Good morning
I recently downloaded open office to my new Windows 10 PC. I saved my
Microsoft works spreadsheets and word documents. Can I load them to my new PC
and open office will automatically open them? If not is there a tutorial on
how to effectively use the spreadsheet in open office.
If you still have access to MS Works you can open the files in Works and then
export them in MS Office (Word, Excel) format and then import them into Apache
OpenOffice. Spreadsheets can also be exported in CSV format and then imported.
If you don’t have access to MS Works you can utilize
On 10/9/2019 2:07 PM, Steven Ahlers wrote:
> Sandy,
> If you still have access to MS Works you can open the files in Works and then
> export them in MS Office (Word, Excel) format and then import them into
> Apache OpenOffice. Spreadsheets can also be exported in CSV format and then
> importe