Index by endVal and select a range from Value to undefined with max_results=1.
riak-users mailing list
Hi Riak users!
I'm looking at the sample here: and wondering if there is a
way to use more complicated logic when using 2i input filters to limit the
input to a MapReduce function.
For example, can I do stuff like "index1_bin in range[1,10] OR in ra
I guess it's bit hard to read the 3 samples I asked for, I'll spell them
out like this:
1) index1_bin in range[1,10] OR in range [21:30]
2) index1_bin in range [1;50] AND index2_bin in range[5;10]
3) key in range[aaa,zzz] AND index1_bin in range[1,10] (where key is the
actual key from the objects k
Hi Michael,
thanks for the response. That's an interesting idea... which would work if the results were ordered. I'll have to test that out.
I guess the downside would be if the riak server(s) holding the correct result were unavailable for any reason. In that, we could end up g
There is no way to do this directly. If you need joins (2, 3) or unions
(1), the easiest thing that you can do is use Riak Search/Yokozuna to feed
your MapReduce query instead of using a 2i input.
In response to your specific examples:
For #1 you could use an input where index1_bin in range [1,30