Re: [R] Can not load Rcmdr

2015-03-31 Thread a b
I have a similar issue with tcl. I am using R on a Linux server. Rcmdr installed OK, but it won't run: > R.Version() $platform [1] "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" $arch [1] "x86_64" $os [1] "linux-gnu" $system [1] "x86_64, linux-gnu" $status [1] "" $major [1] "3" $minor [1] "1.0" $year [1] "20

Re: [R] Can not load Rcmdr

2015-04-01 Thread a b
BTW I've also tried this as non-root: R CMD javareconf -e and there's still a problem with rJava not being able to access the library that was supposedly compiled and installed in my home R directory. I think it may have to do with the fact we're using an older version of R. We're using Java 1.

Re: [R] Can not load Rcmdr

2015-04-01 Thread a b
Thanks for the quick response! While I agree Rcommander is not the same thing as either ESS or RStudio, it can also be useful as a wrapper when testing out functions and scripts. I learned R on it and it's a more comfortable environment for me than ESS. (Thank you for writing it!) Strangely tcl