Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-03-04 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 9:54 PM, Bakul Shah  wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Feb 2014 09:45:42 EST Anthony Sorace  wrote:
>> Based on my own experience with USB weirdness with the Pi, I still suspec
>> power issues. How are you powering the Pi itself? Using a 1 amp supply 
>> yielded
>> problems, regardless of the sort of hub I had, which all went away when I
>> switched to a 2 amp supply. I'm told the second generation of these boards 
>> are
>> a bit better on that regard, but I don't have any to test.
> The RasPi FAQ suggest 1.2A or more. In rev 2 they replaced two
> current limiting polyfuses with shunts so you can use a a
> powered hub or connect periphs requiring > 100mA.
> The RasPi wastes a lot of power. Its processor require 1.8V
> and only the USB requires 5V.  For battery powered use people
> have tried a number of tricks to reduce power use: replace the
> onboard linear reg. with a switcher or two, tie 5V + 3.3V
> together and only use a USB periphs that runs on 3.3V & use
> model A Raspi -- the ethernet chip on model B draws a lot of
> power even when idle and you don't need it for wifi.
> Apparently Ralink RT5370 basedt cheapo wifi dongles can run on
> 3.3V.

Okay, I tried a powered hub. Now, it boots with both keyboard and
mouse (previously it used to hang when I connect both keyboard and
mouse). But still the keyboard and mouse are not recognized. Once I
saw a "warning" message that the descriptor length is short. But when
I rebooted, I didn't see that message.

Well, I now have a plan9 installation under qemu (compiled from the
git sources, as I couldn't boot the one shipped with Debian unstable).
If there is something I can try and test to help out with usb, I will
gladly help.


Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-03-04 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 7:57 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> Okay, I tried a powered hub. Now, it boots with both keyboard and
>> mouse (previously it used to hang when I connect both keyboard and
>> mouse). But still the keyboard and mouse are not recognized. Once I
>> saw a "warning" message that the descriptor length is short. But when
>> I rebooted, I didn't see that message.
> i think one of the issues behind this was debugged yesterday.
> usbshortdesc (/n/sources/patch/usbshortdesc) has been submitted.
> richard may have improvements, but this should eliminate this
> issue.

Sorry if this question is dumb: How can I build a 9pi image with this
patch and test? Can someone create a 9pi image for me to test?


Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-03-08 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 11:48 PM, Bakul Shah  wrote:
> On Tue, 04 Mar 2014 11:26:31 EST erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> first, apply the patch to the source, then build all of usb
>>   9fs sources
>>   cd /sys/src/cmd/usb/lib
>>   cp /n/sources/patch/usbshortdesc/dev.c dev.c
>>   cd ..
>>   mk install
>> then, build a new kernel
>>   cd /sys/src/cmd/bcm; mk
>> i believe you can give it a quick test by doing a hot reboot.
>>   fshalt -r ./9pi
>> if you'd like to install the new kernel on the flash, then
>>   dossrv
>>   mount /srv/dos /n/9fat /dev/sdM0/dos
>>   cd /n/9fat
>>   cp 9pi 9pi-dist
>>   cp /sys/src/9/bcm/9pi 9pi-usbfix
>>   cp 9pi-usbfix 9pi
>> and reboot.  if this doesn't work out, you can rescue yourself
>> by using anything that understands fat and replacing 9pi
>> with the contents of 9pi-dist.
> IIRC Ramakrishnan doesn't have a working 9pi system.
> I put 9pi with this patch in contrib/bakul on sources. It was
> cross-built on a 386 VM with a pull done this morning + the
> above patch. I had to rebuild the host 5c due to rune related
> errors so I am not 100% certain this will work (I probably
> should've done a full rebuild of the host binaries too).
> He should be able to mount the dos partition on another
> machine and replace 9pi on it.

Thanks, I downloaded the 9pi file (~2MB, MD5 -
4e4e18980d8ac91b0e8ed5aa820dc429) from contrib/bakul directory.

I could boot the R-Pi with this kernel and get the kb and mouse
working fine! Thanks a lot to everyone! One of the mice I had (a very
cheap, small mouse) didn't work though. Nevertheless, I am very happy
that it is all working now and have something to play with.

A big thanks again.

Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-03-09 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 8:29 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> Thanks, I downloaded the 9pi file (~2MB, MD5 -
>> 4e4e18980d8ac91b0e8ed5aa820dc429) from contrib/bakul directory.
>> I could boot the R-Pi with this kernel and get the kb and mouse
>> working fine! Thanks a lot to everyone! One of the mice I had (a very
>> cheap, small mouse) didn't work though. Nevertheless, I am very happy
>> that it is all working now and have something to play with.
>> A big thanks again.
> good to hear!

Thank you  Erik. Today I got hold of an HDMI to DVI cable and hooked
it to the Pi and my DVI monitor sitting somewhere near my router.
After booting up, just doing a 'ip/ipconfig' and 'ndb/dns -r' got me
into the network. :)

I plan to use this setup as my main computing setup for as long as I
can, to learn more about the plan9 system.


[9fans] r-pi usbotg error

2014-03-09 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

I just wanted to report an error I just saw on my r-pi which had been
running for the last ~3 hours or so. While I was away from the
keyboard, the screen was up and after a while I saw it going blank.
The keyboard is no longer active though I still have a working mouse.
On the console output, I see these prints:

usbotg: ep6.1 error intr 0082
kb: /dev/usb/ep6.1: read: i/o error
kb: exiting


Re: [9fans] r-pi usbotg error

2014-03-09 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 9:11 PM, Rubén Berenguel  wrote:
> Sounds like the keyboard went idle (on its own!?) and the Rasp lost
> connection to it. ep6.1 is the name of a USB device (something about logical
> unit devices or something,) you can try unplugging something and you'll see
> similar things pop up. kb is complaining the keyboard went away, and since
> there is no keyboard, died. You could try ungplugging it and plugging it in.

Yes, indeed, it came back to life after unplugging and re-plugging. Thanks.

Of course, I will be happy to collect any more data to help debug this.

[9fans] hg and golang

2014-03-25 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
Hello 9fans and plan9 hackers,

Number of plan9 installations at my tiny bedroom in a corner in India,
went up from 1 to 2, 1st being a raspberry pi and now, a 9atom
installation on virtualbox that I wanted to mess with, as a cpu

I searched and didn't find a canonical way to install mercurial and
golang on plan9. Can someone point to me some instructions? I see from
the golang build dashboard[1] that golang on plan9 is reasonably

PS: This list is great. Digging up the archives has given me access to
bottomless pit of knowledge and wisdom! Thanks.

Re: [9fans] hg and golang

2014-03-25 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:32 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> Number of plan9 installations at my tiny bedroom in a corner in India,
>> went up from 1 to 2, 1st being a raspberry pi and now, a 9atom
>> installation on virtualbox that I wanted to mess with, as a cpu
>> system.
> hopefully i've got this correct.  rc history to the rescue
> python may or may not work on the standard distribution.  there are some
> ape patches that have not gone in yet.
> cd /sys/src
> hget 
> |bunzip2|tar xv
> hget |bunzip2|tar 
> xv
> rm -f @LongLink
> mv jas-cpython-cea9c7fcee30 cpython # details may vary
> mv Mercurial-b96cb15ec9e0 hg# details may vary
> cd cpython
> mk

Thank you Erik.

I got an out of physical memory at this point, while in the middle of
the build. I will try increasing the memory (I am running on a
virtualbox instance)

> mk stage
> mk install
> python has some odd troubles with its mkfile, so you might need to mk stage
> more than once.
> - erik


Re: [9fans] hg and golang

2014-03-25 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 3:58 AM, David du Colombier <> wrote:
>> I searched and didn't find a canonical way to install mercurial and
>> golang on plan9. Can someone point to me some instructions? I see from
>> the golang build dashboard[1] that golang on plan9 is reasonably
>> healthy.
> As Skip said, Python 2.7.6 and Mercurial 2.8.2 are available
> as a binary package on
> If you want to compile from sources, you will need to
> get the APE changes from Jeff Sickel. If you are running
> Plan 9 from Bell Labs, you can apply the following patch:
> Here is an excerpt from my notes to compile Python on Plan 9:


Hello David,

That worked perfectly! Thanks. I compiled python from sources. I now
have a working Python and Mercurial installation. Now, on to compiling

Thank you again, to everyone.

Re: [9fans] hg and golang

2014-03-25 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 5:57 AM, Jeff Sickel  wrote:
> Ramakrishnan,
> Let me know if you’re still getting mk stage errors.
> You should be able to use the latest hg (2.9.1) if you grab the source 
> release (  Just 
> note that the following patch-diff has never been accepted for some reason.

Thank you Jeff. I have now got a working hg installation! :) Thanks a lot.

Quite pleased with what I have got today and managed to learn some new
things about the system.


Re: [9fans] hg and golang

2014-03-25 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Erik Quanstrom  wrote:
> what build error did you get.  do you mind sending it along?  perhaps it as 
> caused by truncated intermediates.

Sure, I need to rush now for work, I will reduce the memory back to
64MB once I get back to work and send you the errors I see.


> Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan  wrote:
>>On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 12:05 AM, erik quanstrom  
>>>> Thank you Erik.
>>>> I got an out of physical memory at this point, while in the middle of
>>>> the build. I will try increasing the memory (I am running on a
>>>> virtualbox instance)
>>> that's kind of odd.  how much memory are you using, and can you send a 
>>> screenshot?
>>I only had 64MB, sorry, my mistake.. I increased it to 1024MB and it
>>compiled but I get mk stage errors. I will look at Skip's and David's
>>instructions to apply the APE patch and try again.
>>Attaching the screenshot for the out of memory error.
>>  Ramakrishnan


[9fans] Python/Mercurial error

2014-03-25 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
As I wrote in the previous email [1], I have Python and Mercurial
compiled from sources. When I use it to pull the golang sources, I
noticed the following error:

$ hg clone -u release
added 19559 ...
updating to branch release-branch.go1.2
abort: invalid argument: '/sys/src/go/src'
Exception: KeyError(13155,) in module 'threading' from
'/sys/lib/python2.7/threading.pyc' ignored
abort: no such file or directory: '/sys/src/go/src/pkg/net/tcpsock_posix.go'

(I am typing this from looking at the virtualbox screen, pardon me if
there are any errors.)

Also https didn't work with hg as it gave me a tls error. I guess I
didn't build it with tls support. But that is okay..


Re: [9fans] Python/Mercurial error

2014-03-26 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 5:23 PM,   wrote:
> Could you post or have a look at libc_plan9.h - that file is generated by
> stripping out some things from /sys/include/libc.h and it appears that
> something in that process has generated a syntax error.


Yes, you are right. I see an empty enum declaration:

enum {

.. in between the "extern .. tokenize.." and "extern .. malloc .. "

I will see how this file is generated. Thank you very much. I am
running 9atom and not the Bell Labs plan9. I am not sure if some
structures are not in sync in any header files.

> ps. I think it’s impossible to copy from vbox unless you have guest
> additions installed and AFAIK guest additions for plan9 have not been
> written.

Ah, okay. Thanks. I think I will install it on natively on my desktop
PC this weekend.

Thanks again.

Re: [9fans] Python/Mercurial error

2014-03-26 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 6:08 PM, David du Colombier <> wrote:
> You can easily fix the generated include/plan9/plan9_libc.h file by
> hand for now. It seems /sys/include/libc.h is slightly different on
> 9atom, so the include/plan9/mklibc.rc script have to be adapted. Don't
> forget to comment out the generation of plan9_libc.h in src/make.rc.

I tried that, David. The build proceeds but I get a trap now.

sys: trap: invalid opcode pc=0x4d9e9

goroutine 16 [running]:
and then it prints a bunch of registers (ax, bx, .. pc, flags, cs ..
gs) and their values. :(

I will see what went wrong with libc header file and try to come up
with some fix.


Re: [9fans] Python/Mercurial error

2014-03-26 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 5:39 PM, Mark van Atten  wrote:
>>Attaching a
>> screenshot. I still can't seem to copy text to/from virtualbox.
> One thing you can do is to run Plan 9 in virtualbox but use drawterm
> on the host to access it. Then you
> can copy/paste from the drawterm window.

I haven't yet configured my system to be a CPU, does that matter? I
will take a dig at it tonight.

Thanks Mark.


Re: [9fans] Python/Mercurial error

2014-03-26 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 7:17 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
> On Wed Mar 26 08:39:24 EDT 2014, wrote:
>> You can easily fix the generated include/plan9/plan9_libc.h file by
>> hand for now. It seems /sys/include/libc.h is slightly different on
>> 9atom, so the include/plan9/mklibc.rc script have to be adapted. Don't
>> forget to comment out the generation of plan9_libc.h in src/make.rc.
> this guess is incorrect.  i installed python/hg on 9atom
> 3 weeks ago with jeff, and there were no issues at all.

There wasn't any issue installing hg and python. I have now tried
compiling from source and running the binaries and both work just fine
(I get the errors occasionally when running hg). The libc
header file error is when I tried to compile go-lang.


Re: [9fans] Python/Mercurial error

2014-04-03 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
Sorry, late into it again.


I picked the new hg from 9legacy website (2.9.1) and used it to pull
Go source. But I consistently get this error on both Bell Labs plan9
and 9atom on virtualbox.

; hg clone

adding file changes
transaction abort!
failed to truncate 00manifest.i
rollback failed - please run hg recover
abort: invalid arguments
; cd go
; hg recover
no interrupted transaction available


Re: [9fans] Python/Mercurial error

2014-04-03 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 11:27 PM, David du Colombier <> wrote:
>> ; hg clone
>> ...
>> adding file changes
>> transaction abort!
>> failed to truncate 00manifest.i
>> rollback failed - please run hg recover
>> abort: invalid arguments
>> ; cd go
>> ; hg recover
>> no interrupted transaction available
>> ;
> It looks similar to an issue I encountered occasionally.
> I reported it to Jeff Sickel, but we still haven't succeed
> to track it down.

I tried cloning the go repo multiple times with the new hg and I get
the error *everytime*. :(


Re: [9fans] Python/Mercurial error

2014-04-03 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 11:53 PM, David du Colombier <> wrote:
>> i hope this isn't begging the obvious, but with huge
>> masses of code, i find it helpful to hunt down the initial
>> error message and start adding debugging code.
> I think it's more a matter of spare time and reproducibility ☺.

I could help reproduce the problem and debug it this weekend, if
someone can handhold a bit. I don't know next to nothing about
debugging on a plan9 system but would like to learn. I will try to
read up and see where the error is reported from.

One observation is that on the VirtualBox system, the network
throughput seem to be very very low. The 'hg clone' speeds are ~1/10x
of that while cloning on the GNU/Linux system running natively. So,
perhaps there is something funny going on with the network card. I
could also try on qemu later today.


Re: [9fans] Python/Mercurial error

2014-04-04 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 10:49 AM, David du Colombier <> wrote:
> Two days ago, I've fixed the script mklibc.rc to
> generate the libc_plan9.h file properly on 9atom.
> Please give a try and review this change to
> get it submitted before the Go 1.4 release.

I got a fresh copy of go from the current hg tip and applied this
patch. I now see some other errors while it builds pkg/math module: I
had not seen these before, so perhaps something new that landed in the
go repo may be responsible for it?

go/src/pkg/math/abs.go:14: internal error: abs ~r1 (type float64)
recorded as live on entry
[...] same error for various other files (acosh.go, asin.go ... )
go tool dist: FAILED: ...

It will be great if one of the "distributions" like 9atom ship a
version of various tools like hg/python/go along with it.


Re: [9fans] Python/Mercurial error

2014-04-07 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
Sorry for the late response, Jeff. Apologies. I just booted up virtualbox.

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Jeff Sickel  wrote:
>> On Apr 3, 2014, at 1:04 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan  
>> wrote:
>> I tried cloning the go repo multiple times with the new hg and I get
>> the error *everytime*. :(
> What file system are you using?

I don't know. How do I find out? Is there an equiv of the Unix's fstab
somewhere? I looked a bit but couldn't find it. Still finding my way
around the system.

> Have you tried 'hg clone -U'?

Yes, that gave me same error message.

> There are a few cases with hg where the repository your trying to clone has a 
> file stored in its repo that is longer than a valid path on certain Plan 9 
> file systems.  This is the case for go, python, and a few other prominent 
> repositories.  In the case of go, getting the repo cloned without the update 
> can work, because it doesn't fail during the file walk that would be invalid 
> during temporary reconstruction if the work area file space.  Then an update 
> to tip later will actually work because it bypasses the garbage file that was 
> replaced|moved in a later commit.

Okay, I will clone it on another Unix system and copy it over into
plan9 for the time being.



Re: [9fans] Newby Question on setting hostname

2014-04-07 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 8:31 AM, Lee Fallat  wrote:
> Put sysname=yourhostname in the plan9.ini file so you don't have to do

I did that on my 9atom system (9fat: to mount the fat file system on
/n/9fat and then edited plan9.ini) but that didn't have any effect. :(
It takes /dev/sysname (which is an IP address). I manually edited
/rc/bin/termrc to get a valid sysname.


[9fans] acme/Mail setup on plan9port

2014-04-08 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

I followed Mathieu's instructions in this previous discussion[1].
mailfs reports an imapconnect success. But acme Mail command gives an
error: "Mail: cannot mount mail: dial ... /tmp/ns.rkrishnan.:0/mail:
No such file or directory". Indeed, I see only 3 files in the
/tmp/ns.rkrishnan.:0 directory: factotum, plumb, acme. Can someone
anyone help me? I am on Debian GNU/Linux, running plan9port from the
latest hg. I had to add a linker path to make upas to compile. My
changes are here[2].




[9fans] dual boot

2014-05-23 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

I plan to install 9atom natively (until now, I had been using VMs and
Rpi, but I want to try it on my home AMD64 desktop machine). I
currently have Debian GNU/Linux installed on a hard disk. I am adding
a new hard disk on which I plan to install the 9atom. I am wondering
if I need to take any care to do the dual-boot from grub.

I see this previous thread:


Re: [9fans] dual boot

2014-05-23 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
I downloaded the usbinstamd64 image from the 9atom webpage and booted
it up. First, I tried amd64 (selection 0), in a second or so, some
text went past the screen quickly and the machine rebooted. I then
tried selection 1 (386pae), that booted up but quickly halted with

Plan 9
apic: 6 machs started; flat mode vectors
winbont .ff hw fff8
  no capabilities
panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
dumpstack disabled
cpu0: exiting
cpu0: spurious interrupt 39, last 0

and it hangs there.

Is there any options I can try to move past this step?

Re: [9fans] dual boot

2014-05-23 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
> I downloaded the usbinstamd64 image from the 9atom webpage and booted
> it up. First, I tried amd64 (selection 0), in a second or so, some
> text went past the screen quickly and the machine rebooted. I then
> tried selection 1 (386pae), that booted up but quickly halted with
> this:
> Plan 9
> E820: 
> ...
> apic: 6 machs started; flat mode vectors
> winbont .ff hw fff8
>   no capabilities
> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
> dumpstack disabled
> cpu0: exiting
> cpu0: spurious interrupt 39, last 0
> and it hangs there.

The mother board is ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB3.



Re: [9fans] dual boot

2014-05-24 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
>  wrote:
>> I downloaded the usbinstamd64 image from the 9atom webpage and booted
>> it up. First, I tried amd64 (selection 0), in a second or so, some
>> text went past the screen quickly and the machine rebooted. I then
>> tried selection 1 (386pae), that booted up but quickly halted with
>> this:
>> Plan 9
>> E820: 
>> ...
>> apic: 6 machs started; flat mode vectors
>> winbont .ff hw fff8
>>   no capabilities
>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> dumpstack disabled
>> cpu0: exiting
>> cpu0: spurious interrupt 39, last 0
>> and it hangs there.
> The mother board is ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB3.
> <>

Also for the record, I also tried the Labs plan9 usb image. That
didn't go past a few initial prints either. I didn't note them down
but it was different from the ones reported above with 9atom and
failed much earlier.


Re: [9fans] dual boot

2014-05-24 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 5:31 PM, Nick Owens  wrote:
> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 05:03:07PM +0530, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan wrote:
>> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
>>  wrote:
>> > On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
>> >  wrote:
>> >> I downloaded the usbinstamd64 image from the 9atom webpage and booted
>> >> it up. First, I tried amd64 (selection 0), in a second or so, some
>> >> text went past the screen quickly and the machine rebooted. I then
>> >> tried selection 1 (386pae), that booted up but quickly halted with
>> >> this:
>> >>
>> >> Plan 9
>> >> E820: 
>> >> ...
>> >> apic: 6 machs started; flat mode vectors
>> >> winbont .ff hw fff8
>> >>   no capabilities
>> >> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> >> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> >> dumpstack disabled
>> >> cpu0: exiting
>> >> cpu0: spurious interrupt 39, last 0
>> >>
>> >> and it hangs there.
>> >
>> > The mother board is ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB3.
>> >
>> > <>
>> Also for the record, I also tried the Labs plan9 usb image. That
>> didn't go past a few initial prints either. I didn't note them down
>> but it was different from the ones reported above with 9atom and
>> failed much earlier.
>> --
>>   Ramakrishnan
> it appears this motherboard is using usb 3 aka xhci. i don't know for
> certain but i don't think any plan 9 (fork or not-a-fork) has xhci
> support. looking through the archive, there was talk of xhci about a
> year ago.
> try disabling usb 3.0 in the bios setting and see if it makes progress
> when booting from usb.

Thanks, I tried disabling usb 3.0 in the bios and I am still getting
stuck at the same place with the 9atom image.


Re: [9fans] dual boot

2014-05-24 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 8:04 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
> On Sat May 24 02:46:08 EDT 2014, wrote:
>> I downloaded the usbinstamd64 image from the 9atom webpage and booted
>> it up. First, I tried amd64 (selection 0), in a second or so, some
>> text went past the screen quickly and the machine rebooted. I then
>> tried selection 1 (386pae), that booted up but quickly halted with
>> this:
>> Plan 9
>> E820: 
>> ...
>> apic: 6 machs started; flat mode vectors
>> winbont .ff hw fff8
>>   no capabilities
>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> dumpstack disabled
>> cpu0: exiting
>> cpu0: spurious interrupt 39, last 0
>> and it hangs there.
>> Is there any options I can try to move past this step?
>> --
>>   Ramakrishnan
> well, first sorry.  this is not a usb issue.  since you're using
> the 9paed kernel, this is the crash site:
> acid; src(0xf0162415)
> /sys/src/9/pcpae/ether8169.c:385
>  380static int
>  381rtl8169miimiw(Mii *mii, int pa, int ra, int data)
>  382{
>  383if(pa != 1)
>  384return -1;
>>385return ·rtl8169miimiw(mii->ctlr, pa, ra, data);
>  386}
>  387
>  388static Mii*
>  389rtl8169mii(Ctlr* ctlr)
>  390{
> and after a little inspection, i see the issue.  and i've applied a patch.
> does the amd64 kernel behave differently?

Thanks. :)

Yes, the amd64 kernel just reboots before I could read anything on the screen.

> one thing i am confused about, you have
>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
> i assume this was typed by hand?  i would expect it to read:

Yes, I typed them by hand. Sorry about the error.

>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=0xf0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=0xf0162415 addr=0x00a8
> there is a new TEST image @
> i have not had a chance to try it myself, but the crash seems obvious enough.

Thanks. I just tried it and indeed, with the pae kernel, it gets me
into the installer. At some point, I mistakenly selected ("arches to
install" as amd64, well I really wanted to install amd64 but perhaps
the kernel has not been rebuilt for amd64 I guess.

Now, it proceeds to "build full set of amd64 executables?" which I
selected "yes". I then get a build error:

8c -FTVw s_tolower.c
s_rdinstack.c:13 not a function
s_rdinstack.c:13 syntax error, last name: Sinstack
mk: 8c -FTVw s_rdinstack.c  : exit status=rc 594: 8c 604: error
mk: date for (i  ...  : exit status=rc 509: rc 563: mk 565: error
halt system? (yes, no, skip)[no default]

I am going to try installing a 386 system instead (after sending out
this email).

Also the amd64 kernel still didn't boot. When I selected amd64
(selection 0), it just printed something that I couldn't read and
rebooted the system.

> one warning: yesterday i applied some changes to the amd64 scheduler,
> to generate the correct load average, and to calm down the absolute
> mach affinity.  this would cause dramatic unfairness whever nrdy > nmach.
> this is because on some cpu, two processes would get assigned.  they would
> share the cpu fairly, but on nmach-1 maches, the busy process would get a 
> whole
> cpu.  the solution was to watch how long a process has been ready and use that
> as a hint that it should be run, even if there is a proc with greater 
> affinity.
> (thanks to jyu and gsoc!)  but removing the obvious bugs has
> put the scheduler a bit out of tune, and things like ping may see a 20µs
> "delay" in some cases.  i'm working on it.
> the good news is that we now see correct load averages, fairness, and kernel
> compile times have dropped 40% from before.

Very eager to try these out. If you have any new builds and want to
test them out (and can bear the time zone difference -- I am in
GMT+5.30), I will be glad to test them out.


Re: [9fans] dual boot

2014-05-24 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 8:05 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
> On Sat May 24 02:46:08 EDT 2014, wrote:
>> I downloaded the usbinstamd64 image from the 9atom webpage and booted
>> it up. First, I tried amd64 (selection 0), in a second or so, some
>> text went past the screen quickly and the machine rebooted. I then
>> tried selection 1 (386pae), that booted up but quickly halted with
>> this:
>> Plan 9
>> E820: 
>> ...
>> apic: 6 machs started; flat mode vectors
>> winbont .ff hw fff8
>>   no capabilities
>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> dumpstack disabled
>> cpu0: exiting
>> cpu0: spurious interrupt 39, last 0
> i forgot to say ... excellent bug report.

Thanks. :) Happy to help fix the bug. I hope to get the system up and
learn to do these kinds of debugging myself.


Re: [9fans] dual boot

2014-05-24 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 8:04 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> On Sat May 24 02:46:08 EDT 2014, wrote:
>>> I downloaded the usbinstamd64 image from the 9atom webpage and booted
>>> it up. First, I tried amd64 (selection 0), in a second or so, some
>>> text went past the screen quickly and the machine rebooted. I then
>>> tried selection 1 (386pae), that booted up but quickly halted with
>>> this:
>>> Plan 9
>>> E820: 
>>> ...
>>> apic: 6 machs started; flat mode vectors
>>> winbont .ff hw fff8
>>>   no capabilities
>>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>>> dumpstack disabled
>>> cpu0: exiting
>>> cpu0: spurious interrupt 39, last 0
>>> and it hangs there.
>>> Is there any options I can try to move past this step?
>>> --
>>>   Ramakrishnan
>> well, first sorry.  this is not a usb issue.  since you're using
>> the 9paed kernel, this is the crash site:
>> acid; src(0xf0162415)
>> /sys/src/9/pcpae/ether8169.c:385
>>  380static int
>>  381rtl8169miimiw(Mii *mii, int pa, int ra, int data)
>>  382{
>>  383if(pa != 1)
>>  384return -1;
>>>385return ·rtl8169miimiw(mii->ctlr, pa, ra, data);
>>  386}
>>  387
>>  388static Mii*
>>  389rtl8169mii(Ctlr* ctlr)
>>  390{
>> and after a little inspection, i see the issue.  and i've applied a patch.
>> does the amd64 kernel behave differently?
> Thanks. :)
> Yes, the amd64 kernel just reboots before I could read anything on the screen.
>> one thing i am confused about, you have
>>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=f0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> i assume this was typed by hand?  i would expect it to read:
> Yes, I typed them by hand. Sorry about the error.
>>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=0xf0162415 addr=0x00a8
>>> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=0xf0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> there is a new TEST image @
>> i have not had a chance to try it myself, but the crash seems obvious enough.
> Thanks. I just tried it and indeed, with the pae kernel, it gets me
> into the installer. At some point, I mistakenly selected ("arches to
> install" as amd64, well I really wanted to install amd64 but perhaps
> the kernel has not been rebuilt for amd64 I guess.
> Now, it proceeds to "build full set of amd64 executables?" which I
> selected "yes". I then get a build error:
> 8c -FTVw s_tolower.c
> s_rdinstack.c:13 not a function
> s_rdinstack.c:13 syntax error, last name: Sinstack
> mk: 8c -FTVw s_rdinstack.c  : exit status=rc 594: 8c 604: error
> mk: date for (i  ...  : exit status=rc 509: rc 563: mk 565: error
> halt system? (yes, no, skip)[no default]
> I am going to try installing a 386 system instead (after sending out
> this email).

Tried with arch as  386 and I get the same error while it compiles


Re: [9fans] dual boot

2014-05-25 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 11:07 AM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> Yes, I typed them by hand. Sorry about the error.
>> >> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=0xf0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> >> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=0xf0162415 addr=0x00a8
>> >
>> > there is a new TEST image @
>> > i have not had a chance to try it myself, but the crash seems obvious 
>> > enough.
>> Thanks. I just tried it and indeed, with the pae kernel, it gets me
>> into the installer. At some point, I mistakenly selected ("arches to
>> install" as amd64, well I really wanted to install amd64 but perhaps
>> the kernel has not been rebuilt for amd64 I guess.
>> Now, it proceeds to "build full set of amd64 executables?" which I
>> selected "yes". I then get a build error:
>> 8c -FTVw s_tolower.c
>> s_rdinstack.c:13 not a function
>> s_rdinstack.c:13 syntax error, last name: Sinstack
>> mk: 8c -FTVw s_rdinstack.c  : exit status=rc 594: 8c 604: error
>> mk: date for (i  ...  : exit status=rc 509: rc 563: mk 565: error
>> halt system? (yes, no, skip)[no default]
> oops.  sorry.  my fault.  fixed.
>> I am going to try installing a 386 system instead (after sending out
>> this email).
>> Also the amd64 kernel still didn't boot. When I selected amd64
>> (selection 0), it just printed something that I couldn't read and
>> rebooted the system.
> if this is an amd (not intel) system, i may have applied a band-aid for this.

Using your new image, I confirm that your fixes are working. I could
boot and install the system with arch as amd64.

In the "configure vga resolution? (yes, no, skip)[no]: I selected "yes".

It proceeded to show me a list of resolutions (8 different options).
Since my monitor has the highest resolution of 1920x1080, I selected
that. Next it asked for "image depth[no default]" where I typed in 16.
But it kept looking there, whatever I keyed in. If I proceed with "no
default", I see that the PLAN9.INI file in the 9fat partition (which I
mounted with 9fat: command) has the resolution set as "1920x1080xno
default". So, after installation, I got dropped into a text console,
probably because of this error.

Also if I opted to create a user name (called "ram") for me during
installation. But I don't see the lib/* files under /usr/ram. I see a
few files under /usr/glenda. Aren't some of these boilerplate init
files copied to the user home directory during installation?

Thanks again. Doing another installation now, but without opting for a
vga resolution during installation time to see if I can get rid of the
"no default" thing in the plan9.ini file. I will change that file
later after the installation to pick the right resolution.


Re: [9fans] dual boot

2014-05-25 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
> On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 11:07 AM, erik quanstrom  
> wrote:
>>> Yes, I typed them by hand. Sorry about the error.
>>> >> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=0xf0162415 addr=0x00a8
>>> >> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=0xf0162415 addr=0x00a8
>>> >
>>> > there is a new TEST image @
>>> > i have not had a chance to try it myself, but the crash seems obvious 
>>> > enough.
>>> Thanks. I just tried it and indeed, with the pae kernel, it gets me
>>> into the installer. At some point, I mistakenly selected ("arches to
>>> install" as amd64, well I really wanted to install amd64 but perhaps
>>> the kernel has not been rebuilt for amd64 I guess.
>>> Now, it proceeds to "build full set of amd64 executables?" which I
>>> selected "yes". I then get a build error:
>>> 8c -FTVw s_tolower.c
>>> s_rdinstack.c:13 not a function
>>> s_rdinstack.c:13 syntax error, last name: Sinstack
>>> mk: 8c -FTVw s_rdinstack.c  : exit status=rc 594: 8c 604: error
>>> mk: date for (i  ...  : exit status=rc 509: rc 563: mk 565: error
>>> halt system? (yes, no, skip)[no default]
>> oops.  sorry.  my fault.  fixed.
>>> I am going to try installing a 386 system instead (after sending out
>>> this email).
>>> Also the amd64 kernel still didn't boot. When I selected amd64
>>> (selection 0), it just printed something that I couldn't read and
>>> rebooted the system.
>> if this is an amd (not intel) system, i may have applied a band-aid for this.
> Using your new image, I confirm that your fixes are working. I could
> boot and install the system with arch as amd64.
> In the "configure vga resolution? (yes, no, skip)[no]: I selected "yes".
> It proceeded to show me a list of resolutions (8 different options).
> Since my monitor has the highest resolution of 1920x1080, I selected
> that. Next it asked for "image depth[no default]" where I typed in 16.
> But it kept looking there, whatever I keyed in. If I proceed with "no
> default", I see that the PLAN9.INI file in the 9fat partition (which I
> mounted with 9fat: command) has the resolution set as "1920x1080xno
> default". So, after installation, I got dropped into a text console,
> probably because of this error.
> Also if I opted to create a user name (called "ram") for me during
> installation. But I don't see the lib/* files under /usr/ram. I see a
> few files under /usr/glenda. Aren't some of these boilerplate init
> files copied to the user home directory during installation?
> Thanks again. Doing another installation now, but without opting for a
> vga resolution during installation time to see if I can get rid of the
> "no default" thing in the plan9.ini file. I will change that file

I tried mounting 9fat and replaced no defaults using sed to 16. It now
booted but the username "ram" didn't have any of the rc init files.
So, I again used sed to replace "ram" with "glenda". I now have a
working native installation of 9atom on my desktop that I can play
with and experiment.

Thank you very much.


Re: [9fans] dual boot

2014-05-25 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 10:55 PM, Brian L. Stuart
>> It now
>> booted but the username "ram" didn't have
>> any of the rc init files.
> There's a script in /sys/lib/newuser that sets
> up an initial set of scripts and directories
> for a newly created user.  The newuser(8) man
> page give more detail.

Thank you, Brian. I discovered that after sending that email while
reading the plan9 web documentation.

BTW, I recently got hold of your OS book. Very nice book, especially
the inferno parts, which was my primary interest when I bought the


Re: [9fans] dual boot

2014-05-26 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 3:19 AM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> It proceeded to show me a list of resolutions (8 different options).
>> Since my monitor has the highest resolution of 1920x1080, I selected
>> that. Next it asked for "image depth[no default]" where I typed in 16.
>> But it kept looking there, whatever I keyed in. If I proceed with "no
>> default", I see that the PLAN9.INI file in the 9fat partition (which I
>> mounted with 9fat: command) has the resolution set as "1920x1080xno
>> default". So, after installation, I got dropped into a text console,
>> probably because of this error.
> yes, sorry about this.  there is a bug in the script.  fortunately you were
> smart enough to fix things.

Where does the installer script live?

> a proper screensize looks like XxYxD where X,Y is the screen size in
> pixels, and D is the bit depth.  i use 1600x1200x16.

I set it to 1280x768x16. My monitor/VGA Controller resolutions seem to
be missing from the /lib/vgadb perhaps?

Erik, thanks for putting together and maintaining 9atom. Without it
and your help, I wouldn't be running a Plan9 system today. I will do
my best in terms of bug reports and code to give back to the project.


[9fans] suicide message on vmware

2014-06-05 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

I just saw a suicide message on 9atom running on plan9 while updating
the system:

% replica/pull -v /dist/replica/network

After a while, I saw this printed, but the replica/pull is proceeding
without any problem.

(not completely readable because stats window overwrote the screen)
... bad sys call number 53 pc 101c6
timesync 57: suicide: sys: bad syscall pc=0x101c6

I am sorry, if this is a stupid question, I am updating this system
for the first time since I installed it a few weeks(2 months?) ago:
What is the exact procedure to update? Is the above replica/pull
command enough? Will it update the kernel as well?


Re: [9fans] suicide message on vmware

2014-06-05 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 8:51 AM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
> On Thu Jun  5 23:17:37 EDT 2014, wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just saw a suicide message on 9atom running on plan9 while updating
>> the system:
>> % replica/pull -v /dist/replica/network
>> After a while, I saw this printed, but the replica/pull is proceeding
>> without any problem.
>> (not completely readable because stats window overwrote the screen)
>> ... bad sys call number 53 pc 101c6
>> timesync 57: suicide: sys: bad syscall pc=0x101c6
> nsec!  argh!

Ah, I should have remembered.

So, I guess, I got the updating sequence wrong? First upgrade kernel,
then upgrade the rest?


Re: [9fans] suicide message on vmware

2014-06-05 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
Well, looks like I cannot run any binaries anymore and getting the
suicide message! I don't have anything critical on this vm image and
can re-install it. But I want to see if I can recover it and how. I
will re-read the "syscall 53" thread to look for any solutions.


On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 8:51 AM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> On Thu Jun  5 23:17:37 EDT 2014, wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just saw a suicide message on 9atom running on plan9 while updating
>>> the system:
>>> % replica/pull -v /dist/replica/network
>>> After a while, I saw this printed, but the replica/pull is proceeding
>>> without any problem.
>>> (not completely readable because stats window overwrote the screen)
>>> ... bad sys call number 53 pc 101c6
>>> timesync 57: suicide: sys: bad syscall pc=0x101c6
>> nsec!  argh!
> Ah, I should have remembered.
> So, I guess, I got the updating sequence wrong? First upgrade kernel,
> then upgrade the rest?
> --
>   Ramakrishnan


Re: [9fans] suicide message on vmware

2014-06-06 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Bakul Shah  wrote:
> On Fri, 06 Jun 2014 10:48:21 +0530 Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan 
>  wrote:
>> Well, looks like I cannot run any binaries anymore and getting the
>> suicide message! I don't have anything critical on this vm image and
>> can re-install it. But I want to see if I can recover it and how. I
>> will re-read the "syscall 53" thread to look for any solutions.
> Aren't the old binaries saved under the same name  but
> prefixed with _?  If you haven't rebooted yet, you can use
> those to copy the new kernel to the FAT partition.

Thanks, I didn't know that old binaries are kept prefixed with _. Very nice!

I copied the kernels from David (,
untar'ed it. This copied into /386/9pcf. Then I do:

_cp /386/9pcf /n/9fat/9pcf

But I get an error message: '/n/9fat/9pcf clone failed'.

Re: [9fans] suicide message on vmware

2014-06-06 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Bakul Shah  wrote:
> On Fri, 06 Jun 2014 13:02:14 +0530 Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan 
>  wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Bakul Shah  wrote:
>> > On Fri, 06 Jun 2014 10:48:21 +0530 Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan > .com> wrote:
>> >> Well, looks like I cannot run any binaries anymore and getting the
>> >> suicide message! I don't have anything critical on this vm image and
>> >> can re-install it. But I want to see if I can recover it and how. I
>> >> will re-read the "syscall 53" thread to look for any solutions.
>> >
>> > Aren't the old binaries saved under the same name  but
>> > prefixed with _?  If you haven't rebooted yet, you can use
>> > those to copy the new kernel to the FAT partition.
>> Thanks, I didn't know that old binaries are kept prefixed with _. Very nice!
>> I copied the kernels from David (,
>> untar'ed it. This copied into /386/9pcf. Then I do:
> I don't know what's on Copy the labs kernel from
> /386/9pcf since after reboot it will support the updated labs
> binaries that use nsec() syscall.
> My assumption is you are running an old kernel with new
> binaries.


>> 9fat:
>> _cp /386/9pcf /n/9fat/9pcf
>> But I get an error message: '/n/9fat/9pcf clone failed'.
> 9fat: will use the new binaries! Look at /rc/bin/9fat: and

Ah, that's right. Thanks.

> follow the steps using the old binaries. The following may
> be enough.
> _dossrv
> _mount -c /srv/dos /n/9fat /dev/sdC0/9fat

Worked perfectly! Thanks.


Re: [9fans] suicide message on vmware

2014-06-06 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 9:05 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
> On Fri Jun  6 11:26:13 EDT 2014, wrote:
>> > On Jun 5, 2014, at 8:15 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan  
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I just saw a suicide message on 9atom running on plan9 while updating
>> > the system:
>> >
>> > % replica/pull -v /dist/replica/network
>> I missed that you were running 9atom. Using old binaries to copy the new 
>> kernel to /n/9fat and rebooting means now you're running the bell labs 
>> kernel. I don't know how different the two kernels are but if you want to 
>> continue running 9atom everything, you may have to undo nsec related changes 
>> in the userland.
>> More generally, as this nsec change demonstrates, if you rely on sources 
>> over which you have no control & you also have local changes, you pretty 
>> much have to treat the external sources as a "vendor branch" and do a 
>> careful merge to avoid such surprises.
> that's not how replica works.  replica respects local changes.  however,
> since in this case two different databases were mixed up, there is little
> chance that the user has a sane system.

What is the recommended way keep a 9atom system up to date?


Re: [9fans] suicide message on vmware

2014-06-06 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 8:54 PM, Bakul Shah  wrote:
>> On Jun 5, 2014, at 8:15 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan  
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just saw a suicide message on 9atom running on plan9 while updating
>> the system:
>> % replica/pull -v /dist/replica/network
> I missed that you were running 9atom. Using old binaries to copy the new 
> kernel to /n/9fat and rebooting means now you're running the bell labs 
> kernel. I don't know how different the two kernels are but if you want to 
> continue running 9atom everything, you may have to undo nsec related changes 
> in the userland.

I thought that replica/pull on a 9atom would pull 9atom binaries and
not the labs version. Looks like that assumption is wrong?


Re: [9fans] suicide message on vmware

2014-06-06 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 9:25 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> I thought that replica/pull on a 9atom would pull 9atom binaries and
>> not the labs version. Looks like that assumption is wrong?
> only on .iso versions of 9atom several years old.  to correct this issue,
> you'd have to sync /usr/glenda/bin/rc/pull first.

Thanks. I just discovered the existence of /dist/replica/atom which is
used by /usr/glenda/bin/rc/pull script.


Re: [9fans] suicide message on vmware

2014-06-06 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 9:56 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
> On Fri Jun  6 12:08:28 EDT 2014, wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 9:25 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> >> I thought that replica/pull on a 9atom would pull 9atom binaries and
>> >> not the labs version. Looks like that assumption is wrong?
>> >
>> > only on .iso versions of 9atom several years old.  to correct this issue,
>> > you'd have to sync /usr/glenda/bin/rc/pull first.
>> Thanks. I just discovered the existence of /dist/replica/atom which is
>> used by /usr/glenda/bin/rc/pull script.
> yup!  did you do it some other way?  that is, did i leave something
> dangerous lying about?

Well, this morning when I tried to update, I did this:

replica/pull -v /dist/replica/network  # instead of /dist/replica/atom

instead of invoking the /usr/glenda/bin/rc/pull (which pulls from

Sorry for the confusion. Entirely my fault and ignorance.

Re: [9fans] suicide message on vmware

2014-06-07 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
My vm installation does not boot anymore with the new kernel (I forgot
to note down the error, but probably it is not worth reporting because
I messed up the system beyond repair).

I downloaded a fresh 9atom iso and installed under virtual box again.
After the installation (I got an error while the copydist was ~80%,
which again I forgot to note down) when I booted up the new
installation, it hangs after printing:
init: starting /bin/rc

But I am able to install the Labs edition just fine (downloaded this morning).

Just wanted to report it here.

Re: [9fans] installs which hang

2014-06-07 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 9:15 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
> i don't think this has been mentioned in a while, so i wanted
> to quickly jot down a few tricks for looking at a "hung" machine.
> there are three main things that can hang things up on initial boot
> that aren't related to the kernel misbehaving
> - unclean shutdown forcing a fs check.  this can take 15-20 minutes on a
> big drive, or slow vm disk.
> - dhcp (should be limited to 5-10 minutes on sources, and ~30s on atom)
> - timesync.  i saw this issue one in 2008, so i don't remember much about it.
> - interrupts incorrectly mapped.  (even acpi can get it wrong.)
> if you can hit enter on the console, and have it recognized, you can
> have some confidence that interrupts are working.
> if you can type ^T^Tp and get a process listing, that's even better.
> you may (especially if you have a serial console) be able to figure out who
> is misbehaving.
> if you can type ^T^Tq and get the scheduler dump that might tell you
> if you have a lot of runnable processes.
> if you can type ^T^Ti and get the interrupt dump, that might tell you
> if a some hardware isn't interrupting.
> if your machine isn't making it this far, there isn't too much that can be
> easily done, unless you can pxe boot.  i usually put prints in the boot to
> see where things are going wrong.  i had the pleasure of doing that yesterday
> putting new locks in the pae kernel.  (i really need to use charles' GS:
> extern register trick to avoid this MACHP nonsense.)

Thank you. This is very useful.

With the 9atom install on virtualbox which hangs at init: starting
/bin/rc, I can see the process listing with ^T^Tp. The scheduler
listing just show "nrdy 0". ^T^Ti does not show anything. Keyboard is


Re: [9fans] [GSOC] plan9 kernel scheduler

2014-06-23 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 5:40 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
> On Sat Jun 21 21:47:37 EDT 2014, wrote:
>> +1 what Yoann said. :-) On SMP systems, all maches share a global run
>> queue, and maches tend to try grabbing procs that have run on it
>> before (affinity). Take a look at port/proc.c in particular, where a
>> lot of the scheduling logic is implemented.
> the (base) plan 9 scheduler uses a global priority based round robin
> scheduler.  priority is absolute; a process of priority n+1
> will always run before a process of priority n.  processes within
> a priority are run in round-robin fashion.  recent cpu usage lowers
> a processes' priority.  there is soft affinity that tends to rerun a
> process on the same cpu when practical, though this mechanism is
> too hard inthe standard distribution. there is hard affinity; one can
> wire a proc to a mach.
> a key detail of the scheduler is the set of priorities with runnable
> processes is kept in a bitvector named "runvec".  significantly less
> than 32 priorities are used.
> there is also an edf scheduler.  i can't find the iwp9 paper atm.

Is it this one?

"Lightweight EDF Scheduling with Deadline
Inheritance" by Jansen, S.J.Mullender et al.

Re: [9fans] [GSOC] plan9 kernel scheduler

2014-06-23 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 12:07 AM, andrey mirtchovski
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 10:30 AM, erik quanstrom  
> wrote:
>>> "Lightweight EDF Scheduling with Deadline
>>> Inheritance" by Jansen, S.J.Mullender et al.
>> no.  that's not it.
>> .TL
>> Real Time in Plan 9
>> .AU
>> Sape Mullender
>> Jim McKie
>> .AI
>> - erik

Thank you Erik and Andrey.


[9fans] 9atom install error

2014-06-25 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

I noticed this on a fresh install from the usbinstamd64.bz2 downloaded
today. I am typing the error. The error is while it is compiling the
amd64 programs..

mk syscall
sed '/#define...

6c -I/sys/src/libc/9syscall -FTVw syscall.c
tab.h:52 syscall.c:34 name not declared: _nsec
mk: 6c -I/sys ... : exit status=rc 20800: 6c 20802: error
mk: for(i in 1a ... : exit status=rc 9085: rc 20789: mk 20792: error
mk: test -e ... error
mk: date for (i ... : ... error
halt system? ...

I don't remember getting this error when I installed it from an
earlier installer (about a month ago, I think).


Re: [9fans] 9atom install error

2014-06-26 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 8:57 AM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> I noticed this on a fresh install from the usbinstamd64.bz2 downloaded
>> today. I am typing the error. The error is while it is compiling the
>> amd64 programs..
>> [...]
>> mk syscall
>> sed '/#define...
>> 6c -I/sys/src/libc/9syscall -FTVw syscall.c
>> tab.h:52 syscall.c:34 name not declared: _nsec
>> mk: 6c -I/sys ... : exit status=rc 20800: 6c 20802: error
>> mk: for(i in 1a ... : exit status=rc 9085: rc 20789: mk 20792: error
>> mk: test -e ... error
>> mk: date for (i ... : ... error
>> halt system? ...
> ok.  there must have been version skew.  i rebuilt everything.  but i'm 
> traveling, so i didn't
> do any sanity checking.

I downloaded a fresh usbinstamd64.bz2 today but am getting the same
results. Don't bother, I have a virtual machine install that I can
play with.

> _nsec is just for binary compatability with the nsec system call.  i'm still
> unconvinced, but i don't want to introduce an incompatability like that 
> either.
> by the way, one of the least attractive things about an nsec system call is
> high frequency high precision timing would be much better off with a
> relative clock that is not adjusted.  cf. the linux leap second fiasco.
> TSC is probablly ideal for this on intel machines.
> - erik

Re: [9fans] 2014 hardware overview

2014-06-29 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 5:25 PM, arisawa  wrote:
> look

Thank you for the list. I have been looking at adding some cheap
hardware to my home as well, to play with venti. It would have been
nice if plan9 is ported to one of those NAS boxes. I will try a hand
myself if I can get hold of a cheap old NAS box like the WD MyBook
world edition.


> 2014/06/29 18:32、Pierre-Jean  のメール:
>> 4) Obvious hardware
>> More generally, what do you think is the actual obvious
>> hardware that one can find to build a file server and a cpu
>> server for home usage ?


Re: [9fans] Building a Raspberry Pi image / Keyboard support

2014-07-05 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 5:15 AM, Anant Narayanan  wrote:
> That worked great, thank you!
> I was able to get the keyboard to work as well, but it seems there is a
> different bug where plugging in both a keyboard and mouse at the same time
> causes usb/kb to fail.

I had a tough time with my kb/mouse [1]. I could "fix" it only by
using a powered hub.


Re: [9fans] file server speed

2014-07-16 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Steven Stallion  wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 7:04 PM,   wrote:
>>> not a fair comparsion.
>> Yes, I'd have been more specific.
>> my intension was cwfs > fossil+venti of 9atom >> fossil+venti labs.
>> I did not consider kenfs itself, because I consider it should be
>> file+auth+cpu server.   The last is not important, but for drawterm
>> from others.
>> Recent kenfs can be such a machine?
>> Please remember I plan it for my private home machine, not
>> any sofisticated office use.
> kenfs works well, but you have to be well prepared to maintain it.
> Invest in a decent UPS - preferably one that is supported by the
> auto-shutdown (ISTR support was added for that a while back). You need
> to be careful when sizing your cache - I would invest in a pair of
> decent SSDs for cache, and two or more drives for housing the WORM. Be
> prepared for failure. The last large kensfs I maintained (around 16TB
> usable, 48TB raw) worked very well but would still crash one every
> year or two. Make sure you keep hard copies of your fsconfig and get
> comfortable with scripting as erik mentioned.
> That was in an office environment. At home I use
> fossil+(plan9port)venti running on linux-based NAS. This ends up
> working very well for me since I have resources to spare on that
> machine. This also lets me backup my arenas via CrashPlan. I use a

I am very interested to use such a setup. Could you please add more
about the setup? What hardware do you use for the NAS? Any scripts


Re: [9fans] file server speed

2014-07-17 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 6:43 AM, Steven Stallion  wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 9:53 AM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
>  wrote:
>> I am very interested to use such a setup. Could you please add more
>> about the setup? What hardware do you use for the NAS? Any scripts
>> etc?
> Sure thing - I've copied everything you should need under
> sources/contrib/stallion/venti
> (

Thanks, Steve.


Re: [9fans] Compiler Message

2014-07-20 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 8:25 AM, Shane Morris  wrote:
> Hello again 9fans,
> I'm also trying to compile hosted Inferno for OS X 10.9, all seems to go
> well until the "mk install" giving this error message:
> shanes-air-2:inferno-os boris$ PATH=`pwd`/MacOSX/386/bin:$PATH mk install
> (cd lib9; mk  install)
> cc -c -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -Wno-deprecated-declarations
> -Wuninitialized -Wunused -Wreturn-type -Wimplicit -Wno-four-char-constants
> -Wno-unknown-pragmas -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -no-cpp-precomp
> -mno-fused-madd -I/Users/boris/Documents/inferno-os/MacOSX/386/include
> -I/Users/boris/Documents/inferno-os/include -Os convD2M.c
> clang: error: unknown argument: '-mno-fused-madd'
> [-Wunused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future]
> clang: note: this will be a hard error (cannot be downgraded to a warning)
> in the future
> mk: cc -c -arch ...  : exit status=exit(1)
> mk: for j in ...  : exit status=exit(1)
> shanes-air-2:inferno-os boris$
> Does anyone have any insight?


On OS X 10.9.x, gcc points to clang. I installed gcc-4.9.0 from source
(follow instructions on this page, for example:
get a working gcc. I don't use a package manager on OSX these days, I
compile/install what I need, from source.)

I then edited mkfiles/mkfile-MacOSX-386 to point to the newly built
gcc (I called the gcc binary gcc-4.9.0). Here is the complete file.

CPUS=   386

O=  o
OS= o

AR= ar
A=  a

AS= gcc-4.9.0 -c -arch i386 -m32

ISYSROOT=   -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk

CC= gcc-4.9.0 -c -m32
CFLAGS= -arch i386 -m32\
-Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wuninitialized -Wunused
-Wreturn-type -Wimplicit -Wno-four-char-constants

LD= gcc -arch i386 -m32
-multiply_defined suppress


YACC=   iyacc


Re: [9fans] + plan9port on git

2014-11-18 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
I see this gitfs implementation, last checkin was years ago.

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Skip Tavakkolian
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 7:16 PM, minux  wrote:
>> On Nov 17, 2014 9:29 PM, "Bakul Shah"  wrote:
>> > I don't know about Go (the Go guys are probably already
>> > suffering from a massive VCS fatigue), but if you want to play
>> > with this idea, there is venti! Vac can take a previous score
>> > to do incremental archiving. If you add sepcial blocks that
>> > store two parent scores + some metadata, it can represent a
>> > merge point.  Mapping to a filesystem view would require some
>> > thought but I think most of the key pieces are already in
>> > place.
>> basically, this is how git works.
>> Anyway, mapping a git repository to venti on the fly seems like a fun
>> project.


[9fans] Porting plan9

2014-11-30 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

I have a hummingboard i1 board [1] which I would like to use as a Plan9
terminal. I also want to use the opportunity to learn about the plan9
kernel and read the code. The board has a FreeScale iMX6 Solo SoC which
is based on ARM-Cortex A9 core. I am hoping to reuse parts of the OMAP3
port (though it is Cortex-A8) and intend to look at the boot process of
the chip in more detail in the coming days.

Surprisingly I didn't see a paper on porting Plan9 to new architectures
in the plan9 paper collection. Any help and pointers on how to get
started with the porting effort will be highly appreciated. 



Re: [9fans] Porting plan9

2014-12-01 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Mon, Dec 1, 2014, at 11:14 AM, erik quanstrom wrote:
> > Surprisingly I didn't see a paper on porting Plan9 to new architectures
> > in the plan9 paper collection. Any help and pointers on how to get
> > started with the porting effort will be highly appreciated. 
> it's all about the documentation.  if you can get it, boringing up a new
> kernel for a new architecture can go from impossible to very doable.
> it's still a lot of work, and it can be hard to sit down and spend a week
> finding that one little bit that prevents anything from working.  good
> luck, nonetheless.  more architectures is definately moar better.

Thanks. IMX6 documentation is freely available. There is a version of
u-boot. The manufacturer (Solid Run) also has made the board schematics
etc available.

>From the reading of booting(8), I am assuming that the ARM devices in
plan9 use the u-boot for booting the kernel up?

[9fans] 9atom bootup error

2014-12-01 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

I did a fresh install of 9atom today on a spare hard disk connected to
my AMD64 machine. The installation went fine. On bootup, I get this
error message on a black window (mouse is active):

lib/profile: rc: /rc/lib/rcmain:23 .: can't open: '/bin/lib' directory
entry not found
init: rc exit status: rc 30: error

init: starting /bin/rc

Re: [9fans] 9atom bootup error

2014-12-01 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Mon, Dec 1, 2014, at 07:37 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:
> On Mon Dec  1 06:01:58 PST 2014, wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I did a fresh install of 9atom today on a spare hard disk connected to
> > my AMD64 machine. The installation went fine. On bootup, I get this
> > error message on a black window (mouse is active):
> > 
> > lib/profile: rc: /rc/lib/rcmain:23 .: can't open: '/bin/lib' directory
> > entry not found
> > init: rc exit status: rc 30: error
> > 
> > init: starting /bin/rc
> > %
> run /sys/lib/newuser.  your user id is not set up.  this is a hole
> in the install process

Thanks. Worked fine.

[9fans] golang on 9atom

2014-12-01 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
I do not remember getting this error in the Labs version. But on 9atom
with kfs, I get a build error while compiling golang 1.3.3 from the

go tool dist: create
'/usr/ram/src/ amd64.go' name too long

I remember getting this error on 9atom before too, but had forgotten to
report it.

Re: [9fans] Porting plan9

2014-12-01 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Tue, Dec 2, 2014, at 03:24 AM, Steven Stallion wrote:
> They do. In fact, I contributed a patch a while back to add u-boot
> image support to 5l a while back. U-boot has also been patched to
> expect these binaries. You can take a look at what has been done in
> the Chromebook port (, but I've been
> stalled due to demands at the office.
> FWIW, u-boot is not a net-negative at all. For SoC's it simplifies
> boot significantly - there is zero reason to eschew the functionality
> it brings.
> HTH,

Thanks. That is very helpful. I will look at your patches.


> On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 2:43 AM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
>  wrote:
> > On Mon, Dec 1, 2014, at 11:14 AM, erik quanstrom wrote:
> >> > Surprisingly I didn't see a paper on porting Plan9 to new architectures
> >> > in the plan9 paper collection. Any help and pointers on how to get
> >> > started with the porting effort will be highly appreciated.
> >>
> >> it's all about the documentation.  if you can get it, boringing up a new
> >> kernel for a new architecture can go from impossible to very doable.
> >> it's still a lot of work, and it can be hard to sit down and spend a week
> >> finding that one little bit that prevents anything from working.  good
> >> luck, nonetheless.  more architectures is definately moar better.
> >
> > Thanks. IMX6 documentation is freely available. There is a version of
> > u-boot. The manufacturer (Solid Run) also has made the board schematics
> > etc available.
> >
> > From the reading of booting(8), I am assuming that the ARM devices in
> > plan9 use the u-boot for booting the kernel up?
> >

Re: [9fans] golang on 9atom

2014-12-06 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Dec 3, 2014, at 06:21 PM, Anthony Sorace wrote:
> The error is what it says: the file name (rather than the full path) is
> too long for your file server. It sounds like you're running kfs, which
> is the oldest and most restricted of our general purpose options.
> Long-term, I suggest migrating, although if you're on a single-system
> setup and already have data you care about, that can be a pain. In the
> short-term, check out lnfs(4) to get around this issue.

Thank you. Didn't know about lnfs and the kfs limitations. I wonder, why
then is the kfs, the default for 9atom. I see a fossil option while
installation as an experimental option. Will try that out.

Unfortunately, the labs ISO boots and gets stuck on my hardware. 


[9fans] Printed manuals

2015-02-12 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

Does anyone sell plan9 printed manuals? I am interested to buy one. I
had been checking the vitanova page ()
but looks like the payment system has not been fixed. 


[9fans] 9atom installation report on Acer C710 Chromebook

2015-02-13 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

I have an Acer C710 Chromebook
with chromeos bootloader replaced with seabios+coreboot from John Lewis
(). The
machine used to work fairly well with this bootloader (except some
glitches like non-working suspend/resume) with Debian GNU/Linux. The one
I have has Celeron 1007u processor.

This morning, I decided to install 9atom. The installation went quite
well but towards the end, while it is compiling amd64 executables, I got
a panic and a freeze.

panic: cpu0: cclose 0xf01c45f8
dumpstack: disabled
cpu0: exiting
cpu1: exiting

Will be be happy to help debug and get 9atom to run fine on this
machine. It has got a 16GB SSD and 2GB RAM. I chose fossil+venti while
formatting the disk. The installation process was the very smooth except
for the above errors.


Re: [9fans] 9atom installation report on Acer C710 Chromebook

2015-02-14 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015, at 11:22 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:
> On Sat Feb 14 09:40:55 PST 2015, wrote:
> > > This morning, I decided to install 9atom. The installation went quite
> > > well but towards the end, while it is compiling amd64 executables, I got
> > > a panic and a freeze.
> > > 
> > > panic: cpu0: cclose 0xf01c45f8
> > > dumpstack: disabled
> > > cpu0: exiting
> > > cpu1: exiting
> > 
> for those following along at home, the panic is here
>   if(c->flag&CFREE)
>   panic("cclose %#p", getcallerpc(&c));
> and called from
> acid; src(0xf01c45f8)
> /sys/src/nix/port/chan.c:240
>  235 return;
>  236 decref(&npath);
>  237 free(p->s);
>  238 for(i=0; imlen; i++)
>  239 if(p->mtpt[i])
> >240  cclose(p->mtpt[i]);
>  241 free(p->mtpt);
>  242 free(p);
>  243 }
>  244 
>  245 /*
> it would be interesting to know if a second try at installation
> also fails in the same way.  if it does not, then it will look a lot
> like a race in chan.c.  if it fails in the same way, we really can't
> infer anything.

I see a crash elsewhere now. Tried installation 3 times again and all
crashed at different places. 

One of them is:

rc: note: sys: trap: fault write addr=0x7ee0 pc=0x20d790
rc 9024: suicide: sys: trap: ...

Re: [9fans] r-pi usbotg error

2015-02-18 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015, at 10:18 PM, Steven Stallion wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
>  wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 9:11 PM, Rubén Berenguel
>>  wrote:
> Sounds like the keyboard went idle (on its own!?) and the Rasp lost
> connection to it. ep6.1 is the name of a USB device (something
> about logical
> unit devices or something,) you can try unplugging something and
> you'll see
> similar things pop up. kb is complaining the keyboard went away,
> and since
> there is no keyboard, died. You could try ungplugging it and
> plugging it in.
>> Yes, indeed, it came back to life after unplugging and re-plugging.
>> Thanks.
> Last night I finally got around to getting a B+ I've had sitting in
> the closet and converted it to a terminal. I'm seeing this same
> problem. I've tried unplugging multiple keyboards and have also tried
> using a powered hub. I'm at a loss. Has anyone else figured out how to
> deal with this issue?

I just used a powered hub and it worked fine.

Re: [9fans] 9atom installation report on Acer C710 Chromebook

2015-02-22 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sun, Feb 15, 2015, at 11:43 AM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 14, 2015, at 11:22 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:
> > On Sat Feb 14 09:40:55 PST 2015, wrote:
> > > > This morning, I decided to install 9atom. The installation went quite
> > > > well but towards the end, while it is compiling amd64 executables, I got
> > > > a panic and a freeze.
> > > > 
> > > > panic: cpu0: cclose 0xf01c45f8
> > > > dumpstack: disabled
> > > > cpu0: exiting
> > > > cpu1: exiting
> > > 
> > 
> > for those following along at home, the panic is here
> > 
> > if(c->flag&CFREE)
> > panic("cclose %#p", getcallerpc(&c));
> > 
> > and called from
> > 
> > acid; src(0xf01c45f8)
> > /sys/src/nix/port/chan.c:240
> >  235 return;
> >  236 decref(&npath);
> >  237 free(p->s);
> >  238 for(i=0; imlen; i++)
> >  239 if(p->mtpt[i])
> > >240cclose(p->mtpt[i]);
> >  241 free(p->mtpt);
> >  242 free(p);
> >  243 }
> >  244 
> >  245 /*
> > 
> > it would be interesting to know if a second try at installation
> > also fails in the same way.  if it does not, then it will look a lot
> > like a race in chan.c.  if it fails in the same way, we really can't
> > infer anything.
> I see a crash elsewhere now. Tried installation 3 times again and all
> crashed at different places. 
> One of them is:
> rc: note: sys: trap: fault write addr=0x7ee0 pc=0x20d790
> rc 9024: suicide: sys: trap: ...

Perhaps I should add that I tried the 386 install as well and that
crashed randomly as well. 

Re: [9fans] 9atom installation report on Acer C710 Chromebook

2015-02-23 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Mon, Feb 23, 2015, at 07:39 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:
> > > I see a crash elsewhere now. Tried installation 3 times again and all
> > > crashed at different places. 
> > > 
> > > One of them is:
> > > 
> > > rc: note: sys: trap: fault write addr=0x7ee0 pc=0x20d790
> > > rc 9024: suicide: sys: trap: ...
> > 
> > Perhaps I should add that I tried the 386 install as well and that
> > crashed randomly as well. 
> that's quite wierd.  either (a) we're corrupting memory on a regular
> basis, and your machine has an unfortunate memory layout that
> gets hit by this issue, or (b) there actually is something special about
> your machine.
> * is the internal disk presenting an ahci interface?  

I don't know. I will check today evening.

> * have you tried memtest86.  i expect it to pass, but it's always good
> to be sure.

No, I haven't. I will do that too tonight.

> * can you point me at a specs page?

The spec of my machine is this:

- CPU - Celeron 1007u
- 16GB SSD
- 2 GB RAM
(rest as per the above page)

I modified the boot rom to have coreboot + seabios payload so that I can
install a non-chromeos system. It used to happily run Debian but was
locking up occasionally. Perhaps it has a bad RAM or a faulty DDR
initialization in the coreboot.

Re: [9fans] 9atom installation report on Acer C710 Chromebook

2015-02-28 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Tue, Feb 24, 2015, at 09:50 AM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2015, at 07:39 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:
> > > > I see a crash elsewhere now. Tried installation 3 times again and all
> > > > crashed at different places. 
> > > > 
> > > > One of them is:
> > > > 
> > > > rc: note: sys: trap: fault write addr=0x7ee0 pc=0x20d790
> > > > rc 9024: suicide: sys: trap: ...
> > > 
> > > Perhaps I should add that I tried the 386 install as well and that
> > > crashed randomly as well. 
> > 
> > that's quite wierd.  either (a) we're corrupting memory on a regular
> > basis, and your machine has an unfortunate memory layout that
> > gets hit by this issue, or (b) there actually is something special about
> > your machine.
> > 
> > * is the internal disk presenting an ahci interface?  
> I don't know. I will check today evening.
> > * have you tried memtest86.  i expect it to pass, but it's always good
> > to be sure.
> No, I haven't. I will do that too tonight.

Ran memtest86 (booted off a USB stick running grml) and it didn't show
any memory errors.

> > * can you point me at a specs page?
> <>
> The spec of my machine is this:
> - CPU - Celeron 1007u
> - 16GB SSD
> - 2 GB RAM
> (rest as per the above page)
> I modified the boot rom to have coreboot + seabios payload so that I can
> install a non-chromeos system. It used to happily run Debian but was
> locking up occasionally. Perhaps it has a bad RAM or a faulty DDR
> initialization in the coreboot.

Re: [9fans] Wildly off-topic

2015-06-15 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Tue, Jun 16, 2015, at 04:52 AM, Bakul Shah wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Jun 2015 11:06:48 +1200 Andrew Simmons 
> wrote:
> > As the subject line says, wildly off-topic. But some-one here might know =
> > the answer, and it=E2=80=99s been bothering me.
> > 
> > Such are my failings, I=E2=80=99ve been watching the second series of =
> > =E2=80=9CHalt and Catch Fire=E2=80=9D in order to catch up with what the =
> > kids are up to these days. In the second episode one of the characters =
> > opens what looks like a copy of K&R first edition, but the cover is =
> > blue. I thought that the colour correction on my TV might be deceiving =
> > me, or possibly the vertical hold was on the fritz, but he did it again =
> > in the third episode, and the cover was still blue.
> > 
> > So my question is, did there ever exist an edition of K&R in that colour =
> > scheme, or is gcc to blame for the inaccuracy?=
> Amazon trade ins of The C programming Language shows a cyan
> blue cover -- it says "Eastern Economic Edition" and it is the
> second edition.

Yes, I can confirm that. It is sold here in India. It used to be the
same white cover as the international edition (my copy from 1993,
eastern economy edition, has a white cover).


[9fans] Pre-ANSI C

2015-09-11 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
Not really about Plan 9, but I found this blog post and the comments
(there is even a comment from Rob Pike) very interesting and thought of
sharing here.


[9fans] Undefined Behaviour in C

2015-11-23 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
Had been reading the SOSP paper:

and this blog post that proposes a simpler C:

I wonder how Plan 9 C compiler, which is a non-ANSI compliant compiler,
treats those parts that the ANSI C standard treats as undefined.


Re: [9fans] Plan 9 port to Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (ARM64)?

2016-03-01 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Tue, Mar 1, 2016, at 01:58 AM, Richard Miller wrote:
> Incidentally I can confirm that the Raspberry Pi Zero runs Plan 9
> happily.

Very nice to know that Richard. Is the image and the code available


Re: [9fans] Plan 9 port to Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (ARM64)?

2016-03-02 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Mar 2, 2016, at 02:40 PM, Richard Miller wrote:
> >> Incidentally I can confirm that the Raspberry Pi Zero runs Plan 9
> >> happily.
> > 
> > Very nice to know that Richard. Is the image and the code available
> > somewhere?
> The normal 9pi image runs on the zero too.

Thank you. PiZero is not yet available in this part of the world, but
hoping that it will be available soon, along with Pi3.


Re: [9fans] Porting Idris to 9front

2017-01-12 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Fri, Jan 13, 2017, at 08:59 AM, Joe M wrote:
> I am looking to build a native (not using ape/posix) port of Idris on
> 9front.
> This is the repo that I plan on using for the relevant
> code.
> #cat-v mentioned that Skip ported Idris to atari st.
> Just want to check if there are any experiences or advice or code that
> I can reuse.

Don't you need GHC to compile Idris? 

Afaik, there is no Plan 9 port of GHC. And GHC is self hosted. Perhaps
one should approach it by creating a plan 9 binary from another OS and
use that to compile GHC?


Re: [9fans] Porting Idris to 9front

2017-01-14 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

On Fri, Jan 13, 2017, at 07:35 PM, Joe M wrote:
> >
> > Don't you need GHC to compile Idris?
> I have the posix version of the rts working on 9front. The default C
> backend generated code compiled and runs on 9front. I generated the c
> code on linux though.

That's very nice to hear.

> As a next step, I want to take it further and make the rts and backend
> work with the 9front native C compiler/linker. I presume that this
> will help make it easy to FFI with the native C libraries (bio,
> thread, etc.) and stay closer to the plan 9 libraries' behaviour.
> > Afaik, there is no Plan 9 port of GHC. And GHC is self hosted. Perhaps
> > one should approach it by creating a plan 9 binary from another OS and
> > use that to compile GHC?
> That is a good idea. Native GHC on 9front seems to be a daunting task
> as the GHC IO manager's behaviour might not be compatible with the
> 9front syscall behaviour, imho. But, I have no clue of the GHC
> internals, so, it might be an easy task.

After reading your message, I tried compiling a simple program using the
'-fviaC'. But it looks like, on newer GHC it is deprecated and is going
to be removed soon.

> Maybe, ghc can run with the linux-emu package?

I will try that. Thanks.


Re: [9fans] Porting Idris to 9front

2017-01-14 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Sun, Jan 15, 2017, at 01:48 AM, Ori Bernstein wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Jan 2017 01:02:11 +0530, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
>  wrote:
> > After reading your message, I tried compiling a simple program using the
> > '-fviaC'. But it looks like, on newer GHC it is deprecated and is going
> > to be removed soon.
> Which may still be sufficient to produce a bootstrap binary for -fasm, if
> you're willing to put in the effort to get a native port.

It seems like -fviaC does not do *anything* at all in the current
version of GHC. I am yet to try my luck with an older version of GHC. 

There has been some effort to bootstrap GHC using hugs and nhc98, which
I am following with interest:



[9fans] Plan 9 2/e original manuals and Inferno Manuals

2023-03-16 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
I have the 2 volume Plan 9 2/e manuals (bought from an ex-Ball Labs 
engineer) and Inferno manuals for sale, all in excellent condition.

Please email me off the list if anyone want to purchase.


9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

[9fans] Re: Plan 9 2/e original manuals and Inferno Manuals

2023-03-16 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

On 17/03/23 11:01, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan wrote:
I have the 2 volume Plan 9 2/e manuals (bought from an ex-Ball Labs 
engineer) and Inferno manuals for sale, all in excellent condition.

Forgot to say, the Inferno books come in original packaging with a CD as 


9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

[9fans] Re: Plan 9 2/e original manuals and Inferno Manuals

2023-03-17 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

On 17/03/23 11:01, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan wrote:
I have the 2 volume Plan 9 2/e manuals (bought from an ex-Ball Labs 
engineer) and Inferno manuals for sale, all in excellent condition.

SOLD. Thanks.

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

[9fans] Raspberry Pi image

2014-02-18 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
Hi plan9 hackers,

I bought a Raspberry Pi last weekend and would like to try out Plan9
on it. I just want to check the list if this link is the right one to
get the latest image?



Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi image

2014-02-18 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 3:59 PM, Richard Miller <> wrote:
>> I just want to check the list if this link is the right one to
>> get the latest image?
> Yes, it is.

Thank you.


Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi image

2014-02-19 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Richard Miller <> wrote:
>> I'd be curious to know the methodology for producing this port as well.
> OS porting is something of a black art.  I've been doing it for a while
> (
> and it's not getting any easier.  Hardware vendors used to provide
> meticulously accurate reference manuals describing device behaviour at a
> register level, along with a programming manual explaining the sequence of
> operations required for standard procedures like device initialisation and
> error recovery.  Too often nowadays the best you'll get is a sketchy and
> inaccurate datasheet, and at worst the datasheet will be a "trade secret"
> and the only option is to reverse engineer many thousand lines of badly
> written linux driver.
> For the Raspberry Pi port, excellent documentation was available at least
> for the arm cpu.  Plan 9 kernels already existed for armv5 and armv7
> architectures, so I was mostly able to interpolate between the two to
> produce the low-level assembly parts of the kernel for the Pi's armv6.
> Hardware floating support for the kernel had already been done at the Labs
> for the teg2, and vfp code generation for the 5l linker was straightforward
> to add, using arm manuals.
> The rest of the work was creating device drivers, some easily adapted from
> other Plan 9 instances (eg uart and lcd display), some written from scratch
> using Broadcom's BCM2835 datasheet (eg sd/mmc).  By far the hardest driver
> was for the usb host adapter, which on the Pi is very non-standard and has
> no officially available documentation.  I couldn't face the prospect of
> digesting the linux driver (which is huge, unreadable, and at the time was
> known not to work reliably).  Luckily a web search turned up datasheets
> for some apparently very similar devices, which I was able to work from.
> Even so, writing and debugging the usb driver accounted for most of the time
> and effort of the whole project.

Many thanks for the great writeup.


[9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-02-26 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
Hello Plan9 hackers,

I booted up the new raspberry pi I got last week with an SD Card with
the 9pi image from the Labs website. I realised that my monitor
doesn't have an HDMI input and only DVI, VGA and DisplayPort, so
instead, I connected the little board to my 32" TV and the glenda
appeared within 2-3 seconds, the fastest bootup I have ever seen! I
could see that the rc script gets executed and acme appears.

But my USB mouse won't get recognized by Plan9. I tried two different
USB mouse and both of them didn't talk to plan9. Is there a way I can
see any logs in the kernel (like the /var/log/kern.log in the linux
kernel) to see what exactly happened? I will also try a DVI->HDMI
cable tomorrow to see if it can talk to my monitor.

Richard, thanks a lot for your work. I feel the same excitement that I
had when I first got my 486DX66 based PC with 4MB of ram to bootup
GNU/Linux around 1996.


Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-02-26 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
> Hello Plan9 hackers,
> I booted up the new raspberry pi I got last week with an SD Card with
> the 9pi image from the Labs website. I realised that my monitor
> doesn't have an HDMI input and only DVI, VGA and DisplayPort, so
> instead, I connected the little board to my 32" TV and the glenda
> appeared within 2-3 seconds, the fastest bootup I have ever seen! I
> could see that the rc script gets executed and acme appears.
> But my USB mouse won't get recognized by Plan9. I tried two different
> USB mouse and both of them didn't talk to plan9. Is there a way I can
> see any logs in the kernel (like the /var/log/kern.log in the linux
> kernel) to see what exactly happened? I will also try a DVI->HDMI
> cable tomorrow to see if it can talk to my monitor.

I found some previous discussion about the topic here:

I will try these out tomorrow.


Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-02-27 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:49 PM, Richard Miller <> wrote:
>> But my USB mouse won't get recognized by Plan9. I tried two different
>> USB mouse and both of them didn't talk to plan9. Is there a way I can
>> see any logs in the kernel (like the /var/log/kern.log in the linux
>> kernel) to see what exactly happened?
> Assuming your keyboard is recognised so you can type, try this;

I just connected everything again. My keyboard is not recognised
either. :( I don't have another keyboard at the moment to try. I tried
an HDMI to DVI-D cable with my monitor and that didn't work either. I
have powered it over USB from my laptop. I am wondering if I should
try a powered USB hub instead.

Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-02-27 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:49 PM, Richard Miller <> wrote:
>>> But my USB mouse won't get recognized by Plan9. I tried two different
>>> USB mouse and both of them didn't talk to plan9. Is there a way I can
>>> see any logs in the kernel (like the /var/log/kern.log in the linux
>>> kernel) to see what exactly happened?
>> Assuming your keyboard is recognised so you can type, try this;
> I just connected everything again. My keyboard is not recognised
> either. :( I don't have another keyboard at the moment to try. I tried
> an HDMI to DVI-D cable with my monitor and that didn't work either. I
> have powered it over USB from my laptop. I am wondering if I should
> try a powered USB hub instead.

Also, for the record, it is a Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse v2.0 and a
IBM Model M clone mechanical keyboard (made by an Indian company
called TVS-E).


Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-02-27 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:49 PM, Richard Miller <> wrote:
>>>> But my USB mouse won't get recognized by Plan9. I tried two different
>>>> USB mouse and both of them didn't talk to plan9. Is there a way I can
>>>> see any logs in the kernel (like the /var/log/kern.log in the linux
>>>> kernel) to see what exactly happened?
>>> Assuming your keyboard is recognised so you can type, try this;
>> I just connected everything again. My keyboard is not recognised
>> either. :( I don't have another keyboard at the moment to try. I tried
>> an HDMI to DVI-D cable with my monitor and that didn't work either. I
>> have powered it over USB from my laptop. I am wondering if I should
>> try a powered USB hub instead.
> Also, for the record, it is a Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse v2.0 and a
> IBM Model M clone mechanical keyboard (made by an Indian company
> called TVS-E).

I tried a USB hub (not a powered one though) and it hangs after
printing the following lines:

usb/hub... usb/ether...
etherusb smsc: b827ebf340cd


Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-02-27 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 10:38 PM, Lyndon Nerenberg  wrote:
> On Feb 27, 2014, at 9:05 AM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan  
> wrote:
>> I tried a USB hub (not a powered one though) and it hangs after
>> printing the following lines:
> Always use a powered hub with the Pi – it can't supply bugger all for power 
> out its USB ports.

Thank you Lyndon, Steve and Erik. I will try a powered hub tomorrow
and also get another keyboard/mouse. I also found a previous
discussion about the USB keyboard/mouse support in Plan9 here:



Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-02-28 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
Okay, I tried another keyboard/mouse (Logitech Classic New Touch
keyboard) and a Logitech mouse (Logitech RX300) and they didn't work.
When I connect keyboard alone, the booting proceeded and I got the
acme screen. But the keyboard didn't work. When I connect keyboard and
mouse, booting is stuck at the same place as yesterday: "etherusb
smsc: b827ebf340cd".

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 11:01 PM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 10:38 PM, Lyndon Nerenberg  wrote:
>> On Feb 27, 2014, at 9:05 AM, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan  
>> wrote:
>>> I tried a USB hub (not a powered one though) and it hangs after
>>> printing the following lines:
>> Always use a powered hub with the Pi – it can't supply bugger all for power 
>> out its USB ports.
> Thank you Lyndon, Steve and Erik. I will try a powered hub tomorrow
> and also get another keyboard/mouse. I also found a previous
> discussion about the USB keyboard/mouse support in Plan9 here:
>  <!topic/comp.os.plan9/fhAWlpd2NVs>
> --
>   Ramakrishnan


Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-02-28 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Richard Miller <> wrote:
>> When I connect keyboard and
>> mouse, booting is stuck at the same place as yesterday: "etherusb
>> smsc: b827ebf340cd".
> Try adding 'kbargs=-d' to your cmdline.txt and see if anything is revealed.

I added the above expression in cmdline.txt:

When mouse+keyboard is connected, it shows this:

#u/usb/ep1.0: dwcotg: port 0x0 irq 9
#l0: usb: 100Mbps port 0x0 irq -1: 0..00
496M memory: 101M kernel data, 395M user, 1877M swap
usb/hub... usb/ether...
etherusb smsc: ...

and it hangs.

When I connect only the keyboard, it goes past this screen, but I
can't read it, it was too fast for me to read.


Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-02-28 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:05 PM, Bakul Shah  wrote:
>> When mouse+keyboard is connected, it shows this:
>> ...
>> #u/usb/ep1.0: dwcotg: port 0x0 irq 9
>> #l0: usb: 100Mbps port 0x0 irq -1: 0..00
>> 496M memory: 101M kernel data, 395M user, 1877M swap
>> usb/hub... usb/ether...
>> etherusb smsc: ...
>> usb/kb...
>> and it hangs.
>> When I connect only the keyboard, it goes past this screen, but I
>> can't read it, it was too fast for me to read.
> This seems like a power problem. If you're using the USB port of a computer 
> to power the RasPi, it is not going to provide enough current. Use a supply 
> that can provide an amp or more such as an apple iPhone charger (or a powered 
> USB hub). Check out the FAQ and newbie forums at the raspberrypi site. This 
> is also why you should try bringing up raspbian first.

Thank you Bakul. I am downloading Raspbian distro now. I guess USB
hosts need not provide more than 100mA is it is not enumerated (and
500mA once enumerated). I will try my cell phone charger with RPi +


Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi: won't recognize the USB mouse

2014-02-28 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:15 PM, Anthony Sorace  wrote:
> On Feb 27, 2014, at 12:31, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan  
> wrote:
>>> Always use a powered hub with the Pi – it can't supply bugger all for power 
>>> out its USB ports.
>> Thank you Lyndon, Steve and Erik. I will try a powered hub tomorrow
>> and also get another keyboard/mouse.
> Based on my own experience with USB weirdness with the Pi, I still suspect 
> power issues. How are you powering the Pi itself? Using a 1 amp supply 
> yielded problems, regardless of the sort of hub I had, which all went away 
> when I switched to a 2 amp supply. I'm told the second generation of these 
> boards are a bit better on that regard, but I don't have any to test.

I have the model B (which is the newer one, I believe). I am currently
powering them with a USB cable connected to a MacBook. I will take RPi
to work on monday and try powering it from a lab power supply. I don't
have a 2A supply here at home at the moment.


Re: [9fans] usb configuration

2014-03-03 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 9:07 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> Or have we completely degenerated into a "my fork is better than
>> yours" contest?
> i hope we haven't.  but i might be guilty myself.  unfortunately,
> so many small, tight bugfixes go unapplied or rejected.  "maybe"
> seems to count as rejection.  it's hard to keep up the spirit.
> i don't blame anybody.  reviewing patches is hard, and thankless.
> and speaking for myself, submitters are sure the world revolves around
> their favorite patch.
> but imho, plan 9 would be better for more patches being applied.
> i'm willing to put my money where my mouth is.

I am glad, my RPi keyboard/mouse problems indirectly caused some very
nice discussions and debugging! Thanks to you and Richard! I finally
got a powered USB hub today, but I forgot my SD Card at work. (Bakul:
I could bootup Rasbian on my hardware.)

I will try out my RPi though I don't expect any miracles. I don't have
any more keyboard/mouse to try -- which means, this is more or less a
dead end for me at the moment. I will eagerly wait for a new release
image with fixes. (hint! hint!)

Meanwhile, I ordered a used Evoluent vertical mouse from ebay and hope
to get started with plan9 from userspace. I couldn't find any other
usable 3 button mouse in the market here in India.


Re: [9fans] usb configuration

2014-03-03 Thread Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan
On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:02 PM, erik quanstrom  wrote:
>> Meanwhile, I ordered a used Evoluent vertical mouse from ebay and hope
>> to get started with plan9 from userspace. I couldn't find any other
>> usable 3 button mouse in the market here in India.
> lenovo sells a 3-button mouse with a scroll button.  the click
> feature is seperate from the button so it's very usable.

This one?
