Re: [R] [Rd] TensorFlow in R

2016-04-02 Thread Bernd Bischl
Hi, from what I know there is a current GSOC 2016 project proposal. (but not accepted yet) Is that of interest? Best, Bernd On 01.04.2016 18:32, Axel Urbiz wr

Re: [R] Combinatorial problem

2009-08-12 Thread Bernd Bischl
Dimitris Rizopoulos wrote: you could try something like the following: groups <- list(gp1 = 1:3, gp2 = 4:5, gp3 = 6:7, gp4 = 8:10, gp5 = 11) combn(5, 2, function (x) expand.grid(groups[x]), simplify = FALSE) combn(5, 3, function (x) expand.grid(groups[x]), simplify = FALSE) combn

Re: [R] Nominal variables in SVM?

2009-08-12 Thread Bernd Bischl
Noah Silverman wrote: That makes sense. I my data is already nominal, I need to "expand" a single column into several binary ones. Is there an easy function to do this in R, or do I need to create something from scratch? (If I have to create my own, any suggestions?) Thanks! -N Hi Noah,

Re: [R] Nominal variables in SVM?

2009-08-13 Thread Bernd Bischl
Noah Silverman wrote: Thanks for all the suggestions. My data was loaded in from a csv file with about 80 columns (3 of these columns are nominal) no specific settings for the nominal columns. Currently, if I call svm (e1071), I get an error about the nominal column. Do I need to tell R to

Re: [R] email notification after error

2009-08-16 Thread Bernd Bischl
Patrick Connolly wrote: On Thu, 13-Aug-2009 at 05:48PM -0700, caltechneurostudy wrote: |> |> Does anybody know if it's possible to have R send an email or execute an |> additional line of code in case an error is generated from a running script? |> I am running R on a cluster and would like to

Re: [R] Submit a R job to a server

2009-08-27 Thread Bernd Bischl
Noah Silverman wrote: Deb, I generally run my larger R tasks on a server. Here is my workflow. 1) Write an R script using a text editor. (There are many popular ones.) 2) FTP the R script to your server. 3) SSH into the server 4) Run R 5) Run the script that you uploaded from the R process you

Re: [R] SVM coefficients

2009-08-31 Thread Bernd Bischl
Noah Silverman wrote: Steve, That doesn't work. I just trained an SVM with 80 variables. svm_model$coefs gives me a list of 10,000 items. My training set is 30,000 examples of 80 variables, so I have no idea what the 10,000 items represent. There should be some attribute that lists the "w

Re: [R] List of tags in roxygen and use for S4 classes?

2009-09-04 Thread Bernd Bischl
Rainer M Krug wrote: Hi is there a list of all roxygen tags which are available? I couldn't find them. I am asking specifically towards the use of roxygen in documenting S4 classes - is that implemented yet (i am using roxygen 0.1 from CRAN at the moment)? Thanks Rainer I am using it do