[tor-relays] Tor-Bridge

2023-08-14 Thread tor--- via tor-relays
Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream. <- Happened to my server for 2h straight. Should I take any measures against that? Bridge is obsf4 with fingerprint: 2EA91C1415C421424BB478A55790E655627DE366. publickey - pqpera@protonmail.com - 0x255EEDE2.asc Description: application/pgp-keys sig

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Relay Operator meetup @ CCCamp 2023 - Saturday 19th @ 7pm

2023-08-16 Thread tor--- via tor-relays
Hi Gus! Saturday, August 19th at 7pm Isn't that a bit late? Last day at 7PM some will have left already, no? ___ tor-relays mailing list tor-relays@lists.torproject.org https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Relay Operator meetup @ CCCamp 2023 - Saturday 19th @ 7pm

2023-08-17 Thread tor--- via tor-relays
Yeah, some operators said the same thing to me. Friday at 4pm local time (16 - 17:30) would be better for you? yes, anything before Saturday is better, thanks! ___ tor-relays mailing list tor-relays@lists.torproject.org https://lists.torproject.org/cg

Re: [tor-relays] issues with tor-nightly-main repo

2024-04-19 Thread tor--- via tor-relays
thanks a lot! best regards, t...@appliedprivacy.net ___ tor-relays mailing list tor-relays@lists.torproject.org https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

[tor-relays] tor_bug_reached_count increase

2024-04-19 Thread tor--- via tor-relays
Hello, the new metricsport counter shows that some specific tor relays (2 out of 50) have a significant tor_bug_reached_count rate (around 8 per second). Do you see similar? You have to run on git main or nightly builds to see that metric. best regards, t...@appliedprivacy.net __

[tor-relays] Exit relays abused to attack Google services

2022-02-02 Thread UDN Tor via tor-relays
Google is now sending abuse reports complaining of DDoS attacks against their services. While they believe the IPs are participating in a botnet, it is clear that they are Tor exit relays. I don't know why they are sending us the report after the attacks have ended. Besides, since Google services