a doubt about dnssec

2010-10-10 Thread Bèrto ëd Sèra
Hi all,

very n00by set of doubts following:
1) what's the point in using dnssec, if the secondary nameserver at my ISP
doesn't use it?
2) I see in some guides (for example,
that a
key xfer_key {
algorithm hmac-sha512;
secret "SECRET-KEY";
is used. Now shouldn't this be useless in my situation? So I'd simply use
acl "xfer" {
/* This is the secondary DNS to which we will forward all queries */
3) I'm serving idn domains (localized domains) is there any special setting
I should use?


Constitution du 24 juin 1793 - Article 35. - Quand le gouvernement viole les
droits du peuple, l'insurrection est, pour le peuple et pour chaque portion
du peuple, le plus sacré des droits et le plus indispensable des devoirs.
bind-users mailing list

Re: a doubt about dnssec

2010-10-10 Thread Bèrto ëd Sèra
ignore the request, I already found out that this cannot be applied to an
external untrusted view...

On 10 October 2010 18:38, Bèrto ëd Sèra  wrote:

> Hi all,
> very n00by set of doubts following:
> 1) what's the point in using dnssec, if the secondary nameserver at my ISP
> doesn't use it?
> 2) I see in some guides (for example,
> http://ru.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B9%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%87%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE_%D1%81%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0_(Postfix,_Dovecot,_DSpam,_SQLGrey,_DomainKeys,_SPF)#.D0.9D.D0.B0.D1.81.D1.82.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B9.D0.BA.D0.B0_BIND_.2F_DNSSEC
>  )
> that a
> key xfer_key {
> algorithm hmac-sha512;
> secret "SECRET-KEY";
> };
> is used. Now shouldn't this be useless in my situation? So I'd simply use
> acl "xfer" {
> /* This is the secondary DNS to which we will forward all queries
> */
> x.x.x.x;
> };
> correct?
> 3) I'm serving idn domains (localized domains) is there any special setting
> I should use?
> Thanks
> Bèrto
> --
> ==
> Constitution du 24 juin 1793 - Article 35. - Quand le gouvernement viole
> les droits du peuple, l'insurrection est, pour le peuple et pour chaque
> portion du peuple, le plus sacré des droits et le plus indispensable des
> devoirs.

Constitution du 24 juin 1793 - Article 35. - Quand le gouvernement viole les
droits du peuple, l'insurrection est, pour le peuple et pour chaque portion
du peuple, le plus sacré des droits et le plus indispensable des devoirs.
bind-users mailing list

Re: Unable to query the nameserver

2010-10-10 Thread Doug Barton



Breadth of IT experience, and|   Nothin' ever doesn't change,
depth of knowledge in the DNS.   |   but nothin' changes much.
Yours for the right price.  :)   |  -- OK Go
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