[Ayatana] The Unity launcher and minimized windows

2010-12-30 Thread Conscious User

Currently the Unity launcher in Natty does not offer any way
to restore minimized windows if another window from the same
application is opened (the scale plugin is invoked instead,
considering only non-minimized windows).

I suppose this is because it's just an alpha, but what is
the intended behavior in the final version?

Making the scale plugin include minimized windows the same
way it includes non-minimized windows, I think it's a bad
idea. Minimized windows are in a different state and that
should be visually shown.

I'm attaching an ugly, made-in-five-seconds mockup with a
suggestion: when an icon is clicked in the launcher and some
windows of the app are minimized and some are not, the
launcher shows the minimized ones as icons below.

That way the user knows which windows will be restored and
which ones will be just focused when selected.

It also gives less trouble to compiz by not asking it to
generate previews for minimized windows.

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Re: [Ayatana] The Unity launcher and minimized windows

2010-12-30 Thread Sam Spilsbury
On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 12:19 AM, Conscious User  wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently the Unity launcher in Natty does not offer any way
> to restore minimized windows if another window from the same
> application is opened (the scale plugin is invoked instead,
> considering only non-minimized windows).

I believe the intended behavior for now is to do what was happening
last version and to show minimized windows on the spread initiate. The
reason why this is taking so long is because I have long held a policy
of *not* supporting this behavior since it is full of hacks and breaks
many applications which are stupid about the way that they treat
minimization. It's in 0.9.2 as a "workaround" because that's the way
it should be IMO.

> I suppose this is because it's just an alpha, but what is
> the intended behavior in the final version?
> Making the scale plugin include minimized windows the same
> way it includes non-minimized windows, I think it's a bad
> idea. Minimized windows are in a different state and that
> should be visually shown.
> I'm attaching an ugly, made-in-five-seconds mockup with a
> suggestion: when an icon is clicked in the launcher and some
> windows of the app are minimized and some are not, the
> launcher shows the minimized ones as icons below.
> That way the user knows which windows will be restored and
> which ones will be just focused when selected.

Sounds cool. Unfortunately you didn't attach anything :)

> It also gives less trouble to compiz by not asking it to
> generate previews for minimized windows.

Too late ;-)

> ___
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Sam Spilsbury

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Re: [Ayatana] The Unity launcher and minimized windows

2010-12-30 Thread frederik.nn...@gmail.com
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 17:41, Conscious User  wrote:

> > Sounds cool. Unfortunately you didn't attach anything :)

the classic!

liking the mockup!
it shows that one can do a lot with the exposé view.. there was also talk
about adding a visible "close" button, when "scale addons" are enabled, so
that one could actually discover that feature better. a lot can be done to
make the scale plugin in compiz really bring a new quality of experience to
the desktop.

now what about minimizing windows?
i remember windows for workgroups, there was nothing like a window list,
minimizing was synonymous to "iconifying" an application.
somehow, people were also not so stuck with the "window" metaphor, we
thought in "programs".
so you could open a program, aka "run" it, then you could minimize aka
iconify it back into its icon within the "program manger" or onto the
pretty simple, isn't it?

now, with the window list (instead of program list, which would make more
sense imo), we minimize to window list or to notification area, but why?
most of the times i minimized a program, i was secretly hoping for it to
just disappear and hand all the display space and window list space back to
me, so that i could just make it reappear magically when i needed it again,
much later.
It's a remember and forget type of thing: some applications should be there
so you can use them here and now, others should continue running in the

what i would have wished for back then is the behaviour that rhythmbox,
banshee, empathy and iirc transmission exert nowadays:
close window = hide window.

Minimize should be deprecated, because it was a workaround for "hide"
window", which would have been a non-reversible gesture without tools like
docky or the unity launcher now, or the window list back then. Minimize is a
synonym for "iconify", now list to me the situations in which you want a
program main window to be iconified onto a certain part of the screen?!
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[Ayatana] Deprecation of the "Window" Metaphor

2010-12-30 Thread frederik.nn...@gmail.com
After thinking back and forth for a while, i would like to start this topic
finally, since nobody else seems to have started it yet.

The deprecation of what we agree on calling the "window" metaphor.

We spoke about Model-View-Controller and what that means to a normal human,
i.e. using more natural metaphors than abstract technical ones to expose
features to the user.
In the thread about the "fileless paradigm", this was the predominant idea.

Now the term window does in little way only reflect what a window actually
is.. it is about as imprecise as a conceptual metaphor can be.
I suggest the term got deprecated as from now, we need new ways of talking
about content and its representation.
"Window" is an inherited idea, which has been stalling progress in the Free
evolution of software for some time now.

What is a window?
We all don't need to go to Wikipedia¹ to find out what a window actually is.
Windows are openings, that allow light to pass through when they are closed,
objects and sound also, when they are open.
But windows stay where they are, they don't move, they don't disintegrate or
turn into icons, and windows most certainly don't disappear when we close
While all this can be disputed as "lacking abstraction", i would like to add
that the greatest problem with "window" as a metaphor, is that the windows
we speak of are not transparent.

The next person who comes up with a concept of how "window" could be
interpreted in a GUI fashion might want to consider implementing
transparency before all other things, it is what defines a window before
everything else.

To remove something simply just like that is of no help usually, one should
offer alternatives.
For those who insist on clinging to the "window" metaphor much further,
because they see no alternative to it, i offer thinking of what we now call
"windows" as "frames", "drawing areas" or "canvases", perhaps "document" or
"image" also describe what we talking about here. Especially the word
"image" helps to point out, that some content is purely text, and the only
reason why it needs a "window" to be displayed usefully, is because the
system has no consistent way of displaying raw text to the user. Gedit e.g.
is a text editor, and it needs a window, tool :P
I have seen countless websites that would enjoy just "giving" their text to
the DE, so that the user's own preferences would govern the fashion of their
Especially scientific papers and instructional literature does not require
having a "window", a "bgcolor" or a particular font.

To sum it all up:
I think we need to start deprecating the term "window" in favour of content
itself and a more flexible representation of it.
Web technology has long ago already revealed concepts such as "layer",
"frame", "object" and "stream", "area" and "map", most notable throughout
earlier html of course also "table", which are much more suitable terms for
something that will eventually constrain content in a geometrical and/or
temporal way. These should be the points of focus that i can suggest for the
most of us to start considering, in my personal opinion that is ;)


¹ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window
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Re: [Ayatana] The Unity launcher and minimized windows

2010-12-30 Thread Conscious User

> Minimize should be deprecated, because it was a workaround for "hide"
> window", which would have been a non-reversible gesture without tools
> like docky or the unity launcher now, or the window list back then.
> Minimize is a synonym for "iconify", now list to me the situations in
> which you want a program main window to be iconified onto a certain
> part of the screen?!

Actually, I've been a supporter of killing minimization for years. My
suggestions in this thread are more for legacy purposes, as I don't
see the removal of such a taken-for-granted feature being seriously
adopted any time soon.

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Re: [Ayatana] Deprecation of the "Window" Metaphor

2010-12-30 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Thu, 2010-12-30 at 18:33 +0100, frederik.nn...@gmail.com wrote:

*not too short a text*

With all these words, you don't define any single, concrete problem with
windows as they are. You don't make much of a case for using another
metaphor for the same thing, as there are no obvious candidates that
don't already mean lots of things in varying contexts.

You avoid any talk about their properties and behaviors.

A call for transparency because of the name is silly. If windows
wouldn't be called windows but frobknacks, suddenly transparency
wouldn't be of value?

You also do not define anything to gain.

If you want to discuss things to discuss things, this is a great start.

Now I fully expect a backlash because this mail might be seen as not
nice, getting personal. Well, what is not nice and not OK from my point
of view is seeing a list that should serve some purpose flooded with
lots of talk that is not in any way actionable or on a path to get
there ... with one sender of such mails sticking out of the mass by
frequency and quantity.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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Re: [Ayatana] The Unity launcher and minimized windows

2010-12-30 Thread frederik.nn...@gmail.com
Hi Conscious,

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 18:39, Conscious User  wrote:

> > Minimize should be deprecated, because it was a workaround for "hide"
> > window", which would have been a non-reversible gesture without tools
> > like docky or the unity launcher now, or the window list back then.
> > Minimize is a synonym for "iconify", now list to me the situations in
> > which you want a program main window to be iconified onto a certain
> > part of the screen?!
> Actually, I've been a supporter of killing minimization for years. My
> suggestions in this thread are more for legacy purposes, as I don't
> see the removal of such a taken-for-granted feature being seriously
> adopted any time soon.

yop, there's a point in offering a transitional solution.
OTOH Unity is so completely different from the classic GNOME Desktop, it
wouldn't make much sense imo to transport such concepts for the sake of
preserving their legacy, if we can avoid to.
Especially the Compiz Scale feature is revolutionary, in that it stands
totally against what iconification does: it scales content proportionally,
while minimize abstracts the entire application into a single symbol.
This is definitely not the place to reintroduce what we gracefully managed
to leave behind, as far as my opinion counts in any way..
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Re: [Ayatana] Deprecation of the "Window" Metaphor

2010-12-30 Thread frederik.nn...@gmail.com
I apologize !

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 20:24, Thorsten Wilms  wrote:

> On Thu, 2010-12-30 at 18:33 +0100, frederik.nn...@gmail.com wrote:
> *not too short a text*
> With all these words, you don't define any single, concrete problem with
> windows as they are. You don't make much of a case for using another
> metaphor for the same thing, as there are no obvious candidates that
> don't already mean lots of things in varying contexts.
> You avoid any talk about their properties and behaviors.
> A call for transparency because of the name is silly. If windows
> wouldn't be called windows but frobknacks, suddenly transparency
> wouldn't be of value?
> You also do not define anything to gain.
> If you want to discuss things to discuss things, this is a great start.
> Now I fully expect a backlash because this mail might be seen as not
> nice, getting personal. Well, what is not nice and not OK from my point
> of view is seeing a list that should serve some purpose flooded with
> lots of talk that is not in any way actionable or on a path to get
> there ... with one sender of such mails sticking out of the mass by
> frequency and quantity.

My message was extremely vague in nature, i now realize! I didn't succeed in
illustrating with words, what appears chrystal clear to me in my mind
If anybody cares yet to still show interest in this thread:
the topic is the deprecation of the "window" metaphor, meaning the metaphor
is a misleading term inherited from a concept that imo is claiming way too
much importance in all of our design discussions at the moment.

We keep talking about windows and how to stack, sort, tile, minimize and
maximize them, but somehow it seems that we are forgetting about what really
Content, interaction, function, application, image and sound, last but not
least: people.

My hope was by discussing how one could imagine this ancient metaphor being
less important, we would quickly discover much more important things to
"fix" in the concepts we are discussing all over the community a.t.m.

please feel free to tell me where else i'm out of line or too vague, i don't
want to spam this list, which i cherish so much.
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Re: [Ayatana] Indicator-Network

2010-12-30 Thread Phong Cao Viet
Your mockup is very nice! I think it just needs some sort of "Disconnect"

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 4:29 PM, cmaglothin  wrote:

> I do not know whether this is the correct place to post this, but after a
> couple weeks of using Natty I felt that the current indicator for networking
> is rather messy. I do not mean that in a way that is harmful, and I feel
> that this is probably due to the fact that it IS developing software.
> Nonetheless, I took a little time to make a mockup of my own wishes for the
> future of indicator-network. My mockup is attached below. Feel free to give
> criticism and comments, I like feedback.
> ___
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Re: [Ayatana] Indicator-Network

2010-12-30 Thread Phong Cao Viet
By the way, do you know which colors will be the theme colors for Natty?
Still Black-Orange-Purple and Gray-Orange-Purple?

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 1:05 AM, Phong Cao Viet  wrote:

> Your mockup is very nice! I think it just needs some sort of "Disconnect"
> buttons...
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 4:29 PM, cmaglothin  wrote:
>> I do not know whether this is the correct place to post this, but after a
>> couple weeks of using Natty I felt that the current indicator for networking
>> is rather messy. I do not mean that in a way that is harmful, and I feel
>> that this is probably due to the fact that it IS developing software.
>> Nonetheless, I took a little time to make a mockup of my own wishes for the
>> future of indicator-network. My mockup is attached below. Feel free to give
>> criticism and comments, I like feedback.
>> ___
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Re: [Ayatana] Indicator-Network

2010-12-30 Thread cmaglothin
My thought is that I would never want to disconnect from the internet unless
I was actually trying to save battery. That's why you would use the
enable/disable wifi item.

And no I have no clue whether they will keep the current color scheme.

On Dec 31, 2010 12:17 AM, "Phong Cao Viet"  wrote:

By the way, do you know which colors will be the theme colors for Natty?
Still Black-Orange-Purple and Gray-Orange-Purple?

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 1:05 AM, Phong Cao Viet  wrote:
> Your mockup is very ...
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