[9fans] Realtek 8111C

2009-03-12 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

i have a quick question. does anyone know if realtek 8111c is supported?

any help appreciated.


Re: [9fans] Realtek 8111C

2009-03-12 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi erik,

thanks for the quick response.


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 1:17 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
> works fine for me, even with jumbo packets:
> 5.0.0:  net  02.00.00 10ec/8168  10 0:d801 256 2:feaff004 4096 3: 
> 16
>        Realtek Semiconductor RTL8168/8111 Gigabit Ethernet NIC(NDIS 6.0)
> i'm too lazy to check if it's exactly a 8111c, but i've never
> had trouble with realtek 8169-style controllers.
> - erik

Re: [9fans] GSOC: Drawterm for the iPhone

2009-03-30 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

sorry if i have missed any prior discussion, but i would like to
mention that i am curious about this effort.

to me, iphone (or similar device) seems to be an appropriate device
that is small enough  to be a portable drawterm device (eventually it
could become cheaper too). one can quickly connect it to a TV or a
hybrid monitor and get a bigger display.

i have tried this before in iphone with acme running in my mac:

and i got this link today:

so in my opinion, this is a good effort.


Re: [9fans] GSOC: Drawterm for the iPhone

2009-03-30 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi uriel,

i guess i should have revised the mail before sending.

i just checked how acme looks in this tool. i didnt try to use all
features of acme. i am sure it will have problems. the original post
in engadget also says it is not fully ready.

this apart, long back when iphone was released, i saw a video news
where japanese already use smartphones as their computer (if i
remember correctly, the video even showed a phone connected to
keyboard, mouse and a monitor).

all of this made me think, trying to have drawterm in iphone is a nice idea.

assuming next version of iphone has better video, faster network
connectivity, etc., things can get better.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Uriel  wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
>  wrote:
>> hi,
>> sorry if i have missed any prior discussion, but i would like to
>> mention that i am curious about this effort.
>> to me, iphone (or similar device) seems to be an appropriate device
>> that is small enough  to be a portable drawterm device (eventually it
>> could become cheaper too). one can quickly connect it to a TV or a
>> hybrid monitor and get a bigger display.
>> i have tried this before in iphone with acme running in my mac:
>> http://www.engadget.com/2007/07/12/modified-vnc-software-enables-remote-access-on-iphone/
> So, was acme usable with a touch screen as input? And does this mean
> that VNC clients already provide the desired functionality?
>> so in my opinion, this is a good effort.
> I'm not sure how that conclusion follows from the rest of your email.
> Can you clarify?
> Assuming that there are no overwhelming user interface issues (which
> seems like a huge assumption to me), what actual useful functionality
> would a drawterm port provide that vnc/ssh doesn't?
> I would remind people too that Google is going to *pay good money* for
> this work, so I think it is reasonable to ask how worthy it is.
> Peace
> uriel

Re: [9fans] Intel atom motherboard - success at last

2009-08-06 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Hi Roman,

The price seems to be $118:



On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 7:09 PM, Roman Shaposhnik  wrote:

>  On Aug 6, 2009, at 1:45 AM, Nick LaForge wrote:
>> This one still has a fan. Is there anything decent *and* fanless out
>>> there?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Roman.
>> Intel's 'netbook' platform (no amd64) -- fanless, uses a 12V DC brick
>> -- for mini-itx:
>> http://www.intel.com/products/desktop/motherboards/D945GSEJT/D945GSEJT-overview.htm
> All good stuff, but is it available for less than $1K though?
> Thanks,
> Roman.

[9fans] suggestion for a video card

2009-08-18 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

i am looking for a video card for plan9.

here are my requirements:

- should do 1920x1080 at 60Hz so i can connect to my LCD TV via HDMI
- HDMI connector preferable but if the card does 1920x1080, i can use
DVI to HDMI adapter
- would be nice if it can also do 1920x1200

has anyone played with such a card? is it orderable? any suggestions?

any help appreciated.


Re: [9fans] nice quote

2009-09-03 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
> C shall be the test. If you don't even understand C, explained by K&R,
> then do something else.
i agree to this completely. after taking a formal course in computers,
if someone cannot read/follow K&R C book and cannot write C code, i
would think that the candidate is not good enough.


Re: [9fans] problems when hwaccel off or in inferno

2009-09-07 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
i have seen this problem many times in inferno on plan9.

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Steve Simon wrote:
>> So is it so that anybody using vesa should see it...
> I use the vesa driver occasionally on my Atom motherboard
> (Intel 940?) and have had no such "droppings", so the
> problem isn't universal.
> -Steve

Re: [9fans] sort strangeness

2009-09-27 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

doesnt it seem to be fine?

> Just noticed this
> cpu% cat tmp/sorttest
> 2
> 7
> 2.1
> 2.1.4
> 2.1.1
> cpu% sort tmp/sorttest
> 2
> 2.1
> 2.1.1
> 2.1.4
> 7
--> sorts the string values
> cpu% sort -u tmp/sorttest
> 2
> 2.1
> 2.1.1
> 2.1.4
> 7
--> sorts the string values and removes any duplicates (none here)
> cpu% sort -n tmp/sorttest
> 2
> 2.1
> 2.1.4
> 2.1.1
> 7
-> sorts the numeric values (which is an integer or floating-point
value of format x.y)
In this case 2.1.4 is treated as 2.1 (ignores second "." and following

> cpu% sort -n -u tmp/sorttest
> 2
> 2.1
> 7
> sorts the numeric values (which is an integer or floating-point
value of format x.y)
and removes any duplicates. In this case, 2.1, 2.1.4 and 2.1.1 are all
2.1, so removes

or, am i missing something?


Re: [9fans] iwp9 video (was: iwp9 deadline extension)

2009-10-23 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
i didnt realize broadcast video will be this good. i started watching only
today and it was nice to watch it live.

looks like session videos will be available pretty soon.

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 4:36 PM, james toy  wrote:

> Agreed,  much appreciated.  I got the flu after booking the entire
> trip, it was to be my first time at iwp9 :(.  At least I was able to
> see.  Will the sessions be available for download?
> =jt
> On 2009-10-23, Federico G. Benavento  wrote:
> > eric, thanks for broadcasting it
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 1:19 AM, Eric Van Hensbergen 
> > wrote:
> >> Okay - still not sure there is going to be enough bandwidth to pull
> >> off livestreaming, but I'm going to attempt it.  The URL to check will
> >> be http://www.livestream.com/iwp9 starting at 9pm US EST.  I'll be
> >> recording the sessions to tape as well and depending on the quality of
> >> the livestream will post the taped versions at some later date.
> >>
> >>   -eric
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Tim Newsham 
> >> wrote:
> >>> Is video streaming going to happen?
> >>>
> >>> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 12:13 PM, erik quanstrom <
> quans...@quanstro.net>
> >>> wrote:
>  > If we've got 320kbps we can easily do the presentation via
> justin.tv
>  > or something similar. Alternatively, if we just want to set up e.g.
> an
>  > mpeg stream, I have machines that can proxy that. Though Erik will
>  > have to confirm / deny the existence of any amount of bandwidth in
> the
>  > first place.
>  i'll try to get this information on monday.  i'll only be able to
>  quote the bandwidth claimed.
>  - erik
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Federico G. Benavento
> >
> >

Re: [9fans] Go

2009-11-12 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
> and other critical sections.  (was this a problem with alef?)

as far as i know, not many alef programs were written. the few that were
written (like acme) got converted to C. and i dont think alef was used for
writing kernel code.

someone please correct me if i am wrong.


Re: [9fans] rows to cols?

2009-11-13 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

i rustled up a small limbo program (attached) that does the trick.

hope this helps.

% cat num1.txt
one two three
four five six
seven eight nine
% ./trans num1.txt
 one  four seven
 two  five eight
   three   six  nine
% cat num2.txt
one two three four
five six seven
eight nine
eleven twelve
thirteen fourteen fifteen
sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
% ./trans num2.txt
 one  five eight   teneleven  thirteen   sixteen
 two   six  nine  twelve  fourteen seventeen
   three seven         fifteen  eighteen
four            nineteen


On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 12:44 AM, Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com> wrote:
> > Is there an easy way to transpose the text so that rows become
> > columns, and vice versa? Delimiter is space.
> If you know in advance the number of rows & colums, it's easy:
> term% cat t
> one two three four
> five six seven eight
> nine ten eleven twelve
> term%  tr -s ' ' '\xA'  one five nine
> two six ten
> three seven eleven
> four eight twelve

Description: Binary data

Re: [9fans] sheevaplug port available

2009-11-17 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
i am eager to try the port. can someone tell me where i can order the plug?


On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:04 PM, Steve Simon  wrote:
> Great, thats Geoff,
> My plug is susposed to be on its way...
> -Steve

Re: [9fans] acid -k

2015-03-31 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Hi Steve,

I remember using acid for debugging inferno kernel rather than plan 9.


On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 3:27 PM, Steve Simon  wrote:

> hi,
> Trying to debug a driver using acid.
> none of the mkfiles in /sys/src/9 contain rules
> to make .acid files, why?
> Does noone use acid -k -l kernel ?
> is there a way to generate these files I have missed?
> -Steve (confused of Winchester).

Re: [9fans] libframe Go port

2015-10-10 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

Just wanted to let you know I am very eager to see both acme and libframe
in Go. Its a great idea.


On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 8:42 AM, Giles Hutton 

> Hi All,
> I'm currently in the process of porting acme to Go, and as part of that
> I'm porting libframe as well. It's currently in a fully transliterated
> state and needs a good refactor to make it more idiomatic Go.
> However, my question is whether this is something that people would be
> keen on using, and if so, what's the procedure for getting it added to the
> 9fans github repo once I've finished. Is a simple pull request enough?
> Thanks,
> Giles

Re: [9fans] libframe Go port

2015-10-10 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
I believe Alef would be great compared to Limbo but not sure if Alef
version is a bit out-of-date.

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Skip Tavakkolian <
skip.tavakkol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> cool.
> did you look at Alef (2nd Ed.) or Limbo version of Acme by any chance?
>  i'm curious if either of those might have been easier to translate to Go.
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 8:42 AM, Giles Hutton 
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm currently in the process of porting acme to Go, and as part of that
>> I'm porting libframe as well. It's currently in a fully transliterated
>> state and needs a good refactor to make it more idiomatic Go.
>> However, my question is whether this is something that people would be
>> keen on using, and if so, what's the procedure for getting it added to the
>> 9fans github repo once I've finished. Is a simple pull request enough?
>> Thanks,
>> Giles

Re: [9fans] libframe Go port

2015-10-10 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Why not?

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Staven  wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 03:42:42PM +, Giles Hutton wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I'm currently in the process of porting acme to Go
> Why?

Re: [9fans] What does your fileserver consist of?

2016-11-06 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Assuming cost is not an issue, wouldn't intel Avoton based board be good
for this?


On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Steve Simon  wrote:

> hi,
> mine is the older model which is not passively cooled, a fan is needed
> (not to hand so i have no part numbers).
> it has a 40mm cpu fan but that is all. the fan died (got very noisy) and i
> replaced it but that was the only unreliable part of the server.
> -steve
> > On 22 Oct 2016, at 22:06, Steven Stallion  wrote:
> >
> > Stock heatsink with chassis cooling. I've had no issues since I've
> > started using them back in 2012:
> > http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sources/contrib/stallion/venti/fs.jpg
> >
> > On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 1:21 PM, James A. Robinson
> >  wrote:
> >> For you folks with an Intel Atom D525 based motherboard
> >> in your fileserver, do you run with a fanless? Use heatsink?
> >> Use a fan? Use liquid cooling? Use a quantum heat sink?
> >>
> >> Jim
> >>

Re: [9fans] What does your fileserver consist of?

2016-11-09 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Yes, good idea!


On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 9:21 PM, James A. Robinson 

> Ah, I'm not familiar with those. I ended up buying a fairly old board, but
> one I knew would work (for everything) with the plan 9 kernels. I got a
> Supermicro X7SPA-H-D525, and while it isn't amazingly zippy (11 sec to
> build /sys/src/9/pc) it seems to be fast enough to be a file server.
> Jim
> On Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 14:00 Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan <
> vdhar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Assuming cost is not an issue, wouldn't intel Avoton based board be good
>> for this?
>> Regards
>> dharani
>> On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Steve Simon  wrote:
>> hi,
>> mine is the older model which is not passively cooled, a fan is needed
>> (not to hand so i have no part numbers).
>> it has a 40mm cpu fan but that is all. the fan died (got very noisy) and i
>> replaced it but that was the only unreliable part of the server.
>> -steve
>> > On 22 Oct 2016, at 22:06, Steven Stallion  wrote:
>> >
>> > Stock heatsink with chassis cooling. I've had no issues since I've
>> > started using them back in 2012:
>> > http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sources/contrib/stallion/venti/fs.jpg
>> >
>> > On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 1:21 PM, James A. Robinson
>> >  wrote:
>> >> For you folks with an Intel Atom D525 based motherboard
>> >> in your fileserver, do you run with a fanless? Use heatsink?
>> >> Use a fan? Use liquid cooling? Use a quantum heat sink?
>> >>
>> >> Jim
>> >>

[9fans] Isnt it time we have the next bay area meeting?

2008-06-01 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

it has been a long time since we met.

any plans to have our next Plan9 Bay Area Users Group Meeting?


Re: [9fans] yes, comcast really *does* suck

2008-11-05 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi ron,

isnt cable modem a router too these days? i remember reading a manual
in the internet for a cable modem (provided by comcast)  that had the
ability to act as DHCP server to the client side, NAT, (it had web
based UI too), etc just like a Linksys box so that you only need a
switch to connect multiple PCs. So the cable modem may well do the
access control too.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 10:06 PM, ron minnich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you have to love comcast. They just blocked my port 25 incoming. A
> quick search around the net reveals they are jerking people around
> regularly on this issue.
> The weird part: at last one person claims the blocking is done in the
> cable modem, and can be resolved by just getting a new modem.
> Does this seem like a realistic claim? I just assumed it was in the routers.
> Here's one transcript.
> ron
> http://www.johnmasone.com/article.php?id=150

Re: [9fans] yes, comcast really *does* suck

2008-11-05 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi ron,

i was able to dig some more details.

the one i have is RCA (by thomson), model DHG535-2 H/W: 2.0. This
seems to be the manual:


this modem (newer than the one for which i had read the manual before)
too seems to have those features i mentioned. so i was able to reach
the UI via

hope this helps.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 10:28 PM, Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
> hi ron,
> isnt cable modem a router too these days? i remember reading a manual
> in the internet for a cable modem (provided by comcast)  that had the
> ability to act as DHCP server to the client side, NAT, (it had web
> based UI too), etc just like a Linksys box so that you only need a
> switch to connect multiple PCs. So the cable modem may well do the
> access control too.
> thanks
> dharani
> On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 10:06 PM, ron minnich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> you have to love comcast. They just blocked my port 25 incoming. A
>> quick search around the net reveals they are jerking people around
>> regularly on this issue.
>> The weird part: at last one person claims the blocking is done in the
>> cable modem, and can be resolved by just getting a new modem.
>> Does this seem like a realistic claim? I just assumed it was in the routers.
>> Here's one transcript.
>> ron
>> http://www.johnmasone.com/article.php?id=150

[9fans] plan9

2008-12-21 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi all,
my paying job kept me busy for quite sometime. so far i couldnt spend as
much time on inferno/plan9 as i wanted to. but i have taken 2 weeks off and
i am happy that i will be using part of the free time to keep up with the
technology (so i will be posting more!).

specifically, i am trying to do this:

- bring up plan9 on my Mac Mini using Parallels for Mac (4 or at least 3).
- get plan9/inferno run on soekris net5501 board
- miscellaneous things on inferno/plan9.


[9fans] graphics scaling

2008-12-21 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
to the extent i know there is no facility to scale graphics image in inferno
and plan9. long back when i went thru ATI graphics chip specification and
another set-top box ASIC spec, I found that these accelerations are
supported in hardware. here are my questions along these lines:

- do other platforms like Windows, Mac use the hardware facilities like this
to do image scaling (like submit the task to graphics card, then read the
result back)?
- do plan9, inferno graphics modules do this? to the extent i know they
- how is graphics scaling done in plan9/inferno? are there any software
implementations like library routines written?
- are there any command-line tools to rescale images, etc? i remember
earlier edition of plan9 had command-line tools.

please provide me any pointers.


[9fans] Plan9 on Mac with Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac

2008-12-22 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
has anyone managed to install plan9 successfully on Mac using Parallels
Desktop 4.0 for Mac?

i tried in two ways:

- i had a temporary plan9 installation on Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac.
After upgrade to 4.0, i tried to convert this one and use it on Parallels
version 4.0. it displays the line on NE2000 ethernet port and then crashes.

- next, i created a new VM and tried to install from plan9 CD image. During
CD boot, like the above, it displays the line on NE2000 ethernet port and
then crashes.

I remember in Parallels 3.0, I disabled VT-x but in 4.0, I couldnt disable

any clues?


Re: [9fans] graphics scaling

2008-12-22 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Hi Richard/pac,
thanks for the quick response and info.

i will try it out as soon as i am able to use some plan9. currently my old
plan9 machine is almost dead and i am fighting with VMs to install plan9.
luckily i also bought a copy of vmware fusion today. so i am trying with it


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 1:52 AM,  wrote:

> >> - are there any command-line tools to rescale images, etc? i remember
> >> earlier edition of plan9 had command-line tools.
> >resample(1)
> /n/sources/contrib/pac/sys/src/ape/cmd/img/netpbm-10.26.1.tbz
> ++pac.

Re: [9fans] rio startup fails in VMWare Fusion 2.0.0

2008-12-22 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi all,
not sure if this discussion is continued elsewhere, but i thought i will
share what i found.

i just installed vmware fusion 2.0.1 (128865), downloaded new plan9 CD image
(that probably geoff made yesterday and the one that probably has richard's
vmware vga fix) and tried to install plan9.

vgasize: 640x480x8, monitor: xga - this combo works
vgasize: 1024x768x8, monitor: xga - this combo works

i tried 1280x1024x8 and 1280x1024(?!). it seems to hang. no luck with vesa

is anyone able to get any better resolution with vmware fusion in mac (or
parallels for mac 4.0, if it works for plan9)?

i have 1920x1200 widescreen LCD monitor with DVI and i would like to make
good use of more screen space. so i am trying to go up as much as possible.

with parallels for mac 3.0, i was able to use 1920x1200 but i used this
setup sparingly so far. i also noticed mouse jumps, poor performance or slow
screen updates (e.g. if i open acme window, it would sometimes take 10+
seconds to show the prompt) and some other incomplete screen draw, etc

any help appreciated.


On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 3:25 PM, Ben Calvert  wrote:

> Actually, maybe i'm not being fully clear --
> rio starts up during the install, but i get the 'vmware id 0740' error when
> logging on afterwards.
> On Dec 14, 2008, at 4:43 AM, erik quanstrom wrote:
>  On Sun Dec 14 03:28:08 EST 2008, b...@flyingwalrus.net wrote:
>>> Am encountering the same problem, even though i've just pulled down
>>> the latest sources.  Is there something special i should be doing?
>>> thanks,
>>> ben
>> the kernels on sources have not been rebuilt since this
>> patch was put up so it's pretty likely that the kernel on
>> the cd is also older than the patch, too.  the solution is
>> to build your own kernel, but this may be difficult if you
>> don't have a running machine.
>> - erik

Re: [9fans] rio startup fails in VMWare Fusion 2.0.0

2008-12-22 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi richard,
i tried various combinations:


(i tried combinations like with x8, x24, x32 (not x16 i think)). nothing
seems to help. 1920x1200 looked like it turned the graphics mode on but then
it crashed.

btw, what was your plan9.ini config? did it look like:

monitor=macbook (or xga?, sorry i am not sure about this)

and, since we are in VM, does the native resolution really matter? my
thinking was, basically VM provides memory space and the graphics driver in
guest OS thinks this is its frame buffer. when a draw happens, the guest
OS's window gets updated. am i right or wrong?


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 5:39 AM, Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com> wrote:

> > vgasize: 640x480x8, monitor: xga - this combo works
> > vgasize: 1024x768x8, monitor: xga - this combo works
> >
> > i tried 1280x1024x8 and 1280x1024(?!). it seems to hang. no luck with
> vesa
> > also.
> >
> > is anyone able to get any better resolution with vmware fusion in mac (or
> > parallels for mac 4.0, if it works for plan9)?
> Native resolution on new macbook works with fusion.  I added to /lib/vgadb:
> macbook=1280x800
> If resolution 1280x1024x8 doesn't work for you, it's worth trying other
> depths
> x16 x24 or x32.

Re: [9fans] rio startup fails in VMWare Fusion 2.0.0

2008-12-22 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi jeff,

i agree. somewhere down the line, i will probably stick to this method.

but my problem is i use inferno and acme in inferno a lot. to the extent i
tested so far, drawterm, 9vx are all so slow in updating inferno screen (i
think it becomes a matter of screen area updates all the time instead of any
optimized updates like in case of, say, a rio text window). since i use
inferno a lot in plan9 and since the lag is very noticeable, i am just
trying to find out a way.

btw, is there any opportunity for optimization in draw operations that will
help? or it is already optimized? is it possible to lower the no of bits per
pixel in inferno and will it lead to any gain in performance?


I still recomend keeping the VMware Plan 9 instance as a console (text only)
> and using drawterm to connect in--much more responsive and gives clean
> access back to your host filesystem.
> The docs on creating a stand alone cpu server help getting the
> configuration to work.
> -jas

Re: [9fans] rio startup fails in VMWare Fusion 2.0.0

2008-12-24 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi richard,
thanks for the info. both 1280x768x8 and 1280x768x24 work for me. i am
working on some (unrelated) issues, after which i will try more


On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com> wrote:

> > btw, what was your plan9.ini config? did it look like:
> >
> > vgasize=1280x800
> > monitor=macbook (or xga?, sorry i am not sure about this)
> Before changing vgadb, I had success with:
> > and, since we are in VM, does the native resolution really matter? my
> > thinking was, basically VM provides memory space and the graphics driver
> in
> > guest OS thinks this is its frame buffer. when a draw happens, the guest
> > OS's window gets updated. am i right or wrong?
> Sorry, I don't know the details.  When you're not running fullscreen, there
> is obviously no real connection between the actual screen resolution and
> what
> the vm is simulating.

Re: [9fans] rio startup fails in VMWare Fusion 2.0.0

2008-12-24 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi charles,
thanks for the details.

via draw.)  this is on a 1.2Ghz core duo on ubuntu 8.04.  it "didn't seem
> too bad"
> (ie, not unusable) but it probably isn't as responsive as under plan 9
> proper

yes, in cases like this, it is usable but the noticeable lag and the
relatively slow updates make me feel uncomfortable, particularly since i try
to use this kind of setup all the time, as opposed to sporadic use. also, i
think the issue becomes more severe for higher bits-per-pixel and higher
screen resolution, say 1920x1200.

btw, i was always happy with the speed at which plan9  updates screen (as
much as i like plan9 graphics interface itself). the screen updates are not
too fast, not too slow. i used to feel too fast screen updates are not good
for good experience (for development at least). i am also happy with the
speed at which inferno draw runs on top of plan9 when plan9 runs natively.
the cases where i see noticeable differences are like
vmware-fusion/parallels, drawterm, remote plan9 terminal over network in
which inferno is started, etc.

> and if you're used to that you probably would notice the difference.
> i can't easily run them side by side for direct comparison.
> inferno applications will be drawing via Inferno's /dev/draw, with a screen
> implementation that ships updated rectangles to plan 9's using its 'y' and
> 'v' operations.
> the buffer size is determined by plan 9's iounit.
> inferno (on Plan 9 and thus 9vx) can be set to use plan 9's /dev/draw
> directly, so inferno applications will be bypassing emu's /dev/draw.
> it's a proof-of-concept scheme (ie, too many limitations at the moment
> for real use -- not because of draw but window management). i tried my
> script
> to run charon that way, under 9vx, and it was much, much worse than
> under wm through inferno's own draw, so that's not an immediate fix.
> it was really very bad.

> (by the way, the only significant reason for inferno's current indirection
> on plan 9
> is to ensure the same draw code is used and tested in all implementations.)
is this something that was introduced in vita nuova's release? from what i
remember from inferno BU times, i think inferno used plan9's draw directly
since there was (almost?) no difference at that time.


Re: [9fans] plan9

2008-12-24 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi erik,

thats good to know. long back i asked about support for 5501 in 9fans but
only now i got some free time to try it. as of now, i dont know what is
involved in getting it up and running. i am also planning to try various
things like boot with hard drive, flash drive, USB audio device, try
inferno, etc. i thought getting the devices up and running will be a
challenge. i also have a 4 port network card as an add on which i thought i
will try too.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 5:11 AM, erik quanstrom wrote:

> > - get plan9/inferno run on soekris net5501 board
> i thought plan 9 ran just fine on those.
> - erik

Re: [9fans] plan9

2008-12-24 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi charles,
thanks for the details.


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:03 AM, Charles Forsyth wrote:

> for plan 9, for the older 4501 i think i had to eliminate some cga
> references
> in config and mkfile.  use a mkfile without cga.$O (this
> would be better done by specifying cga in the other config files, since
> it's optional).
> i used an earlier verson of the pcsoe config file below, but
> had to add the dummy realmode this time to get it to compile.
> that won't work unless there's a
> plan9.ini as well with *norealmode=1
> i can't remember what i did for plan9.ini.
> for inferno i just needed a configuration file
> because i'd once had to port it to a 386dx/16 without
> cga, so i'd already made appropriate changes.
> dev
>pnp pci
>bridge  log
>sdp thwack unthwack
>ether   netif
>ip  arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium
> pktmedium ptclbsum386 inferno
>i82365  cis
> link
>ether83815  pci
>etherwavelanwavelan devi82365 cis
> misc
>sdata   pci sdscsi
> ip
> port
>int cpuserver = 1;
>void screeninit(void){}
>void realmode(Ureg*){}
> boot cpu
> bootdir
>bootpcsoe.out boot
>/386/bin/ip/ipconfig ipconfig
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: erik quanstrom 
> To: 9fans@9fans.net
> Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 08:11:48 -0500
> Subject: Re: [9fans] plan9
> > - get plan9/inferno run on soekris net5501 board
> i thought plan 9 ran just fine on those.
> - erik

[9fans] user login / plan9 terminal on plan9

2008-12-24 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
here is a quick question. let us say i am logged in as glenda or none. let
us say, i want a new window in which i need to login as vdharani. how can i
do this? in unix machines, i could do su, telnet or ssh and then login as
new user. i am looking for something like this.

years back i asked the same question and then ended up finding something
like 9term which was good enough (except that as i mentioned in the other
thread, if i started inferno in it, draw operations in inferno used to be
slow). once i found 9term, i realized probably drawterm is just like 9term
but for non-plan9 machines.

i am looking for 9term but i couldnt locate it.

any clues?


Re: [9fans] user login / plan9 terminal on plan9

2008-12-24 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi andrey,
thanks for the quick reply. i think this is how i was using it but forgot
about it.


2008/12/24 andrey mirtchovski 

> cpu -h $sysname -u vdharani

[9fans] alpha channel

2008-12-24 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
this is regarding alpha channel.

i am able to change the alpha value for an image by setting new alpha value
for every pixel.

but i was thinking we also could set the alpha value for all of the pixels
in a window/screen just but setting the value somewhere, say using ctl. is
this not possible in plan9 or inferno? i am wondering how i got that


[9fans] vmware fusion - plan9 snarf issue

2008-12-25 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
quick question.

snarf doesnt work properly in plan9 on vmware fusion 2.0 for mac. from what
i found this seems to be a known issue. is there any fix available?

any help appreciated.


Re: [9fans] alpha channel

2008-12-28 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi russ,

thanks for the info.


On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Russ Cox  wrote:
>> this is regarding alpha channel.
>> i am able to change the alpha value for an image by setting new alpha value
>> for every pixel.
>> but i was thinking we also could set the alpha value for all of the pixels
>> in a window/screen just but setting the value somewhere, say using ctl. is
>> this not possible in plan9 or inferno? i am wondering how i got that
> the graphics operators support alpha blending
> but the window system still assumes, at a deep level,
> that windows are opaque rectangles.
> russ

Re: [9fans] vmware fusion - plan9 snarf issue

2008-12-28 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi russ,

okay, this confirms some of the postings in the past.

in my opinion, this shortfall is really a bad one. cut-and-paste is
something very common operation (that too in plan9). it is really
difficult to live without it. i wonder why it has to be this
complicated in vmware.

btw this is what i noticed:

- if i mark(sweep) some text and press middle button in acme or use
send in rio, it works as intended.
- if i mark, cut and paste right there, then also its fine.
- anything else goes for a toss. in fact, the cut and paste buffer
even seems to bring a copy buffer content of previous instance of
guest OS after which i rebooted.
- this issue seems to have shown up in linux OS as well. so plan9 is
probaly yet another platform that got affected.

i am also trying to see if i can keep vmware fusion setup as file
server and avoid using the console (currently snarf buffer issue is
the major issue for me). i am trying to use drwaterm or so to use
plan9. i hope i can resolve my cpu/auth server setup issues.


On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 9:01 AM, Russ Cox  wrote:
>> snarf doesnt work properly in plan9 on vmware fusion 2.0 for mac. from what
>> i found this seems to be a known issue. is there any fix available?
> no; someone needs to write a new version
> of the vmware tools that works with the latest
> vmware versions.
> russ

[9fans] rio in cpu/auth server in vmware fusion 2.0

2008-12-28 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

is anyone able to run rio well in plan9 cpu/auth server on vmware fusion 2.0?

i am able to run it in stand alone mode. but once i switch to cpu/auth
server mode, i only see black screen. then i am able to open new
windows, use it to some extent but things get clumsy. i dont see the
window borders, etc. what is the one that is not running properly
here? is it rio?

any clues?


Re: [9fans] rio in cpu/auth server in vmware fusion 2.0

2008-12-28 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi russ,

this works. thanks a lot.


On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 8:12 AM, Russ Cox  wrote:
> echo hwaccel off >'#v/vgactl'

[9fans] Trouble setting up cpu/auth server

2008-12-28 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

i have some minor issues with cpu/auth server.

i had kept this line:

aux/listen -q -t /rc/bin/service.auth -d /rc/bin/service tcp

in /cfg/mill/cpurc (mill is my cpu server name)

now, i moved it to /rc/bin/cpurc below the keyfs and cron commands (uncommented)

now, drawterm works, which is good. but somehow cpu doesnt work for
me. this is what happens:

mill# cpu -h -u vdharani
cpu: can't authenticate: auth_proxy rpc write:
p9...@mill.edu: no key matches user=vdharani proto=p9sk1 dom=mill.edu
role=client user? password?

any clues?

btw, it looked like secstore is optional to configure, so i skipped
it. should i do it?


Re: [9fans] Trouble setting up cpu/auth server

2008-12-28 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi skip,

thanks, this helps.

i am now able to do drawterm and cpu now (same/different user).


On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:30 PM, Skip Tavakkolian <9...@9netics.com> wrote:
>> now, drawterm works, which is good. but somehow cpu doesnt work for
>> me. this is what happens:
>> mill# cpu -h -u vdharani
>> cpu: can't authenticate: auth_proxy rpc write:
>> p9...@mill.edu: no key matches user=vdharani proto=p9sk1 dom=mill.edu
>> role=client user? password?
> need to run factotum.  here's dt_factotum (geoff):
> #!/bin/rc
> if (! test -f /srv/factotum.$user)
>auth/factotum -s factotum.$user
> mount -b /srv/factotum.$user /mnt

Re: [9fans] vmware fusion - plan9 snarf issue

2009-01-02 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi anthony/russ,

okay, this is what i see now:

- with stand-alone kernel, i do see the snarf issue as i mentioned.
- however, i completed the installation to make it auth/cpu server. i
think i added a couple of devices in the config file, built the image
and used it for booting as auth/cpu server. i no longer see the
cut-and-paste issue now. i dont really know what did the trick but i
am very happy to see that the problem went away.

btw, i meant cut-and-paste within plan9 within the same VM. for now, i
am not worried about cut-and-paste for copying in and out of VM.

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 6:44 AM, Anthony Sorace  wrote:
> to be clear, this behavior is while running the old plan 9 vmware
> tool, right? without that, i'd expect the snarf buffer to work
> properly within the guest environment, but you won't have any way to
> get things out.

Re: [9fans] rio in cpu/auth server in vmware fusion 2.0

2009-01-02 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi jeff,

after a couple of hiccups, i made my plan9 installation to become a
cpu/auth server as well. i am also able to use graphics screen with
1280x768 resolution. the graphics screen is good enough for me so far.

on the drawterm stuff, yes, i keep using it and it is pretty good. the
only problem with drawterm is inferno graphics screen performance. it
is really bad. you have to use it to believe it. since i use
inferno/inferno-acme most of the time, i think i cant use drawterm.
otherwise, drawterm is really cool.

that apart, i think your suggestion is valid and good, just use VM as
auth/cpu server and do the rest with drawterm.


On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 9:06 AM, Jeff Sickel  wrote:
> Or better yet, use drawterm to a vmware based Plan 9 stand alone CPU server.
>  Copy/paste works, rio is responsive, and the VMWare host never needs to
> enter graphics mode.  Don't configure the vm for multiple cpus though, that
> doesn't work so well (but virtualizing multiple cpus doesn't really work
> well in Parallels or VirtualBox either, nor on VMWare's ESX servers).
>  Drawterm will go full screen if you like.
> Whatever virtualized graphics chipset VMWare is providing really does not
> work well w/ Plan 9.  I've also found it doesn't work so well with any other
> OS I've tried (haven't tried Windows), so you're milage may vary.
> Unless you've got some NDA from VMWare in place so that you can write a new
> driver for Plan 9 to use whatever graphics chipset will work, I'd say stop
> trying to make Plan 9 do something it won't be able to do well on VMWare.
>  In fact, take a quick look at VMWare's knowledge base support site as there
> are plenty of references to poor graphics performance even for their
> targeted guest OS.
> -jas
> On Dec 28, 2008, at 6:29 AM, Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan wrote:
>> hi,
>> is anyone able to run rio well in plan9 cpu/auth server on vmware fusion
>> 2.0?
>> i am able to run it in stand alone mode. but once i switch to cpu/auth
>> server mode, i only see black screen. then i am able to open new
>> windows, use it to some extent but things get clumsy. i dont see the
>> window borders, etc. what is the one that is not running properly
>> here? is it rio?
>> any clues?
>> thanks
>> dharani

Re: [9fans] rio in cpu/auth server in vmware fusion 2.0

2009-01-02 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi uriel,

dont know why but actually inferno graphics on 9vx is slow as well.

but then, i can also run inferno natively on mac os x, right? only
thing i will be missing is a single screen in which i will have both
inferno and plan9.


On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Uriel  wrote:
> If you use 9vx as your terminal, you can run inferno/acme locally,
> which might improve things a bit, although it still leaves a lot to be
> desired.
> The strange thing with drawterm+inferno is that even video playback
> over drawterm seems to work better than the painful redrawing of wm
> apps.
> Perhaps having inferno apps use the Plan 9 (or drawterm) draw device
> directly would help, but I seem to remember Charles didn't think it
> would make a big difference, maybe somebody should test it and see if
> we can track down where the slowdown comes from...
> uriel
> On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 1:02 AM, Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
>  wrote:
>> hi jeff,
>> after a couple of hiccups, i made my plan9 installation to become a
>> cpu/auth server as well. i am also able to use graphics screen with
>> 1280x768 resolution. the graphics screen is good enough for me so far.
>> on the drawterm stuff, yes, i keep using it and it is pretty good. the
>> only problem with drawterm is inferno graphics screen performance. it
>> is really bad. you have to use it to believe it. since i use
>> inferno/inferno-acme most of the time, i think i cant use drawterm.
>> otherwise, drawterm is really cool.
>> that apart, i think your suggestion is valid and good, just use VM as
>> auth/cpu server and do the rest with drawterm.
>> thanks
>> dharani
>> On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 9:06 AM, Jeff Sickel  
>> wrote:
>>> Or better yet, use drawterm to a vmware based Plan 9 stand alone CPU server.
>>>  Copy/paste works, rio is responsive, and the VMWare host never needs to
>>> enter graphics mode.  Don't configure the vm for multiple cpus though, that
>>> doesn't work so well (but virtualizing multiple cpus doesn't really work
>>> well in Parallels or VirtualBox either, nor on VMWare's ESX servers).
>>>  Drawterm will go full screen if you like.
>>> Whatever virtualized graphics chipset VMWare is providing really does not
>>> work well w/ Plan 9.  I've also found it doesn't work so well with any other
>>> OS I've tried (haven't tried Windows), so you're milage may vary.
>>> Unless you've got some NDA from VMWare in place so that you can write a new
>>> driver for Plan 9 to use whatever graphics chipset will work, I'd say stop
>>> trying to make Plan 9 do something it won't be able to do well on VMWare.
>>>  In fact, take a quick look at VMWare's knowledge base support site as there
>>> are plenty of references to poor graphics performance even for their
>>> targeted guest OS.
>>> -jas
>>> On Dec 28, 2008, at 6:29 AM, Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan wrote:
>>>> hi,
>>>> is anyone able to run rio well in plan9 cpu/auth server on vmware fusion
>>>> 2.0?
>>>> i am able to run it in stand alone mode. but once i switch to cpu/auth
>>>> server mode, i only see black screen. then i am able to open new
>>>> windows, use it to some extent but things get clumsy. i dont see the
>>>> window borders, etc. what is the one that is not running properly
>>>> here? is it rio?
>>>> any clues?
>>>> thanks
>>>> dharani

[9fans] venti

2009-01-09 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

i noticed something odd with venti and i am just trying to see if this
is an issue and if this needs to be addressed.

i think, by default, plan9 installation sets localhost as the address
for venti in plan9.ini. but at some point i wanted venti to announce
any (*) address. for some reason, i simply started venti/venti -a
'tcp!*!17034' to make it so. after this, i did vac from another
machine and it archived data. after sometime, i realized i may be
running venti on the same venti data area twice. when i did 'ps', it
looked like that. then i rebooted the machine and then tried
'dumpvacroots.new' command (from contrib). i noticed that venti arena
was corrupted. this is what i remember and if required i can try to
reproduce the issue.

the question i have is, is there any protection that prevents someone
from doing this accidentally? something like the last active venti
arena is marked 'IN_USE' so that if another instance of venti is
started (with read-write access), it can check for this? i agree user
has to be careful but given that venti archive is so critical, we
should avoid any accidental damage.

please pass your views.


[9fans] a bug in awk?

2009-01-09 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

while i was playing with venti archive, i found something interesting.

i used dumpvacroots.new (from contrib) and for some reason, awk bailed
out with floating point error whenever it saw a line with a specific
root score.

here are the two sample lines (i used customized printarena.c which
prints the date for me at the end):

  11260359 d05544897ff642ca36e58174bc753b0f3382b793   0
8192 Jan  9 18:09
  11258672 5946903e318d3596c21e35b42a13c1dea5fd32cc   0
8192 Jan  9 18:09

awk seems to be okay with the first line but not the second line.

here is the output when i use awk:

mill# awk ' { print $0; print NF}' /tmp/out1.dat
  11260359 d05544897ff642ca36e58174bc753b0f3382b793   0
8192 Jan  9 18:09
  11258672 5946903e318d3596c21e35b42a13c1dea5fd32cc   0
8192 Jan  9 18:09
awk: floating point exception 6
 input record /tmp/out1.dat:2
 source line 1

i figured that:

- awk runs fine if i dont print NF. (so, it parses the line on-demand
and parsing fails?)
- awk doesnt seem to like the score 594632cc. If I change that
score to something else and rerun, it seems to be fine.

to confirm that this is a plan9 specific awk issue, i tried the same
with my Mac machine. it seems to be okay:

$ awk ' { print $0; print NF }' out1.dat
  11260359 d05544897ff642ca36e58174bc753b0f3382b793   0
8192 Jan  9 18:09
  11258672 5946903e318d3596c21e35b42a13c1dea5fd32cc   0
8192 Jan  9 18:09

what could be the issue? any clues?

i initially thought my venti data got corrupted but i am now convinced
that this is something else, since i was also able to reliably archive


Re: [9fans] a bug in awk?

2009-01-09 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi lucio,

so, it tries to interpret as a floating-point no and goes for a toss!

thanks for the quick response.


On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 10:26 PM,   wrote:
>>   11258672 5946903e318d3596c21e35b42a13c1dea5fd32cc   0
> Note the 5946903e318 which AWK may mistakenly treat as a floating
> point constant.  Now to figure how to prevent such errors...
> ++L

Re: [9fans] a bug in awk?

2009-01-11 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi erik,

i had a temp code in dumvacroots.new:

rc |
awk '/5946903e/ { next; }
$3==16 {printf("%s\n", $0)}'

which i removed it now, built awk with your fix in place and tried.
the problem is fixed now.

thanks for the fix.


On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 1:45 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> For what it's worth, bwk awk does not have this problem, so the error
>> must be in code introduced later.
>>> Note the 5946903e318 which AWK may mistakenly treat as a floating
>>> point constant.  Now to figure how to prevent such errors...
> from the better than nothin' department ...
> i have an inelegant couple of lines that prevent overflow.
> one would expect that for a postitive exponent that if
>nwholedigits + exponent - 1 > the maximum exp.
> then you'll have an overflow.  (ideally one should do this
> computation in ieee space, but that's not what the code
> does.)  i put this simple test in the natural place and
> it seems to avoid the floating point exception (tested on intel
> machines).  the problem seems to be that the code deals
> with very small overflows, but isn't prepared to deal with
> a number that's going to overflow by a lot.  in this case,
> we're 1^(10 + 6) too big.
> ; diffy strtod.c
> 396a397,398
>>   if(nd0 + e1 - 1> DBL_MAX_10_EXP)
>>   goto ovfl;
> 431a434,435
>>   if(e1 - (nd-nd0) > DBL_MAX_10_EXP)
>>   goto undfl;
> is it even legal to return DBL_MAX for numbers that should
> be +Inf or DBL_MIN for numbers that should yield -Inf?
> is there some reason that the regular strtod is unsuitable for
> ape?
> - erik

Re: [9fans] Sources Gone?

2009-01-27 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi patrick,

someone else can give a better answer for sure but let me give give a try
here. (sorry if you know this already or if i have misunderstood your

would reverting to an older fossil snapshot work for you?

if so, you could do this (i have just outlined):

- boot via cdrom
- find fossil's last score (using fossil/last command)
- format fossil partition with that score (flfmt command)

now, remove cdrom and boot from hard disk.

hope this helps.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Patrick Kristiansen <
patrick.kasse...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I did a pull yesterday and it has removed all my /386/ and it is now unable
> to boot.
> boot: /386/init: '/386/init' does not exist
> panic: boot process died: unknown
> panic: boot process died: unknown
> dumpstack disabled
> cpu0: exiting
> Hints on how to restore are welcome
> -Patrick
> 2009/1/23 
>  > srv: dial tcp!sources.cs.bell-labs.com!9fs: connection refused
>> > bind: /n/sources/plan9: '/n/sources/plan9' does not exist
>> > servermount: bind 545911: bind
>> Hm, about as bad as when a couple of days ago I left replica/pull
>> running overnight and came back next morning to find that even /bin/ls
>> had disappeared.
>> Maybe sources _is_ sick.
>> ++L
>> PS: recovering from fossil/venti was easy, although I had to hunt down
>> the previous day's score (thank you Russ for "vacchain", warts and
>> all), but my attempts at fixing the problem by less disruptive means
>> were quite an experience.

[9fans] plan9 web server down?

2009-02-23 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

is plan9 web server down? i am not able to do '9fs sources' too.


[9fans] Inferno OS

2023-02-24 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Hi All,

I have a quick question.

Is there any place where I can download Inferno OS and use it without
having to build it myself? I am looking for something to run on Ubuntu
(x86) or MacOS (x86/ARM).


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Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription

Re: [9fans] Re: Inferno OS

2023-02-25 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Hi David,

Thanks for the info. I am using ubuntu 22.04 LTS (amd64).


On Sat, Feb 25, 2023 at 8:21 AM  wrote:

> Maybe these docker images are useful?
> https://groups.google.com/g/inferno-os/c/CdJ-N8cVZY8
> Which version of Ubuntu are you running?
> *9fans * / 9fans / see discussions
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9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Re: Inferno OS

2023-02-26 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Hi David,

Do the docker images run well? I tried on my ubuntu. Even ls command does
not seem to work.


On Sat, Feb 25, 2023 at 8:25 AM Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan <
vdhar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi David,
> Thanks for the info. I am using ubuntu 22.04 LTS (amd64).
> Regards
> dharani
> On Sat, Feb 25, 2023 at 8:21 AM  wrote:
>> Maybe these docker images are useful?
>> https://groups.google.com/g/inferno-os/c/CdJ-N8cVZY8
>> Which version of Ubuntu are you running?
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Re: [9fans] Re: Inferno OS

2023-02-26 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Hi David,

I tried to build based on the script and it worked. I was happy to see
Inferno up and running. Thanks a lot.

Do you know if there is any forum that discusses on Inferno/Limbo? Long
back I remember discussing in a forum called "inferno-list".


On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 12:42 PM  wrote:

> I made a GitHub Action to build Inferno on Ubuntu 22.04:
> https://github.com/dboddie/inferno-test-builds/blob/hosted-386/.github/workflows/ubuntu-22-04.yml
> I didn't manage to produce something simple, small and self-contained that
> could be downloaded, though you could use the steps to build your own
> installation, or use GitHub to build it for you.
> *9fans * / 9fans / see discussions
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Re: [9fans] Re: Inferno OS

2023-02-28 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Great, thanks Marshall!


On Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 9:43 AM Marshall Conover 

> Hi Dharani,
> I can suggest two places:
> There is the inferno-os google group here:
> https://groups.google.com/g/inferno-os
> And if you're open to using discord, there's an #inferno channel that gets
> occasional traffic on the 9fans discord hosted by Henesy:
> https://discord.gg/RXu6xPnY . That invite will work for 7 days, and can
> be used by an arbitrary number of people.
> I'm sure others will have ideas as well.
> Cheers,
> Marshall
> On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 9:30 PM Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan <
> vdhar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> I tried to build based on the script and it worked. I was happy to see
>> Inferno up and running. Thanks a lot.
>> Do you know if there is any forum that discusses on Inferno/Limbo? Long
>> back I remember discussing in a forum called "inferno-list".
>> Thanks
>> dharani
>> On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 12:42 PM  wrote:
>>> I made a GitHub Action to build Inferno on Ubuntu 22.04:
>>> https://github.com/dboddie/inferno-test-builds/blob/hosted-386/.github/workflows/ubuntu-22-04.yml
>>> I didn't manage to produce something simple, small and self-contained
>>> that could be downloaded, though you could use the steps to build your own
>>> installation, or use GitHub to build it for you.
>> *9fans <https://9fans.topicbox.com/latest>* / 9fans / see discussions
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Re: [9fans] Binary File split

2010-05-10 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

since i see many solutions, i thought i will add mine too (if you can
use inferno). attached please see the limbo program i wrote for this.
it has helped me many times: didnt have to come out with parameters
for dd commands which i used to use before for this kind of tasks.

please note that the program is very crude. i am sending it as is.


On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 12:57 AM, roger peppe  wrote:
> On 8 May 2010 18:35, Russ Cox  wrote:
>> bs=1474560
>> cat $file | for(i in `{seq 0 `{ls -l $file | awk '{print
>> int($6)/'$bs'}'}}) { dd -bs $bs -count 1 -of $file.$i }
> that looks very plausible, but it doesn't actually work,
> as awk doesn't coelesce short reads (it gets short
> reads from the pipe)
> this works a little better:
> bs=1474560
> {for(i in `{seq 0 `{ls -l $file | awk '{print
> int($6)/'$bs'}'}}) { dd -bs $bs -count 1 -of $file.$i -quiet 1 }} < $file
> but there's still a little annoyance - if the file size is an exact
> multiple of the block size, it will generate an unnecessary zero-length
> file at the end.
> i tried to fix it to get rid of this, but ran hard up against awk's
> dismalness. to illustrate:
> % seq 106908504 106908509 | awk '{print $1 % 4}'
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> %
> oh dear.

Description: chemical/molconn-z

Re: [9fans] look ma, 16 x86 processors

2010-06-17 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
why cant it be two 8-core xeons?


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 5:59 PM, Lawrence E. Bakst  wrote:
> What dual socket Mobo/chipset is that?
> I gather you got Hyperthreading to work as their are only 4 x 2 real cores, 
> correct?
> leb
> At 8:01 PM -0400 6/17/10, erik quanstrom wrote:
>>trenton# cat /dev/kmesg
>>Plan 9
>>E820:  0009e800 memory
>>E820: 0010 bf7b memory
>>126 holes free
>>00018000 00089000 462848
>>00395000 1000 264679424
>>265142272 bytes free
>>cpu0: 2538MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>pat: 0107040600070406
>>LAPIC: fee0 e000
>>cpu1: 2539MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu2: 2538MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu3: 2540MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu4: 2532MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu5: 2527MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu6: 2526MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu7: 2528MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu8: 2528MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu9: 2540MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu10: 2536MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu11: 2527MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu12: 2540MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu13: 2526MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu14: 2528MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>cpu15: 2539MHz GenuineIntel Xeon3500/i7 (cpuid: AX 0x106A5 DX 0xBFEBFBFF)
>>- erik
> --
> l...@iridescent.org

[9fans] live streaming?

2010-10-11 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

is there a link for live streaming of the conference? i tried to
locate one but couldn't.


Re: [9fans] live streaming?

2010-10-11 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi john/ron,

thanks! i am watching the session now.


On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 11:19 AM, ron minnich  wrote:
> livestream.com/iwp9
> I think
> eric won't let me try it.
> ron

[9fans] beagleboard

2010-10-12 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

if i am right, about a year back ron mentioned plan9 is being ported
to beagleboard. any update on this? did geoff mention in his talk
yesterday (i assume he is also involved in this work)?


Re: [9fans] beagleboard

2010-10-12 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi jacob,

thanks. i did see that video but didn't complete it since it either
got stuck or had too many ads. i will go thru the video again.


On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Jacob Todd  wrote:
> It was mentioned in Geoff's talk yesterday, I don't recall what was said
> though. I think something about vga. It's archived on livestream.com/iwp9
> On Oct 12, 2010 3:36 PM, "Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan" 
> wrote:
>> hi,
>> if i am right, about a year back ron mentioned plan9 is being ported
>> to beagleboard. any update on this? did geoff mention in his talk
>> yesterday (i assume he is also involved in this work)?
>> thanks
>> dharani

Re: [9fans] beagleboard

2010-10-13 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi all,

thanks for the response. i also went through geoff's paper.

so, in summary, it looks like while beagleboard port is close to be
ready, it is not going to be too attractive to run plan9 (from
price/speed/device-support point). am i right?


On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 3:59 PM,   wrote:
> As you'll see from my talk or paper, the beagleboard
> doesn't work yet because it doesn't have real
> ethernet and usb isn't working on the omap35 yet,
> so even the kludge of ethernet over usb won't work.

[9fans] inferno status/roadmap?

2010-10-13 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

if i am right, charles was planning to give a session on inferno
roadmap or something in the 5th plan9 workshop. did it happen?

sorry if i am wrong.


[9fans] amd64 port

2010-10-13 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi all,

i am just posting a question that has been in my mind for a while.

to me, it looks like 64-bit computing has caught up very well. even
smaller processors like atom supports 64-bit instruction set.

on the contrary, while plan9 supported 32-bit processors ahead of
other OSes, it is yet to support 64-bit.

i am happy to see the plan9 port to many platforms (sheevaplug,
beagleboard, etc) but i am also wondering if they are really as
practical and widely usable as, say amd64 platform. (for e.g. i bought
a sheevaplug long back, ran plan9 then kept aside waiting for more

so i am wondering if we should make plan9/inferno support 64-bit at a
higher priority. to me, it looks like 64-bit and VM support (vmware,
parallels, etc) will be key for plan9/inferno to go a long way. am i

please pass your opinion.


Re: [9fans] inferno status/roadmap?

2010-10-14 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

not a problem!

i guess charles can still brief us in the mailing list.

anyway, i had some thoughts/questions that i will post in the inferno list.


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 1:22 PM, ron minnich  wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 10:55 AM, erik quanstrom  
> wrote:
>> blame me.  i must have dropped the ball.
> We all did. We all reviewed the sched and got caught up in the rush
> and just missed it. And I'm very sorry we did, I was looking forward
> to the talk.
> Next year!
> ron

Re: [9fans] amd64 port

2010-10-14 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

i think we could stress on a specific architecture (and aim to provide
basic and improved support) based on these criteria:

- mainline architecture
- cheap and affordable both for companies and individuals (also,
single board orders as well as bulk orders)
- widely deployed and used
- has future
- availability of VM software (like VmWare, Parallels, etc) and
ability to run at least on top of such facility
- low power versions

i guess amd64 is a definite win.

this apart, i am very happy to see plan9 running in as many platforms
as possible. just that we may have to avoid some platforms that looks
like cheap plan 9 terminals but ends up being very costly (like geoff
mentioned for beagleboard) while an atom board can easily do the job.


On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 9:17 PM, David Leimbach  wrote:
> Plan 9'on ARM makes a lot of sense to me.  I still think x86 is
> worthwhile though.
> On Wednesday, October 13, 2010, John Floren  wrote:
>> I've consumed the Kool-Aid and now believe that ARM is the proper
>> future for Plan 9. With Gumstix, you can get USB, DVI, audio, storage,
>> ethernet, wifi, 3G, all in one tiny little box, for under $200, and
>> with increasingly improving Plan 9 support (certainly better than
>> amd64, which I used--it was primitive because nobody really used it)
>> John
>> On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Eric Van Hensbergen  
>> wrote:
>>> ppc64 and amd64 support exists.  the ppc64 port is partial and is
>>> available publically.  It is my understanding that the amd64 is
>>> partial and available to those who ask.  Things which are missing are
>>> devices and other bits to make it actually useful, but the core
>>> changes for 64-bit support are in place and there are 64 bit
>>> compilers.
>>>      -eric
>>> On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
>>>  wrote:
>>>> hi all,
>>>> i am just posting a question that has been in my mind for a while.
>>>> to me, it looks like 64-bit computing has caught up very well. even
>>>> smaller processors like atom supports 64-bit instruction set.
>>>> on the contrary, while plan9 supported 32-bit processors ahead of
>>>> other OSes, it is yet to support 64-bit.
>>>> i am happy to see the plan9 port to many platforms (sheevaplug,
>>>> beagleboard, etc) but i am also wondering if they are really as
>>>> practical and widely usable as, say amd64 platform. (for e.g. i bought
>>>> a sheevaplug long back, ran plan9 then kept aside waiting for more
>>>> support).
>>>> so i am wondering if we should make plan9/inferno support 64-bit at a
>>>> higher priority. to me, it looks like 64-bit and VM support (vmware,
>>>> parallels, etc) will be key for plan9/inferno to go a long way. am i
>>>> right?
>>>> please pass your opinion.
>>>> thanks
>>>> dharani

[9fans] de-duplication/archival software

2010-10-14 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

about a year back, someone mentioned about a tool or utility for
archiving/storage like venti. it has de-duplication and uses hashing
mechanism. i think it runs on linux mainly. can someone give me some
details on this if you remember?

sorry, i tried to dig as much as i can but couldnt locate that thread.


Re: [9fans] de-duplication/archival software

2010-10-14 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi bakul,

thanks for the quick response.

i did see the thread on zfs but what i remember is a tool rather than
a file system. i even remember green letter over black background
webpage that talked about this tool (manpage?). i will try for a
little more time and then probably give up.


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 11:06 PM, Bakul Shah  wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 22:35:57 PDT Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan 
>   wrote:
>> hi,
>> about a year back, someone mentioned about a tool or utility for
>> archiving/storage like venti. it has de-duplication and uses hashing
>> mechanism. i think it runs on linux mainly. can someone give me some
>> details on this if you remember?
> May be one of things mentioned on the the wikipedia article
> on data duplication?
> Note that ZFS now has de-duplication. It uses a crypto hash
> as a checksum but not as a block id as in venti. ZFS runs on
> (Open)Solaris and FreeBSD (not on the released version
> though) and on top of FUSE on Linux.

Re: [9fans] de-duplication/archival software

2010-10-15 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi thomas,

yes, this is the one. thanks a lot! i couldnt find it because my
search keywords didnt match.


On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 3:20 AM, Thomas Östreicher
> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 7:35 AM, Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
>  wrote:
>> hi,
>> about a year back, someone mentioned about a tool or utility for
>> archiving/storage like venti. it has de-duplication and uses hashing
>> mechanism. i think it runs on linux mainly. can someone give me some
>> details on this if you remember?
> Do you mean epitome?
> Homepage: http://www.peereboom.us/epitome/
> Man page:  http://www.peereboom.us/epitome/man/epitome.1.html
> - thomas

[9fans] inferno emu on arm

2011-01-14 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi all,

i am trying to run inferno emu on plan9 running on sheevaplug.

does anyone know how to build emu for arm? i am surprised that it is missing
in inferno-os repository. or am i missing something?

any help appreciated.


Re: [9fans] inferno emu on arm

2011-01-16 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
hi all,

sorry for the delay in my responses.

Jacob, it looks like its not as easy as that. i didnt dig further hoping
someone has tried. let me see if mechiel has the solution.


On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Jacob Todd  wrote:

> Set $objtype to arm in mkconfig?
> On Jan 14, 2011 6:08 PM, "Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan" 
> wrote:
> > hi all,
> >
> > i am trying to run inferno emu on plan9 running on sheevaplug.
> >
> > does anyone know how to build emu for arm? i am surprised that it is
> missing
> > in inferno-os repository. or am i missing something?
> >
> > any help appreciated.
> >
> > thanks
> > dharani

Re: [9fans] inferno emu on arm

2011-01-17 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan


thanks! my plan9 guest OS on vmware fusion is down currently. i am trying to
bring it up. i will work on this once it is up. sorry for the delay.


On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Charles Forsyth wrote:

> i've merged those additions into inferno-os on googlecode,
> except for the change to mkconfig that forced arm objtype.
> (use objtype=arm mk ... on Plan 9.)
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com>
> To: 9fans@9fans.net
> Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 15:40:07 +
> Subject: Re: [9fans] inferno emu on arm
> > i am trying to run inferno emu on plan9 running on sheevaplug.
> >
> > does anyone know how to build emu for arm? i am surprised that it is
> missing
> > in inferno-os repository. or am i missing something?
> I don't know if there is an official version anywhere, but if you add the
> files from /n/sources/contrib/miller/inferno/Plan9-arm/src.tgz to your
> /usr/inferno, you should be able to do a mk with SYSTARG=Plan9 and
> OBJTYPE=arm.

Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for Android phones

2011-09-26 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
Hi All,

Would this phone be able to run inferno?

"Samsung Google Nexus S I9023 Unlocked GSM Android Phone With 4"
Touchscreen, Dual-Cameras, WiFi & More!"


Its on sale today. Price $299. Does it make sense?


On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Bruce Ellis  wrote:
> Hey!
> Hold on ... I wouldn't believe me either.
> On 23 September 2011 23:51, Mathieu Lonjaret  
> wrote:
>> Because deep inside you know it's just an elaborate ruse from brucee.
>> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com> wrote:
> The Wank E5 was AU$50.
>>> Why is it that I can't quite summon up the courage to do a
>>> google search for "wank phone"?
> --
> Don't meddle in the mouth -- MVS (0416935147, +1-513-3BRUCEE)

[9fans] Sad News

2011-10-12 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

Here is a sad news:

RIP Dennis Ritchie, 70, Author Of “C,” Co-Author Of UNIX Computer
Language (2’19″)


Re: [9fans] Sad News

2011-10-12 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
> Hi,
> Here is a sad news:
> RIP Dennis Ritchie, 70, Author Of “C,” Co-Author Of UNIX Computer
> Language (2’19″)
> http://moviecitynews.com/2011/10/rip-dennis-ritchie-70-author-of-c-co-author-of-unix-computer-language-219/
> Regards
> dharani

Re: [9fans] acme/acid integration ...

2011-12-29 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan

If I am right, this thought is presented somewhere at the end of acid (or
acme?) paper. I asked Phil about this in a meeting. I remember he said he
was not convinced about acme being acid's front end.

Someone may know more/better.

That apart, I think it is not too difficult to get the basic things
working. IMHO, acme's simplicity comes as a hinder after some point for
anything grand. I have tried acme as front end for some of my tasks. Also,
I would like to point that I love acme and I have used it aggressively.


On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 8:34 PM, <6o205z...@sneakemail.com> wrote:

> I could swear I remember reading about someone writing some tools that
> made it possible to use acme as a "gui" for acid, but my searches haven't
> come up with anything concrete.  I was thinking about trying to do
> something analogous for a different debugger in P9P, and as hoping I could
> get some insights into how to begin by looking at the acme/acid work.
> Is my memory completely fabricated?  If not, does anyone know where I can
> find the code?
>Peter Canning

Re: [9fans] Mini PCs

2012-06-11 Thread Tharaneedharan Vilwanathan
what about teg2 for which geoff announced support recently?

btw, i have two raspberry pi at home now. i would like to run plan9
and inferno (at least emu) on it as soon as possible.


On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:07 PM, John Floren  wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Winston Weinert  wrote:
>> On Sun, 2012-06-10 at 18:19 -0400, Comeau At9Fans wrote:
>>> * Raspberry Pi
>>> * Cotton Candy
>>> * Mele A1000
>>> * MK802
>> Some other _pricier_ products to consider (and a larger variety of
>> integrated components):
>> * Beagleboard
>> * Beaglebone
>> * Pandaboard
>> * Pico-ITX formfactor x86 motherboard
> Some of these should work already; /sys/src/9/omap/beagle seems to
> indicate that you can already boot a beagleboard, for instance. As for
> anything not based on the supported SoCs, well, until people stop
> sitting on ass saying "boy that would be a nice terminal" and actually
> start PORTING the damn thing, it'll never be more than Yet Another
> 120-message 9fans Thread.
> I got the Efika Smarttop through quite a bit of the early boot over
> the course of an afternoon, before finally getting pissed off at
> having to re-write an SD card every time I iterated the kernel. It
> shouldn't be *too* hard to get a minimally functional system, the code
> in /sys/src/9 is quite good. Oh, there's another thing, for the love
> of god don't buy a system that can't netboot, it's just not worth it.
> Or we could ignore all these and, in grand 9fans tradition, start
> talking about a port to some hardware platform that's been dead for
> over 5 years. SPARC64 et al are sorta played out by now, but I've got
> a PDP-11 just sitting around...
> john