I have a data.set with 7 lists, with over 7000 observations in each list. to
of the lists contain country names.
aus dnk
fra aus
usa aut
My dilemma is that I want to add an extra column/list to my data.set. If the
countries are both european it should be assi
Hi Michael
Sorry it is a data frame where to of the columns are 22 countries arranged
in random. I now want to add and ekstra column that is 1 if the country par
for the specific row is both european countries and 0 if not.
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This is the first and last part of my data frame. There is 3465 (not 7000)
observations so the "1 or 0" column has to be 3465 rows long aswell
year country1 country2 contig comlangpop1gdp1
pop2 gdp2 rtadist avgflow
11992 AUS AUT 0
Wow it works :) Thank you SO much!!
I am very new at R and was thinking if you would explain what these to codes
# I know this i a vector with both my county lists but what does
stringsAsFacors= FALSE do ?. What if I wantede a
So the lapply function checks every country pair row for row (in my country1
and country2 column) and send back a true if both countries are EU?
How do I get a 1 instead of true and 2 instead of false?
You have been a BIG help.
I have a WHOLE assignment to get done, so maybe I'll post some more
The text below is a part of, some work I have to do, which is due in 2 days
and I am strung up with a lot of other stuff, so I was hoping someone would
take 5 mins and help me ??
Here is a part of my data.frame:
year country1 country2 contig comlangpop1gdp1
I have tried ifelse:
> trade<-data.frame(avgflow,EMU,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> avgflowEURO<-rep(0,nrow(trade))
> trade1<-(for (i in
> 1:nrow(trade)){ifelse(EMU[i]==1,avgflowEURO[i]<-avgflow[i],NA)})
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Does mean(avgflow[EMU]) sum the avgflows for all countrypairs where
EMU[i]==TRUE and take the mean ? Practical question: is mean(avgflow[EMU]) =
mean(avgflow[EMU==TRUE]) ???
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Thank you Rui
Can you help me with my ifelse problem - I would like to add a list to my
data.frame where avgflow in those rows where ONLY my country pair both are
in euro
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I am looking for a efficient way to estimate all parameters in your
data.frame set using a specific function:
for example
ln(T)=b_0 + b_1*ln(Y_i*Y_j) + b_2*ln()+ ... + etc.
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So how would I use the lm() to estimate b_0 and b_1 for example
My Y_i and Y_j are data observations how does the lm() use my data.frame ?
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Thank you so much ! I know I have a lot to learn : / sorry for that.
If I want to make a new data.frame where it is the NONEURO avgflows. how do
I do that ?
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Thank you!
Do you know why ifelse() sometimes returns "NULL" ?
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R-help@r-project.org m
> EMU1993<-(for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
+ ifelse(year==1992,sum(avgflowEMU),0)
+ })
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Thank you David!
That was EXACTLY what I needed. I have one last question:
I want to create a mix of EMU and nonEMU country pairs. I have tried with:
EMUmix1<-Reduce(`&`, lapply(countries,function(x,y){country1 %in% euro &
country2 %in% noneuro}))
# Where euro are the EMU countries and none
Thanks again!
I would like to construct 14 new 'year' dummy variables. I have 14 years:
1992:2006 with 231 observations pr. year. The year dummies should assign a 1
if the observation is within the specific year and 0 otherwise. So for
example: 1992dummyvariable=1 if year=0 and so on.
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