Re: [Ayatana] Persistent menu mockup

2011-04-21 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 04/21/2011 07:36 AM, S. Christian Collins wrote:

Most people would agree that making the menubar moving left and
right is not an acceptable solution, so explaining what would
you do in the maximized case is essential.

Why couldn't the same solution work for maximized windows as well? The
only difference being the presence of the close, minimize and maximize
buttons to the left of the global menu when a window is maximized. Sure,
this would cause the menu to shift over to make room for the window
buttons, but would this really be so much of a distraction to people?

The shifting breaks muscle memory. But you could just reserve the space 
needed for the window buttons, leaving it empty, if a non-maximized 
window is focused.

For the sake of completeness: Or treat the window buttons as part of the 
menu in all cases, always as first elements even before "File".

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: [Ayatana] Persistent menu mockup

2011-04-21 Thread Luke Benstead
On 21 April 2011 06:36, S. Christian Collins  wrote:
> On 04/20/2011 11:41 PM, Conscious User wrote:
>> Without explaining what is your idea for maximized windows, the
>> usefulness of the mockup is very limited.
>> Most people would agree that making the menubar moving left and
>> right is not an acceptable solution, so explaining what would
>> you do in the maximized case is essential.
> Why couldn't the same solution work for maximized windows as well?  The only
> difference being the presence of the close, minimize and maximize buttons to
> the left of the global menu when a window is maximized.  Sure, this would
> cause the menu to shift over to make room for the window buttons, but would
> this really be so much of a distraction to people?
> -~Chris

This doesn't really solve any of the problems with the current
implementation, only the menu hiding problem.

The problem is, if a window is maximized and it's controls move to the
panel, and then a smaller window is focused how do you close the
maximized window without focusing it? How do you avoid the ambiguity
caused by both the maximized and smaller window both needing space in
the panel. And more importantly, if we keep merging the maximized
window the panel it looks like the window controls/menu/title of the
focused window are those of the maximized window.

The real issue is there is just not enough room in that panel for all
the stuff we want to put in it. Any suggestions we make are just us
trying to tweak a broken design. Let's start again, what was the goal
for moving this stuff in the panel?

a. Increasing available vertical space
b. Making things easy to find and hit (e.g. the continually
over-emphasized Fitt's Law)
c. Remain consistent

The current design succeeds at #a and fails #b and #c. The menu isn't
easy to find, it's not easy to hit, and the panel is not consistent.

So, let's rethink from the beginning, what elements do we have access to?

1. The application name
2. The window title
3. The window controls
4. The menu bar
5. The application icon

#2 is required, #1 and #5 can be either/both/neither, #3 is required,
#4 is required. In 10.10, all of those items are accessible whether or
not the window is focused, this is consistent. So, any movement into a
panel will result in some context switching. We have the following

1. Move controls, title and menu into the panel but DO NOT merge the
titlebar. Everything would be consistent (always displayed based on
window focus, no visual ambiguity), but what we've done is basically
pointless because now we have an empty titlebar on all windows
2. Move the menu bar to the panel, and DO NOT merge the titlebar. Now
we have what OSX settled on, probably a good balance.
3. Merge the window controls and title on maximize only, keep menu
bars INSIDE the window. No visual ambiguity, we save vertical space on
the title, and it looks pretty cool. Everything is consistent.
4. Remove the panel completely. If we are trying to increase vertical
space, that would be the first thing to consider dropping. We'd need a
new home for the indicators.

Personally, I think #3 is the best option.

But it doesn't matter anyway, none of it is gonna change, and any
discussions on this list will be largely ignored,


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Re: [Ayatana] Fitts Law

2011-04-21 Thread Mitja Pagon

- "Luke Benstead"  wrote: 
> These questions really need answering, 
> Luke. 

I somewhat doubt we will get any response, it's looking more and more like the 
time when window controls were switched to the left, after a while "the 
opposition" just gave up and later on Mr. Shuttleworth declared how he was 
right to do the switch as no one is raising the issue any more. It looks like 
their modus operandi, ignore the counter arguments long enough that the 
proponents give up and then declare yourself the winner. 

And just for the sake of clarification, I don't now and didn't then, care much 
about whether window controls are on the left or the right, just pointing out a 
similar pattern. 

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Re: [Ayatana] The top right thing

2011-04-21 Thread
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 02:01, Daniel Silva  wrote:

> I'd call it the power button.

correct, since that's what this button is called in the physical world.
the button is a button, the menu behind it may carry an entirely different
name, but the button is what it is ;)
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Re: [Ayatana] Fitts Law

2011-04-21 Thread
On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 20:35, Toby Smithe  wrote:

> This just seems to be, in the  most part, a vacuum outlet for community
> discontent, rather than a place for constructive discussion.

every public mailing list behaves like that, when under heavy load.
some break, some recover afterwards..
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Re: [Ayatana] Let's have the launcher phagocytize the new system tray

2011-04-21 Thread
On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 19:32, Peterson Silva wrote:

> Well, this inspired me. Do we really need the system tray when similar
> things can be achieved through the launcher now?

what system tray are you referring to?
perhaps re-read this excellent article by mpt to revive the topic a little..

> The same goes for, say, Transmission (when not launched, right-clicking
> would only show regular menu; after it's launched, right-click would show
> indicator menu), Ejecter (I'm currently using it, that's why I had the
> idea), keyboard layout, messaging menu... Everything!

appindicators were a transitional solution for migrating the systray-icons
with all the functionality they had to the new category-based Ayatana status
indicator menu system. Giving Appindicators the prominence you suggest would
be elevating them from a transitional concept to a permanent solution,
which, imo, they do not deserve.

> Shut down button, with all its options, could also become an icon in the
> launcher (something not removable, like the rubbish bin is right now).

to be perfectly honest, i would prefer for the power button to remain a
hardware thing, but as it is right now, i can live with it being duplicated
in the DE's UI for the moment.

> I guess it would be better to keep the clock in the panel, though.

yeah, altogether i think the panel must be gotten rid of at some point.

we don't need to forsake a whole bar of display space permanently, only to
but a bgcolor behind a bunch of monochrome icons.
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[Ayatana] 'Open a New Window' Jumplist

2011-04-21 Thread Melvin Garcia
In was thinking about the 'Open a New Window' jumplist entry for Firefox
should be available in every web browser and file browser or any app that
supports multiple windows. Newbies would want to try to open a new window by
right clicking the Launcher icon and since it's there for Firefox, why not
add more consistency and add it to all apps that support multiple windows?
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Re: [Ayatana] 'Open a New Window' Jumplist

2011-04-21 Thread Didier Roche
Le jeudi 21 avril 2011 à 10:28 -0400, Melvin Garcia a écrit :
> In was thinking about the 'Open a New Window' jumplist entry for
> Firefox should be available in every web browser and file browser or
> any app that supports multiple windows. Newbies would want to try to
> open a new window by right clicking the Launcher icon and since it's
> there for Firefox, why not add more consistency and add it to all apps
> that support multiple windows? 

That's because there is no way (no API) to know that for sure. Hence the
patching .desktop approach for it.
An application can also add that with libunity (dynamic quicklists


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