: Open
Discussion Lock: Any
Follow-up Comments:
Date: Mon 15 Jan 2024 03:20:04 PM UTC By: André Frazatto
A new group has been registered at Savannah.
This group will remain in
Follow-up Comment #2, task#16488 (group administration):
Sorry for the misunderstanding, I'm aware of the difference in meaning, using
some of those terms with rigor and proper definitions will take a wile to
become second nature. I will do better in the future to express myself with
more precisio
: Open
Discussion Lock: Any
Follow-up Comments:
Date: Tue 16 Jan 2024 05:24:13 PM UTC By: André Frazatto
A new group has been registered at Savannah.
This group will remain in
Follow-up Comment #2, task#16489 (group administration):
Because I learned my lesson and still want to use Savannah for my project.
I did explain the misunderstanding on the last time, but had no follow up.
What are you saying? That I'm banned or that I need to state a better reason?
I'm a litt
Follow-up Comment #4, task#16489 (group administration):
Thanks for the reply o/
Regarding my previous submission, like I said, I do understand my mistake and
I do understand why you take it seriously, but it will take a wile to stop
using some terms as I have never been formally introduced to t
Follow-up Comment #6, task#16489 (group administration):
I see...
Considering I don't fully understand whats is going on, I'll give up on my
I understand this is the internet, you sure have to deal with a lot being the
gate keeper of a platform such as this and as far as you are conc