[steering-discuss] confcall in CW 19 on Thursday

2011-05-11 Thread Florian Effenberger


the next Steering Committee phone conference for calendar week 19 is 

Thursday, May 12th, 1600 UTC (=1800 German time)

For your time zone, see the poll at http://doodle.com/rgt57aqwzemhetry

Dial-in details are as usual: 

So is the place to add your agenda items to: 

Looking forward to hearing you!

Florian Effenberger 
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/Identi.ca: @floeff

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Re: [steering-discuss] confcall in CW 19 on Thursday

2011-05-11 Thread Charles-H. Schulz
I won't be there but I'd be tempted to say that the most urgent issues
on the agenda is the release plan discussion.


Le Wed, 11 May 2011 13:04:19 +0100,
Simon Phipps  a écrit :

> Will you be discussing the Brazil situation?
> {Terse? Mobile!}
> On May 11, 2011 10:08 AM, "Florian Effenberger" <
> flo...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > the next Steering Committee phone conference for calendar week 19 is
> > tomorrow:
> >
> > Thursday, May 12th, 1600 UTC (=1800 German time)
> >
> > For your time zone, see the poll at
> > http://doodle.com/rgt57aqwzemhetry
> >
> > Dial-in details are as usual:
> >
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Steering_Committee_Meetings#Dial-in_Details
> >
> > So is the place to add your agenda items to:
> > http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Steering_Committee_Meetings#Agenda
> >
> > Looking forward to hearing you!
> > Florian
> >
> > --
> > Florian Effenberger 
> > Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
> > Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
> > Skype: floeff | Twitter/Identi.ca: @floeff
> >
> > --
> > Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to
> steering-discuss+h...@documentfoundation.org
> > Posting guidelines + more:
> > http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette List archive:
> http://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/steering-discuss/
> > All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot
> > be
> deleted
> >

Charles-H. Schulz
Membre du Comité exécutif
The Document Foundation.

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Re: [steering-discuss] confcall in CW 19 on Thursday

2011-05-11 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Florian Effenberger wrote:
> the next Steering Committee phone conference for calendar week 19 is
> tomorrow:
>   Thursday, May 12th, 1600 UTC (=1800 German time)
Um - a bit suboptimal, that's kinda the fixed slot for the TSC
weekly meeting - any chance to reschedule to one hour earlier?


-- Thorsten

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Re: [steering-discuss] confcall in CW 19 on Thursday

2011-05-11 Thread Italo Vignoli

On 5/11/11 4:45 PM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

I won't be there but I'd be tempted to say that the most urgent issues
on the agenda is the release plan discussion.

Hi, for the next beta announcement I would like to do the following in 
term of communication:

- Thorsten announces the beta on these mailing lists, using the same 
text of the previous announcements

- at the same time, we announce the change of announcement strategy on 
the announce mailing list, using a text that I will produce tonight in 
order to be discussed during SC and ESC conference calls

- at the same time, I will blog on the TDF blog adding to the announce 
text a few graphics that will - hopefully - make some concept visually 
clear for everyone (also these are going to be ready tonight for discussion)

Ciao, Italo

Italo Vignoli
mobile +39.348.5653829
VoIP +39.02.320621813
skype italovignoli

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Re: [steering-discuss] confcall in CW 19 on Thursday

2011-05-11 Thread Florian Effenberger


Thorsten Behrens wrote on 2011-05-11 14.53:

the next Steering Committee phone conference for calendar week 19 is

Thursday, May 12th, 1600 UTC (=1800 German time)

Um - a bit suboptimal, that's kinda the fixed slot for the TSC
weekly meeting - any chance to reschedule to one hour earlier?

hm, did anyone mention this before, either on the list or in the poll? 
Heard it for the first time.

According to http://doodle.com/rgt57aqwzemhetry , we could move it by 
one hour, i.e. 1700 UTC = 1900 German time. However, I might not be able 
to join then, as I now might be away (just fixed some appointments 
today). But I am not a blocker :)

Can we, for the next time, try to get the TSC calls on this list as a 


Florian Effenberger 
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/Identi.ca: @floeff

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Re: [steering-discuss] confcall in CW 19 on Thursday

2011-05-11 Thread Charles-H. Schulz
Le Wed, 11 May 2011 14:53:57 +0200,
Thorsten Behrens  a écrit :

> Florian Effenberger wrote:
> > the next Steering Committee phone conference for calendar week 19 is
> > tomorrow:
> > 
> > Thursday, May 12th, 1600 UTC (=1800 German time)
> > 
> Um - a bit suboptimal, that's kinda the fixed slot for the TSC
> weekly meeting - any chance to reschedule to one hour earlier?

hmm, if you want to reschedule, we could make it perhaps earlier in the
afternoon (and I would be able to join in, but that's selfish).


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Please vote again! (was: Re: [steering-discuss] confcall in CW 19 on Thursday)

2011-05-11 Thread Florian Effenberger


Charles-H. Schulz wrote on 2011-05-11 17.02:

hmm, if you want to reschedule, we could make it perhaps earlier in the
afternoon (and I would be able to join in, but that's selfish).

I just re-opened the poll, so please everyone check if your votes are 
still correct. If not, please edit them accordingly, so we might find a 
time that works.

However, we should be quick on this, as the call will be tomorrow...


Florian Effenberger 
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/Identi.ca: @floeff

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[steering-discuss] LibreOffice TSC call, Thur May 12th - 15:00 UTC...

2011-05-11 Thread Andras Timar
This Thur May 12th - 15:00 UTC

Prototype agenda below - please reply with anything else that is
interesting you want to talk about.

* AA still pending:
+ encourage QA guys to quietly dig at snapshots (Sophie + Thorsten)
+ research when gio came into widespread being (Caolan)
cf. http://www.gtk.org/download-linux.html
+ the rdb setup stuff is still too cumbersome (Bjoern)
+ get SmartArt into master as an experimental feature (Thorsten)
+ UNO / ABI breaking changes into a set of wiki page for 4.0 (Bjoern +
+ add binfilter removal (Norbert)
+ write list of things that suck for newcomers with taste (Mitch /

* 3.4 status ... (Petr)
+ beta5?
* release plan change
* Anything else ...

Call in numbers:

Toll Free / Freephone : 
 CHINA A 10800-712-1673  CHINA B 10800-120-1673  CZECH
REPUBLIC 800-700-238  FINLAND0-800-9-14612  FRANCE  
080-563-6113  GERMANY0800-664-4248  HUNGARY  06-800-18162
INDIA000-800-852-1259  IRELAND   1800-992-927  MEXICO   
001-866-239-5590  NETHERLANDS0800-020-0407  NORWAY  
 PORTUGAL8008-60437  SPAIN   800-300-054  SWITZERLAND   
0800-120-033  UNITED KINGDOM 0808-238-6021  USA  866-803-2146
Toll Number :   USA  +1-517-466-2380
Participant Passcode:4209985

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Re: [steering-discuss] confcall in CW 19 on Thursday

2011-05-11 Thread Thorsten Behrens
> Florian Effenberger wrote:
> > the next Steering Committee phone conference for calendar week 19 is
> > tomorrow:
> > 
> > Thursday, May 12th, 1600 UTC (=1800 German time)
> > 
> Um - a bit suboptimal, that's kinda the fixed slot for the TSC
> weekly meeting - any chance to reschedule to one hour earlier?

Andras Timar wrote:
> This Thur May 12th - 15:00 UTC
Sorry folks, I stand corrected - seems I still had the pre-DST times
in my head. So all should be well with the original SC call slot at 

 Thursday, May 12th, 1600 UTC (=1800 German time)


-- Thorsten, who just viscerally hates this DST business, and wants
   it to die a horrible death...

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Re: [steering-discuss] confcall in CW 19 on Thursday

2011-05-11 Thread Florian Effenberger


Thorsten Behrens wrote on 2011-05-11 17.06:

Sorry folks, I stand corrected - seems I still had the pre-DST times
in my head. So all should be well with the original SC call slot at

  Thursday, May 12th, 1600 UTC (=1800 German time)

shit happens. :-) I agree, let's leave it with the original time then as 
you wrote above. I've just updated the Doodle poll.


Florian Effenberger 
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/Identi.ca: @floeff

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Re: [steering-discuss] confcall in CW 19 on Thursday

2011-05-11 Thread Florian Effenberger


Charles-H. Schulz wrote on 2011-05-11 16.45:

I won't be there but I'd be tempted to say that the most urgent issues
on the agenda is the release plan discussion.

mails are coming in so fast on the Brazilian topic, that I didn't manage 
to read all of them yet. We can talk about it, of course, but I agree 
that there migth be topics that are also important, so we shouldn't 
stretch this for too long. I am, however, happy to have a separate call 
dedicated to the Brazil issues if that is needed.


Florian Effenberger 
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/Identi.ca: @floeff

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[steering-discuss] Re: LibreOffice TSC call, Thur May 12th - 15:00 UTC...

2011-05-11 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi Rainer, all,
On 11/05/2011 18:34, Rainer Bielefeld wrote:
> Andras Timar schrieb:
>> This Thur May 12th - 15:00 UTC
>> * Anything else ...
> Hi,
> may be a new QA/IRCSession
> should be discussed.

I've already proposed one on the tdf-discuss list, but with absolutely 
no success, see:

Christian has proposed to help me to prepare the session, but with so 
little enthusiasm, I'm not convince that it's the good time to invest in 
that now. May be when Litmus will be launch, QA may get more publicity?

Kind regards

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[steering-discuss] Re: LibreOffice TSC call, Thur May 12th - 15:00 UTC...

2011-05-11 Thread Rainer Bielefeld

Andras Timar schrieb:

This Thur May 12th - 15:00 UTC
* Anything else ...


may be a new QA/IRCSession

should be discussed.


Rainer Bielefeld

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