unsubscr...@documentfoundation.org
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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Daniel Armando Rodriguez

El 2020-09-04 08:17, Michael Meeks escribió:

Hi Andreas,

On 03/09/2020 19:59, Andreas Mantke wrote:
b) TDF currently has 221 members and none of them asked any question 

the candidates!

That's something to think long and hard about. What does this mean to
the democratic culture of the foundation. It was created to get the
members / contributors a voice and a say.

Fair enough =) good point - here are a few questions I came up with.
Please note - it is trivial to ask more questions in a few minutes than
can be answered in a lifetime - but here are a few things I'd love to 

from each candidate:

What is the right list for that ? board-discuss I hope.

* many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
  Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
  number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
  translation, documentation etc.

+ how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?

Don't need to be 'a lot'

+ Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
  more marginal contributions for membership cf.

What's the 'more marginal contributions' meaning?

+ what effect do you expect that to have on the project ?

* If you've stood before, approximately how many people have
  you encouraged to apply for membership ?

* How many applications have you voted against ?

* Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
  between membership and non-membership that encourages
  a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
  achieve full membership ?

* When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated strings,
  code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
  decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
  MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
  should other MC members validate that ?

* To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
  be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?

Any relation to MC Open Letter?

* How do you believe we can improve the existing election
  system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?
+ I'm interested in where we have the situation that
  being too popular can stop you being able to
  engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
  Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
  in the last Board election.

'Too popular'? What about that tiny little issue callled affiliation?


To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discuss+unsubscr...@documentfoundation.org
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Privacy Policy: https://www.documentfoundation.org/privacy

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Simon Phipps
I was not aware you were a candidate, Daniel. Did I miss your nomination?


On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 2:29 PM Daniel Armando Rodriguez <
drodrig...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:

> El 2020-09-04 08:17, Michael Meeks escribió:
> > Hi Andreas,
> >
> > On 03/09/2020 19:59, Andreas Mantke wrote:
> >> b) TDF currently has 221 members and none of them asked any question
> >> to
> >> the candidates!
> >>
> >> That's something to think long and hard about. What does this mean to
> >> the democratic culture of the foundation. It was created to get the
> >> members / contributors a voice and a say.
> >
> >   Fair enough =) good point - here are a few questions I came up
> with.
> > Please note - it is trivial to ask more questions in a few minutes than
> > can be answered in a lifetime - but here are a few things I'd love to
> > know
> > from each candidate:
> >
> >   What is the right list for that ? board-discuss I hope.
> >
> > * many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
> >   Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
> >   number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
> >   translation, documentation etc.
> >
> >   + how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?
> Don't need to be 'a lot'
> >   + Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
> > more marginal contributions for membership cf.
> >
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Membership_Role#Contributing
> What's the 'more marginal contributions' meaning?
> >   + what effect do you expect that to have on the project ?
> >
> > * If you've stood before, approximately how many people have
> >   you encouraged to apply for membership ?
> >
> > * How many applications have you voted against ?
> >
> > * Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
> >   between membership and non-membership that encourages
> >   a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
> >   achieve full membership ?
> >
> > * When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated strings,
> >   code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
> >   decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
> >   MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
> >   should other MC members validate that ?
> >
> > * To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
> >   be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?
> Any relation to MC Open Letter?
> > * How do you believe we can improve the existing election
> >   system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?
> >   + I'm interested in where we have the situation that
> > being too popular can stop you being able to
> > engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
> > Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
> > in the last Board election.
> 'Too popular'? What about that tiny little issue callled affiliation?
> --

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Daniel Armando Rodriguez

First of all, it is a public list.
On the other hand, not being a candidate disqualifies me from asking 

El 2020-09-04 10:47, Simon Phipps escribió:

I was not aware you were a candidate, Daniel. Did I miss your 


On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 2:29 PM Daniel Armando Rodriguez 

El 2020-09-04 08:17, Michael Meeks escribió:

Hi Andreas,

On 03/09/2020 19:59, Andreas Mantke wrote:

b) TDF currently has 221 members and none of them asked any question
the candidates!

That's something to think long and hard about. What does this mean 

the democratic culture of the foundation. It was created to get the
members / contributors a voice and a say.

Fair enough =) good point - here are a few questions I came up with.
Please note - it is trivial to ask more questions in a few minutes 

can be answered in a lifetime - but here are a few things I'd love to
from each candidate:

What is the right list for that ? board-discuss I hope.

* many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
translation, documentation etc.

+ how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?

Don't need to be 'a lot'

+ Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
more marginal contributions for membership cf.

What's the 'more marginal contributions' meaning?

+ what effect do you expect that to have on the project ?

* If you've stood before, approximately how many people have
you encouraged to apply for membership ?

* How many applications have you voted against ?

* Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
between membership and non-membership that encourages
a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
achieve full membership ?

* When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated strings,
code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
should other MC members validate that ?

* To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?

Any relation to MC Open Letter?

* How do you believe we can improve the existing election
system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?
+ I'm interested in where we have the situation that
being too popular can stop you being able to
engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
in the last Board election.

'Too popular'? What about that tiny little issue callled affiliation?

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Simon Phipps
Hi Franklin.

Daniel appeared to be responding negatively to Michael's question rather
than asking any of his own. I see no reason why Board members need to argue
between themselves on this thread when you've plenty of scope for that on
your secret lists.

Best regards,


On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 3:09 PM Franklin Weng  wrote:

> Did you mean that Daniel has no rights to speak out his question?  If so,
> In what rules say only candidates can reply questions to MC candidates?
> If no, then why did you ask such a question?
> F
> Simon Phipps 於 2020/9/4 下午9:47 寫道:
> I was not aware you were a candidate, Daniel. Did I miss your nomination?
> S.
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 2:29 PM Daniel Armando Rodriguez <
> drodrig...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
>> El 2020-09-04 08:17, Michael Meeks escribió:
>> > Hi Andreas,
>> >
>> > On 03/09/2020 19:59, Andreas Mantke wrote:
>> >> b) TDF currently has 221 members and none of them asked any question
>> >> to
>> >> the candidates!
>> >>
>> >> That's something to think long and hard about. What does this mean to
>> >> the democratic culture of the foundation. It was created to get the
>> >> members / contributors a voice and a say.
>> >
>> >   Fair enough =) good point - here are a few questions I came up
>> with.
>> > Please note - it is trivial to ask more questions in a few minutes than
>> > can be answered in a lifetime - but here are a few things I'd love to
>> > know
>> > from each candidate:
>> >
>> >   What is the right list for that ? board-discuss I hope.
>> >
>> > * many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
>> >   Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
>> >   number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
>> >   translation, documentation etc.
>> >
>> >   + how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?
>> Don't need to be 'a lot'
>> >   + Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
>> > more marginal contributions for membership cf.
>> >
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Membership_Role#Contributing
>> What's the 'more marginal contributions' meaning?
>> >   + what effect do you expect that to have on the project ?
>> >
>> > * If you've stood before, approximately how many people have
>> >   you encouraged to apply for membership ?
>> >
>> > * How many applications have you voted against ?
>> >
>> > * Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
>> >   between membership and non-membership that encourages
>> >   a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
>> >   achieve full membership ?
>> >
>> > * When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated strings,
>> >   code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
>> >   decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
>> >   MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
>> >   should other MC members validate that ?
>> >
>> > * To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
>> >   be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?
>> Any relation to MC Open Letter?
>> > * How do you believe we can improve the existing election
>> >   system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?
>> >   + I'm interested in where we have the situation that
>> > being too popular can stop you being able to
>> > engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
>> > Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
>> > in the last Board election.
>> 'Too popular'? What about that tiny little issue callled affiliation?
>> --
>> DAR
>> --
> Franklin Weng
> 中華民國軟體自由協會常務理事
> 文件基金會(LibreOffice 法人代表)認證 LibreOffice 導入專家、訓練專家
> 文件基金會(LibreOffice 法人代表)董事會副主席、認證委員會委員

*Simon Phipps*
*Office:* +1 (415) 683-7660 *or* +44 (238) 098 7027
*Signal/Mobile*:  +44 774 776 2816

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Daniel,

On 04/09/2020 14:29, Daniel Armando Rodriguez wrote:
>> * many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
>>   Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
>>   number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
>>   translation, documentation etc.
>> + how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?
>> + Do you think we expand the membership by accepting
>>   more marginal contributions for membership cf.
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Membership_Role#Contributing
> What's the 'more marginal contributions' meaning?

Ah - perhaps I should be more clear:

 + "Do you think we should expand the membership by
accepting much smaller contributions for membership"

Sorry for that. The essence of the question is simple - if you
want to grow the membership there are at least these two approaches:

+ encourage more people to contribute more to meet
  the criteria
+ lower the criteria for membership

Hence my question - in each case - I'd love more detail on people's
suggested approach.

>> * How do you believe we can improve the existing election
>>   system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?
>> + I'm interested in where we have the situation that
>>   being too popular can stop you being able to
>>   engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
>>   Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
>>   in the last Board election.
> 'Too popular'? What about that tiny little issue called affiliation?

Sure, so do you have a question about that ? either way I'm curious
about MC member's views of an electoral system whereby (given the
current CoI rules) discouraging people from voting for you is a good
tactic to get elected ;-) and/or that if/as/when people are bumped by
these rules that it's not possible to appoint the next most popular
person in the ranking etc.

I would hope that:

"* How do you believe we can improve the existing election
   system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?"

Is a legitimate question for the MC candidates ?



michael.me...@collabora.com <><, GM Collabora Productivity
Hangout: mejme...@gmail.com, Skype: mmeeks
(M) +44 7795 666 147 - timezone usually UK / Europe

To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discuss+unsubscr...@documentfoundation.org
Problems? https://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/
Posting guidelines + more: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette
List archive: https://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/board-discuss/
Privacy Policy: https://www.documentfoundation.org/privacy

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 9/4/20 4:26 PM, Michael Meeks wrote:

>   Sorry for that. The essence of the question is simple - if you
> want to grow the membership there are at least these two approaches:

>   + encourage more people to contribute more to meet
> the criteria
> or
>   + lower the criteria for membership

There is a third solution: convince more contributors to apply for
membership, as many of them do not even know that it is possible to
become TDF members by contributing to LibreOffice.

For instance, we have over 4K people registered on weblate, or 20 times
as many TDF members. Of course, many of them would not qualify as their
contribution is marginal, but many would.

I think that a solution to this issue is to reach out to native language
communities, especially outside Europe, where the relationship with the
core group is less strong.

>   I would hope that:

> "* How do you believe we can improve the existing election
>system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?"

>   Is a legitimate question for the MC candidates ?

I think the question is legitimate if you take away the last portion:
"assuming the statutes can be tweaked". I do not see how the statutes
can be tweaked, but I think that they can be applied with some added
flexibility ("flexible" is different from "tweaked").

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email it...@libreoffice.org
hangout/jabber italo.vign...@gmail.com - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Hi *,

to comment on one aspect here for the moment:

Italo Vignoli wrote:
> I think the question is legitimate if you take away the last portion:
> "assuming the statutes can be tweaked". I do not see how the statutes
> can be tweaked, but I think that they can be applied with some added
> flexibility ("flexible" is different from "tweaked").
The statutes _can_ be modified, but the bar for that is relatively
high (for good reasons), plus the changes must not modify the original
intends and purposes:

- § 14 (1): The Board of Directors can make changes to the Articles of
  Association provided that the changes do not affect the foundation’s
  goals and do not substantially alter the original design of the
  foundation or facilitate the fulfillment of the foundation’s goals.

- and any change has to be ratified (in essence cross-checked to
  fulfil the above requirements) by the foundation authorities

All the best,

-- Thorsten

Description: PGP signature

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Franklin Weng
Did you mean that Daniel has no rights to speak out his question?  If
so, In what rules say only candidates can reply questions to MC candidates?

If no, then why did you ask such a question?


Simon Phipps 於 2020/9/4 下午9:47 寫道:
> I was not aware you were a candidate, Daniel. Did I miss your nomination?
> S.
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 2:29 PM Daniel Armando Rodriguez
>  > wrote:
> El 2020-09-04 08:17, Michael Meeks escribió:
> > Hi Andreas,
> >
> > On 03/09/2020 19:59, Andreas Mantke wrote:
> >> b) TDF currently has 221 members and none of them asked any
> question
> >> to
> >> the candidates!
> >>
> >> That's something to think long and hard about. What does this
> mean to
> >> the democratic culture of the foundation. It was created to get the
> >> members / contributors a voice and a say.
> >
> >       Fair enough =) good point - here are a few questions I
> came up with.
> > Please note - it is trivial to ask more questions in a few
> minutes than
> > can be answered in a lifetime - but here are a few things I'd
> love to
> > know
> > from each candidate:
> >
> >       What is the right list for that ? board-discuss I hope.
> >
> > * many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
> >   Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
> >   number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
> >   translation, documentation etc.
> >
> >       + how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?
> Don't need to be 'a lot'
> >       + Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
> >         more marginal contributions for membership cf.
> >       
>  https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Membership_Role#Contributing
> What's the 'more marginal contributions' meaning?
> >       + what effect do you expect that to have on the project ?
> >
> > * If you've stood before, approximately how many people have
> >   you encouraged to apply for membership ?
> >
> > * How many applications have you voted against ?
> >
> > * Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
> >   between membership and non-membership that encourages
> >   a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
> >   achieve full membership ?
> >
> > * When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated strings,
> >   code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
> >   decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
> >   MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
> >   should other MC members validate that ?
> >
> > * To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
> >   be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?
> Any relation to MC Open Letter?
> > * How do you believe we can improve the existing election
> >   system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?
> >       + I'm interested in where we have the situation that
> >         being too popular can stop you being able to
> >         engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
> >         Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
> >         in the last Board election.
> 'Too popular'? What about that tiny little issue callled affiliation?
> -- 
Franklin Weng
文件基金會(LibreOffice 法人代表)認證 LibreOffice 導入專家、訓練專家
文件基金會(LibreOffice 法人代表)董事會副主席、認證委員會委員

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Franklin Weng

Maybe, but you still don't answer my question.  In what rules forbid
Daniel to do this?

BTW, If I would reply Michael's question mail I would be negative too,
because I don't like his way to ask such questions, just like I don't
like the way you ask Daniel either.


Simon Phipps 於 2020/9/4 下午10:12 寫道:
> Hi Franklin. 
> Daniel appeared to be responding negatively to Michael's question
> rather than asking any of his own. I see no reason why Board members
> need to argue between themselves on this thread when you've plenty of
> scope for that on your secret lists.
> Best regards,
> Simon
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 3:09 PM Franklin Weng  > wrote:
> Did you mean that Daniel has no rights to speak out his question? 
> If so, In what rules say only candidates can reply questions to MC
> candidates?
> If no, then why did you ask such a question?
> F
> Simon Phipps 於 2020/9/4 下午9:47 寫道:
>> I was not aware you were a candidate, Daniel. Did I miss your
>> nomination?
>> S.
>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 2:29 PM Daniel Armando Rodriguez
>> > > wrote:
>> El 2020-09-04 08:17, Michael Meeks escribió:
>> > Hi Andreas,
>> >
>> > On 03/09/2020 19:59, Andreas Mantke wrote:
>> >> b) TDF currently has 221 members and none of them asked
>> any question
>> >> to
>> >> the candidates!
>> >>
>> >> That's something to think long and hard about. What does
>> this mean to
>> >> the democratic culture of the foundation. It was created
>> to get the
>> >> members / contributors a voice and a say.
>> >
>> >       Fair enough =) good point - here are a few questions
>> I came up with.
>> > Please note - it is trivial to ask more questions in a few
>> minutes than
>> > can be answered in a lifetime - but here are a few things
>> I'd love to
>> > know
>> > from each candidate:
>> >
>> >       What is the right list for that ? board-discuss I hope.
>> >
>> > * many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
>> >   Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
>> >   number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
>> >   translation, documentation etc.
>> >
>> >       + how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?
>> Don't need to be 'a lot'
>> >       + Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
>> >         more marginal contributions for membership cf.
>> >       
>>  https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Membership_Role#Contributing
>> What's the 'more marginal contributions' meaning?
>> >       + what effect do you expect that to have on the project ?
>> >
>> > * If you've stood before, approximately how many people have
>> >   you encouraged to apply for membership ?
>> >
>> > * How many applications have you voted against ?
>> >
>> > * Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
>> >   between membership and non-membership that encourages
>> >   a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
>> >   achieve full membership ?
>> >
>> > * When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated
>> strings,
>> >   code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
>> >   decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
>> >   MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
>> >   should other MC members validate that ?
>> >
>> > * To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
>> >   be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?
>> Any relation to MC Open Letter?
>> > * How do you believe we can improve the existing election
>> >   system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?
>> >       + I'm interested in where we have the situation that
>> >         being too popular can stop you being able to
>> >         engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
>> >         Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
>> >         in the last Board election.
>> 'Too popular'? What about that tiny little issue callled
>> affiliation?
>> -- 
>> DAR
> -- 
> Franklin Weng
> 中華民國軟體自由協會常務理事
> 文件基金會(LibreOffice 法人代表)認證 LibreOffice 導入專家、訓練專家
> 文件基金會(LibreOffice 法人代表)董事會副主席、認證委員會委員
> -- 
> *Simon Phipps*  
> /Office:/ +1 (415) 683-7660 /or/ +44 (238) 098 7027
> /Signal/Mobile/:  +44 774 776 2816/
> /
Franklin Weng
文件基金會(LibreOffice 法人代表)認證 LibreOffice 導入專家、訓練專家

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread ahmad haris
Hi Mike and Andreas,

I just joined the board-discuss couple days ago, so not much know about
previous topics (even it can read on archive)

Pada tanggal Jum, 4 Sep 2020 pukul 18.18 Michael Meeks <
michael.me...@collabora.com> menulis:

> Hi Andreas,
> On 03/09/2020 19:59, Andreas Mantke wrote:
> > b) TDF currently has 221 members and none of them asked any question to
> > the candidates!
> >
> > That's something to think long and hard about. What does this mean to
> > the democratic culture of the foundation. It was created to get the
> > members / contributors a voice and a say.
> Fair enough =) good point - here are a few questions I came up
> with.
> Please note - it is trivial to ask more questions in a few minutes than
> can be answered in a lifetime - but here are a few things I'd love to know
> from each candidate:
> What is the right list for that ? board-discuss I hope.

Some people probably do not read this mailing list too much (like me,
sorry). The newer generation below me dislike mailing lists.

> * many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
>   Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
>   number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
>   translation, documentation etc.
> + how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?

In my experience, here what I do:
* active in community, if you can't active physically because of busy with
daily job, you can donate/support their activity, in Indonesian community,
we often have some challenge to community and there is a prize for the
winner. you can donate the prize if you feel busy and can't help much.
* give a good example and impression how we use libreoffice and how to
contribute in the easiest way to the community.
* have good manners to newcomers, sometimes arrogant also needed but still,
we must help newcomers.
* create a conference. I (with help of the community) often create open
source conferences. Of course we have held a libreoffice indonesia
conference before with more than 500 audience. This year's conference
failed because covid-19
* exhibition booth. be happy and set up booths in as many exhibitions as
possible. you will have a lot of questions and answers at that booth.
* create a workshop about libreoffice, it can be user (how to use)
workshop, translation, and QA.
* Gave a talk in university or any organization.

And we lack (never happen at least in Indonesia) about coding/UX workshops
for libreoffice.

> + Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
>   more marginal contributions for membership cf.
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Membership_Role#Contributing

Please explain more about the term "marginal".

> + what effect do you expect that to have on the project ?
Anything, in my case, local community have:
* https://glosarium.libreoffice.id/ to help translation
* https://docs.libreoffice.id/ for record activity (it's like readme
* https://lumbung.libreoffice.id/ for saving slide, theme and template

> * If you've stood before, approximately how many people have
>   you encouraged to apply for membership ?

I can't remember it, but I do encourage several people who are active in
the community (from Indonesia and Malaysia).

> * How many applications have you voted against ?

Many, especially if I know the applicant. Mostly I know in person if they
are from SouthEast Asia.

> * Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
>   between membership and non-membership that encourages
>   a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
>   achieve full membership ?

I have no idea about this. But I often have questions from students "what
would be the benefit if we become a member?"

> * When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated strings,
>   code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
>   decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
>   MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
>   should other MC members validate that ?

In my case, I will validate if I know the person. If no, I ask another MC
to verify it. If still nobody knows, then one of MC will send them an email
asking more questions.

> * To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
>   be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?

It can be transparent if there's good tools. Some discussions are in MC
telegram groups. IMHO it doesnt need to be totally transparent, of course
there's reporting. But people can ask. Probably need to discuss more about
"the transparent thing"?

> * How do you believe we can improve the existing election
>   system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?
> + I'm interested in where we have the situation that
>   being too popular can stop you being able to
>   engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
>   Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
>   in

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Marc Paré
Le 20-09-04 à 10 h 44, Italo Vignoli a écrit :
> There is a third solution: convince more contributors to apply for
> membership, as many of them do not even know that it is possible to
> become TDF members by contributing to LibreOffice.
> For instance, we have over 4K people registered on weblate, or 20 times
> as many TDF members. Of course, many of them would not qualify as their
> contribution is marginal, but many would.
> I think that a solution to this issue is to reach out to native language
> communities, especially outside Europe, where the relationship with the
> core group is less strong.
IMO, this should be the first solution that we should explore. I
completely agree with Italo that we should reach out to those whom we
see regularly on any of the project's volunteer teams and see if we
could not assist them in becoming members and, in so doing, build more
of a loyal family of members. Most people think a member has to put out
hours of work per week to become a member or maintain one's membership.
We should do more reaching out internally and promote internally.


Marc Paré
parEntreprise.com Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF)
parEntreprise.com Supports http://www.LibreOffice.org

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