Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Changes in the Membership Committee

2011-07-19 Thread Florian Effenberger


1. approve all current deputies of the MC as full MC members. (so the MC
 will have 5 members in total - Sophie Gautier, Fridrich Strba, André
 Schnabel, Thorsten Behrens, Cor Nouws  )

 2. approve that the MC should decide on applications in consensus with a
 needed quorum of 2/3rd (means currently 4 members).

+1 to both.


Florian Effenberger 
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
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[steering-discuss] SC call on 27th

2011-07-19 Thread Florian Effenberger


I will not be available for the SC call on the 27th (Wednesday, 1600 
UTC), and would like to ask my deputy Christoph Noack to step in.

FYI: The next call is this Saturday, 1400 UTC, and I will join it. The 
call on the 27th is the one after that.


Florian Effenberger 
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/ @floeff

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Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots in TDF materials

2011-07-19 Thread Florian Effenberger


David Nelson wrote on 2011-07-18 20.04:

May I put it to the SC that it would be better in the motion was
"Screenshots for documentation, web graphics and marketing materials
for LibreOffice and TDF may be taken on any computing platform,
notably Linux, but also Windows, Macintosh and other operating systems
and graphical user interfaces."

Olivier, would this also comfort you, is this in the direction you were 


Florian Effenberger 
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/ @floeff

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Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots in TDF materials

2011-07-19 Thread Jonathan Aquilina


I am just thinking out loud here, if the UI is majorly the same across 
all platforms why not just use linux for the screen shots, that way the 
TDF wont have to worrie about copyright infringment etc from windows and 
mac? At least the TDF can rest assured no legal action will be taken if 
linux is used.

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Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots in TDF materials

2011-07-19 Thread Olivier Hallot

HI Florian

And my vote is +1


Em 19-07-2011 05:57, Florian Effenberger escreveu:


David Nelson wrote on 2011-07-18 20.04:

May I put it to the SC that it would be better in the motion was
"Screenshots for documentation, web graphics and marketing materials
for LibreOffice and TDF may be taken on any computing platform,
notably Linux, but also Windows, Macintosh and other operating systems
and graphical user interfaces."

Olivier, would this also comfort you, is this in the direction you 
were thinking?


Olivier Hallot
Founder, Steering Commitee Member - The Document Foundation
Voicing the enterprise needs
LibreOffice translation leader for Brazilian Portuguese

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Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots in TDF materials

2011-07-19 Thread Andre Schnabel

-1 as this was not what we discussed in the call. This is missing the 
recommendation to use Linux screenshots (as we acknoledged, that there might be 
a very low risk otherwise).


> - Ursprüngliche Nachricht -
> Von: Olivier Hallot
> Gesendet: 19.07.11 11:55 Uhr
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots 
> in TDF materials
> HI Florian
> And my vote is +1
> Regards
> Em 19-07-2011 05:57, Florian Effenberger escreveu:
> > Hello,
> >
> > David Nelson wrote on 2011-07-18 20.04:
> >> May I put it to the SC that it would be better in the motion was
> >> "Screenshots for documentation, web graphics and marketing materials
> >> for LibreOffice and TDF may be taken on any computing platform,
> >> notably Linux, but also Windows, Macintosh and other operating systems
> >> and graphical user interfaces."
> >
> > Olivier, would this also comfort you, is this in the direction you 
> > were thinking?
> >
> > Florian
> >
> -- 
> Olivier Hallot
> Founder, Steering Commitee Member - The Document Foundation
> Voicing the enterprise needs
> LibreOffice translation leader for Brazilian Portuguese
> +55-21-8822-8812
> -- 
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Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots in TDF materials

2011-07-19 Thread Florian Effenberger


Andre Schnabel wrote on 2011-07-19 11.56:

-1 as this was not what we discussed in the call. This is missing the 
recommendation to use Linux screenshots (as we acknoledged, that there might be 
a very low risk otherwise).

yes, indeed, that's what we discussed during the call. Maybe Olivier, 
you can elaborate on what the concrete problem is?


Florian Effenberger 
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/ @floeff

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Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Changes in the Membership Committee

2011-07-19 Thread Michael Meeks

+1 to both - assuming Thorsten or Caolan don't vote (T. is on
vacation) :-)
--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots in TDF materials

2011-07-19 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
+1 to all this.  

The agreed wording, that keeps getting repeated, allows  screen-shots to be 
taken in MS Windows.  The wording also cleverly allows screen-shots on other 

The perceived issue with MS is that MS Office is possibly their main income 
stream.  People might buy 2 or 3 versions of MSO to upgrade that while only 
upgrading their OS once.  If MS see TDF as a threat to that income stream then 
we can expect them to try to reduce that threat.  Hopefully they might do that 
as fantastically well as they manage to build stable, secure products but we 
can't rely on that.  

Oracle fell 'easily' because it wasn't a fight they were particularly 
in but with MS its a crucial part of their business, especially if we get onto 
the Cloud or when people realise the Cloud is "a pipe-dream" and deeply flawed.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Olivier Hallot 
Sent: Mon, 18 July, 2011 18:30:06
Subject: Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots in 
TDF materials

my vote is to use MS Windows screenshots, for windows-only situations (as in
the install)
Thanks and regards

2011/7/18 André Schnabel 

> Hi,
> in our latest SC-Call we discussed the issue about taking and publishing
> Screenshots on windows. As we had no quorum in the call, I'd ask every SC
> member / deputy to vote on the statement we agreed in the call.
> The statement is:
> It is noted that several members of the SC acknowledge the existence of a
> legal risk to display screenshots of LibreOffice on Windows, but the risk is
> deemed low, therefore, while screenshots on GNU/Linux should be the default
> ones, screenshots on Windows are also possible.
> Meeting minutes are at:
> http://wiki.****Steering_Committee_Meetings#**
> regards,
> André
> --
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Olivier Hallot
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The Document Foundation

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Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots in TDF materials

2011-07-19 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think it's best to stick with the original wording. 
"It is noted that several members of the SC acknowledge the existence of a 
risk to display screenshots of LibreOffice on Windows, but the risk is deemed 
low, therefore, while screenshots on GNU/Linux should be the default ones, 
screenshots on Windows are also possible."

It was very smart and left things open for other platforms too.  Also that's 
wording that quite a few people have already cast votes on.  Mac and Bsd are 
side issues in this debate because neither of them have a separate Office Suite 
that is a major income stream for them so they are much less likely to fight 
tooth&claw against us. 

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Andre Schnabel 
Sent: Tue, 19 July, 2011 10:56:12
Subject: Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots in 
TDF materials


-1 as this was not what we discussed in the call. This is missing the 
recommendation to use Linux screenshots (as we acknoledged, that there might be 
a very low risk otherwise).


> - Ursprüngliche Nachricht -
> Von: Olivier Hallot
> Gesendet: 19.07.11 11:55 Uhr
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots 
> in 
>TDF materials
> HI Florian
> And my vote is +1
> Regards
> Em 19-07-2011 05:57, Florian Effenberger escreveu:
> > Hello,
> >
> > David Nelson wrote on 2011-07-18 20.04:
> >> May I put it to the SC that it would be better in the motion was
> >> "Screenshots for documentation, web graphics and marketing materials
> >> for LibreOffice and TDF may be taken on any computing platform,
> >> notably Linux, but also Windows, Macintosh and other operating systems
> >> and graphical user interfaces."
> >
> > Olivier, would this also comfort you, is this in the direction you 
> > were thinking?
> >
> > Florian
> >
> -- 
> Olivier Hallot
> Founder, Steering Commitee Member - The Document Foundation
> Voicing the enterprise needs
> LibreOffice translation leader for Brazilian Portuguese
> +55-21-8822-8812
> -- 
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[steering-discuss] Please approve Simon Phipps as election secretary

2011-07-19 Thread Andre Schnabel

this was briefly discussed in our last SC-Call and in the following MC-meeting.

To ease the work of the current MC and help with the BoD elections (help with 
communication, organization and overseeing the election process), we would like 
to name Simon Phipps as election secretary for our next BoD elections. MC will 
still be responsible to prepare and oversee the elections, but Simon will do 
most of the communication on the topic.

So I'd ask each SC member / deputy to approve this proposal.

My vote is +1



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Re: [steering-discuss] Please approve Simon Phipps as election secretary

2011-07-19 Thread Charles-H. Schulz
Le Tue, 19 Jul 2011 16:39:17 +0200,
"Andre Schnabel"  a écrit :

> Hi,
> this was briefly discussed in our last SC-Call and in the following
> MC-meeting.
> To ease the work of the current MC and help with the BoD elections
> (help with communication, organization and overseeing the election
> process), we would like to name Simon Phipps as election secretary
> for our next BoD elections. MC will still be responsible to prepare
> and oversee the elections, but Simon will do most of the
> communication on the topic.
> So I'd ask each SC member / deputy to approve this proposal.
> My vote is +1
> regards,
> André


Charles-H. Schulz
Membre du Comité exécutif
The Document Foundation.

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Re: [steering-discuss] Please approve Simon Phipps as election secretary

2011-07-19 Thread Olivier Hallot

2011/7/19 Andre Schnabel 

> Hi,
> this was briefly discussed in our last SC-Call and in the following
> MC-meeting.
> To ease the work of the current MC and help with the BoD elections (help
> with communication, organization and overseeing the election process), we
> would like to name Simon Phipps as election secretary for our next BoD
> elections. MC will still be responsible to prepare and oversee the
> elections, but Simon will do most of the communication on the topic.
> So I'd ask each SC member / deputy to approve this proposal.
> My vote is +1
> regards,
> André
> --
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Olivier Hallot
Founder and Steering Commitee Member
The Document Foundation

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Re: [steering-discuss] Please approve Simon Phipps as election secretary

2011-07-19 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 7/19/11 4:39 PM, Andre Schnabel wrote:

> To ease the work of the current MC and help with the BoD elections (help with 
> communication, organization and overseeing the election process), we would 
> like to name Simon Phipps as election secretary for our next BoD elections. 
> MC will still be responsible to prepare and oversee the elections, but Simon 
> will do most of the communication on the topic.


Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
phone +39.348.5653829 - VoIP +39.02.320621813
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Re: [steering-discuss] Please approve Simon Phipps as election secretary

2011-07-19 Thread Florian Effenberger


Andre Schnabel wrote on 2011-07-19 16.39:

To ease the work of the current MC and help with the BoD elections (help with 
communication, organization and overseeing the election process), we would like 
to name Simon Phipps as election secretary for our next BoD elections. MC will 
still be responsible to prepare and oversee the elections, but Simon will do 
most of the communication on the topic.

So I'd ask each SC member / deputy to approve this proposal.

+1. This of course only can work if Simon is not planning to run for a 
board seat. :-)


Florian Effenberger 
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/ @floeff

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Re: [steering-discuss] Please approve Simon Phipps as election secretary

2011-07-19 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi all,

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 5:39 PM, Andre Schnabel  wrote:

> To ease the work of the current MC and help with the BoD elections (help with 
> communication, organization and overseeing the election process), we would 
> like to name Simon Phipps as election secretary for our next BoD elections. 
> MC will still be responsible to prepare and oversee the elections, but Simon 
> will do most of the communication on the topic.
> So I'd ask each SC member / deputy to approve this proposal.

Kind regards
Founding member of The Document Foundation

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Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Changes in the Membership Committee

2011-07-19 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi all,

2011/7/18 André Schnabel :
> Hi,

> 1. approve all current deputies of the MC as full MC members. (so the MC
> will have 5 members in total - Sophie Gautier, Fridrich Strba, André
> Schnabel, Thorsten Behrens, Cor Nouws  )

> 2. approve that the MC should decide on applications in consensus with a
> needed quorum of 2/3rd (means currently 4 members).

Kind regards
Founding member of The Document Foundation

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Re: [steering-discuss] Please approve Simon Phipps as election secretary

2011-07-19 Thread Michael Meeks

On Tue, 2011-07-19 at 16:39 +0200, Andre Schnabel wrote:
> So I'd ask each SC member / deputy to approve this proposal.
> My vote is +1

Sounds fine to me too.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots in TDF materials

2011-07-19 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi all,

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Florian Effenberger
> Hi,
> Andre Schnabel wrote on 2011-07-19 11.56:
>> -1 as this was not what we discussed in the call. This is missing the
>> recommendation to use Linux screenshots (as we acknoledged, that there might
>> be a very low risk otherwise).
> yes, indeed, that's what we discussed during the call. Maybe Olivier, you
> can elaborate on what the concrete problem is?

-1 from my side too.

Kind regards

Founding member of The Document Foundation

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Re: [steering-discuss] Please approve Simon Phipps as election secretary

2011-07-19 Thread Christoph Noack
Am Dienstag, den 19.07.2011, 16:39 +0200 schrieb Andre Schnabel:
> Hi,
> this was briefly discussed in our last SC-Call and in the following 
> MC-meeting.
> To ease the work of the current MC and help with the BoD elections (help with 
> communication, organization and overseeing the election process), we would 
> like to name Simon Phipps as election secretary for our next BoD elections. 
> MC will still be responsible to prepare and oversee the elections, but Simon 
> will do most of the communication on the topic.
> So I'd ask each SC member / deputy to approve this proposal.

+1 (but both members I'm "deputy-ing" already agreed)

Thanks to Simon for his offer to make things run smoother for the whole
community - that's great!


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[steering-discuss] Re: SC call on 27th

2011-07-19 Thread Christoph Noack
Hi Florian, all!

Am Dienstag, den 19.07.2011, 10:35 +0200 schrieb Florian Effenberger:
> Hello,
> I will not be available for the SC call on the 27th (Wednesday, 1600 
> UTC), and would like to ask my deputy Christoph Noack to step in.

Oh, I have to check that - I'll have some vacation and will be on the
road most of the time. Will report back - so my kind request to the
other SC guys is to join anyway (consensus related).

> FYI: The next call is this Saturday, 1400 UTC, and I will join it. The 
> call on the 27th is the one after that.

Thanks! For me, its either family birthday party or SC call ... let's
see how the part evolves ;-)))


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