Re: [Pharo-users] Datatables

2015-12-05 Thread stepharo
You can use - Voyage to access MongoDB read the entreprise Pharo book - Garage for relational databases. Stef Le 4/12/15 15:58, Pablo R. Digonzelli a écrit : Hi, I am interesting in using Datatables in a Seaside app. I know there is wrapper fot

Re: [Pharo-users] Mongo configuration for Pharo40

2015-12-05 Thread stepharo
Le 4/12/15 21:59, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit : Then why not introduce a MongoTimestamp and be done with it ? +1 On 04 Dec 2015, at 17:41, Henrik Johansen wrote: On 04 Dec 2015, at 5:22 , Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: According to there are indeed 2 di

Re: [Pharo-users] Datatables

2015-12-05 Thread
I have used this datatable package in Seaside in my app. MCSmalltalkhubRepository owner: 'GastonDallOglio' project: 'DataTables' user: '' password: '' For the examples, looking at the Datatables JS API was helpful. The version was the older one. You can use it like this (there is some bootstrap

Re: [Pharo-users] ZnClient problem with extensions

2015-12-05 Thread Dimitris Chloupis
ok with your help I found the code to do this with every new release. I take the info from my README list := OrderedCollection new. client := ZnClient new. readme := client get: ''. readme regex: 'v.\..' matchesDo: [ :each | l

Re: [Pharo-users] How can we verify that a daemon is listening on a TCP socket

2015-12-05 Thread stepharo
Et voilà ;-) Avec MongoTalk : server := Mongo default. [ server open ] on: ConnectionTimedOut do: [ :e | self error: 'local mongo server is not running' ]. server isOpen Avec des sockets uniquement : [ stream := SocketStream openConnectionToHostNamed: 'localhost' port: 27017 ] on: Conn

Re: [Pharo-users] How can we verify that a daemon is listening on a TCP socket

2015-12-05 Thread Robert Withers
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have netstat, ifconfig, route, traceroute, top and other system/networking utilities in Squeak/Pharo. I can see a use for manipulating the routing tables from inside our wonderful world. bonne soirée, Robert On 12/05/2015 11:54 AM, stepharo wrote: Et voilà ;-) Ave

Re: [Pharo-users] Help needed: old issues issue tracker entries

2015-12-05 Thread Marcus Denker
> On 30 Nov 2015, at 13:21, wrote: > > Hi, > > The issue tracker has 658 open issues. This number is more or less constant. > down to 642! (of course we closed more than that, we are at more than 6 per day closed, but the thing is that new ones get open, too) With >60

[Pharo-users] About GTSpotter matching

2015-12-05 Thread Peter Uhnak
Hi, are there some wildcards in GTSpotter matching? Currently it searches anywhere in the (method) name, which makes it hard for shorter names, because it will match a lot of junk. I've also discovered (by accident), that I can use '>>#selector' to anchor the start of the selection. ('#selector'

Re: [Pharo-users] About GTSpotter matching

2015-12-05 Thread Mariano Martinez Peck
Yes, I asked about this also some months ago. +1 for the desired feature! On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 8:40 PM, Peter Uhnak wrote: > Hi, > > are there some wildcards in GTSpotter matching? > > Currently it searches anywhere in the (method) name, which makes it hard > for shorter names, because it will

Re: [Pharo-users] Code pane in Pharo 5

2015-12-05 Thread Ben Coman
On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 5:06 PM, Nicolai Hess wrote: > > > 2015-12-04 9:55 GMT+01:00 : >> >> Is there a way to have that pane with *less* noise around the code? >> >> Like getting rid of the suggestions panel at the bottom? > > You can disable the "Quality Assistance"-NautilusPl

[Pharo-users] OrderedSet?

2015-12-05 Thread Peter Uhnak
Hi, what would be the equivalent of an OrderedSet? 1. all elements are unique 2. they are ordered 3. adding an existing element moves it so myOrderedSet addLast: x. "<- x is added as last" myOrderedSet addFirst: x. "<- x is moved from last to first" Thanks, -- Peter