I am a ChromeBook user and have found it easy to install the LibreOffice
suite (which is based on OpenOffice.org) into the Linux system. I use it
all the time and find it works well for me, including integration into the
Launcher. To install it do this:
1. Activate the Linux subsystem on your C
Je me permets de vous contacter car je voudrais avoir un renseignement sur les
fonctionnalités d’open office svp.
Je me fais plusieurs tableau sur lesquels je souhaite regrouper un maximum
d’information concernant mes clients pour ne pas avoir à toujours chercher
partour les éléments.
Does anyone know if there is an online repair tool that would fix a .odt file
in open office. I’m getting this when I open. ## Thank you.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Hi Ray,
An .odt file is a zip-container. So first you should try, whether a
zip-tool can open the file. And if not, look for a zip-repair tool.
What do you see as first characters, if you open the file in an editor?
If it is not PK, than already the zip-container is surely corrupt.
All tries
On Wed, 6 May 2020 10:00:04 -0400
Ray s wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is an online repair tool that would fix a .odt file
> in open office. I’m getting this when I open. ## Thank you.
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
In case you missed an earlier reply. I repeat it below for your
No open source PDF editors that I am aware of.
Regarding this particular question it is important to understand the
requirement. Many people I have supported have asked for a PDF editor.
Getting them to define what they actually want to do often determines that
the features of Adobe Acrobat Reader
Creating a PDF is a function of the Operating System and printer driver.
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 6, 2020, at 8:25 PM, Alan B wrote:
> No open source PDF editors that I am aware of.
> Regarding this particular question it is important to understand the
> requirement. Many people I hav
I downloaded Open Office and somehow it downloaded the French version. I do
not speak French and since all of the instructions are shown to me in French I
am unable to Uninstall it. To make matters worse I tried to reinstall open
office again this time making sure I was reinstalling the Englis