Hi Martin,
short answer: Your PyMOL version is too old, this script works with PyMOL 1.8.
PyMOL 1.8 can download fragments from PDBeChem with type=cc, e.g.:
PyMOL> fetch ALA, type=cc
I assume you found the ccmutate script on my user page. It's an experimental
script to provide a mutation comma
Hi Martin,
how about:
set_key F1, run script.py; function_from_script()
Reduces step 3) and 4) to hitting "F1" on the keyboard.
On 24 Apr 2016, at 06:36, Martin Hediger wrote:
> Hi all
> When working on a PyMOL extension script, my workflow is currently something
> like
Hi Matic,
As a proof of concept, the following snippet would save a session file every 30
seconds. You can put this in your pymolrc file.
import os
import threading
import time
from pymol import cmd
def _auto_save():
filename = os.path.expanduser(time.strftime('~/pymol-auto-save-%s.ps
Hi all,
I need to generate a morph from 3J5R to 3J5Q. When I load both files and
generate the morph, it’s all messed up. When I generate a morph of other
structures it works just fine.
In the structures that do not morph correctly a sample selection is: