have converted the csv file into a matrix in R.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
I'd appreciate step by step instructions on how to go from my csv file to a
PCA biplot in R.
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> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 09:54:39 -0400
> From: Vikram Chhatre
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: [R] changing column labels for data frames inside a list
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> > summary(mygenfreqt)
> Thank you.=)
> Example:
> for (v in 1:6) {
> for (i in 2:200) {
> if (v==1)
> (if max(x*v-y*v)>1 break())
> if (v==2)
> (if max(x*v-y*v)>1.8 break())
> if (v==3)
> (if max(x*v-y*v)>2 break())
> }
> }
> --
> View this mes
> 15 2006 2
> 15 2008 NA
> 21 2006 1
> 21 2007 NA
> that should be fairly easy...I hope
> Thanks for any helpful comments
> B.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://old.n
41 25
> 15 07 NA 10
> The second question is I want to calculate the number of days between two
> dates
> Start end number of days
> 20020626 20020805 40
> 20030101 20030421
;> coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
>> y1 -0.024084 0.976204 0.003077 -7.828 5.00e-15 ***
>> x2 0.036161 1.036822 0.083921 0.431 0.6665
>> exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
>> y1 0.9762 1
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built-in support for cairo or using the Cairo package?
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and provide commented, min
the equation isn't retaining the inherent
order of the dataset, so the pairing isn't matching up (even though
the dataset is ordered by ID). Is there a way to make the t.test
retain the correct ordering?
R-help@r-project.org m
methods base
> Thanks,
> Philippe
> --
> ..<°}))><
> ) ) ) ) )
> ( ( ( ( ( Prof. Philippe Grosjean
> ) ) ) ) )
> ( ( ( ( ( Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems
> ) ) ) ) ) Mons University, Belgium
> ( ( ( ( (
t;, main="Created on
the grid via Cairo", pch=4)
Thanks in advance,
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speed 0.3840.0864.4510.000
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> John Fox
> Senator William McMaster
> Professor of Social Statistics
> Department of Sociology
> McMaster University
> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox
>> -Original Message-
>> From: r-help-
ike it to be similar to the figure attached. How can I generate this
> using R ?
> Thank you,
> Nandini http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n3582448/5634-15977-1-PB.gif
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Histogram-tp3582448p3582448.h
s for your help, and I'll certainly be using lavaan in the future,
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 6:19 AM, yrosseel wrote:
> On 06/08/2011 11:56 PM, R Help wrote:
>> Yes, that is the difference. For the last SEM I built I fixed the
>> factor variances to 1, and I think tha
ive heights" for x1-x2 intervals,
> left-continuous.
> Any idea how to do this?
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On
> Behalf Of Steven Kennedy
> Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 3:28 AM
> To: nandini_bn
> This is exactly what I wanted. Could you please explain the code ? what does
> 15, 0.65 and 0.25 stand for ?
> Nandini
>> Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 19:16:06 -0300
>> Subject: Re: [R] Histogram
>> From: rhelp.st...@gmail.com
>> To: nandin
th for loop.
> How can I get 23th data set without the loop?
> Thank you,
> Soyeon
> ______
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www
tupid + reimmature + takerisksFthinkcool +
takeriskFthinkIMP + takeriskFthinkbrave + takeriskFthinkexciting +
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 6:19 AM, yrosseel wrote:
> On 06/08/2011 11:56 PM, R Help wrote:
>> Yes, that
ht have been able to figure it out myself.
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 1:02 PM, yrosseel wrote:
> On 06/09/2011 05:21 PM, R Help wrote:
>> Ok, I think this is the last question I have. My model is producing
>> an estimate of intercepts for my variables along with m
t;- runif(50)
> }
> set.seed(1001)
> data[[23]] <- runif(50)
> Samuel
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On
> Behalf Of Soyeon Kim
> Sent: 09 June 2011 16:15
> To: r-help
> Subject: [R] set
conf = c(95, 90, 80, 50)/100,xlab=expression(theta),col=1) #
doesn't change
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and pro
Is this correctly modeling my diagram? I'm not sure if a) I'm dealing
with the categorical variable correctly, or b) whether fixed.x is
accurately modeling
> Professor of Social Statistics
> Department of Sociology
> McMaster University
> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> web: socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox
>> -Original Message-
>> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org]
> On
ethods are coded in a different way, there are no
> > > examples to follow.
> >
> > But there are, in the tests directory.
> Thanks, I had missed those. Perhaps a pointer from the documentation
> would be appropriate?
> Hadley
> __
ation, feel free
to contact me.
Thanks a lot,
Sam Stewart
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
graphic. What I want to be able to do is replt the green point
without removing the background.
Sam Stewart
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:12 AM, Ben Bolker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> R Help gmail.com> writes:
>> Hello list,
>> I've been work
> list(label= wmean, deviance=dev)
> }
> I get the error: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : argument "data" is
> missing, with no default
> How can I use the data of the current node?
> Thank you
> Tobias Guennel
> ___
s <- (left.wt*lmean^2 + right.wt*rmean^2)/sum(wt*y^2)
> list(goodness= goodness, direction=sign(lmean))
> }
> }
> Paolo Radaelli
> Dipartimento di Metodi Quantitativi per le Scienze Economiche ed Aziendali
> Facoltà di Economia
> Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
itting function more than the other, but they both produce the
exact same thing. Is there something I'm missing about the
cross-validation process for rpart?
Sam Stewart
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
t;X2" "X3" "X4" "X5" "X6" "X7" "X8" "X9" "X10" "X11" "X12"
> [13] "X13" "X14" "X15" "X16" "X17" "X18" "X19"
o I make a lot of calls to lme to get the resulting deviance, and
lmer2 is almost 5 times faster than lme on my test data, so if it may
be implemented later I'd be willing to wait, otherwise I might look
into trying to hack it myself.
Sam Stewart
lot to
> delineate in 4 big fields (containing each 5 plots)
> Thanks a lot
> --
> ______
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
fam = ''
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
ve something to do with the second column of
> the matrix, where I write No/Yes.
> What should I do to have the first column of mode numeric?
> Also, how can I output No/Yes in the second column without citation
> marks around them?
> Thanks in advance
> Sergey
> _
gt; [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> ______
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> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
> a
ow the baseline? It should work like this
t <- tktext(frame,font=f1)
Any help would be very much appreciated.
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
I text representation from which to regenerate the data
dput(x, file=fn)
y <- dget(fn)
R_help Help wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an object in S4 class. Is there anyway that I can write to a
> file and read it back to R? Thank you.
> adschai
> _
+46 8 5537 8481
>> MSN messenger: klevebr...@msn.com
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> --
> Contact information:
> Daniel Klevebring
> M. Sc. Eng., Ph.D. Student
> Dept of Gene Technology
> Royal Institute of Technology, KTH
> SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
> Visiting address: Roslag
> p.adj="bonferroni", group=FALSE,
> + main="Yield of sweetpotato\ndealt with different virus") )
>> sink()
>> comparison
> trtmeans M N std.err
> 1 cc 24.4 3 2.084067
> 2 fc 12.86667 3 1.246774
> 3 ff 36.3 3 4.233727
> 4 oo 36.9 3 2.482606
>> Er
t; way:
> rbind(dataList[[1]], dataList[[2]], ...)
> but I would like to use lapply or a for loop to get rid of specifying
> the subscripts. The output of lapply(dataList, rbind) is always
> [,1] [,2]
> [1,] List,3 List,3
> Thanks for help...
f two databases where I tried to get the
> where clause for subgroup 1.In case of Database1 it was not available in
> case of Databse2 it was available.But the problem may appear for the same
> database also, when where clause is available for say one subgroup and not
> for the other.
> -
Petr PIKAL wrote:
> Hi
> r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 29.04.2009 17:05:01:
>> see
>> ?is.null
>> e.g.
>> if( is.null(sub_grp_whr_cls_data[sbgrp_no, 1]) )
>> {
>> your code
>> }
> It probably will not work
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ages in CRAN?
> Cheers,
> Nathan
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tand: Geert Nygaard (CEO/Vorsitzender)
Oliver Schacht PhD (CFO)
Aufsichtsrat: Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Rolf Krebs (Chairman/Vorsitzender)
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om), Swiss-based encrypted email.
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000, border = NULL, col = colors[5], lty
= 1, lwd = 1)
but this package does not give easily color gradients and so my solutions
contains 5 same colors filled rings.
Will there be any suggested improvements on my code above?
Thanks a lotAlex
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so the boxM test will work?
Thanks very much in advance.
- M
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encrypted email.
> Original Message
> Subject: Re: [R] Pass Parameters to RScript?
> Local Time: October 30, 2017 9:39 AM
> UTC Time: October 30, 2017 1:39 PM
> From: ericjber...@gmail.com
> To: Morkus
> r-help@r-project.org
> I did a simple search and g
programming forum is not the right forum as it's only
for "pure" R programming ***
Would appreciate any suggestions.
- M
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l](https://protonmail.com), Swiss-based encrypted email.
> Original Message
> Subject: Re: [R] Where to get support for Rserve?
> Local Time: November 13, 2017 11:34 AM
> UTC Time: November 13, 2017 4:34 PM
> From: bgunter.4...@gmail.com
> To: Morkus
Dalhousie University
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.S. I launch
RStudio with Ctrl-RStudio (that is set the path to R)
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ectors without
recycling? Right now the recycling feature bugs me a lot.
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Please could you tell me how to make code to outpot chi-square
distribution table?
Please help
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Please could you tell me how to make code to outpot chi-square
distribution table?
Please help
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Please could you tell me how to make code to make chi-square
distribution table?
Please help
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r that the values I set.What do I miss? What is
the correct way of setting the dimension of the new plot region? I will be
grateful to any help.Best regards,
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:28 PM, sunyeping via R-help wrote:
> When I check the size of the plot region usingdev.size("in")a new plot region
>is produced and in the Rconsole I get[1] 5.33 5.322917
Your test is all mangleed together. You failed in your duty to read the list
info and the Posting
ced by
> the dev.new() function cannot be correctly set?
> On 04/05/2018 3:04 AM, sunyeping via R-help wrote:
> >
> >
>Winsemius Send Time:2018 May 4 (Fri) 13:25To:孙业平
>Cc:R Help Mailing
Would anybody be able to confirm this problem exists?
Many thanks, L.
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ge's problem in new 3.5 version?
Many thanks, L.
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or most directly by opening an issue on the maintainer's github
this is linked to from the package 'landing page'
Martin Morgan
On 06/15/2018 10:49 AM, lejeczek via R-help wrote:
hi guys, just an
rting point any paper by Patrice Cadet. Or, if you have specific
questions, you are welcome to ask me.
Best regards
Phillip-Jan van Zyl
MSc (Category Theory)
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[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/MEnFn.png
[3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Ri29w.png
[4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/CdCqL.jpg
[5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Pt1Nw.jpg
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
ight need a 3d
filled.contour. But I did not find it. All the code I found is that x,y,z and z
is a function of x,y. Another situation I found is that x,y,z,v and v is
function of x,y,z. But in my data, v is not a function of x,y,z.
This can be a solution. Thank you. Thanks for your time.
SEZEN 发送时间:2017年4月13日(星期四) 10:05收件人:dncdd
抄 送:r-help 主 题:Re: [R] how to plot
three dimension data to filled contour plot or surface plot in R Ask Question
ut = k)
rgl::plot3d(z, y, x, type = "n", aspect = TRUE) # create scene# I am using the
array here.
misc3d::contour3d(myarray, lev, z, y, x, color = colf(k), alpha = alpha, smooth
= 3, engine = "rgl", add = TRUE)
rgl::aspect3d(2, 1, 1)
It works.Thank you.
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)), FUN = VaRfun),
On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 5:29 PM, Sepp via R-help wrote:
> Hello,
> I am fairly new to R and trying to calculate value at risk with exponentially
> decreasing weights.My function works for a single vector of returns but does
> not work with rollapply(), which is wh
of NAs and I don't know why.
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look at R cran? The ideal will be that after
plotting I will be able to rotate the shape.
I would like to thank you in advance for your helpRegardsAlex
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Tuesday, June 20, 2017 9:49 PM, Uwe Ligges
package rgl.
Uwe Ligges
On 20.06.2017 21:29, Alaios via R-help wrote:
> HelloI have three x,y,z vectors (lets say each is set as rnorm(360)). So
> each one is having 360 elements each one correpsonding to angular coordinates
for the reply to allAlex
On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 1:07 PM, Duncan Murdoch
On 21/06/2017 5:23 AM, Alaios via R-help wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the reply.After looking at different parts of the code
> today I was able to start with simple 2D polar plots as the attach
Thanks. So after searching 4 hours last night it looks like that there is no R
package that can do this right now. Any other ideas or suggestions might be
On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 3:21 PM, Alaios via R-help
Thanks Duncan for the replyI can not suppress
Would it be also possible to include an jpeg image file on a rgls plot?
Thanks a lotRegardsAlex
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On June 25, 2017 2:42:26 PM EDT, Alaios via R-help wrote:
>Hi all,I had a question last week on asking for a function that will
>help me draw three different circles on x,y,z axis based on polar
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and provide commented
rought and gets
pixelized each time I maximize the window.
Any suggestions?I would like to thank you for your replyRegardsAlex
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Many thanks, Jim!!!
>Jim Lemon < drjimle...@gmail.com >:
>Have a look at axis.mult in the plotrix package.
>>iPad via R-help < r-help@r-project.org > wrote:
>> How to multiplying y-axis ticks value by 100 (without put the % symbol next
>> t
"Data set flchain available in the survival package". How can I get it (from
R) as Excel file? Thanks!
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you might want to use separate calls anyway.
Steve Ellison
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rs925098 LCORL rs1662837 chr4 82168889 t c 0.2728 -0.0411
0.0105 8.66E-05 rs925098 no_value rs10071837 chr5 33381581 t c 0.424 -0.0324
0.0094 5.74E-04 rs925098 no_value
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Is there a better way?
Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app
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variable. Does anyone know how to
Thanks for any help!
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"rs12307687", "rs12307687", "rs10071837", "rs10071837", "rs10071837",
"rs925098", "rs925098", "rs925098")), .Names = c("rs", "n0",
"Pvalue", "V1"), row.names = c(NA, -15L), class
l when Speed is "SLOW"?
Thanks for any help!
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ubsets right?
Thanks for any help!
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Hi all ,
I have the following bar chart and I want to add SLC variable values to the
charts but I don't know how to use geom_text:
Thanks for any help!
or this:
On Fri, 27 May 2016 at 15:12 ch.elahe via R-help wrote:
>Hi all ,
>I ha
to 40.
Thanks to all who reply. jay28.
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PLEASE do read the
error in colMeans(x,na.rm=TRUE):'x' must be numeric
Can anyone help me to solve that?
Thanks for any help
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
to scale character or factor data? Could you perhaps exclude some of the
columns that don't belong in the scaled data?
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On June 1, 2016 7:39:30 AM PDT, "ch.elahe via R-help"
Hi all,
>I want to use Self Organizing Map in R f
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