Re: Scheme: Is there a make-right-align-markup?

2008-02-05 Thread Risto Vääräniemi
Dear Mats, On 04/02/2008, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > I'm afraid the easiest solution is to copy paste from the file > .../scm/define-markup-commands.scm, where you can find the implementation > of all the standard markup commands. Thanks, I'll look into it. One more thing... Does anyone know where

Re: Scheme: Is there a make-right-align-markup?

2008-02-05 Thread Risto Vääräniemi
Hi again, On 05/02/2008, Risto Vääräniemi wrote: > One more thing... Does anyone know where the make-center-align-markup > and make-column-markup are defined? They are not defined inside > define-markup-commands.scm. In fact I (read Windoze search) cannot > find them anywhere inside the binary or

Re: Help with systemSeparatorMarkup in Latex

2008-02-05 Thread Daniel Tonda
That works at first! I tried a couple of definitions for the command: \def\betweenLilyPondSystem#1{\\[10pt]} %% Very nice it avoids the eps to be kind of squashed and leaves more space and \def\betweenLilyPondSystem#1{\textbf{\Large{//}}\\[10pt]} %% Still has to be worked out though. This is as

Re: Error Message

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Usually, such error messages mean that you have some completely different syntax error in your file, such as curly braces that don't match. Unfortunately, it's very hard for LilyPond to detect all such syntax errors and provide a readable error message. This also means that you have to do some car

Re: Tip / trick: making Adobe fonts available to fontconfig

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Werner LEMBERG wrote: However, I still get the following: fonts$ fc-cache -f Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file I'm in /etc/fonts when I issue the command; should I maybe be in some other directory? Hmm. On a linux box I would ask you to run strace fc-cache -f 2>

Re: Scheme: Is there a make-right-align-markup?

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Risto Vääräniemi wrote: One more thing... Does anyone know where the make-center-align-markup and make-column-markup are defined? They are not defined inside define-markup-commands.scm. In fact I (read Windoze search) cannot find them anywhere inside the binary or source releases. I guess they

Re: Help with systemSeparatorMarkup in Latex

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Daniel Tonda wrote: This is as close as I can get to a system separator, but it puts it after every eps file, It is much better though. Now I only have to find a way for the command to put it only after a number of systems have been inserted. The manual actually shows a couple of examples of

Re: My messages don't get through

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I have seen several emails from you during the last days. See also the mailing list archives (note that these archives are not updated until a number of hours after the emails have been sent). /Mats Daniel Tonda Castillo wr

Re: Scheme: Is there a make-right-align-markup?

2008-02-05 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
I suppose it is (define-builtin-markup-command (center-align layout props args) (markup-list?) "Put @code{args} in a centered column." (let* ((mols (interpret-markup-list layout props args)) (cmols (map (lambda (x) (ly:stencil-aligned-to x X CENTER)) mols))) (stack-lines -1 0.0


2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I recommend you to read the section "How LilyPond files work" in the Learning manual for version 2.11 (which mostly applies also to version 2.10 of the program). /Mats George_ wrote: I just don't get how to make a file into a MIDI file. For example, I have my input: \relative c' { \new Pian

Re: Crippled PS/RPM output on RHEL5

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Unfortunately, your attachments didn't reach the mailing list. I'm not sure what kind of attachments are accepted by the mailing list server, but at least PNG files and ZIP files should work, as long as they are not too large (perhaps you just forgot to attach the files). /Mats Ozgur Yuksel wr

Re: stopStaff combined with StaffGroup extents barlines

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I forward your question to bug-lilypond, since it shows a regression bug compared to earlier versions. /Mats Toine Schreurs wrote: I am typesetting a score, where one of the staffs contains an ossia section. I started from the example in section 1.6.1 of the NR. The second staff will contain

Hairpin and Textscript

2008-02-05 Thread Thomas Scharkowski
Hello list, how can I get a hairpin below a textscript ("a tempo" in this case)? Does something like "script-priority" exist for hairpin/textscript (like script/textscript)? Thomas LilyPond 2.11.37 Windows XP SP2 ___ lilypond-user mailing list lil

staff name in a temporary ossia staff

2008-02-05 Thread Libero Mureddu
Hi all, is there a way to have the staff name printed in a temporarily added ossia staff (ie a staff appearing in the middle of a system). I wasnt able to find any solution searching archives, lsr and docs. thanks and best regards, libero -- Libero Mureddu Vanha Viertotie, 21 as 417 00350 Helsin

RE: Hairpin and Textscript

2008-02-05 Thread Trevor Daniels
Hi Thomas Have a look at section 4.4.3 in the Learning Manual at arning/index where this is discussed. (Actually it seems the images there are broken at the moment. If you find this, try

RE: Hairpin and Textscript

2008-02-05 Thread Trevor Daniels
Thanks Mats. Actually the bug is in the manual :( The ottava spanner is created in the Staff context, but I omitted to specify the context in the \override in the example. \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket #'outside-staff-priority = #340 works fine (at least in 2.11.34) Trevor D > -Ori

Re: Hairpin and Textscript

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Trevor Daniels wrote: ... which shows a bug! The ottava bracket isn't moved no matter what value you specify, at least when I try with the latest 2.11.38 code from GIT. Unfortunately, this means that the exampl

Re: pedal position

2008-02-05 Thread Valentin Villenave
On 29/01/2008, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I send a copy also to bug-lilypond, since I think there's something fishy > going on here with outside-staff-priority. Added as > \version "2.11.37" > \relative c''' { > \override S

Re: stopStaff combined with StaffGroup extents barlines

2008-02-05 Thread Valentin Villenave
On 05/02/2008, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I forward your question to bug-lilypond, since it shows a regression > bug compared to earlier versions. Yes, indeed. I added it to the bug tracker as Let's hope someone will have a

ties between different voiced notes

2008-02-05 Thread Martijn Vromans
Dear all, As stated in the manual I use the \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t method for the following bar, but the result is not as expected, because the hidden a flat is not drawn at the same place as the a flat in the other voice. I have enabled note collision. What do I do wrong? Is the

Re: pedal position

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Valentin Villenave wrote: I don't understand why nothing happens when you set the property on-the-fly such as \relative c''' { c2\pp\sustainDown \override Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner #'outside-staff-priority = #250 \override Voice.DynamicLineSpanner #'outside-staff-priority = #0 c2\pp\su


2008-02-05 Thread Gilles THIBAULT
I just don't get how to make a file into a MIDI file. \score { %% add that \relative c' { \new PianoStaff \with { \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #12 \override DynamicLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #2.8 } << \time 6/8 \new Staff { \key d \major \tempo 4.= 84

Re: Tip / trick: making Adobe fonts available to fontconfig

2008-02-05 Thread Trevor Bača
On Feb 5, 2008 2:55 AM, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Werner LEMBERG wrote: > >> However, I still get the following: > >> > >> fonts$ fc-cache -f > >> Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file > >> > >> I'm in /etc/fonts when I issue the command; should I maybe be in


2008-02-05 Thread Ledocq-Boccart
Hi, I apologize; the post is from Martial Mes excuses, Martial. Charlie Ledocq-Boccart a écrit : Hi George_! See also a possibly interessant answer posted yesterday about your question from Gilles Thibault (french spoken list - no matter if you do not read french: codes are identicals)


2008-02-05 Thread Ledocq-Boccart
Hi George_! See also a possibly interessant answer posted yesterday about your question from Gilles Thibault (french spoken list - no matter if you do not read french: codes are identicals) Wish you fun etc... Charlie

Problem with \triangle ##f

2008-02-05 Thread Aaron Dalton
I'm using v.2.10.19 on FreeBSD and am trying to use the \markup{\triangle ##f} command. When I do, however, I get the following error. Renaming input to: `' /home/aaron/lilypond/usr/bin/../share/lilypond/current/ly/ error: syntax error, unexpected $end (apply ly:make-boo

Re: midi set instrument problem

2008-02-05 Thread Thomas Spuhler
On Saturday 26 January 2008, Wilbert Berendsen wrote: > Op zaterdag 26 januari 2008, schreef Thomas Spuhler: > > Lilypond doesn't like my midi section: > > Try: > \midi { >   \context { >     \Score >     tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 90 4) >   } >   \context { >     \Staff >     midiInst

Any way to hand-tweak odd page numbers?

2008-02-05 Thread Trevor Bača
Hi, I've got a very large score with even and odd page numbers set like this: %%% BEGIN %%% \paper { oddFooterMarkup = \markup \fill-line { " " \bold \fontsize #3 \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } evenFooterMarkup

Re: Any way to hand-tweak odd page numbers?

2008-02-05 Thread Trevor Bača
On Feb 5, 2008 11:59 PM, Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > So two questions: > > QUESTION 1: Does anyone have any leads (without being able to see the > actual score) as to what sort of thing might keep odd page numbers from > obeying line-width? I realize this is almost impossible to a