I cannot give any advice to John with his problem but I would caution
anyone who upgrades to Windows 10, before doing anything else to check the
Tools > Options > Language Settings > Language of Apache Open Office. (This
is if they are using anything other that English (USA).
My sad experience was
I do not know if I am misunderstanding the requirement here but I often
work on two separate files in the one window using Open Office and Windows
with each filling half of the screen.
Open one of the files and press the Windows Key and the right arrow key.
This put the file to the right hal
I do not know if this will be the help needed. I do a lot of work with
Calc and in some columns some of the cells contain text that will
overflow. I go to the top of the column and highlight the whole column
keep the highlighting on. Then to to Format > Cells > Alignment > tick in
Wrap Te
In reference to -
"o Paste plain text. If Thunderbird has a facility to paste unformatted
text only,"
I have always used - Ctrl + Shift + V (the Paste Shortcut) to paste into a
Thunderbird e mail
to paste as unformatted text.
This may clear part of the original users problem.
On Tue, O
I have been asked for help by a friend who is using a MacBook Pro and
Apache OpenOffice Calc.
It is a problem I have not encountered when using Calc on my various
versions of Windows and versions of OpenOffice so I do not know if it
occurs because a Mac machine is being used.
When entering text o
I do not know if I am over simplifying this or missing the point of the
requirement. I do not know what format the original document is but as a
test I used a writer page and made either a header or a footer on the page.
This can be made whatever size you wish and can be used to insert as much
I had this problem with mail merges until I found that when I was ready to
print the
merged documents and opened the Print window there are a number of tabs at
top - General - OpenOffice Writer - Page Layout - Options.
Go to the OpenOffice Writer and the last item on this sheet is Page - with
I would not condem OpenOffice because of a problem with doing a mail
merge. I have been doing two mail merges every month from a Spreadsheet
for years. One is for an insert for the mailing of a magazine and one is
for use with a window face envelope. The references I used when I first
started to d
As a regular user of Calc in Apache OpenOffice I have added two extra items
to my tool bar (another learning curve to do this). I have added 'Fill
Down' and 'Fill Series'
Fill Series will bring up the Fill Series window which allows a lot of
alternatives for what is being done in the column or ro
efender and my other favourite
program deleted.
I would be interested to hear if any other users have had this same problem
if it happens only to some users who have upgraded to 4.1.8 and if so how
the problrm
was solved.
Thank you.
Jean Lear
On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 10:47 AM James Pesout wrote:
I have a template for a weekly newsletter with an index which I use.
I open the template and below the index copy into it the body of the
previous weeks newsletter as some of the items remain the same each week or
have minor date changes etc. Also new items are added.
The basic layout is
Heading 1
Thank you to Martin and Brian I have now sorted this out.
I knew there were Hard Returns and Soft Returns but never consciously used
them. I now have to understand which, when and where to use them as I add
items to the Newsletter. I do not know how I have managed to format the
Newsletter for the
There have been a couple of enquiries to the Forum in recent days
mentioning a problem with having a leading zero in a number in a Openoffice
Calc document (eg with a mobile telephone number 0 with three digits a
space three digits a space and three digits) in a column..
I cannot find the actual c
I am using Apache Open Office 3.4.0 (meaning to upgrade but have not done so
yet) on Windows 7 Home Premium.
I have had this problem for some time with a monthly mail out using a mail merge
to print inserts to be included for posting a magazine.
The most recent merge was set up to print out eigh
file. I was able to see that it saved all 83.
I will get the mail merge printing done in half the time next month.
Once again thank you very much.
On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 2:40 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> On 25/02/2014 Jean Lear wrote:
>> The most recent merge w
I need to print Raffle tickets with Butt and Ticket four to an A4 page.
I have registered an OpenOffice Calc document containing numbers from one
to seven hundred with columns for Butt and Ticket numbers as a Registered
Data Base.
I am able to do a mail merge from this OpenOffice Calc to a blank W
the reason for the delay in acknowledging the help you gave with
your suggestion. I was hoping to reply saying that everything is working in
Writer with tables the way I wanted it to be.
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 1:31 AM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 03:35:21 PM J
escover the power
> of mailmerging. [2]
> [1]:
> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOoAuthors_User_Manual/Writer_Guide/Working_with_Fields
> [2]: http://openoffice.blogs.com/openoffice/mail-merge-2009/
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 7:22 PM, Jean Lear wrote
I thought I would send this on in case it would be of help to anyone else
who could not make more recent instructions work for them.
Thank you for your help getting me onto using OpenOffice Writer.
On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Jean Lear wrote:
> He
This has happened to me when I have had something already entered in a
spreadsheet and when making copy of something extra from another
spreadsheet to paste into it have done Ctrl A (select All) Ctrl C (copied
whole of what was selected right down to the bottom row of the sheet
including rows wit
To add to the usefulness of the above, I have included the Paste Icon on
the Toolbar. (The icon is on the drop down of visible buttons so just
highlight it there*) The drop down arrow gives a number of options
including Unformatted text. The same icon on the tool bar also helps when
using Calc.
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